S.W.B.S.T.: Omebody
S.W.B.S.T.: Omebody
S.W.B.S.T.: Omebody
What happened
After using S.W.B.S.T graphic organizer, write a summary for the story.
Remember: A fiction summary is a RETELL of the main events in a story. It should only
include the most important events from the beginning, middle, and end. It should not
include small minor details. Make sure your summary includes the main character, the
problem, and the solution of the story.
TITLE: ____________________________________________________________________________________
_______ My summary includes the main character(s)
_______ My summary includes the problem.
_______ My summary includes the events that lead to solving the problem.
_______ My summary includes the most important events from beginning, middle, and end.
_______ My summary does not include small unnecessary details.
_______ My summary is written in complete sentences.