Cage Bird
Cage Bird
Cage Bird
The holistic cross-cultural and comparative approach can help us Defining the Nature of Sociology
think more deeply about other people and cultures, and live more The focal point in the study of society is man’s social behavior since
consciously in our global world. It also changes your way of thinking his behavior is greatly shaped by the society where s/he belongs. As
about the world with a wider appreciation of the human experience. a social being, we need to understand the social behavior and
It allows us to understand how the evolutionary package inherited processes in our community. To understand clearly our society, it is
from our ancestors work in today’s environment. necessary to deal with the wide variety of social dimensions such as
social change, social institutions and social stratifications and other
broad range of phenomenon that deal with the underlying recurring
patterns of influence on social behavior. Thus, the branch of social
science that is responsible for helping us understand the complexity
of our society is Sociology.
Approaches/Perspectives in the Study of Political Science The Judiciary is composed of the Philippine courts and the
• Traditional/Historical Approach Supreme Court, the highest court of the land. Judges and
Political scientists/experts make some use of history to study the Justices are appointed by the president who chooses from a
chronology and the historical development of government pre-screened list of nominees issued by the Judicial Bar
structures and institutions. This is based on the premise that history Council. The Supreme Court is composed of the Chief Justice
is a very important tool in understanding what shaped society and of the fourteen Associate Justices. The judiciary
especially its government structure.
interprets the meaning of laws, applies the laws to particular
cases, and decides if a law violates the Constitution.
CULTURE Patterned social interactions- regular, predictable
. Culture as a “‘that complex whole which encompasses interactions that form the structure of a society.
beliefs, practices, values, attitudes, laws, norms, artifacts, 1. Exchange
symbols, knowledge, and everything that a person learns and 2. Cooperation
shares as a member of society.” [E. B. TAYLOR] 3. Competition
4. Conflict
-society is incomplete w/out proper understanding of the 5. Coercion
culture of that society because society and culture go together.
-is a unique possession of man Integrated and Unstable
- is the unique quality of man which separates him from the Integrated – different parts of the culture are connected.
lower animals Unstable- cultures can change quickly or face problems.
-includes all that man acquires in his social life.
Transmitted through socialization/enculturation- culture is
Culture is: passed down from generations to generations.
1. A product of human interaction
2. A social heritage that is a complex and socially Requires language and other forms of communication
transmitted Language – the main way we communicate in a culture.
3. Provides socially accepted patterns for meeting Other Communication- using body language, art, and music
biological and social needs
4. A distinguishing factor Ethnocentrism- judging other cultures by the standards of
5. Cumulative your own.
6. Meaningful to human beings (term coined by William Graham Sumner)
Ethno- Greek word “people, nation, cultural groupings”
1. Values- are individual beliefs that motivate people to act one Centric- Latin word for “center”
way or another. They serve as a guide for human behavior.
Generally, people are predisposed to adopt the values that Xenocentrism- preference for the foreign
they are raised with. People also tend to believe that those
values are “right” because they are the values of their particular Cultural Relativism- understanding other cultures on their
culture. own terms
2. Beliefs- the perception of accepted reality.
3. Norms- shared rules of conduct that determine specific SOCIAL CHANGE – transformation of culture and social
behavior among society members. organization/structure over time. Society is never static and
Folkways- patterns or repetitive behavior which becomes social, political, economic, and cultural changes occur
habitual and conventional part of living. constantly.
Mores- the set of ethical standards and moral obligations as
dictates of reason that distinguishes human acts as right or Four main characteristics of social change:
wrong or good from bad. 1. It happens everywhere, but the rate of change varies
Laws- norms that are legally enacted and enforced. from place to place.
2. Social change is sometimes intentional but often
4.Symbols- things that convey meaning or represents an idea unplanned.
5. Language- set of symbols that enables members of society 3. Social change often generates controversy
to communicate verbally and non-verbally. 4. Some changes matter more than others do.
ASPECTS OF CULTURE Types and sources of social change:
1. Population growth
-Dynamic – constantly changing and evolving. It responds to 2. Industrialization
the changing needs of time Ex. Technological advancements, 3. Urbanization
globalization. 4. Social movement
5. Cultural adaptation
-Flexible- can adopt to new circumstances
Ez. Changing social norms, circumstances Cultural Lag according to William F. Ogburn, it is used to
describe the situation in which technological advancements or
-Adaptive- develop mechanisms to survive and thrive changes in society occur faster than the changes in the rules
Ex. Innovations in response to environmental changes and norms of the culture that go along with those
advancements or changes.
Shared & Contested Ex. Automobile was introduced long before we could
Shared- common practices and beliefs within a community. sufficiently broaden our streets
Contested- differences and conflict within a society.
(given the social differentiation that society is divided by class, Sustainable development- the idea that human societies
race, and gender) must live and meet their needs w/out compromising the ability
of future generations to meet their own needs.
Learned through socialization or enculturation
Socialization- process by which individuals learn and adopt Inclusive development- a development that includes
the behaviors and norms of their culture. (to acquire identity) marginalized people, sectors, and countries in social, political,
Enculturation- learning the ways of our culture from those and economic processes for increased human well-being,
around us. social and environmental sustainability.
-Diet included an increased consumption of meat
Biological evolution is based in the theory of evolution that
introduced by the famous English naturalist and geologist Homo Sapiens (400,000 years ago-present) - Average brain
Charles Darwin. capacity of 82 cubic inches.
• Characterized by high forehead, small teeth and
Cultural evolution or Sociocultural evolution refers to the jaw, and defined chin.
changes or development in cultures from a simple form to a • Constructed and used tools for survival.
more complex form of human culture • Developed a symbolic communication system.
BIOLOGICAL EVOLUTION - refers to the changes, Neanderthal Man – species of genus Homo that settled in
modifications and variations in the genetics and inherited traits Europe and some parts of Western Asia from about 230,000-
of biological populations from one generation to another. 290,000 yrs ago. They adopted the cold climate which is
- Scientists study the changes in the physical body of humans, evident in their larger brains. They are short but w/ full-bodied
the changes in the shape and sizes of their bones, brain, builds and large nose which are promoted by natural selection
dentition, and fingers for instance. in cold climates.
Procunsul (25-20 million years ago) –genus of primate that Cro-Magnon Man – the name of the rock shelter near
existed during the Miocene epoch. The fossils of this primate Dordogne France where skeletons are found in 1868. These
are present in Eastern Africa including Kenya and Uganda. human remains are the Upper Paleolithic period about 40,000-
10,000 yrs ago. Are robustly built and powerful and presumed
Paranthropus to have been about 5.5 ft to 5.7 ft inches tall.
1. Paranthropus Bonsei is first discovered by Mary -Are settled people, moving only when necessary to find new
Leaky in 1959 and is first termed Zinjanthropus hunting or because of environmental changes. Like
Bonsei or Zinj. The oldest P. Bonsei is found at Omo, Neanderthals, Cro-Magnons people buried their dead. They
Ethiopia and dates approximately 2.3 million years have developed a skill of carving and sculpturing small
ago, while the youngest is found at olduvai Gorge, engravings, reliefs, and statuettes not only of human but also in
and dates approximately 1.2 million. animals. The invention of cooking allowed these species to
-has a larger cranial capacity (500-550 cc), a more gain more energy from meat, which fueled the dramatic
vertically set face, and a sagittal crest on the mid- evolution of the human brain.
brain case, as opposed to the posterior.
2. Paranthropus Aethiopicus found by a French THEORIES ON THE ORIGIN OF THE SOCIETY
expedition led by Camile Arambourg and Yves Coppens in the
Southern Ethiopia in 1967. The most famous specimen of P. Force Theory is the result of a superior physical force.
Aethiopicus is discovered west of Lake Turkana and dated 2.5 According to this theory, society is formed because of the
million years old. conquest of the superior over a weak society. In the primitive
3. Paranthropus Robustus is believed to have lived times, man with exceptional physical strength is able to subdue
from 2-1 million years ago. The species has a significantly his fellowmen and to exercise some kind of authority over them
larger cranial capacity than A. Africanus and is more similar to together and live in a society.
a modern brain.
Social Contract Theory proposed that individuals give up the
Australopithecus- is the earliest undisputed member of our right to do anything they please in return for protection
lineage to regularly walk upright are the Australopithecus provided by government. Individuals surrender those rights
Afarensis, of which the most famous is Lucy’s species. She they do not want others to use against them in order to enjoy
lived in Ethiopia 3.2 million years ago and discovered in 1974 the rest of their rights.
by Donald Johanson. When Lucy is found, she is 40% intact
(her skeleton). Her name came from the song of the Beatles, Evolutionary Theory believed that society is not made but a
“Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds”. product of growth and development. According to this theory,
society is the result of the gradual evolution, it is a continuous
HOMINIDS- It is the general term used to categorize the group development from unorganized to organized, form less to
of early humans and other humanlike creatures that can walk perfect to more perfect and various factors helped in its
erect during the prehistoric period. development from time to time. Kinship and family are the
earliest links uniting man with another man.
Homo Habilis (2.5 – 1.4 million years ago) – “handy man”
because they formed chopped stone and used them as a tools Before, men were nomadic, most of the time they travel from
for the first time. place to look for food. They are called hunters and gatherers.
However, in the Middle East some hunters and gatherers are
- Developed bipedalism or the ability to walk upright.
even harvesting wild grains with stone sickles and hunting
- Brain size was estimated to be 35% larger than the
cattle, sheep, goats, and pigs.
Australopithecus africanus.
-Had smaller teeth compared to australopithecines.
SOCIOPOLITICAL EVOLUTION- Sociopolitical evolution
-Diet included a variety of plants and meat.
traces the transformation of human societies from small,
egalitarian groups to complex. It's a fascinating exploration of
Homo Erectus (1.9 million years ago)- “upright man” an
how cultures, governments, and social structures have adapted
extinct species of hominid that lived throughout most of the
over millennia.
Pleistocene geological epoch. They are successful in creating
cultural technologies like the use of stone.
- Further enhanced bipedal activities.
-Characterized by strong muscles at the back of
the neck, shallow forehead, and elongated brain
TYPES OF SOCIETY nomadic bands of hunter-gatherers to larger, agricultural
Sociologist have classified the different types of societies into settlements and early civilizations.
six categories, each of which acquire it’s own unique
characteristics. Evidence for the Existence of the Neolithic Revolution
1. Hunting and Gathering Society - These are the earliest form Artefactual evidence proves the existence and success of the
of society. These are small and generally with less than 50 Neolithic revolution in influencing sociopolitical development.
members and are nomadic. The members survive essentially Here are examples of pieces of evidence found to support the
by hunting, trapping, fishing and gathering edible plants. existence of this era:
2. Pastoral Society- Rely on products through the domestication and • Morphological changes among Neolithic people, including
breeding of animals for transportation and food. These are common brain size and mandible, imply dietary changes from solely
eating plants to consumption of meat.
in areas where crops cannot be supported and only have to move
when the land in which animals gaze is no longer usable.
• A subterranean structure in Syria was found to be built during
the Neolithic revolution and served as a communal storage
3.Horticultural Society - These societies rely on the cultivation of facility.
fruits, vegetables, and plants in order to survive. They are often
forced to relocate when the resources of the land are depleted or The Neolithic revolution, through the domestication of plants
when the water supplies decrease. and animals, paved the way for the beginnings of early
civilizations like Mesopotamia.
4. Agricultural Society- They rely on the use of technology in order to
cultivate crops in large areas, including wheat, rice and corn. The Rise of Civilizations
Productivity increases, and as long as there are plenty of food, Early civilizations emerged during the Neolithic period as
people do not have to move. humans settled in one area to domesticate plants and animals.
The first civilizations were mainly in Asia, such as China and
5. Industrial Society- They used advanced sources of energy to run Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq), part of the Fertile Crescent
large machinery which lead to industrialization, innovations in known as the "cradle of civilization."
transportation lead people to travel, work factories, and live in cities.
Artefactual evidence proves the existence and occurrences of
early civilizations and states. Here are some of the pieces of
6. Post- Industrial Society- Their economy is based on services and
evidence found to support the existence of this era:
technology, not production. The economy is dependent on tangible
goods, people must pursue greater education, and the new • In 1922, archaeologist Sir Leonard Wooley discovered the
communication technology allows work to be performed from a remains of two four-wheeled wagons that dated back to the
variety of locations. Mesopotamian era.
POST-INDUSTRIAL SOCIETIES ARE CHARACTERIZED BY THE • Excavations in the 1840s revealed human settlements in
FOLLOWING: Mesopotamia during 10,000 BCE.
Under Enculturation/Socialization
a. Identity formation
b. Norms and values
c. Statuses and roles
1. Identities
2. Discipline
3. Aspiration