Kneeling Postures
Kneeling Postures
Kneeling Postures
Sit on the heels. Open the knees wide and place the hands on the floor in between the
knees, fingers pointing in.
Lengthen the spine.
Inhale through the nose.
Open the mouth and extend the tongue. Gaze upward while keeping the head steady, then
exhale with a loud and long "ha" sound like a lion.
Close the eyes and mouth.
kapotasana in Sanskrit, provides a deep stretch to the hips. It's the most basic of several pigeon
variations. The pose is a half split with the back leg reaching back and the front leg bent. The
torso remains upright.
Do not strain; if hands don't touch behind the back, hold opposite elbows.
vajrasana, is an important beginner's meditation posture. With the legs folded under the sit
bones, the back is effortlessly straightened.
Improves digestion
Relieves menstrual dicomforts
Activates prana in sushumna nadi
Redirects sexual energy for meditation purposes
Sit on the floor stretching your leg and keeping your spine erect keeping palms on the
ground side by the buttocks.
Bend your leg by the keens and sit on your heels placing the buttocks between the
heels, the right big toe overlapping the left.
Kneel on floor keeping your knees in line with the shoulders and sole of the feet facing
the ceiling.
Keep your hand on thighs.
Inhale and arch your back and place your palms on the heels of the feet.
Keep your arms straight.
Do not strain your neck keep it neutral. Let your neck be free.
Stay in this final position for couple of breaths or as much longer as you can.
Breathe out and slowly come to the normal position withdrawing your hands from the
Contraindications: –
People suffering from severe back and neck injury, high or low blood pressure, migraine or other
severe headache should perform this asana or posture under the guidance of a yoga therapist or
Those People who are suffering from abdominal injuries and any kind of back pain do not
perform the Manduk asana. In case of knee injury avoid this.
1. Sit in Vajrasana , the Thunderbolt pose or the kneeling pose. Place your hands on the
thighs and breathe in a relaxed manner.
2. Raise both your hands above the head, palms facing forward. The arms should be in line
with the shoulders.
3. Slowly bend down and bring the hands forward, till the hands and forehead touched the
ground. Exhale while you are bending forward.
4. In the final position the forehead and hands rest on the ground. Rest in this position for
as long as you are comfortable. In the final position slow rhythmic and relaxed breathing
can be done.