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Organization of Data

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Organization of Data Ratio scales

When conducting a It has the same properties

statistical research, as the interval level. The
investigation or study, the order and difference can be
research must gather data described. Additionally, it
for the particular variable has a true zero and the ratio
under investigation. between two points has a
Nominal and Ordinal meaning.
Scales Variable
Nominal scale can be It refers to a property that
named without particular can take on different values
order or ranking imposed or categories which cannot
on the data. be predicted with certainty.
Ordinal scale describes Variables can also be
ranking or order. The classified as qualitative
difference or ratio between variable and quantitative
two rankings may not variable.
always be the same. Frequency Distribution
Interval scales It is a grouping of data into
Indicated an actual amount categories showing the
(numerical). The order and number of observations in
the difference between the each of the non-overlapping
variables can be known. Its classes.
limitation is it has no “true
A grouped frequency LV = Lowest value in a
distribution is used when data set
the range of the data set is k = number of classes
i = suggested class
Categorical Frequency interval
It is used to organize
nominal-level or ordinal- Graphing Statistical Data
level type of data. When the data set contains
Some examples where we large number of values,
can apply this distribution making conclusions from an
are gender, business type, ordered array. We will need
political affiliation, and graphs and charts in such
others. situations.

Determining the Class Histogram

Interval A histogram is a graph in
RULE # 1. To determine the which the classes are
number of classes is to use marked on the horizontal
the smallest positive axis (x-axis) and the class
integer k such that 2 ≥ n , k frequencies on the vertical
where n is the total number axis (y-axis).
of observations
R ang ⅇ H V −LV
i = N umb ⅇ r of Classes = k

Where : HV = Highest value

in a data set
Cumulative Frequency Bar Chart (Bar Graph)
Polygon It is similar to histogram.
Also known as ogive (read The height of each rectangle
as oh’-jive) is a graph that represents the frequency of
displays the cumulative that category.
frequencies for the classes
in a frequency distribution

Pie Chart (Circle Graph)

Pareto Chart A pie chart is a circle
divided into portions that
A pareto chart is a graph
represents the relative
used to represent a
frequencies or percentage
frequency distribution for a
of the data belonging to
categorical data or nominal-
different categories.
Time Series Graph Measure of Central
It represents data that Tendency
occur over specific period It is commonly referred to
of time under observation. as an average, is a single
value that represents a data
set. The purpose is to locate
the center of a data set.
Pictograph (Pictogram) The arithmetic mean, often
A pictograph immediately called as the mean, is the
suggests the nature of the most frequently used
data being shown measure of central
The symbol 𝑥 ̅, called “x
bar”, is used to represent
the mean of a sample and
the symbol 𝜇, called “mu”, is
Scatter Plot used to denote the mean of
A scatter plot is used to a population.
examine possible ∑ of all values
Mⅇ an=
relationships between two Number of values

numerical variables. Sample Mean: x= ∑n


Population Mean: μ= ∑N

Where: 𝑥 ̅ = sample
mean 𝜇 = population mean
𝑥 = the value of any Mode
particular observation or The mode is the value in a
measurement. data set appears most
∑𝑥 = sum of all 𝑥’s. frequently.
𝑛 = total number of values A data set that has two
in the sample values with the same
N = total number of values greatest frequency, both
in the population. values are considered the
mode and the data set is
Median If a data set has more than
The median is the midpoint two modes, then the data
of the data array. When the set is said to be multimodal.
data set is ordered, whether There are some cases, when
ascending or descending, it a data set values have the
is called a data array. same frequency. When
Median is an appropriate occurs, the data set is said
measure of central to be no mode.
tendency for data that are Weighted Mean
ordinal or above, but is,
more valuable in an ordinal The weighted mean is
type of data. particularly useful when
various classes or groups
Median (Rank Value) = 2 contribute differently to the
Note that 𝑛 is the total. The weighted mean is
population/sample size. found by multiplying each
value by its corresponding
weight and dividing by the
sum of the weights.
x 1 w 1+ x 2 w 2+ x 3 w3 +⋯+ x n w n
x w=
w1 + w2 +w 3+ …+w n

Where: x = weighted mean


w i=corresponding weight

x i=the value of any particular observations∨measurement

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