Act 1 Scene 1 :
Narrator: We start this scene with the proposal of 2 of our beloved
main characters Tshegofatso Maloka and his endearing girlfriend
Kholofelo Thubakgale (soon to be wife). The scene commences at the
towns beloved café.
Tshegofatso to Kholofelo: My dear I know how much you enjoy this
café and its tiramisu gâteau which is why I have taken you here for
your 23rd birthday. (Kholo and Tshegofatso must keep eye contact.)
Kholofelo: Sthandwa sam how much you know me can almost bring
to my tears. (Kholofelo holds Tshego’s hand and embraces him.)
Narrator: Little does our naïve Kholofelo know but today is about to
be the most memorable day of her life. Kholo knows much he loves
her that’s why he brought her favourite 16 carat straight from Turkey
where he took her 2 years ago.
(claps hands enthusiastically)
Tshegofatso: May I please order the tiramisu for me and my love.
Tshepo as a waiter: Of course. (Tshepo brings the cake)
(After eating the cake )
Tshegofatso goes on his knees and proposes to Kholofelo.
Tshegofatso: Kholofelo my love for you has grown since the day I met
you and every time I look at you I fall more and more in love.
Kholofelo Thubakgale will you marry me?
Act 1 Scene 2
Narrator :Kholo confides happily to Akhila about the engagement
however Akhila is less than thrilled
Kholo: Girlie guess what, I got engaged to the love of my life.
Akhila: You got engaged to Tshego !!
(hugs her enthusiastically)
Kholo: Whats wrong? Are you not happy for me or something ?
Akhila: I am happy for you but something is very off about that man, I
believe he’s dangerous
Kholo: (loudly) How dare you Akhila I really thought you cared I didn’t
know you could be so hypocritical.
Akhila: You know what its fine lets just change the topic
Kholo: I’ve had enough I’m leaving
(Kholo leaves)
Akhila later phones the Detective
Akhila: Hi Detective Owame something is seriously wrong with my
friends fiancée.
Owame: Madam calm down what’s wrong
Akhila: I have a very bad feeling about him could you come over
sometime in disguise I really believe he’s dangerous.
Owame: Okay ma’am stay calm I’ll be on the case soon let me take
Act 2 Scene 1
Characters: Ethan, Ernest Tyler Leago, Narrator, Tshepo, Lebo, Didi,
Adeline, Danielle Gov. , and Tema
Narrator: We start this scene at the lobola negotiations at
Kholofelo’s house where the bride and grooms uncles and aunts have
come to discuss Kholofelo’s price however in this Capulet and
Montague situation chaos erupts.
Arantxa: What is the starting price ? I for one think a 100 cows is too
low for my precious daughter.
Ernest : Nonsense your daughter is not okay upstairs. She’s always
talking about death and other dark stuff, why should we pay so much
for a psychopath?
Lebo: Hayiii Ernest cows can grow back from their seeds, its not that
deep for us. (laughs drunkenly)
Ethan: Even though you’re always drunk you might have a point
there. (shakes hands and hypes Lebo up)
Ernest : Are you guys okay upstairs because how the heck are you
agreeing to giving up a hundred cows for a psychopath ?
Leago: Whose daughter are you calling a psychopath when your son
mysteriously disappears in the middle of the night returning bloody
and tired.
Tshepo: Enough, you guys are fighting when this is a time of
celebration, I think you both should leave and we discuss this further.
(Ernest and Leago leave)
Ethan: This is outrageous bring Leago back he’s clearly the most
Lebo: How can you say that when I’m right here ?
Tyler: I agree with Tshepo you guys are both making this very difficult
I think we should leave it at 50 cows.
Tema: 50 cows for my niece, how dare you disrespect the Thubakgale
Didi: 50 cows is too little this is why I never liked their family.
Adeline: I believe that young man from the Ramusiya family would’ve
been more fitting.
Tema: Right and he has money, what a great option for us all but I
guess Tshego will have to do
Danielle Gov. : I do love me some money. Settled Kholo will be priced
at 100 cows.
Arantxa: Settled no further comments.
Narrator: Yikes what a chaotic lobola negotiation I wonder the
beloveds think about this.
Act 2 Scene 3
Narrator: Tshego confronts Leago in his bedroom about his adamancy
towards the wedding however the days ends in tragedy. Will leagos
words follow him to his grave ?
Tshego : Leago I heard you been talking some bad stuff about me is
that true. (Tshego closes the door closing them in )
Leago : Yes I dislike you a lot because youre sneaking around and I
dislike how my daughter acts around you.
Tshego: (shouting) Don’t ever talk about my soon to be wife like that.
Leago: I dislike how you talk about my child I refuse to pay the lobola.
Tshego: (begs Leago on his knees to not do anything stupid.)
Leago: Please leave the room
Tshego: (pulls out a knife his hands shaking and stabs Leago
continuously until he’s no longer alive.)
Act 3 Scene 1:
Narrator: Today is the joyous celebration of our beloveds Kholofelo
and Tshegofatso as they prepare for the wedding however do
wedding jitters also equal premeditated murder attempts. Fainting
spells or ringing bells.
Danielle Guyo: Did you hear about Leago’s mysterious move to
Durban, it seems quite odd considering Kholofelo’s history.
Owame: Kholofelo’s best friend did warn me about this and I do think
we should investigate further.
Danielle Guyo: I think we should go to the wedding plus there will be
free food and that’s also a bonus.
Owame: Bright idea we’ll go to the wedding dressed as wedding
planners we’ll definitely get space into the drama and entertainment.
I mean the crime that’s taking place.
Act 3 Scene 2 :
(ndihamba nawe plays at wedding preparations)
Thendo: Hawu guys are you not happy my son is finally getting
married. After years of telling him to fix up she’s finally found a
suitable woman. Halala !
Anita: Chomi I’m so happy for you and I heard she’s rich. I heard she
even shops at Woolworths. What a catch !
Didi: You know if it doesn’t go well we can always add korobela to
one of his drinks.
Anita: Oohhh aowa Didi that’s insane
Thendo: This is why they don’t trust the aunties anymore
Danielle Govender: Yes ladies that’s the spirit I like but did you see
how Adeline cooked the lamb its almost as if she’s never cooked in
her life.
Tema: Ladies ladies we can relax and leave Adeline its clear she’s
under stress.
Arantxa: Thendo I really do think they’re suitable for each other.
Ethan: I really think his money is suitable is what you meant to say.
Tshepo: Not everything is about money this is why you’re corrupt and
Tyler: Oh my days can you see what you guys are doing to each other
you’re causing so much stress to the bride that’s she’s isolated
Kholofelo to Akhila: Akhila I have so much wedding jitters, its almost
feels like I could kill.
Akhila : I get you but don’t get cold blood on the spot like I heard
with Suzanna at her wedding. The poor girl didn’t even show up.
Kholofelo: I remember but let me let you in on a secret she never
showed up because I killed her. (laughs casually)
Akhila: You what ?!?!
Kholofelo: Enough said though I can’t wait to get married to Tshego.
Act 4 : The Wedding
Narrator: Wedding bells sing and Police horns ring as our Bonnie and
Clyde couple finally tie the knot.
(wedding step)
(father walks daughter down the aisle)
(wedding vows begin)
Priest Gabriella: Goodmorning one and all today we celebrate the
wedding of Kholofelo Thubakgale and Tshegofatso Maloka. In
Mathew 19 verse 6 it says So they are no longer two but one
flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man
separate. This represents Kholofelo and Tshegofatso entirely.
Tshegofatso you may kiss the bride.
(Before they kiss Owame and Danielle interrupts)
Danielle Guyo: Tshegofatso Maloka you are under the arrest of
murdering Leago Thubakgale in the first degree.
Owame: You have the right to stay silent.
Kholofelo and Tshego both flee the scene.
Narrator : In this tragic and fatal love story I think one thing is clear
this couple will remain until death does them part.
Narrator : I guess we could say their vows were till death do us part
and after that.