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Background Guide. UNSC

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“Deliberation upon Safeguarding National Security and Integrity of nations
worldwide with special emphasis on Addressing the Activities of Spy Agencies".

1. Letters from the Executive Board………….. 3-5

2. About the Committee………………………… 6

3. Introduction to the Agenda………………….. .7

4. Effect of the Intelligence Agencies

On The Nations Around The Globe ……………..8

5. Crisis Committee…...…………..………………9

6. Proceedings of the Committee………………..10

7. Crisis Note (beginning of the committee)……11

8. Suggestions from the Executive Board……... 12

9. Bibliography………………………………….. 13

The Chairperson

Greetings Esteemed Delegates,

It is with great pleasure and a profound sense of duty that I extend a warm welcome to
each member of the United Nations Security Council.

My Name is Charchika Gupta and I am a student of 12th standard. I will be chairing

the UNSC at DPSU Unison 6.0. As the chairperson, I am deeply honored to preside
over our deliberations as we come together to address the pressing issues confronting
our world today. In the spirit of collaboration and mutual respect, I invite you to join
me in fostering an environment of open dialogue and constructive engagement.

As a student I have a very keen interest in exploring new things, embarking on

adventures and above all a great curiosity in learning new things. I am looking forward
to learning new things in this another adventure as we embark on our deliberations and
am fully committed to ensuring that every voice is heard and every viewpoint is given
due consideration as we work towards our common goal of promoting peace, security,
and stability on a global scale.

This year at the DPSU Unison 6.0, UNSC would be based on the agenda of
“Deliberation upon Safeguarding National Security and Integrity of nations worldwide
with special emphasis on addressing the Activities of Spy Agencies”, emphasizing on
Spy or the Intelligence agencies, operating covertly and often beyond borders, posing
significant threats to the sovereignty and stability of nations. The motto for this
conference is- “From Voice to Action: Participate in UNSC’s Mission”.
The committee will be set in a continued crisis notion, wherein the delegates will have
to address the crisis of the agenda according to their critical thinking, mental ability
and vocational skills by maintaining the very spirit and dignity of the UNSC.

Thank you for your dedication and commitment to this vital mission.

¡No puedo esperar!

¡Lo vamos a pasar genial!

Charchika Gupta

Greetings delegates! This is Sargam Mahajan, a student of class 9t h at Delhi

Public School, Udhampur and I will be co-chairing UNSC at DPSU UNISON
6.0. I am thrilled to be a part of United Nations Security Council here at DPSU
UNISON. I have a keen interest in public speaking. I also indulge in activities
like debating, quizzing and MUNning while in school. I have been attending
MUN Conferences since 2022 and have been a part of more than 8 MUNs
(mainly comprising of United Nations Committees) since then in both online and
offline modes.

It gives me a great pleasure to welcome you all to this conference of the United
Nations Security Council. Established in 1945, UNSC primarily deals with
maintaining international peace and security. The main objective of this
conference is based upon the situation where the world is in a phase where in the
Intelligence Agencies of major nations in the world are posing as a threat to the
international integrity, peace and security. With the expertise of you all, the
delegates, the UNSC Executive Board looks forward to a strong and powerful
delegation where the delegates are free to express themselves while representing
their allotted nation.
As the Co-Chairperson, there are a few important points expected from the
delegates. The delegates must at all times maintain the decorum of the
committee. We, the active members of the Security Council are entrusted with
the task of bringing out the best possible solutions to the committee in order to
ensure that the conference comes out to be successful.

We promise to bring you all an experience that you should cherish forever. There
will be pressure, heated debates, continuous crisis, multiple thoughts yet a
common conclusion to lead to the end of heated debates and arguments put
forward. We look forward to having you all in the Security Council and hearing
your views and analyzing your problem-solving skills at this committee which
shall constantly be making your mind think with each crisis that comes your way.
“To see a world in a grain of sand and a heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in
the palm of your hand and eternity in an hour.”

Sargam Mahajan
United Nations Security Council

Greetings delegates! We have gathered here to engage in meaningful dialogue and

collaborative problem-solving and it is my privilege to serve as your Vice
Chairperson for this esteemed committee. My name is Aadhya Sharma , I am a
student of class 12th and I am deeply honored to have the
opportunity to guide our proceedings over the course of this conference.
The agenda of the UNSC would be “Deliberation upon Safeguarding National
Security and Integrity of nations worldwide with special emphasis on addressing the
Activities of Spy Agencies”
. To ensure the smooth functioning of the committee and the successful
accomplishment of its objectives we must have active participation , respect for rules
and procedures , openness to feedback , preparation and research . Delegates are
suggested to not limit their research to just the background guide. New facts, figures
and arguments would be highly acknowledged by the board.
As your Vice Chairperson, my goal is to ensure that each delegate has the
opportunity to contribute meaningfully to our deliberations, and that we collectively
work towards resolutions that reflect the diverse perspectives present in this room.
I am here to support you, guide you, and facilitate our discussions to the best of my
ability. Together, let us embark on this journey of diplomacy, cooperation, and

Aadhya Sharma
Vice Chairperson
United Nation Security Council


The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is one of the six principal organs of
the United Nations (UN), established with the primary purpose of maintaining
international peace and security. Comprising 15 member states, the UNSC
operates with a specific mandate outlined in Chapter V of the UN Charter. Its
main powers include the ability to identify threats to peace, investigate
conflicts, recommend peaceful solutions, impose economic sanctions, and even
authorize military action when necessary to maintain or restore peace.
As a pivotal body within the UN, the UNSC holds the responsibility of addressing
global challenges and crises with a comprehensive and determined approach.

The agenda before the UNSC in this Model United Nations (MUN) session is the
" Deliberation upon Safeguarding National Security and Integrity of nations
worldwide with special emphasis on Addressing the Activities of Spy Agencies".
Delegates are urged to adopt a humanistic outlook, recognizing the human cost
of conflict, while also upholding their respective countries' foreign policies. This
balance between humanitarian concerns and diplomatic responsibilities is
crucial in approaching the issue at hand.

Throughout the proceedings, the committee must engage in substantive

deliberations, backed by astute paperwork and diplomacy. Thorough
understanding and empathy for the plight of affected populations are essential
in formulating viable solutions. Moreover, the gravity of the situation may
require sacrifices from the delegates, as finding lasting peace often demands
compromises and difficult decisions.

The UNSC session will operate as a semi-crisis committee, necessitating

delegates to approach the challenges with solution-based thinking. This entails
simultaneous analysis and deciphering skills, as they will encounter real-time
developments and unforeseen obstacles that demand immediate responses.
The delegates must be proactive and agile, seeking ways to de-escalate
tensions and promote dialogue among conflicting parties.
I'd like to end by quoting "In the pursuit of lasting peace, the committee should
embrace the notion that the prospect of war must appear hopeless. " let the
UNSC delegates set an example for the world, showcasing the effectiveness of
diplomacy and collaboration in preventing and resolving conflicts. Through
determination, empathy, and unity, the committee can make a significant
impact in shaping a safer and more harmonious global landscape.


“Deliberation upon Safeguarding National Security and Integrity of nations
worldwide with special emphasis on Addressing the Activities of Spy

The agenda basically deals with the dilemma of the countries upon the
working of the various intelligence agencies , their intrusion in other
countries’ affairs, their impact on the other nation’s national safety and
integrity and most important of all a check on their work ethics.

There are many issues that can be discussed when deliberating on spy
agencies. This specific agenda will vary depending on the context of the
deliberation. Few important queries raised by nations now-a-days are:

1.How much oversight should there be of spy agencies?

2.Who should be accountable for their actions?

3.What power should spy agencies have to collect intelligence?

4.How can these powers be balanced with privacy rights?

5.How can spy agencies from different countries cooperate effectively?

But these questions should not overpower the merits that these intelligence
agencies provide to the nations worldwide:

1.The need for spy agencies to protect national security

2.The importance of upholding civil liberties
3.The potential for abuse of power by spy agencies
4.The need for effective oversight of spy agencies

These are complex issues with no easy answers. It is important to have a

thoughtful and informed discussion about the role of spy agencies in a democracy
and that is why we are inviting you all to utilise your expertise in dealing with this
complex matter.
Intelligence agencies wield a powerful and far-reaching influence on nations
around the globe. Their impact can be both positive and negative, shaping
international relations, security landscapes, and even political realities.
Here's a breakdown of some key effects:

1.National Security

2. Informed Decision Making

3. Countering Crime (Cyber and in-territory activities)

4. Economic Security

5. Privacy Concerns (Citizens and Government)

6. Misinformation and Bias

7. Fuelling International Tensions

8. Covert Actions

All of these key effects are to be adhered with great significance keeping in
mind the resources and sites used for effective and accurate research. The
delegates must ensure that the above mentioned key points are viewed with
importance as the purpose of the background guide is to provide the
important as well as the basic points to be adhered in the committee. The
points are of great help for the research related to the agenda and covers
almost all aspects and spheres of it. However, the delegates are also
suggested to refer to other sources and key points for their own
understanding and personal research and not only stick to the background
guide for the same.

The United Nations Security Council here at DPSU UNISON 6.0 would function
as a semi-crisis committee. It would deal with crisis being introduced time-to-time
as the committee proceeds further.

The textual definition of a crisis would be- “A time of great danger or difficulty;
the moment when things change and either improve or get worse.” The same
would imply here at UNSC as well. The committee would work as per the
protocols of the Model United Nations but with critical situations being put
forward in front of the delegates to analyse their problem-solving skills.

A crisis committee basically functions like any other usual committee in the
MUN, however, the thing that makes it different from other committees is the
flexible approach and rapid decision-making skills of the delegates being utilised
to the fullest potential of theirs.

The crisis would be introduced usually by the Executive Board keeping in mind
the situation of the committee and it’s working and progress made till a
particular point of time. There are a lot of things that needs special consideration
in a crisis committee. (To know more about it, Refer to Page No. 15- Suggestions
from the executive board)

In order to uphold their stance and position in the committee, the delegates must
have a strong research upon the agenda so that they deal with the crisis with
more efficiency along with maintaining their committee protocol and functions.
As an active member of UNSC, the delegates must also have basic research upon
the structural organisation of UNSC that is- Permanent and Non-Permanent
Members of the Security Council (both at present and those prominent in the
past) and are advised to keep basic UN Protocols into consideration as well.

Dealing with crisis should not be a specific concern for the delegates since the
crisis are being designed in such a manner that they seem to fit along with the
committee pretty well and would make the proceedings more and more
interesting both for the delegates and the executive board. The delegates are
advised to kindly pay full attention to the crisis while they are being introduced in
the committee.


The United Nations Security Council would run as per a set of instructions set for
Model United Nations. These set of instructions are referred to as the “Rules of
Procedure” or the ROP’s.

The Rules of Procedure is the most important part of any committee in an MUN.
However, it varies from the type of committee you are dealing with. At UNSC, the
rules of procedure are standard and are the basic UN-led procedures laid down
for the delegates to follow.

There are many segments of a committee like the committee starts with an official
roll call and ends with a conclusion/decision by the Executive Board. All of these
rules of procedures are very important in any UN Committee. The main segments
of the Rules of Procedure to be kept into consideration are listed as follows:

1. Roll Call
2. Setting of the Agenda (agenda is fixed at UNSC)
3.Opening Statements
4. Motions
5. Points
6. Moderated and Unmoderated Caucus
7. Seconds and Objections
8. Formal Parliamentary Dialogue
10. Amendments
11. Voting Procedure
12. Adjournment
13. Official Communication

To know about it in detail, kindly refer to the below attached drive link-


The first crisis note for United Nation Security Council is as


“ Recently, There have been several reports coming up

regarding the spotting of alleged Chinese spy balloons in
many regions in the USA. The CIA and FBI have raised
alarming concerns regarding the work ethics of the Ministry
of State Security of China (the official Intelligence Agency of
China). “

The delegates are requested to kindly be vigilant while preparing

for the committee sessions and put SPECIAL EMPHASIS ON THE


All the delegates are requested to kindly adhere to the suggestions
by the executive board as they might help the delegates to perform
well in the committee:

1.All the delegates are expected to maintain the decorum of the

committee at all times.

2.The delegates must ensure that they use ONLY Parliamentary

Language/Formal Language while in the committee.

3.The mode of communication for UNSC would be English only

and the delegates are advised to stick to the same.

4.Delegates must respect the personal space of other delegates

and the Executive Board and work as per committee protocol.

5.All the delegates MUST be respectful towards the Executive

Board and their fellow delegates as well.

6.Suspension from the committee is possible in case of violations

of the committee protocol and proceedings.

7.The delegates would be marked upon various different

criterions by the executive board which also includes behaviour
and content presented by the delegates.










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