Hank Brennan Contract
Hank Brennan Contract
Hank Brennan Contract
This form is jointly issued and published by the Office of the Comptroller (CTR), the
as the default contract for all Commonwealth Departments when Executive Office for Administration and Finance and the Operational Services Division (0SD)
another form is not prescribed by regulation or policy. The Commo (ANF),
atachment (in the form of addendum, engagement letters, contract nwealth deems void any changes made on or by
forms or invoice terms) to the terms in this published form or
Contractor Certifications and Commonwealth Terms and to the_Standard Contract Form instructions,
Conditions which are incorporated by reference herein. Addition
Contractors are required to access published forms at CTR al non-conflicting terms may be added by Attachment
Forms· httos'//www macomotroller ore/forms Forms are also
posted at OSD Forms· httos://www mass aov/lists/osd-forms
Attorney's Office
(and d/bla):
MMARS Department Code: NFK
Legal Address: (W-9, W-4): 20 Park Plaza, Suite 400,
Boston, MA 02116 Business Mailing Address: 45 Shawmut Road, 2n Floor,
Contract Manager: Hank Brennan Canton, MA 02021
Phone: Contract Manager: Kathryn Regan
E-Mail: hank.brennan@mass.gov
Fax: E-Mail: Kathryn.Regan@mass.gov
Contractor Vendor Code: Phone: 781-830-4800
Appropriation: 03400700 Sub:_HH_ Obj:_H09_ Fax: 781-830-4801
Vendor Code Address ID (e.g. "ADDD1"): ADDDi ,
MMARS Doc ID(s):
(Note: The Address ID must be set up for EFT payment
RFRI'Procurement or Other ID Number:
option only) Enter Current Contract End Date Prior to Amendment:
_ Statewide Contract (OSD or an OSD-designated -"
Department) Enter Amendment Amount: $. (or "no change')
_ Collective Purchase (Attach OSD approval, scope,
budget) AMENDMENT TYPE: (Check one option only. Attach details
_X_ Department Procurement (includes all Grants - 815 of amendment changes.)
CMR 2.00) (Solicitation
Notice or RFR, and Response or other procurement supporti _ Amendment to Date, Scope or Budget (Attach updated
ng documentation) scope and budget)
_ Emergency Contract (Attach justification for emerge _ Interim Contract (Attach justification for Interim Contract
ncy, scope, budget) and updated scope/budget)
_ Contract Employee (Attach Employment Status Form, _ Contract Employee (Attach any updates to scope or
scope, budget) budget)
_ Other Procurement Exception (Attach authorizing languag
e, legislation with _ Other Procurement Exception (Attach authorizing languag
specific exemption or earmark, and exception justification, e/justification and updated
scope and budget) scope and budget)
The Standard Contract Form Instructions, Contractor .
Certifications and the following Commonwealth Terms
this Contract and are legally binding: (Check ONE option): and Conditions document is incorporated by reference
X Commonwealth Terms and Conditions into
Commonwealth Terms and Conditions For Human and Social
COMPENSATION: (Check ONE option): The Department Services
certifies that payments for authorized performance accepte
in the state accounting system by sufficient appropriations or d in accordance with the terms of this Contract will be supported
other non-appropriated funds, subject to intercept for Commo
_ Rate Contract (No Maximum Obligation) Attach details nwealth owed debts under 815 CMR 9.00.
of all rates, units, calculations, conditions or terms and
any changes if rates or terms are being amended.)
_X_ Maximum Obligation Contract. Enter total maximu
m obligation for total duration of this contract (or new total if
Contract is being amended). $ 75,000.00
payments are issued through EFT 45 days from invoice receipt. Contrac
a PPD as follows: Payment issued within 10 days _% PPD; tors requesting accelerated payments must identify
Payment issued within 15 days _ % PPD; Payment issued within
_% PPD. If PPD percentages are left blank, identify reason: 20 days _ % PPD; Payment issued within 30 days
_X_agree to standard 45 day cycle _ statutory/legal or Ready
(subsequent payments scheduled to support standard EFT 45 Payments (M.G.Lc, 29, & 23A); _ only initial payment
day payment cycle. See Prompt Pay Discounts Policy.)
or REASON FOR AMENDMENT: (Enter the Contract title,
performance or what is being amended for a Contract Amendm purpose, fiscal year(s) and a detailed description of the scope of
ent. Attach all supporting documentation and justifications.)
Special Assistant District Attorney Services with the
Norfolk Distri
Please see the Attachment "A" to this contract specify ct Attorney's Office. Rates: $250 Per Hour
ing invoicing instructions.
only) The Department and Contractor certify for this Contract, or Contrac
_ 1. may be incurred as of the Effective Date (latest signatur t Amendment, that Contract obligations:
e date below) and no obligations have been incurred prior to
__2. may be incurred as of,Z0_, a date LATER than the Effective Date.
the Effective Date below and no obligations have been incurred
_X_3. were incurred as of September 10, 2024 a date prior to the Effective Date.
PRIOR to the Effective Date below, and the parties agree that
Date are authorized to be made either as settlement paymen payments for any obligations incurred prior to the Effective
ts or as authorized reimbursement payments, and that the details
Contract are attached and incorporated into this Contract. Accepta and circumstances of all obligations under this
nce of payments forever releases the Commonwealth from further
claims related to these obligations.
CONTRACT END DATE: Contract performance shall terminat
e as of June 30, 2025, with no new obligations being incurred
provided that the terms of this Contract and performance expecta after this date unless the Contract is properly amended,
tions and obligations shall survive its termination for the purpose
negotiated terms and warranties, to allow any close out or transitio of resolving any claim or dispute, for completing any
n performance, reporting, invoicing or final payments, or during
any lapse between amendments.
CERTIFICATIONS: Notwithstanding verbal or other
representations by the parties, the "Effective Date" of this Contrac
Amendment has been executed by an authorized signator t or Amendment shall be the latest date that this Contract or
y of the Contractor, the Department, or a later Contract or Amendm
approvals, The Contractor certifies that they have accessed and ent Start Date specified above, subject to any required
reviewed all documents incorporated by reference as electron
required under the Standard Contract Form Instructions and Contrac ically published and the Contractor makes all certifications
tor Certifications under the pains and penalties of perjury, and
upon request to support compliance, and agrees that all terms further agrees to provide any required documentation
governing performance of this Contract and doing business in Massac
herein according to the following hierarchy of document husetts are attached or incorporated by reference-
precedence, this Standard Contract Form, the Standard Contrac
Commonwealth Terms and Conditions, the Request for t Form Instructions, Contractor Certifications, the applicable
Response (RFR) or other solicitation, the Contractor's Response,
negotiated terms will take precedence over the relevant terms and additional negotiated terms, provided that additional
in the RFR and the Contractor's Response only if made using
provided that any amended RFR or Response terms result in the process outlined in 801 CMR 21.07, incorporated herein,
best value, lower costs, or a more cost effective Contract
. .Dr. l3
(Signre and� Handwritten At Time of Signature)
22] x·/heHCpgxisx
he. 9(31202¥
((Signature and b~te Must Be lan~written At
Print Name: lc \,G&CY. Time of signature)
Print Name: Margaret R. S. Krippendorf
Print Title: '0&cl A, DA
I I Print Title: First Assistant District Attorney
(Updated 10/25/2019) Page 1 of 1
BRIEF DESCRIFTEON OF CONTRACT PERFORMANCE Authorizing Signature fa r Cantractor/Dare: The Authorized Contractor
Signatory must (in their own handwriting and in ink) sign AND: enter the date
Enter a brief description of the Contact performance, project name oar other
the Conaot is signed See section above une "Anticipated Contatc Start
identifying information for teh Contact to specifically identify the Contact
Date". Acceptance of payment by the Contractor shall waive any right of fhe
performance, match the Contract with attachments, serine the appropriate
Contractor to claim the Contract/Amendment.is not valid and the Contractor may
expenditure cade (as listed in the Expenditure Classification Handbook) or to
nat vaid the Contact Rubber stamps, typed ar other images are not
identify or clarify important infrmation
o reated
l to the Cantract such as the Fiscal
acceptable. Proof of Contracto r signature authorization o n a Contractor
Year(s) of performance (er, "FY2RA2" or "FY2012-4) Ientny settlements
Authorized Signatory Listing may be required by the Department if not already
ar other excetions
p and attach more detailed justificatian an suporting
an file. Electronic ar digit!l sigmatures are not authorized at ts fire.
acuments. Enter "Multi-Department Use" if other Departments can access. the
Contractar Name Title: The Contractor Authorized Signatory's.name and title
procurement. Far Amendments, identify the purpose and what items are Being
must apear
p legibly as it appears on the Cantractor Authorized Signatory
amended, Merely stating "see attached" or referencing attachments without a
narrative description af performance is insufficient
Authorizing Signature Far Commonwealth/Date: The Authorized
Department Signatory must (in their own handwriting and in ink) sign AND
The Department and Contractor must certify wen
h obligations under this enter the date the Contract is signed. See section above under "Anticipated Star
Cantaot/Amendment may be incurred. Option l is the default option when Date, Rubber stamps, typed ar other images are not accepted. The
performance may begin as af the Effective Date (latest signature date and any Authorize Signatory must be an employee within the Dapartment legally
required approvals), I the parties want a new Contract or renewal to begin as of responsible for the Contract. See Department Head Signature Authorization.
the upcoming fiscal year then list the fiscal yae r(s) (ex. FY20I2 or FY202- The Department must have the legislative funding appropriated for all the costs
14) in the Brief Description section. Performance starts and encumbrances of this Contract or funding allocate under an approved Interdepartmental
reflect the default Effective Date (if na FY is listed) or the later FY start date (f Service Agreement (ISA). A Department may nat contract for perfrmance o to
a FY is listed). Use Option 2 only when the Contract will be signed well in be delivered to ar by another state department without speoific legislative
advance of the start date and identify a specific future start date, Do not use authorization (unless this Contract is a Statewide Cantract). For Contracts
Option 2 for a fiscal year start unless it is certain that the Contract will be signed requiring Secretariat signoff, evidence of Secretariat signaf must be included in
prior to the fisac l year. Option 3 is used in lieu af the Settlement and Release the Contract file.
Form wen
h the Contract/Amendment is signed late, and obligations are incurred Department Name.Ttle: Legibly enter Authorized Signatory's name and title.
by the Contractor prior to the Effective Date, which the Department has either CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATIONS AND LEGAL REFERENCES
requested, accepted, or deemed legally eligible for reimbursement, and the
Contract includes supporting documents justifying the performance or proof of Notwithstanding verbal ar other representations by the parties, the "Effective
eligibility and approximate costs, Any obligations incurred outside the scope af Date? of this Contract or Amendment shall be the latest date that this Contract
the Effective Date under any Option listed, even if the incorrect Option is or Amendment has been executed by an authorized signatory af the Contractor,
selected, shall be automatically deemed a settlement included under the terms af the Department, or a later Contract ar Amendment Start Date specified, subject
the Contract and upon paymentto the Contractor will release the Commonwealth to any required approvals. The Contractor makes all certifications required
from further obligations far the identified performance. Al settlement payments under this Contract under the pains and penalties of perjury, and agrees to
require justification and must be under the same encumbrance and object codes provide any required documentation upon request to support compliance, an
as the Contract payments. Performance dates are subject to MG.Le.4&9, agrees that all terms governing performance af this Contract and doing business
in Massachusetts are attached or incarporated by reference herein.
Commonwealth and Contractar Ownership Rights. The Contractor certifies
The Department must enter the date that Contract performance will terminate. If aid agrees that the Commonwealth is entitled to ownership and possession of all
the Contract is being amended and the Contract End Date is not changing, "deliverables" purchased or developed with Contract fmds. A Department may
this date must be entered again here. A Contract must be signed for at least nat relinquish Commonwealth mights to deliverables nor may Contractors sell
the initial duration but nat longer than the period ef procurement listed in the products developed with Commonwealth resources without just compensation.
RFR, or other solicitation document (if applicable), No new performance is The Contract should detail all Commonwealth deliverables and ownership rights
allowable beyond the end date without an amendment, but the Department may and any Contractor proprietary rights,
allow a Contraotor to complete minimal close out performance obligations if Qualifications. The Centraotor certifies that it is qualified and shall at all times
substantial performance has been made prior to the termination date of the remain qualified to perform this Contract, and that performance shall be timely
Contract and prior to the end of the fiscal year in which payments are and meet ar exceed industry standards for the performance required, which
funding limits under state finance law, and CTR may adjust encumbrances and
performance, and sufficient professional, liability, and other appropriate
payments in the state accounting system to enable final close out payments. insurance to cover the performance. If the Contractor is a business, the
Performance dates are subject to M.GI.c. 4.69, Contractor certifies that it is listed under the Secretary of State's website as
CONTRACTOR AUTHORIZED SIGNATORIES FOR EXECUTION licensed to do business in Massachusetts, as required by law.
See Comptroller policies entitled "Department Head Signature Authorization Laws and Regulations Prohibiting Discrimination and Human Trafficking
and "Contractor Authorized Signatory Listing" for guidance. Contraotors acknowledge and certify as a condition of this Contract that they are
responsible for complying fully with all state and federal laws prohibiting
information under Gjg.g3i and c. 66A and other applicable state and the Commonwealth may exeroise any and all conactua! rights and remedies,
fde eral privacy requirements. The Contractor shall campiy with MG.re.g3l including, without limitatian, indemnification under Section l af the
far the proper disposal af all pape r an eleoronic media, baokps or systems Carmonwealth's Terms and Conditions, withholding of payments, Contract
containing personal date and information. The Contractar shall also ensure that suspension, or termination, in addition, the Contractor may be subject to
any personal data or information transmitted eectronically
l or through a portable applicable statutory or regulatory penalties, including, and without ~imitation,
svice is properly encrypted using (at s minimum) the Commonwealth's thase imposed pursuant to MG.Le.g3TH and under lM.G.Te 214{3B for
"Cryptographic Management Stanard" set forth in the Enterprise Information violations under MG.[c.66A,
Security Policies and Standards published by the Executive Ofice for Corporate and Business F~ngs and Reports, The Contraotar certifies
Technology, Services and Security (TSS), or a comparable Standard prescribed compliance with all certification, filing, reporting and service af process
by the Department. Contractors with access to credit card ar banking information requirements of the Secretary af the Commonwealth, the Offioe of the Attorney
af Cammowealth customers certify that the Contractor is PC compliant in General or other Departments related to its conduct af business in the
accordance with the Payment Card Industry Council Standards, and shall provide Commonwealth, and with relevant requirements of its incorporating state (or
confirmation af compliance during the Contract. The Cantaotor shall foreign entity).
immediately notify the Department in the event af any security breach, including Employer Requirements, Contractors that are employers certify compliance
the unauthorized access, disbursement, use or disposal of personal data or with applicable state and federal employment laws or regulations, including but
information and, in the event of s security breach, the Contractor shall cooperate not limited to MG.Tc.7.&8_22 (Prevailing Wages far Contacts far Meat
fully with the Commonwealth and provide access to any information necessary Products and Clothing and Apparel); minimum wages and prevailing wage
far the Commonwealth to respond to the security breach and shall be fully programs and payments; unemployment insurance and contributions; workers'
responsible for any damages associated with the Contractor's breach including, compensation and insurance, child labar laws, AGO fair labor practices; M.G.L
but nat imited to, damages under MG.L c. 214, &3 g149 (Labar and industries); MG.]c, 1504 (Labor Relations); MG.Lc I5]
Far all Contracts involving the Contractor's access to personal information, as and 454 CMR 27.00 (Minimum Wage); MG] c 151A (Employment and
defied in M.C.I c. 93H, and personal data, as defined in MG.] c 664 or Training); MG Le151B (Unlawful Discrimination); MG.L, a I51E
access to Department systems containing such information ar data, Contractor (Business Discriminatian); MG.Le152 (Workers' Compensation); M.G.L
certifies under the pains and penalties of perjury that the Contractor: () has read g.13 (Liability for juries); 29 USC c, 8 (Federal Fair Labor Standards); 29
M.G.Lo 93H and g664 and agrees to protect any and al personal information USC a. 28 , the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act and MG.Lc. I75M
and personal data; and (2)has reviewed all ofthe Enterprise Information Security (Family and Medical Leave)
Policies and Standards published by the Executive Office for Technology, Federal And State Laws And Regulations Prohibiting Discrimination.
Services and Security (TSS), ar stricter standards prescribed by the Department. Contractors certify compliance with applicable state and federal ant-
Notwithstanding any contractual provision to the contrary, in connection with discrimination laws, including but not limited to the Federal Equal Employment
the Contractor's performance under this Contract, for all Departments, including (EEO) Laws; the Americans with Disabilities Act; 42 U.S.C $ 12101, et seq.,
all offices, boards, commissions, agencies, departments, divisions, councils, the Rehabilitation Act, 29 USC & 794; 29 USC $ 701; 29 USC $ 623; the 42 USC
bureaus, and offices, now existing and hereafter established, the Contractor shalt: c. 45; (Federal Fair Housing Act); MG. L, c. 151B (Unlawful Discrimination);
(1) obtain a copy, review, and comply with any pertinent security guidelines, M.G.[. c.15]E (Business Discrimination); the Public Accommodations Law
standards, and policies; (2) comply with the Enterprise Information Security M.GL.a.272,6924;MG.Le272.8&98and98A, Massachusetts Constitutian
Policies and Standards published by the Executive Office for Technology, Article CXIVandMG,L, e. 93,8103;47 USC $ 255 (Telecommunication Act;
Services and Security (TSS), or a comparable set af policies and standards M.Gc, )49,6 105D,MG.Le151CMGL,c272&$924 98 and 98A, and
("Information Security Policy") as prescribed by the Department; (3) MG.Le.]]IS1994, and Massachusetts Disability-Based Non -Discrimination
communicate and enforce such security guidelines, standards, policies and the Standards Far Executive Branch Entities, and related Standards and Guidance,
applicable Information Security Policy among all employees (whether such authorized under Massachusotts Executive Oder or any disability-based
employees are direct or contracted) and subcontractors; (4) implement and protection arising from state or federal law or precedent, See also MCAD and
maintain any other reasonable appropriate security procedures and practices MCAD links and resources,
necessary to protect personal information and data to which the Contractor is Small Business Purchasing Program (SBPP), A Contractor may be eligible
given access by the contracting Department from the unauthorized access, to participate in the SBPP, created pursuant to Executive Order 523, if qualified
destruction, use, modification, disclosure or loss; (S) be responsible for the full through the SBPP COMMBUYS subscription process at: www.commbuys.cam
or partial breach of any of these terms by its employees (whether such employees and with acceptance of the terns of the SPP participation agreement.
are direct or contracted) ar subcontractors during ar after the term of this
Contract, and any breach af these terms may be regarded as a material breach of Limitation af Liability, Contracts may not use the following limitation of
liability language unless approved by legal staff at the Office of the Comptroller
tbis. Contact; (6) jn the event of_any unauthorized access, desircton, DSG, ,m=,
modification, disclosure or loss of the personal information or personal data or Operational Services Division, The term "other damages" in Section TT af
(collectively referred to as the "unauthorized use): (a) immediately notify the the Commonwealth Terms and Conditions, "Indemnification," shall include, but
contracting Department if the Contractar becomes aware af the unauthorized shall not be limited to, the reasonable costs the Commonwealth incurs to repair,
use; (b) provide full cooperation and access to information. necessary for the return, replace or seek cover (purchase comparable substitute commodities and
contacting Department to determine the scope af the unauthorized use; and (c) services) under a Contract, "Other damages? shall not include damages to the
provide full cooperation and access to information necessary for the contracting Commonwealth as a result of third party claims, provided, that this in no way
Department and the Contractor to fulfill any notification requirements, Breach limits the Commonwealths right of recovery for personal injury or property
of these terms may be regarded as a material breach of this Contract, such that damages or patent and oopyright infringement under Section ll or the
This Commonwealth Tems and Conditions form is jointly public emergency mandating immediate Department action, Upon immediate
issued by the Executive Office for Aministration and notification to the other party, neither the Department nor the Contraotor shall be
Finance (ANF), the Office of the Comptroller (CTR) and the Operational deemed to be in breach for failure or delay in performance due toAts of&od or
Services Division (0SD) for use by all Commonwealth af Massachusetts other causes factually beyond their control and without their fault or negligence.
("State"). Departments and Contrators.
c Any changes or electrorie alterations Subcontractor failure to perform or price increases due to market flutuations
c or
by either the Department or the Corractor to the official version of this form, product availability will not be deemed factually beyond the Contractor's
as jointly published by ~NF, CTR and 0SD, shall be void, Upon eex cution of control.
the Standard Contract Form these Commonwealth Terms and Conditions will be 5. Written_lotiee, Any notice shall be deemed delivered and received when
incorporated by reference, Perfrmance o shall include services rendered, submitted in writing in person or when delivered by any other appropriate
obligations due, costs incurred, commodities and deliverables provided and method evidencing actual receipt by the Department or the Contraotor. Any
accepted by the Department, programs provided or other commitments written notice of termination or suspension delivered to the Contractor shall state
authorized nder a Contract A deliverable shall inelude any tangible product to the effective date and periad of the notice, the reasons for the termination or
be delivered as an element of performance under a Contract, The suspension, if applicable, any alleged breach or failure to perfom, a reasonable
Commonwealth is entitled to ownership and possession of all deliverables period to cure any alleged breach or failure to perform, if applicable, and any
purchased or developed with State funds. Contract shall mean the Standard instructions or restrictions conceming allowable activities, costs or expenditures
Contract Form issued jointly by ANF, CTR and OSD. by the Contractor during the notice period.
1, Contract Effective Start Date Notwithstanding verbal or other 6, Confidentialhz. The Contractor shall comply with MG.], c 66A if the
representations by the parties, the effective start date of performance under a Contractor beoomes a "holder of "personal data. The Contractor shall also
Contract shall be the later ofthe date the Contract was executed byan authorized protect the physical security and restriot any access to personal or other
signatory of the Contractor, the date the Contract was. executed by an authorized Department data in the Coniractor's. possession, or used by the Contractor in the
signatory of the Department, the date specified in the Contract, or the date of any performance of a Contract, which shall include, but is not limited to, the
approvals required by law or regulation, Department's public records, documents, filse , software, equipment or systems,
2. Payments Ad Compensation. The Contractor shall only be compensated for 7• Recordk- eeping And Retention, Inspection QfRecords. The Contractor shall
performance delivered and accepted by the Department in accordance with the maintain records, books, files and other data as specified in a Contract and in
specific terms and conditions of a Contract. AI] Contract payments are subject such detail as shall properly substantiate claims for payment under a Contract,
to appropriation pursuant to MG.L. c. 29, $ 26, or the availability of sufficient for a minimum retention period of six (6) years beginning on the first day after
non-appropriated funds for the purposes of a Contract, and shall be subject to the final payment under a Contract, or such longer period as. is necessary for the
intercept pursuant to MC.L. c. 7A. & 3 and 815 CMR 9.00, Overpayments shall resolution of any litigation, claim, negotiation, audit or other inquiry involving a
be reimbursed by the Contractor or may be offset by the Department from future Contract. The Department shall have access, as well as any parties identified
payments in accordance with state finance law. Acceptance by the Contraotor under Executive Order 195, during the Contractor's regular business hours and
of any payment or partial payment, without any written objection by the upon reasonable prior notice, to such records, including on-site reviews and
Contractor, shall in each instance operate as a release and discharge of the State reproduction of such records at a reasonable expense.
from all claims, liabilities or other obligations relaing
t to the performance of a 8. Assignment The Contractor may not assign: or delegate, in whole or in- part,
Contract. or otherwise transfer any liability, responsibility, obligation, duty or interest
3, Contractor Payment Mech@uisnt. All Contractors will be paid using the under a Contract, with the exception that the Contraotor shall be authorized to
Comptroller's payment system unless a different payment mechanism is assign present and prospeotive claims for money due to the Contractor pursuant
required. The Contractor shall timely submit invoices and supporting to a Contrat in accordance with M.G.L, o. 106, $9318, The Contractor must
documentation as presoribed in a Contract. The Department shall review and provide sufficient notice of assignment and supporting documentation to enable
return rejected invoices within fifteen (15) days of receipt with a written the Department to verify and implement the assignment, Payments to third party
explanation for rejection, Payments shall be made in accordance withthe bill assignees will be processed as if such payments were being made directly to the
paying policy issued by the Office of the Comptroller and 8]5 CMR 4.00 Contractor and these payments will be subject to intercept, offset, counter claims
provided that payment periods listed in a Contract of less than forty-five (45) or any other Department rights which are available to the Department or the Staet
days from the date of receipt of an invoice shall be effective onyl to enable a against the Contractor.
Department ta take advantage of early payment incentives and shall not subject 9. Subcontracting By Contractor. Any subcontract entered into by the
any payment made within the forty-five (4S) day period to a penalty, The Contractor for the purposes af fulfilling the obligations. under a Contract must be
Contractor Payroll System shall be used only for Individual Contractors who in writing, authorized in advance by the Department and shall beconsistent wti h
have been determined to be Contract Employees as a result of the Department's and subject to the provisions of these Commonwealth Terms and Conditions and
completion of an Intemal Revenue Service SS-8 form in accordance with the a Contract. Subcontracts will not relieve or discharge the Contractor from any
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) 1990, and shall automatically duty, obligation, responsibility or liability arising under a Contract. The
process all state and federal mandated payroll, tax and retirement deductions, Department is entitled to copies of all subcontracts and shall' not be bound by
4. Contract Termination-QrSuspension. A Contract shall terminate on the date any provisions contained in a subcontract to which it is not a party.
specified in a Contract, unless this date is properly amended in accordance with 10. Affirmative Action, Non-Discrimination In Hiring Ad Employment. The
all applicable laws and regulations prior to this date, or unless terminated or Contractor shall comply with all federal and state laws, rules and regulations
suspended under this Section upon prior written natice to the Contractor. The promoting fair employment practices or prohibiting employment discrimination
Department may terminate a Contract without cause and without penalty, or may and unfair labor practices and shall not discriminate in the hiring of any applicant
terminate or suspend a Contract if the Contractor breaches any material term or for employment nor shall any qualified employee be demoted, discharged or
condition or fails to perform or fulfill any maerial
t obligation- required by a otherwise subject to discrimination in the tenure, position, promotional
Contract, or in the event of an elimination of an appropriation or availability of opportunities, wages, benefits or terms and conditions of their employment
i funds for the prposes
sufficent u of a Contract, or in the event of an unforeseen because of race, color, national origin, ancestry, age, sex, religion, disability,
o Please sign and date all invoices, and include the following signature language:
"Signed under penalty of perjury, this invoice is a true and accurate reflection of the
hours I have worked on the dates listed above."
o Scanned, signed copies of invoices may be sent electronically; however, the original, signed
invoice must also be sent by U.S. mail before payment can be made. Please send original invoices
Debra Leahy
Office of the Norfolk District Attorney
45 Shawmut Road, 2" Flr
Canton, MA 02021
e Invoices should indicate the case name, dates and hours worked.
e Invoices must be submitted monthly, within 30 days for services performed the previous month
(see below for June 2025).
• Invoices for June 2024 services provided to date must be submitted by June 15, 2025, along with
an estimate of the costs of services to be provided from June 16 to June 30, 2025.
Issued March
Executive Order 481 applies to all state agencies in the Executive Branch, including all executive
offices, boards, commissions, agencies, departments, divisions, councils, bureaus, and offices, now
existing and hereafter established. As it is the policy of the Executive Branch to prohibit the use of
undocumented workers in connection with the performance of state contracts, all contracts entered into
after February 23, 2007 require that contractors, as a condition of receiving Commonwealth funds under
any Executive Branch contract, make the following certification:
As evidenced by the signature of the Contractor's Authorized Signatory below, the Contractor certifies
under the pains and penalties of perjury that the Contractor shall not knowingly use undocumented
workers in connection with the performance of all Executive Branch contracts; that pursuant to federal
requirements, the Contractor shall verify the immigration status of all workers assigned to such
contracts without engaging in unlawful discrimination; and that the Contractor shall not knowingly or
recldessly alter, falsify, or accept altered or falsified documents from any such worker(s). The
Contractor understands and agrees that breach of any of these terms during the period of each contract
may be regarded as a material breach, subjecting the Contractor to sanctions, including but not limited
to monetary penalties, withholding of payments, confract suspension or termination.
Contractor Authorizing Signature
Print Name
Telephone '
Fax:------------ pr7lJ; _
The Contractor is required to sign this Certification only once and may provide a copy of the signed
Issued May
INSTRUCTIONS: Any Contractor (other than a sole-proprietor or an individual contractor) must provide a
listing of individuals who are authorized as legal representatives of the Contractor who can sign contracts and
other legally binding documents related to the contract on the Contractor's behalf. In addition to this listing, any
state department may require additional proof of authority to sign contracts on behalf of the Contractor, or proof
of authenticity of signature ( a notarized signature that the Department can use to verify that the signature and
date that appear on the Contract or other legal document was actually made by the Contractor's authorized
signatory, and not by a representative, designee or other individual.)
NO'TICE: Acceptance of any payment under a Contract or Grant shall operate as a waiver of amy defense by
the Contractor challenging the existence of a valid Contract due to an alleged lack of actual authority to
execute the document by the signatory.
For privacy purposes DO NOT ATTACH any documentation containing personal information, such as bank
account numbers, social security numbers, driver's licenses, home addresses, social security cards or any other
personally identifiable information that you do not want released as part of a public record. The Commonwealth
reserves the right to publish the names and titles of authorized signatories of contractors,
I certify that I am the President, Chief Executive Officer, Chief Fiscal Officer, Corporate Clerk or Legal Counsel
for the Contractor and as an authorized officer of the Contractor I certify that the names of the individuals
identified on this listing are current as of the date of execution below and that these individuals are authorized to
sign contracts and other legally binding documents related to contracts with the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts on behalf of the Contractor. I understand and agree that the Contractor has a duty to ensure that
this listing is immediately updated and communicated to any state department with which the Contractor does
business whenever the authorized signatories above retire, are otherwise terminated from the Contractor's
employ, have their responsibilities changed resulting in their no longer being authorized to sign contracts with
the Commonwealth or whenever ne atories are designated.
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