Jets Aviation Ferry Flight
Jets Aviation Ferry Flight
Jets Aviation Ferry Flight
Best price
Our estimates are shown with real numbers. We want to provide you with an estimate that
will reflect the actual costs, not extra fees. Some providers will provide very low bids to win
the contract then will invoice for the actual charges at the completion of the ferry. As part of
our commitment to excellence and integrity we provide you with as much information and
accuracy as we can right up front.
Worldwide Experience
Jets Aviation is owned and operated by a highly experienced airline pilot instructor. Our team
has more than a combined 12,000 hours as pilots and managers at international destinations
such as, Europe and the Middle East. We use our experience to ensure the flights are safe,
efficient, and cost effective.
Jets Aviation uses instructor pilots from the manufacture’s training centers. We maintain a
robust database of safe, current, and qualified instructor pilots. This enables us to provide as
many qualified Airbus 320, 330, and 380, and Boeing 737, 757, and 767 crews as needed at
any time. We also provide contingent crews to cover for any unexpected interruptions.
We care about our on-time performance. We strive to exceed our customer’s expectations
and adapt to our client’s schedule and requirements. Providing excellent customer experience
and keeping in contact with our clients is an essential aspect to our service.
• Jets Aviation will procure a current and qualified Airbus or Boeing crew consisting of two (2)
qualified pilots per aircraft.
• Jets Aviation will coordinate and monitor all crew logistics including air transportation, ground
transportation, and hotels.
• Jet Aviation will coordinate all other operational requirements including flight planning,
coordinating airport and navigation permits, ground handling (including catering and aircraft
support services), aircraft fueling, and maps/charts.
Positive Experience from Customers
• Air Bahn, Airbus 321, ferry flight, Istanbul, Turkey to Ontario, California, November 2022
• Air Samarkan, Airbus 321, demo flight and delivery flight, USA to Uzbekistan, November 2023
• Air Cairo, Airbus 320, demo flight and ferry flight, Florida, February 2024
• AeroUnion Airlines, Airbus 330, ferry flight, Mexico City, April 2024
• National Airlines, Airbus 330, demo flight, Arizona; delivery flight, Florida, May 2024
• Avelo Airlines, Boeing 737, demo flight and ferry flight, Florida, July 2024
Thank you for the opportunity to present our company to you for your future project. Should you have
any questions you are welcome to contact us directly: