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Quiz C-4: Student

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Quiz C-4

Quiz C-4

Student: ___________________________________________________________________________

1. The chief god of the early Aryans was A. Enlil B. A mother goddess C. Varuna D. Indra E. Manu

2. Archaeologists have proven that two hundred thousand years ago in India A. The Aryan migration took place B. Paleolithic communities existed C. A war was fought between the Dravidians and the Mesopotamians D. A prosperous Neolithic community existed E. An active trading network existed with the Chinese

3. The earliest known urban society in India was the A. Bantu B. Indo-European C. Harappan D. Sumerian E. Hindu

4. Much of early Harappan history remains a mystery because A. The archaeological remains are under water B. They lacked a written language C. Their records were destroyed by a Mesopotamian invasion D. The Aryans undertook a systematic destruction of Harappan written records E. None of these are correct.

5. If the Greek historian Herodotus had known of the Harappan society, he might have used the phrase "the gift of the __________" to describe it. A. Nile B. Tigris C. Indus D. Yangtze E. Eurphrates

6. Chickens were first domesticated in A. China B. Mesopotamia C. Greece D. Egypt E. India

7. Mohenjo-daro was A. The mother goddess of the earliest Indian society B. An important early thinker in the rise of Hinduism C. One of the two main cities of the Harappan society D. A collection of early Indian religious texts E. The combination of two Indian sun gods

8. Based on archaeological evidence from early Indian history, historians believe that A. Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro served as economic and political centers B. The Harappan world was one of constant civil war C. The Chinese were a constant influence D. There was little true culture in India before the arrival of the Indo-Europeans E. Early Indian cities remained small and unsophisticated by comparison to other ancient cities

9. At its height, the population of Mohenjo-daro reached A. 10,000 B. 20,000 C. 40,000 D. 75,000 E. 100,000

10. Evidence relating to trade indicates that Harappan India A. Was isolated and did not trade B. Traded exclusively with China C. Traded exclusively with Egypt D. Imported substantially more than they exported E. Traded with Mesopotamia and Egypt

11. Which statement about Harappan society is false? A. Most of their houses featured private showers and toilets B. They traded extensively with the Mesopotamians C. They had social distinctions D. Their writings have provided a wealth of information for historians E. They produced representational art

12. Harappan religion A. Focused on the worship of the sun B. Was strongly monotheistic C. Reflected a strong concern for fertility D. Focused on the worship of the moon E. Is the same as Hinduism

13. Some scholars believe that, after the collapse of the Harappan society, Harappan deities A. Disappeared completely B. Quickly became the only gods of the Indo-Europeans C. Survived and found a place in the Hindu pantheon D. Survived in Southeast Asia after the Harappan migration E. Were transformed into destructive dragons by the Aryans

14. One of the biggest reasons for the decline of the Harappan society was A. A devastating plague B. Ecological degradation C. A Chinese invasion D. A Mesopotamian invasion E. A bloody civil war

15. The Indo-Europeans who entered India called themselves Aryans, which means A. "agents of the lord king." B. "horse masters." C. "noble people." D. "people of Indra." E. "the pure."

16. The Aryans were A. The priestly class of the Harappan society B. Chinese merchants C. The political remnants of the Harappan kings D. Indo-Europeans E. Germanic invaders

17. The Aryans came into India A. In a centuries-long migration B. As part of a violent, organized military campaign C. As religious pilgrims D. After fleeing persecution in China E. As a slave class that eventually rebelled against Harappan repression

18. Which of the following statements about the Aryans is not true? A. They might have been the first people to domesticate horses, hitching them to carts and wagons B. They spread variations of their language from India to Europe C. Their original homeland was probably the Ukraine and southern Russia D. They brought the first written language to India E. They consumed both dairy products and beef

19. The biggest military advantage of the Indo-Europeans was A. Their horses B. Their use of bronze weapons C. Their use of iron weapons D. Their use of battering rams E. Their camels

20. Most of our information about the early Aryans comes from the A. Upanishads B. Vedas C. Dasas D. d. Rajas E. e. Book of Songs

21. The Aryans referred to social classes by the term A. Karma B. Varna C. Moksha D. Samsara E. Raja

22. Which of the following social classes in the caste system is associated with warriors and aristocrats? A. Shudras B. Kshatriyas C. c. Vaishyas D. Brahmins E. Dasas

23. The task of butchering animals or handling dead bodies usually fell to the A. Untouchables B. Shudras C. Vaishyas D. Jati E. Kshatriyas

24. Which of the following answers reflects the early varna hierarchy from highest to lowest? A. Brahmins, kshatriyas, vaishyas, shudras B. Kshatriyas, brahmins, vaishyas, shudras C. Brahmins, kshatriyas, shudras, vaishyas D. Kshatriyas, vaishyas, brahmins, shudras E. Kshatriyas, brahmins, shudras, vaishyas

25. A jati is A. A sub-caste B. A serf in the caste system C. Another name for the transmigration of the soul D. A priest in the caste system E. An untouchable

26. The first century B.C.E. Work that dealt with moral behavior and social relationships was the A. Upanishads B. Rig Veda C. Varna D. Lawbook of Manu E. Book of Songs

27. When a Hindu widow voluntarily threw herself on her dead husband's funeral pyre it was known as A. Jati B. Manu C. Samsara D. Sati E. Dasa

28. Vedic society was A. Strongly matriarchal B. Marked by equality of the sexes C. Strongly patriarchal D. Alternately patriarchal and matriarchal depending upon which god was in power E. Strongly patriarchal until the creation of the Lawbook of Manu changed gender rules

29. What Aryan god was associated with war and rain? A. Varuna B. Indra C. Agni D. Krishna E. Inanna

30. The Aryans believed that Varuna A. Was the founder of India B. Represented war and rain C. Oversaw the behavior of mortals and preserved the cosmic order D. Determined the caste that souls entered into as part of transmigration E. Wrote the Lawbook of Manu

31. The most important aspect of the Aryan religion during the early Vedic times was A. The proper performance of ritual sacrifices B. An ethical code of conduct C. A tightly-structured monotheism D. The acceptance of Indra as the redeemer E. The enlightenment of the Buddha

32. The hallucinogenic concoction drunk by Aryans during ritual sacrifices was known as A. Varuna B. Soma C. Agni D. Sati E. Dasa

33. The "World of the Fathers" A. Is a term associated with the brahmin caste B. Is the concept which best expresses the patriarchal nature of Indian society C. Represents the hierarchical nature of the caste system D. Was the Aryan heaven E. Was the goal of adolescent boys as they underwent ritualistic circumcision

34. The Upanishads were A. The priestly class from the caste system B. A branch of the Indo-Europeans who settled in northern India C. Commentaries and reflections on the Vedas D. Warriors E. The untouchables

35. In Hinduism the highest goal of the individual soul was A. To follow the Four Noble Truths B. To escape the cycle of birth and rebirth and enter into permanent union with Brahman C. To enter into permanent union with Indra and thus escape the cycle of permanent rebirth D. To fulfill the individual's special destiny as spelled out in the process of predestination E. To perform sati

36. This passage from the Upanishads explains what Hindu concept? "According as a man acts and walks in the path of life, so he becomes. He that does good becomes good; he that does evil becomes evil." A. Dharma B. Samsara C. Varna D. Karma E. Moksha

37. The two principal means to achieve the goal of moksha are A. Righteous battle and conquest B. Asceticism and meditation C. Intellectual stimulation and hedonistic pleasure D. Artistic expression and logical intellectual progression E. Blood-letting and human sacrifice

Quiz C-4 Key

1. (p. 87) The chief god of the early Aryans was A. Enlil B. A mother goddess C. Varuna D. Indra E. Manu

Bentley - Chapter 04 #1

2. (p. 87) Archaeologists have proven that two hundred thousand years ago in India A. The Aryan migration took place B. Paleolithic communities existed C. A war was fought between the Dravidians and the Mesopotamians D. A prosperous Neolithic community existed E. An active trading network existed with the Chinese

Bentley - Chapter 04 #3

3. (p. 88) The earliest known urban society in India was the A. Bantu B. Indo-European C. Harappan D. Sumerian E. Hindu

Bentley - Chapter 04 #4

4. (p. 88) Much of early Harappan history remains a mystery because A. The archaeological remains are under water B. They lacked a written language C. Their records were destroyed by a Mesopotamian invasion D. The Aryans undertook a systematic destruction of Harappan written records E. None of these are correct.

Bentley - Chapter 04 #5

5. (p. 88) If the Greek historian Herodotus had known of the Harappan society, he might have used the phrase "the gift of the __________" to describe it. A. Nile B. Tigris C. Indus D. Yangtze E. Eurphrates

Bentley - Chapter 04 #6

6. (p. 89) Chickens were first domesticated in A. China B. Mesopotamia C. Greece D. Egypt E. India

Bentley - Chapter 04 #7

7. (p. 89) Mohenjo-daro was A. The mother goddess of the earliest Indian society B. An important early thinker in the rise of Hinduism C. One of the two main cities of the Harappan society D. A collection of early Indian religious texts E. The combination of two Indian sun gods

Bentley - Chapter 04 #8

8. (p. 89) Based on archaeological evidence from early Indian history, historians believe that A. Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro served as economic and political centers B. The Harappan world was one of constant civil war C. The Chinese were a constant influence D. There was little true culture in India before the arrival of the Indo-Europeans E. Early Indian cities remained small and unsophisticated by comparison to other ancient cities

Bentley - Chapter 04 #9

9. (p. 89) At its height, the population of Mohenjo-daro reached A. 10,000 B. 20,000 C. 40,000 D. 75,000 E. 100,000

Bentley - Chapter 04 #10

10. (p. 90) Evidence relating to trade indicates that Harappan India A. Was isolated and did not trade B. Traded exclusively with China C. Traded exclusively with Egypt D. Imported substantially more than they exported E. Traded with Mesopotamia and Egypt

Bentley - Chapter 04 #11

11. (p. 90-92) Which statement about Harappan society is false? A. Most of their houses featured private showers and toilets B. They traded extensively with the Mesopotamians C. They had social distinctions D. Their writings have provided a wealth of information for historians E. They produced representational art

Bentley - Chapter 04 #12

12. (p. 92) Harappan religion A. Focused on the worship of the sun B. Was strongly monotheistic C. Reflected a strong concern for fertility D. Focused on the worship of the moon E. Is the same as Hinduism

Bentley - Chapter 04 #13

13. (p. 93) Some scholars believe that, after the collapse of the Harappan society, Harappan deities A. Disappeared completely B. Quickly became the only gods of the Indo-Europeans C. Survived and found a place in the Hindu pantheon D. Survived in Southeast Asia after the Harappan migration E. Were transformed into destructive dragons by the Aryans

Bentley - Chapter 04 #14

14. (p. 92) One of the biggest reasons for the decline of the Harappan society was A. A devastating plague B. Ecological degradation C. A Chinese invasion D. A Mesopotamian invasion E. A bloody civil war

Bentley - Chapter 04 #15

15. (p. 93) The Indo-Europeans who entered India called themselves Aryans, which means A. "agents of the lord king." B. "horse masters." C. "noble people." D. "people of Indra." E. "the pure."

Bentley - Chapter 04 #16

16. (p. 93) The Aryans were A. The priestly class of the Harappan society B. Chinese merchants C. The political remnants of the Harappan kings D. Indo-Europeans E. Germanic invaders

Bentley - Chapter 04 #17

17. (p. 93) The Aryans came into India A. In a centuries-long migration B. As part of a violent, organized military campaign C. As religious pilgrims D. After fleeing persecution in China E. As a slave class that eventually rebelled against Harappan repression

Bentley - Chapter 04 #18

18. (p. 94) Which of the following statements about the Aryans is not true? A. They might have been the first people to domesticate horses, hitching them to carts and wagons B. They spread variations of their language from India to Europe C. Their original homeland was probably the Ukraine and southern Russia D. They brought the first written language to India E. They consumed both dairy products and beef

Bentley - Chapter 04 #19

19. (p. 94) The biggest military advantage of the Indo-Europeans was A. Their horses B. Their use of bronze weapons C. Their use of iron weapons D. Their use of battering rams E. Their camels

Bentley - Chapter 04 #20

20. (p. 94) Most of our information about the early Aryans comes from the A. Upanishads B. Vedas C. Dasas D. d. Rajas E. e. Book of Songs

Bentley - Chapter 04 #21

21. (p. 96) The Aryans referred to social classes by the term A. Karma B. Varna C. Moksha D. Samsara E. Raja

Bentley - Chapter 04 #22

22. (p. 96) Which of the following social classes in the caste system is associated with warriors and aristocrats? A. Shudras B. Kshatriyas C. c. Vaishyas D. Brahmins E. Dasas

Bentley - Chapter 04 #23

23. (p. 96) The task of butchering animals or handling dead bodies usually fell to the A. Untouchables B. Shudras C. Vaishyas D. Jati E. Kshatriyas

Bentley - Chapter 04 #24

24. (p. 96) Which of the following answers reflects the early varna hierarchy from highest to lowest? A. Brahmins, kshatriyas, vaishyas, shudras B. Kshatriyas, brahmins, vaishyas, shudras C. Brahmins, kshatriyas, shudras, vaishyas D. Kshatriyas, vaishyas, brahmins, shudras E. Kshatriyas, brahmins, shudras, vaishyas

Bentley - Chapter 04 #25

25. (p. 97) A jati is A. A sub-caste B. A serf in the caste system C. Another name for the transmigration of the soul D. A priest in the caste system E. An untouchable

Bentley - Chapter 04 #26

26. (p. 99) The first century B.C.E. Work that dealt with moral behavior and social relationships was the A. Upanishads B. Rig Veda C. Varna D. Lawbook of Manu E. Book of Songs

Bentley - Chapter 04 #27

27. (p. 99) When a Hindu widow voluntarily threw herself on her dead husband's funeral pyre it was known as A. Jati B. Manu C. Samsara D. Sati E. Dasa

Bentley - Chapter 04 #28

28. (p. 99) Vedic society was A. Strongly matriarchal B. Marked by equality of the sexes C. Strongly patriarchal D. Alternately patriarchal and matriarchal depending upon which god was in power E. Strongly patriarchal until the creation of the Lawbook of Manu changed gender rules

Bentley - Chapter 04 #29

29. (p. 100) What Aryan god was associated with war and rain? A. Varuna B. Indra C. Agni D. Krishna E. Inanna

Bentley - Chapter 04 #30

30. (p. 100) The Aryans believed that Varuna A. Was the founder of India B. Represented war and rain C. Oversaw the behavior of mortals and preserved the cosmic order D. Determined the caste that souls entered into as part of transmigration E. Wrote the Lawbook of Manu

Bentley - Chapter 04 #31

31. (p. 100) The most important aspect of the Aryan religion during the early Vedic times was A. The proper performance of ritual sacrifices B. An ethical code of conduct C. A tightly-structured monotheism D. The acceptance of Indra as the redeemer E. The enlightenment of the Buddha

Bentley - Chapter 04 #32

32. (p. 100) The hallucinogenic concoction drunk by Aryans during ritual sacrifices was known as A. Varuna B. Soma C. Agni D. Sati E. Dasa

Bentley - Chapter 04 #33

33. (p. 100) The "World of the Fathers" A. Is a term associated with the brahmin caste B. Is the concept which best expresses the patriarchal nature of Indian society C. Represents the hierarchical nature of the caste system D. Was the Aryan heaven E. Was the goal of adolescent boys as they underwent ritualistic circumcision

Bentley - Chapter 04 #34

34. (p. 101) The Upanishads were A. The priestly class from the caste system B. A branch of the Indo-Europeans who settled in northern India C. Commentaries and reflections on the Vedas D. Warriors E. The untouchables

Bentley - Chapter 04 #35

35. (p. 101) In Hinduism the highest goal of the individual soul was A. To follow the Four Noble Truths B. To escape the cycle of birth and rebirth and enter into permanent union with Brahman C. To enter into permanent union with Indra and thus escape the cycle of permanent rebirth D. To fulfill the individual's special destiny as spelled out in the process of predestination E. To perform sati

Bentley - Chapter 04 #36

36. (p. 103) This passage from the Upanishads explains what Hindu concept? "According as a man acts and walks in the path of life, so he becomes. He that does good becomes good; he that does evil becomes evil." A. Dharma B. Samsara C. Varna D. Karma E. Moksha

Bentley - Chapter 04 #37

37. (p. 103) The two principal means to achieve the goal of moksha are A. Righteous battle and conquest B. Asceticism and meditation C. Intellectual stimulation and hedonistic pleasure D. Artistic expression and logical intellectual progression E. Blood-letting and human sacrifice

Bentley - Chapter 04 #38

Quiz C-4 Summary

Category Bentley - Chapter 04 # of Questions 37

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