Blank 3
Blank 3
Blank 3
- :Dash, Hophen,
— :Under score.
. :Full stop, dot.
@ :At.
() :Parenthesis.
{} :Curly brackets, Fancy brackets.
[] :Square bradkets
: :Colon.
; :Semicolon.
! :Exclamation mark.
& :And.
| :Оr
” :Quotation
‘ :single quotation
How to view my class schedule.
How to see homework. /calendar
How to submit an assignment.
Google Suit:
How to access Gmail, Docs, Sheets and Slides.
How to use Google drive, create folders and colour code folders per subject.
How to write an email:
1. Subject: Has to be inductive of the purpose of the email. If it is an urgent matter, start the
subject line with the word "URGENT:" capitalised and followed by a colon then the purpose.
2. Greetings: Start with "Dear Mr. Amr,". The D,M and the rst letter of the name has to be
capitalised. Mr.Ms., Mrs. has to be followed by a full stop.
Place a comma after the name and then start a new line.
3. Body: The message with no typos or grammatical mistakes and with proper punctuation.
4. Signature: end the email with "Sincerely yours, or Thank you, or Kind regards, " followed by
a comma then in a new line add your name startin