Final 1
Final 1
Final 1
Student Name:
Student ID Number:
1. Aids allowed: one 8.5” by 11” piece of paper with anything written or printed on it
(both sides). No textbooks, computers, calculators, or other aids.
2. This exam booklet has 15 pages, including this page. Ensure that you have a complete
3. Understanding the exam questions is part of the exam. Therefore, questions will not
be interpreted. Proctors will confirm or deny errors or ambiguities only.
4. Marks will not be given for documentation, though feel free to add documentation if
you feel necessary. You however should make your code readable to facilitate marking.
5. The blank sheet given with this exam book is a piece of scratch paper. Do not submit.
Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total
Marks 12 12 9 9 12 7 8 10 8 13 100
1. [12 marks] True-false: 2 marks each. No justification necessary.
(a) A linker for the C programming language modifies the source program by obeying
(b) When we open a binary file for reading use a C program, the mode string used in
the fopen function call should be "r".
(d) In the C programming language, the following two pairs of scanf format strings
are equivalent:
" %c"
(e) The function malloc allocates memory from the heap (free store).
(f) The function fprintf can be used to print data to the standard output.
2. [12 marks] Multiple-choice – no justification necessary. Circle the single best answer.
2 marks each.
(a) Suppose that a student wrote a Bash shell script named At present, its
permission, when expressed as an octal number, is 644. When this student ran
the command ./, he got the following error message:
-bash: ./ Permission denied
This student would like to use a command to change the permissions, so that he
will be able to run this shell script as the file owner without getting the above
error message. Which one of the following four commands will NOT complete
this task successfully? Note that the three commands that would work do not
grant the same permissions.
A. chmod uo+x
B. chmod 444
C. chmod ug+x
D. chmod 500
(b) Assume that the pathname of a user’s home directory on the bluenose server is
/users/cs/grant. He created a directory named csci2132 in his home direc-
tory, and then created three subdirectories named a1, a2 and a3 in the directory
csci2132 that he created. He then changed his current working directory to the
a2 directory that he created. Which of the following four pathnames does NOT
refer to the a3 directory that he created?
A. ../csci2132/a3
B. ./../../csci2132/a3
C. /users/cs/grant/csci2132/a3
D. $HOME/csci2132/a3
(d) Which of the following statements regarding gdb is INCORRECT?
A. gdb is a symbolic debugger.
B. The gdb command break can be used to set a breakpoint.
C. The gdb command print can be used to print the value of a variable when
the program pauses at a breakpoint.
D. The two gdb commands next and step are equivalent.
(e) Suppose that we would like to write a C program to read from a text file named
hello.txt and print its content to the screen. To do this, we use a file pointer
fp. Which of the following four statements should we use to open this file?
A. fp = fopen("hello.txt", "r");
B. fp = fopen("hello.txt", "w");
C. fp = fopen("hello.txt", "a");
D. fopen(fp, "hello.txt");
3. [9 marks] Show the output produced by each of the following programs. You need not
justify your answers.
3 marks each.
int main(void) {
int a = 4;
int b = 5;
swap(a, b);
(b) #include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int i = 4, j = 8;
int *p = &i;
int *q;
int *r = &j;
*r = *p;
q = p;
return 0;
int main(void) {
char s[] = "software development";
printf("%c\n", s[1]);
printf("%s\n", s+9);
*(s+8) = ’\0’;
printf("%s\n", s);
return 0;
4. [9 marks] For each of the following questions, develop a single command line to perform
the task required. You need not justify your answer.
To receive any mark for each question, you are only allowed to use commands from
the following list: ls, wc and grep.
3 marks each.
(a) Print a list of files in the directory /usr/bin whose names start with the English
word “git”. The file named git is considered one of these files.
(b) Print out the number of files in the directory /usr/bin whose names start with
character u, n, i or x, do NOT end with and u, n, i or x, and are 4 characters in
For example, /usr/bin/uniq is such a file, but /usr/bin/users and /usr/bin/neqn
are not.
(c) Print out the number of words in the Linux dictionary file
/usr/share/dict/linux.words containing the word soft (that is, the word soft
appears in it as a substring) and do not contain any hyphens.
For example, soft and unsoftened are such words, but soft-voiced is not.
Recall that this dictionary file contains one English word per line.
5. [12 marks] Give concise answers to the following questions. 4 marks each.
(a) The waterfall model of software development life cycle has five steps. Write down
the names of four of these steps. You need not explain what these steps do.
(b) We learned that the make utility supports separate compilation of a program
consisting of multiple modules. Describe one advantage of separate compilation.
(c) The following code snippet is supposed to create an identical copy of a string and
returns a pointer that points to it, but it is incorrect. Find out what is wrong,
explain why it is incorrect, and fix the error by modifying the code printed below.
strcpy(q, p);
return q;
6. [7 marks] This question asks you to describe how you would write a multiple-file C
program to solve a problem.
Do not write actual C code for this problem. Instead, you are asked to describe
how to divide the program into multiple files, and then write a makefile for separate
The program reads multiple lines from stdin and stops when reading an empty line.
Each time it reads a line, it inserts the content of this line (which is a string) into the
head of a linked list. After that, the program prints all the lines using the linked list,
so that the lines of the input are printed in reverse order, i.e., the last line is printed
(a) Show how to use two C source files plus one C header file to organize your program.
To describe your solution, for each source or header file, give it a descriptive name
and use one sentence to describe the main purpose of this file. You need not give
any other details.
(b) Write a makefile to compile your program. Your makefile must support separate
compilation. Indent your solution to indicate the tab characters.
7. [8 marks] Write the following function (NOT a complete program):
When passed an array a of length n, this function will search for its smallest and
second smallest elements and store them in the variables pointed to by smallest and
second_smallest, respectively.
To receive full marks, you are required to use a pointer to access array elements. Up to
two marks will be deducted if you use array subscripting in your function body (still,
better than no solution).
To simplify your solution, you can assume that the array a has at least two elements
and no error handling is required.
8. [10 marks] Two words are anagrams if they are permutations of the same letters. For
example, smartest and mattress are anagrams, but apple and lemon are not.
Write a complete C program that tests whether two words are anagrams. The fol-
lowing is an example of how the program works:
To simplify your program, you can assume that these two words contain lowercase
letters only. That is, the user always input one word containing lowercase letters when
asked for one word.
Use the white space below as well as the next page to write down your solution.
Hint: The following is a possible implementation (you are not required to follow it, but
this is the easiest way of doing this): Write a loop that read the first word, character
by character, using an array of 26 integers to keep track of how many times each letter
has been seen.
Use another loop to read the second word, except this time decrementing the corre-
sponding array element as each letter is read.
After the second word has been read, use a third loop to check whether all the elements
in the array are zero. If so, the words are anagrams.
The above approach does not even use C strings!
An extra page for your solution to Question 8.
9. [8 marks] Write a utility called satisfying the following specification:
This utility copies all the regular files in directory directory_name into a directory
called .duplicate in your home directory.
If .duplicate does not exist, the utility creates this directory before copying files.
When -l option (this is the letter l) is present, the current content of .duplicate is
listed. When this option is present, no directory_name is specified as command-line
Complete this script by filling in the blank lines in the program given below. Do not
put multiple statements on the same line.
case in
# list the content of the .duplicate folder in home directory
ls ~/.duplicate
if [ ~/.duplicate ]; then
mkdir ~/.duplicate
for file in
10. [13 marks] Assume that we have the following structure that defines nodes in a linked
struct node {
int value;
struct node *next;
(b) Implement the following function (NOT a complete program):
struct node* insert_mtf(struct node* list, int val);
The list parameter points to the head of a linked list. This function first searches
this list to find out whether there exists one node whose value member is equal
to val. If such a node is found, then this node is first removed from the list and
then inserted to the head of the list (this is called move-to-front). Otherwise,
allocate a new node to store the value of val, and insert it to the head of the list.
The function then returns a pointer to the head of the linked list.
For example, suppose that we use this function to insert the following values into
an empty linked list: 8, 9, 1, 2, 5, 8, 5, 0. Then, the value members of the nodes in
the linked list starting from the head store 0, 5, 8, 2, 1, 9.
You can assume that there are no two nodes in the list whose value members are