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Bacteriological Examination of Some Public Swimming Pools

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Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 27 (5): 364-370, 2019

ISSN 1990-9233
© IDOSI Publications, 2019
DOI: 10.5829/idosi.mejsr.2019.364.370

Bacteriological Examination of Some Public Swimming Pools in Nigeria

C. Onwa Ndunuisi and U. Igwe Grace

Department of Applied Microbiology, Ebonyi State University, P.M.B. 053, Abakaliki, Nigeria

Abstract: The bacteriological analysis of some public swimming pools were carried out in Abakaliki, Ebonyi
State. A total of eight public swimming pools were randomly selected for the analysis. Isolation of the bacterial
species was carried out using the pour plate method while bacterial identification was carried out using
morphological, physiological and biochemical tests. Results of the bacterial load of the samples showed that
bacterial contamination of the swimming pools ranged from 1.3 ×101 cfu/ml to 4.1 ×10 1 cfu/ml. The following
bacteria species were isolated from the samples; Staphylococcus species, Streptococccus species,
Listeria species, Enterococcus species, Pseudomonas species, E. coli, Proteus species and Bacillus species.
Result of the percentage distribution of the bacterial species showed that Staphylococcus species occurred
most frequently at 13(21%) while Bacillus species had the least occurrence of 5 (8%). The presence of some
bacteria species like E. coli and other enteric bacteria species isolated from this study suggest the likelihood
of faecal contamination of the swimming pools and its unsatisfactory sanitary condition. It is therefore
recommended that public swimming pools in Abakaliki and beyond be regularly disinfected /chlorinated.

Key words: Bacteriological Public Swimming pool and contamination

INTRODUCTION swimming [3]. Swimming pools have become major

recreation facilities for leisure and sports in cities across
Water occupies about 70% of the earth surface and the world [4]. Swimming pool water should meet potable
is considered the largest natural resource around us. water standard by being transparent, odourless and
The importance of water includes drinking, washing, tasteless liquid having a freezing point of 0°C and boiling
cooking, swimming and also cooling the ecosystem. point of 100°C [5].
Therefore, its importance to humans cannot be Microbiological evaluation has for many years, been
overlooked. But in spite of the awareness to safeguard the most significant method for sanitary and quality
our waters, the resource is still contaminated by control of swimming pools. A test for indicator bacteria
pathogenic microorganisms [1]. like enteric pathogenic bacteria as indicators of fecal
Swimming is generally considered to be a healthy pollution is a useful tool in identifying contaminated
leisure activity for both the young and old. Swimming is swimming pools [6]. Swimming pools have been found to
even often advised as the most appropriate sport for be a reservoir of different types of microorganisms and
asthmatic children, mainly on the grounds that inhaling through this, many contagious infections can be
moist air is less conducive to trigger exercise-induced contacted from these pools [7]. Consequently, pool
asthma [2]. The growing popularity of swimming and waters need to be monitored regularly for pathogenic
other “in-the-water” activities for sport, fitness, therapy microorganisms originating from fecal contamination e.g.
or just enjoyable relaxation has led to the increased use of Escherichia coli O157, Campylobacter jejuni, Shigella
swimming pools and the establishment of a variety of species, Cryptosporidium parvum and Rotaviruses.
specific-use pools such as spa pools, waterslides and Non-fecal pathogens like Legionella pneumophila and
more recently, hydrotherapy and wave pools. These pools Pseudomonas aeruginosa have also been documented to
are used by a variety of people of various ages, health cause recreational water illnesses [8]. Bacterial
status and standards of hygiene [2]. contamination of swimming pool water poses public
Swimming pools are concrete tanks, large artificial health risks to swimmers and others who come into direct
basins or large paved holes containing water for contact with such pools [9].

Corresponding Author: C. Onwa Ndunuisi, Department of Applied Microbiology,

Ebonyi State University, P.M.B. 053, Abakaliki, Nigeria.
Middle-East J. Sci. Res., 27 (5): 364-370, 2019

Those who normally take care of these swimming calculated by multiplying the number of colonies on each
pools have little knowledge about the importance of plate by the reciprocal of the dilution factor of sample
maintaining the pools to meet both the microbiological dilution plated and multiplied by ten, which was reported
and physiochemical standards. Some tend to economize as colony forming units per ml.
chemicals use for sanitizing the pools due to their scarcity
or over chlorinate the pools due to little knowledge of the Number of colonies X Dilution factor
Number of organisms =
recommended quantities to apply and hence compromise 0.1 1
the quality of the swimming pools [10]. The standard Coliform Count: The conventional multiple-tube
guidelines of swimming pools, particularly in developing fermentation (MTF) technique was used to determine the
countries, are not adhered to because little is known most probable number (MPN) of coliform bacteria present
about the contaminants in the pools and the possible in 100 ml of pool water. This technique normally involves
health risks involved [11]. Hence, more studies are needed three steps: Presumptive, confirmed and completed test.
to generate additional information necessary for the
development of swimming pool water quality standards. Presumptive Test: Differential medium for the isolation
This study was designed to assess the bacteriological of coliforms was MacConkey broth. Three broth tube
examination of some public swimming pools within series – the first series containing 3 double strength broth
Abakaliki, Ebonyi state, Nigeria. tubes and the remaining two series comprising 6 single
strength broth tubes – were inoculated with 10ml, 1ml and
MATERIALS AND METHODS 0.1ml of water (ratio 3:3:3) respectively. Tubes were
incubated at 37°C and observed at 24 and 48 hours.
This research was carried out within Abakaliki Presumptive test is positive for coliforms if acid and gas
Metropolis. The population of people in the city has are produced in Durham tubes.
increased as well as the social life of the residents.
Building of hotels with recreational centres such as Confirmed Test: To eliminate false-positives from
swimming pools had been on increase. non-coliform organisms, eosin methylene blue (EMB) agar
plates were inoculated with a loopful from each positive
Sample Collection and Transportation: A total of 16 water presumptive broth tube by streaking across the agar
samples were collected two times from eight different surface. Plates were incubated for 24 h at 37°C.
hotels within Abakaliki metropolis. The sampling periods
were morning before bath and evening after bath. For Completed Test: Finally, nutrient agar slants and
anonymity the selected swimming pools were coded SS, MacConkey broth tubes were inoculated with distinct
SD, AS, CS, SL, OL1, OL2 and VH. Each water sample was colonies picked from cultured isolates on EMB agar
collected with a sterile 250 ml wide mouth plastic container plates. After incubation for 24 hours at 37°C, broth
at depth of about 30 cm from each swimming pool and cultures were observed for acid and gas production and
transported to the laboratory of Applied Microbiology, cultured isolates on agar slants were Gram stain using
Ebonyi State University in a flask containing ice cubes for technique described by Ekopai et al. [12].
analysis within 15 minutes.
Identification of Isolated Bacteria: Growth representative
Bacteriological Examination of Samples of colonies were sub-cultured on nutrient agar medium
Total Aerobic Plate Count: The water samples were and incubated for 24 hours at 37°C. The colonial
10-fold serially diluted in 9 ml of sterilized peptone water characteristics on agar plates were taken into
contained in each of the tubes by transferring 1ml of water consideration. The characterization and identification of
in the first test tube and mixed; then 1 ml of the first isolated bacteria were carried out using the procedures of
dilution was drawn out into the second tube. This was Francois and Schrenzel [13]. The chemical and
continued until the 4th tube. Then 100 ??l of two sample biochemical tests employed were, Gram’s staining
dilutions of 10 2 and 10 4 including the neat (undiluted reaction, motility, catalase, coagulase, methyl red, oxidase
sample) was plated onto the plate count agar by surface reaction, indole, Voges proskauer, urease, motility, citrate
spread using a sterilized glass spreader for uniform utilization and sugar fermentation.
inoculation. The plates were incubated at 37°C for
48 hours. Following appropriate length of incubation, Statistical Analysis: The frequency of occurrence of the
all visible colonies were counted and the results were bacteria isolated were calculated using.

Middle-East J. Sci. Res., 27 (5): 364-370, 2019

n 100 eight (8) bacteria samples were isolated and identified

Frequency (%) ×
N 1 from all the samples. These include: Listeria species,
Staphylococcus species, Bacillus species, Proteus
species, Pseudomonas species, Streptococcus species
where n = Number of occurrence of bacteria, and Escherichia coli (Table 2).
where N = Total number of bacteria isolated. The result below shows the distribution of the
bacterial isolates in swimming pool samples based on their
RESULTS percentage occurrence. Staphylococcus species had the
highest occurrence with the percentage occurrence of
The bacteria load of the water samples showed that 21.0 %, followed by Streptococcus species (16.0 %), while
the bacteria contamination of swimming pool samples Bacillus species had the least occurrence of 8.0 % as
ranges from 1.3×101 to 4.1×101 Cfu/ml (SS, SD, CS, SL OL1 shown in Table 3.
and OL2) while some of the pool samples had no growth The result showed that three water samples (SD, OL1
(AS and VH) as shown in Table 1. and OL2), out of the eight swimming pool water sample,
The result showed that the bacteria isolated from the presence of gas and acid/colour change on
the swimming pools were identified based on their presumptive test of coliforms on lactose broth were
morphological and biochemical characteristics. A total of positive as indicated on Table 4.

Table 1: Bacterial load of the swimming pool water samples

Sample Code Bacteria load (×101) Cfu/ml
SS 2.4
SD 3.7
AS -
CS 4.1
SL 2.0
OL1 1.3
OL2 2.8
VH -
Key: - = No growth

Table 2: Characteristics of the bacteria isolates from swimming pool

Sugar Fermentation
Cell Morphology Gram Reaction Motility Catalase Indole Urease Oxidase Coagulase Citrate Methyl red, Voges proskauer Glucose Fructose Lactose Suspected Organism Sample
Rod shaped + - + - - + - + - - + - - Bacillus species
Rod shaped - - + - - + - + - - + - - Pseudomonas species
Cocci + - + - + - + - + - + - - Staphylococcus species
Rod shaped - + + + - - - - + + + + + Proteus species
Cocci - + + - - - - + - - + + + Streptococcus species
Rod shaped + - + + - - - + - + + + - Enterobacter species
- - + + - - - + + - + + - Escherichia coli
Rod shaped + + + - - - - + + + + + + Listeria species
Key: - = Negative, + = Positive

Table 3: Percentage distribution of the organisms in the swimming pool samples

Isolates Number of Occurrence Percentage Distribution (%) Sample Codes
Listeria species 7 11.0 SS, OL2, CS
Staphylococcus species 13 21.0 CS, SD, OL1, OL2
Enterococcus species 8 13.0 SD, OL1, OL2
Bacillus species 5 8.0 SS, CS, OL2, SL
Proteus species 7 11.0 OL1, OL2, SD
Pseudomonas species 6 10.0 SS, CS, SD, Ol2
Streptococcus species 10 16.0 SS, OL1, OL2, SL
E. coli 6 10.0 SD, OL1, OL2
Total 62 100

Middle-East J. Sci. Res., 27 (5): 364-370, 2019

Table 4: Presumptive identification of Coliforms on lactose broth

Sample Codes Presence of Gas Presence of Acid/Colour Change
SS - -
SD + +
AS - -
CS - -
SL -
OL1 + +
Ol2 + +
VH - -
Key: - = Negative, + = Positive

Table 5: Confirmatory test of coliforms on Eosin methylene blue (EMB) agar

Sample Codes Presence of Growth Characteristics on Agar Plate
SD + Dark purple to black colony
OL1 + Dark purple to black colony
OL2 + Dark purple to black colony
Key: + = Growth present

The confirmatory test of coliforms from the selected Most of these bacterial isolates are known enterotoxin
swimming pools shows that the water from swimming producers when ingested into the body, therefore the
pools designated SD, OL1 and OL2 showed positive with presence of these bacteria in pools is a threat to public
Eosin methylene blue agar as shown in Table 5. health [20]. The presence of pathogens in water for
drinking and swimming purposes is of public health
DISCUSSION concern [21]. Swimmers can accidentally swallow
contaminated pool water during swimming which can
The bacterial load of six swimming pools (SS, SD, CS, result in outbreaks of diseases like cholera, shigellosis,
SL, OL1 and OL2) water analyzed was relatively high as typhoid fever, gastroenteritis and diarrhea [22, 23].
shown in Table 1. This high bacterial load might be due to Staphylococcus species is known to produce
the low residual chlorine level or because the bacteria enterotoxin. Proteus species belongs to the intestinal flora
have become resistant to the calcium hypochlorite that is but is also widely distributed in soil and water Reali et al.
used in treating those swimming pools, similar reports [24]. Enterobacter aerogenes isolated from the water
were also made by Francois and Schrenzel [13], Itah and samples are examples of non faecal coliform and can be
Ekpombok [14], Klapes and Vesley [15] , Lumb et al. [16]. found in vegetation and soil which serves as sources
The results obtained in this work with bacterial count that by which the pathogens enters the water Saba and
ranged from 1.3×101 Cfu/ml to 4.1×101 Cfu/ml showed that Tekpor [25]. Schlegel[26] suggested that pool operators
the swimming pools did not meet the WHO standard that should drain the water from the pools and do disinfection
has been accepted by Nigeria. Also, samples in AS and after use. In line with the report of this study, Shittu,
VH were acceptable according to WHO standard for Olaitan and Amusa [27] in Accra, Ghana isolated E. coli,
aerobic plate count as a result of no growth in them Enterobacter faecalis, Klebsiella pneumonae,
(WHO, 2004). Staphylococcus aereus and Staphylococcus epidermides
The following bacteria species were isolated from the from swimming pools. Also, in a related study on
samples; Staphylococcus species, Streptococccus swimming pools in Ilorin, Nigeria, Micrococcus,
species, Listeria species, Enterococcus species, Aeromonas, Pseudomonas, Klebsiella, Lactobacillus,
Pseudomonas species, E. coli, Proteus species and Bacillus, Citrobacter, Corynobacterium, E. coli and
Bacillus species (Table 2). The isolation of different Staphylococcus aureus were equally isolated [28].
species of bacteria which are known human pathogens Another similar study which was investigated on
from these pools might be due to feacal contamination swimming pools in Lagos, the bacteria isolated were
from both humans and animals [17, 18]. Pseudomonas Enterococcus faecalis, Clostridium perfringes, Bacillus
species are associated with surface run-off water, while cereus, E. coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus
E. coli, S. epidermidis and S. aureus are usually vulgaris, Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus
contributed by bathers in the swimming pools [19]. epidermidis [29]. Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus

Middle-East J. Sci. Res., 27 (5): 364-370, 2019

cereus could be associated with gastroenteritis when to swimmers will increase because the concentration of
ingested with swimming pool water and both organisms chlorine is not enough to eliminate the microorganisms in
are enterotoxin producers [30]. The presence of the pool. Anyim et al. [7] stated that a swimming pool may
Pseudomonas species found in this study is likely to be be infected with pathogenic microorganisms such as
attributed to the growth of Pseudomonas species being coliforms entering the pool either directly or indirectly
supported by the warm, moist environment on decks and through contaminated human or animal excrement such as
floors as previously reported by the Saskatchewan feces and urine from the swimmers. Tate, Mawer and
Ministry of Health (2010). The E. coli isolates obtained in Newton [28] stated that the treatment of water for drinking
this study is most probably derived from swimmers, and swimming purposes should focus on the elimination
human origin is presumed. of coliform bacteria so as to prevent an epidemic of water
Staphylococcus species had the highest occurrence related diseases.
with the percentage occurrence of 21.0 %, followed by
Streptococcus species (16.0 %), Enterococcus species CONCLUSION
(13.0 %), while E. coli and Pseudomonas species had the
least occurrence of 10.0 % (Table 3). The findings that the The study indicated that most swimming pools within
species of Staphylococcus species isolated from the the Abakaliki metropolis were contaminated. The isolation
swimming pools were more than other bacterial isolates of pathogenic enteric bacteria and Staphylococcus aureus
was not surprising because this organism exist in large from this study is an indication of poor bather hygiene
number on the human skin, in other words, they are and poor compliance of the standards. Thus, there is a
normal flora of the skin. Similarly, Yang et al. [31] also need to increase monitoring of the recreational facilities,
reported that the major contaminating bacteria of increased bather hygiene education, as well as pool staff
swimming pools have been Staphylococci species. education and improved pool circulation. Furthermore,
Yoder et al. [32] reported that the major contaminants of studies should be carried out on other microbial
swimming pools and other recreational waters with high contaminants apart from bacteria that contaminate
bather density are Staphylococcus epidermidis and swimming pool water and also on pool architecture and
Staphylococcus aureus. The result of this study is also bather population that contribute to poor compliance of
similar to that of Alcock [3] who reported Staphylococcus the standards.
aureus as the highest bacterial isolated obtained from
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