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The MTRCB-Reading Material

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The MTCRB (Movie and Television Review and

Classification Board)
 Former President Ferdinand Marcos created the Movie and Television Review and
Classification Board through Presidential Decree No. 1986, under the Office of the
 It a regulatory body which must not only function in terms of reviewing and classifying
films or television programs brought before it, but must also initiate plans and cooperate
with industry to improve, upgrade, and make it viable as an important component of
national economy.
 The MTRCB or Board shall be composed of a Chair, a Vice-Chairperson, and thirty (30)
members, who shall be appointed by the President of the Philippines. The Chair, Vice-
Chairperson, and the members of the Board, shall hold office for a term of one (1) year,
unless removed by the President for any cause; Provided, that they shall be eligible for re-
appointment after the expiration of their term.
 As a regulatory body, it shall review and classify motion pictures, television programs and
related promotion materials and commercials for TV and cinema, applying as general
standard contemporary Filipino cultural values.

MTCRB has the following specific duties and functions under the law as follows:

a) To promulgate such rules and regulations as are necessary or proper for the
implementation of the law and accomplishment of its purposes and objectives, including
guidelines and standards for production, advertising and titles. Such rules and regulations
shall take effect after fifteen (15) days following their publication in newspapers of general
circulation in the Philippines;

b) To screen, review, and examine all motion pictures as herein defined, television programs,
including publicity materials such as advertisements, trailers, and stills whether such motion
pictures and publicity materials be for theatrical or non-theatrical distribution, for television
broadcast or for general viewing, imported, or produced in the Philippines, and in the latter
case, whether they be for local viewing or for export;

c) To approve or disapprove, delete objectionable portions from and/or prohibit the

importation, exportation, production, copying, distribution sale, lease, exhibition and/or
television broadcast of the motion pictures, television programs and publicity materials
subject of the preceding paragraph which, in the judgement of the board applying
contemporary Filipino cultural values as standard, are objectionable for being immoral,
indecent, contrary to law and/or good customs, injurious to the prestige of the Republic of the
Philippines or its people, or with a dangerous tendency to encourage the commission of
violence or of a wrong or crime;

d) To supervise, regulate, and grant, deny or cancel, permits for the importation, exportation,
production, copying, distribution, sale, lease, exhibition, and/or television programs and
publicity materials, to the end that no such pictures, programs and materials as are
determined by the Board to be objectionable in accordance with paragraph (c) hereof shall be
imported, exported, produced, copied, reproduced, distributed, sold, leased, exhibited, and/or
broadcast by television;

Communication Media Law and Ethics | 2nd Sem., A.Y. 2021-2022 | Prepared by: Mr. Michael John D. Sison (Page
e) To classify motion pictures, television programs and similar shows into categories such as
“G” or “For General Patronage” (all ages admitted), “P” or “Parental Guidance Suggested”, “R”
or “Restricted” (for adults only), “X” or “Not for Public Viewing”, or such other categories as
the board may determine for the public interest;

f) To close movie houses and other similar establishments engaged in the public exhibition of
motion pictures and television programs which violate the provisions of the law and the rules
and regulations promulgated by the Board;

g) To levy, assess and collect, and periodically adjust and revise the rates of, fees and charges
for the work of review and examination and for the issuance of the licenses and permits which
the Board is authorized to grant in the exercise of its powers and functions and in the
performance of its duties and responsibilities;

h) To deputize representatives from the government and from the various associations in the
movie industry, whose main duties shall be to help ensure compliance with all laws relative to
the importation, exportation, copying, distribution, sale, lease, exhibition and/or television
broadcast of motion pictures, television programs, advertisements, and publicity materials. For
this purpose, the Board may constitute such Regulatory Council or Councils composed of
representatives from the government and the movie and television industry as may be
appropriate to implement the purposes and objectives of this Act. The Board may also call on
any law enforcement agency for assistance in the implementation and enforcement of its
decisions, orders, or awards;

i) To cause the prosecution, on behalf of the People of the Philippines, of violators of law, of
anti-trust, obscenity, censorship and other laws pertinent to the movie and television industry;

j) To prescribe the internal and operational procedures for the exercise of its powers and
functions as well as the performance of its duties and responsibilities, including the creation
and vesting of authority upon sub-committees of the Board, for the work of review, and other
related matters; and

k) To exercise such powers and functions as may be necessary or incidental to the attainment
of the purposes and objectives of this Act, and to perform such other related duties and
responsibilities as may be directed by the President of the Philippines.

In addition to its powers vested by law, and for the effective enforcement of its
provisions, the MTRCB or its duly authorized representatives shall have the power to inspect all
public exhibitions of any motion picture or publicity material in movie houses, theaters, and
other public establishments, and in any case, upon discovery of any motion picture or publicity
material which although previously approved by the MTRCB, has been tampered with to
introduce any unapproved matter, to immediately seize the article containing or incorporating
such unapproved matter and to cause the prosecution of the person/s responsible for the
violation of the law, Presidential Decree No. 49 and/or the Revised Penal Code, as amended.


Aquino, David Robert. Mass Media Laws and Ethics. Philippines: Central Book Supply. 2016.

Communication Media Law and Ethics | 2nd Sem., A.Y. 2021-2022 | Prepared by: Mr. Michael John D. Sison (Page

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