Ughe's Assignment
Ughe's Assignment
Ughe's Assignment
1. Explain the term TABLE OF SPECIFICATIONS.
2. In your area of study using any topic of your choice, construct a table of specifications with a 50 item objective
questions, write out the questions and the marking scheme.
It is a comprehensive valid measure used by a teacher to ensure high content validity when setting test questions.
A Table of specifications serves as a guide for the teacher, ensuring the test is comprehensive, systematic and aligned
with the lesson objective.
A Table of specifications can be defined as a two-way table that shows the lists of topics covered by a teacher on a table
along the rows and also relaying the levels of objectives along the column.
In a simple term, a table of specification is a detailed outline of a testing strategy and plan with defined scope,
objectives and structure of a testing process.
1. Answer: a) 2. Answer: a) 3. Answer: b) 4. Answer: b) 5. Answer: a) 6. Answer: d)
7. Answer: c) 8. Answer: a) 9. Answer: c) 10. Answer: b) 11. Answer: a) 12. Answer: b)
13. Answer: a) 14. Answer: b) 15. Answer: b) 16. Answer: b) 17. Answer: b) 18. Answer: b)
19. Answer: c) 20. Answer: b) 21. Answer: a) 22. Answer: a) 23. Answer: a) 24. Answer: b)
25. Answer: a) 26. Answer: b) 27. Answer: b) 28. Answer: b) 29. Answer: b) 30. Answer: b)
31. Answer: a) 32. Answer: a) 33. Answer: c) 34. Answer: a) 35. Answer: c) 36. Answer: b)
37. Answer: c) 38. Answer: c) 39. Answer: c) 40. Answer: b) 41. Answer: b) 42. Answer: a)
43. Answer: a) 44. Answer: c) 45. Answer: a) 46. Answer: c) 47. Answer: c) 48. Answer: c)
49. Answer: c) 50. Answer: )