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Group 1 ABM A Qualitative Research BATCH 2022

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A Research Project
Presented to the Faculty of the
Senior High School Department
Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School
San Carlos City, Pangasinan

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements of the Course
Practical Research I

Rosario, Tricia Mae T.

Daza, Alysa Joy B.
Sagadal, Angela M.
Ferrer, Katrina D.V.
Manuel, Ma. Cristina R.
Mendoza, Rochelle L.
Cayabyab, Joe Marc M.

June, 2022
SCHOOL Roxas Boulevard, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Tel. No. +6375 (075) 955 5258

The Reasons for Choosing Modular Distance Learning Over Online Distance Learning

Among Accountancy, Business and Management Senior High School Students of

Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School

Rosario, Tricia Mae T., Daza, Alysa Joy B., Sagadal, Angela M., Ferrer, Katrina D.V.,
Manuel, Ma. Cristina R., Mendoza, Rochelle L., Cayabyab, Joe Marc M.

Cariño, Ronald F., Research Adviser

This study was aimed to know the reasons for choosing Modular Distance Learning
over Online Distance Learning among Accountancy, Business and Management Senior High
School Students of Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School (SEPNAS) as their
learning modality. To accomplish this purpose, this study employed narratological approach.
Data on the foregoing inquiry were gathered from seven participants through semi-structured
interviews from whom data saturation was attained. These participants were selected using a
critical case, specifically, purposive sampling technique. For the analysis of the collected data,
the researchers used the six-step process of thematic analysis by Braun and Clarke (2006). The
salient findings of this study revealed the reasons why they choose Modular Distance Learning
as their Learning Modality. The conclusion of the research study resulted in a more
comprehensive understanding on why they choose Modular Distance Learning over Online
distance learning and their experiences under their chosen modality. Thus, students who are
having a hard time in choosing a learning modality are bound to effectively enjoy their journey
in learning and to avoid drawbacks caused by their impulsive decision-making.

Keywords: Reasons, Learning Modality, Decision-making

SCHOOL Roxas Boulevard, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Tel. No. +6375 (075) 955 5258

This thesis entitled “The Reasons for Choosing Modular Distance Learning Over Online

Distance Learning Among Accountancy, Business and Management Senior High School

Students of Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School” prepared and submitted

by Rosario, Tricia Mae T., Daza, Alysa Joy B., Sagadal, Angela M., Ferrer, Katrina D.V.,

Manuel, Ma. Cristina R., Mendoza, Rochelle L., Cayabyab, Joe Marc M. is hereby

recommended as partial fulfilment of the requirements for the course Practical Research 1



Research Adviser

Approved and accepted as partial fulfilment of the requirements for the academic strand



________________________ with a grade of ________.


SHS Assistant Principal II


Principal IV

SCHOOL Roxas Boulevard, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Tel. No. +6375 (075) 955 5258

The researchers would like to acknowledge, with deep gratitude and appreciation, the
valuable assistance of the following personas, who have voluntarily contributed to the
completion of this work:

To Dr. Marites V. Cabatbat, Principal IV of Speaker Eugenio Perez National

Agricultural School, who diligently gave her moral support, provisions, and acquiescence for
the success of this study;

To Mr. Ronald F. Cariño, our research adviser, whose distinct ideas and suggestions
have enormously contributed to the breakthrough of this study;

To Mr. Bernard A. Rosario, our section adviser, who has willingly equipped them with
words of encouragement, showing concern and motivating them to strive more in reviewing,
editing, and accomplishing this study;

To our informants from Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School, who
gave their genuine cooperation and participation;

To our classmates and friends, especially Grade 11 ABM-A, who extend their support
and time to improve this study;

To our parents, Mrs. Jennifer T. Rosario, Mr. Danilo D. Daza, Mr. Agaton C. Sagadal,
and Mr. Oscar A. Ferrer, Mrs. Brenda R. Manuel, Mrs. Gloria L. Mendoza, and Mr. Jowel M.
Cayabyab whose untiring support be it in financial or moral ways, precious time, and loving
care was gradually shown in-depth.

And above all, to the Divine Providence for lighting the most righteous way to
wisdom, patience, hard work, and cooperation as well as providing good health and safety.

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Tel. No. +6375 (075) 955 5258


This humble piece of work is authentically dedicated to our most cherished parents,
who have been a constant source of support and encouragement to the researchers.

To our research teacher, Mr. Ronald F. Cariño who shared his wit and wisdom that lit sparks

of curiosity in us to seek answers.

To Mr. Bernard A. Rosario, our class adviser, for encouraging and motivating us to strive

more in doing this study.

To our friends and classmates for their participation throughout the

study. And most of all, to our Almighty God for all the blessings and









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Tel. No. +6375 (075) 955 5258

Title Page i Abstract ii Approval Sheet iii Acknowledgment iv Dedication v

Contents vi List of Tables and Figures vii

Chapter I Introduction

Background of the Study 1 Statement of the Problem 3 Significance of the

Study 4 Scope and Delimitation 5

Chapter II Review of Related Literature

Related Literature and Studies 6 Conceptual Framework 12 Conceptual

Paradigm 14 Definition of Terms 15

Chapter IV Methodology

Research Design 17 Duration and Locale of the Study 19 Population and

Informants 20

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Materials and Procedures 22 Data Analysis 26

Chapter IV Results and Discussion


Theme 1: Journey towards effective decision-making 29 Theme 2: Gathering a bundle of

Drawbacks 33 Theme 3: A Silver Lining 36

Theme 4: Branches of Invincible Weapon 36 Theme 5: Lifetime Assets 39 Discussion 54

Chapter V Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations

Summary 57 Findings 57 Conclusion 59 Recommendations 60 Bibliography 61


Appendix A. Letter to the Principal 63 Appendix B. Letter to the Informants 64

Appendix C. Interview Transcript 65 Curriculum Vitae 95


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Table No. Table Title Page No

1 Thematic analysis of the collected data and their actual 42 statement from where the themes

were derived.

Figure No. Figure Title Page No 1 The paradigm of the study that illustrates 14

the Input-Process-Output

2 Thematic analysis of the participants’ respondents 50 vii


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Chapter I


Background of the Study

The rising prevalence of the COVID-19 virus has had a variety of impacts on society,

one of which is the large number of people who have become ill with the disease. Another

effect of the pandemic has been on educational institutions all over the world, with many

schools discontinuing regular face-to-face classes. The widespread closures have affected

nearly every aspect of school life, including class schedules, extracurricular activities, and the

ability of students meeting their teachers and learn from them as they would in a regular

classroom setting.

More than 1 billion children are at risk of falling behind their studies due to school

closures intended at controlling the spread of COVID-19. To keep the world’s students’

learning, countries have been implementing remote education programmes. Yet many of the

world’s students – particularly those in poorer households – do not have internet access,

personal computers, TVs or even radio at home, amplifying the effects of existing learning

inequalities. Students lacking access to the technologies needed for home-based learning have

limited means to continue their education. As a result, many face the risk of never returning to

school, undoing years of progress made in education around the world (UNICEF, 2020).

In 2020, Education Secretary Leonor Briones assured that the Department of Education

(DepEd) has prepared various alternative learning delivery modalities as a response to COVID-

19 situation in the country. She explained that the integration of SLMs

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with the alternative learning delivery modalities (modular, television-based, radio-based

instruction, blended, and online) will help DepEd “ensure that all learners have access to quality

basic education for SY 2020-2021 with face-to-face classes still prohibited due to the public

health situation.” According to a survey conducted by the Department of Education (DepEd),

learning through printed and digital modules emerged as the most preferred distance learning

method of parents who enrolled their children.

In Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School (SEPNAS), the most preferred

learning modality of students is Modular Distance Learning (MDL). The Senior High School

students of the said school also preferred Modular Distance Learning (MDL) whether they

belong to Academic track students or Technical-Vocational-Livelihood track students. In one

section of Grade 11 in Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) strand, thirty-seven

(37) out of forty-six (46) students chose Modular Distance Learning (MDL) in first semester,

but when second semester came, forty-three (43) out of forty-six (46) students chose Modular

Distance Learning (MDL) rather than Online Distance Learning (ODL).

With the abovementioned information, the researchers decided to conduct this study

because they want to know the reasons why Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural

School (SEPNAS) Accountancy, Business and Management Senior High School students

chose Modular Distance Learning over Online Distance Learning as their Learning Modality,

given the fact that the subjects they encountered in Junior High School are very different to the

subjects they will learn in their Senior High School journey.

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Tel. No. +6375 (075) 955 5258

Statement of the Problem

This research aims to know the reasons for choosing Modular Distance Learning over

Online Distance Learning among Accountancy, Business and Management Senior High School

Students of Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School (SEPNAS) as their learning


Specifically, this study aims to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms;

1.1 Age,

1.2 Sex,

1.3 and Socio-economic status?

2. Why did they choose Modular Distance Learning?

3. What role of the following significant others play to them in choosing their learning


3.1 Classmates;

3.2 Teachers; and

3.3 Family Members

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Tel. No. +6375 (075) 955 5258

Significance of the Study

The researchers believe that this study will benefit the following people after knowing the

reasons for choosing Modular Distance Learning (MDL) over Online Distance Learning (ODL)

among Accountancy, Business and Management Senior High School Students of Speaker

Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School (SEPNAS) as their learning modality:

Students. These learners are the main beneficiaries of the study since this study would

make them realize why they chose the Modular Distance Learning (MDL) over Online

Distance Learning (ODL) as their learning modality.

Teachers. This study will give the teachers with sufficient knowledge in why did their

students chose Modular Distance Learning (MDL) over Online Distance Learning (ODL) as

their learning modality since this study aims to know the reasons of the students.

School Administrators. The results of the study would provide school administrators

necessary insights in the formulation of school's different plans specifically in encouraging the

students to aim for their better welfare in their studies. Simply put, this study will motivate

school administrators to make wise decisions regarding the students’ way of learning.

Parents and Guardians. The result of the study will help them in knowing the reasons

of their children in choosing their learning modality since that decision is sometimes affected

by them.

Future Researchers. The researchers believe that the results of this study will serve as a

valid source of empirical data and an additional reading material for future research.

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Scope and Delimitation

The study covered the reasons that affect the decision-making of students in choosing

their learning modality. The primary subjects of this research study consist of the Senior High

School students through interview. The respondents were limited to seven (7) students who are

in the Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) strand of Senior High School of

Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School (SEPNAS).

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Tel. No. +6375 (075) 955 5258

Chapter II


This study was designed to know the reasons that affect the decision-making of Accountancy

Business and Management (ABM) students of Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural

School (SEPNAS) in choosing their learning modality. A review of related literature and

studies is included below to help with the more thorough aspects of this case study type of

research approach.

Related Literature

Correspondence education, the initial form of distance learning, began in Europe in the

mid-nineteenth century and then spread to the United States and other countries. Distance

Learning began by utilizing the best technology available at the time, the postal system, to

provide educational opportunities to people who wanted to learn but cannot attend traditional

schools. The physically impaired and persons who lived in areas without schools benefited the

most from correspondence education, often known as distance learning.

Distance learning is a type of learning that takes place between a teacher and students

who are geographically separated at the time of teaching. Modular Distance Learning (MDL),

Online Distance Learning (ODL), and TV/Radio-Based Instruction are the three types of this

modality (Quinones, 2020). The Department of Education implemented these modalities to

ensure the continuity of education and for each school to continue to fulfill its mission and

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vision of providing quality education to every Filipino learner, with Modular Distance

Learning (MDL) being the most convenient for the majority of typical Filipino students. It was

also the most chosen learning method of the majority of parents or guardians, according to the

Learning Enrollment and Survey Form (LESF) results.

In an article entitled “Modular Distance Learning – DepEd’s Alternative Learning Method”

by Aj Yes (2021), it stated that Modular Distance Learning (MDL) is one of the learning

modalities provided by the Department of Education (DepEd) which learning can still be

achieved even without physical interaction between teachers and learners. Self-Learning

Modules (SLMs) are either printed or in a digital format which are also given to those students

who enrolled in modular distance learning to enhance their studies. Teachers also help the

students regarding their progress via e-mail, text messages, instant messaging, or even

telephone. To guide the learners in their studies, parents or guardians are considered as the

“ParaTeachers”. Also, in modular distance learning approach, there are four steps process

namely: pagkuha (distribution) where self-learning modules will be picked by the parents or

legal guardians at the school or to the set pick-up point then will be distributed to the learners;

paggamit (application) where learners should complete all the activities that are in the modules;

pagtutok (monitoring) where the students will be observed by the parateachers whether they

already completed the tasks in the modules or not; and pagbalik (submission) where the self

learning modules together with the answers will be returned to the school or drop-off locations

by the parents or legal guardians.

A study entitled “The Advantages of Modular Distance Learning” by Chuchi S. Cuare

(2020) reported that the advantage of time is the most evident in Modular Distance

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Learning (MDL). Students are able to choose their own schedules in doing their modules

and other school works that are needed to be submitted to the teacher on the day of passing.

Aside from it, Modular Distance Learning (MDL) is also flexible when it comes to place. The

students also have all the freedom to choose an area of learning. While studying, they can be

in their yard, under the tree, play music, or to wherever they feel most comfortable studying.

However, there are top five disadvantages of Modular Distance Learning: (1) some of

the students do not do their modules with all their will; (2) most of the parents spoil their

children by doing the school works of their children; (3) some students prefer copying others

works rather than reading their modules; (4) most of the students said they really never learn

from the modules; (5) modules are for formality cause and not internalized by the students.

Aside from those, it gives burden and extra work for parents. Modular Distance Learning also

needs more self-discipline and self-motivation. It also takes a lot of time of teachers for the

preparation and tracing the progress of the students for the answers they submitted (Cuenca,


Online learning, on the other hand, is education that takes place over the internet. It is

a method of education whereby students learn in fully virtual environment. It is often referred

to as ''e-learning'' among other terms. However, online is just one type of ''distance learning'' it

is the umbrella term for any learning that takes place across distance and not in traditional


Online learning can be subdivided into asynchronous online courses that do not take

place in real time and synchronous online courses in which teacher and student interact

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online simultaneously.

The advantages of Online Distance Learning (ODL) are: (1) learners can have an

interaction with their instructor or teacher online; (2) the students can ask their teacher directly

if ever there are part of the lesson that they don’t understand; (3) the learners don't need to

commute or travel; and lastly, (4) they don't need to spend money for transportation.

The disadvantages of Online Distance Learning (ODL) are: (1) the learners can easily

lose concentration; (2) students can easily move to games, videos or YouTube for entertainment

because in the view of the fact that virtual classes is done through phone or laptop gadgets; (3)

health issues, as it can damage their eyesight and can result to back problems due to incorrect

sitting positions: (4) lack of good internet connection; and the last but the most problem of

many students is, (5) not everyone can afford resources for online learning internet

subscriptions given the fact that laptops, smartphones, and tablets are not exactly cheap.

Approximately 170 schools in the country began the pilot testing for the face-to-face

classes with the Department of Health and Respective Local Government Units’ coordination

on December 2021. Basic education was not yet opened for conventional face-to-face classes

in public and private schools in the Philippines. Thus, many students still depend on distance

learning. Modular distance learning and online distance learning are the platforms that most

public schools rely on which are anchored with television-based and radio-based instruction

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(Malaya, 2020). During the pandemic, those who were not able to go and do the

classroom teaching have remote learning. Learning was made possible with the help of

distance learning.

Technical issues had been a problem for the Senior High School (SHS) students and

made learning more difficult (Cruz, 2021). As a result, the students were dissatisfied with the

technical support they got. In students’ learning process, parents always play a great role.

During the pandemic, their tasks had been doubled where they will also need to help their

children at home. They were also the ones who submit and retrieve the modules of their children

to school. Hence, parents were also challenged especially those who have many children to


According to a study entitled “Senior High School Students’ Assessment of Academic

Support on Modular Distance Learning During COVID-19” by Keziah C. Cañete and Joel D,

Potane reported that regardless of students’ demographic profile, technical limitations posed a

significant challenge while they were learning through Modular Distance Learning (MDL).

They, as well as those people around them just like their parents are lacked of sufficient

knowledge about the lessons written in the modules. Aside from that, they were also

understaffed to cope with the technical challenges they had experienced. In the study conducted

by Ozugoru (2021), almost all students were not supported when it comes to technicalities.

Students in some places had slow internet connections, which hindered them from completing

their online activities. And even worse, most of students do not have access to phones.

However, despite of their profile, there was no difference on their assessment. They were most

not supported as they had technical struggles.

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A study entitled “Online Distance Learning in Baras-Pinugay: Grade 11 HUMSS

& TVL Students’ Challenges and Opportunities” found out that it is critical to have an internet

connection that is stable enough to facilitate students’ online learning. However, most of the

participants revealed having a hard time when it comes to the stability of the internet. Due to

the fact that ODL is conducted remotely, students experience obstacles as a result of the

unreliable connection. In fact, four out of five TVL participants and two out of five HUMSS

participants indicated that their connection was unstable that makes it difficult to understand

the lessons being discussed. In the said study, they also found out that four out of five TVL

participants in HUMSS revealed difficulties when studying because of distractions in their

environment, noise specifically. The participants had trouble due to external barriers, and these

affected their focus in class. With the significant shift in the academic setting, it must be

imperative for students to have parental support in their studies since this is significantly related

to academic achievement (Javier & Jubay, 2019). There is an agreement between the

participants regarding the necessity of parental support affects their learning. In the extracts,

the participants perceived lack of parental support as a factor adding to students’ stress. Parental

support is necessary for a student’s motivation and prevents a student from neglecting their


On the other hand, HUMSS and TVL students have opportunities. Comfortability, the

brighter side of ODL is it provides comfortability to learners because it’s away from the danger

caused by pandemic. Since classes are conducted virtually, students are not obliged to finish

their task within the day and that gives them opportunity to thoroughly execute their tasks.

Affordability, online learning is more cost-efficient compared to physical learning because in

physical learning, the students need to consider the transportation, meal and most importantly

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Tel. No. +6375 (075) 955 5258

real estate (Gautam, 2020). In online learning, students do not need to pay for

unnecessary things and they can easily access their lessons with paperless submissions for their

activities and because of that, it is highly evident that online learning is much more affordable.

Time management, with flexibility comes the need for students to prioritize their time

accordingly (Best, 2020). Online learning makes students schedules more flexible, giving them

the accountability for their time and it molds their ability to organize what they need to do next

to efficiently make use of their allotted time. With Online Distance Learning (ODL) as a

learning modality, the students become progressive and efficient.

Conceptual Framework

Modular Distance Learning is the most preferred learning modality among students. Their

decision is influenced by their socio-economic status as well as a range of personal factors.

They also choose their modality based on their abilities and skills. Some, however, are

influenced by their parents and friends.

The comparability of the two learning modality, Online Distance Learning and Modular

Distance Learning, will be crucial in understanding why students make their decisions. If their

reasons are not determined and explored, they will not be heard, and the problems and

disadvantages of their chosen learning modality will remain unknown.

Also, this research can be used to determine the approaches, interventions, or solutions that

can use by educational institutions and the government in assisting students, parents, and

teachers who are struggling with this learning modalities.

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In this study, the profile of the respondents: (1) age; (2) sex; (3) socio-economic

status and reasons of ABM students for choosing modular distance learning rather than online

distance learning are the input while the profile and reasons of ABM students of SEPNAS in

choosing modular distance learning rather than online learning as their learning modality are

discovered are the output. It is hoped to achieve this by using a Narratology research design, in

which participants will be recruited through purposive sampling and data will be collected from

the participants using a Semi-Structured Interview. The data that the researchers will collect

will be subjected to thematic analysis. The diagram below shows the expected flow of

relationship between concept:

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Conceptual Paradigm
Figure 1. The paradigm of the study that illustrates the Input-Process-

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Definition of Terms

This section provides a definition offset of key terms mentioned discussed intensively

in this study.

Affordability - ability to be afforded; inexpensiveness.

Asynchronous - events that are not coordinated in time.

Comfortability - the condition of being comfortable.

Convenient - fitting in well with a person’s needs, activities, and plans. Demographic

Profile - the study of a population-based on factors, such as age, race, and sex.

External Barrier - correspond to hindrances outside of, including people and environment


Hinder - create difficulties for (someone or something), resulting in delay or

obstruction. Imperative - completely necessary.

Internet Connection - a connection provided by an Internet Service Provider that enables

individual computers or other hardware components, either individually or registered within a

Local Area Network, to exchange Data over the public internet.

Module - a portion of such a curriculum.

Obstacle - a thing that blocks one’s way or prevents or hinders

progress. 15


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Parental Support - parental behaviors toward the child, such as praising, encouraging,

and giving physical affection, which indicate to the child that he or she is accepted and loved.

Postal System - a system wherein written documents typically enclosed in envelopes, and also

small packages containing other matter, are delivered to destinations around the world.
Anything sent through the postal system is called mail or post.

Synchronous - existing or occurring at the same time.

Task - a piece of work to be done or undertaken.

Technical Issue - an issue arising regarding technical matters and, as used herein, can mean a

Standard Issue, a High Priority Issue or a Critical Issue, as applicable.

Time-management - the ability to use one’s time effectively or productively, especially at


Understaffed - having too few staff members to operate effectively.

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Chapter III


This chapter discusses the methods used in order to conduct this study. Basically, these include

the instruments, tools, techniques, and processes that the researcher makes use of for effective

understanding. Specifically, it compromises the research design, duration and locale of the

study, population and informants of the study, the material that was used to gather the pertinent
data needed, and procedures that were performed by the researcher to complete data.

Furthermore, this chapter shows how the researchers came up with the necessary data for this

study and how these data were analyzed interpreted and presented in the most promising and

proper way as much as possible.

Research Design

Methodology is perhaps one of the most crucial factors to consider in any research process.

Apart from ensuring systematism, it also outlines the strategy to be used in tackling a research

problem. One indispensable part of the methodology is the research design. According to the

articulation of Green and Tull (2007), “It is the specification of techniques and processes for

obtaining the information required. It is the over-all operational pattern or framework of the

project which states what data is to be gathered from which source by what processes.”

Seeing this significance, the researchers have decided to use narratology as the blueprint

of this study in the pursuit of exploring the reasons for choosing Modular Distance Learning

over Online Distance Learning among Accountancy, Business and Management Senior High

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School Students of Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School (SEPNAS) as

their learning modality.

According to Bhandari (2020), this qualitative research design is the opposite of quantitative

research, which is involves in collecting and analyzing non-numerical data to understand

concepts, opinions, or experiences. It can be used to gather in-depth insights into a problem or

generate new ideas for research. Tenny (2021), states that a qualitative research is a type of

research that explores and provides deeper insights into real-world problems. Instead of
collecting numerical data points or intervene or introduce treatments just like in quantitative

research, qualitative research helps generate hypotheses as well as further investigate.

Qualitative research gathers participants' experiences, perceptions, and behavior. It answers the

hows and whys instead of how many or how much.

Delimiting the idea into the actual research topic, the researchers believe that

narratology is the design that ideally suits this study because of the design’s capability to

determine the reasons for choosing Modular Distance Learning over Online Distance Learning

among Accountancy, Business and Management Senior High School Students of Speaker

Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School (SEPNAS) as their learning modality based on the

informants’ stories about their personal experiences on the Learning modality that they choose.

Narratology as an approach will surely welcome leeway and diversity in the informants’

responses as they narrate their personal stories on the learning modality that they choose.

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Duration and Locale of the Study

This study was conducted for three months from March 15 to June 12 at Speaker

Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School.

SEPNAS is school which is older than Central Luzon State University (1907) and U.P.

College of Agriculture (1908) and one of the pioneer schools in the country. It was once known

as San Carlos Farm School and it was founded in 1905 to give better educational opportunities

to its students. It was secondary school named after the late and former Speaker of the House

of Representatives of the Philippines, Eugenio Perez, who happened to be a native of then the
town of San Carlos.

In 1975, the Department of Education and Culture extended the authority to SEPNAS

to offer the four-year Teacher Education Course leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science

in Agriculture Education (BSAED). The school was chosen as a national pilot school for the

new Secondary Education Curriculum in 1985. It was also chosen as a Division Leader School

and it was used as a training school for the teachers in the Division of San Carlos City.

When K to 12 Curriculum starts, SEPNAS continue to offer quality education to both

Academic and Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL) Tracks. The academic track offered by

SEPNAS includes Accountancy Business, and Management (ABM), Humanities and Social

Sciences (HUMSS), Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), while the

TVL track consists of four strand, whereas: (1) Agri- Fishery Arts Strand such as Crop

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Production NC II and Animal production NC II; (2) Industrial Arts Strand such as

Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) and Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) NC II; (3)

Home Economics Strand such as Cookery NC II, Dressmaking NC II, Food and Beverage

Services NC II, Bread and Pastry Production NC II and Tailoring NC II; (4) Information and

Communication Technology Strand such as Animation NC II, Computer Programming NC II

and Computer System Servicing NC II.

At present due to COVID-19 pandemic, schools including SEPNAS used distance

learning modes, while also applying blended learning programs. These include online classes,

printouts, and digital modules. Although many students and teachers prefer face-to-face

classes, they have to adapt to the learning modalities provided by the Department of Education

Although there are several learning modalities that SEPNAS offers, most of the students

still prefer to be a modular distance learner. In Accountancy, Business and Management

(ABM), one of the hardest strand yet majority of the students chose modular distance learning

(MDL) as their learning modality rather than online distance learning. At this point, the

researchers are in certain that the locale of the study perfectly fits the parameters set by the


Population and Informants

The Informants that the researchers decided to interview were the academic track students

under Accountancy, Business and Management. The researchers delimited the informants to

the track under Accountancy, Business and Management because their research

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is focusing about them to ascertain their reasons why they choose Modular Distance

Learning rather than the Online Distance Learning as their modality which was essential for

them to gather the needed information in answering the research questions phenomenon.

Moreover, this research employed purposive sampling. Purposive sampling is a

sampling technique in which researcher relies on his or her own judgment when choosing

members of population to participate in the study (Creswell, 2007). This is the form of non

probability sampling because they match the objective and nature of qualitative research,

which is to present views that do not aim to be true or generalizable to the population, but

rather to provide rich descriptions of a phenomenon by those who have experienced. In

qualitative studies, sample size should be determined based on informational needs.

In fact, a guiding principles should be the concept of saturation, sample size should be

large enough to sufficiently describe the phenomenon of interest, and address the research

question at hand.

Hence, the researchers interviewed seven (7) students. They are all females, 4 (four)

from Grade 11 and 3 (three) from Grade 12. There are about 179 students who enrolled in

Accountancy, Business and Management divided into 4 sections, 4 for Grade 11 and 3 for

Grade 12. These students were experienced challenges when choosing their Learning Modality.

These students were Modular Distance Learner, thus making them the ideal participants of

this study.

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Prospective participants must possess all of the following criteria set to be considered

by the researcher for recruitment as source of data:

1. A Senior High School Students in Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School

who is currently enrolled in the Track of Accountancy, Business and Management.

2. Either Male or Female

3. Either a Grade 11 or Grade 12 students in Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural


4. Students who choose Modular Distance Learning as their Learning

Modality. Materials and Procedures

Data on the foregoing inquiry of determining the reasons of Accountancy Business

Management Senior High School students motive in choosing Modular Distance Learning as

their Learning Modality than the Online Distance Learning were gathered through self-report

approach and by interviewing the Informants using semi-structured interview.

Interview defined as a qualitative research technique that involves “conducting

intensive individual interviews with a small number of respondents to explore their

perspectives on a particular idea, program or situation. (Boyce, C. & Neale, P. (2006). Based

on the degree of structuring, interviews can be divided into three categories: structured

interviews, semi-structured interviews, and unstructured interviews (Fontana & Frey, 2005).

Semi-structured interviews are conducted with a fairly

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2005). Semi-structured interviews are conducted with a fairly open framework which

allows focused, conversational, two-way communication. The interviewer follows a guideline

but is able to follow topical trajectories in the conversation that may stray from the guide when

it seems appropriate. (Stepfanie, K.& Katharina, C.)

Upon the approval made by the research adviser and the school principal regarding the

researchers’ predefined set of questions to be used for the actual interview, the study proceeded

in its data collection phase. Purposive sampling, particularly Critical Case Sampling technique

was then employed wherein prospective participants must meet the predetermined set of critical

to be considered as sources of data in the data gathering phase.

The researcher before interviewing their participants they emphasized that the interview

was entirely voluntary. That one had the right to say "no" and refuse to participate. Secondly

they gave little background about what the research was all about including its objectives and

direct benefits that the participants could obtain form their participation in the undertaking.
Lastly, researchers established rapport with the participants to gain the trust and for the

participants to be sincere & more honest in answering questions and asked a permission from

participants if it’s good to record their answers before recording them. The researcher also

utilized a voice recorder on their cellphone which is the commonly used method for the purpose

of providing them with a verbatim voice record of the interviewee's answer which were used

to transcription, data analysis and interpretation. Audio recordings can capture what transpired

in an interview and help you to fill in the holes from your notes when you fall behind. (Tom,

B & Scoot, W. (2010)).

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The interview of each participants was conducted in English, Filipino, and

Taglish. Researcher also noted all the informants were interviewed in a convenient place and

time, wherein researchers and participants shared an atmosphere for peacefully sharing of

experiences and stories and to answer the researcher’s questions clearly. Also, to record the

participants answers without unnecessary noise and destruction. To achieve saturation point,

the researchers requires to spend considerable amount of time with the informants establish

trust and rapport.

After the interview, researchers were expressed to the informants a simple gesture of

gratitude to show big and heartfelt appreciation for their time, willingness and voluntary to be

interviewed. kindness and friendly character was maintained during the whole interview and

after the interview.

Furthermore, transcription of the audio-taped files was examined and reviewed.

Variability of result in the interview sessions was subjected into in-depth analysis in order to
determine the reasons of the Accountancy, Business and Management Senior High School

Students of Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural in choosing Modular Distance

Learning Over Online Distance Learning.

The necessary data were gathered in a short but intensive manner. The steps of data

gathering phase are as follows:

1. Securing permission from authority. The necessary permits were secured from the

authorities concerned before the administration of the interview.

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2. Knowing the informants’ brief background. This step involved knowing their

academic performances, mental abilities, and further seeking pertinent information about

them to know if they are qualified as the study’s participants. To complete this step, the

researchers were then required to spend considerable amount of time with the informants

to establish rapport and trust between the two parties.

3. Identification of qualified participants. The researchers identified their qualified informants

based on the background information that they have gathered in the previous step.

4. Asking permission from qualified participants. The researchers also asked the participants

for their permission to participate in the study. Their participation in the research was

voluntary. They were free to withdraw and to discontinue their participation at any time.

5. Securing confidentiality. As part of the researchers’ obligation, the interviewer guaranteed

the confidentiality of each participant’s privacy. No information about each participant was

leaked or shared to the public.

6. Preparing the instruments. The researchers prepared the questions for the interview. Further,
the interviewee was informed of the presence of a voice recording tool (cellular phone) that

operated during the interview.

7. Informing about the transcript. The researcher-interviewer informed each participant about

the production of a transcript for the accuracy of the data and for verification of

appropriateness of the analyses and interpretation.

8. Starting the interview. The researches first gave a little background about what the

research 25


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was all about including its objectives and the direct benefits that the participants could

obtain form their participation in the undertaking. The interview session was conducted in

the level of convenience of the informants. After which, the researchers then started the

interview by asking the questions written on the semi-structured interview guide.

9. Taking notes carefully. Filed notes during the course of the conversation was written in order

to redound to the most comprehensive and precise descriptions. The interviewer did not

only listen to the informants’ answers, rather, their remarks, nuances, behaviors and non-

verbal cues that may provide clues to the agreement of their verbal responses with their

emotional affect was observed and written on a sheet of paper. By finishing the interview,

the informants should have implied that they consented to participate in the study and that

none of them was subjected to coercion by the researchers.

10. Validating the instrument. Lastly, the researchers worked on with the transcript after the

actual interview for each participant to confirm its accuracy. Analysis and interpretation of

the transcribed the data were shown to each participant to verify if the researchers had

analyzed and interpreted their statements well, and not a mere reflection of their own

personal biases as researchers. This step ensured trustworthiness of the collected data.
Data Analysis

To facilitate the analysis of textual data, the data from the recorded voice of the respondents

were transcribed in every detail. Each line of transcribed data (portion) was given significant

code based on the meaning or context of each portion. Throughout the actual interview, field

notes were included in the analysis of data for verification of responses due to non-verbal

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cues can indicate messages that usually go unrecognized, which is useful relative to the

interpretation of data.

Moreover, the researchers used thematic analysis in the interpretation of data. The

process of thematic analysis by Braun and Clarke (2006) which follows a six-step framework

was utilized in this inquiry.

1. Familiarization. In this step, the researchers read and reread the transcript for several
times. Transcribing audio, reading through the text, and taking initial notes might
involve to get familiar data.

2. Coding. The researchers began coding the data which involves highlighting portions of
the text that are usually phrases or sentences and coming up with codes to describe their

3. Generating themes. Codes were combined into relevant categories that were associated
to the purposes of this study. The categories were identified and classified in order to
come up with themes.

4. Review of themes. During this phase, the researchers reviewed, establish and tried to alter
the initial themes to get the significant aspect of data without missing a piece of
important detail. If the themes are confirmed, the researchers move on to the next step.
5. Definition of themes. The researchers formulated exactly what each theme means and

figured out how it helps them to understand the data.

6. Writing-up. This was the final stage which involved writing a final report drafting the
meanings inherent to the respondents’ responses.

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Chapter IV


In this chapter, the analysis and interpretations of data obtained in the study and the

discussions of in-depth exploration of the research phenomenon are presented. The findings

were based on the data gathered through the transcripts of the interview with the participants.

These data were then analyzed, interpreted, and discussed to generate themes that served as a

basis for the conclusion and answer to the research phenomenon at hand.


The responses of the informants showed glimpses but rich realities and facts of their reasons

why they choose Modular Distance Learning Over Online Distance Learning. Their accounts

of personal experiences were submitted to thematic analysis by the researchers, who later

uncovered key themes such as: 1) Journey towards effective decision-making; (2) Gathering a

bundle of drawbacks; (3) A silver lining; (4) Branches of invincible weapon; and (5) Lifetime

assets. These themes were emerged when the researches reviewed the data.

Theme 1: Journey towards effective decision-making

The Accountancy, Business and Management students’ participants were asked about

their experiences in deciding on the best learning modality for the School Year 2021-2022 New
Normal Education due to the impact of COVID-19 and the increased number of cases. All the

informants confirmed that their journey towards choosing their Learning Modality is well

thought out and has faced many factors such as deciding with family, friends and peers


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Also based on the personal skills, ability of students, and their family’s socio-
economics status.

During the conduct of the interview, Bianca said, “Ang kinonsider ko ay yung sarili ko lamang

kasi ako naman yung mag aaral eh, yon lang yung kinonsider ko.” [Informant promptly and

confidently answers the question with full conviction.]

According to Erica, “One thing I considered in choosing my learning modality is our situation,

we all know that we are facing the global pandemic due to COVID-19 virus and the best

learning modality that is applicable in my situation is the modular distance learning.”

[Informant is focused and interested in the conversation.]

According to Bianca, “May impluwensiya nang konti yung aking kaibigan pero mostly ako

lang yung nag-desisyon para sa aking sarili.” [Informant maintain an openly smile while

talking to interviewers.]

According to Erica, “Yes, I considered many circumstances if choose modular system. One of

those is the availability of gadgets and internet connection affecting the online distance

learning.” [Informant is little nervous while speaking.]

According to Monica, “Isinaalang-alang ko desisyon ng magulang ko para sa akin.”

[Informant answered fast. It is a sign that she truthfully knew what to answer.]

According to Karyll, “Una, isinaalang-alang ko syempre ang kalusugan ng mga magulang

ko at ako rin tapos yung mga yung pinansyal tapos yung mga available resources

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namin sa bahay kagaya ng gadgets mga ganon and internet connection at syempre pinili

ko talaga yung kung saan ako mas mag e-excel at matututo talaga.” [Informant confidently

answers the question.]

According to Andeng, “Ang isinaalang alang ko sa pagpili ng learning modality is yung

kung saan ako mas comportable.” [Informant is confident while responding.]

According to Monica, “Oo, malaki ang impluwensya ng aking mga magulang at kaibigan sa

pagpili ng aking learning modality dahil minsan ay nakikisabay na lang ako sa kung anong

napili nila.” [Informant is in a deep thought before answering. It is a sign that a word that she

is saying is truth and sincere.]

According to Karyll, “Oo, kasi no’ng grade 10 sa Junior High School plano ko talaga mag

online kasi… Kasi nga mas matututo ako roon at may guidance ng teacher pero no’ng walang

pumili ni isa sa online sa mga kaklase’t kaibigan ko, nag-switch ako to modular.” [Informant

is laughing while answering.]

According to Karyll, “Oo naman. Una isinaalang-alang ko syempre kung… Kung ano tawag

dito ahhh…isinaalang-alang ko maigi tinignan ko lahat ng learning modality kung saan mas

fit ang skills ko gano’n tapos yung kakayahan ko tapos kakayahan din namin syempre.”
[Informant is stuttering while talking. A sign that she’s thinking well about her responses.]

According to Karyll, “Of course, syempre hindi ko nasasabi na…na nasabi ko nalang

malalaman ko pag nasubukan ko na talaga mismo no’ng pinili ko ung Online nagswitch ako

sa Modular syempre may konting regrets kasi nakakapagod naman siya talaga at

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napakaraming sasagutan pero no’ng tumagal na-realize ko na mas fit talaga ako sa

Modular kasi…Kasi nga namamanage ko ung oras at hawak ko oras ko.” [Informant is

nervous while answering.]

According to Monica, “Ang mga problema na kinaharap ko no’ng modular yung kakulangan

sa load kasi hindi ako maka-panood sa YouTube na mga lessons na mahirap intindihin sa

module tapos isa rin yung natatambakan ako dahil sa maraming gawain.” [Informant is in a

deep thought before answering the question. It is a sign that she answered with truthfulness.]

According to Monica, "Oo, kasi talagang mahirap ‘pag modular pero kapos sa pera pag face-

to-face kasi mahal ang pamasahe kaya nanatili na lang ako sa Modular.” [Informant is in deep

thought which is a sign that the words are truthful.]

According to Karyll, “Tapos ngayong Grade 11 naman, pinangako ko sa sarili ko na mag

online na talaga ako kasi na-experience ko na kung gaano kahirap ang modular distance

learning. Kaya niyaya ko ung mga kaibigan ko hahaha kayong dalawa na mag online tayo

hahaha para may kasama ako kaya mostly sila yung main factors sa pagdedecide ko talaga

kung anong modality ang pipiliin ko.” [She’s laughing while responding to the question.]

According to Karyll, “Kaya pinag-isipan ko talaga maigi kasi syempre ti-nry ko muna yung

modular at tinry ko din yung online and then na-realize ko mas okay din pala talaga sa modular
kasi kahit papano na mas may pahinga pa pag nag modular ako.” [Informant honestly

responses to the question.]

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According to Monica, “Oo syempre bago ako pumili ng learning modality ko

pinag isipan ko muna ang epekto ng mga yun.” [Informant answers quickly. A sign that she

knows what she will answer.]

According to Andeng, “Oo, pinag-isipan ko yun lahat kase alam ko na pag naging mali

yung desisyon ko makakaapekto yun sa pag-aaral ko.” [Informant makes uses of non-verbal

cues such as hand gestures and facial expressions upon answering the question.]

Theme 2: Gathering a bundle of Drawbacks

The participants were asked what difficulties they had with their preferred learning modality.

Participants from the Accountancy, Business and Management stated a distinct problem or

challenges that they had encountered when they decided to choose the Modular Distance

Learning as their Learning Modality.

During the conduct of the interview, Bianca said, “Yung mga problema ko, minsan mahirap

yung lesson na binibigay sa amin kaya mahirap intindihin kaya mahirap din sagutan yung mga

activity.” [Informant promptly answers the question.]

According to Anne, “So I think, kaunti lang ang natutunan ko but still, okay lang haha.”

[Informant is laughing at her own honest answer.]

According to Erica, “Some circumstances I’ve experienced in modular distance learning is

number one, the lack of availability of gadgets and internet connection and the

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distraction in our house. It is hard to focus on learning while your place is full of

distraction.” [Informant is serious while answering the question.]

According to Anne, “At mahirap solusyunan ang pagkabusy na nagreresulta ng kulang sa

tulog maingay na kapitbahay at ano yung…manok.” [Informant make a serious expression

while answering. A sign that she’s saying the truth.]

According to Karyll, “Pag modular ka hindi talaga siya magreretained lahat sa utak mo, hindi

siya maiiwan kasi nga walang nagtuturo sarili mo lang gano’n.” [Informant is thinking her

negative experiences on her learning modality and answers it directly to the point.]

According to Monica, “Sa totoo lang hindi, kasi pagkatapos ko magsagot susunod na araw ay

nakalimutan ko din at nahihirapan ako intindihin yung ibang lessons.” [Informant seems

focused and interested to the question.]

According to Anne, “Hindi masyado. Dahil nga self-learning. Hindi ko alam kung tama ba

mga ginagawa ko at yung mga sinasagot ko kasi nga walang nag ga-guide to me haha,”

[Informant directly faces the researcher with open stance, an indication of interest and


According to Bianca, “Ang natutunan ko is kung icoconclude ko lahat ng sinabi ko, mas

magandang mag online learning kaysa sa modular learning kasi sa modular learning, hindi ka

natututukan ng teacher.” [Informant makes uses of non-verbal cues such as hand gestures upon
answering the question. This signifies that the informant is hooked into the conversation.]

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According to Anne, “Minsan pwede di ka na kakain at hindi enough yung tulog

dahil kakaisip sa Modules or F2F lessons sa bawat subject.” [Informant answers the question

with sad facial expression.]

According to Anne, “Modular and also the face-to-face ay nakakastress.” [Infomant

answers the question with short response but directly to the point.]

According to Anne, "While the negative effect of modular if ‘yon ang pipiliin ko is

laging nasa loob ng bahay kaya lack of sunlight, poor diet, and exercise.” [Informant answers

the question with serious facial expression.]

According to Kyla, “Ano yung problema ko yung wala akong gaanong nakakausap kasi

yung kapag nagmomodule ka literal na ikaw lang yung andoon tapos wala kang kausap parang

nagkakaroon ka ng anxiety ganon.” [Informant answers the question with a sad voice, facial

expression and starting to get emotional.]

According to Karyll, “Ang mga problemang kinakaharap ko syempre talaga naapektuhan ung

mental health ko Hindi lang mental pati physical Kasilag akong puyat tapos hmm...naseset

aside ko na ng sarili ko Basta matapos ko lang ung mga module Kaya sinasakripisyo ko talaga

ung sarili ko pati ung oras ko nung nagmomodular ako para lang masubmit lahat ng

requirements.” [Informant is in deep thought while answering. It is a sign that words are

sinsere and truthful.]

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Theme 3: A Silver Lining

All participants agree that a negative occurrence may have a positive aspect to it. In real

life, when a cloud looks like its edges are shining and silvery, it's because the sun is behind it,

just like what the Accountancy, Business and Management students participants experiences in

their chosen learning modality, even it has disadvantage, it still has an advantage to offer for


During the conduct of the interview, Erica, “The advantages I’ve experience in the

modular system is you can work and have some income.” [Informant is confident to her


According to Bianca, “Ahm…., oo kasi sa ibang subject naman, “yung mga teachers,

approachable sila. Minsan nagbibigay sila ng mga learning materials kagaya ng nag

proprovide sila ng videos and minsan nag-didisscuss din sila kahit modular.” [Informant is

well spoken and make uses hand gestures and impart her answer well.]

According to Monica, “kasi anytime pwede ako magsagot at makaiwas ako sa

posibleng pagkahawa sa Covid kasi nga di’ba pandemic.” [Informant answers quickly. A sign

that she knows what she will answer.]

Theme 4: Branches of Invincible Weapon

As Ralph Waldo Emmerson said "Don't be pushed by your problem. Be lead by your dreams.”

As such, the researchers noticed that participants seem to follow the conveyed message of

quotes to stop and resolve the drawback they experiencing while facing the consequences of

their chosen Learning Modality. This is indeed a way of participants

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to overcome the obstacle to their journey in learning and life as students.

During the conduct of the interview, Bianca, “Hindi naman, kasi yung mga teacher namin

approachable sila pag may problema kami, sinasagot naman nila kaagad. minsan nagbibigay

sila ng mga learning materials kagaya ng nag-proprovide sila ng videos and minsan nag-

didisscuss din sila kahit modular’’. [Informant promptly answers the questions.]

According to Bianca, “Ano, mostly, ‘yung mga teacher, minsan mga kaklase, minsan

din ‘yung pamilya.” [Informant is smiling while answering the question. It is a sign of


According to Kyla, “Ang tumulong sa akin, yung mga kaibigan ko kasi di ba ngayon

ano, yung ano nag bumaba na yung case kaya pwede nang lumabas, minsan nagba-bonding

kami ng mga kaibigan ko pati mga family ko kaya nababawasan yung problema ko,

nababawasan yung stress.” [Informant is nervous and confuse what she will response to


According to Kyla, “Oo, naisip ko na…na piliin yung face-to-face learning kasi yung

ano yung pwede ka ng lumabas, pwede ka ng makipag-usap sa mga kaibigan mo, tsaka pwede

ka rin maka-kilala ng ibang tao bukod lang sa naging kaibigan mo no’ng Junior High School

ka.” [Informant is makes uses of hand gestures to explain her answers well.]

According to Karyll, “Ang tumulong sa akin syempre yung mga ahmm…. parents ko yung

mommy ko and daddy ko syempre kapag pagod na pagod na talaga ako kapag gusto ko na

talagang umiyak ganyan lalapit lang ako sakanila tas hihingi ako ng advise tapos

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magkukuwentuhan kami magpahinga ka muna wag ka rin puro modules ganyan tapos

ano lulutuan nila ako, papakainin nila ako para hindi talaga ako ma-stress and then pag

sobrang pagod na talaga ako na mag overthink. Hindi ko na talaga kaya, syempre magprepray

ako talaga yun lang talaga.” [Informant is smiling while explaining her answers about her


According to Karyll, “syempre ‘pag pagod na pagod ka na ‘pag hindi mo na talaga

kaya magpahinga ka tapos magspend ka ng time sa kanila tapos magpray ka lang kasi hindi

ka naman talaga nag-iisa sa lahat, maraming nagmamahal sayo yun lang.” [Informant is

explaining her answers directly to the point.]

According to Erica, “My parents is the one who motivate me when I’m struggling

answering my modules.” [Informant promptly and confidently answers the questions.]

According to Karyll, “Basta magtiwala ka lang sa sarili mo at Gawin mong

motibasyon yung pamilya mo, si God.” [Informant is focused and interested in the


According to Andeng, “Ano yung…yun nga sa bandang huli na... yung mga ano yun?

…yung problema gano’n na kinaharap ko no’ng nagmodular learning ako noon yung parang

pag ano pag-nanibago ka wag ka agad mag-gigive up.” [Informant is nervous and having

hard time in explaning her answers.]

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Theme 5: Lifetime Assets

Lastly, despite the difficulties and problems they encountered in their chosen Learning

Modality, Modular Distance Learning, the study found that all seven participants developed

lifetime assets. This was implied by their personal stories that they have shared during the

actual interview.

During the conduct of the interview, Monica, “Oo, minsan nahihirapan ako pero kinakaya pa

naman.” [Informant directly faces the researcher with smiles and maintains direct eye contact

which signifies truthfulness.]

According to Bianca, “Oo naisip ko na rin magpalit ng learning modality. Kung

papipiliin ako, pipiliin ko ‘yung online distance learning kasi sa online distance learning, mas

matututo ako. Pwede pang ma-retain “yong mga lessons sa utak ko, pero kasi pag modular

kayang-kaya ko kaagad kalimutan ‘yong mga lesson.” [Informant is in deep thought which is

a sign that the words are truthful.]

According to Andeng, “Madami, kasi parang no’ng pumasok na ako sa Senior High

School parang mas natutukan ko yung pag-aaral ko nang mas maigi.” [Informant confidently

answers the question with full conviction.]

According to Andeng, “Parang mas natututo akong...akong mag self-leaming, parang

alam ko sa sarili na nag-iimprove ako sa self-learning.” [Informant makes use of hand gestures

to explain and impart her answers well, a sure sign of truthfulness.]

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According to Erica, “Actually…ahmm ...I don’t really enjoy the modular

distance learning because it’s really hard to study alone and do some activities without any

discussion from our teacher, ahh…it’s hard to adopt this kind of situation wherein you can only

rely on yourself.” [Informant is in deep thought while answering. It is a sign that words are


According to Kyla, “Ako lang din naman yung ano eh magsasagot, magpapakahirap

sagotan, magsagot sa mga ano module.’’ [Informant answers quickly the question.]

According to Erica, “I really want to back the old days which you can go to school and

have opportunity to socialize with others, but in this situation we don’t have any choice, it’s

the new normal which is hard but we must adopt.” [Informant is confidently answers the


According to Karyll, “Natututo akong mag-manage ng oras ko tapos natututo akong mag aral

mag-isa talagang tumayo ako sa sarili kong paa talaga.” [Informant is promptly answers the


According to Anne “Yes, dahil until now lagi pa rin akong rush. But yung cheating thing is

hindi naman na, hindi na ko nangongopya ngayon.” [Informant is laughing while answering.]

According to Andeng, “Pag nag-lack ka na nang time, parang nasa sayo na yan kung paano

mo mababalance tsaka yun nga sinabi ko yung nagshare ako kay mama gano’n. Parang

nakatulong din sila na para mabawasan yung kakulangan ko sa oras, yung mga kailangan kong

gawin sa araw-araw.” [Informant is confident while answering.]

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According to Karyll, “Ahmm gusto ko lang ibahagi sa kanila na na ahh…Ngayon kasi

ngayong panahon na ngayon bago na yung sistema sa edukasyon talaga ahmm… matututo ka

talagang tumayo sa sarili mo lang wag kang matatakot na gawin yun kasi sa totoo lang wala

kang ibang kakompetensya kundi yung sarili mo lang makakaya mo naman eh.” [Informant

makes use of hand gestures to explain and impart her answers well, a sure sign of truthfulness.]

According to Erica, “I think we don’t have any choice, we are on the pandemic the only

way we can continue our studies is to accept the modular system even though it is hard for the

side of both teachers and students.” [Informant is confident while answering.]

According to Bianca, “Oo marami naman akong natutunan kahit papano kasi sinikap ko

talaga na aralin pa rin kahit na syempre gusto kong matuto kasi ako ang mahihirapan kung

hindi ako prepared sa Senior High School.” [Informant is in deep thought while answering. It

is a sign that words are sincere.]

Table 1 presents the themes that came about from the data after careful analyses by the


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Table 1. Thematic analysis of the collected data and their actual statement from
Where the themes were derived.
Theme Sample response

Theme 1: · “Ang kinonsider ko ay yung sarili ko lamang kasi ako

naman yung mag-aaral eh, yon lang yung cinonsider
Journey towards ko.”
effective decision
making · “One thing I considered in choosing my learning modality
is our situation, we all know that we are facing the
global pandemic due to COVID-19 virus and the best
learning modality that is applicable in my situation is
the modular distance learning.”

· “May impluwensiya ng konti yung aking kaibigan pero

mostly ako lang yung nag-desisyon para sa aking

· “Yes, I considered many circumstances if choose modular

system one of those is the availability of gadgets and
internet connection affecting the online distance

· “Isinaalang-alang ko desisyon ng magulang ko para sa


· “Una, isinaalang-alang ko syempre ang kalusugan ng

mga magulang ko at ako rin tapos yung mga yung
pinansyal tapos yung mga available resources ko at ako
rin tapos yung mga yung pinansyal tapos yung mga
available resources namin sa bahay kagaya ng gadgets
mga ganon and internet connection at syempre pinili ko
talaga yung kung saan ako mas mag e-excel at matututo

· “Ang isinaalang alang ko sa pagpili ng learning

modality is yung kung saan ako mas comfortable.”

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· “Oo, malaki ang impluwensya ng aking mga magulang at
kaibigan sa pagpili ng aking learning modality dahil
minsan ay nakikisabay na lang ako sa kung anong napili

· “Oo, kasi no’ng grade 10 sa Junior High School plano ko

talaga mag-online kasi… Kasi nga mas matututo ako
roon at may guidance ng teacher pero no’ng walang
pumili ni isa sa online sa mga kaklase’t kaibigan ko nag-
switch ako to modular.”

· “Oo naman una isinaalang-alang ko syempre kung… Kung

ano tawag dito ah…isinaalang-alang ko maigi tinignan
ko lahat ng learning modality kung saan mas fit ang skills
ko gano’n tapos yung kakayahan ko tapos kakayahan din
namin syempre.”

· “Of course, syempre hindi ko nasasabi na…na nasabi ko

nalang malalaman ko pag nasubukan ko na talaga mismo
no’ng pinili ko ung Online nagswitch ako sa Modular
syempre may unting regrets kasi nakakapagod naman
siya talaga at napakaraming sasagutan pero no’ng
tumagal na
realize ko na mas fit talaga ako sa Modular kasi…Kasi
nga namamanage ko ung oras at hawak ko oras ko.”

· “Ang mga problema na kinaharap ko no’ng modular yung

kakulangan sa load kasi hindi ako maka-panood sa
youtube na mga lessons na mahirap intindihin sa module
tapos isa rin yung natatambakan ako dahil sa maraming

· "Oo, kasi talagang mahirap pag modular pero kapos sa

pera pag face-to-face kasi mahal ang pamasahe kaya
nanatili na lang ako sa Modular.”
· “Tapos ngayong Grade 11 naman pinangako ko sa sarili
ko na mag online na talaga ako kasi na-experience ko na
kung gaano kahirap ang modular distance learning.
Kaya niyaya ko ung mga kaibigan ko hahaha kayong
dalawa na mag online tayo hahaha

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Theme 2: para may kasama ako kaya mostly sila yung main factors
sa pagdedecide ko talaga kung anong modality ang
Gathering a bundle pipiliin ko.”
of Drawbacks
- “Kaya pinag-isipan ko talaga maigi kasi syempre tinry ko
muna yung modular at tinry ko rin yung online and then
na-realize ko mas okay rin pala talaga sa modular kasi
kahit papano na mas may pahinga pa pag nag modular

- “Oo syempre bago ako pumili ng learning modality ko

pinag-isipan ko muna ang epekto ng mga yun.”

- “Oo, pinag-isipan ko yun lahat kase alam ko na pag

naging mali yung desisyon ko makakaapekto yun sa pag
aaral ko.”

- “Yung mga problema ko, minsan mahirap yung lesson na

binibigay sa amin kaya mahirap intindihin kaya mahirap
din sagutan yung mga activity.”

- “So I think, kaunti lang ang natutunan ko but still, okay

lang haha.”

- “Some circumstances I’ve experienced in modular

distance learning is number one, the lack of availability
of gadgets and internet connection and the distraction in
our house. It is hard to focus on learning while your
place is full of distraction.”

- “At mahirap solusyunan ang pagkabusy na nagreresulta

ng kulang sa tulog maingay na kapitbahay at ano

- “Pag modular ka hindi talaga siya magreretained lahat sa

utak mo, hindi siya maiiwan kasi nga walang nagtuturo
sarili mo lang gano’n.”

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Theme 3: - “Sa totoo lang hindi, kasi pagkatapos ko magsagot
susunod na araw ay nakalimutan ko din at nahihirapan
A Silver Lining ako intindihin yung ibang lessons.”

- “Hindi masyado. Dahil nga self-learning. Hindi ko alam

kung tama ba mga ginagawa ko at yung mga sinasagot
ko kasi nga walang nag ga-guide to me haha,”

- “Ang natutunan ko is kung icoconclude ko lahat ng sinabi

ko, mas magandang mag online learning kaysa sa
modular learning kasi sa modular learning, hindi ka
natututukan ng teacher.

- “Minsan pwede di ka na kakain at hindi enough yung tulog

dahil kakaisip sa Modules or F2F lessons sa bawat

- “Modular and also the face-to-face ay nakakastress.”

- "While the negative effect of modular if ‘yon ang pipiliin

ko is laging nasa loob ng bahay kaya lack of sunlight,
poor diet, and exercise.”

· “Ano yung problema ko yung wala akong gaanong

nakakausap kasi yung kapag nagmomodule ka literal na
ikaw lang yung andoon tapos wala kang kausap parang
nagkakaroon ka ng anxiety ganon.”

· “Ang mga problemang kinakaharap ko syempre talaga

naapektuhan ung mental health ko Hindi lang mental
pati physical Kasilag akong puyat tapos hmm...naseset
aside ko na ng sarili ko Basta matapos ko lang ung mga
module Kaya sinasakripisyo ko talaga ung sarili ko pati
ung oras ko nung nagmomodular ako para lang
masubmit lahat ng requirements.”

- “The advantages I’ve experience in the modular system

is you can work and have some income.”

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Theme 4: - “Ahm…., oo kasi sa ibang subject naman, “yung mga
teachers, approachable sila. Minsan nagbibigay sila ng
Branches of mga learning materials kagaya ng nag-proprovide sila
Invincible Weapon ng videos and minsan nag-didisscuss din sila kahit

- “Kasi anytime pwede ako magsagot at makaiwas ako sa

posibleng pagkahawa sa Covid kasi nga di’ba

- “Hindi naman kasi yung mga teacher namin

approachable sila pag may problema kami, sinasagot
naman nila kaagad. minsan nagbibigay sila ng mga
learning materials kagaya ng nag-proprovide sila ng
videos and minsan nag-didisscuss din sila kahit

- “Ano, mostly, ‘yung mga teacher, minsan mga kaklase,

minsan din ‘yung pamilya.”

- “Ang tumulong sa akin yung mga kaibigan ko kasi diba

ngayon ano, yung ano nag bumaba na yung case kaya
pwede ng lumabas, minsan nag ba-bonding kami ng mga
kaibigan ko pati mga family ko kaya nababawasan yung
problema ko, nababawasan yung stress.”

- “Oo, naisip ko na… na piliin yung face-to-face learning

kasi yung ano yung pwede ka ng lumabas, pwede ka
ng makipag-usap sa mga kaibigan mo, tsaka pwede ka
rin maka-kilala ng ibang tao bukod lang sa naging
kaibigan mo no’ng Junior High School ka.”

- “Ang tumulong sa akin syempre yung mga ahmm….

parents ko yung mommy ko and daddy ko syempre kapag
pagod na pagod na talaga ako kapag gusto ko

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Theme 5: na talagang umiyak ganyan lalapit lang ako sakanila tas
hihingi ako ng advise tapos magkukuwentuhan kami
Lifetime Assets magpahinga ka muna wag kadin puro modules ganyan
tapos ano lulutuan nila ako, papakainin nila ako para
hindi talaga ako ma-stress and then pag sobrang pagod
na talaga ako na mag overthink. hindi ko na talaga kaya
syempre magprepray ako talaga yun lang talaga.”

- “Syempre pag pagod na pagod ka na pag hindi muna

talaga kaya magpahinga ka tapos magspend ka ng
time sa kanila tapos magpray ka lang kasi hindi ka
naman talaga nag iisa sa lahat, maraming
nagmamahal sayo yun lang.”

- “My parents are the one who motivate me when I

struggling answering my modules.’’

- Basta magtiwala ka lang sa sarili mo at Gawin mong

motibasyon yung pamilya mo, si God.”

- “Ano yung…yun nga sa bandang huli na... yung mga ano

yun? …yung problema gano’n na kinaharap ko no’ng
nagmodular learning ako noon yung parang pag ano
pag nanibago ka wag ka agad mag-gigive up.”

- “Oo, minsan nahihirapan ako pero kinakaya pa naman.”

- “Oo naisip ko na rin magpalit ng learning modality.

Kung papipiliin ako, pipiliin ko ‘yung online distance
learning kasi sa online distance learning, mas
matututo ako.

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Pwede pang ma-retain “yong mga lessons sa utak ko,
pero kasi pag modular kayang kaya ko kaagad
kalimutan ‘ying mga lesson.”

- “Madami kasi parang nung pumasok na ako sa Senior

High School parang mas natutukan ko yung pag-aaral
ko nang mas maigi.”

- “Parang mas natututo akong...akong mag self-leaming,

parang alam ko sa sarili na nag-iimprove ako sa self

- “Actually…ahmm ...I don’t really enjoy the modular

distance learning because it’s really hard to study alone
and do some activities without any discussion from our
teacher… ahh…it’s hard to adopt this kind of situation
wherein you can only rely on yourself.”

- “Ako lang din naman yung ano eh magsasagot,

magpapakahirap sagotan, magsagot sa mga ano

- “I really want to back the old days which you can go to

school and have opportunity to socialize with others, but
in this situation we don’t have any choice, it’s the new
normal which is hard but we must adopt.”

- “Natututo akong mag-manage ng oras ko tapos natututo

akong mag aral mag-isa talagang tumayo ako sa sarili
kong paa talaga.”

- “Yes, dahil until now lagi pa rin akong rush. But yung
cheating thing is hindi naman na, hindi na ko
nangongopya ngayon.”

- “Pag nag-lack ka na nang time, parang nasa sayo nayan

kung paano mo mababalance tsaka yun nga sinabi ko
yung nagshare ako kay mama gano’n.”

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- “Ahmm gusto ko lang ibahagi sa kanila na na
ahh…Ngayon kasi ngayong panahon na ngayon bago
na yung sistema sa edukasyon talaga ahmm… matututo
ka talagang tumayo sa sarili mo lang wag kang
matatakot na gawin yun kasi sa totoo lang wala kang
ibang kakompetensya kundi yung sarili mo lang
makakaya mo naman ehhh.”.

- “I think we don’t have any choice, we are on the

pandemic the only way we can continue our studies is
to accept the modular system even though it is hard for
the side of both teachers and students.”

- “Oo marami naman akong natutunan kahit papano kasi

sinikap ko talaga na aralin pa din kahit na syempre
gusto kong matuto kasi ako ang mahihirapan kung
hindi ako prepared sa Senior High School.”

The researchers carefully analyzed the participants’ transcribed interviews for analyses. This

led them to come up with a comprehensive conceptual diagram as shown on the succeeding

pages (Figure 2).

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The discrete and dynamic responses of the participants directed the researcher to the

revelations of truth in their reasons why they chose Modular Distance Learning rather than

Online Distance Learning. Important themes appeared that described the respondents’ reasons

in choosing Modular Distance Learning over Online Distance Learning as their Learning

Modality. The key themes were identified as (1) Journey towards effective decision-making,

(2) Gathering a bundle of Drawbacks, (3) A Silver Lining, (4) Branches of Invincible Weapon.

(5) Lifetime Assets.

Accordingly, the participants state their reasons on choosing Modular Distance

Learning over Online Distance Learning as their Learning Modality. The participants

narrations about the main phenomenon have uncover parts of truths as well as undiscover

realities. The outspoken revelations give light to the problem under scrutiny.

The first theme, Journey towards effective decision-making was emerged from the

informants talks about the decision-making of the participants in choosing their most fit

learning modality for the school year 2021 to 2022.

The informants have been experienced decision-making for their Learning Modality

when they were Junior High School students, Grade 10. Remarkably, all the informant's

responses on their reasons regardless their learning modality centered on the further

understanding of their effective decision-making skills. These were consistent answers which

are all under the wing of their Journey towards effective decision-making.

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The second theme that emerged from the informant's personal accounts was the

Gathering a bundle of drawbacks, which clarify the challenges that the participants

encountered in their chosen learning modality. According to informants, Physical and Mental
Health problem and Lack of Student-Teacher Interaction is the leading obstacles they faced

that prevent them from enjoying their journey in learning and life as Senior High School


The informants explanation were huge revelation of the disadvantages of their chosen

learning modality. The explicitly shared experiences and stories of the informants were

seemingly enough to close that they still load with the challenges and problems encountered in

Modular Distance Learning.

The third theme, A Silver Lining was noted from the participants stories as they

discussed their significant experiences in Modular Distance Learning. As they faced bad effects

they also faced good effects in Modular Distance Learning. From not being fully safe in Online

Distance Learning they considered that in Modular Ditance Learning there will be more safety

because of not socializing to other students and strangers. These considerations in choosing

their learning modality effectively showed the good impact of critical reasoning.

Since the group possesses multitasking implementation, student's safety and unlimited

time in answering as their reflection in choosing their learning modality, each of the informants’

reasons implicates that the students seen as good at decision-making.

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The fourth theme, Branches of Invincible Weapon implies that the informants

have had a clear realization on their personal stories on the relationship of people around them

that despite the challenges and disadvantages which bring them down, there was a support,

motivation and love of God, loved one's, friends, teachers and peer has good impact on their

health and the way they think. Also, the way how they handle their everyday works and
problems from their chosen Modular Distance Learning, Modality.

Lastly, the fifth theme, Lifetime Assets was also noted from the participant's

experiences on Modular Distance Learning in doing their school activities and lessons and

everyday life as students. It was apparent in their responses that their chosen learning modality

were effective amidst the problem and challenges they encounter as they are already performing

in Modular Distance learning. Their shared stories are great manifestation of the application of

their improvement to any skills such as diligent learning, coping skills, academic development,

developed proper time managing, independent learning, self -reliance and etc.

Each of the improved skills of the participants have noted the positive effects of the Modular

Distance Learning. All of them affirmed to this for it is only through the application of their

performance on the Modular Distance Learning. Categories from each dimension of the

informants encounter in Modular Distance Learning were generated and paved way for this

single theme that speaks for the entire point of view of each informants’ improvement.

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Chapter V


This chapter shows the summary of the entire research study, the conclusions inferred

and the corresponding recommendations allotted from the analysis and interpreted data.


The central problem of this study was to determine the reasons for choosing Modular Distance

Learning over Online Distance Learning among Accountancy Business and Management
Senior High School students of Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School.

Furthermore, the informants of this study were the academic track students under

Accountancy, Business and Management who were selected using non-probability sampling,

specifically, critical case purposive sampling technique.

Seven (7) students under Accountancy Business and Management strand were interviewed

using a semi-structured interview guide from whom data saturation was attained. Variability

have result in the interview sessions were subjected to thematic analysis. After the rigid analysis

of data, the findings were identified and from these findings in turn implications of the study

and recommendations were formulated.


Theme 1: Journey towards effective decision-making

In choosing a learning modality, there are a lot of factors that should be considered such

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as socio-economic status, availability of resources and student’s safety. The participants

had encountered challenges and these are also included in factors they considered in choosing

their learning modality.

Theme 2: Gathering a bundle of drawbacks

The participants encountered several negative outcomes in modular distance learning.

Some of them experienced mental and physical health problems and it also hindered them in

acquiring sufficient knowledge and certainty of action due to lack of teachers’ guidance.

Theme 3: A silver lining

When things look black, there’s always a silver lining. Thus, despite of the difficulties

and challenges the participants encountered, an advantage will still emerge in that

circumstances. Even though a lot of task were given to them, they can still manage to finish it

because they have unlimited time and sometimes are able to multitask.

Theme 4: Branches of invincible weapon

To overcome the difficulties, the participants need help or encouragement to keep

going. They considered love ones, and teachers’ guidance as motivations to conquer all the

challenges and difficulties they encountered. Also, they strengthen their faith to almighty God

by praying their worries.



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Theme 5: Life time assets

Upon experiencing the consequences of the participants ‘decisions, they learned from

them whereas they are able to adjust, develop proper time management, and avoid cheating

which lead them to their personal growth. Moreover, they acquire diligent learning, situation

adaptation, being able to balance their time and to believe themselves for them to cope up in

the situation they are in.


The use of a narratological inquiry as a research design and thematic analysis to analyze

the data was successful in acquiring information from the study’s respondents. Individual

interviews with participants were conducted to know about the reasons of ABM students of

SEPNAS in choosing their learning modality.

After extensive data gathering and numerous layers of data processing, the researchers

arrived at the following themes: “Journey towards effective decision making”, “Gathering a

bundle of drawbacks”, “A silver lining”, “Branches of invincible weapon”, and “Lifetime

assets”. These themes allowed the researchers to determine the main factors in choosing their

learning modality.

The researchers have gained a better understanding of the revealed themes as a result

of their investigation. The conclusions of the study resulted to a more comprehensive


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of reasons for choosing learning modality of ABM students in SEPNAS. Thus, ABM

students prefer modular than online learning to cope effectively to excel academically.


From the data gathered through the interview, various recommendations were

accumulated. In light of the conclusions, the following recommendations are hereby


1. For the students to make wise decision-making, they must consider their own

capabilities, available resources, socio-economic status, consult their parents and don’t

just be influenced by others with impulsive decision.

2. For educators, they should give a free consultation program for students which promotes

a better understanding regarding the learning modalities to help the students decide

what learning modality fits them.

3. For school administrators, curriculum planners and developers to enhance and refine the
curriculum by providing more efficient and accessible learning modality for students.

4. For parents and guardians, they should help their children to decide what learning

modality they should choose by assisting and guiding them.

5. For future researchers to improve the instrument utilized and further analysis, they

should maximize their subject matter.

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Appendix A

(Letter to the Principal)

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Tel. No. +6375 (075) 955 5258

Appendix B

(Letter to the Participants)

To the participants,
We, the ABM student-researchers from Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural

School, are presently doing a research entitled "THE REASON FOR CHOOSING





Recognizing your chosen learning modality as a grade 11 and 12 ABM student, you
are chosen as the participant of our research. Thus, we would like to interview you as part of
the activities of our study about your reasons regarding in choosing your learning modality.
We are looking forward to your cooperation and rest assured that your identity and responses
will be kept with utmost confidentiality.

Truly yours,

Tricia Mae T. Rosario

Alysa Joy B. Daza
Angela M. Sagadal
Katrina Carla D.V. Ferrer
Ma. Cristina R. Manuel
Rochelle L. Mendoza
Joe Marc M. Cayabyab

SCHOOL Roxas Boulevard, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Tel. No. +6375 (075) 955 5258

Appendix C

Copy of Data Collection Instrument (specify)

Informant 1

Researcher: Magandang araw. Ako si Tricia Mae T. Rosario, 17 taong gulang at kasalukuyang
nag-aaral sa Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School sa ika-11 baitang sa strand

na ABM - A. Alinsunod sa napagkasuduan natin noong ikaw ay aking inanyayahang maging

kabahagi ng aming pananaliksik namin bilang isang partisipante ay akin kang kakapanayamin




NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL SCHOOL, upang aming mailahad ang mga dahilan o rason

ng mga mag-aaral sa ABM strand upang higit na piliin ang Modular Distance Learning

kumpara sa Online Distance Learning. Batid naming mga mananaliksik ang iyong

pinagdaanang pagsubok lalo na ngayong higit na mahirap ang paraan ng pag-aaral ng bawat

mag-aaral. Nawa’y maging daana ng magiging resulta ng pag-aaral naming ito upang makamit

ang aming mga layunin makakuha ng inspirasyon mula sa iyong karanasan sa learning modality

na iyong pinili at mabigyang-solusyon ang mga suliraning mailalahad dito. Bahagi ng panayam

na ito na ikaw ay tatanungin tungkol sa mga isinaalang-alang mo sa pagpili ng iyong learning

modality, karanasan at problemang iyong kinaharap sa learning modality na iyong pinili.

Maaari kang gumawa ng paglilinaw kung may mga tanong kang hindi mo kaagad naintindihan.

Gagamit ako ng smart phone upang i-record itong magiging panayam o ire-record ko itong

ating panayam upang magawa kong maisulat at ito nman ang aking gagamitin upang

maisagawa ang gagawin kong pagsusuri sa iyong mga magiging tugon.

SCHOOL Roxas Boulevard, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Tel. No. +6375 (075) 955 5258

Tinitiyak ko sa iyong anumang ilahad mo sa panayam na ito ay mananatiling sa pagitan

mo at ako lang ang makakaalam nito, at ang iyong magiging pahayag ay gagamitin lamang

ayon sa binangit kong layunin ng pag-aaral na ito. Huwag kang mangingiming magsabi kung

mayroon kang mga katanugan bago tayo magsimula. May mga nais ka bang linawin?

Participant 1: Wala na.

Researcher: Kung wala na ay tayo nang magsimula.

Researcher: Ano ang mga isinaalang-alang mo sa pagpili ng iyong learning modality?

Participant 1: Una, isinaalang-alang ko syempre ang kalusugan ng mga magulang ko at ako

rin tapos ‘yong mga pinansyal tapos ‘yong mga available resources namin sa bahay kagaya ng

gadgets mga ganon and internet connection at syempre pinili ko talaga ‘yong kung saan ako

mas mag-excel at matuto talaga.

Researcher: Malaki ba ang impluwensiya ng iyong mga magulang, kaibigan, at kaklase sa

pagpili ng modular distance learning bilang iyong learning modality?

Participant 1: Oo, kasi no’ng grade 10 sa Junior High School plano ko talaga mag-online kasi

nga mas matututo ako roon at may guidance ng teacher pero no’ng walang pumili ni isa sa

online sa mga kaklase’t kaibigan ko, nagswitch ako to modular. Tapos ngayong grade 11

naman, pinangako ko sa sarili ko na mag-online na talaga ako kasi na-experience ko na kung

gaano kahirap ang Modular Distance Learning. Kaya niyaya ko ‘yong mga kaibigan ko na mag

online para may kasama ako kaya mostly sila ‘yong main factors sa pagdedecide ko talaga kung



SCHOOL Roxas Boulevard, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Tel. No. +6375 (075) 955 5258

anong modality ang pipiliin ko.

Researcher: Pinag-isipan mo bang mabuti ang mga positibo at negatibong epekto ng bawat

learning modalities bago ka pumili?

Participant 1: Oo naman. Una, isinaalang-alang kong maigi. Tinignan ko lahat ng learning

modality kung saan ba mas fit ang skills ko gano’n, tapos kakayahan din namin syempre kaya

pinag-isipan ko talaga maigi kasi syempre tinry ko rin ‘yong online and then na-realize ko, mas
okay din pala talaga sa modular kasi kahit papaano mas may pahinga pa ‘pag nag-modular ako.

Researcher: Ano-ano ang magandang epekto na naranasan mo noong pinili mo ang modular

distance learning?

Participant 1: ‘Yong una siguro, ang nagging magandang epekto nagging independent ako.

Natututo akong magmanage ng oras ko tapos natututo akong mag-arala mag-isa. Talagang

tumayo ako sa sarili kong paa talaga.

Researcher: Marami ka bang natutunan na lesson noong nasa modular distance learning ka?

Participant 1: Oo, marami naman akong natutunan kahit papaano kasi sinikap ko talaga na

aralin pa rin kahit na syempre gusto kong matuto kasi ako ang mahihirapan, hindi ako

prepared sa Senior High School. Pero talaga, ‘pag modular ka, hindi talaga siya mag-reretain

lahat sa utak mo. Hindi lang ‘yong maiiwan kasi nga walang nagtuturo sa sarli mo gano’n.

SCHOOL Roxas Boulevard, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Tel. No. +6375 (075) 955 5258

Researcher: Noong modular distance learning na ang napili mo, masasabi mo bang

tama ang iyong naging desisyon sa pagpili ng iyong learning modality?

Participant 1: Of course, syempre, hindi ko masasabi. Masasabi ko na lang, malalaman ko na

lang ‘pag nasubukan ko na talaga. Nung pinili ko ung modular nagswitch ako sa modular

syempre may konting regrets kasi nakakapagod naman sya talaga at napakadaming sasagutan

pero nung tumagal narealize ko na mas fit talaga ako sa modular kasi nga namamanage ko ung

oras at hawak ko oras ko.

Researcher: Ano-ano ang mga problema na kinaharap mo noong pinili mo ang Modular

Distance Learning?
Participant 1: Ang mga problemang kinakaharap ko syempre talaga naapektuhan yung mental

health ko, hindi lang mental pati physical kasi lagi akong puyat tapos naseset aside ko na ung

sarili ko basta matapos ko lang yung mga module kaya sinasakripisyo ko talaga ung sarili ko

pati yung oras ko nung nagmomodular ako para lang masubmit lahat ng requirements.

Researcher: Nahirapan ka bang solusyonan ang mga problemang ito?

Participant 1: Oo nahirapan ako talaga kasi hindi ko alam kung paano ko babalansehin yung

oras ko sa sobrang dami ng pinapagawa pero ang ginawa ko nalang syempre pag pagod na

talaga ako pag hindi ko na kaya syempre magpapahinga ako tapos i-spend nalang ako ng time

sa family ko para may energy pa ako magsagot ulit parang ginawa ko silang motivation or

ginawa ko silang pahinga ko kahit na nahirapan na ako para magpatulog pa rin at saka ngayon

ininclude ko naman na yung sarili ko sa oras ko.

SCHOOL Roxas Boulevard, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Tel. No. +6375 (075) 955 5258

Researcher: Sino-Sino ang tumulong sa iyo upang ito’y ma resolba?

Participant 1: Ang tumulong sa akin syempre yung mga parents ko, yung mommy ko and

daddy ko syempre pag pagod na pagod na talaga ako pag gusto kona talagang umiyak ganyan

lalapit lang ako sakanila tas hihingi ako ng advise tapos magkukuwentuhan kami magpahinga

ka muna huwag kadin puro modules ganyan tapos ano lulutuan nila ako papakainin nila ako

para hindi talaga ako maistress and then pag sobrang pagod na talaga ako na mag overthink

ako, na hindi ko na talaga kaya syempre magpapray ako talaga un lang talaga.

Researcher: Naisip mo bang magpalit nalang ng learning modality dahil sa mga nasabi mong

problema na iyong kinaharap? Bakit?

Participant 1: Sa totoo lang hindi ko naisipan na magpalit ng learning modality kasi nga

nanggaling na ako sa online diba tapos nakakastress pala talaga sa online kasi hindi nga ako
aware na yung patakaran pala nila sa online kapag senior high school eh mag oonline ka tapos

magmomodules ka din parang hindi siya organize tas doble pa yung pagod.pag modular kahit

papano makakapagpahinga ka pa din hawak mo oras mo ganyan kaya mas kaya. Hindi naman

ako nagsisisi na pinili ko yung modular dahil nga isinaalang alang ko syempre ang kalusugan

ng mga magulang ko at ako rin tapos yong mga.yng pinansyal tapos yung mga available

resources namin sa bahay kagaya ng gadgets mga ganon and internet connection at syempre

pinili ko talaga yung kung saan ako mas mag-eexcell matututo talaga.

Researcher: Mayroon ka pa po bang nais na idagdag sa mga naging kasagutan mo

kanina? 69


SCHOOL Roxas Boulevard, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Tel. No. +6375 (075) 955 5258

Participant 1: Gusto ko lang ibahagi sa kanila na ngayon kasi ngayong panahon na

ngayon bago na yung sistema sa edukasyon talaga matututo ka talagang tumayo sa sarili mong

paa at huwag kang natatakot na gawin yon kasi sa totoo lang wala kang ibang kakompetensya

kundi yung sarili mo lang makakaya mo namn eh. Basta magtiwala ka lang sa sarili mo at

syempre andyaan at gawin mong motibasyon ung pamilya mo si god at syempre pag pagod na

pagod kana pag hindi muna talaga kaya magpahinga ka tapos mag-spend ka ng time sa kanila

tapos magpray ka lang kasi hindi ka naman talaga nag-iisa sa lahat maraming nagmamahal

sayo, yon lang.

Informant 2

Researcher: Magandang araw. Ako si Angela M. Sagadal, 18 taong gulang at kasalukuyang

nag-aaral sa Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School sa ika-11 baitang sa strand
na ABM - A. Alinsunod sa napagkasuduan natin noong ikaw ay aking inanyayahang maging

kabahagi ng aming pananaliksik namin bilang isang partisipante ay akin kang kakapanayamin




NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL SCHOOL, upang aming mailahad ang mga dahilan o rason

ng mga mag-aaral sa ABM strand upang higit na piliin ang Modular Distance Learning

kumpara sa Online Distance Learning. Batid naming mga mananaliksik ang iyong

pinagdaanang pagsubok lalo na ngayong higit na mahirap ang paraan ng pag-aaral ng bawat

mag-aaral. Nawa’y maging daana ng magiging resulta ng pag-aaral naming ito upang makamit

ang aming mga layunin makakuha ng inspirasyon mula sa iyong karanasan sa learning modality

SCHOOL Roxas Boulevard, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Tel. No. +6375 (075) 955 5258

na iyong pinili at mabigyang-solusyon ang mga suliraning mailalahad dito. Bahagi ng

panayam na ito na ikaw ay tatanungin tungkol sa mga isinaalang-alang mo sa pagpili ng iyong

learning modality, karanasan at problemang iyong kinaharap sa learning modality na iyong

pinili. Maaari kang gumawa ng paglilinaw kung may mga tanong kang hindi mo kaagad

naintindihan. Gagamit ako ng smart phone upang i-record itong magiging panayam o ire-record

ko itong ating panayam upang magawa kong maisulat at ito nman ang aking gagamitin upang

maisagawa ang gagawin kong pagsusuri sa iyong mga magiging tugon. Tinitiyak ko sa iyong

anumang ilahad mo sa panayam na ito ay mananatiling sa pagitan mo at ako lang ang

makakaalam nito, at ang iyong magiging pahayag ay gagamitin lamang ayon sa binangit kong

layunin ng pag-aaral na ito. Huwag kang mangingiming magsabi kung mayroon kang mga

katanugan bago tayo magsimula. May mga nais ka bang linawin?

Participant 2: Wala na.

Researcher: Kung wala na ay tayo nang magsimula.

Researcher: Ano ang mga isinaalang-alang mo sa pagpipili ng iyong learning modality?

Participant 2: Ang isinaalang alang ko sa pagpili ng learning modality is yung kung saan ako

mas comportable.

Researcher: Malaki ba ang impluwensiya ng iyong mga magulang, kaibigan at kaklase sa

pagpili ng modular distance learning bilang iyong learning modality?

Participant 2: Oo, malaki parang naging ginawa ko din yung

motivation. 71


SCHOOL Roxas Boulevard, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Tel. No. +6375 (075) 955 5258

Researcher: Pinag-isipan mo bang mabuti ang mga positibo at negatibong epekto ng

bawat learning modalities bago ka pumili?

Participant 2: Oo pinagiispan ko yon lahat kasi alam ko na pag naging mali yong desisyon

ko makakaapekto yon sa pag-aaral ko

Researcher: Ano-ano ang magandang epekto na naranasan mo noong pinili mo ang modular

distance learning?

Participant 2: Parang mas natututo akong mag self-learning

Researcher: Marami ka bang natutunan na lesson noong asa sa modular distance learning ka?

Participant 2: Madami kasi parang nung pumasok na ako sa senior high school parang mas

natutukan ko ung pag-aaral ko nang mas maigi.

Researcher: Noong modular distance learning na ang napili mo, masasabi mo bang tama ang

iying naging desisyon sa pagpili ng iyong learning modality?

Participant 2: Oo kasi parang alam ko sa sarili na nagiimprove ako sa self-learning.

Researcher: Ano-ano ang mga problema na kinaharap mo noong pinili mo ang Modular

Distance Learning?

Participant 2: Ano yung problema na kinakaharap ko yung manage ng time kasi hindi lang

yung module yung iniisip ko sa bahay namin parang yung night house chores ganon yung mga

gawaing bahay.

SCHOOL Roxas Boulevard, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Tel. No. +6375 (075) 955 5258

Researcher: Nahirapan ka bang solusyonan ang mga problemang ito?

Participant 2: Oo sobra kasi dumating ako sa time na parang naglalack na talaga ako sa time

tas hindi ko alam kung ano ang uunahin ko.

Researcher: Sino-Sino ang tumulong sa iyo upang ito’y ma resolba?

Participant 2: Ano feeling ko parang ako lang din yong nagsolve nun sa sarili ko pero parang

medyo tinulungan naman ako nila mama kasi nagshashare na din ako sa nong hindi ko na

mabalance ung time ko.

Researcher: Naisip mo bang magpalit nalang ng learning modality dahil sa mga nasabi mong

problema na iyong kinaharap? Bakit?

Participant 2: Hindi kasi ano parang inisip ko nalang na challenge na din to kasi diba parang

new normal na.

Researcher: Mayroon ka pa po bang nais na idagdag sa mga naging kasagutan mo kanina?

Participant 2: Yung problema na kinaharap ko nong nagmodular learning ako non yung pag

nanibago ka huwag ka agad mag-gigive up tas pag naglalack ng time ka parang nasa sarili mo

nayan kung paano mo ibabalance tsaka yon nga sinabi ko nong nagshare ako kay mama parang

nakatulong din sila na mabawaaan yung kakulangan ko sa oras na gawin yung mga kailangan

kong gawin sa araw araw.


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