NB 2023 12 15 20
NB 2023 12 15 20
NB 2023 12 15 20
Serial No.
Candidate’s Roll Number
Question Booklet
Time Allowed : 2:30 Hours Maximum Marks : 150
Read the following instructions carefully before you begin to answer the questions.
1. This Question Booklet is divided into three Parts—Part–I, Part–II and Part–III. Part–I contains
questions of Language (Qualifying), Part–II contains questions of General Studies and Part–III
contains questions of Geography.
2. Part–I consists of Question Nos. 1 to 30, Part–II consists of Question Nos. 31 to 70 and Part–III
consists of Question Nos. 71 to 150. The questions and their responses are printed in English
and Hindi versions both of Part–II and Part–III.
3. All questions carry equal marks.
4. Immediately after commencement of the examination, you should check up your Question
Booklet and ensure that the Question Booklet Series is printed on the top right-hand corner
of the Booklet. Please check that the Booklet contains 48 printed pages including two pages
(Page Nos. 46 and 47) for Rough Work and no page or question is missing or unprinted or
torn or repeated. If you find any defect in this Booklet, get it replaced immediately by
a complete Booklet of the same series.
5. You must write your Roll Number in the space provided on the top of this page. Do not write
anything else on the Question Booklet.
6. An Answer Sheet will be supplied to you separately by the Invigilator to mark the answers. You
must write your Name and other particulars in the space provided on Page–1 of the Answer
Sheet provided, failing which your Answer Sheet will not be evaluated.
7. You should encode your Roll Number and the Question Booklet Series A, B, C or D as it is
printed on the top right-hand corner of the Question Booklet with Black/Blue ink ballpoint pen in
the space provided on Page–2 of your Answer Sheet. If you do not encode or fail to encode the
correct series of your Question Booklet, your Answer Sheet will not be evaluated correctly.
8. Each question comprises of five responses—(A), (B), (C), (D) and (E). You are to select ONLY ONE
correct response and mark it in your Answer Sheet. Your total marks will depend on the number
of correct responses marked by you in the Answer Sheet.
9. In the Answer Sheet, there are five circles— A , B , C , D and E against each question. To
answer the questions, you are to mark with Black/Blue ink ballpoint pen ONLY ONE circle of your
choice for each question. Select only one response for each question and mark it in your Answer
Sheet. If you mark more than one answer for one question, the answer will be treated as wrong.
Use Black/Blue ink ballpoint pen only to mark the answer in the Answer Sheet. Any erasure
or change is not allowed.
10. You should not remove or tear off any sheet from the Question Booklet. You are not allowed to
take this Question Booklet and the Answer Sheet out of the Examination Hall during the
examination. After the examination has concluded, you must hand over your Answer Sheet
to the Invigilator. Thereafter, you are permitted to take away the Question Booklet with you.
11. Failure to comply with any of the above instructions will render you liable to such action or
penalty as the Commission may decide at their discretion.
12. Candidates must assure before leaving the Examination Hall that their Answer Sheets will be kept
in Self Adhesive LDPE Bag and completely packed/sealed in their presence.
‹`mZ X| : AZwXoem| H$m {h›Xr Í$nm›Va Bg nwpÒVH$m Ho$ Ap›V_ n•> na N>nm h°ü&
24/HV/M–2023–20/S5 (HS)/244-A 2
9. "Mm±Xr' e„X _| H$m°Z-gr gßkm h°? 13. {deofU H$m ‡_wI ^oX H$m°Z-gm Zht h°?
(A) –Ï`dmMH$ gßkm (A) Agmd©Zm{_H$ {deofU
(B) Om{VdmMH$ gßkm (B) JwUdmMH$ {deofU
(C) ^mddmMH$ gßkm (C) n[a_mUdmMH$ {deofU
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$ (D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
(E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht (E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
10. {ZÂZ{b{IV e„Xm| _| go H$m°Z-gm "EH$dMZ' h°? 14. {ZÂZ{b{IV _| go H$m°Z-gm Aew’ e„X h°?
(A) hÒVmja (A) dr^Àg
(B) N>m`m (B) bJmZ
(C) Am±gy (C) AmJm_r
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
(E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
(E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
24/HV/M–2023–20/S5 (HS)/244-A 4
25. EH$ N>moQ>r AmH•${V H$m M_H$sbm dJ©, Omo ÒH´$sZ 28. {h›Xr ^mfm Ho$ CX≤^d H$m H$mb _mZm OmVm h°
na {H$gr {Mï H$s pÒW{V H$mo ÒnÔ> H$aVm h°,
Cgo ä`m H$hVo h¢? (A) 500 B©0 ny0
24/HV/M–2023–20/S5 (HS)/244-A 6
31. EH$ Am`VmH$ma hm∞b Ho$ \$e© H$s n[a{Y 34. g_rH$aU ax 2 + bx + c = 0 Ho$ Xmo {^fi
250 _rQ>a h°ü& `{X R 10 ‡{V dJ© _rQ>a H$s dmÒV{dH$ _yb hm|Jo, `{X
Xa go Mmam| Xrdmam| H$mo n|Q> H$aZo H$s bmJV
R 15,000 h°, Vmo hm∞b H$s D±$MmB© h°
(A) b 2 - 4ac < 0
(A) 7 _rQ>a
(B) 16 _rQ>a (B) b 2 - 4ac > 0
(C) 6 _rQ>a
(C) b 2 - 4ac = 0
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
(E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht (D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
1 (A) anatomy
(B) meiosis
53 (C) genetics
(D) More than one of the above (D) More than one of the above
24/HV/M–2023–20/S5 (HS)/244-A 8
36. `{X X = a 2 - b 2, Y = 30 VWm 39. _m`mo{n`m dh ~r_mar h°, {Og_| Ï`{∫$ XoI
a + b = 15 hmo, Vmo Zht nmVm h°
(B) X ~ãS>m h° Y go `{X a > b (B) nmg H$s dÒVwE± ÒnÔ> Í$n go
(C) Y ~ãS>m h° X go `{X a = b (C) nmg H$s VWm Xya H$s dÒVwE± ÒnÔ> Í$n go
37. `m—p¿N>H$ Í$n go MwZo JE EH$ J°a-brn df© _| 40. "AmZwdß{eH$Vm' e„X _wª` Í$n go {H$go
53 a{ddma hmoZo H$s ‡m{`H$Vm h° gßX{^©V H$aVm h°?
1 (A) eara-aMZm
(B) AY©gyÃr {d^mOZ
(B) (C) AmZwdß{eH$s
(C) eyes
(A) oxidation
(D) More than one of the above
(C) Venturimeter
(A) neutrons
(C) dots per inch
(B) electrons
(C) protons
(D) More than one of the above
(D) More than one of the above
24/HV/M–2023–20/S5 (HS)/244-A 10
42. dh ‡{H´$`m, {Og_| ‡H$me-gßÌbofU Ho$ Xm°amZ 44. Q¥>°H$mo_m amoJ H$m gÂ~›Y h°
dm`w_S>br` H$m~©Z S>mBAm∞ägmBS> H$mo
H$m~m}hmBS¥>oQ> _| n[ad{V©V {H$`m OmVm h°, h° (A) \o$\$ãS>m| go
(B) H$mZ go
(A) Am∞ägrH$aU
(C) Am±Im| go
(A) VraßXmOr
(E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
(B) AßV[aj am∞Ho$Q>
(C) do›Myar_rQ>a
43. EH$ {‡›Q>a H$s JwUdŒmm {H$ggo {ZYm©[aV H$s (D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
OmVr h°>?
(E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
(C) ‡moQ>m∞Z
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
24/HV/M–2023–20/S5 (HS)/244-A 12
47. EbZ _ÒH$ ¤mam {gæoMa „by ~S>© bmoJmo H$mo 50. hmb hr _| ~Zo {dnjr amOZr{VH$ Xbm| Ho$
~XbH$a "X' bmoJmo H$s KmofUm H$aZo go nhbo, JR>~ßYZ INDIA H$m nyU©Í$n ä`m h°?
2012 _| AnZo Ap›V_ gßÒH$aU _| {Qâ>Q>a Ho$
‡{V{>V ~S>© Ho$ {Z_m©Vm Ho$ Í$n _| {H$go _mZm
(A) Bß{S>`Z ZoeZb S>odbn_|Q>b Bßäby{gd
OmVm h°?
(A) O°H$ S>mogu
(B) _m{Q>©Z J´mga (B) Bß{S>`Z ZoeZb S>odbn_|Q> \$m∞a B‡yd_|Q>
(C) ZmoAmh Ωbmg
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
(C) Bß{S>`Z ZoeZb S>odbn_|Q>b Bßäby{gd
(E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht Eogmo{gEeZ
48. Bg df© [abrµO h˛B© CÉ-AdYmaUm {dkmZ Ho$ (D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
~mao _| ‡{g’ {\$Î_ "AmonoZhmB_a>' Ho$ {ZX}eH$
H$m°Z h¢?
(E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
(A) {H´$ÒQ>mo\$a ZmobZ
(B) JmB [aMr
(C) bm°am _°H$J°Z 51. AJÒV 2023 _| O~ M›–`mZ–2 Mß–
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$ Am∞{~©Q>a Zo M›–`mZ–3 Ho$ b°ßS>a _m∞S>Áyb go
gÂnH©$ ÒWm{nV {H$`m, Vmo CgZo Cgo ä`m gßXoe
(E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht ^oOm Wm?
24/HV/M–2023–20/S5 (HS)/244-A 14
52. 1989 _| bmoH$V›Ã g_W©H$ Am›XmobZ H$mo 55. ^m°Jmo{bH$ joÃ\$b Ho$ AZwgma, ^maV H$s
Hw$MbZo dmbo MrZ Ho$ nyd© amÔ¥>n{V H$m Zm_ {ZÂZ{b{IV ^m°°{VH$ ({\${O`moJ´m{\$H$) BH$mB`m|
{b{IEü& H$mo Amamohr H´$_ _| Ï`dpÒWV H$s{OE :
(A) _mAmo Àgo VwßJ 1. Ho$›–r` CÉ^mJ
2. _hmZ _°XmZ
(B) `mßJ emßJHw$Z
3. VQ>r` _°XmZ
(C) {O`mßJ Oo{_Z
4. CŒmar nd©V
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$ ZrMo {XE JE Hy$Q> H$m ‡`moJ H$a ghr CŒma
(E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
(A) 3, 1, 2, 4
(C) {b`mo damS>H$a 56. {ZÂZ{b{IV lo{U`m| H$mo CŒma go X{jU H$s
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$ Amoa H´$_ _| Ï`dpÒWV H$s{OE :
1. b‘mI
(E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
2. H$amH$moa_
3. nra n›Omb
54. ^maV _| Am`mo{OV Or–20 {eIa gÂ_obZ _|
A\´$sH$s gßK H$mo ÒWm`r gXÒ` ~Zm`m J`mü& 4. OmßÒH$a
A\´$sH$s gßK Ho$ A‹`j H$m°Z h¢? ZrMo {XE JE Hy$Q> H$m ‡`moJ H$a ghr CŒma
(A) AOmbr Agm°_Zr
(A) 1, 3, 2, 4
(B) OpÒQ>Z QØ>S>mo
(B) 2, 1, 4, 3
(C) Cg©wbm dm∞Z S>oa boZ
(C) 3, 4, 1, 2
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$ (D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
(E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht (E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
(C) between 16° N and 21° N (D) More than one of the above
(E) None of the above
(D) More than one of the above
(D) More than one of the above (D) More than one of the above
(D) More than one of the above (D) More than one of the above
24/HV/M–2023–20/S5 (HS)/244-A 16
57. ^maV _| _m∞ZgyZ grOZ _| A{YH$mße MH´$dmVmoß 60. O~ ~hVm nmZr {MH$Zr {_≈>r H$mo H$mQ>Vm h°
H$s CÀn{Œm hmoVr h° Am°a Jhao M°Zb ~ZmVm h°, Vmo ä`m hmoVm h°?
24/HV/M–2023–20/S5 (HS)/244-A 18
63. {~hma _| 1857 H$s H´$mp›V Ho$ Xm°amZ nQ>Zm, 67. {ZÂZ{b{IV _| go {H$g {V{W H$mo amZr
Amam Am°a emhm~mX {Obm| _| {H$gZo ZoV•Àd {däQ>mo[a`m H$s CX≤KmofUm Omar h˛B©?
‡XmZ {H$`m? (A) 1 ZdÂ~a, 1857
(A) amOHw$_ma ewäbm (B) 27 _mM©, 1858
(B) Zm_Xma Im± (C) 1 ZdÂ~a, 1858
(C) Hw±$da qgh (D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$ (E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
(E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht 68. {ZÂZ{b{IV _| go H$m°Z-gm H$WZ ghr h°?
64. ~ßJmb H$m {d^mOZ ‡^mdr h˛Am (A) amOm am__mohZ am` ZdrZ {ejm Ho$
AJ´Ur Woü&
(A) 14 A∫y$~a, 1905 H$mo
(B) Òdm_r X`mZ›X Zo "^maV ^maVr`m| Ho$
(B) 15 A∫y$~a, 1905 H$mo {bE' H$m Zmam {X`mü&
(C) 16 A∫y$~a, 1905 H$mo (C) {ddoH$mZ›X Zo {dÌd Y_© gßgX _| ^mJ
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$ {b`mü&
(E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht (D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
(E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
65. ~Â~B© _| H$m±J´og ¤mam ^maV N>moãS>mo ‡ÒVmd nmg
{H$`m J`m 69. BZ_| go H$m°Z BßΩb¢S> _| ^maV Ho$ AZm{YH$m[aH$
(A) 7 AJÒV, 1942 H$mo XyV ~Zo?
(A) gwao›–ZmW ~ZOu
(B) 8 AJÒV, 1942 H$mo
(B) XmXm^mB© Zm°amoOr
(C) 9 AJÒV, 1942 H$mo
(C) Òdm_r {ddoH$mZ›X
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
(E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
(E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
66. AßJ´oOm| Zo ^maV na bÂ~o g_` VH$ am¡` H°$go 70. ^maV gaH$ma A{Y{Z`_, 1935 H$mo {H$gZo
{H$`m? "Jwbm_r H$m MmQ>©a' ~Vm`m?
(A) H$m±J´og H$s CXmadmXr Zr{V`moß Ho$ H$maU (A) _hmÀ_m Jm±Yr
(B) ^maVr` ZoVmAm| H$s {Ja‚Vmar Ho$ H$maU (B) ZoVmOr gw^mf M›– ~mog
(C) "~m±Q>mo Am°a amO H$amo' H$s Zr{V Ho$ H$maU (C) _m°bmZm hgaV _mohmZr
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$ (D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
(E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht (E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
71. Which is the nearest galaxy to 74. Who said that the Geography
our galaxy Mandakini? is the study of areal
(A) Andromeda
(A) Hartshorne
(B) Sirius
(B) Salisbury
(C) Vega
(C) Shaler
(D) More than one of the above
(D) More than one of the above
(E) None of the above
(E) None of the above
(A) Andesite
(A) First
(B) Wallace
(B) Second
(C) Form
(C) Third
(D) More than one of the above
(D) More than one of the above
(E) None of the above
(E) None of the above
(D) More than one of the above (D) More than one of the above
24/HV/M–2023–20/S5 (HS)/244-A 20
71. h_mar AmH$meJßJm _›Xm{H$Zr go gdm©{YH$ 74. {H$gZo H$hm {H$ ^yJmob joÃr` {d{^fiVm H$m
g_rn pÒWV J°boägr H$m°Z-gr h°? A‹``Z H$aVm h°?
(A) EoS¥>mo_oS>m (A) hmQ>©emoZ©
(B) {g[a`g (B) g°{bg~ar
(C) doJm (C) eoba
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$ (D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
(E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht (E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
72. Am°⁄moJrH$aU Am°a ZJarH$aU OZgmßpª`H$s 75. {ZÂZ{b{IV _| go H$m°Z-gr aoIm Xmo O°{dH$
gßH´$_U H$s {H$g AdÒWm H$m bjU h°? ‡Xoem| H$mo AbJ H$aVr h°?
(A) ‡W_ (A) Eo›S>oOmBQ>
(B) {¤Vr` (B) dbmg
(C) V•Vr` (C) \$m∞_©
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$ (D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
(E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht (E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
73. OrdmÌ_m| Ho$ AmYma na _mZd-CÀn{Œm Ho$›– 76. {ZÂZ{b{IV _| go H$m°Z-gm ^maV H$m g~go
H$m°Z-gm h°? ~ãS>m ^mfmB© g_yh h°?
(A) A\´$sH$m H$s [a‚Q> KmQ>r (A) {gZmo-{V~oVZ
(B) _‹` E{e`m (B) BS>mo-Am`©Z
(C) OoÍ$gb_ (C) Am∞ÒQ¥>rH$
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$ (D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
(E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht (E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
(D) More than one of the above (D) More than one of the above
24/HV/M–2023–20/S5 (HS)/244-A 22
77. joÃr` `moOZm gß~ß{YV h° 80. ^maVr` gd}jU {d^mJ H$m ÒWmnZm df© h°
78. {S>EJmo Jm{g©`m {H$g ¤rng_yh na pÒWV h°? 81. M≈>mZm| H$m Xm~ VWm Vmn Ho$ H$maU H$ãS>m hmoZm
H$hbmVm h°
(A) M>°Jmog
(A) H$m`m›VaU
(B) gmoH$moÃm
(B) —ãT>rH$aU
(C) _°ÒH$arZ
(C) {ZO©brH$aU
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
(E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
(E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
24/HV/M–2023–20/S5 (HS)/244-A 24
83. S>o{g_o{Q¥>H$ {d{Y go ä`m _mnr/_mnm OmVm h°? 87. {ZÂZ{b{IV _| go {H$g df© _| nhbm ao{S>`mo
(A) g_w– H$s JhamB© H$m`©H´$_ ‡gm[aV {H$`m J`m Wm?
(B) OZgߪ`m KZÀd (A) 1923
(C) ÒWb H$s D±$MmB©
(B) 1936
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
(E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht (C) 1927
(D) More than one of the above (E) None of the above
(D) More than one of the above (D) More than one of the above
24/HV/M–2023–20/S5 (HS)/244-A 26
90. ^maVr` gd}jU {d^mJ ¤mam V°`ma ^ynÃH$ 93. {eaÒ` gyMH$mßH$ ‡^m{dV hmoVm h°
{H$g ‡jon na ~Zo hmoVo h¢?
(A) n`m©daUr` VŒdm| go
(A) A›Vam©Ô¥>r`
(B) ^moOZ go
(B) _H}$Q>a
(C) OrZ go
(C) eßπ$mH$ma
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
(E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
(E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
92. JoQ>do {g{Q> pÒWV hmoVm h° 95. n`m©daU {Z`moOZ Edß nm[apÒW{VH$ gßVwbZ H$s
gßH$ÎnZm H$m {dH$mg ‡maß^ h˛Am
(A) VQ>dVu ^mJm| na
(A) d°km{ZH$ {Z`{VdmX go
(B) Xmo ~ãS>o joÃm| Ho$ _‹` ‡mW{_H$ ZJa Ho$
Í$n _| (B) gÂ^ddmX go
(D) More than one of the above (E) None of the above
98. Which of the following countries 101. The rocky surface on mountain
is not located on the coast of top is called
the Gulf of Aqaba?
(A) Felsenmeer
(A) Saudi Arabia
(B) Fella
(B) Jordan
(C) Felt
(C) Palestine
(D) More than one of the above (D) More than one of the above
24/HV/M–2023–20/S5 (HS)/244-A 28
96. 2011 _| {dÌd Ho$ Xoem| Ho$ ~rM _mZd 99. O`nwa ^maV Ho$ {H$g ÒWbmH•${VH$ ‡Xoe _|
{dH$mg gyMH$mßH$ Ho$ gßX^© _| ^maV H$m pÒWV h°?
{ZÂZ{b{IV _| go H$m°Z-gm ÒWmZ h°?
(A) {h_mb` nd©Vr` ^mJ
(A) 126
(B) ‡m`¤rnr` nR>ma
(B) 134
(C) CŒmar _°XmZ
(C) 128
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
(E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
(E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
98. "AH$m~m ImãS>r' VQ> na H$m°Z-gm Xoe pÒWV 101. nd©V {eIa na {_bZo dmbr M≈>mZr gVh
Zht h°? H$hbmVr h°
103. With decreasing population the 106. Which one of the following towns
man-land ratio is not located on a river bank?
(D) More than one of the above (D) More than one of the above
(D) More than one of the above (D) More than one of the above
24/HV/M–2023–20/S5 (HS)/244-A 30
102. J´rZ bo~a dh bo~a h°, Omo 105. n`m©daU ‡XyfU Zo O›_ {X`m h°
104. ‡mMrZ ^maVr` ^yJmobdoŒmmAm| Ho$ AZwgma, _‹` 107. {ZÂZ{b{IV _| go H$m°Z-gm EH$ ^y{_ go {Kam
Xoem›Va H$hm± go hmoH$a JwOaVr h°? ~ßXaJmh h°?
(C) Varanasi
113. Pisciculture indicates
(D) More than one of the above (A) determinism
24/HV/M–2023–20/S5 (HS)/244-A 32
108. Am_u{Z`m h° EH$ 111. Vmn_S>b H$m Xygam Zm_ h°
(A) ~{h_©S>b
(A) nd©Vr` Jm±R>
(B) Am`Z_S>b
(B) Xoe (C) AmoµOmoZ_S>b
(C) ~ßXaJmh ZJa (D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
(E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
(E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht 112. {dÌd _| ZJarH$aU {H$g nR>ma na A{YH$
h˛Am h°?
(A) VQ>dVu nR>ma
109. {ZÂZ{b{IV _| go H$m°Z-gm gmJa-Vb go
(B) _hm¤rnr` nR>ma
gdm©{YH$ D±$MmB© na pÒWV h°?
(C) nd©V-nXr` nR>ma
(A) _Wwam (D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
(B) H$mZnwa (E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
(C) Greater Mumbai, Kolkata, (D) More than one of the above
Delhi, Chennai
(E) None of the above
(D) More than one of the above
(D) More than one of the above (D) More than one of the above
24/HV/M–2023–20/S5 (HS)/244-A 34
115. gm°a Vßà {H$g ‡H$ma H$m Vßà h°? 118. VohamZ {H$g nd©V na pÒWV h°?
116. {ZÂZ{b{IV _| go eham| Ho$ {H$g g_yh H$mo 119. gmoZ, Z_©Xm Am°a _hmZXr H$m CÀn{Œm-ÒWb
CZHo$ AmH$ma Ho$ H´$_ AWm©V≤ 1, 2, 3 Am°a 4 A_aHß$Q>H$ H$hm± pÒWV h°?
a¢H$ _| Ï`dpÒWV {H$`m J`m h°?
(A) _°H$mb loUr
(A) J´oQ>a _wÂ~B©, ~|JbwÈ, H$mobH$mVm, MofiB©
(B) _H$mby loUr
(B) {XÑr, J´oQ>a _wÂ~B©, MofiB©, H$mobH$mVm
(C) amO_hb nhm{ãS>`m±
(C) J´oQ>a _wÂ~B©, H$mobH$mVm, {XÑr, MofiB©
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
(E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
(E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
(D) More than one of the above (D) More than one of the above
24/HV/M–2023–20/S5 (HS)/244-A 36
121. {H$g dfm© go ^y{_ CnOmD$ hmoVr h°? 124. H$m°Z ^yJmobdoŒmm "B{Vhmg H$m OZH$' _mZm
OmVm h°?
(A) AÂb dfm©
(A) hoamoS>moQ>g
(B) a∫$ dfm©
(B) {hH°${Q>`g
(C) nßH$ dfm©
(C) AZ°äOr_°S>a
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$ (D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
(E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht (E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
122. {H´$ÒQ>m∞ba Zo AnZo Ho$›–r` ÒWb {g’mßV _oß 125. "b°S>em‚Q>' {dMmaYmam {H$g ÒHy$b go gß~ß{YV
{ZÂZ{b{IV _| go {H$gH$mo dar`Vm Zht Xr? h°?
(D) More than one of the above (D) More than one of the above
128. Which canal does not shorten 131. The country having the longest
the length of sea route? coastline in the world is
(A) Panama
(A) Canada
(B) Soo
(B) Indonesia
(C) Suez
(C) China
(D) More than one of the above
(D) More than one of the above
(E) None of the above
(E) None of the above
(D) More than one of the above (D) More than one of the above
24/HV/M–2023–20/S5 (HS)/244-A 38
127. {ZÂZ{b{IV _| go H$m°Z-gr ZXr AÀ`{YH$ 130. {ZÂZ{b{IV _| go H$m°Z-gm _hmgmJar` {ZVb
‡Xy{fV h°? CÉmdM H$mo ‡X{e©V H$aVm h°?
128. {H$g Zha ¤mam g_w–r-_mJ© H$s bÂ~mB© H$_ 131. {dÌd H$m gdm©{YH$ bÂ~r VQ>aoIm dmbm Xoe h°
Zhrß hmoVr?
(A) H$ZmS>m
(A) nZm_m
(B) BS>moZo{e`m
(B) gy
(C) MrZ
(C) ÒdoO
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
129. {~hma Ho$ {H$g {Obo _| _∏$m H$m CÀnmXZ 132. C⁄moJm| VWm Ï`{∫$`m| H$m ZJa go ~mha H$s
gdm©{YH$ hmoVm h°? Va\$ ‡doe H$hbmVm h°
(B) 3000
(C) Semang
(C) 4000
(D) More than one of the above
(D) More than one of the above
(E) None of the above
(E) None of the above
134. Phoenicians are associated with 137. Which one of the following
diseases is caused by water
(A) Turkey pollution?
(B) Diarrhoea
(C) Egypt
(C) Respiratory infection
(D) More than one of the above
(D) More than one of the above
(E) None of the above
(E) None of the above
135. The average distance between 138. The port city Dubai, located on
Dak Bangalows is the coast of the Persian Gulf,
is situated in
(A) 25 km
(A) Saudi Arabia
(B) 50 km
(B) United Arab Emirates
(C) 75 km
(C) Kuwait
(D) More than one of the above (D) More than one of the above
24/HV/M–2023–20/S5 (HS)/244-A 40
133. _bo{e`m H$s dZÒn{V{dhrZ CÀImV ^y{_ 136. {ZÂZ{b{IV _oß go H$m°Z-gm Am±H$ãS>m ^maV _|
H$hbmVr h° Hw$b dm{f©H$ dfm© H$mo KZ {H$bmo_rQ>a _| ghr
T>ßJ go Xem©Vm h°?
(A) nS>mßJ
(A) 2000
(B) bXmßJ
(B) 3000
(C) go_mßJ
(C) 4000
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
(E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht (E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
(D) More than one of the above (D) More than one of the above
(D) More than one of the above (D) More than one of the above
24/HV/M–2023–20/S5 (HS)/244-A 42
139. {~hma Ho$ {H$g {Obo _| Johˇ± H$m CÀnmXZ 142. BS>moZo{e`m H$s ÒWmZm›VaUerb H•${f
gdm©{YH$ hmoVm h°? H$hbmVr h°
(A) nQ>Zm (A) bXmßJ
(B) amohVmg (B) MoZm
(C) OhmZm~mX
(C) _gmob
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
(E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
(E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
(E) None of the above (D) More than one of the above
(D) More than one of the above (D) More than one of the above
24/HV/M–2023–20/S5 (HS)/244-A 44
145. {H$gr ^yCn`moJ H$m OoZaoQ>a hmoVm h° 148. {ZÂZ{b{IV _| go H$m°Z-gr ZXr {h›X-MrZ Ho$
VrZ Xoem| go hmoH$a JwOaVr h°?
(A) n[adhZ gw{dYm
(A) BamdXr
(B) Am°⁄mo{JH$ BH$mB©
(B) _rH$mßJ
(C) ny±Or
(C) {M›X{dZ
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
(E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
(E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
147. {ZÂZ{b{IV _| go {H$g Xoe H$s MrZ Ho$ gmW 150. {ZÂZ{b{IV _| go H$m°Z-gm _mZ{MÃ VWm ÒHo$M
AßVam©Ô¥>r` gr_m Zht h°? _| A›Va Zht h°?
24/HV/M–2023–20/S5 (HS)/244-A 46
SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / aµ\$ H$m`© Ho$ {bE ÒWmZ
^mfm, gm_m›` A‹``Z Am°a ^yJmob
g_` : 2:30 KQ>o nyUm™H$ : 150
‡ÌZm| Ho$ CŒma XoZo go nhbo ZrMo {bIo AZwXoem| H$mo ‹`mZ go nãT> b|ü&
_hŒdnyU© AZwXoe
1. `h ‡ÌZ-nwpÒVH$m VrZ ^mJm| _| {d^m{OV h°çç^mJ–I, ^mJçII Edß ^mJçIII ü& ^mJçI _| ^mfm (Ah©Vm) Ho$ ‡ÌZ h¢, ^mJçII _|
gm_m›` A‹``Z Ho$ ‡ÌZ h¢ VWm ^mJçIII _| ^yJmob Ho$ ‡ÌZ h¢ü&
2. ^mJçI _| ‡ÌZ gߪ`m 1 go 30, ^mJçII _| ‡ÌZ gߪ`m 31 go 70 VWm ^mJçIII _| ‡ÌZ gߪ`m 71 go 150 VH$ h¢ü& ^mJçII VWm
^mJçIII _| ‡ÌZ Am°a CZHo$ CŒma AßJ´oOr Edß {h›Xr _| _w{–V h¢ü&
3. g^r ‡ÌZm| H$m AßH$ g_mZ h°ü&
4. narjm AmaÂ^ hmoVo hr Amn AnZr ‡ÌZ-nwpÒVH$m H$s Om±M H$a XoI b| {H$ BgHo$ D$na Xm`t Amoa ‡ÌZ-nwpÒVH$m H$s ˚m•ßIbm
_w{–V h°ü& H•$n`m Om±M b| {H$ nwpÒVH$m _| aµ\$ H$m`© hoVw Xmo n•>m| (n•> gß0 46 Am°a 47) g{hV nyao 48 _w{–V n•> h¢ Am°a H$moB©
‡ÌZ `m n•> {~Zm N>nm h˛Am `m \$Q>m h˛Am `m Xmo~mam Am`m h˛Am Vmo Zht h°ü& nwpÒVH$m _| {H$gr ‡H$ma H$s Ãw{Q> nmZo na VÀH$mb
BgHo$ ~Xbo Bgr ˚m•ßIbm H$s Xygar ghr nwpÒVH$m bo b|ü&
5. Bg n•> Ho$ D$na {ZYm©[aV ÒWmZ _| AnZm AZwH´$_mßH$ AdÌ` {bI|ü& ‡ÌZ-nwpÒVH$m na Am°a Hw$N> Z {bI|ü&
6. ‡ÌZm| Ho$ CŒma XoZo Ho$ {bE AmnH$mo drjH$ ¤mam AbJ go CŒma nÃH$ {X`m Om`oJmü& AnZo CŒma nÃH$ Ho$ n•>-1 na {ZYm©[aV ÒWmZ _|
AnZm Zm_ VWm A›` {ddaU AdÌ` {bI| A›`Wm AmnH$m CŒma nÃH$ Om±Mm Zht Om`oJmü&
7. CŒma nÃH$ Ho$ n•>-2 na {ZYm©[aV ÒWmZ _| AnZo AZwH´$_mßH$ VWm ‡ÌZ-nwpÒVH$m H$s ˚m•ßIbm A, B, C `m D O°gm Bg
‡ÌZ-nwpÒVH$m Ho$ AmdaU n•> Ho$ D$na Xm`t Amoa Aß{H$V h°, go gÂ~p›YV d•Œm H$mo H$mbr/Zrbr Ò`mhr Ho$ ~m∞b-nm∞B›Q> noZ go AdÌ`
Hy$Q>~’ H$a|ü& CŒma nÃH$ na ‡ÌZ-nwpÒVH$m ˚m•ßIbm Aß{H$V Zht H$aZo AWdm JbV ˚m•ßIbm Aß{H$V H$aZo na CŒma nÃH$ H$m ghr
_yÎ`mßH$Z Zht hmoJmü&
8. ‡À`oH$ ‡ÌZ Ho$ nm±M CŒmaçç(A), (B), (C), (D) Am°a (E) H´$_ na {X`o J`o h¢ü& CZ_| go Amn g~go ghr Ho$db EH$ CŒma H$mo MwZ| Am°a
AnZo CŒma nÃH$ na Aß{H$V H$a|ü& AmnH$m Hw$b ‡m·mßH$ AmnHo$ ¤mam CŒma nÃH$ _| Aß{H$V ghr CŒmam| na {Z^©a H$aoJmü&
9. CŒma nÃH$ _| ‡À`oH$ ‡ÌZ gߪ`m Ho$ gm_Zo nm±M d•Œm Bg ‡H$ma ~Zo h˛E h¢çç A , B , C , D Am°a E ü& ‡ÌZm| Ho$ CŒma XoZo Ho$ {bE
AmnH$mo AnZr ng›X Ho$ Ho$db EH$ d•Œm H$mo H$mbr/Zrbr Ò`mhr Ho$ ~m∞b-nm∞B›Q> noZ go {M{ïV H$aZm h°ü& ‡À`oH$ ‡ÌZ Ho$ {bE Ho$db EH$
CŒma H$mo MwZ| Am°a Cgo AnZo CŒma nÃH$ _| {M{ïV H$a|ü& Amn CŒma nÃH$ _| `{X EH$ ‡ÌZ Ho$ {bE EH$ go A{YH$ d•Œm _| {ZemZ bJmVo h¢,
Vmo AmnH$m CŒma JbV _mZm Om`oJmü& CŒma nÃH$ _| CŒma H$mo {M{ïV H$aZo Ho$ {bE Ho$db H$mbr/Zrbr Ò`mhr Ho$ ~m∞b-nm∞B›Q> noZ
H$m hr ‡`moJ H$a|ü& {H$gr ^r ‡H$ma H$m H$mQ>-Hy$Q> AWdm n[adV©Z _m›` Zht h°ü&
10. ‡ÌZ-nwpÒVH$m go H$moB© nfim \$mãS>Zm `m AbJ H$aZm _Zm h°ü& ‡ÌZ-nwpÒVH$m Am°a CŒma nÃH$ H$mo narjm Ad{Y _| narjm ^dZ go ~mha
H$Xm{n Z bo Om`|ü& narjm Ho$ g_mnZ na CŒma nÃH$ drjH$ H$mo AdÌ` gm¢n X|ü& CgHo$ ~mX AmnH$mo AnZr ‡ÌZ-nwpÒVH$m AnZo gmW
bo OmZo H$s AZw_{V h°ü&
11. D$na Ho$ AZwXoem| _| go {H$gr EH$ H$m ^r nmbZ Zht H$aZo na Amn na Am`moJ Ho$ {ddoH$mZwgma H$ma©dmB© H$s Om gH$Vr h° AWdm AmnH$mo
XS> {X`m Om gH$Vm h°ü&
12. A‰`Wu CŒma nÃH$ H$mo AnZr CnpÒW{V _| Self Adhesive LDPE Bag _| nyar Vah go n°H$/grb H$admZo Ho$ CnamßV hr narjmH$j
H$mo N>moãS>|ü&
Note : English version of the instructions is printed on the First Page of this Booklet.
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