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Thomas Printz' Private Bulletin - 1953 - Vol. 01 - 30

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mCIIA.5 PRINTZ' PRIVATE BULLETIN cbelaS . .f'i1ling the rest of the vast Assembly
Hall a s well as the atmosphere above the entire
January li 1953 locality •.

= The �Lords of Karma wore pure white robes with


aration for the Initial Pulsationttoi- sapphire blue neck bands, and each One wore a
� �i 953 all ·of the Members and Guests!&r-. seven-pointed Crown ( which is the Symbol of His
G�:t Rocky Mountain Retre<:-t wcr.ee Robeit:":oft� _ . Office) studded with sapphires far this occasion.
"'"ding from the most delica te
blue s� . . gosky-blu�. to
the deep :intense roya l and indi tones. The The f irst activity of the year was the pre­
hair backs and cushions W&re of a n exquisit.e sentation of the petitions and suggestions by the
�oyal blue velvet trimmed :in ?old. Each member members of the Retreats as. well as the conscious
present wore the insignia of �s o� Retreat em- chelas. After reading them, the :individuals mak­
broidered over the heart, making it easy for the ing the petitions· were given the opportunity of
.Assembly to recognize Their specific service and asking f'or what voluntary support any_member of
Representation. the Assembly Ol' the Brotherhood might choose to
give to their Cause.
•· Upon the center platfarm, the Throne C!Jaii,"'i:°o'f
, Sanat Kumara was centered facing the auq.ience, ___� The Goddess of' Liberty,. as Spokesman for the
C �- \���

wi<th Loml "Maitreya m His right and Myself ·on His Lords of Ka.rIT1q., recorded the requests as well as
left., Sanat Kumara ware vestments o:f the most ex� the Sponso�ship of each .for the -private deliber-_
quisi te sapphire blue with czystal bands over ation of the � Karmic-Board be.fore the answers to
eight inches deep at the hem and around the now- these petitions are handed down within the next
ine sleeves. The garments of' Lord Maitreya anq. several days.
Myself complimented His appointments; only the.
details of the Illumined Ore 2 s vestm ents revealed I was so pleased and delighted at the initi­
the ,supremacy of His Great Office. ative and the voluntary contributions of the
various students who had b ecome aware o.f this
From Sharnballa, Lord Mai trey to great opportunity and made such requests as they
brine the Sceptre of Power whia was allowed
the Mys tic felt ·would be of benefit to the individual soul
Pole holding the souls or' ch is
· as weDL as to mankind at laree.
of the planet �ich has beemen wi. thin the orbit
theatre of evolution. n designated as their
At the ,e nd of the Ceremony of Presentation,
the Haster Serapis Dey presented His report of
The seats in the the progress of' the Holy Christ Selves through
Assembly were occupied firs t three, rows of the
by the Hierarchs and Re• the 200,000 individuals who were chosen to b e the
:: entatives 01' the Retreats of the wo rld· the vanguard o.f the New Dispensation. This report was
ers of the Drothe also given to the keeping of the Karmic Board for
rhood and the con s�ioU&S
11,2 His Cosmic Proportion., chose to
tio n, upon the findings of Which tire Assembly-inGreat Being to a point where He
d118 c o ns. idera ondense His
Gt"a.nts £or 195.3. Th:ts wilJI. be
will- depend ....the ,._.;.,., the next few days . c tood plainl.y visib1e to the entire Assembly,
ma.de }cnQW l(J.:W�
� th! atmosphere. ju.st above Our heads.
ced to th� petit
Kumara acquiesetreat at· Luxor migion
a:t of
""_ be sanat Kwnara then directed the Thought-form
s� that the R ht
Sera. pis
ple of Earth for. the .first _l>eri od of a Cup or Chalice, blto the Onnipresent Universal
o t:Y'pe o .Light to which We. a11 contributed by Our concen­
f h
! New Year in or�er to gi� the s tro�ge� t t.rat ed and directe d energy, and this Chalice be­
� etus possible to His Illustrious Successor I s came the.Receptacle into which the Silent Watcher
y l��h to Febru_art _14t h
:�eavors;-so fr� Jan1;1:ar was to direct the exquisite Pattern which would
n.will ag�in be .focuse� .J.:rl •the
mankind's attentio
t. form the Keynote for 19$.3.
Heart of the Luxor Retreat in Egyp
When all was in readiness., the Silent Watcher,
The exquisite Ceremony . by which the Master raising Hi� han� above His head, revealed ·wi. thin
of the past ·year transfers His a uthority to 'the them an exqu:isite pair ·of outstretched Wings,
succeeding Master is beautiful in the extreme. with the Head of a most beautiful Cherubic Deing
restinr, between t hem. Slowly, majestically., as
The seats atv either end of the .first semi­
circle in the audience were occupiecl by the Be­ the .Great One_ lowered His hands, this farm :�e-
scended and hovered over the Chalice and be�an
loved Arc hnneel :lichael a nd the Great .Angel re� to pour. throueh the Vessel, as well as Our ui:­
presenting Unity (Lord Micah) (see note 1). ['he
center .seat faci.ne the Altar was occupied by 1$er­
reaching Consciousness, an essence and. substance
api.s Bey, the Presiclin6 Master of the Year :�952·• of' Love indescribable.

The beautiful arches on either side mich

.. ,; . . Sanat Kumara ., reaching up His hands, took the
connected the platform with the auclience, �e Chalice and lowered I t; then, h<;:>iding this ex­
made up pf Living Cherubim - Their forms 'ba� �: quisite Vessel (with the beautiful Cherubim hov­
d ering above It) in front of the entire audience
in every conceivable shade' of the Blue ·Ray;-...--·
He maintamed this position until every member
When Sanat Kumara sie;ni.f of the h.ssembly had absorbed it into His or Her
had arrivec. whe n the Thought iec. that the uldl momelit 9onsciousness . At no time, however, did the
the Keynote for 1953 was -fo nn whi ch wo be Cherubic Figµre enter the Cup; Its essence just
from the Sil ent Watc about to be deliveracl poured into and through It from about aninch or
arose qui tly:, her the entire Assembly so above the rim.
and Serapi.s Dey and Lor Gt Mi cha el, the Angel Mio,ah
stood in th joi n ed Us upon the plat.form. ·We
form For about thµ-ty minutes every niember of the
. :
�at K'llrllat-a in of a five-pointed S� witb Assembl.y concentrated upon the absorption of this
. The the ·cen ter facing the auqi�n�e.
SUent Watche exquisite Design· which is the-Symbol. of Love
r, who had overshadowed the ei:i•
<>.!!, _ and which is_ the Or
�upled 'id�··acti1nvocatio ':' ro: Union with Goa�·.- keep itself· worthy of such a visi tation i,
. Cup of inanJdlld't term the mdividual knO � ••
..no matte r by wba l( s lf
. iJit. This Activity of sending forth the Thought­
el and the form for the Year is like the planting of the
The Great Lord Michathen rece Ang�1 M• ic• '!h •
se ed from whence a crop. of merit may, by wise
onsors for 195 3) ive d
(co-Sphe 1,ands of Sanat Kumara and held�tC1'Jl garde ning, be rasied up. Imight add that of the
l :� .'¼
rrm t ed while Sera i countless millions of this beautiful Thought-form
·get.her with 1,ands entwin sen t forth through the thirty-minute period of
ssing of the r lfue'L't
and received tbe Ble ar 19s� • at,� consciously directed precipitation, many millions
World for His Service for the Ye .;_it',\
were returned to the Universal, and perhaps only
.. ·.
rs for the c hundreds became the habitation of those Beings

The two new Spons o urr ent ye��,:

a, then sig nified to the . w4o are willing to enter and ensoul those Thought­
with sanat Kumar
had come for the s . As<s�z:ibi;. forms., if so be they are sustained and nourished
that the moment end ing f-o�th by the recipients. Thus do Angels come to dwell
of the Thoug ht-for m to the waiting world . through along the alert and rece ptive - and the humble.
the coope rative e ndeavors of each one of the
Assem . ow crea tive facul ti es. • • The Great Cen tral Sun Messenger, who will
� t ��� bri ng the results of the Grants and Dispensations
As ONE, Sanat Kumara and the two Angelic ABe.... through the cooperation of the Karmic Doard,
ings stre tched forth Their hands and the entire giving the Brotherhood certain liberties in di­
Assembly took a long in-drawn breath. Sinniltan­ recting the Work for the Year 1953, is expected
eously with this action, across the breaets of on Sunday, January 4, 1953, and Our Report on His
every one present, the Grail and the hoverµig, merciful Gift frcm the Supreme Father of All
Cherubic Figure were formed. Then, on the out­ Light will follow.
breath, the whole Assembly and the e nt�e•· Host
of Inner Bodies, representative of over hill the Bles s ings and Love,
race., breathed out this Thought-form and it was
as if the mountain itself skook wi th the p�r­ l'JtHA CHOHhN
ful radiation, and millions of Angelic Being s
sped North South, East
and West over th� f�e Note 1 - Micah is the Great Angel on Whose Crown
blazes the word •UNION·• referred to in
of the Earth and into the consciousness and feel•
i ng � orlds of all people everywhere, bathing both Washington• s Vision. He i s the Son of the �e ­
the l.Ilcarnate and d.iscarnat e souls in the Glol'Y loved Archangel Michael, and was the Guardian
of the Holy Grail. Let it
be under st ood that a Angel Presence for the Jewish Dispensation at
Th?ught-form of an /mgel or a Che
rubim is a � th8 time of Moses as the Beloved Cherubim Love­
which may be ensouled by
a livi ng ., breathinglne­ lee is for Sain t·Germain 1 s New Activity today.
ing �r?"t the Angelic
Kingdom IF the lifestream
receiVJ.ng it can sustain andma gnetize i t and

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