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Critical Only 4-12-21

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* Aisling : me ‘VENGEFUL VIGILANTE AISLING'S UNCERTARETY Ailing mt uv ad MaUNITY, CONDE Dib whenerer Ang rls re @ dng an Fa ge ca kien eon tes {we oleae he clo ete AC Bepercing on gros sander ales emcok hosp eat SKIRMISHER if Aisling successfully Dodges an Attack, i she hasn't dealt Damage this tur, she will COUNTER with Osan Is therean opponent within ange at © fares sAirapaiaite artes opponent Wiha ange THO Ite tac i, Nowe Space Say Fon hc lrg CONTE DOWN Can she Move and Atackan opponent within Ran Novetobestupto Range ont the ho opponent site movenentrang THEN: Make a € 4aTk ost the arhest opponent within Range. TEN Make 4&9 4ATK. at the sears opponent thin Ra We rnysicat omc Bru: neary 92 eHsIcat ome © Rn rod ANOINTED MAGE HeMLock AND EIR EB) aura or cynicism by or more, init Darkness and Conde nin. Is there another ally and an opponent within SOI ly. POF Cast SPELL 6 aginst the opponent with the most Damage ‘WARP the target aacent to another aly within SOL THEN: MOVE to Flank the target of the previous Spel possible, Is there an opponent adjacent oan ally within SOR © ants ah itinsovmeters ates te an s}en eee fivesis rxeneee iui oo tra stake hse stave CONTINUE DOWN Isthere more than one opponent within SOI? {Casta SPEL 6 aginst wo diferent opponents. Deal a GREEN of MAGIC DMG. Otherwise: The ally within SOL with the most Damage HEALS. ‘WEN: Cast SPELL 6 agin the opponent with the most — [sets Deal MAGIC BMG for each Foc! the target has. Then, nit Darkness, Disoaso, and Paralyz0, Ber sucicowc > rustieats Ete eect) CO e aT PCCD BONE CHIPPER CAN OF WURMS Before you, a horrific writhing warm sts nearly vo stories tall. Riding atop its wretched form is a ‘manideal girl with filthy dreadlocks, red eyes, and a wide, sharp-toothed grin, You dont know if youre Song enaigh ra deat cha monster, bat mabe i will reat if ou pi up enh af fist On the eas sde of the chamber a boulder sits precariously atop a flghi your advantige. of stairs, Maybe this cain be used to A eC SETUP OA THES TOTEMS Loot uMB0, UMa6, UMAO 1 x BlueTotem 1x lue TERRAIN OBJECTIVES FIGURES 1 Long Hindering Tx Blue 1 x Lich Wurm (Alana) 3x Hindering 4x Obstructing END CONDITIONS WIN CONDITION: ‘When Alana and Casithus have a ‘combined total of 300 or more Damage tokens, oF 5 Time tokens are added. Rewar REE ama: TRA ae Gere hres, pee Continue to Retreating Wurm Pg. 271 LOSE CONDITIO! All Adventurers are Defeated, Reward: SERENE EY TOS Continue to A Clumsy Withdrawal Pg. 275 SPECIAL ENCOUNTER RULES @ avana s casirus, uc worm OF THE DECREPIT CITY: When sting up this Encounter, Reveal Small and Large Hidden Cards UM28 to access Alana and Casithus'nilative and Intelligent Combatant cards, These cards willbe used during this Encounter Alana and Casithus’figute represent 2 separate Combatants, When taking turns with ether ‘Alana or Casts, they wil use the same figure on the board, Adventurers and their allies may target either Combatant as though they were the same figure but may ot target both during the same Action Or Abily either Alana or Casthus is Defeated, the other stil activates and the figure remains on the board. both ae Deteated, the figure is removed from the Encounter like noma @ sun, FRienp MaDe MANIFEST: If Rook i Injured andthe Story Flag Pr experienced Guide was not marked by the players, read the following hidden text SRLS Ga aR Ca Ried Vea tsines oi eee ec GUE mine shat ebbesnle eae SANE lo ngectil lien antes Oe Er caaeh ie yA eI cosh FEAL as ineeiene Foy sty beatae ros taut ucrir TOR Pee eo Ohaati ota Wiad Mi hecapeyie eb iting fel BBO © oursounn man: ‘When playing this encounter, you must choose four party members from among any party members available who aren't Injured of Nightingale. (As she is not rartatively present. CONTINUED > CAN OF ‘WURMS CONTINUED © trackine rie: Althe sat of every round, adda Time token to the back of the native Track At the end ofthis Encounter, keep rack of how many Time tokens were added ATTRITION: Only read the following hidden text i instructed to Aire EE TaN ee es Aci As ala o phan ang A Pa atacr tay entra eat adr Gd Ba BAS Meh aes: Seige ecaae pie Loot CH= @wwr100 as NI Pm Se eenlee acetic loiteisreatdea os aaMaeiri ee MOEN, Hod tars uo attic hl Huds Ogee ney es aoe eth Grainne HORA ane lees Fear ate ya nacht aed eo ania ee © rev 1008: LO © caten toor oa ee SeMane y © YELLOW LOOT: QRS RENEE Pave to at enesn Sees OBJECTIVES Cues Tre eher eI sales rte yale a see Seen e eee Sunatenote coined re RecN Pen ean we abner seca eae TOTEMS Cnt usecase rere Cn PRG Sn gage hs Apey oy cae te ion cal mcmae Smet pa aed Shi ee Eye eter open Ee! omech Vericcstng aa So a ga wo teshapie Watt meen cingeaee USER SR A ae eee ee SS she tae aoa CN Ti Ge vote gare cease peat RE Ie laniae ieee ences) shes cay PUP ea eae es FL 0es ain Rl sameness Seop ie Hadras ean STNG ls oe Urea Rise ny ee othe aa igs ESCORTING A COFFIN 4 Soul Butcher hashed trough wll opening up a nw path front of. apa of Tortured Ummortals ave reinforced by Fragors. The putrid stench of the den makes you gag. Luckily, killing the ‘creatures ist necessary. You just need to get tothe other side. Across the pt, the double doors you ‘originally came shroxigh are now closed. Despite the scene before you, the coffin scems unconcerned. The pixies start pulling their charge to the exit, apparently expecting you to follow. ‘CONTINUED > 22 ING A COFFIN continued 2 SeTuP__ TILES UMS2, UM54, UM58, Umer, UM63, UM70 TERRAIN 2 x Long Obstructing, 4x Hindering TOTEMS 1x Blue 1x Red 1 xGreen 1 xYellow EXIT 1x Blue FIGURES 1x Soul Butcher 1 x Obscene Rescindo 2.x Tortured Immortals 3 x Fragor END CONDITIONS WIN CONDITION: ‘An Adventurer ends their turn on the Blue Exit Reward Aa care eRe Ieee aa ecco SC eNee! LOSE CONDITION: All Adventurers are Defeated. Reward: AewE Continue o Left Behind Pe. 420. SPECIAL ENCOUNTER RULES LAIR OF THE SHADOW LORD: ‘The Eerie houses an abomination known as the Shadow Lord, Those who die within its domain have their souls trapped forever, and fresh deaths draw the attention of the already dead. When a figure other than an Enslaved Spirit is Defeated, roll the BLACK @. fra Mis rolled, Spawn an Enslaved Spirit When Spawning Enslaved Spirits, place them on the space that the Defeated figure occupied. If an Adventurers Ability ‘would also Spawn an Enslaved Spirit, they: may only Spawn an Enslaved Spirit if one ‘was not Spawned as a result ofthis Spectal Encounter Rule. @ onsceNe RESCINDO, COFFIN. BOUND SOUL: \Wheo setting up this Encounter, Reveal Small and Large Hidden Cards U6 0 access the Obscene Rescind titative and Intelligent Combatant cards. The Obscene Recinda uses is Command card and is considered an aly tothe players BUDGE: Only read the following hidden text if instructed to: ie eS SRS An Sopaas Sans Sapte! SNe tray amare eeat Montel iagee eos Bier callin I Pea eh RRO Con ase eens RA ORG RI HS Means ainsi ak palate tes oi eaiee se Aue imate ts (eRe one conc db oane oe an ba Sineeer Ha Gapaanie see Eeae aaee. Cae EANRIE Ba A Loot Gait: SSRI TERIA PNAS tciteedae aeteanh uch eng be ae rsa Brn OU anne te [any arc dacs ce er ce igi pn ivlicees seam GCS Nee fale Gta ers seit eee kr tte Amie Vali re agi ele DRG ie Tat albt ave a Hass APS De oa © rep Loor. UROL ERIN SGA Aaa te Tine aboot an orate aiye Sh BRO Ga helo ie nie v Aeon UeN aN AP i ae ee Deets Bene! Ws pi RAE yr vat NOE RRR TAN ICe Hales Reis ain ol ei Hii ee NOR pean ea iiseioraueneesaee tan (Aa SN ree ae ce © cneen toot aera Rest nGteea | Setiah iri meter Diane ad Serres, Eri enero teeotnea! i ie estes i ied J eee SEBEL NA ice Gaon Nels egies Lee gees Sy SUR Sie hoa eS panes © YELLOW Look, CREEPER Sema aroE Sh OSI aatea eeApaS Sine anne Uti ae ‘ Dyer rnigd ke onan W Loe GoM eh cies Soe CANS Bag TOTEMS * @iison. REE PERONIERERRRRITE Seed cal pias Ven ieee thc h plea, a iereerat Tio ANE Up rns ee aor Q xvt0rm: ce NOU Saab ance Bp ete tana Rr pais rGuee ane ee Buin etp Atma a ES ener ose # Lee © creentorem: ee SIN As Sie ri eee Seat e bio oa ike ter lesen bane os at ee Raa am oe @ veowtorm: eR ERIE Saat reat SB esa aa race eae Bel manic ay paces Sone e cacao ene RE LORS

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