MCT Lesson 1
MCT Lesson 1
MCT Lesson 1
In this module, challenge yourself to attain the following desired learning outcomes:
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding on physical fitness and its components.
Compare and contrast the different health-related and skill-related components.
Evaluate and assess one’s health-related and skill-related fitness component level.
Execute the Physical Fitness Test accurately and properly.
Fitness and wellness are essential components of a healthy and fulfilling life. They
encompass physical, mental, and emotional well-being, and are interconnected in creating a
balanced and vibrant lifestyle. By incorporating regular exercise, mindful nutrition, and self- care
practices into our daily routines, we can achieve optimal levels of health and vitality. Prioritizing
our fitness and wellness not only allows us to feel better physically, but also boosts our mood,
energy levels, and overall quality of life.
Individuals who prioritize their wellness and fitness often experience a higher quality of
life, with fewer health issues, improved mood, and increased longevity. Engaging in physical
activity releases endorphins, chemicals in the brain that act as natural painkillers and mood
elevators. This can help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, and improve overall mental
well-being. Regular exercise and a healthy diet can help individuals maintain a healthy weight,
reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer, and improve
overall physical health. Exercising regularly can boost one's energy levels, improve sleep
quality, and enhance overall productivity and performance in daily activities. Regular exercise
can strengthen the immune system and reduce the risk of infections, illnesses, and diseases.
“When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.” –
Paulo Coelho.
Physical fitness, in general terms, is a person’s ability to meet the physical stresses and
demands of a variety of physical activities efficiently and effectively. Physical fitness provides a
person with the capacity to perform work safely in activities of daily living, including activities
required for work at home and in the workplace, for leisure-time pursuits, and for sports. The
physical stresses and demands of daily living range, for example, from sitting, eating, standing,
showering, and walking to the extreme physical demands of shoveling after a major snowstorm,
marathon running, participating in a triathlon, and firefighting. Each of these activities requires
1. Choose a topic or theme about fitness that you would like to create a word
cloud about.
2. Use a word cloud generator tool such as WordArt or TagCrowd to create
your own word cloud. You can also create a word cloud manually by writing
the words on paper and arranging them in a visually appealing way.
3. Select the words you want to include in your word cloud. These can be key
words or phrases related to your chosen topic.
4. Experiment with different fonts, colors, and layouts to make your word cloud
visually interesting and engaging.
5. Once you are happy with your word cloud, consider sharing it with others or
displaying it in a creative way, such as printing it out and framing it, or
incorporating it into a presentation or project.
Fitness refers to physical health and the ability to perform
daily activities without getting tired easily. It is usually
measured by factors such as strength, endurance, flexibility,
and cardiovascular health. Wellness, on the other hand,
encompasses physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It
focuses on overall health and happiness in all aspects of life.
1. Make a Slogan about your fitness goal this semester.
2. Use a White bond paper, and coloring materials.
3. Submit it to your instructor for proper evaluation.
4. Originality must be observe. DO NOT PLAGIARIZE.
5. Be guided on the rubrics below.
5 pts 4 pts 3 pts 2pts
1.2. Everyone must have full opportunities, in accordance with his national tradition of sport,
for practicing physical education and sport, developing his physical fitness and attaining a
level of achievement in sport which corresponds to his gifts.
1.3. Special, opportunities must be made available for young people, including children of
pre‐school age, for the aged and for the handicapped to develop their personalities to the
full through physical education and sport programmes suited to their requirements.
The State shall promote physical education and encourage sports programs, league
competitions, and amateur sports, including training for international competitions, to foster
self-discipline, teamwork, and excellence for the development of a healthy and alert
Social Development
Provides opportunities for the development of
enviable social traits through socials in physical
activities. Through active participation, students
develop positive desirable traits like cooperation,
sportsmanship, camaraderie, leadership,
respect, and honesty.
Mental Development
Students develop their mental capacities as they
learn the principles of underlying movements.
Moreover, students acquire knowledge and
understanding of the rules and strategies of the
games, sports, dance, and many more, and
likewise enhance critical thinking skills
Emotional Development
Provide opportunities for self-expression and
emotional mastery. People who have more
positive feelings towards physical activities are
said to have a more positive balance of feelings
which increases and develops self-confidence,
self-reliance, and self-control.
Cardiovascular Endurance
This refers to the ability of the heart, blood vessels and the lungs to
adapt to physical exertion for a prolonged duration. Usually, the heart
rate is increased from the resting pulse rate to target heart rate that
the individual has to sustain for a period of 20 to 60 minutes. With high
levels of endurance, an individual has more energy and has the ability
to sustain different types of It is also likely that coronary heart disease
(CHD) is prevented.
Muscular Strength
It is the amount of force you can put forth with your muscles. It is often
measured by how much weight you can lift. People with strength have
fewer problems with backaches and can carry out their daily tasks
efficiently. Muscular Strength may be developed through isotonic,
isometric, or isokinetic contractions.
Muscular Endurance
This refers to the ability of the muscle to endure a sub maximal effort for a prolonged
period of time. Performing a strength exercise such as push-up over a long period of time
or performing the same exercise for many continuous repetitions is a demonstration of
muscular endurance. One basic requirement in achieving muscular endurance is
muscular strength. Muscle endurance is developed by employing the different strength
training exercises mentioned above either for longer periods of time or an increased
number of exercise repetitions.
Flexibility is the ability of the muscles and joints to go through a full range motion.
Flexibility reduces the risk of injury, enhances performance and prevents muscle
soreness. It is achieved through stretching designed to lengthen or elongate soft tissue
structures and thereby increase the range of motion. Flexibility is influenced by three
factors: 1. Structure of the joints; 2. Amount of tissues surrounding the joint; and 3.
Extensibility of the ligaments, tendons and muscle tissue that connects the joints.
Body Composition refers to the proportion of lean body mass to fat body mass. It stresses
one's relative fatness or leanness in relation to height. In recent years, body composition
has gained wide acceptance in exercise science as one of the components of health-related
fitness. Its inclusion was earlier opposed since supporters believe that fitness is for
everyone, including the slim and overweight. In addition, being fat has some genetic
predisposition that may be quite difficult to alter.
Skill related fitness, refers to the ability to perform specific skills or tasks related to a
particular sport or activity, such as agility, speed, coordination, balance, power, and
reaction time.
Reaction time
Coordination is the
Reaction time refers to harmonious working
Power combines speed how quickly you can relationship between the
and strength. Wood respond to an external skeletal muscle and
(2010) author of Topend stimulus. Reaction time nerves in one aspect of
Sports Website, defined hinges heavily on your movement. Hand-eye
power as the ability to mind-body connection. coordination is
exert a maximal force in as Your eyes see a stimulus, demonstrated in certain
short a time as possible, your mind interprets the sport skills such as
as in accelerating. stimulus, and your body catching, passing,
jumping, and throwing reacts in accordance with dribbling or volleying a
implements. that interpretation ball.