Induction Policy
Induction Policy
Induction Policy
Policy statement
The purpose of the induction policy is to ensure that all employees are
provided with a properly structured induction programme, providing
them with key information about the Company quickly, in order to help
them to integrate into their role in the Company effectively during the
remainder of their probationary period.
This policy relates to all newly appointed employees of the Company, as
well as any existing employees that move to a new job role within the
Company. Existing employees in particular are expected to be proactive
during their induction into their new job role; this may be shorter than
would have been provided to a newly appointed employee. In all
instances, the induction ensures that employees receive the relevant
information and support from appropriate sources to enable them to
apply themselves to their new job role fully.
Employees that have been promoted or transferred will not receive this
Company induction
[Optional] The standard Company induction is operated [delete as
appropriate - once a month/twice a month/etc].
Day one
The aim of the induction on day one is to introduce new employees to the
Company, and to each other. The induction programme will help
employees become orientated and understand the Company culture so
that they know what is expected of them.
Content of the induction pack that was sent to the new employees will be
supplemented with copies of the Company’s current policies and
procedures. The induction will include an overview of each of the policies
and attention will be drawn to key aspects.
The departmental level induction will allow the new employee to become
familiar with their new department, including an introduction to the
teams and support available in the department and how the department
operates generally. The line manager will set out where the new
employee fits in to existing teams and how it is intended for the new
employee to operate effectively within the department.
The line manager will complete the key documentation required of the
new employee. Where this remains uncompleted, the line manager will
ask the employee to sign the statement of main terms and conditions of
The training and development plan will be set out including the
arrangements for the probationary review meetings.
The week could include shadowing, with the new employee sitting with
contemporaries to review the work that they will be asked to undertake
during week two onwards.
The week could also include meetings with key employees to go over
systems, procedures, techniques, equipment, production methods etc.
An induction review meeting will take place at the end of week one to ask
the new employee how the first week has gone and seek feedback on the
effectiveness of the induction programme so far. Any feedback from the
new employee may dictate the need for further training, meetings or
reviews in the weeks that follow on some or all the business areas
Second week
The second week may move from a shadowing perspective to starting to
undertake work in the job role, under supervision. Alternatively,
shadowing may continue depending on the needs of the role with work
commencing the following week. The structure of the second week is
dictated by the needs of the role and the line manager’s experience in
this area.
Probationary reviews
The Company employs all new employees subject to a probationary
period. During this period, the employee’s performance will be assessed
at regular intervals.
For all new employees commencing employment, and existing employees
transferring job roles or transferring departments, will be provided with
a mentor.
The mentoring process runs for the first nine months of the role and may
be extended by a further six months on an informal basis. Employees are
encouraged to discuss the requirements with their mentor and their line
Hour long mentoring meetings will take place weekly for the first three
months, moving to monthly thereafter until the first year of employment
is completed.
Away from the periodic meetings, the mentor is available at other times
should the employee have problems or queries with their job role. The
mentor is not a coach but can give professional advice to employees
where appropriate. It will not be appropriate for a mentor to deal with
any workplace concerns or complaints, and these should be directed to
the employee’s line manager at first instance.
The Company provides new employees with coaching from the first day
of their employment, through their line manager.
Line managers will provide employees with training to ensure they have
enough support to undertake their job roles. Coaching will continue
during the probationary period and as necessary for a number of months
after completion of the probationary period, up to one year, depending on
the needs of the job role.
Line managers will support employees with coaching in relation to new
tasks, processes and concepts.
Policy monitoring
The policy in relation to induction will be evaluated via feedback forms
given out by the Company to employees during their induction. The
feedback provided by employees through their probationary reviews will
also be used to inform aspects of the policy.