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WorldCom Edu – American Textbook Reading – Science 1 – Word List

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Date: _________________________ Name: _________________________

American Textbook Reading

Science 1

Word List

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WorldCom Edu – American Textbook Reading – Science 1 – Word List
https://www.wcbooks.co.kr / http://www.worldcomedu.com

Date: _________________________ Name: _________________________

Lesson 1 Parts of Plants

No Word Part of Speech Meaning

1 many adjective 많은

2 different adjective 다른

3 part noun 부분

4 plant noun 식물

5 grow verb 자라다

6 root noun 뿌리

7 take in verb phrase …을 섭취하다, 흡수하다

8 ground noun 땅, 토양

9 carry verb 나르다, 운반하다

10 through conjunction …을 통해서

11 stem noun 줄기

12 leaf noun 잎사귀 (pl. leaves)

13 light noun 빛

14 flower noun 꽃

15 beautiful adjective 아름다운

16 fruit noun 과일

17 hold verb 품다, 가지고 있다

18 delicious adjective 맛있는

19 branch noun 나뭇가지

20 arm noun 팔



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WorldCom Edu – American Textbook Reading – Science 1 – Word List
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Date: _________________________ Name: _________________________

Lesson 2 Life Cycle of a Plant

No Word Part of Speech Meaning

1 change noun 변화

2 as conjunction …하는 동안에, …함에 따라

3 life cycle noun 생애주기, 생활주기

4 go through verb phrase (…을) 겪다, 거치다

5 stage noun 단계

6 begin verb 시작하다

7 seed noun 씨앗

8 inside adverb 안에

9 special adjective 특별한

10 seed coat noun 씨껍질

11 protect verb 보호하다

12 also adverb 또한

13 cone noun 솔방울

14 sprout verb 싹이나다

15 become verb …이 되다

16 seedling adjective 묘목

17 as preposition …로(서), …처럼

18 taller adjective (키/높이가) 더 큰 (tall의 비교급)

19 thicker adjective 더 두꺼운

20 adult noun 어른



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WorldCom Edu – American Textbook Reading – Science 1 – Word List
https://www.wcbooks.co.kr / http://www.worldcomedu.com

Date: _________________________ Name: _________________________

Lesson 3 What Plants Need to Grow

No Word Part of Speech Meaning

1 what pronoun …한 것, 어떤 것

2 need verb 필요하다

3 thing noun 것, 물건, 사물

4 help verb 돕다

5 sunlight noun 태양빛

6 water noun 물

7 air noun 공기

8 come verb 오다

9 from preposition ~로 부터

10 sun noun 태양

11 warmth noun 온기

12 carry verb 운반하다, 나르다

13 soil verb 토양

14 all adjective 모든

15 strong adjective 강한

16 can auxiliary verb …할 수 있다

17 not adverb 않았다, 아닌(부정할 때 사용)

18 important adjective 중요한

19 bigger adjective (크기/정도가)더 큰 (big의 비교급)

20 remember verb 기억하다



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WorldCom Edu – American Textbook Reading – Science 1 – Word List
https://www.wcbooks.co.kr / http://www.worldcomedu.com

Date: _________________________ Name: _________________________

Lesson 4 Types of Animals

No Word Part of Speech Meaning

1 kind noun 종류

2 some pronoun 몇몇, (전체 중) 일부

3 lay verb (알을) 낳다

4 egg noun 알

5 give birth noun 출산하다, (새끼를) 낳다

6 live young noun (동물의) 새끼

7 have adjective 가지다

8 scales noun 껍질

9 land noun 육지

10 mammal noun 포유류

11 body noun 몸

12 reptile noun 파충류

13 amphibian noun 양서류

14 wet adjective 젖은

15 most pronoun 대부분, 다수

16 bird noun 새

17 feather noun 깃털

18 bone noun 뼈

19 insect noun 곤충

20 leg noun 다리



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WorldCom Edu – American Textbook Reading – Science 1 – Word List
https://www.wcbooks.co.kr / http://www.worldcomedu.com

Date: _________________________ Name: _________________________

Lesson 5 Body Parts of Animals

No Word Part of Speech Meaning

1 skin noun 피부

2 wing noun 날개

3 beak noun 부리

4 fly verb 날다

5 mouth noun 입

6 use verb 사용하다

7 feed verb 먹이를 먹다

8 breathe verb 숨을 쉬다

9 lung noun 폐

10 fish noun 물고기

11 gill noun 아가미

12 side noun 옆, 측면

13 some adjective 몇몇의, 일부의

14 smooth adjective 매끄러운, 부드러운

15 very adverb 매우

16 frog noun 개구리

17 hair noun 털

18 their determiner 그들의 (they의 소유격)

19 fur noun (동물의) 털

20 head noun 머리



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WorldCom Edu – American Textbook Reading – Science 1 – Word List
https://www.wcbooks.co.kr / http://www.worldcomedu.com

Date: _________________________ Name: _________________________

Lesson 6 Where Animals Live

No Word Part of Speech Meaning

1 habitat noun 서식지

2 where conjunction …한 곳, 장소

3 live verb 살다

4 forest noun 숲

5 rainforest noun 열대우림

6 rain verb 비가 오다

7 a lot adverb 많이

8 ocean noun 바다, 대양

9 another adjective 또 하나의

10 large adjective 거대한, 큰

11 area noun 지역

12 salt water noun 해수, 바닷물

13 wetland noun 습지

14 salty adjective 짠, 소금이 든

15 or conjunction 혹은, 또는

16 grassland noun 초원, 풀밭

17 flat adjective 평평한, 평탄한

18 grass noun 풀

19 Arctic noun 북극

20 desert noun 사막



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WorldCom Edu – American Textbook Reading – Science 1 – Word List
https://www.wcbooks.co.kr / http://www.worldcomedu.com

Date: _________________________ Name: _________________________

Lesson 7 Land and Water

No Word Part of Speech Meaning

1 the Earth noun 지구

2 shape noun 모양, 형태

3 end noun 끝

4 cliff noun 절벽

5 high adjective 높은

6 steep adjective 가파른

7 hill noun 언덕

8 smaller adjective 더 작은(small의 비교급)

9 than preposition …보다

10 valley noun 계곡, 골짜기

11 plain adjective 평원, 평지

12 low adjective 낮은

13 between preposition …사이에

14 mountain noun 산

15 river noun 강

16 piece noun 조각

17 stream noun 개울

18 usually adjective 보통, 대개

19 beach noun 해변

20 lake noun 호수



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WorldCom Edu – American Textbook Reading – Science 1 – Word List
https://www.wcbooks.co.kr / http://www.worldcomedu.com

Date: _________________________ Name: _________________________

Lesson 8 How Does Earth Change?

No Word Part of Speech Meaning

1 weather noun 날씨

2 way noun 방법

3 if conjunction 만약

4 too adverb 너무, 심하게

5 flood noun 홍수

6 onto preposition 위로

7 drought noun 가뭄

8 happen verb 발생하다

9 dry adjective 마른, 건조한

10 crack noun 갈라짐, 틈

11 weathering noun 풍화작용

12 rock noun 바위, 암석

13 break verb 부서지다, 깨지다

14 prevent verb 방지하다, 예방하다

15 erosion noun 부식, 침식

16 dig verb (땅을) 파다

17 quickly adverb 빠르게

18 slowly adverb 천천히

19 always adverb 늘

20 wind noun 바람



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WorldCom Edu – American Textbook Reading – Science 1 – Word List
https://www.wcbooks.co.kr / http://www.worldcomedu.com

Date: _________________________ Name: _________________________

Lesson 9 Natural Resources

No Word Part of Speech Meaning

1 natural resource noun 자연자원

2 every day noun 매일

3 people noun 사람들

4 keep verb 유지하다

5 healthy adjective 건강한

6 clean adjective 깨끗한

7 drink verb 마시다

8 dirty adjective 더러운

9 harmful adjective 해로운, 유해한

10 oil noun 기름, 석유, 식용유

11 travel verb 이동하다, 여행하다

12 mineral noun 광물

13 gold noun 금

14 silver noun 은

15 copper noun 구리

16 shiny adjective 빛나는

17 gray adjective 회색의

18 orange adjective 오렌지색의

19 wood noun 나무

20 paper noun 종이



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WorldCom Edu – American Textbook Reading – Science 1 – Word List
https://www.wcbooks.co.kr / http://www.worldcomedu.com

Date: _________________________ Name: _________________________

Lesson 10 Rocks and Soil

No Word Part of Speech Meaning

1 material noun 재료, 자재

2 rough adjective 거친

3 others pronoun 다른 람들

4 granite noun 화강암

5 good adjective 좋은

6 build verb 짓다, 건설하다

7 make noun 만들다, 건설하다

8 building noun 건물

9 with preposition …로, …를 이용하여

10 sand noun 모래

11 on preposition …위에

12 clay noun 점토, 찰흙

13 sticky adjective 끈적끈적한

14 but conjunction 그러나

15 when adverb …한 때

16 humus noun 부엽토

17 dead adjective 죽은

18 topsoil noun 표토, 겉흙

19 top adjective 맨 위의

20 layer noun 겹, 층



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WorldCom Edu – American Textbook Reading – Science 1 – Word List
https://www.wcbooks.co.kr / http://www.worldcomedu.com

Date: _________________________ Name: _________________________

Lesson 11 Saving Natural Resources

No Word Part of Speech Meaning

1 save verb 아끼다, 절약하다

2 will auxiliary verb …할 것이다

3 last verb 지속하다,

4 forever adverb 영원히

5 so conjunction 그래서

6 conserve verb 아끼다, 보존하다

7 idea noun 생각

8 recycle verb 재활용하다

9 reuse verb 재사용하다

10 reduce verb 줄이다

11 trash noun 쓰레기

12 old adjective 오래된

13 factory noun 공장

14 new adjective 새로운

15 plastic noun 플라스틱

16 object noun 물건, 물체

17 bottle noun 병

18 shoebox noun 신발상자

19 less adjective 더 적은 (little의 비교급)

20 pollution noun 오염



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WorldCom Edu – American Textbook Reading – Science 1 – Word List
https://www.wcbooks.co.kr / http://www.worldcomedu.com

Date: _________________________ Name: _________________________

Lesson 12 Matter and Senses

No Word Part of Speech Meaning

1 sense noun 감

2 matter noun 물질

3 hearing noun 청력

4 sight noun 시력

5 smell noun 후각

6 taste noun 미각

7 touch noun 촉각

8 ability noun 능력

9 recognize verb 인지하다

10 which adjective 어떤

11 whether conjunction …인지 (아닌지)

12 dark adjective 어두운

13 bright adjective 밝은

14 aware of adjective 감지한, 알아차린

15 spring noun 봄

16 flavor noun 맛

17 bitter adjective 맛이 쓴

18 shape noun 모양 형태

19 color noun 색

20 size noun 크기



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WorldCom Edu – American Textbook Reading – Science 1 – Word List
https://www.wcbooks.co.kr / http://www.worldcomedu.com

Date: _________________________ Name: _________________________

Lesson 13 Observing Matter

No Word Part of Speech Meaning

1 property noun 속성

2 example noun 예시, 예

3 broom noun 빗자루

4 hard adjective 딱딱한

5 rabbit noun 토끼

6 soft adjective 부드러운

7 iron noun 철, 쇠

8 sink verb 가라앉다

9 bottom noun 바닥, 맨 아래 부분

10 float verb (물/공중 위에) 뜨다

11 elephant noun 코끼리

12 ant noun 개미

13 heavy adjective 무거운

14 light adjective 가벼운

15 tool noun 도구

16 hand lens noun 돋보기

17 magnify verb 확대하다

18 tiny adjective 아주 작은

19 balance noun 저울

20 ruler noun 자



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WorldCom Edu – American Textbook Reading – Science 1 – Word List
https://www.wcbooks.co.kr / http://www.worldcomedu.com

Date: _________________________ Name: _________________________

Lesson 14 Solid, Liquid, Gas

No Word Part of Speech Meaning

1 form noun 형태

2 solid noun 고체

3 liquid noun 액체

4 gas noun 기체

5 own adjective 자기 자신의

6 book noun 책

7 even if conjunction …에도 불구하고,

8 move verb 움직이다

9 flow verb 흐르다

10 container noun 용기, 그릇

11 spread verb 퍼지다,펼쳐 나가다

12 fill verb 채우다

13 space noun 공간

14 blow up verb 터지다

15 balloon noun 풍선

16 freeze verb 얼리다

17 ice noun 얼음

18 melt verb 녹이다

19 boil verb 끓이다

20 vapor noun 수증기



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WorldCom Edu – American Textbook Reading – Science 1 – Word List
https://www.wcbooks.co.kr / http://www.worldcomedu.com

Date: _________________________ Name: _________________________

Lesson 15 Matter and Its Changes

No Word Part of Speech Meaning

1 change verb 변하다

2 tear verb 찢다

3 bend verb 구부리다

4 fold verb 접다

5 still adverb 아직도, 그럼에도 불구하고

6 same adjective 같은

7 however conjunction 그러나

8 into preposition 안으로

9 else adverb 또 다른, 그 밖의

10 burn verb 태우다

11 ash noun 재, 잿더미

12 mix verb 섞다

13 mixture noun 혼합물

14 more adjective 그 이상의, 더 많은

15 put verb 놓다, 두다

16 together adverb 함께, 같이

17 easy adjective 쉬운

18 separate verb 분리하다, 나누다

19 dissolve verb 녹다, 용해되다

20 sugar noun 설탕



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