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In todays competitive world aggressive marketing has become more attractive in the telecom industries at company, state, national, international level. As we see it, there are, essentially, two approaches to marketing: Defensive marketing and Aggressive marketing, Defensive marketing is all about keeping what we have already. For Instance, a strategy for reducing churn in our customers could be regarded as defensive because we are deploying techniques to try to keep our customers from being lured by the aggressive marketing of our competitors, Aggressive marketing therefore is trying to get more. By More we could be referring to, Capturing more customers. Cross selling to existing customers, Upselling to existing customer. A well-structured strategy involving well-organized and managed campaigns is a good example of aggressive marketing. The concept of campaigns is quite simple and well known to most of us. We have all been the target of marketing campaigns at same point. In the previous days there were no much difference and many improvements in technology as compared to today. But today we find more differences in the telecom field more of a technological supports and improvements have developed and more competitive telecom industries have emerged mainly concentrating on SME (Small scale Medium Enterprise) for the corporate connections. Some of them supporting the corporate connections for small scale medium enterprise are Tata Indicom, BSNL, Reliance, Airtel, and Hutch. Small scale Medium Enterprises industry related service/business enterprises with investment up to Rs 500,000 in fixed assets, excluding land building, are called Small scale Medium Enterprises. In cellular service there are two main competing network technologies: Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA).cellular carriers including sprint PCS, Cingular Wireless, Verizon and Tmobile use one or the other. Understanding the difference between GSM and CDMA

2 will help us to choose a carrier that uses the preferable network technology for our needs. CDMA, a proprietary standard designed by Qualcomm in United States, has been the dominant network standard for North America and parts of Asia. However, GSM network continue to make inroads in the United States, as CDMA networks make progress in other parts of the world. There are camps on both sides that firmly believe either GSM or CDMA architecture is superior to the other. Data transfer speed: with the advent of cellular phones doing double and triple duty as streaming video devices, pod cast receivers and email devices, speed is important to those who use the phone for more than making calls. CDMA has been traditionally faster than GSM, though both technologies continue to rapidly leapfrog along this path. Both boast 3G standards or 3rd generation technologies. The key to success in todays dynamic corporate world is to have a reliable and affordable telecom network. In fact often the success of the company is determined by the pace of information flow, both within and outside the company. Tata Indicom allows your entire team to remain in touch with one another, constantly and simultaneously, even when all or some of them are mobile or geographically separated. That way your entire team can take prompt decisions and always remain in control and importantly Tata Indicom is the most cost effective communication tool. Ever since its inception, Tata Indicom has considered the corporate world as a niche segment and has been catering to the communication needs of this sector through a team of highly dedicated professionals. Highlights of Tata Indicom corporate connection: The tariffs are available to individuals are also available to the corporate with the additional benefit of free call management services (call wait, call hold and call divert) Itemized bill and voice mail service. The Tata Indicom tariff plan is only available to the corporate subscribers and is available for an initial minimum subscriptions connection. Subsequently, any number of connections can be added. Back ground of the study


Marketing: Market refers to the set of all actual and potential product and service.

buyers of the

Marketing is the delivery of customers satisfaction at profit. The goal of the marketing is to attract new customers by promising superior value, and to keep current customers by delivering satisfaction. The concept of exchange leads to the concept of the market. A market consists of all the potential customers sharing a particular need or want who might be willing and able to engage in exchange to satisfy the need or want. A market as the aggregate demand of potential buyers for a product or service. Prospects: A prospect is someone whom the marketer identifies as potentially willing and able to engage in an exchange of values. The underlining fact is that no company can survive if it cannot sell its products. If the company cannot attract customers it will be eventually forced to shut down. Realizing this, orienting the company policy towards the important role of the customers is the essential characteristics of marketing. Implementing Marketing means that the company strives to identify its customers, their needs preference and buying motivations as accurately as possible so that it can respond to them, precisely with its products, styling, packing and servicing. Relationship and Network: Relationship marketing is the practice of building long term satisfying relation with key parties customers, suppliers, distributors. In order to retain their long term preferences and business relationship marketing results in strong economic, technical and social ties among parties. The process of creating, maintaining, and enhancing strong, value- laden relationships with customers and other stake holders.

A marketing network consist of the company and all of its supporting shareholders, customers, employees and other with whom it has built mutually profitable business relationships. Need Want And Demand: Marketing starts with human needs and wants. A need is a state of deprivation of some basic satisfaction. People require food, clothing, shelter, belongings, and esteem. Marketers do not create needs. Needs pre-exit marketers, wants are desire for specific satisfiers needs. A need becomes a want when it is related to a particular product and services. Human wants are continuously shaped and reshaped by marketers, social forces and institutions. Marketing Strategy: The logical, comprehensive plan of action through which a firm intends to reach customer satisfaction at a profit in the market place. Defensive marketing: Is all about keeping what we have already. For instance, a strategy for reducing churn in our customers could be regarded as defensive because we are deploying techniques to try to keep our customers from being lured by the aggressive marketing of our competitors. Aggressive marketing: Aggressive marketing therefore is trying to get more, By More we could be referring to, Capturing more customers. Cross-selling to existing customers. Up-selling to existing customers. A well-structured strategy involving well-organized and managed campaigns is a good example of aggressive marketing. The concept of campaigns is quite simple and well knows to most of us. We have all been the target of marketing campaigns at same point. Tata Indicom International Private Leased Circuit (IPLC) Service is highspeed solution for enterprises with large and varied communication requirements.

Secure, Dedicated Network IPLC is a point-to-point data service solely dedicated for your business needs. Since you get dedicated bandwidth, you can be assured of complete security and privacy in your communication. This service entitles you to high-speed connectivity24 hours a day, anywhere in the world via submarine cable or satellite. Widest range of Applications Tata Indicom IPCL is a high capacity, high speed digital circuit that provides you an opportunity to combine a variety of telecommunication applications, including the transmission of digitized voice, high speed data, high speed fax and graphics for video phones. As the service provides integration of all three applications at the same time, it gives you a distinct advantage over other modes of communication. Benefits of IPLC Security: Security is critical for any corporate network. As such, it is the primary concern for businesses contemplating the use of IPLC. Our dedicated bandwidth and sophisticated software and hardware ensure complete security of your communication and the flow of information remains confidential between two communication points. Reliability and Diversity: We provide the necessary reliability and diversity by allowing to switch over to a different path should a link or device fall. This is ensured by our network management team, which manages the traffic in case of failure of any of the links. Our diverse cable network ensure that all possible diversity Can be provided to you. Ad its worth mentioning that we offer maximum diversity to ensure high availability of the service. Total support: The network management team works round-the clock to ensure faultless services to you. Any fault is immediately reported and efforts are made to

6 restore the service at the earliest. We have put into place stringent international benchmarks for ensuring that the highest level of service is available to you. Single Window Clearance: The half-circuit for which will facilitate for arranging the local loop from your business premises to ours. For any fault reporting/ troubleshooting, it will act as a single point of contact to restore the service. Access to IPLC Service: It as a point of its presence in 23 locations across the country from where IPLC services can be provided through international gateway. IPLC services are available as half circuits. The other half of the circuit refers to the distant end carrier, which will carry traffic to the destination address as provided while subscribing to the service. IPLC services are available for speeds ranging from 64 kbps to 155 mbps. Even like managed IPLC where end-to-end manageability of the circuit is available. This ensures quick fault identification, which facilitates restoration of the service at the earliest. This type of service is currently available with SingTel only. IPLC services are available on IRU basis. Moments of Truth: Every time a customer encounters firm or the service provider and its communication and other technologies, a service, moment is created; it is called as moments of truth. Also called Moments of Truth-The Service Encounter. Every service moment is a dynamic force with a potential to fuel self reinforce relationship with customer and is an opportunity to gain market share and profit. Marketing mix: It is those marketing decision-variables which when blended together will from a marketing strategy designed to satisfy the firms customers. The major instruments of marketing mix in the hands of management are: Product mix: The aggregate of the products offered for sale by a firm. The product mix may be measured in breath (i.e., the number of product lines carried), or in depth (i.e., the assortment of sizes, types, colors, and styles within each product lines).

7 Promotional mix: The selected combination of advertising, publicity, sales, promotion, and personal selling used to communicate with inform, and sell goods to the customer. Price mix: The establishment of a realistic price frame work to maintain a companys competitive position in the market place. Place mix: The decision to market good through a particular channel to achieve the most economic or cost effective result. Personnel mix: The decision to recruit and develop a group of employees to implement the marketing program and provide customer satisfaction effectively. After sales services: It is a business activity by which a company serves the customer in post sales period. It may be regarded as an attribute of the product itself. Customer service (i.e., after sales services) and delivering quality services is the major issue determining the competitive edge of organizations. Customer satisfaction: The extent to which a product perceived performance matches a buyers expectations. If the products performance falls short of expectations, the buyer is dissatisfied. If performance matches or exceeds expectations, the buyer is satisfied or delighted. Consumer Satisfaction = Actual performance by the firm Consumer Expectations Expectation shape customer perception of product/ firms performance. Customer perceptions of the firm and its offer are shaped by: a) Work of month publicity- like recommendations from friends, relatives, neighbors and peer group at work place. b) Personal experience on the part of the customers. c) Personal needs of individuals customers. d) External communication-like the publicity of the firm in the media and its advertisement and other corporate communications.

Customer Value: The difference between the value the customer gains from owing and using a product and the costs of obtaining the product. Customer Value = Gain from the product The costs of that product. Introduction to Service Service as any activity or benefits that one party can offer to another that is essentially intangible and does not result in the ownership of anything. Its production may or not be tied a physical product. Service has four characteristics that greatly affect the design of marketing programs: Intangibility, inseparability, variability and perish ability. Customer Satisfaction in the Service of an Industry Satisfaction is a persons feeling of pleasure or disappointment resulting from comparing a products perceived performance ( or outcome) in relation to his or her expectation. Satisfaction is a function of perceived performance and expectations the customer is dissatisfied. If the performance exceeds, expectations, the customer is satisfied. If the performance exceeds, expectations are influenced by their past buying experience, friends, associates, advice, marketers, competitors information and promises. If marketers raise expectations too high, the buyer is likely to be disappointment. Many companies in the service sector are aiming for high satisfaction because customers who are first satisfied find it easy to switch when a better offer comes along. Those who are highly satisfied are much less ready to switch. High satisfaction or delight creates an emotional affinity with the brand not just a rational preference. The result is high customer loyalty. In order to satisfy the customer completely the telecom service should have very good service. After the customer has applied for the connections the telecom

9 service should not think that their work is done. They should make sure that the connection and services is served in excellent manner. Proper network and excellent services are provided with the ultimate object of satisfying customer wants. In a free uncontrolled economy, it is the customer who determines what kind of connections and tariff plan required for them, that influence the telecom industry what is mainly required for the customers shall be produced, it is the customer (both present and potential) who influences the prices and determines where, when and how the telecom brand name is marketed . The customers not only determine income of business, but also directly affect the success of a business. A corollary to consumer satisfaction is the need to protect him against monopoly restrictive and unfair trade practices customer satisfaction and protection, there provide the rational of business depends on customers satisfaction. Determinants of consumer behavior a) culture determinants 1. Culture: Culture is the most basic fundamental determinants and ads yet another dimension to the study of consumer behavior. Culture refers to those symbols, artifacts and behavioral patterns which are passed on socially from one generation to the next. It includes belief, values, norms, and signs. Cultures are specific to the area in which they evolve. 2. Sub Culture: Each culture will contain smaller groups of sub culture that provide more specific identification and socialization for its members. These sub cultural divisions are certain socio-culture and demographic variables like nationality, religion, geographic, locality, caste age, etc. Sub culture groups have their unique consumption patterns that provide important bases to the marketers. These have significant implications for market segmentation, product development, advertising, merchandising, branding and packaging,

10 3. Social class: Social class may take the form of a caste system where the member of the different caste is reared for certain roles cannot change their caste membership. Social class also influence the buying behavior and show distinct product and brand preferences in purchasing decisions related to clothing and jewelry, leisure activity and automobiles. b) Social factor: 1. Reference group: Groups having direct influence on a person could comprise of People with whom the person interact on a continuous basis Such as family, friends neighbors and colleagues. People may be influenced by some social organization and trade unions. A reference group can influence the consumers by introducing Him/her to new life style by influencing the persons attitudes and behavior that may affect the persons actual product / brand choice. 2. Family: Members of the buyer family can exercise a strong influence on the buyer behavior. Marketers are interested in the roles and relative influence of the husband, wife children and parents on the purchase of a large variety of products and services. c) Personal factors: 1. Age and Stage of Life cycle: Peoples choice of the goods and services changes over their lifetime. This change can be observed right from childhood to maturity especially in taste and preferences related to cloths, wants and reaction activities. The stage of life cycle can be said to be a psychological feeling of a certain transformation-taking place as they go through life and experiencing sudden changes in consumption pattern. 2. Occupation:

11 A persons occupation has direct effect on his choice of goods and services. Marketers will have to identify which occupational groups will be interested in their products and workout marketing strategies communicate about their products and services to the relevant occupational group and induce a positive buying motive in particular consumer,


Economic Circumstances: Persons economic circumstances consist of his/her spend able income, savings, assets ability to borrow and attitude towards spending. With the increase in per capita income and improved standard of living, there will be a willingness on the part of the consumer to purchase products. So, the marketer as to proper market analysis and research and produce, price and promote their products and services, so as to motivate people to purchase the same.

5. Life Style: Life style of a person conveys more than the persons social class or personality alone. Persons social class will help in analyzing the persons behavior is likely to be an understanding of a persons life style will help in giving a profile of a whole persons patterns of living and interacting with the world. 5. Personality: Each person has got a distinctive personality which will influence his/her buying behavior. Personality can be used to analyze consumer behavior because marketers have seen that there exists co-relation between personality types and product/brand choices. Some of the trait used to describe a persons personality are; self-confidence, dominance, achievement, deference etc. 6. Self Concept:

12 Self-concept is a persons image of himself or self-image. Each person carries a self-image of him/her and will purchase goods or services that match the selfimage. Thus marketers have to develop and communicate brand images that will match the self- image of the target customers.

d) Psychological Factors: 1. Motivation: Motivation is an active, strong driving force that exists to reduce a state of tension and protect, satisfy and enhance the individual and his self-concept. It is one that lets the individual to act in a particular way. Motives can be conscious or unconscious, relational or emotional, positive or negative. 2. Perception: Marketing management is concerned with the understanding of the process of perception because, perception leads to thought and thought leads to action. Perception is the process where by stimuli are received and interpreted by the individual and translated in to a response. 3. Learning: In behavioral science, learning means any change in behavior, which comes about as a result of experience. Learning is the process of acquiring knowledge. Consumer behavior is a process of learning because it is modified according to the consumers past experience and the objectives he or she has set. 4. Attitude:

13 The concept of attitude occupies a central position in the consumer behavior studies in particular because attitude measurements help in understanding the prediction of consumer behavior. Attitude refers to the predisposition to behave in a particular way when presented with a given stimulus and the attitude towards place, people products and things can be positive or negative or favorable or unfavorable. Attitude develops gradually as a result of experience; they emerge from interaction of persons with family, friends, and reference groups. The theoretical background of the study helps in knowing the existing customers satisfaction towards Tata indicom and new customers wants and services, and Tata indicoms services for the existing SME and Corporate, The study also helps in improving service provider, aggressive marketing, more value good services, broad band service and speed up connectivity. From this study we expect to know what extent the Tata Indicom Marketing activities benefited to the small scale industries and what things that customers get benefit and expect from the corporate connection of Tata Indicom. From the survey we also try to get the feedback and be aware of Tata Indicom corporate connections and the customers satisfaction and expectations.


INDUSTRY PROFILE The telecom network in India is the fifth largest network in the world meeting up with global standards. Presently, the Indian telecom industry is currently slated to an estimated contribution of nearly 1% to Indias GDP. Introduction The Indian Telecommunications network with 110.01 million connections is the fifth largest in the world and the second largest among the emerging economies of Asia. Today, it is the fastest growing market in the world and represents unique opportunities for U.S. companies in the stagnant global scenario. The total subscriber base, which has grown by 40% in 2005, is expected to reach 250 million in 2007. According to Broadband Policy 2004, Government of India aims at 9 million broadband connections and 18 million internet connections by 2007. The wireless subscriber base has jumped from 33.69 million in 2004 to 62.57 million in FY20042005. In the last 3 years, two out of every three new telephone subscribers were wireless subscribers. Consequently, wireless now accounts for 54.6% of the total telephone subscriber base, as compared to only 40% in 2003. Wireless subscriber growth is expected to bypass 2.5 million new subscribers per month by 2007. The wireless technologies currently in use are Global System for Mobile Communications. (GSM) and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA). There are primarily 9 GSM and 5 CDMA operators providing mobile services in 19 telecom circles and 4 metro cities, covering 2000 towns across the country.

15 Evolution of the industry-Important Milestones History of Indian Telecommunications Year 1851 First operational land lines were laid by the government near Calcutta (seat of British power) 1881 Telephone service introduced in India 1883 Merger with the postal system 1923 Formation of Indian Radio Telegraph Company (IRT) 1932 Merger of ETC and IRT into the Indian Radio and Cable Communication Company (IRCC) 1947 Nationalization of all foreign telecommunication companies to form the Posts, Telephone and Telegraph (PTT), a monopoly run by the government's Ministry of Communications 1985 Department of Telecommunications (DOT) established, an exclusive provider of domestic and long-distance service that would be its own regulator (separate from the postal system) 1986 Conversion of DOT into two wholly government-owned companies: the Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited (VSNL) for international telecommunications3 and Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited (MTNL) for service in metropolitan areas. 1997 Telecom Regulatory Authority of India created. 1999 Cellular Services are launched in India. New National Telecom Policy is adopted. 2000 DoT becomes a corporation, BSNL Major Players There are three types of players in telecom services: -State owned companies (BSNL and MTNL) -Private Indian owned companies (Reliance Infocomm, Tata Teleservices,) -Foreign invested companies (Hutchison-Essar, Bharti Tele-Ventures, Escotel, Idea Cellular, BPL Mobile, Spice Communications) BSNL

16 On October 1, 2000 the Department of Telecom Operations, Government of India became a corporation and was renamed Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL). BSNL is now Indias leading telecommunications company and the largest public sector undertaking. It has a network of over 45 million lines covering 5000 towns with over 35 million telephone connections. The state-controlled BSNL operates basic, cellular (GSM and CDMA) mobile, Internet and long distance services throughout India (except Delhi and Mumbai). BSNL will be expanding the network in line with the Tenth Five-Year Plan (199297). The aim is to provide a telephone density of 9.9 per hundred by March 2007. BSNL, which became the third operator of GSM mobile services in most circles, is now planning to overtake Bharti to become the largest GSM operator in the country. BSNL is also the largest operator in the Internet market, with a share of 21 per cent of the entire subscriber base

BHARTI Established in 1985, Bharti has been a pioneering force in the telecom sector with many firsts and innovations to its credit, ranging from being the first mobile service in Delhi, first private basic telephone service provider in the country, first Indian company to provide comprehensive telecom services outside India in Seychelles and first private sector service provider to launch National Long Distance Services in India. Bharti Tele-Ventures Limited was incorporated on July 7, 1995 for promoting investments in telecommunications services. Its subsidiaries operate telecom services across India. Bhartis operations are broadly handled by two companies: the Mobility group, which handles the mobile services in 16 circles out of a total 23 circles across the country; and the Infotel group, which handles the NLD, ILD, fixed line, broadband, data, and satellite-based services. Together they have so far deployed around 23,000 km of optical fiber cables across the country, coupled with approximately 1,500 nodes, and presence in around 200 locations. The group has a total customer base of 6.45 million, of which 5.86 million are mobile and 588,000 fixed line customers, as of January 31, 2004. In mobile, Bhartis footprint extends across 15 circles. Bharti Tele-Ventures' strategic objective is to capitalize on the growth opportunities the company believes are available in the Indian

17 telecommunications market and consolidate its position to be the leading integrated telecommunications services provider in key markets in India, with a focus on providing mobile services. MTNL MTNL was set up on 1st April 1986 by the Government of India to upgrade the quality of telecom services, expand the telecom network, introduce new services and to raise revenue for telecom development needs of Indias key metros Delhi, the political capital, and Mumbai, the business capital. In the past 17 years, the company has taken rapid strides to emerge as Indias leading and one of Asias largest telecom operating companies. The company has also been in the forefront of n technology induction by converting 100% of its telephone exchange network into the state-of-theart digital mode. The Govt. of India currently holds 56.25% stake in the company. In the year 2003-04, the company's focus would be not only consolidating the gains but also to focus on new areas of enterprise such as joint ventures for projects outside India, entering into national long distance operation, widening the cellular and CDMA-based WLL customer base, setting up internet and allied services on an all India basis. the private playersBharti, Hutchison and Idea Cellular, Reliance Infocommin mobile services. MTNL recorded sales of Rs. 60.2 billion ($1.38 billion) in the year 2002-03, a decline of 5.8 per cent over the previous years annual turnover of Rs. 63.92 billion. RELIANCE INFOCOMM It is also an integratedtelecom service provider with licenses for mobile, fixed, domestic long distance and international services. Reliance Infocomm offers a complete range of telecom services, covering mobile and fixed line telephony including broadband, national and international long distance services, data services and a wide range of value added services and applications. Reliance IndiaMobile, the first of Infocomm's initiatives was launched on December 28, 2002. This marked the beginning of Reliance's vision captured the voice market, it intends to attack the broadband market. TATA TELESERVICES

18 Tata Teleservices is a part of the $12 billion Tata Group, which has 93 companies, over 200,000 employees and more than 2.3 million shareholders. Tata Teleservices provides basic (fixed line services), using CDMA technology in six circles: Maharashtra (including Mumbai), New Delhi, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, and Karnataka. It has over 800,000 subscribers. It has now migrated to unified access licenses, by paying a Rs. 5.45 billion ($120 million) fee, which enables it to provide fully mobile services as well. The company is also expanding its footprint, and has paid Rs. 4.17 billion ($90 million) to DoT for 11 new licenses under the IUC (interconnect usage charges) regime. The new licenses, coupled with the six circles in which it already operates, virtually gives the CDMA mobile operator a national footprint that is almost on par with BSNL and Reliance Infocomm. The company hopes to start off services in these 11 new circles by August 2004. These circles include Bihar, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Kerala, Kolkata, Orissa, Punjab, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh (East) & West and West Bengal. VSNL On April 1, 1986, the Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited (VSNL) - a wholly Government owned corporation - was born as successor to OCS. The company operates a network of earth stations, switches, submarine cable systems, and value added service nodes to provide a range of basic and value added services and has a dedicated work force of about 2000 employees. VSNL's main gateway centers are located at Mumbai, New Delhi, Kolkata and Chennai. The international telecommunication circuits are derived via Intelsat and Inmarsat satellites and wide band submarine cable systems e.g. FLAG, SEA-ME-WE-2 and SEA-ME-WE-3. The company's ADRs are listed on the New York Stock Exchange and its shares are listed on major Stock Exchanges in India. The Indian Government owns approximately 26 per cent equity, M/s Panatone Finvest Limited as investing vehicle of Tata Group owns 45 per cent equity and the overseas holding (inclusive of FIIs, ADRs, Foreign Banks) is approximately 13 per cent and the rest is owned by Indian institutions and the public. The company provides international and Internet services as well as a host of value-added services. Its revenues have declined from Rs. 70.89 billion ($1.62 billion) in 2001-02 to Rs. 48.12 billion ($1.1 billion) in 2002-03, with voice revenues being the mainstay. To reverse the falling revenue trend, VSNL has also started

19 offering domestic long distance services and is launching broadband services. For this, the company is investing in Tata Telservices and is likely to acquire Tata Broadband. HUTCH Hutchs presence in India dates back to late 1992, when they worked with local partners to establish a company licensed to provide mobile telecommunications services in Mumbai. Commercial operations began in November 1995. Between 2000 and March 2004, Hutch acquired further operator equity interests or operating licences. With the completion of the acquisition of BPL Mobile Cellular Limited in January 2006, it now provides mobile services in 16 of the 23 defined licence areas across the country. Hutch India has benefited from rapid and profitable growth in recent years. it had over 17.5 million customers by the end of June 2006.

IDEA Indian regional operator IDEA Cellular Ltd. has a new ownership structure and grand designs to become a national player, but in doing so is likely to become a thorn in the side of Reliance Communications Ltd. IDEA operates in eight telecom circles, or regions, in Western India, and has received additional GSM licenses to expand its network into three circles in Eastern India -- the first phase of a major expansion plan that it intends to fund through an IPO, according to parent company Aditya Birla Group .



The Tata group is one of Indias largest and most respected business conglomerates with revenue in 2004-2005 at $17.8 Billion equivalent of 2.8% of countries GDP. The group was founded by Jamsetji Tata in the mid 19th century. Tata Tele service is the telecom venture of Tata Group and Tata Indicom is the brand name for the products and services offered by the company. Tata teleservice is of the part of the INR 76,930(US $17.10 billion) tata group that has over 90 companies, over 220,000 employees and more than 2 million shareholders. With an investment of over INR 9,000 crore (US $ 2 billion) in telecom, The group has a formidable presence across the telecom value chain.

21 Tata teleservices spearheads the groups presence in the telecom sector. Incorporated in 1996, Tata teleservices was the first to launch CDMA mobile services in India with the Andhra Pradesh circle. Starting with the major acquisition of Hughes Tele.com (India) limited now renamed Tata teleservices (Maharashtra) limited in December 2002, the company swung into expansion mode Tata teleservice operates in 20 circles. The investment in Tata Teleservice limited (including Tata teleservice (Maharastra) limited as of March 2005 totals INR 14,446 Crores (US $3.21 billion). Having pioneered the CDMA 3G1x technology platform in India, Tata Teleservices has established a robust and reliable telecom infrastructure that ensures quality in its services. It has partnered with Motorola, Ericsson, Lucent and ECI telecom for the deployment of a reliable, technologically advanced network. The company, which heralded convergence technologies in the Indian telecom sector, is today the market leader in the fixed wireless telephony market with a customer base of over 2.8 million for the period ended September 05. Tata teleservices bouquet of telephony services includes mobile services, Wireless phones, public telephony booth, and wire line services, Other services include value added services like voice portal, roaming, 3-way conferencing, group calling and data services. Today, Tata teleservices limited along with Tata teleservices maharashtra limited serve more than 7 million customers in 1700 towns and aims at 4000 towns by march06. With an ambitious rollout plan both within existing circles and across new circles, Tata teleservices is offering world-class technology and userfriendly services in 20 circles The company has launched prepaid FWP and Public phone booths, a range of new handsets, new voice and data services such as BREW games, picture messaging, polyphonic ring tones, interactive applications like news, cricket, astrology, etc. These are in addition to its existing services of postpaid mobile, prepaid mobile and postpaid FWP. VSNL is probably Indias largest Internet service provider and Tata owns a stake in VSNL of 45% equity. VSNL is spear heading the International telecom foray

22 of the Tata Group and has established its presence in key international geography such as USA UK, Singapore and Hong Kong. The company is rapidly growing its retail and corporate presence under the Tata Indicom brand through products such as High Speed Broad Band and Dial-up Internet also Net Telephony and calling cards. The telecom services of the Tata group are offered under the brand name Tata Indicom and cover all segments from retail and enterprise; to whole sale and international. The objective is to make Tata Indicom the preferred telecommunications choice of customers across the country. Tata Indicom enterprise business unit (TIEBU) launched in central specialize enterprise sales and marketing for the 2003 is the

Tata Group Tele Service.

The unit is the bench mark telecom player in the enterprise space and was formed with a view to provide customized end-to-end voice, and data solution to customers across India. The Tata Groups commitment to building a substantial presence in Indias telecom industry has seen it play a leading role in the development of the countrys communications infrastructure. The telecom services of the group are offered under the brand name Tata Indicom, and cover all segments, from retail and enterprise to wholesale and international. The objective is to make Tata Indicom the preferred telecommunications choice of customers across the country. Tata teleservice, which heralded convergence technologies in the Indian telecom sector. Is the world leader in the fixed wireless service market, with customer base of 1.8 million? Aggressive marketing plans and a slew of new product offerings including brand names such as true paid and walkyhave driven rapid subscriber growth. Tata group comprises 93 operating companies in seven business sectors. Information system, communications, engineer, materials, services energy, consumer products and chemicals. Tata group operations more than 40 countries six continents and its companies export products and services to 140 nations.


The group and its enterprises have been steadfast and distinctive in their adherence to business ethics and their commitment to corporate social responsibility; This is a legacy that has earned the group the trust of many millions of stakeholders in a measure few business houses anywhere in the world can match. Presence of large number players especially in the mobile industry as ensured stiff competition in the telecom industry. Competition is based on technology and more importantly price. Key to success is therefore value added service but at affordable prices. Since customers of all the segments in the telecom industry are value conscious, factors such as rate-plan and coverage are key differentiate in the Indian market. The Indian consumer is now having an increasing choice with large number services launched. In respect to the CDMA services growth is further more in this segment. The CDMA market is growing in a solid pace and it accounts for nearly 432% of all the new mobiles sold in the Indian telecom market. Things are quite similar in the western countries telecom industry and the growth is in with the trend of US or Europe, where in India many Indian companies and foreign companies launching services amidst stiff competition and with their own competitive advantage. As a result the CDMA market is increasing with a study growth and new launches and also upgrading the existing services. Most of the companies adopted aggressive marketing activities in order to achieve certain pre-determined objectives, like Reliance. These marketing activities are done as a huge amount of investment is made. The study undertaken in this particular project in order to know the existing customers satisfaction towards Tataindicom, to know new customers wants and services, and to know Tataindicoms services for the existing SME& Corporate, and also to know existing customers attitude and new customers satisfaction towards Tataindicom which is the fast growing telecom in the telecom industry, In this study the researcher gets the feedback from Tataindicom customers as well as other customers like BSNL, Reliance, and other telecom corporate connections, In terms of the customers satisfaction and attitude that helps in ascertaining the total satisfaction towards Tata

24 Indicom and also further improvements can be made or not, the researcher had carried out the survey on the problem.

Profile Tata Teleservices (TTSL) spearheads the Tata Group's presence in the Indian telecom sector. Incorporated in 1996, the company was the first to launch CDMA mobile services in India (in the Andhra Pradesh circle). With the acquisition of Hughes Tele.com (India), now Tata Teleservices (Maharashtra), in December 2002, the company swung into expansion mode. TTSL currently offers services under the brand name 'Tata Indicom' in 20 circles in India: Andhra Pradesh,Chennai, Gujarat, Karnataka, Delhi, Maharashtra, Mumbai, Tamil Nadu, Orissa, Bihar, Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh (East), Uttar Pradesh (West), Kerala, Kolkata, Madhya Pradesh and West Bengal.

25 TTSL, which heralded convergence technologies in the Indian telecom sector, is today the market leader in the fixed wireless telephony market with a customer base of over 2.68 million.

Areas of business

TTSL pioneered the CDMA 3G1x technology platform in India. The company has established a robust and reliable telecom infrastructure that ensures quality in its services. It has partnered Motorola, Ericsson, Lucent and ECI Telecom to deploy a reliable and technologically advanced network. TTSL's telephony services include mobile services, fixed wireless phones (FWP), public booth telephony and wireline services. Among its value-added services are voice portal, roaming, post-paid internet services, three-way conferencing, group calling, wi-fi internet services and data services.

The company has entered the 'prepaid' segment by launching, under the Tata Indicom brand, its '100 % Sacchai True Paid' offering across all its circles. Tata Indicom also offers a collection of 1,000 mobile games, the latest handsets, and new voice and data services such as BREW games, picture messaging, polyphonic ring tones, and interactive applications. TTSL, along with its subsidiary, Tata Teleservices (Maharashtra), currently serves 4.58 million customers in over 1,400 towns in India




Vice-president Marketing General Manager

Finance Manager Manager

Production Manager

Quality control Manager


Assistant Manager Secretary

Floor in charge Finishing in charge Stores in charge Quality Controllers Checkers



The entire company works under different departments for smooth operation. The main departments of Tata Indicom are given below. Human Resource (H.R) The main function of human resource management is putting right person to right time. The main functions of human resource department are Administration: All other department of the company under control of human resource management and also providing suitable workers for each department. The human resource management 0trying to maximum utilizes the human resources. Recruitments: The second responsibility of H.R management is recruiting the people based on the needs of the each department. In this time the H.R management should consider the skill of employ through the aptitude test and direct interview. Training: After the recruitment the next step is given the training based on skills and which department is appointed. The HR management arranges the facilities for training. Accounting The accounting department is the other main department of the company. The accounting department is classifying, summarizing and recording the financial data. The main responsibilities are: Timely recording of all monitory transactions. Solving the legal complaints. Attending to various auditing, the company is conducting statutory auditing two times in a year; excise and tax department is conducting another auditing I a year. Providing management information system.

28 Insuring all fixed assets and stock and employees etc. Material department The material department is another important department of the company. The main function of these departments is material control for smooth production. The other functions are: Scheduling the raw material. Accept quotations from different suppliers. Selecting the suppliers based on quality, price, delivery time etc Issue purchase order to selected suppliers. Accepted material from suppliers. Transfer for quality checking, after checking the defective items will be rejected and non defective materials transfer to store. Issue raw material for production as per indene issued from production departments. Preparing direct material cost (DMC) of all finished goods. Customer assurance and system The main functions of this department are: Inwards and outwards quality checks quality check. Quality check at supplier end. Awareness among staff and supplier. Uniformity in quality standards of materials maintaining. Make necessary design based on customers complaints. Production department: Another department is the production department which converts the raw material in to finished food products. The other functions are: Intend material to store as per the production schedule.

29 Provide training for operators in association with HR. Adopting various ways and means for productivity and assured quality.


The scope of the study gives idea to develop the Tata Indicom corporate connections in the small scale medium enterprises. The study helps in improving existing customers satisfaction level. This helps in retaining the existing customers. The study helps in knowing the competitive advantage of Tata Indicom corporate connections. This helps the Tata Indicom (CDMA) telecom industry in focusing the key factors in which they get advantage. The study helps in knowing the existing customers satisfaction towards Tat Indicom and new customers wants and services, and Tata Indicom s services for the existing SME and Corporate, the study also helps in improving service provider, aggressive marketing, more value good services, broad band service and speed up connectivity.



It is necessary to know the present competition of Tele Services so that the study is helpful to the company for taking decision in upgrading product according to needs and wants of the consumer.


It is also necessary to find out and analyse the factors, which influence a customer to buy Tata Indicom.


It is necessary to know the responses of the consumer regarding the price, quality, and performance of the Tata Indicom.

30 4. The study will help to know whether the consumers are aware towards Tata Indicom.



To study the existing customers satisfaction towards Tata Indicom To know about new customers services and needs towards Tata Indicom To know about Tata Indicoms services like Internet facilities for the existing SME and Corporate



Study on market potential and customer satisfaction of SME and corporate segment connections for Tata Indicom Services


Regarding Potential of SME and corporate towards Tata Indicom connections, Tata Indicom providing new Tariff plans for small scale medium enterprises. The problem areas are Problems which are commonly faced like billing complaints and delay of their present connection. Problems regarding Marketing of Tata Indicom Problems faced by customers regarding corporate connections connectivity of Tata Indicom


Marketing: Market refers to the set of all actual and potential product and service. Marketing is the delivery of customers satisfaction at profit. The goal of the marketing is to attract new customers by promising superior value, and to keep current customers by delivering satisfaction. The concept of exchange leads to the concept of the market. buyers of the

33 A market consists of all the potential customers sharing a particular need or want who might be willing and able to engage in exchange to satisfy the need or want. A market as the aggregate demand of potential buyers for a product or service. Prospects: A prospect is someone whom the marketer identifies as potentially willing and able to engage in an exchange of values. The underlining fact is that no company can survive if it cannot sell its products. If the company cannot attract customers it will be eventually forced to shut down. Realizing this, orienting the company policy towards the important role of the customers is the essential characteristics of marketing. Implementing Marketing means that the company strives to identify its customers, their needs preference and buying motivations as accurately as possible so that it can respond to them, precisely with its products, styling, packing and servicing. Relationship and Network: Relationship marketing is the practice of building long term satisfying relation with key parties customers, suppliers, distributors. In order to retain their long term preferences and business relationship marketing results in strong economic, technical and social ties among parties. The process of creating, maintaining, and enhancing strong, value- laden relationships with customers and other stake holders. A marketing network consist of the company and all of its supporting shareholders, customers, employees and other with whom it has built mutually profitable business relationships. Need Want And Demand: Marketing starts with human needs and wants. A need is a state of deprivation of some basic satisfaction. People require food, clothing, shelter, belongings, and esteem. Marketers do not create needs. Needs pre-exit marketers, wants are desire for specific satisfiers needs. A need becomes a want when it is related to a particular product and services. Human wants are continuously shaped and reshaped by marketers, social forces and institutions.

34 Marketing Strategy: The logical, comprehensive plan of action through which a firm intends to reach customer satisfaction at a profit in the market place. Defensive marketing: Is all about keeping what we have already. For instance, a strategy for reducing churn in our customers could be regarded as defensive because we are deploying techniques to try to keep our customers from being lured by the aggressive marketing of our competitors. Aggressive marketing: Aggressive marketing therefore is trying to get more, By More we could be referring to, Capturing more customers. Cross-selling to existing customers. Up-selling to existing customers. A well-structured strategy involving well-organized and managed campaigns is a good example of aggressive marketing. The concepts of campaigns are quite simple and well know to most of us. We have all been the target of marketing campaigns at same point. Moments of Truth: Every time a customer encounters firm or the service provider and its communication and other technologies, a service, moment is created, it is called as moments of truth. Also called Moments of Truth-The Service Encounter. Every service moment is a dynamic force with a potential to fuel self reinforce relationship with customer and is an opportunity to gain market share and profit. Marketing mix: It is those marketing decision-variables which when blended together will from a marketing strategy designed to satisfy the firms customers. The major instruments of marketing mix in the hands of management are: Product mix: The aggregate of the products offered for sale by a firm. The product mix may be measured in breath (i.e., the number of product lines carried), or in depth (i.e., the assortment of sizes, types, colors, and styles within each product lines).


Promotional mix: The selected combination of advertising, publicity, sales, promotion, and personal selling used to communicate with inform, and sell goods to the customer. Price mix: The establishment of a realistic price frame work to maintain a companys competitive position in the market place. Place mix: The decision to market good through a particular channel to achieve the most economic or cost effective result. Personnel mix: The decision to recruit and develop a group of employees to implement the marketing program and provide customer satisfaction effectively. After sales services: It is a business activity by which a company serves the customer in post sales period. It may be regarded as an attribute of the product itself. Customer service (i.e., after sales services) and delivering quality services is the major issue determining the competitive edge of organizations. Customer satisfaction: The extent to which a product perceived performance matches a buyers expectations. If the products performance falls short of expectations, the buyer is dissatisfied. If performance matches or exceeds expectations, the buyer is satisfied or delighted. Consumer Satisfaction = Actual performance by the firm Consumer Expectations Expectation shape customer perception of product/ firms performance. Customer perceptions of the firm and its offer are shaped by: e) Work of month publicity- like recommendations from friends, relatives, neighbors and peer group at work place. f) Personal experience on the part of the customers. g) Personal needs of individuals customers. h) External communication-like the publicity of the firm in the media and its advertisement and other corporate communications.

36 Customer Value: The difference between the value the customer gains from owing and using a product and the costs of obtaining the product. Customer Value = Gain from the product The costs of that product.


Description of the Research Design Research design is a formal investigation or specification of methods and procedures for acquiring the information needed to store the problem. A research design is the arrangement of condition for collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedures. The research design used for this study is Exploratory Research. 1. Arbitrary or unscientific method. 2. Scientific methods. 1. Arbitrary method: Arbitrary method of seeking answers to questions consists of imagination, opinion, blind belief or impression. 2. Scientific methods: This is a systematic rational approach to seeking facts. It eliminates the drawbacks of the arbitrary method. It is objects, precise, and arrives at conclusion on the basis of verifiable evidence. There are different types of research, they are a) Exploratory Research b) Descriptive Research and c) Casual Research

37 a) Exploratory Research: The objective of exploratory research is to explore or search through a problem or situation to provide insight and understanding. The focus of the study is mainly based on new idea and innovation. b) Descriptive Research: The main objective of descriptive research is to describe something like market characteristics, relevant group, units designation, salary limits, dependents etc. c) Casual Research: A type of conclusion research where the major objective is to obtain evidence regarding cause and effect relationship. The study is based on finding the cause of current situation. Exploratory Research is being used for this project work.

Sources of Data
Primary data regarding customers satisfactions and other feedbacks for the study were collected with the help of a questionnaire. Survey was taken by direct interview.

Field work
The project involved a fieldwork of January 16 to May 16, where in the survey was carried out, around- 150 respondents were questioned to get the feedback which supports the study which is carried out for Tata indicom.

The aggregate of all the units pertaining to a study is called population or the universe. Population is the largest group to be studied; a member of the population is an element. It is the unit of study, a part of the population is known as a sample. The

38 process of drawing a sample from a larger population is called sampling. For the present study purpose, convenience sampling and random sampling. The total number of respondents selected for study is only one hundred fifty customers from small scale enterprise. The study was undertaken by convenience and random sampling. Convenience sampling Convenience sampling is a non probability sampling. It means selecting sampling units in a just hit and miss fashion, example interviewing people whom you happen to meet Random sampling A random sample gives every unit of the population a known and non-zero probability of being selected. Since random sampling implies equal probability to every unit in the population, it is necessary that the selection of the sample must be free from human judgment. Random sampling as each and every unit of the population has an equal opportunity of being selected. Sampling size The sampling size of the customers chosen for the study is only one hundred fifty customers from small scale enterprise. That is 150 respondents were surveyed and interviewed directly, keeping in mind the time constraints. Individuals consisting of both men and women of the study were undertaken by convenience and random sampling. Sampling frame The target population for the study consists of customers from small scale enterprises as per the convenience of the researcher.



The instrument used for this study is structured interview schedule. Questions related to objectives of the study from the major portion of the interview schedule. It mainly consists of multiple- choice questions that the respondents can mark one or more of the several choice of answers. And a few open ended questions where the respondent is free to answer regarding his present corporate connection and some datas which would support the survey. And also used chi-square and correlation in spss packge.

Methodological Assumption
The review of the literature session analyzes the significant research studies. The secondary data may be used as a soul for a research study. Since in many research, researchers like to consider secondary data inadequate or unusable to know and understand, the exact data is a primary data which give exact data and other informations which supports the survey. if we want to have first hand information on any happenings or events, primary data is very helpful. Thus two main methods by which primary data can be collected are observation and communication. In the present scenario, the internet facilitate the researcher in such a way that which the researcher can collect everything. Perhaps, it indicates the profile of the company, library sources as well as historically significant research studies.



The limitations are as fallows:1. The respondents were not clear of specific marketing jargons used in questionnaire. 2. Some of the respondents were not fully co-operative and some of them felt annoyed to give and interview. 3. Tata Indicom doesnt have any library which can facilitate any research work. 4. The study was restricted to Bangalore city only. 5. Few respondents were reluctant to answer the questionnaire and refused to cooperate as they felt by answering the questionnaire would be time consuming. 6. The study is focused on memory recall and there is change of recall bias. The bias of respondents may have introduced errors in the survey findings. 7. Few respondents were reluctant to answer the questionnaire and refused to cooperate as they felt by answering the questionnaire would be time consuming. 8. However care has been taken to reduce adopting the cross checking while seeking the information from the respondent. 9. Some customers refuse to give data regarding the survey as the felt unsecured. 10. Few respondents who happened to be the subscriber of high rent were not willing to disclose the rent paid as they felt the disclosure of the price might lead to some tax problems. It took some efforts to convince them about the academic nature of the survey. 11. Many details of the company were not revealed to the researcher. 12. The management didnt share important marketing information and strategy of the company which made the study incomplete.



1. Have you heard about Tata Indicom providing excellent corporate connections for small-scale, medium enterprises and also better services?

Table 1 Sample Size 150 No of respondents Percentage Yes 80 53.4 No 70 46.6

Analysis: From the above table we can see: 53.4% of the respondents are heard about Tata Indicom providing excellent corporate connection for SME. 46.6% of the respondents are unaware.

42 Graph 1 showing the awareness of Tata Indicom providing corporate connection for SME


Yes No


Figure 1 Interpretation: From the above analysis we can see that majority of 53.4% of the respondents have heard about Tata Indicom providing excellent corporate connection for SME and 46.6% of the respondents are unaware of this corporate service

43 2. Do you have Tata Indicom corporate connection

Table 2 Sample Size 150 No of respondents Percentage Analysis: From the above table we can see that: 20% of the respondents have Tata Indicom corporate connection. 80% of the respondents dont have Tata Indicom corporate connection. Yes 30 20 No 120 80

44 2. Graph showing the SME having Tata Indicom corporate connection

Yes No



Figure 2 Interpretation: From the above analysis we can say that majority of 80% of respondents are not having Tata Indicom connections the remaining 20%of the respondents are having Tata Indicom corporate connection. From this analysis we see that the majority 80% of the respondent are not having Tata Indicom corporate connection.

45 3. If no mention your corporate connection -------------------Table 3 Corporate connection Reliance Airtel BSNL Hutch Analysis: From the above table we can see that: 20.8% of Respondents are using Reliance corporate connection. 33.3% of Respondents are using Airtel corporate connection. 25% of Respondents are using BSNL connection. 20.8 of Respondents are using Hutch corporate connection. No of Respondents 120 25 40 30 25 Percentage 20.8 33.4 25 20.8

46 Graph 3 showing other corporate connections supporting SME

25 40 Relaince Airtel BSNL Hutch 25 30

Figure 3 Interpretation: From the above analysis we can see around 20.8% of Respondents are using Reliance corporate connection, and 33.3% of Respondents are using Airtel corporate connection and also 25% of Respondents are using BSNL connection, and the remaining, 20.8% of Respondents are using Hutch corporate connection. From the above analysis 33.3% of majority of the respondents prefer Airtel corporate connections.

47 4. Any problems regarding billing for ISD or STD. Yes Table 4 Sample Size 150 No of respondents Percentage Analysis: 13.3% of respondents are facing problems regarding billing for ISD or STD 86.7% of respondents are not facing problems regarding billing for ISD or STD. Yes 20 13.3 No 130 86.7 No

48 Graph 4 showing problems regarding billing of ISD or STD


Yes No


Figure 4 Interpretation: From the above analysis we can interpret that 86.7% of the respondents are not facing problems regarding billing for ISD or STD the remaining 13.3% of the respondents are facing problems regarding billing for ISD and STD. So in this case we can say majority of the respondents are not facing problems regarding billing for ISD and STD.

49 5. If you had faced any other problems regarding Billing. Table 5 Feed back Delay Extra charges Other complaints Analysis: 13.3 % of the respondents facing delay in billing. 40% of the respondents facing extra charges. 46.7% of the respondents facing other complaints regarding billing. No of respondents 150 20 60 70 Percentage 13.3 40 46.7

50 Graph 5 showing other problems regarding billing

70 70 60 50 40 Series1 30 20 10 0 Delay ExtraCharges Other complaints 20 60

Figure 5 Interpretation: From the above analysis we can say that most of the respondents (46.7%) had faced other complaints like network busy, disconnecting of network etc. the other 40% of the respondents have faced extra charges and remaining 13.3% of the respondents have faced delay in billing . So we can see that most of the respondents have faced complaints regarding billing in Tata Indicom as well as in other corporate connection.

51 6. Did customer care/services respond well regarding your billing problems? Table 6 Sample size 150 No of respondents Percentage Analysis: 73.3% of the respondents are responded well by customer care. 26.7% of the respondents are not responded well by customer care. Yes 110 73.3 No 40 26.7

52 6. Graph showing customer care /services responds regarding billing problems

40 No

Series1 110 Yes







Figure 6 Interpretation: From the above analysis we can see that majority of the respondents around 73.3% of the respondents have responded well by customer care regarding billing problems and the remaining 26.7% of the respondents have not responded well by customer care. From this analysis, we can say that most of the respondents are responded well by customer care.

53 7. Regarding billing problems, complaints, delay what you would like to say to the customer services provided. Table 7 Particulars Strongly satisfied Satisfied Moderate Dissatisfied Analysis: 14.7% of the respondents are strongly satisfied by the customer service provided. 45.3% of the respondents are satisfied by the customer service provided. 18.7% of the respondents are moderate towards customer service provided. 21.3% of the respondents are dis-satisfied by the customer service provided. No of respondents 22 68 28 32 Percentage 14.7 45.3 18.7 21.3

54 Graph 7 showing satisfaction levels of customer services provided for billing and other complaints.
70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Strongly Satisfied Satisfied Moderate Dis-Satisfied 28 22 32 Series1 68

Figure 7 Interpretation: From the above analysis 14.7% of the respondents are strongly satisfied by the customer service provided for billing and other problems. The majority of the respondents 45.3% are satisfied by the customer service provided and the 18.7%of the respondents are moderately satisfied by the customer service provided the remaining 21.3% of the respondents are dissatisfied by the customer service provided. From this above analysis, we can say that most of the respondents are satisfied by the customer service provided regarding billing complaints

55 8. Regarding customer care and services is you satisfied with the present Connection. Is it Table 8 Particulars Excellent Good Average Analysis: 41.3% of the respondents saying excellent about customer service 35.3% of the respondents saying Good about customer service. 23.3% of the respondents opinion about customer service is Average No of respondents 62 53 35 Percentage 41.3 35.3 23.3

56 Graph 8 showing satisfaction levels of customer care and services with the present connections.

70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

62 53

35 Series1




Figure 8 Interpretation: From the above analysis we can see that majority of the respondents of 41.3% saying excellent about customer service and 35.3%of the respondents saying good about customer service and the remaining 23.3 %of the respondents opinion about customer service is average. In this case we can see that most of the respondents having the opinion as excellent regarding satisfaction level of customer care and services with the present connection.

57 9. If good/ average are you planning to have all your lines to Tata Indicom?

Table 9 Particular Yes No Already Having Analysis: 12% of the respondents are planning to have all their lines to Tata Indicom. 26.7% of the respondents are not ready to have all their lines to Tata Indicom. 20% of the respondents are already having all their lines to Tata Indicom. No of respondents 18 40 30 Percentage 12 26.7 20


9. Graph showing good/average planning to have Tata Indicom connection.

40 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Yes No Already Having 18 Yes No Already Having 30

Figure 9 Interpretation: From the above analysis we can say that most of the respondents 26.7% are not ready to have all their lines to Tata Indicom and 12% of the respondents are planning to have all their lines to Tata Indicom and 20% of the respondents are already having all their lines to Tata Indicom. So we can say that most of the respondents are not ready to have all their lines to Tata Indicom.

59 10. How would you rate your Network? Table 10 Particulars Excellent Good Average Poor Analysis: 40.7% of the respondents rating their network as excellent. 38.7% of the respondents rating their network as Good. 13.3% of the respondents rating their network as Average. 7.3% of the respondents rating their network as Poor. No of Respondents 61 58 20 11 Percentage 40.7 38.7 13.3 7.3

60 Graph 10 showing the network rating of the respondents present connection.

70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Excellent Good Average Poor 20 11 61 58 Series1

Figure 10 Interpretation: From the above analysis 40.7% of the respondents rating their network as excellent and the 38.7% of the respondents rating their network as Good and 13.3% of the respondents rating their network as Average and the remaining 7.3% of the respondents rating their network as Poor. From this analysis we see that 40.7% of the respondents are satisfied with their present connections network.

61 11. What are the reasons for using this particular brand of network? Table 11 Particulars Rate plan Features Special offers Others Analysis: 48% of the respondents are using the brand because of rate plan 14% of the respondents are using the brand because of features. 19.3% of the respondents are using the brand because of special offer. 18.7% of the respondents are using the brand because of other reason. No of Respondents 72 21 29 28 Percentage 48 14 19.3 18.7

62 Graph 11 showing the respondents preference for a particular brand of network.

80 70 60 50 40


Series1 29 28 21

30 20 10 0 Rate Plan


Special Offers


Figure 11 Interpretation: From the above analysis majority of 48% of the respondents prefer the brand because of rate plan and 19.3%% of the respondents are using the brand because of special offers and around 18.7% of the respondents are using the brand because of other reasons like brand image, etc and the remaining 14% of the respondents are using the brand because of features. From this analysis we can say that majority prefer rate plan.

63 12. Amount you paid last month ------------------, units consumed last month----Calling pattern you follow Table 12 Particulars To mobile To land line % of call of respondents 68 32

Analysis 68% of the calls of respondents are to mobile. 32% of the calls of respondents are to land line.

64 Graph 12 showing calling pattern of the respondent.


Mobile Landline


Figure 12 Interpretation: From the above analysis we can see that around 68% of the calls of respondents are to mobile and remaining 32% of the calls of respondents are to land line. From this analysis we can say that most of the calls are to mobile and very few to landline.

65 13. Normal call to mobile or Landline is, Table 13 Particulars One minute More than one minute Analysis: 23.3% of respondents call to mobile or land line one minute. 76.7% of respondents call to mobile or land line more than one minute. No of respondents 35 115 Percentage 23.3 76.7

66 Graph 13 showing calls to mobile and landline for one minute or more.


One Minute Morethan One minute


Figure 13 Interpretation: From the above analysis we can find out 23.3% of respondents calls to mobile/land line for one minute and the remaining 76.7% of respondents calls to mobile or land line for more than one minute. From this analysis we can say that more than a minute is the majority most of the respondents have spoken so far.

67 14. If you are a new customer, do tell us your wants and services towards Tata Indicom. Table 14 Particulars Good service Network coverage Reduce tariff in ISD Analysis: 25.3% of the respondents want good services from Tata Indicom. 63.4% of the respondents want network coverage from Tata Indicom. 11.3% of the respondents want reduce tariff plan in ISD from Tata Indicom. No of respondents 38 95 17 Percentage 25.3 63.4 11.3

68 Graph 14 showing new customers wants and services towards Tata Indicom

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Good Services Netw ork Coverage Reduce Tariff plan in STD 38 17 95 Good Services Netw ork Coverage Reduce Tariff plan in STD

Figure 14 Interpretation: From the above information we can see that 63.4% of the respondents want network coverage from Tata Indicom and 25.3% of the respondents want good services from Tata Indicom and 11.3% of the respondents want to reduce tariff plans in ISD from Tata Indicom.

69 15. Tata Indicom is providing a new Tariff plans for small-scale medium enterprises, which is very effective and money saving, do you like to have such plans. Table 15 Sample size 150 No of respondents Percentage Analysis: 40% of the respondents would like to switch on to Tata Indicom 60% of the respondents like to remain with their present connection. Yes 60 40 No 90 60

70 Graph 15 showing the respondents liking to have new tariff plans for SME from Tata Indicom.

90 Yes No 60

Figure 15 Interpretation: From the above analysis we can see around 40% of the respondents would like to switch on to Tata Indicom and remaining, 60% of the respondents like to remain with their present connection. From this analysis around 40% have the willingness to join Tata Indicom.

71 16. Do you want any body to get in touch with you regarding service and new product of Tata Indicom? Table 16 Sample size 150 No of respondents Percentage Analysis: 20% of the respondents want to get in touch with Tata Indicom. 80% of the respondents are not willing to get in touch with Tata Indicom. Yes 30 20 No 120 80

72 Graph 16 showing the interest of respondents to get in touch with Tata Indicom.

120 120 100 80 Yes 60 30 40 20 0 Yes No No

Figure 16 Interpretation: From the above information we can find out 80% of the respondents are not willing to get in touch with Tata Indicom and the remaining 20% of the respondents wants to get in touch with Tata Indicom.

73 17. Tata Indicom is giving more services for small-scale medium enterprises. Do tell us about the services. Is it Table 17 Feed back Excellent Good Average Analysis: 26.7% of the respondents consider excellent services from Tata Indicom. 60% of the respondents consider good services from Tata Indicom. 13.3% of the respondents consider average services from Tata Indicom. No of respondents 40 90 20 Percentage 26.7 60 13.3

74 Graph 18 showing the feedback of respondents regarding services for SME from Tata Indicom
90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Excellent S1 Good Average 20 40 Series1 90

Figure 17 Interpretation: From the above analysis we can find out 26.7% of the respondents consider excellent services from Tata Indicom and 60% of the respondents consider good services from Tata Indicom and the remaining 13.3% of the respondents consider average services from Tata Indicom. From this analysis we see that 26.7% have accepted excellent and 60% have accepted good regarding services for SME.

75 18. Do tell us about the satisfaction, regarding Tata Indicom services for SME. Table 18 Level of satisfaction Highly satisfied Satisfied Moderate Dissatisfied Analysis: 10% of the respondents are strongly satisfied with Tata Indicom services for SME. 20% of the respondents are satisfied with Tata Indicom services for SME. 53.3% of the respondents are moderately satisfied with Tata Indicom services for SME. 16.7% of the respondents are strongly dissatisfied with Tata Indicom services for SME. No of respondents 15 30 80 25 Percentage 10 20 53.3 16.7

76 Graph 18 showing satisfaction level regarding Tata Indicom

80 80 70 60 50 40 30 30 20 10 0 Strongly Satisfied Satisfied Moderate Dis-Satisfied 15 25 Series1

Figure 18 Interpretation: From the above analysis we can see that 10% of the respondents are strongly satisfied with Tata Indicom services for SME and 20% of the respondents are satisfied with Tata Indicom services for SME and around 53.3% of the respondents are moderately satisfied with Tata Indicom services for SME and the remaining 16.7% of the respondents are strongly dissatisfied with Tata Indicom services for SME.

77 19. Are you satisfied with Tata Indicom connection? Table 19 Sample size 150 No of respondents Percentage Analysis: 28% of the respondents are satisfied with Tata Indicom. 72% of the respondents are not satisfied with Tata Indicom Yes 42 28 No 108 72

78 Graph 20 showing satisfaction regarding corporate connection

42 Yes No 108

Figure 19 Interpretation: From the above analysis we can see that around 28% of the respondents are satisfied with Tata Indicom and the remaining 72% of the respondents are not satisfied with Tata Indicom. From this analysis we can say that only 28% prefer Tata Indicom.

79 20. If No, what problem are you facing? Table 20 Feedback Billing Network Services Analysis: 13.3% of the respondents are facing Billing problem. 40% of the respondents are facing network problem. 18.7% of the respondents are facing service problem. No of respondents 20 60 28 Percentage 13.3 40 18.7

80 Graph 20 showing the respondents feedback who is not satisfied with Tata Indicom



Netw ork


Servieces Netw ork Billing









Figure 20 Interpretation: From the above analysis we can say that 13.3% of the respondents are facing Billing problems and the 40% of the respondents are facing network problems and the remaining 18.7% of the respondents are facing service problems. If all these problems are solved out by Tata Indicom through aggressive marketing most of the customers will boom into Tata Indicom connection.

81 21. Do tell us about your expectation towards Tata Indicom Table 21 Expectations Aggressive marketing Speed up connectivity Broadband service Analysis: 53.3% of the respondents are expecting aggressive marketing from Tata Indicom. 26.7% of the respondents are expecting speed up connectivity from Tata Indicom. 20% of the respondents are expecting broadband service from Tata Indicom. No of respondents 80 40 30 Percentage 53.3 26.7 20

82 Graph 21 showing expectations of the respondents towards Tata Indicom

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Aggressive marketing Speedup Conectivity Broadband Services 40 30 80 Aggressive marketing Speedup Conectivity Broadband Services

Figure 21 Interpretation: From the above analysis we can see that majority of 53.3% of the respondents are expecting aggressive marketing from Tata Indicom and 26.7% of the respondents are expecting speed up connectivity from Tata Indicom and the remaining 20% of the respondents are expecting broadband service from Tata Indicom. From this analysis we see that 53.3% of the respondents prefer and also have expectations to Tata Indicom to go for Aggressive marketing.

83 22. If an existing customer then do tell us about Tata Indicom customer services. Table 22 Feedback Excellent Good Average Poor Analysis: 13.3% of the respondents feel excellent about Tata Indicom customer service 53.3% of the respondents feel good about Tata Indicom customer service 26.7% of the respondents feel average about Tata Indicom customer service. 6.7% of the respondents feel poor about Tata Indicom customer service. No of respondents 20 80 40 10 Percentage 13.3 53.3 26.7 6.7

84 Graph 22 showing the existing customers feedback of customer services about Tata Indicom.

80 80 70 60 50 40 40 30 20 20 10 10 0 Excellent Good Average Poor Excellent Good Average Poor

Figure 22 Interpretation: From the above analysis we can see that around 13.3% of the respondents feel excellent about Tata Indicom customer service and 53.3% of the respondents feel good about Tata Indicom customer service and around 26.7% of the respondents feel average about Tata Indicom customer service and the remaining 6.7% of the respondents feel poor about Tata Indicom customer service. From this analysis we see more over 13.3% feel excellent and 53.3% feel good about the customer service of Tata Indicom.

85 23. what expectation you like to have from Tata Indicom services, Is it, Table 23 Expectations Good tariff plan Good customer support system Excellent coverage Analysis: 13.3% of the respondents expecting good tariff plan. 26.7% of the respondents good customer support system. 60% of the respondents expecting excellent coverage. No of respondents 20 40 90 Percentage 13.3 26.7 60

86 Graph 23 showing expectations of the respondents to Tata Indicom services.

20 Good Tariff Plan Good Customer support system Excelent Coverage

40 90

Figure 23 Interpretation: From the above information we can see that 13.3% of the respondents are expecting good tariff plans and 26.7% of the respondents prefer good customer support system and the majority of 60% of the respondents expecting excellent coverage. From this analysis most of the respondents expectations are excellent coverage.

87 24. Your views and suggestions to improve the services, Is it, Table 24 Views& suggestions Target rural market Service provider More value good services No of respondents 60 25 65 Analysis: 40% of the respondents suggesting to target rural market. 16.7% of the respondents suggesting for service provider. 43.3% of the respondents suggesting for more value good service. Percentage 40 16.7 43.3

88 Graph 24 showing views and suggestions to improve the service of Tata Indicom

70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

65 60

Target Rurel Market 25 Service provider More value good services

Target Rurel Market

Service provider

More value good services

Figure 24 Interpretation: From the above analysis we can see that 40% of the respondents suggesting for targeting rural market and around 16.7% of the respondents is suggesting for service provider and the remaining majority of 43.3% of the respondents suggesting for more value good service. From this analysis we see that most of the respondents prefer more value good services and also target rural market.

89 CORRELATION - SPSS Correlation means relationship between two variables. If the value of one variable changes with respect to the other they are said to be correlated. If the increase/decrease in one causes same change in the other they are said to be positively correlated. In the other case they are said to be negatively correlated. The correlation coefficient of correlation lies between -1 to +1 Correlation between Service of Tata Indicom & Expectation Towards Tata Indicom Service of Tata Indicom Service of Tata Indicom Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) N Expectation towards Tata Indicom Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) N 150 0.818 .000 150 150 1 Expectation towards Tata Indicom 0.818 .000 150 1

Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed) INFERENCE: There exists high positive correlation that is there is a relation between Service of Tata Indicom & Expectation towards Tata Indicom.


CHI-SQUARE SPSS Chi square is one of the Non-parametric test used in Analysis. Here first we are setting the Null Hypothesis as There exists no significant relation between the two variables i.e., the attributes are independent. After calculating the value if the significant level is less than 0.05 we can accept the null hypothesis, otherwise reject it.

Test Statistics Reason for Using this brand 43.333 3 .000

Opinion about Network ChiSquare(a) df Asymp. Sig. 52.827 3 .000

0 cells (.0%) have expected frequencies less than 5. The minimum expected cell frequency is 37.5.

Null Hypothesis: It has been inferred that it is Null hypothesis.ie. The opinion about network and reason for using this brand is independent. So it is rejected


The findings from the study Most of the customers are not aware of Tata Indicom providing corporate connections to small scale medium enterprises. Around few customers have the corporate connections of Tata Indicom in SME Airtel is the highest corporate connection provider for SME Many of them have faced extra charges in Tata Indicom connections Regarding Customer care and services the respondents feedback is good and average. Most of the respondents are satisfied with reliance, Bsnl, and hutch connections. Some of the respondents are willing to take Tata indicom connections because of good tariff plan. Most of the respondents prefer good customer support system and excellent coverage. Most of the respondents have considered reliance and Bsnl giving excellent network and services. New customers expectation regarding Tata indicom is network coverage and good services. Most of the respondents are not satisfied with Tata indicom connections. Most of the respondents want Tata Indicom to have aggressive marketing, speed up connectivity, broad band service. New customers expectations for Tata Indicom services are excellent coverage, good customer support system. Most of the customer wants more value good services, and target rural market. Most of the customers are complaining about the network coverage. From this study few of the respondents are facing billing problems, network problem and facing even service problem.


After collecting all the data from the sources and analysis the findings, I would like to make following suggestions regarding the corporate connections of Tata Indicom to SME and other recommendation, which the sponsor may consider: Tata Indicom should advertise regarding corporate connection to SME Airtel is the market leader in providing corporate connections for SME so Tata Indicom should go for aggressive marketing; speed up connectivity and broad band service. Tata Indicom should provide excellent service in order to retain customers. Most of the respondents are not satisfied with Tata Indicom, so it should come up with excellent network and service, and also good customer support system. It should Target rural market as its nearest competitors are Bsnl and reliance so aggressive marketing is a must. New customers expectations for Tata Indicom services is very high they need excellent coverage, good customer support system and an excellent broad band services Like reliance which as come up with reliance web, Tata Indicom have to make use of this broad band service which also help the SME to speed up connectivity as most of the SME are now using internet connections Tata Indicom have to concentrate on it. Most of the customers are complaining about the network coverage, so it should see that most of the areas in India both rural and urban have to be covered by Tata Indicom in both network and services. Some of the respondents have faced billing problems, network problems and service problem. If all these problems are solved out by Tata Indicom by aggressive marketing most of the customers boom in to Tata Indicom connection.



A study was conducted regarding the potential of SME and corporate towards Tata Indicom connection. From this study it is easy to analyze that the corporate connections of Tata Indicom towards SME around half of the respondents were aware of the connection which Tata Indicom is providing for the present SME, only few of the respondent had Tata Indicom corporate connection for this study a sample size of 150 of SME was taken, many of the respondents had different corporate connections, regarding billing complaints extra charges and other minor complaints were heard from the respondent. Most of the customers were satisfied with customer service and network of BSNL and Reliance, most of the respondents were satisfied with their present connections, only a few respondents are interested to have corporate connections because of good tariff plans, most of the respondents have considered Tata Indicom as average network provider. Most of the respondents prefer calls to be more than one minute. Many of the new customers want good services and network coverages, majority of the respondents are considering if Tata Indicom gives more services for SME it would be excellent, Tata Indicom is facing network problems, Tata Indicom should be ahead in the present world with aggressive marketing, speed up connectivity and broad band service. The project helped in studying the major telecom providers segment and determining the consumers expectation, satisfaction and attitude in the telecom segment. The project also aimed at ascertaining the competitive level in the telecom industry, for corporate connections to small scale medium enterprises.


QUESTIONNAIRE Dear Sir/ Madam, I am Ciby Mon V.K, student of 4th semester MBA, P.S.N.A. College of Engineering and Technology, Dindigul, Doing a market Research on Study on Market Potential of SME and Corporate Segment for Tata Indicom Services.
1. Have you heard about Tata Indicom providing excellent corporate connections for small-scale, medium enterprises and also better services? Yes No

2. Do you have Tata Indicom corporate connection Yes No

3. If no mention your corporate connection -------------------4. Any problems regarding billing for ISD or STD. Yes Delay No Extra charges Other Complaints

5. If you had faced any other problems regarding Billing.

6. Did customer care/services respond well regarding your billing problems? Yes 7. No

Regarding billing problems, complaints, delay what you would like to say to the customer services provided. Strongly satisfied Satisfied Moderate Dissatisfied

8. Regarding customer care and services are you satisfied with the present Connection. Is it

95 Excellent Good Average

9. If good/ average are you planning to have all your lines to Tata Indicom? Yes No Already having

10. How would you rate your Network? Excellent Good Average Poor

11. What are the reasons for using this particular brand of network? Rate- plan Features Special offers Others

12. Amount you paid last month ------------------, units consumed last month----Calling pattern you fallow Calls to mobile -----------% Calls to land --------------% 13. Normal call to mobile or Landline is, One minute Or More

14. If you are a new customer, do tell us your wants and services towards Tata Indicom. Good services 15. Network coverage Reduce Tariff in ISD

Tata Indicom is providing a new Tariff plans for small-scale medium enterprises, which is very effective and money saving, Do you like to have such plans. Yes No


Do you want any body to get in touch with you regarding service and new product of Tata Indicom? Yes No


Tata Indicom is giving more services for small-scale medium enterprises. Do tell us about the services. Is it

96 Excellent Good Average 18. Do tell us about the satisfaction, regarding Tata Indicom services for SME. Highly satisfied Satisfied Moderate Dissatisfied

19. Are you satisfied with Tata Indicom connection? Yes No

20. If No, what problem are you facing? Billing Network Services 21. Do tell us about your expectation towards Tata Indicom Aggressive Marketing Broad Band Service 22. If an existing customer then do tell us about Tata Indicom customer services. Excellent Good Average Poor Speed up Connectivity

23. What expectation you like to have from Tata Indicom services, Is it, Good tariff plan Good customer support system Excellent coverage 24. Your views and suggestions to improve the services, Is it, Target Rural Market Service provider More value good services Your Good Name ---------------------------------------------Business Name ------------------------------------------------Contact Number -----------------------------------------------Thank you Sir/ Madam for your patience and time to have a few minutes with you.

Date: ------------

Signature: -------------


Books Philip Kotler Marketing management eleventh edition Published by pearson education (Singapore) pte.ltd, Indian branch Tom Cannon Basic Market principle and marketing Published by Casell publishers ltd. Ronald S Rubin Marketing Research VI edition Prentice hall of India pvt.ltd, New Delhi G C Beri Marketing Research third edition Published by Tata Mcgraw-Hill publishing company ltd, New Delhi Tata Indicom broachers and magazine. Company web site:www.tataindicom.com

News papers Economic Times Times of India The Asian Age Business Standards

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