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Lesson 1: Anthropology and the Study of Culture the following reasons: 1.

It broadens your knowledge and changes

Defining Anthropology, its goals and perspectives your perspective; 2. It is useful in understanding how society has
evolved through time and the cultural changes that have taken
place there to; 3. It is relevant in tracing the transitions that
1. Anthropology – is the study of humanity that looks into the societies went through leading up to its current state; 4. It helps us
biological variation in time and space (physical or biological to deal with complexity and lastly, 5. It is interesting.
anthropology), and the interplay of society and culture (cultural
2. Culture- a complex whole which encompasses beliefs, practices, Since culture is a design or a roadmap that guides the behavior of
values, artifacts, laws, symbols and everything that a person learns members in a society, it has the following characteristics:
and shares in society.
3. Deculturation -the loss of cultural beliefs and practices tied with •Culture is Everything
the changing times. It is what a person has, does and think as part of society. This covers
4. Cultural diffusion - a process of accommodating desirable traits all of a person’s belief systems, set of behaviors, and material
from other culture through acculturation, assimilation, possessions. Culture therefore can be classified into two types:
amalgamation, enculturation, colonization and revolutionary *Material Culture
movement. – includes all tangible and visible parts of culture like clothes, food,
and even buildings.
Defining the Nature of Anthropology -Objects are important in the study of human history because they
Every individual differs in various ways. So, putting your lens closer provide a concrete basis for the prevailing ideas of the times and can
to these differences reveal how individuals are alike in terms of their be used to validate the existing realities.
physical features, routines and interaction with each other. *Non-Material Culture
The differences and similarities by which individuals live, act and –includes all intangible parts of culture, which consists of values,
interact is a manifestation of the numerous aspects of human norms, laws, sanctions and knowledge among others.
existence. One of these aspects is man’s unique social behavior tied
to their cultural backgrounds. •Culture is Shared
This implies that a particular behavior cannot be considered as part
Culture is the invisible bond which ties people coming from the of culture if there is only one person practicing it. Culture is shared is
same society together. It affects our judgment skills, perceptions, intra and inter-generational.
attitudes and even our emotions. It has a direct impact on our
behavior. Thus, the culture we have shapes our values and belief •Culture is Learned
systems which influences our personalities. Furthermore, our culture Culture is a set of beliefs, attitudes and practices that an individual
gives us our identity and sense of belongingness to our community. learns through his or her family, school, church, and other social
It is for this reason that understanding culture is important and this institutions.
is the focus of one field in social sciences called cultural Diffusion– is the spread of culture from one society to another.
•Culture affects Biology
Anthropology is defined Humans are born into cultures that have values on beauty and body.
as the study of humanity. It is derived from the two Greek words As such, they alter their bodies to fit physiological norms that are
“anthropos” which means man and “logos” means study. dictated by their culture.


• Physical or biological anthropology Culture is a tool for survival that humans use in response to the
–the study of human biological variation in timeand space including pressures of their environment.
genetics, growth, development and primatology
•Cultural anthropology •Culture is Maladaptive
-the study of human society and culture whichdescribes, analyzes, People when manifesting a set of cultural practices, fail to adapt to
interprets and explains social and cultural similarities and the environmental changes leads to mal-adaptation.
Its sub-categories are: (a) archeological anthropology which is the •Culture Changes
study of human behavior and cultural patterns and processes Culture is never static. This dynamism of culture is due to the
through culture’s material remains; and (b) linguistic anthropology, changing needs of man as they interpret and survive in their
which is the descriptive, comparative and historical study of environment.
language and of linguistic similarities and differences in time,
space and society. Anthropological Perspectives in Anthropology
•Applied Anthropology Anthropology has different distinctive ways of thinking about the w
–the use of anthropological knowledge in solving contemporary orld, humancultures, societies and people. Anthropological
problems through the application of theories and approaches of the perspectives focuses on the study of the full scope of human
discipline. diversity and the application of that knowledge to help people of
different backgrounds. Some aspects of the anthropological
These sub-disciplines of anthropology show that it takes a broad perspectives are culture, cultural relativism, fieldwork, human
approach to holistically understand the various aspect of diversity, holism and biocultural focus. The four main perspectives of
human experience. To understand and study humanity, Anthropology are the cross-cultural or comparative emphasis,
anthropologists compare one society to the other society. It also evolutionary/historical emphasis, ecological emphasis and holistic
noteworthy that it is important to study anthropology because of emphasis.
From an anthropological perspective, these concepts are related to Lesson 2: Sociology and the Study of Society Defining
each other and they are also seen as integrated with one another. Sociology, its goals and perspectives
In order to understand the origin and history of human beings and 1. Sociology – is a behavioral science that deals with the study of
to acknowledge global cultured and communities, people should be society.
able to consider anthropological perspectives in their both social and 2. Society – is a group of people living together in a definite territory
academic lives. Anthropological perspective is very important and sharing a common culture.
because it looks at shared aspects of humanity like language, 3. Social behavior – a set of actions performed by individuals of the
cultural connections, economics and curiosity to find the common same species when they interact with each other.
thread. 4. Societal norms – the behaviors that are considered acceptable in
a group or society.
What makes the Anthropological perspective unique is that unlike 5. Theory – a statement or an approach that attempts to explain
other social scientists, anthropologists look beyond the confines of why certain things are the way they are. For this lesson, this shall
our own society and compare it to the beliefs and practices of other cover the explanations focused on society and the interaction
societies, past and present. processes taking place therein.

The holistic cross-cultural and comparative approach can help us Defining the Nature of Sociology
think more deeply about other people and cultures, and live more The focal point in the study of society is man’s social behavior since
consciously in our global world. It also changes your way of thinking his behavior is greatly shaped by the society where s/he belongs. As
about the world with a wider appreciation of the human experience. a social being, we need to understand the social behavior and
It allows us to understand how the evolutionary package inherited processes in our community. To understand clearly our society, it is
from our ancestors work in today’s environment. necessary to deal with the wide variety of social dimensions such as
social change, social institutions and social stratifications and other
broad range of phenomenon that deal with the underlying recurring
patterns of influence on social behavior. Thus, the branch of social
science that is responsible for helping us understand the complexity
of our society is Sociology.

Sociology is a behavioral science that deals with the study of society.

Derived from the two Greek terms “socius” which means group or
partners and “logos” which means study.

A group of people living together is considered to be a society if it

has the following characteristics:

1.It comprises a complex whole - society is a complex whole

because it is asocial system. As a complex whole, it is made up of
individuals and groups that interact in a relatively stable and
patterned manner. A change in one group of individual will affect the
stability in the other parts of the whole system.

2. It is relatively large –People must be socially integrated to be

considered relatively large than being individually scattered. Thus, all
the smaller social groups and units composed of family,
neighborhood, communities, nations and the world are socially
integrated to be relatively large in scope.

3. It provides means for socialization for its members- Societal

norms can be shared and taught to those people who come from
other societies before being accepted as functioning members of a
certain society.

4. It endures, produces and restrains its members for generations-

For a society to survive, it must have the ability to produce, endure
and sustain its new members for generations.

5. The members of a society share a common culture

– All members of society are bonded by the same culture.

6. It occupies a definite territory –The members in a society must

live in a certain specific habitat or place and have a feeling
of belongingness and sense of purpose.
Sociological Perspectives on Culture and Society Lesson 3: Political Science in the Art of Governance
Defining Political Science, its goals and perspectives
Sociologists employ three primary theoretical perspectives: the
symbolic interactionist theory, structural-functionalist theory, and 1. Political Science- the branch of social science that deals with
the social conflict theory. For social sciences, it is important to follow systems of government, and the analysis of political activities and
the theoretical perspectives as a framework for understanding the behavior.
phenomena such as the ways on how people form groups. Theories 2. Power – the embodiment of the symbols whose meanings
can provide us with explanations on the existence of society and influence, control, and shape the behavior of the members of
the interaction processes taking place therein. society.
3. Political Ideologies – these refer to the set of beliefs and
•Symbolic Interactionist Theory doctrines that serve as the guide in the political, economic and social
The first theory suggests that people attach meanings to symbols action of a state.
and they act according to their interpretation of these symbols. The 4. Political Issues – these are governmental and societal
premise of this theory is that the process of interaction is an controversies debated over time inclusive of divisive topics.
indispensable one in any society. However, not all interaction 5. Government – an institution run by the state and whose
processes are relevant or meaningful to its members. Interactions responsibility is tied with delivering the needs of the citizens.
only become meaningful symbolic the moment meanings are
attached to it. Defining the Nature of Political Science
In Aristotle’s Politics, he emphasized that man by
• Structural-Functional Theory nature is a political animal. This implies that man is sociable in
The second sociological perspective is the structural-functional nature and they usually come together to form political
theory which is also known as functionalism. This approach views association. Forming political association is like choosing who will be
society as a complex whole with an interconnected system wherein part of your circle of friends as well as who will be your partners in
every part works together as afunctional whole. A metaphor for this crime. Once you have built your own group, you start making your
approach is the human body. You have arms, legs, a heart, a brain, rules and marking your boundaries.
and so on. Each part has its own neurons and system for working but
each part has to work together for a fully-functioning structure or Likewise, in our government, we have several institutions,
system. Same with our society where all the institutions have their departments and associations that is governed by laws and led by a
own functions but they need to work together to achieve a common leader. Hence, the branch of social science that is responsible in the
goal. study of the activities of the government and institutions in
determining who gets what and how is called Political Science.
• Social Conflict Theory
The last sociological perspective is the social conflict theory. This Etymologically, the term Politics emanates from the Greek word
theory views society as a competition of limited resources. This “Politika” meaning the affairs of the cities. It is basically the study or
perspective is a macro-level approach which is mostly identified in practice of the distribution of power and resources within a given
the writings of the German philosopher and sociologist, Karl Marx community. In the political spectrum, politics is both an art and
who saw society being made up of individuals in different social science of government encompassing the administration and control
classes who must compete for social, material and political of its internal and external affairs.
resources such as food and housing, employment, and education.
According to conflict theorists, the existence of these inequalities in Politics has three forms:
a society usually have conflicting values and agenda that causes
them to compete against one another. However, social conflict 1. Formal politics pertains to the structured and defined
theorists emphasizes that such conflicts between individuals help operation of a constitutional framework, institutions and
them in motivating people and societies to evolve over time. methods. An example of this is the public policy discussion.
2. Semi-formal politics on the other hand includes
neighborhood associations and student governments
where political party exists.
3. Informal politics which is also known as the everyday
politics affects the everyday lives of man like how the
household or office is managed and how a person impacts
one another.

Political Science as a field of discipline is the most dynamic among

all the disciplines of social sciences due mainly to the topics involved
in its framework of the study from a basic social unit of the society -
the family, to the complex body of politics, the State.
Components of Politics: • Scientific/Behavioralist Approach
• Political Institutions – these comprise the state, government Behaviorists are concerned mostly with the empirical theory which
agencies, political systems and the functions of the political beings deals with the observable world rather than the normative theory
or individuals within the institution which involves
• Political Ideologies –these refer to the set of beliefs and doctrines value judgments. This scientific approach of behavioralists brought a
that serve as the guide in the political, economic, and social action of new method inunderstanding the contemporary political science. It
a state. Foremost examples are democracy, monarchy, dictatorship basically looks into the processes taking place in political structures
etc. in order to understand how this affects the functioning of the
• Political Parties – these are groups of certain individuals who institution as a whole.
aspire to occupy public office.
• Political Issues - these are governmental and societal •Systems Approach / Structural-Functional Approach /General
controversies debated overtime inclusive of divisive topics such as Systems Theory Approach
abortion, taxation, foreign policy, free trade, etc. This approach highlights the importance of the different structures
or branches of government and the execution of their functions in
Characteristics of Good Governance order to ensure the stability of the political system.
:• Participation – All men and women, and all individuals regardless
of race, ethnicity, religion and gender preferences should have a •Political Economy Approach
voice in decision-making, either directly or through legitimate Politics and economy are never entirely separate phenomena.
intermediate institutions that represent their interests. Economics involves conflict over scarce resources while politics
• Rule of Law – Legal frameworks should be fair and enforced generally involves decisions about who will pay and who will benefit
impartially, particularly the laws on human rights. from the production and distribution of products and services.
• Transparency – The information are directly accessible to those
concerned with them. Also, enough information or data should be
provided for easy understanding of their transactions.
• Responsiveness – Institutions should serve all stakeholders from
all walks of life but they must consider the welfare of the majority. There are three (3) branches of government: Executive,
• Consensus Orientation – Good governance mediate differing Legislative, and Judicial.
interests to reach abroad consensus to come up with an agreement
within the group.
• Equity – the law is based not only in printed words but it also has
-Carries out and enforces laws
the will to promote social justice for all.
• Effectiveness and Efficiency – institutions must have positive
results in allocating the resources and meeting the needs of the Composed of the President and the Vice President, the
citizens. cabinet, executive departments, independent agencies, and
• Accountability – this is a constitutional mandate that a public other boards, commisions, and committees.
office is a public trust. Decision-makers in the government are
accountable to the public. Legislative
• Strategic Vision – leaders and the citizens should have a broad -Authorized to make, alter, and repeal law.
and long term perspective on good governance and human
development to see what the country needs and for them to meet
The Congress makes up the legislative branch of the
the needs of its citizens.
government. It is composed of the Senate, also known as the
Identifying the Goals in Studying Political Science upper house, and the House of Representatives known to
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts and principles of many as the lower house. The Congress drafts, reviews,
political science. amends, and repeals proposed laws (bills). It also has the
2. Deepens your knowledge and understanding in the field of power to amend the 1987 Constitution and is tasked with
government and politics. passing the national budget each year.
3. Political Science trains students to develop critical skills.
4. Helps students to obtain practical knowledge and insights on Judicial
political issues.
Evaluates & interprets the meaning of laws, applies laws to
5. Helps the students understand why people behave the way they
do politically. individual cases, and decides if laws violate the Constitution.

Approaches/Perspectives in the Study of Political Science The Judiciary is composed of the Philippine courts and the
• Traditional/Historical Approach Supreme Court, the highest court of the land. Judges and
Political scientists/experts make some use of history to study the Justices are appointed by the president who chooses from a
chronology and the historical development of government pre-screened list of nominees issued by the Judicial Bar
structures and institutions. This is based on the premise that history Council. The Supreme Court is composed of the Chief Justice
is a very important tool in understanding what shaped society and of the fourteen Associate Justices. The judiciary
especially its government structure.
interprets the meaning of laws, applies the laws to particular
cases, and decides if a law violates the Constitution.
CULTURE Patterned social interactions- regular, predictable
. Culture as a “‘that complex whole which encompasses interactions that form the structure of a society.
beliefs, practices, values, attitudes, laws, norms, artifacts, 1. Exchange
symbols, knowledge, and everything that a person learns and 2. Cooperation
shares as a member of society.” [E. B. TAYLOR] 3. Competition
4. Conflict
-society is incomplete w/out proper understanding of the 5. Coercion
culture of that society because society and culture go together.
-is a unique possession of man Integrated and Unstable
- is the unique quality of man which separates him from the Integrated – different parts of the culture are connected.
lower animals Unstable- cultures can change quickly or face problems.
-includes all that man acquires in his social life.
Transmitted through socialization/enculturation- culture is
Culture is: passed down from generations to generations.
1. A product of human interaction
2. A social heritage that is a complex and socially Requires language and other forms of communication
transmitted Language – the main way we communicate in a culture.
3. Provides socially accepted patterns for meeting Other Communication- using body language, art, and music
biological and social needs
4. A distinguishing factor Ethnocentrism- judging other cultures by the standards of
5. Cumulative your own.
6. Meaningful to human beings (term coined by William Graham Sumner)
Ethno- Greek word “people, nation, cultural groupings”
1. Values- are individual beliefs that motivate people to act one Centric- Latin word for “center”
way or another. They serve as a guide for human behavior.
Generally, people are predisposed to adopt the values that Xenocentrism- preference for the foreign
they are raised with. People also tend to believe that those
values are “right” because they are the values of their particular Cultural Relativism- understanding other cultures on their
culture. own terms
2. Beliefs- the perception of accepted reality.
3. Norms- shared rules of conduct that determine specific SOCIAL CHANGE – transformation of culture and social
behavior among society members. organization/structure over time. Society is never static and
Folkways- patterns or repetitive behavior which becomes social, political, economic, and cultural changes occur
habitual and conventional part of living. constantly.
Mores- the set of ethical standards and moral obligations as
dictates of reason that distinguishes human acts as right or Four main characteristics of social change:
wrong or good from bad. 1. It happens everywhere, but the rate of change varies
Laws- norms that are legally enacted and enforced. from place to place.
2. Social change is sometimes intentional but often
4.Symbols- things that convey meaning or represents an idea unplanned.
5. Language- set of symbols that enables members of society 3. Social change often generates controversy
to communicate verbally and non-verbally. 4. Some changes matter more than others do.
ASPECTS OF CULTURE Types and sources of social change:
1. Population growth
-Dynamic – constantly changing and evolving. It responds to 2. Industrialization
the changing needs of time Ex. Technological advancements, 3. Urbanization
globalization. 4. Social movement
5. Cultural adaptation
-Flexible- can adopt to new circumstances
Ez. Changing social norms, circumstances Cultural Lag according to William F. Ogburn, it is used to
describe the situation in which technological advancements or
-Adaptive- develop mechanisms to survive and thrive changes in society occur faster than the changes in the rules
Ex. Innovations in response to environmental changes and norms of the culture that go along with those
advancements or changes.
Shared & Contested Ex. Automobile was introduced long before we could
Shared- common practices and beliefs within a community. sufficiently broaden our streets
Contested- differences and conflict within a society.
(given the social differentiation that society is divided by class, Sustainable development- the idea that human societies
race, and gender) must live and meet their needs w/out compromising the ability
of future generations to meet their own needs.
Learned through socialization or enculturation
Socialization- process by which individuals learn and adopt Inclusive development- a development that includes
the behaviors and norms of their culture. (to acquire identity) marginalized people, sectors, and countries in social, political,
Enculturation- learning the ways of our culture from those and economic processes for increased human well-being,
around us. social and environmental sustainability.
-Diet included an increased consumption of meat
Biological evolution is based in the theory of evolution that
introduced by the famous English naturalist and geologist Homo Sapiens (400,000 years ago-present) - Average brain
Charles Darwin. capacity of 82 cubic inches.
• Characterized by high forehead, small teeth and
Cultural evolution or Sociocultural evolution refers to the jaw, and defined chin.
changes or development in cultures from a simple form to a • Constructed and used tools for survival.
more complex form of human culture • Developed a symbolic communication system.

BIOLOGICAL EVOLUTION - refers to the changes, Neanderthal Man – species of genus Homo that settled in
modifications and variations in the genetics and inherited traits Europe and some parts of Western Asia from about 230,000-
of biological populations from one generation to another. 290,000 yrs ago. They adopted the cold climate which is
- Scientists study the changes in the physical body of humans, evident in their larger brains. They are short but w/ full-bodied
the changes in the shape and sizes of their bones, brain, builds and large nose which are promoted by natural selection
dentition, and fingers for instance. in cold climates.

Procunsul (25-20 million years ago) –genus of primate that Cro-Magnon Man – the name of the rock shelter near
existed during the Miocene epoch. The fossils of this primate Dordogne France where skeletons are found in 1868. These
are present in Eastern Africa including Kenya and Uganda. human remains are the Upper Paleolithic period about 40,000-
10,000 yrs ago. Are robustly built and powerful and presumed
Paranthropus to have been about 5.5 ft to 5.7 ft inches tall.
1. Paranthropus Bonsei is first discovered by Mary -Are settled people, moving only when necessary to find new
Leaky in 1959 and is first termed Zinjanthropus hunting or because of environmental changes. Like
Bonsei or Zinj. The oldest P. Bonsei is found at Omo, Neanderthals, Cro-Magnons people buried their dead. They
Ethiopia and dates approximately 2.3 million years have developed a skill of carving and sculpturing small
ago, while the youngest is found at olduvai Gorge, engravings, reliefs, and statuettes not only of human but also in
and dates approximately 1.2 million. animals. The invention of cooking allowed these species to
-has a larger cranial capacity (500-550 cc), a more gain more energy from meat, which fueled the dramatic
vertically set face, and a sagittal crest on the mid- evolution of the human brain.
brain case, as opposed to the posterior.
2. Paranthropus Aethiopicus found by a French THEORIES ON THE ORIGIN OF THE SOCIETY
expedition led by Camile Arambourg and Yves Coppens in the
Southern Ethiopia in 1967. The most famous specimen of P. Force Theory is the result of a superior physical force.
Aethiopicus is discovered west of Lake Turkana and dated 2.5 According to this theory, society is formed because of the
million years old. conquest of the superior over a weak society. In the primitive
3. Paranthropus Robustus is believed to have lived times, man with exceptional physical strength is able to subdue
from 2-1 million years ago. The species has a significantly his fellowmen and to exercise some kind of authority over them
larger cranial capacity than A. Africanus and is more similar to together and live in a society.
a modern brain.
Social Contract Theory proposed that individuals give up the
Australopithecus- is the earliest undisputed member of our right to do anything they please in return for protection
lineage to regularly walk upright are the Australopithecus provided by government. Individuals surrender those rights
Afarensis, of which the most famous is Lucy’s species. She they do not want others to use against them in order to enjoy
lived in Ethiopia 3.2 million years ago and discovered in 1974 the rest of their rights.
by Donald Johanson. When Lucy is found, she is 40% intact
(her skeleton). Her name came from the song of the Beatles, Evolutionary Theory believed that society is not made but a
“Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds”. product of growth and development. According to this theory,
society is the result of the gradual evolution, it is a continuous
HOMINIDS- It is the general term used to categorize the group development from unorganized to organized, form less to
of early humans and other humanlike creatures that can walk perfect to more perfect and various factors helped in its
erect during the prehistoric period. development from time to time. Kinship and family are the
earliest links uniting man with another man.
Homo Habilis (2.5 – 1.4 million years ago) – “handy man”
because they formed chopped stone and used them as a tools Before, men were nomadic, most of the time they travel from
for the first time. place to look for food. They are called hunters and gatherers.
However, in the Middle East some hunters and gatherers are
- Developed bipedalism or the ability to walk upright.
even harvesting wild grains with stone sickles and hunting
- Brain size was estimated to be 35% larger than the
cattle, sheep, goats, and pigs.
Australopithecus africanus.
-Had smaller teeth compared to australopithecines.
SOCIOPOLITICAL EVOLUTION- Sociopolitical evolution
-Diet included a variety of plants and meat.
traces the transformation of human societies from small,
egalitarian groups to complex. It's a fascinating exploration of
Homo Erectus (1.9 million years ago)- “upright man” an
how cultures, governments, and social structures have adapted
extinct species of hominid that lived throughout most of the
over millennia.
Pleistocene geological epoch. They are successful in creating
cultural technologies like the use of stone.
- Further enhanced bipedal activities.
-Characterized by strong muscles at the back of
the neck, shallow forehead, and elongated brain
TYPES OF SOCIETY nomadic bands of hunter-gatherers to larger, agricultural
Sociologist have classified the different types of societies into settlements and early civilizations.
six categories, each of which acquire it’s own unique
characteristics. Evidence for the Existence of the Neolithic Revolution

1. Hunting and Gathering Society - These are the earliest form Artefactual evidence proves the existence and success of the
of society. These are small and generally with less than 50 Neolithic revolution in influencing sociopolitical development.
members and are nomadic. The members survive essentially Here are examples of pieces of evidence found to support the
by hunting, trapping, fishing and gathering edible plants. existence of this era:

2. Pastoral Society- Rely on products through the domestication and • Morphological changes among Neolithic people, including
breeding of animals for transportation and food. These are common brain size and mandible, imply dietary changes from solely
eating plants to consumption of meat.
in areas where crops cannot be supported and only have to move
when the land in which animals gaze is no longer usable.
• A subterranean structure in Syria was found to be built during
the Neolithic revolution and served as a communal storage
3.Horticultural Society - These societies rely on the cultivation of facility.
fruits, vegetables, and plants in order to survive. They are often
forced to relocate when the resources of the land are depleted or The Neolithic revolution, through the domestication of plants
when the water supplies decrease. and animals, paved the way for the beginnings of early
civilizations like Mesopotamia.
4. Agricultural Society- They rely on the use of technology in order to
cultivate crops in large areas, including wheat, rice and corn. The Rise of Civilizations
Productivity increases, and as long as there are plenty of food, Early civilizations emerged during the Neolithic period as
people do not have to move. humans settled in one area to domesticate plants and animals.
The first civilizations were mainly in Asia, such as China and
5. Industrial Society- They used advanced sources of energy to run Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq), part of the Fertile Crescent
large machinery which lead to industrialization, innovations in known as the "cradle of civilization."
transportation lead people to travel, work factories, and live in cities.
Artefactual evidence proves the existence and occurrences of
early civilizations and states. Here are some of the pieces of
6. Post- Industrial Society- Their economy is based on services and
evidence found to support the existence of this era:
technology, not production. The economy is dependent on tangible
goods, people must pursue greater education, and the new • In 1922, archaeologist Sir Leonard Wooley discovered the
communication technology allows work to be performed from a remains of two four-wheeled wagons that dated back to the
variety of locations. Mesopotamian era.

POST-INDUSTRIAL SOCIETIES ARE CHARACTERIZED BY THE • Excavations in the 1840s revealed human settlements in
FOLLOWING: Mesopotamia during 10,000 BCE.

1. Transfer of labor workforce from manufacturing services. The Beginnings of Democratization

2. A significant increase in the number of professional and technical
Greek kings were overthrown by noblemen, leading to the rise
employment and decline in the number of skilled and semiskilled
of oligarchies in city-states. With the availability of weapons
and ongoing wars, even farmers armed themselves to resist
3. Education as the basis of social mobility. drastic changes. Ordinary people united against abusive
4. Human capital as an essential aspect of understanding the governments, ultimately leading to the rule of tyrants who
strength of society. ensured fair treatment for all.
5. Application of “intellectual technology” which is based in the
application of mathematics and linguistics and the use of algorithms Below are artefactual evidence of the artistic and cultural
and software programming models. implications of democratization:
6. Focus on communication
7. Knowledge as source of invention and innovation • Greek literature began to emerge as the poet Homer created
his epics, Iliad and Odyssey.
There are three things that may explain the change…
1.Environmental change- global warming in the period between 15, • Stone temples that appeared as early as 600 BC were
000-8,000 years ago changed climates, raising ocean levels, reducing improved through classical Greek structures upon the rise of
land mass, and altering the habitat of a number of animals and democratization.
2. Population growth- forced greater competition of a shrinking
resource base
3. Growth in cultural information and technology- allowing for more
effective domestication and horticulture.

The Neolithic Revolution. Also called the Agricultural

Revolution marked the transition in human history from small
Becoming a member of society
3 main components
1. Enculturation/Socialization
2.Conformity and Deviance
3.Human dignity, rights, and common goods

Enculturation - The process through which individuals learn

the norms, values, beliefs, and behaviors of their culture, and
adapt themselves to the social roles and expectations of their
society. (ex. learning slang, learning and internalizing
appropriate dress codes, etc.

Socialization- Socialization is a lifelong process of learning

and adapting to the social environment, which helps individuals
develop and realize their potential while acquiring cultural
knowledge and values. (ex. Children learning about morality
from their parents, school influence an individual socialization.)

Under Enculturation/Socialization
a. Identity formation
b. Norms and values
c. Statuses and roles

Identity formation is an individual process in which

adolescents explore and commit to identity-defining roles and
values in a variety of life domains (politics, occupation, religion,
intimate relationships, friendships, and gender roles).

1. Identities
2. Discipline
3. Aspiration

Identity- person's sense of who they are as an individual and

as a member of a social group. It also refers to how a person
may think others perceive and label them.

Discipline- A way of behaving that expresses a willingness to

obey rules or laws
-behavior that is judged by how well a person follows a set of
rules or orders

Aspirations- is a strong desire and ambition with which

someone is motivated to work hard.

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