Hindi Application Fo Debit Card
Hindi Application Fo Debit Card
Hindi Application Fo Debit Card
नाम/Name (व्यक्ति जिसके लिये डेबिट कार्ड जारी करना है/Person to whom card is to be
(का/O) ________________________________________________________________________
(आ/R) __________________________________________________________________________
मैं चाहता हूं कि मेरा कार्ड एवं पिन मेलर यहां भेजा जाए (कृपया विकल्प पर टिक करें)/ I
would like to receive my Card and PIN Mailer at (Please tick one option)
I/We have read and understood the Terms and Conditions governing the
usage of Union Bank Debit Card. I/We accept to be bound by the said terms
and Conditions or to any changes made therein from time to time by the
Bank at its sole discretion without notice to me/us. I/We confirm that I/We are
the sole account holder(s) or have the required mandate to operate all the
accounts linked to the Debit card singly.
I/We accept full responsibility for my/our Debit Card and agree not to make
any claims against Union Bank of India in respect there to. I/we agree to
provide any information from my/our account to Union Bank of India.
प्रथम आवेदक के हस्ताक्षर/Signature of First Applicant:________________________
द्वितीय आवेदक के हस्ताक्षर/Signature of second Applicant:_______________________
(संयुक्त खाते के मामले में/In case of joint Account)
(डेबिट कार्ड ऐसे संयुक्त खाते पर जारी किया जाता है जिसमें परिचालन का प्रकार
उत्तरजीवी / उत्तरजीवी में से कोई एक है. यह न्यास खातों और ऋण सुविधा वाले खातों को जारी
नहीं किया जाता है.)
दिनांक/Date: ______________
शाखा/Branch: ______________