nanoVTEP Upgrade
nanoVTEP Upgrade
nanoVTEP Upgrade
Upgrading to nanoVTEP
Compatibility between nanoVTEP and VTEP Components
nanoVTEP mux cards, amplifiers, and sensor plates are not compatible with VTEP
components and they cannot be mixed.
However, nanoVTEP and VTEP can coexist in a fixture/test program, provided that
the two types of components do not mix as in the following example:
Following the connections shown above, an existing VTEP fixture can be partially
upgraded to nanoVTEP by converting selected devices only.
1. With this setting, the software will assign VTEP probes to VTEP mux cards when generating
new fixture files. The .hp3070 file is in the user’s home directory. If you want to change the
setting only for a specific board, copy the .hp3070 file to the board directory before editing it.
Upgrading VTEP Tests to Use nanoVTEP
The following procedure describes how to upgrade VTEP-tested devices to
nanoVTEP tested devices. This must be done on a system running i3070 Software
release 9.20p or later.
Figure 1 Device Entry Form
5 If necessary, keep a copy of the debugged testjet tests (testorder file) and
merge them into the newly generated testjet tests later.
6 Run IPG Test Consultant to generate tests and fixture files.
a Select Actions > Develop Board Test.
b In the Dependencies Calculation dialog box, select Actions > Begin
Interactive Development.
c In the Develop Board Test dialog box, select Actions > Execute All Steps
To Stop Mark.
Module 2 Top side MUX 1 card
Module 2 Top side NanoMUX 2 card
7 Fabricate the fixture following the standard nanoVTEP fixture building
Case Study: Convert VTEP Fixture to Use nanoVTEP
Here we are replacing VTEP probes with nanoVTEP probes. There are two types of
probes, nanoVTEP standard probes and nanoVTEP probes.
J31 – Upgrade to Standard nanoVTEP Probe
Upgrading from a standard VTEP probe to a standard nanoVTEP probe is
straightforward as the two sockets are the same and can be reused.
If the height of the probe has to be adjusted, the sockets can be removed and new
sockets installed in the same holes.
A new requirement for nanoVTEP is the additional blind hole to house the amplifier.
This will only be needed if the nanoVTEP amplifier is too tall to fit into the existing
VTEP space.
J33 – Upgrade to nanoVTEP Probe
Final assembly.