P ortf olio Link Phone : +91 7004682009 EDUCATION Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur 2020 - 2024 Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry Department Relevant Course Work: ESC101 (Fundamentals of Computing), ESO207 (Data Structures and Algorithms) Adarsh +2 Uchcha Vidyalaya 2020 CBSE Class 12 | Grade - 90.6% EXPERIENCE Airblack March 2024 - June 2024 Fullstack Intern • Engineered a robust payment system using NodeJS for an e-commerce platform, integrating Stripe and Razorpay • Designed and implemented RESTful APIs in Node.js, enabling communication between front-end and back-end • Successfully deployed and managed application code on AWS ECS, ensuring reliable and scalable infrastructure • Created and optimized responsive landing pages using NextJS and Tailwind CSS, enhancing user engagement Trilogy Innovations (CodeNation) May 2023 - July 2023 Software Development Engineer Intern • Built a modular React chatbot kit for Chrome extension, allowing customizable and extendable functionality • Increased user engagement by 30% through the integration of the Polywink-generated 3D avatar feature • Integrated a WebSocket connection for audio and viseme data, enabling realistic lip-syncing with the avatar • Achieved 20% file size reduction through effective utilization of Webpack and code splitting techniques • Demonstrated expertise in React.js, TypeScript, Three.js, WebSockets, ensured successful project outcomes PROJECTS CF Stress | Programming Club, Science and Technology Council, IIT Kanpur • Engineered a community-centric, no-code tool to stress test Codeforces Problems, enabling high customization • Capable of generating the smallest possible counter-example for the failing submission, with 90% accuracy • Implemented routing using gorilla-mux and ensured secure user authentication through JWT integration • Employed the exec package to execute bash commands, running submissions across different test cases • Techstack consisted of HTML, Tailwind CSS, JavaScript, ReactJS, Golang, MongoDB SmartSkill Studio: A Django Based E-Learning Platform • Developed backend of an e-learning platform using Django REST Framework for course creation and enrollment • Implemented dynamic chat using channels and websockets, enhancing collaborative learning for enrolled students • Integrated and secured Stripe payments, ensuring a robust and secure transactional backend for course purchases RealEstateChain: Decentralized Real Estate Marketplace • Developed a decentralized web3 app for Real Estate, ensuring secure and transparent transactions • Created user interface using ReactJS and Material UI and developed NFT smart contracts using Solidity • Integrated Ether.js to enable seamless interaction between the front-end and the Ethereum blockchain • Incorporated IPFS to leverage distributed file storage, enhancing the scalability and decentralized nature • Utilized Hardhat to streamline the testing, compilation, and deployment processes for the smart contracts Blog Website • Built Blog website with secure authenticated admin pannel where admin can perform CRUD operation • Used Passport.js, Express-session for authentication and bcrypt library to hash and salt passwords securely • Backend is built in Node.js, Express.js, DataBase is MongoDB and Frontend using HTML, CSS and JavaScript ACHIEVEMENTS • Achieved Highest Rating of 1766 (Expert) on Codeforces and 2029 (5 Star) on CodeChef • Secured Global Rank 49 (All India Rank - 7) in Leetcode Weekly Contest 366 among 23000 participants • Secured Global Rank 156 (All India Rank - 14) in Codeforces Round 875 (Div. 2) among 20000 participants • Secured Global Rank 607 and 778 and (India Rank 411 and 502) in Google Kickstart Round G and F 2022 • Guardian (Max Rating 2308) in leetcode and Solved more than 1200 Problems on leetcode and geeksforgeeks SKILLS Programming Languages C, C++, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, Go, Solidity Frameworks/ Libraries React.js, Next.js, Django, Node.js, Express.js, EJS, Bootstrap, Hardhat, Ethers.js Database MySQL, MongoDB, Redis