Ccs Iat Answer Key
Ccs Iat Answer Key
Ccs Iat Answer Key
PART A (5×02=10MARKS)
Sl.NO Questions
1. Distinguish active and passive attack with example?
Active attacks are the type of attacks in which, The attacker efforts to
change or modify the content of messages. Active Attack is
dangerous to Integrity as well as availability. Due to active attack
system is always damaged and System resources can be changed.
The most important thing is that, In an active attack, Victim gets
informed about the attack.
2. What is the difference between a monoalphabetic cipher and a
polyalphabetic cipher?
A monoalphabetic cipher is any cipher in which the letters of the plain text
are mapped to cipher text letters based on a single alphabetic key. Examples
of monoalphabetic ciphers would include the Caesar-shift cipher, where each
letter is shifted based on a numeric key, and the atbash cipher, where each
letter is mapped to the letter symmetric to it about the center of the alphabet.
3. Define steganography?
Steganography is the technique of hiding data within an ordinary,
nonsecret file or message to avoid detection; the hidden data is then
extracted at its destination. Steganography use can be combined with
encryption as an extra step for hiding or protecting data.
4. If a bit error occurs in plain text book b1,how far does the error
propagate in CBC mode of DES?
If a bit of a plain text block b1 is in error the entire cipher text block will
effected and will be erroneous.
5. Find gcd (2740,1760)using Euclid’s algorithm?
Euclidean algorithm for GCD
GCD (a , b) ; a ≥ b > 0
a = 2740
b = 1760
Euclid's formula;
A = b(q) + r ; [q = quotient and r = remainder]
2740 = 1760 (1) + 980
again by taking a = 1760 and b = 980
1760 = 980 (1) + 780
similarly, we have to continue till we get r as 0
980 = 780(1) + 200
780 = 200 (3) + 180
200 = 180(1) + 20
180 = 20 (9) + 0
Now as the r = 0 ,
∴ 20 is the GCD of (2740,1760)
PART B (4×10=40MARKS)
a. Describe the various security mechanisms? (10)
A security mechanism is a method or technology that protects data and systems
from unauthorized access, attacks, and other threats. Security measures provide
data integrity, confidentiality, and availability, thereby protecting sensitive
information and maintaining trust in digital transactions. In this article, we will
see types of security mechanisms.
What is Network Security?
Network Security is a field in computer technology that deals with ensuring the
security of computer network infrastructure. The network is very necessary for
sharing information whether it is at the hardware level such as printer, scanner,
6. or at the software level. Therefore security mechanisms can also be termed as is
set of processes that deal with recovery from security attacks. Various
mechanisms are designed to recover from these specific attacks at various
protocol layers.
A ring is an ordered triple (R,+,⋅) where R is a set and + and ⋅ are binary
operations on R satisfying the following properties: A1 a+(b+c)=(a+b)+c for all a,
b, c in R. A2 a+b=b+a for all a, b in R. A3 There is an element 0∈R satisfying
a+0=a for all a in R
b. Draw the functionality diagram of DES with number of bits in each flow
of data? (10)
Data Encryption Standard (DES) is a block cipher with a 56-bit key length that
has played a significant role in data security. Data encryption standard (DES)
has been found vulnerable to very powerful attacks therefore, the popularity of
DES has been found slightly on the decline. DES is a block cipher and encrypts
data in blocks of size of 64 bits each, which means 64 bits of plain text go as the
input to DES, which produces 64 bits of ciphertext. The same algorithm and key
are used for encryption and decryption, with minor differences. The key length
is 56 bits.
a.Explain in detail on the design principles of block cipher and the modes
of operation ? (10)
Block ciphers are built in the Feistel cipher structure. Block cipher has a
specific number of rounds and keys for generating ciphertext.Block cipher is a
type of encryption algorithm that processes fixed-size blocks of data, usually 64
or 128 bits, to produce ciphertext. The design of a block cipher involves several
important principles to ensure the security and efficiency of the algorithm. Some
of these principles are:
1. Number of Rounds – The number of Rounds is regularly considered in
design criteria, it just reflects the number of rounds to be suitable for an
9. algorithm to make it more complex, in DES we have 16 rounds ensuring it to
be more secure while in AES we have 10 rounds which makes it more