New Oxford Secondary Science TG 7
New Oxford Secondary Science TG 7
New Oxford Secondary Science TG 7
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Unit 7 Solutions 94
I. Overview:
In today’s rapidly changing world, students must have a solid foundation of general knowledge in
order to become well-rounded individuals. History, geography, science, literature, current events,
and other subjects are all included in general knowledge. This teacher’s guide series is designed
for 6th, 7th, and 8th-grade teachers to assist them in facilitating effective learning experiences by
providing a comprehensive framework based on the 5 E’s lesson plan.
1. Engage: The Engage phase serves as a hook to draw students in and activate their prior
knowledge. It arouses curiosity and provides a framework for learning. Teachers can use
thought-provoking questions, multimedia resources, real-life examples, or interactive
activities to pique students’ interest in the topic of study during this phase. Engaging
students from the start prepares them for an exciting and focused learning experience.
2. Explain: Students are given opportunities to articulate their understanding and make sense
of the concepts they have learned during the Engage phase. Teachers play an important
role in facilitating discussions, explaining concepts, and clarifying misconceptions. This
phase encourages effective communication skills and assists students in developing a solid
foundation of knowledge by organizing their thoughts and clearly expressing their ideas.
3. Explore: The Explore phase encourages students to further investigate and investigate the
topic. Hands-on activities, experiments, group projects, and research are used to deepen
students’ understanding through firsthand experiences. This stage encourages teamwork,
critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities. Teachers can help students conduct
experiments, analyze data, and explore primary and secondary resources in order to gather
information and make meaningful connections.
4. Elaborate: The Elaborate phase encourages students to broaden their understanding and
apply what they’ve learned in real-world situations. It consists of activities that require
students to think critically, solve problems, and make connections outside of the classroom.
Project-based learning, case studies, debates, and simulations require students to analyze,
synthesize, and create. This stage promotes creativity, independent thinking, and the ability
to apply knowledge in a variety of situations.
5. Evaluate: During the Evaluate phase, teachers can assess students’ learning progress and
measure how well they met the lesson objectives. Formative and summative assessments
are used to provide feedback and guide future instruction. Quizzes, presentations,
projects, and written assignments are all examples of assessments. Teachers can provide
personalized and targeted instruction by assessing students’ performance and identifying
areas of strength and areas that require additional reinforcement.
5. Elaborate and Apply: In the Elaborate phase, students extend their understanding and
apply what they’ve learned in real-world situations. Make it possible for students to think
critically, solve problems, and make connections outside of the classroom. Encourage them
to participate in project-based learning, case studies, debates, or simulations that require
them to analyze, synthesize, and create.
6. Evaluate and Assess: At the end of each lesson, evaluate students’ learning progress
and measure their achievement of the lesson objectives. To provide feedback and guide
future instruction, use a variety of formative and summative assessments, such as quizzes,
presentations, projects, or written assignments. Identify and address areas for improvement
in subsequent lessons.
7. Adapt and Personalize: Feel free to adapt and personalize the lessons to meet your
student’s specific needs and learning styles. To cater to diverse learners and create an
inclusive classroom environment, modify activities, assessments, and resources.
8. Reflect and Iterate: Reflect on your teaching practice and the effectiveness of your lessons
on a regular basis. Seek feedback from students and colleagues to improve and refine your
instruction over time. Iterate on the lessons in response to feedback to improve student
engagement and learning outcomes.
Progression Grid:
A comprehensive progression grid outlines the sequential development of concepts across the
grades in the Teacher Guide. This progression grid is a useful tool for educators, highlighting the
logical flow of topics and the increasing complexity of ideas as students’ progress from sixth to
eighth grade. The grid enables teachers to visualize the interconnectedness of concepts and identify
the foundational knowledge that students will need to build on in subsequent grades. Educators
can ensure a scaffolder learning experience in which students gradually deepen their understanding
and skills over time by following the progression grid. The grid also helps educators anticipate
and address potential gaps or overlaps in the content covered, which aids in curriculum planning.
Overall, the progression grid provided in this guide enables teachers to create cohesive and coherent
lessons that maximize student learning and promote a smooth educational journey.
Grade VI Grade VII Grade VIII
Unit 1: Cellular Organization. Unit 1: Plant Systems Unit 3: Variations, Heredity, and
Cell Divisions.
Unit 2: Reproduction in Plants Unit 2: Human Respiratory and Unit 1: Ecology
Circulatory System.
Unit 3: Balanced Diet Unit 3: Immunity and Diseases Unit 4: Biotechnology
Unit 4: Human Digestive System Unit 2: Human Nervous System
Grade VI Grade VII Grade VIII
Unit 5: Matters as Particles Unit 4: Structure of an atom. Unit 5: Periodic Table
Unit 6: Elements and Unit 5: Physical and Chemical Unit 6: Chemical Reactions
Compounds Changes.
Unit 6: Chemical Bonds
Unit 7:Mixtures Unit 7: Solutions Unit 7: Acids, Bases and Salts.
Grade VI Grade VII Grade VII
Unit 8: Energy Unit 8: Force and Motion. Unit 8: Force and Pressure.
Unit 9: Waves and Energy
Unit 9: Electricity Unit 10: Heat and Temperature. Unit 9: Reflection and
Refraction of Light.
Unit 10: Magnetism Unit 9: Waves and Energy Unit 10: Electricity and
Space Sciences
Grade VI Grade VII Grade VIII
Unit 11: Solar System Unit 11: Earth and Space Unit11: Our Universe
Plant Systems
01 Plant Systems
Student Book Pages 10–21
Explain the root and shoot system in plants and label different parts of leaf, stem, and root (external
and internal structure).
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
Engage: (5 mins)
Begin the lesson by asking, "What are Useful Link
some of the different parts of a plant
that you can think of?" Allow students
to discuss their responses. Then, show
students actual examples of different plants and ask them to identify and name the parts they see
roots, stems, leaves, flowers, and so on. This activity will spark their interest and prepare them to
learn about plant structure and systems.
Explain: (10 min)
Explain the Root System:
• Explain that the root system is the underground part of the plant Root system
that oversees anchoring it to the soil as well as absorbing water Shoot system
and nutrients. Dicot
• Distinguish between the two types of roots: taproots (a single Vascular bundle
primary root with lateral branches) and fibrous roots (a network Cells
of thin roots). Microscope
• Describe the functions of roots in some plants, such as water Observe
and nutrient absorption and food storage.
Explain Shoot System:
• Explain that the shoot system is the plant's above-ground structure, which includes the stem,
leaves, and flowers (if applicable).
• Discuss the stem's role in supporting the plant, transporting water and nutrients, and acting as a
site for leaf and flower attachment.
• Explain how leaves help with photosynthesis, gas exchange, and transpiration.
Explore: (15 min)
External Structure:
• Provide students with plant specimens or photographs of various plants and ask them to identify
the roots, stems, and leaves in each.
• Instruct students to describe the differences they noticed in the root and shoot systems of
various plants.
• Make small groups of students draw and label the external parts of a plant, such as the root,
stem, and leaf.
Internal Structure:
• Show cross-sections of a root, stem, and leaf.
• Describe the internal structures of each component.
• Epidermis, cortex, endodermis, vascular tissue (xylem and phloem), and root hairs comprise the
• Epidermis, cortex, vascular bundles, pith, and nodes comprise the stem.
• Epidermis, mesophyll (palisade and spongy layers), veins (xylem and phloem), stomata, and
guard cells comprise the leaf.
Elaborate: (10 min)
Role-Play - Transport of Water and Nutrients:
Plant Systems
• Form groups of students and assign roles (roots, stem, leaves, xylem, and phloem).
• Create an environment in which water and nutrients must be transported from the roots to the
• Students should act out the process of water and nutrient transport through the various plant
Evaluate: (5 min)
Ask students to complete Q14 on page 8 of Workbook.
Objective: Keywords
Predict the role of the xylem and phloem in the transport of water and food
in plants by observing the cross-section of the stem.
Engage: Phloem
The teacher will relate the human transport system with the plant transport Transpiration
system. Discuss with the students that human bodies have a system that
allows nutrients, oxygen, carbon dioxide, hormones, antibodies, urea, and
heat to move throughout the body via blood plasma. Similarly, plants have a system for transporting
food, water, and other nutrients.
• Explain that plants rely heavily on transportation. Trees transport all the nutrients and water they
require to survive from their roots to the tips of their leaves.
• Water is the most significant constraint in plant transportation because it is a limiting factor in
growth. To address this issue, trees and other plants have developed an ideal system for water
absorption and translocation.
• Plant transport systems are made up of bundles of tubes in the stem, branches, and roots.
These tubes are referred to as xylem and phloem.
• Xylem's primary function is to transport water and dissolved minerals from the roots to the rest
of the plant body.
• The phloem, on the other hand, transports the food produced in the leaves to all parts of the
This hands-on experiment will teach students about the functions of phloem and xylem.
• white flowers Useful Link
• glasses of water
• food colorings
• Teacher will give students white flowers, glasses of water, and their choice of food colorings to
colour the water, and a flower.
• The teacher can limit the colours to those that will show up best in the interior of the stem,
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
Learning Objective:
Define the process of photosynthesis and derive word equations for it.
Carbon dioxide
Review with your students what all living things require to survive: food,
water, light, and air.
Divide the class into small groups and ask them to discuss their sources of
food, water, light, and air.
• Inquire about what dogs eat and drink.
• What do birds consume?
• What do plants consume?
Plant Systems
Students will most likely struggle to identify plant food sources, prompting the lesson's guiding
question, "What do plants eat?"
Show a video to explain the topic.
• When students comprehend the basic concepts of photosynthesis, you can guide them through
a simple experiment in which they can witness photosynthesis.
• Students use small plants to place plant samples in water-
filled test tubes that they cork. Useful Link
• Students will observe that over the course of time, tiny air
bubbles will form on the test tube's walls.
• Explain to the students that the bubbles formed at the end
of the experiment are evidence of the chemical reaction that takes place when plants convert
CO2 and water (hydrogen) into carbohydrates (food).
Teacher will ask students to draw a flower on a piece of paper. Ask them to add the sun, water, soil,
and rain to their drawing. Then, have them write carbon dioxide and draw an arrow to the flower.
Write the word oxygen on the opposite side and draw another arrow, this time away from the flower.
Draw a sugar cube at the bottom of the plant. Make sure to reinforce the process of photosynthesis
to them as they draw.
Ask students to complete Concept Check page 17 of student book.
Home Assignment:
Complete Q4 on page 3 of workbook.
Lesson Plan 4 Student Book pages Time Workbook pages
Plants Leaves Are Adapted for 17 45 mins -
Explain that the structure of leaves is adapted to the process of Keywords
Engage: (5 mins) Palisade cells
• Start the lesson by displaying a picture of a lush green leaf and a Stomata
diagram of a leaf cross-section to the students.
• Instruct the students to talk about what they notice about the leaf and
the diagram. Prompt them to describe the various parts and any patterns they notice.
• Record their findings on chart paper or a whiteboard.
• Facilitate a class discussion by asking students why they believe leaves have such a specific
structure and what they believe the various parts are for.
• Direct the discussion towards the idea that leaves are designed to perform photosynthesis and
that their structure facilitates this vital process.
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
Describe the process of respiration and write word equations for it. Compare and contrast the
processes of photosynthesis and respiration.
Plant Systems
Engage: (5 mins)
• Start the lesson by having the students recall what they already know
about photosynthesis. Record their responses on chart paper or a Respiration
whiteboard. Surplus
• Facilitate a class discussion about photosynthesis, emphasizing the Oxygen
importance of this process in converting sunlight, water, and carbon
dioxide into glucose and oxygen.
• Ask the students if they are aware of another process that occurs in cells that involve the
breakdown of glucose to release energy.
• Allow students to express their ideas and responses.
• Explain that this is the opposite of photosynthesis and is called respiration.
Explain: (10 mins)
• Provide handouts with diagrams illustrating the photosynthesis and respiration processes.
• Step through the respiration diagram, explaining each step in detail, including both aerobic and
anaerobic respiration.
• It is important to emphasize that respiration occurs in cells and involves the breakdown of
glucose and other organic molecules to release energy.
• Write down the word equation for aerobic respiration on the board:
Glucose + Oxygen → Carbon Dioxide + Water + Energy
Explore: (15 mins)
• Form pairs or small groups of students.
• Distribute index cards and coloured pencils or markers to each group.
• On index cards, instruct the groups to create illustrated word equations for photosynthesis and
• Encourage them to represent the reactants and products, as well as any energy sources or
sinks, with symbols and arrows.
Elaborate: (10 mins)
• Allow each group to present their illustrated word equations to the rest of the class.
• Conduct a class discussion comparing and contrasting photosynthesis and respiration.
• Make a comparison chart outlining the similarities and differences between the two processes.
• Encourage students to think about the reactants, products, locations, and overall goals of each
• Discuss how photosynthesis and respiration are interconnected in maintaining the balance of
oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Evaluate: (5 min)
Ask students to do Discuss and Answer page 18.
Home Assignment
Complete Q5(v) on page 24 of student book.
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
• Investigate the phenomena of transpiration and its importance in a plant (Explain how wind,
temperature, light, humidity affect the rate of transpiration in plants).
• Explore and apply natural raise of water based on the principle of Keywords
Useful Link Transpiration stream
Engage: (5 mins)
• Begin the lesson by asking students if they've ever seen water droplets on leaves or plants wilt.
• Facilitate a class discussion about these observations and invite students to share their theories
about why these phenomena occur.
• Record their answers on chart paper or a whiteboard.
• Introduce the term "transpiration" and explain that it is the process by which water is lost from a
plant's leaves via tiny openings known as stomata.
Explain: (10 mins)
• Give a brief explanation of transpiration, emphasising its importance in plants.
• Discuss how transpiration aids plant water absorption, nutrient transport, cooling, and turgidity.
• Explain how the rate of transpiration can be affected by environmental factors such as wind,
temperature, light, and humidity.
Explore: (15 mins)
• Form small groups with the students.
• Give a potted plant to each group.
• Instruct the groups to create a closed system by covering the plants' leaves with plastic bags
and securing them with rubber bands.
• Encourage students to place a clear container (such as a graduated cylinder) on top of the
plastic bag to collect any water droplets.
• Request that the groups place their plants in various areas of the classroom to expose them to
varying environmental conditions (e.g., near a fan, under a light source, in a warmer or cooler
• Instruct students to keep track of the rate of transpiration and any water collection in the
containers for a set amount of time (e.g., 30 minutes).
Elaborate: (10 mins)
• Reassemble the students.
• Request that each group share their observations and discuss how environmental factors
influenced the rate of transpiration.
• Explain how wind, temperature, light, and humidity affect transpiration using the observations.
Plant Systems
• Wind promotes the movement of water vapour away from the leaves, which increases
transpiration, while higher temperatures and light intensity also increase transpiration rates.
• Discuss how humidity affects transpiration, with higher humidity slowing it down due to a lower
vapour pressure gradient between the plant and the atmosphere oxygen and carbon dioxide in
the atmosphere.
Evaluate: (5 mins)
Ask students to do Concept Check page 19 and 21 of student book.
Home Assignment:
Do Q5 (iv, vi, and vii) on page 24 of student book.
Lesson Plan 7 Student Book pages Time Workbook pages
Nutrients for Plants 21-22 45 mins 4
Objective: Keywords
Know that plants require minerals to maintain healthy growth and life
processes (limited to magnesium to make chlorophyll and nitrates to
make protein). Active transport
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
Plant Systems
Worksheet 1:
v. Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the __________________ through small holes in the
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
Worksheet 2:
Plant Systems
i. Food
ii. sunlight, leaves
iii. water, minerals
iv. leaves
v. air
vi. oxygen
3. Complete the following word equation:
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
The process of transpiration involves the movement of water through a plant and its evaporation
from aerial parts like leaves, stems, and flowers.
Water evaporates
from the leaves
Water is drawn up
the stem to the
Roots take up
water from the
Plant Systems
Exercise Answers
1. Choose the correct answer.
i. Sap rises in a plant because of:
b) transpiration pull
ii. Mineral salts are absorbed into cells by:
c) active transport
iii. Food is transported in the phloem as:
b) sucrose
iv. The movement of particles from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower
concentration is called:
b) diffusion
2. Fill in the blanks.
i. Roots absorb water through root hairs.
ii. Transpiration from a plant takes place through the stomata.
iii. On the surface of leaves, more stomata are present.
iv. The plant tissue which moves foods from the leaves to the growing points and storage
places is phloem.
4. Short answer questions.
i. The two sets of tubes which make up the transport system of a plant are xylem and phloem.
ii. The two sets of transport tubes in a leaf can be found in the vascular bundles.
iii. Phloem carries dissolved food to storage areas, growing points, and other places where it is
iv. Photosynthesis is the process by which plants convert carbon dioxide and water into
glucose and oxygen using sunlight.
v. The process by which water enters the root hairs is called osmosis.
vi. Factors that affect transpiration include temperature, humidity, wind, and light intensity.
vii. Humidity affects transpiration by reducing the rate of water loss, as high humidity creates a
lesser concentration gradient for water vapor to diffuse out of the leaf.
5. Long answer questions
i. Larger, multi-cellular plants need a transport system to move water, nutrients, and food to
all parts of the plant efficiently. This is essential for the survival and growth of the plant, as
diffusion alone would not be sufficient to supply all the cells in a large plant.
ii. Xylem carries water and dissolved mineral salts from the roots to the rest of the plant. It does
so through a process called transpiration pull, where water is drawn up due to evaporation
from the leaves creating a negative pressure, which pulls the water up.
iii. Phloem carries food (mainly sucrose) from the leaves, where it is produced during
photosynthesis, to other parts of the plant. This process is called translocation and is driven
by pressure gradients within the phloem.
iv. Transpiration stream refers to the continuous movement of water and minerals through the
xylem from the roots to the leaves, where it is eventually lost to the atmosphere through
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
Xylem Phloem
Function: Transports water and minerals from roots Function: Transport food (mainly sucrose) from
to all parts of the plan. leaves o other parts of the plant.
Plant Systems
2. Painting diagrams of xylem and phloem with transport process details: This activity would
involve learners creating visual representations of xylem and phloem and labeling the transport
processes within these tissues.
3. Preparing "plant food" using old banana peels: Burying the banana peels near plants that
require high levels of potassium can provide essential nutrients to the plants. The discussion
would revolve around the importance of nutrients, including potassium, for the growth and
development of both plants and humans. It would also explore how plants transport food
through the phloem to various parts of the plant.
4. Model of the inside of a plant: Learners can create a model using a paper cup, a toilet paper
tube, thin white straws, and thick colored straws to represent the outer bark, xylem, and phloem,
respectively. The activity would help visualize the arrangement of these tissues and their roles in
plant transport.
1. Experiment to compare the effects of different chemical fertilizers on a flowering plant:
- Equipment and materials: Two different chemical fertilizers, identical pots, soil, seeds/
plants of the same species, measuring tools, water, sunlight.
- Measurements: Growth rate, height, number of leaves, number of flowers, color, overall
health of the plants.
- Ensuring a fair comparison: Use the same species of plants, same soil type, same amount
of w
ater and sunlight, and ensure that each plant gets an equal amount of each fertilizer.
2. Experiment with celery leaves and colored water to understand the transport system in plants:
- Soak celery leaves in colored water to observe the movement of water through the xylem,
staining the veins.
- Repeat the experiment with other leaves to compare the transport systems in different
- Dry the leaves and paste them in a lab book to document the observations.
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
Human Respiratory and Circulatory System
Objective: Keywords
Differentiate between the processes of respiration and breathing
Windpipe or trachea
Resources: Vocal cords
pulmonary specialist or a doctor Bronchi
a picture of a healthy lung versus an unhealthy lung. Bronchioles
Engage: (5 min)
The teacher will start the lesson by blowing up a balloon. Useful Link
The teacher will ask the class if they can think of any organs
that are similar to the balloon and how it was inflated.
The students should be able to come up with an answer:
the lungs.
Explain: (10 min)
To explain the topic, use a large poster with a diagram of the human breathing system.
• During the process of respiration, oxygen is inhaled and transported to various parts, where it is
used in a series of chemical reactions to break down glucose molecules at the cellular level.
• The glucose molecules produced are used to release energy.
• The following parts of the human body are involved in the process of respiration.
o Nasal Cavity
o Pharynx
o Larynx
o Trachea
o Bronchi
o Lungs
o Alveoli
o Heart
o All of these components work together to form the respiratory tract, which extends from the
external nostrils and nasal chamber to the lungs.
o Warms and moisturizes the air, bringing it to the proper humidity level for your body.
o The cells in your body receive oxygen.
o Exhaling removes waste gases from your body, including carbon dioxide. Keeps harmful
substances and irritants out of your airways.
• The main differentiation between breathing and respiration is that breathing is a physiological
process that moves air into and out of the respiratory system, whereas respiration is a
biochemical process that uses oxygen and generates energy through the breakdown of glucose.
Explore: (15 min)
Invite a pulmonary specialist or a doctor to speak to your students about the lungs and the human
body. Some doctors or specialists may bring in human lung models so that your students can see all
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
of the different parts and details of the lungs. You might also ask the doctor or specialist to bring in
chest x-rays to show the students.
To get your students ready, have them brainstorm possible questions to ask the doctor.
Elaborate: (5 min)
After explaining respiration, the teacher should show the students a picture of a healthy lung versus
an unhealthy lung. The teacher should ask the students what they know about smoking and why it is
harmful for their health. The teacher should explain how smoking affects the lungs.
After the discussion students will be asked to write three reasons why smoking is bad for our health.
Evaluate: (5 min)
Students will be given worksheet 1 to assess their understanding of the topic.
Home Assignment:
Complete Q1 on page 11 of workbook.
Lesson Plan 2 Student Book pages Time Workbook pages
How We Breathe 26-27 45 Minutes 11
• Trace the path of air in and out of the body and how it converts Keywords
during the process of respiration.
• Describe the role and function of major organs in the Human Intercostal muscles
Respiratory System including trachea, lungs and alveoli (air sacs).
Resources: Exhale
• Labelled diagrams of the respiratory system
• Small balloons,
• Straws Useful Link
• Tape
• White board and marker
• Pen and paper
Engage: (5 mins)
• Begin the lesson by asking students if they understand how and why we breathe.
• Allow students to share their thoughts and ideas during a class discussion about breathing.
• Record their responses on chart paper or a whiteboard.
• Begin the discussion by asking the students if they understand the distinction between breathing
and respiration.
• Allow students to express their ideas and responses.
Explain: (10 mins)
• Introduce the concepts of respiration and breathing.
• Explain that breathing is the process of bringing air into and out of the body, whereas respiration
is the process by which cells use oxygen to produce energy and remove carbon dioxide.
• Use respiratory system models or diagrams to explain the structures involved in breathing and
respiration, such as the nose, trachea, bronchi, lungs, and alveoli.
Human Respiratory and Circulatory System
• Give students handouts with labelled diagrams of the respiratory system to refer to during the
• Discuss how the respiratory system works to allow the body and the environment to exchange
oxygen and carbon dioxide.
Explore: (15 mins)
• Form small groups with the students.
• Each group should be given a set of small balloons, straws, and tape.
• Instruct the groups to use the materials provided to construct a model of the respiratory system.
• Explain that the balloons will represent the lungs, the straws the trachea and bronchi, and the
tape will connect the various components.
• Encourage the groups to be imaginative and accurate in their depictions of the respiratory
• When the models are finished, have each group present and explain their models to the class.
Elaborate: (10 mins)
• As each group presents, have them blow into the straw and observe the expansion and
contraction of the balloons to demonstrate how air moves in and out of the "lungs" (balloons).
• Facilitate a class discussion in which the different models are compared and the accuracy of the
representations is discussed.
• Discuss the functions of each respiratory system component as demonstrated by the models.
• Emphasize the significance of the respiratory system's proper functioning for the process of
Evaluate: (5 mins)
Ask students to complete Concept Check on page 27 of student book.
Home Assignment:
• Complete Q3 on page 39 of Student book.
• Complete Q2 on page 11 of workbook.
Lesson Plan 3 Student Book pages Time Workbook pages
Aerobic and Anaerobic 28 45 Minutes 15
Differentiate between aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
Aerobic respiration
Anaerobic respiration
• White board and marker
• Computer with internet
• Index cards Useful Link
Engage: (5 mins)
• Start the lesson by asking students to define the
terms "aerobic" and "anaerobic."
• Organise a class discussion to elicit their prior knowledge and understanding of these terms.
• Fill in the blanks on the whiteboard with their responses.
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
• Change the topic to respiration by asking students if they know how our bodies produce energy.
• Allow students to express their ideas and thoughts.
Explain: (10 mins)
• Introduce aerobic and anaerobic respiration concepts.
• Explain how aerobic respiration works in the presence of oxygen and involves the breakdown of
glucose to produce energy, carbon dioxide, and water.
• Discuss the efficiency of aerobic respiration in terms of energy produced per glucose molecule.
• Explain that in the absence of oxygen, anaerobic respiration, also known as fermentation, occurs
and involves the partial breakdown of glucose to produce energy and byproducts such as lactic
acid or ethanol.
• It is important to emphasize that anaerobic respiration is less efficient than aerobic respiration.
• Real-world examples, such as human and other organisms' respiration, can help students
understand the practical applications and contexts of aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
Explore: (15 mins)
• Form pairs or small groups of students.
• Instruct each group to conduct research and find examples of aerobic and anaerobic respiration
in various organisms or real-life situations.
• Encourage them to gather information using computers or tablets with internet access.
o Ask guiding questions to help them investigate the various examples, such as:
o How do these organisms or situations use aerobic or anaerobic respiration?
o What by products or end products result from these respiration processes?
o What are the advantages and disadvantages of aerobic and anaerobic respiration in these
Elaborate: (10 mins)
• Ask each group share their findings as well as examples of aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
• Facilitate a class discussion in which the examples are analyzed and compared, with a focus on
the similarities and differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
• Guide the discussion to highlight the benefits and drawbacks of each type of respiration in
various scenarios.
• Use the students' examples to reinforce your understanding of aerobic and anaerobic respiration
and its practical applications.
Evaluate: (5 mins)
• Give each student an index card or a small slip of paper.
• Students should write "A" on one side of the card and "B" on the other.
• Explain that you will read a series of statements, with students holding up either the "A" or "B"
side of their card to indicate whether the statement describes aerobic or anaerobic respiration.
• Read out a series of statements, giving students a few seconds to decide and hold up their
cards. Here are a few examples of statements:
o "Occurs in the presence of oxygen"
o "Produces carbon dioxide and water as byproducts"
o "More energy-efficient in terms of production"
o "Produces lactic acid as a byproduct" "Can occur in muscle cells during intense exercise"
Human Respiratory and Circulatory System
• After each statement, have a brief class discussion about the correct answer.
• Keep track of the number of correct answers for each statement to determine overall
Home Assignment:
Complete Q8 on page 15 of workbook.
Lesson Plan 4 Student Book pages Time Workbook pages
The Pulse 29 45 Minutes -
Hypothesize how exercises of varying intensity (from rest to high-intensity
interval training) would impact their pulse rate. Test their hypothesis, calculate Pulse
their pulse rate and record their findings. Wave
• a stopwatch or timer,
Useful Link
• Sheets to record pulse rate.
• Chart paper
• Pen and paper
Engage: (5 mins)
• Start the lesson by asking students if they've ever noticed their heart rate increases while
participating in physical activity.
• Facilitate a class discussion in which they can share their observations and experiences about
heart rate during exercise.
• Fill in the blanks on the chart paper with their responses.
• Move the conversation to the topic of pulse rate and how it relates to the level of exercise.
• Instruct students to make predictions or hypotheses about how different types of exercises (from
rest to high-intensity interval training) will affect their pulse rate.
• Encourage them to provide evidence to support their hypotheses.
Explain: (10 mins)
• Introduce the concept of pulse rate as a heart rate measurement.
• Explain that pulse rate is the number of times the heart beats per minute and that it can be used
to assess cardiovascular fitness and exercise intensity.
• Discuss how different intensities of exercise can affect pulse rate.
• Give examples of different intensity levels of exercises (e.g., resting, walking, jogging, sprinting)
and their potential impact on pulse rate.
• Explain why high-intensity exercises raise the heart rate more than low-intensity exercises.
• In order to understand the relationship between exercise intensity and pulse rate, emphasize the
importance of measuring and recording pulse rate before, during, and after exercise.
Explore: (15 mins)
• Form pairs or small groups of students.
• Give each group a stopwatch or timer, and pulse rate data recording sheets.
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
• Instruct the groups to design an experiment to test the impact of a specific exercise intensity
level (e.g., resting, walking, jogging, sprinting) on pulse rate.
• Encourage them to record the duration of their exercise, as well as their pulse rate before,
during, and after exercise, on their recording sheets.
Elaborate: (10 mins)
• Allow the groups to present to the rest of the class their experimental designs and data
collection methods.
• Conduct a class discussion in which you compare and contrast the various exercises and their
effects on pulse rate.
• Orient the discussion towards identifying patterns or trends in the data, such as higher pulse
rates during high-intensity exercises.
• Discuss how individual fitness levels, age, and exercise duration can all influence pulse rate.
• Encourage students to analyze and interpret their results in order to reach conclusions about the
relationship between exercise intensity and pulse rate.
Evaluate: (5 mins)
Ask each student to write a short Conclusion about their hypothesis, the data they gathered, and
their conclusions about the impact of exercise intensity on pulse rate.
Home Assignment:
• Explore how different exercise levels, from resting to intense intervals, affect pulse rate.
• Complete Q5(iv) on page 39 of student book.
Lesson Plan 5 Student Book pages Time Workbook pages
The Human Transport System 30-31 45 Minutes 14
and Heart
Learning Objective:
• Describe the structure and function of human heart.
Circulatory system
• 3-D model of a heart
• a jar halfway with water.
Blood vessels
• Balloon.
• Scissors
• Straw Useful Link
• Paper and coloured pencils
Engage: (5 mins)
• Tell your students that they will be studying the heart today.
• Ask them to place their hand on their heart and feel the heartbeat.
• Students will feel their heartbeat.
• Ask them to tell the importance of heart.
• Students will respond to the teacher's question and share their knowledge of the importance of
the heart with the class.
Human Respiratory and Circulatory System
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
• Inside the human heart are four distinct chambers. This heart model pump demonstrates how
one chamber and its valve function.
• Remove the balloon valve from the straw and try pumping water again. Have you noticed any
differences? You probably noticed that water continued to come out of the straw, but without
the valve, there was nothing to prevent some of the water from flowing back down the straw.
Elaborate: (5 min)
• Teacher will ask the students to draw a heart on a paper and colour it to differentiate different
parts of heart.
• Students will draw a picture of heart and colour it.
Evaluate: (5 min)
• Provide worksheet 2 to solve it by the students.
• Ask students to complete Q5 on page 14 of workbook.
Home Assignment:
• Draw a labeled diagram of human heart.
• Complete Q3 on page 38 of student book.
Lesson Plan 6 Student Book pages Time Workbook pages
Blood Circulation in the Human 32-34 45 Minutes -
Human Respiratory and Circulatory System
• Explain how arteries transport oxygenated blood away from the heart, veins transport
deoxygenated blood back to the heart, and capillaries facilitate gas, nutrient, and waste material
• Discuss the structural and functional differences between arteries, veins, and capillaries, such as
thickness, elasticity, and the presence of valves.
Explain: (15 mins)
• Handouts with labelled diagrams of arteries, veins, and capillaries should be distributed.
• Instruct the students to compare and contrast the structural and functional characteristics of
each type of blood vessel, either individually or in pairs.
• Encourage them to identify specific features such as vessel wall thickness, the presence or
absence of valves, and lumen size.
Elaborate: (10 mins)
• Ask each pair or individual share their findings and discuss the similarities and differences
discovered between arteries, veins, and capillaries.
• Create a comprehensive comparison chart on a whiteboard using the information shared by the
• Allow students to ask questions and clarify any concepts that are still unclear.
Evaluate: (5 mins)
Complete Concept Check on page 33 and 34 of student book.
Home Assignment:
• Provide copies of worksheet 3 to solve at home.
• Complete Q5(i) on page 39 of student book
Lesson Plan 7 Student Book pages Time Workbook pages
Composition of Blood and Its 35-36 45 Minutes 17
Main Components
Describe the composition of blood and the functions of red cells, white cells, platelets and plasma.
Engage: (5 mins)
Useful Link
• Ask students what they know about blood and its
role in the body.
• In order to gather prior knowledge and
understanding of blood, lead a class discussion.
• Display images of blood cells and plasma to visually engage students and pique their interest.
Explain: (10 mins)
• Introduce blood as a vital connective tissue that transports oxygen, nutrients, waste products,
hormones, and immune cells throughout the body.
• Discuss the structure of blood, focusing on its four main components: red blood cells, white
blood cells, platelets, and plasma.
• Explain that red blood cells, or erythrocytes, transport oxygen to body tissues.
• Describe the structure of red blood cells, including the absence of a nucleus and their distinctive
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
• Discuss how white blood cells, or leukocytes, help the body fight infections and foreign
• Describe the various types of white blood cells and their specific roles in the immune response.
• Explain the role of platelets, or thrombocytes, in blood clotting and scab formation to prevent
excessive bleeding.
• Discuss the properties of plasma, the liquid component of blood that contains water, proteins,
electrolytes, hormones, and other dissolved substances.
• Describe how plasma transports nutrients, hormones, waste, and heat throughout the body.
Explore: (15 mins)
STEM Activity: Blood Cell Models
Materials Needed:
• Playdough or modeling clay in various colors (red, white, yellow)
• Toothpicks
• Markers or stickers
• Reference materials on blood cell structures
1. Form small groups with the students.
2. Give each group a different colour of playdough or modelling clay, as well as toothpicks.
3. Instruct the groups to make playdough or modelling clay models of red blood cells, white blood
cells, and platelets.
4. Encourage students to consult reference materials to ensure that their models are accurate.
5. When the models are finished, have the students examine and compare them in their groups.
6. Instruct them to use their models to discuss the structural differences and characteristics of
each type of blood cell.
Elaborate: (10 mins)
• Bring the students back together as a class after the exploration phase.
• Request that each group present their models and explain the characteristics and functions of
the various blood cells they created.
• Facilitate a class discussion in which the models are compared and contrasted, with an
emphasis on the structural and functional characteristics of each blood cell type.
• Prompt students to elaborate on their understanding and connections to the real-world functions
of blood cells by asking probing questions.
• Based on the information shared by the students, summarize the key characteristics of red blood
cells, white blood cells, and platelets.
Evaluate: (5 mins)
Ask students to complete Q6 on page 14 of workbook.
Home Assignment:
• Write down the functions of red cells, white cells, platelets and plasma in your notebooks.
• Complete Q11 on page 17 of workbook.
Human Respiratory and Circulatory System
Worksheet 1:
Label the diagram and write the organs in the correct order in which they participate in the human
respiratory system:
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
Worksheet 2:
Label and write down the function of different parts of the heart in the table belo.
Parts Function
Vena Cava
Right Atrium
Left Atrium
Right Ventricle
Left Ventricle
Human Respiratory and Circulatory System
Worksheet 3:
Blood Circulation:
How does blood circulate in the human body?
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
Label the diagram and write the organs in the correct order in which they participate in the human
respiratory system:
Human Respiratory and Circulatory System
Label and write down the function of different parts of the heart in the table below.
Vena Cava
Right atrium
Parts Function
Superior Vena Cava Carries deoxygenated blood from the upper body.
Left Ventricle Pumps oxygenated blood out to the rest of the body.
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
Blood Circulation:
How does blood circulate in the human body?
Circulatory system, a system of blood vessels, transports blood pumped by the heart to all
parts of the body, carrying oxygen and other substances required by our cells.
An artery is a vessel that transports oxygen-rich blood from the heart to the farthest parts
of the body. Because blood in arteries is usually oxygenated, haemoglobin in red blood
cells is oxygenated. The resulting haemoglobin form (oxyhemoglobin) is what gives arterial
blood its bright red colour.
Veins are blood vessels that return low-oxygen-content blood from the body to the heart.
The presence of deoxygenated haemoglobin in venous blood causes it to appear dark.
Capillaries are blood vessels that connect the smallest arteries to the smallest veins in the
Human Respiratory and Circulatory System
Exercise Answers
1. Choose the correct answer.
i. b) nitrogen
ii d) the diaphragm is lowered
iii. b) up and out
iv. a) exercise
v. a) to carry oxygen
vi. b) to clot the blood
vii. d) to protect against germs
viii. c) oxygen and dissolved food
ix. d) carry oxygen round the body
2. Fill in the blanks.
red blood cells
blood cells
left ventricle
3. Here is a simplified diagram showing a section through the human heart:
a. Human Heart
b. Pumping blood to the rest of the body
c. Receiving oxygenated blood from the lungs
4. The diagram on the right shows the chest cavity. One of the lungs is cut away to show the air
sacs or alveoli
i. Oxygen
ii. Carbon dioxide
iii. Thin walls for diffusion, large surface area, rich blood supply, moist lining
iv. Diaphragm moves down when inhaling and up when exhaling
v. Exhaled air has more carbon dioxide and less oxygen
vi. Cellular respiration
vii. Oxygen + Glucose Carbon Dioxide + Water + Energy
viii. Diaphragm contracts and flattens, intercostal muscles contract to lift ribs, increasing chest
volume and decreasing pressure, allowing air to enter (inhale); relaxation of muscles reverses
the process (exhale)
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
Human Respiratory and Circulatory System
vi. S ome arteries do carry deoxygenated blood (e.g., pulmonary artery), and some veins carry
oxygenated blood (e.g., pulmonary veins). The distinction is generally based on the direction
of flow rather than oxygen content.
vii. Importance of White Blood Cells:
White blood cells are vital components of the immune system. They defend the body against
infections, foreign substances, and harmful microorganisms. White blood cells identify and
destroy pathogens, helping to prevent and fight off illnesses.
6 Think about it
i. (Answers will vary)
ii. Blood carries oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and waste products, playing a vital role in
transportation, regulation, and protection.
iii. a. Bell-jar: Chest,
tubing: trachea,
balloons: lungs,
rubber sheet: diaphragm
b. Balloons expand when the rubber sheet is pulled down and deflate when pushed up.
c. Air pressure decreases when the rubber sheet is pulled down and increases when
pushed up.
d. Similar: Demonstrates expansion and contraction of lungs; Different: Lungs expand due
to muscle contractions, not external pressure.
1. The air pressure at high altitudes is lower, leading to a decrease in the availability of oxygen in
the air. This makes it harder to obtain sufficient oxygen during breathing, making it more difficult
for my friend to hold their breath on top of the mountains.
2. Negative Effects on Lungs: Group 1 could create a story illustrating the harmful effects of
smoking on lung health, leading to respiratory diseases.
Positive Effects on Lungs: Group 2 might develop a story showcasing a character who engages
in regular exercise and maintains a healthy lifestyle, leading to strong and efficient lung function.
3. The resting heart rate is around 60-100 beats per minute. During exercise, it can increase
significantly, potentially reaching 120-200 beats per minute. Similar responses might occur for
classmates, but individual fitness levels can vary.
4. Heart Model: The model demonstrates how squeezing the middle bottle (representing the heart)
pushes water (representing blood) through the straw vessels (representing arteries and veins) to
simulate blood circulation.
5. Yarn Model: Thick blue and red yarn represent veins and arteries, respectively, while thin white
yarn symbolizes capillaries. The model illustrates the interconnectedness of blood vessels
throughout the body.
1. Create a model of the human circulatory system to demonstrate the flow of blood through
arteries, veins, and capillaries.
2. Artificial respiration is a technique used to assist or replace breathing when someone cannot
breathe on their own. Scientists may avoid the term "artificial respiration" due to its potential
confusion with mechanical ventilation, which involves the use of machines to assist breathing.
3. Passive smoking refers to inhaling secondhand smoke from tobacco products used by others. It
can lead to various health risks similar to those faced by active smokers.
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
5. Sheep's Heart: Plastic tubes can be used to trace the path of blood through the heart chambers
and major vessels.
6. Learn to measure and record blood pressure under the guidance of a doctor. Research the
prevalence, causes, and treatments of high blood pressure.
Please note that these answers are based on the information you provided. If you need further
clarification or additional details, feel free to ask.
Immunity and Diseases
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
• Chart Paper
Useful Link
• Colourful Markers
• White board and marker
Engage: (5 min)
The teacher will ask questions like:
• What is sickness?
• How do we get sick?
• Remember the reason for your sickness when you were sick last time.
• How can we save ourselves from getting sick?
Students will recall and give answers to the questions. (Answers vary according to student’s
observations and experiences)
Explain: (10 min)
• Teacher can explain the topic with the help of a diagram.
Fungi Bacteria
Virus Parasites
• Bacteria are the most common microorganisms that can be found almost anywhere. The
dimensions range from 0.15 to 700 m. While the majority of bacteria are beneficial to us, some
are pathogenic and cause diseases in plants and animals.
• Viruses are not thought to be living organisms. They are only capable of replicating within the
host. They have a genome made up of DNA or RNA that is encased in a protein coat. They are
extremely small, with virus sizes ranging from 20 to 300 nm.
• An organism that lives on or inside a host organism and obtains its food from or at the expense
of the host is considered a parasite. Protozoa, helminths, and ectoparasites are the three main
types of parasites that can cause disease in humans.
• Fungi are mostly saprophytes that absorb organic matter from decomposing or dead substrates.
Parasitic fungi get their food from living plants and animals.
Explore: (15 min)
• After explaining the topic, the teacher will divide the class into four or five groups.
• The teacher will ask the students to make a poster on ‘Pathogens’.
• Students will make a poster on pathogens.
• They will show different types of pathogens with examples.
Elaborate: (5 min)
• The teacher will ask the groups to present their poster in front of their class.
• One of the students from each group will come and explain their poster to the class.
Immunity and Diseases
• Other students will be encouraged to ask questions at the end of each presentation.
Evaluate: (5 min)
• Teacher will name the diseases and ask students to tell the pathogens that cause them.
• Students will identify the pathogens based on what they have learned in the lesson.
• Students will do Q7 on page 23 of Workbook.
Home Assignment:
Worksheet 1 will be given.
Lesson Plan 2 Student Book pages Time Workbook pages
Immunity 42 45 Minutes 20
Learning Objective:
Explain the various lines of defenses that the body has against
pathogens. Defense
Infectious disease
• Whiteboard or projector
• Markers or chalk
• Sticky notes
• Microscope (optional) Useful Link
• Various pictures/diagrams of immune system
components (pre-prepared or found online)
Engage:(5 min)
Begin by projecting image of a virus or bacteria onto the board. Inquire of students what they know
about how the body defends itself against such pathogens. In order to spark curiosity, ask questions
such as, "What do you think happens when a harmful invader enters our body?" or "Have you ever
wondered why we don't get sick all the time?"
Explain: (10 min)
• Give a brief overview of the immune system, noting that it functions as the body's defence force
against intruders.
• Explain that the immune system has three lines of defence: the first line, the second line, and the
third line. Make a note of these on the board.
• Examine the First Line of Defence: The physical and chemical barriers that prevent pathogens
from entering the body, such as skin, mucus, and stomach acid.
• Talk about the Second Line of Defence: The non-specific immune response, which includes
fever, white blood cells, and inflammation, and is used to attack pathogens that have gotten past
the first line of defence.
• Examine the Third Line of Defence: the specific immune response, in which antibodies and
immune cells target specific pathogens to create immunity.
Explore: (15 min)
• Divide the class into small groups and give each group a different pathogen (for example, a virus,
bacteria, fungus, or parasite).
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
• Ask each group to come up with ideas for the first, second, and third lines of defence against
their assigned pathogen. They can write down their ideas on sticky notes and stick them to a
poster board or whiteboard.
• After that, each group should present their findings to the class.
Elaborate: (10 min)
• Use microscopes (if available) or prepared slides with images of white blood cells attacking
pathogens to introduce a hands-on activity.
• Allow students to look at the slides through a microscope or on a projector screen.
• Inquire about how the observed process is related to the second and third lines of defence.
• Encourage students to discuss how this knowledge might be applied in real-world situations,
such as vaccine development or disease understanding.
Evaluate: (5 min)
• Do Q2 on page 20 of workbook.
Home Assignment:
• Have students create a superhero character to represent each line of defence:
• The Front Line of Defence: Physical and chemical barriers, such as skin and mucus, could be
involved. Assign them the task of drawing or describing the superhero's appearance and powers
as they relate to this line of defence.
• The Second Line of Defence: This superhero could represent a general immune response,
such as white blood cells or inflammation. Assign them the task of illustrating or describing the
superhero's special abilities related to the second line of defence.
• The Third Line of Defence: The superhero should represent the specific immune response,
including antibodies and immune cells, for this line of defence. Encourage students to be
imaginative when designing a superhero who embodies the characteristics of this line.
• Students can create their superhero using drawing, digital design, or descriptive writing. They
can give a brief explanation of each superhero's powers and how they protect the body from
• Ask students to name their superheroes and submit their creations by the next class.
Lesson Plan 3 Student Book pages Time Workbook pages
Types of Immunity System 43-46 45 Minutes 21-23
Learning Objective:
• Describe the three types of immunity in humans – innate, adaptive,
and passive. Innate immunity
• Illustrate how adaptive immunity develops over time. Acquired immunity
Passive immunity
Engage: (5 min)
• Begin the lesson by asking students if they have ever been sick or
heard anything about the immune system.
Useful Link
• Facilitate a class discussion to gather their prior
immunity knowledge and understanding.
• Fill in the blanks on the whiteboard with their
• Display images of the immune system to visually engage students.
Immunity and Diseases
• Inquire if students have any observations or questions about the immune system and its
Explain: (10 min)
• Introduce the concept of immunity and its significance in the body's defence against pathogens.
• Explain the three types of immunity: innate, adaptive, and passive immunity.
• Explain that innate immunity is the body's first line of defence and is non-specific, whereas
adaptive immunity is specific and grows over time.
• Discuss the innate immune system's components, such as physical barriers, phagocytes, and
natural killer cells.
• Adaptive immunity can be defined as a more sophisticated and targeted defence mechanism.
• Explain B and T cell roles in adaptive immunity, as well as their ability to recognize and respond
to specific pathogens.
• Discuss the concept of memory cells and how they help to develop long-term immunity.
Explore: (15 mins)
Materials Needed:
• Whiteboard or chart paper
• Markers or chalk
• Sticky notes or index cards (different colors)
Students will use a hands-on approach to simulate the immune response and investigate the
development of adaptive immunity in this activity.
1. Form small groups with the students.
2. Students should be informed that they will be simulating the immune system's response to a
3. Assign a pathogen to each group (for example, bacteria, virus, or fungus).
4. Instruct the groups to create a flowchart or diagram on the whiteboard or chart paper to
represent their assigned pathogen's immune response.
5. Provide different coloured sticky notes or index cards to represent different immune cells and
6. Sticky notes or index cards should be used by each group to represent the various cells and
components of the immune response, such as phagocytes, B cells, T cells, antibodies, and
memory cells.
7. Encourage students to talk about and collaborate in their groups to figure out the sequence of
events and interactions between immune cells and components.
Elaborate: (10 mins)
• Instruct each group to present their flowchart or diagram and explain the sequence of events in
their assigned pathogen's immune response.
• Facilitate a class discussion in which students compare and contrast immune responses to
different pathogens and identify similarities and differences in the immune components involved.
• Emphasize the importance of adaptive immunity and memory cell development in providing
long-term protection against specific pathogens.
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
Evaluate: (5 mins)
• Students can use concept maps or diagrams to demonstrate their understanding of the three
types of immunity and how adaptive immunity develops.
• Ask students to complete Q3 on page 48 of student book.
• Write down the challenges the immune system faces and the strategies it uses to effectively
combat pathogens in your notebooks.
• Do Q3 and 8 on page 21 and 23 of workbook.
Lesson Plan 4 Student Book pages Time Workbook pages
Parts of Immune System 46 45 Minutes 21
Describe the parts of the immunity system and how they function to produce an immune response.
• images of the armor shield
• Tags with the words- ‘GERMS’ and ‘WHITE BLOOD CELLS’
• White board and marker
Engage: (5 min)
• Make use of the soldier’s armor shield analogy. How he defends
• himself from the enemy. Then ask your students if they are aware
• that our bodies have a shield that protects us from all of the
• pathogens discussed in the previous lesson. You can show the
• images of the armor shield in the beginning of the lesson to gain
• the interest of the students.
Explain: (10 min)
• White blood cell, also known as leukocytes or leukocytes, are immune system cells that protect the body from both
infectious disease and foreign invaders. All white blood cells are produced and derived from hematopoietics stem
cells, which are multipotent cells in the bone marrow. Leukocytes can be found in all part of the body, including the
blood and lymphatics systems.
• Antibodies are proteins that protect your body when an unwelcome substance enters it. Antibodies, which are
produced by your immune system, bind to these unwanted substances and eliminate them from your system.
• As the immune system's largest internalorgan, the spleen containsa large number of immune system cells. Indeed,
the spleen receives approximately 25% of the blood that flows from the heart with each beat. The spleen filters
blood as it circulates to detect pathogens. When pathogens are detected, immune system cells become activated
and multiply in number in order to neutralise the pathogen.
Immunity and Diseases
Lymphatic System
• The immune system includes the lymphatic system. The Lymphatic system is a vast network of vessels, nodes,
and ducts that run through almost every tissue in the body. Throughout the body, there are 500-600 lymph nodes.
In response to infection, these nodes swell due to a buildup of lymph fluid, bacteria, or other organisms, as well as
immune system cells.
• Visualize the ways to add additional layers of defense (such as wearing masks, using sanitizers,
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
• Propose some common strategies for strengthening their immune system.
Engage: (5 mins)
• Display poster depicting preventive measures.
• Inquire if students have any observations or questions about these preventive measures.
Explain: (10 mins)
• Introduce the concept of adding extra layers of defence to prevent disease spread.
• Explain the importance of precautionary measures like wearing masks, using sanitizers,
practicing good hygiene, and keeping a physical distance.
• Discuss the rationale for each preventive measure and how it helps to reduce disease
• Change the subject to immune system strengthening strategies.
• Explain how to eat a balanced diet, get enough sleep, engage in regular physical activity,
manage stress, and avoid harmful substances.
• Stress the importance of a strong immune system in protecting the body from disease.
Explore: (15 mins)
STEM Activity: Design a Protective Barrier
Materials Needed:
• Various materials for building models (e.g., cardboard, plastic cups, straws, tape, string, paper,
rubber bands, etc.)
• Craft supplies, scissors, rulers, markers, etc.
• Access to a computer for research
In this activity, students will work in small groups to design and construct a protective barrier
capable of effectively preventing disease spread. They will investigate various materials and design
strategies while keeping the principles of effectiveness, practicability, and cost-effectiveness in mind.
1. Divide the students into small groups to investigate.
2. Explain to the students that their task is to design and construct a protective barrier that an
individual can use to prevent disease spread.
3. Discuss the key factors to consider when designing the barrier, such as pathogen blocking
effectiveness, user comfort, ease of use, and material availability.
4. Provide students with a variety of materials and research resources (if available).
5. Instruct the groups to brainstorm and sketch their preliminary design ideas for the protective
barrier, taking into account the materials and resources available.
6. Encourage students to discuss and experiment with various design concepts, such as face
masks, shields, gloves, or any other creative ideas they may have.
Elaborate: (10 mins)
• Once the groups' design ideas have been finalized, instruct them to begin constructing their
protective barriers with the materials provided.
• Encourage students to collaborate by assigning tasks based on their strengths and interests to
each group member.
Immunity and Diseases
• Remind them to build their models with the principles of effectiveness, practicability, and cost-
effectiveness in mind.
• Allow students to be creative with their designs, including features like adjustable straps,
breathable materials, or innovative mechanisms.
• Circulate among the groups, asking questions about their design choices and providing
guidance or suggestions as needed.
Evaluate: (5 mins)
Ask students to complete Q3(iii) on page 49 of student book.
Think about the lesson and write down two additional strategies you can use to strengthen your
immune system.
Lesson Plan 6 Student Book pages Time Workbook pages
Ways in Which Communities of 45 Minutes -
People Can Safeguard
Against the Spread of
Infectious Diseases.
Suggest ways in which communities of people can safeguard against the spread of infectious
Engage: (5 mins)
• Display poster depicting preventive measures.
• Inquire if students have any observations or questions about these preventive measures.
Explain: (10 mins)
• Role-Play: Divide students into small groups and assign each group a specific scenario
related to infectious diseases. A scenario might involve a community dealing with a measles
outbreak, for example. Students should discuss and act out in groups how community members
would respond to prevent the spread of the disease, taking into account factors such as
communication, education, and cooperation.
Explain: (10 mins)
• Infectious diseases and their modes of transmission, such as person-to-person contact,
respiratory droplets, contaminated surfaces, and vectors, are introduced.
• Discuss the impact of common infectious diseases such as the flu, COVID-19, measles, and
tuberculosis, as well as the importance of prevention.
• Provide information on preventive measures such as hand hygiene, mask use, vaccination,
social distancing, covering coughs and sneezes, and keeping the environment clean.
• Discuss the idea of community-based preventive measures, emphasizing the importance of
collective responsibility in preventing the spread of infectious diseases.
Explore: (15 mins)
• Form small groups with the students.
• Instruct each group to brainstorm and discuss various ways communities can protect
themselves from the spread of infectious diseases.
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
Immunity and Diseases
Worksheet 1:
1. Write down the name of the pathogen that causes the following diseases
Ring Worm
Covid 19
Whooping Cough
Dengue Measles
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
Worksheet 2:
Recognize the parts of the immune system and write down its name and function:
Immunity and Diseases
1. Write down the name of the pathogen that causes the following diseases.
Malaria Virus
Covid 19 Virus
Tuberculosis Bacteria
Hepatitis Virus
Measles Virus
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
Recognize the parts of the immune system and write down its name and function:
Name: Spleen
The spleen receives approximately 25% of the blood that flows
from the heart with each beat. The spleen filters blood as it
circulates to detect pathogens.
Structure of an Atom
Structure of an Atom
04 Student Book Pages 53-64
Learning Outcomes: OVERVIEW OF THE UNIT:
• Describe and draw the structure of an atom in terms of • The structure of an atom is made up of a nucleus
electrons, protons and neutrons. (centre), protons (positively charged), and neutrons
(neutral). Electrons are negatively charged particles
• Describe how an atom is electrically neutral. that revolve around the nucleus's centre.
• Differentiate between atomic number and mass • In the year 1808, John Dalton presented the first
number. evidence-based theory on the structure of the
atom, known as Dalton's Atomic theory. An atom,
• Determine the atomic number and mass number according to this theory, is the smallest and ultimate
of elements on the basis of the number of protons, particle of matter.
electrons and neutrons.
• However, by the end of the nineteenth and
• Show the arrangement of electrons in K, L and M shells beginning of the twentieth centuries, scientists such
of elements as J.J. Thomson, Goldstein, Rutherford, Chadwick,
Bohr, and others had established that the atom is
• Draw the atomic structure of the first eighteen elements
not as simple as Dalton had suggested.
of the Periodic Table.
• The atom is made up of 36 subatomic particles,
• Explain that the Periodic Table is a way to organize the most important of which are electrons, protons,
elements in a systematic order. and neutrons. Because these three particles are
• Recognize periods and groups in the Periodic Table essential constituents of atoms, they are referred to
as elementary fundamental particles of an atom.
• An atom is made up of two parts. These are the
Keywords nucleus and the extra nucleus components. The
nucleus is located in the center of the atom and is
Atom (divisible entity), molecule, surrounded by extra nucleus components.
symbol, atomic number, mass number,
• The nucleus is responsible for the majority of the
electrons, protons, neutrons, nucleus, atom's mass, so the atomic mass number equals
orbit/ shell, neutral, elements, periodic the number of protons and neutrons present in the
table, groups, periods, metals, non- nucleus.
metals, valence shell, valence number, • Protons and neutrons together are named
ions, cations, anions, compound, nucleons. Because protons are positively charged
formula and neutrons are neutral, the nucleus is positively
• Describe and draw the structure of an atom in terms of electrons, Keywords
protons and neutrons.
• Describe how an atom is electrically neutral.
Resources: Neutron
• Paper and pen Electron
• Colourful dough
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
Structure of an Atom
• They will also participate in the discussion.
Evaluate: (5 min)
Complete Concept Check page 54
Home Assignment:
Complete Q9 on page 28 of workbook.
Lesson Plan 2 Student Book pages Time Workbook pages
Atomic number and Mass 55-56 45 Minutes 25-26
Objective: Keywords
• Differentiate between atomic number and mass number.
Atomic number
• Determine the atomic number and mass number of elements on the
basis of the number of protons, electrons, and neutrons Atomic mass
• Whiteboard and markers
• Visual aids (charts, diagrams, or a periodic table) Useful Link
• Modeling kits (optional)
Engage: (5 min)
Warm-up Activity:
Play with Dough
• Begin by asking a series of questions to grab students' interest and engage their prior
• How much do you know about atoms?
• Have you ever heard of the terms "atomic number" and "mass number"?
• Can you name a few elements and their symbols from the periodic table?
Explain: (10 mins)
• Give a detailed explanation of the key concepts:
• Atomic Number: The number of protons in an atom's nucleus that determines the element's
periodic table identity.
• The sum of protons and neutrons in an atom's nucleus represents the atom's mass.
• Use visual aids and diagrams to illustrate these concepts and relate them to periodic table
• Ask students to complete Q1 and 3 on page 25-26 of workbook.
Explore: (15 mins)
• Divide the class into small groups and instruct each group to do the following:
• Choose one of the elements from the periodic table.
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
• Determine the element's atomic number (protons) and mass number (protons + neutrons).
• Make a note of their findings on a worksheet or whiteboard.
• Circulate around the groups, providing directions and answering questions
Elaborate: (10 minutes)
• Discuss the role of electrons in atomic structure with the students. Explain how the number of
electrons in a neutral atom equals the number of protons. Discuss briefly isotopes, in which the
number of neutrons can vary.
• Challenge students to identify the number of electrons for their chosen element and calculate the
number of neutrons for a specific isotope (e.g., carbon-12 and carbon-14) as a hands-on STEM
Evaluate: (5 minutes)
Ask students to complete Discuss and Answer page 56 of student book.
Home Assignment:
Complete Q3 on page 62 of student book
Lesson Plan 3 Student Book pages Time Workbook pages
The Arrangement of Electrons 56-58 45 Minutes 25
in Shells of Elements
• Show the arrangement of electrons in K, L, and M shells of elements Keywords
• Draw the atomic structure of the first eighteen elements of the
Energy levels
Periodic Table.
Engage: (5 min)
Reinforce the structure of an atom. Useful Link
Draw the structure of an atom on the board.
Revise the parts of an atom.
The teacher can ask questions about the structure of an atom
• Where are electrons present in the structure of an atom?
• Do all elements have same number of electrons?
• How do we know the number of electrons present in each orbit of the atom?
• Students will recall and try to answer the questions.
Explain: (10 min)
• An electron shell is an orbit that electrons follow around an atom's nucleus. The electrons, which
are negatively charged fundamental particles, are thought to occupy diffuse shells in the space
that surrounds the positively charged nucleus. The first shell is the one closest to the nucleus.
• The shells are labelled as follows:
Structure of an Atom
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
• Explain that the Periodic Table is a way to organize elements in a
systematic order.
• Recognize periods and groups in the Periodic Table Groups
Outer shell electrons
• Large Periodic Table poster or digital projection
• Colored markers
• Periodic Table worksheets or handouts Useful Link
• Periodic Table building materials (e.g., index cards with
element names and symbols)
• Interactive whiteboard or chalkboard
Engage: (5min)
Begin by displaying a Periodic Table poster or projection to the students. To pique their interest, ask
them open-ended questions such as:
• What do you notice about this table?
• Have you ever wondered why elements are arranged in this particular order?
• Are there any patterns or groups of elements that you can identify?
Explain: (10 min)
• Explain the Periodic Table's purpose:
• It is a method of organizing all known chemical elements according to their properties.
• To demonstrate similarities in properties and behaviours, elements are arranged in rows (periods)
and columns (groups).
• Draw a simplified version of the Periodic Table on the interactive whiteboard or chalkboard,
emphasizing the concepts of periods and groups.
Structure of an Atom
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
Worksheet 1:
Na M
Particle Charge Relative Mass
2,8,1 2,
19 20
2,8,8,1 2,8
Structure of an Atom
Worksheet 2:
Draw and write down the electronic configuration of first ten elements of periodic table:
Electronic Electronic
Name of element Name of element
Configuration Configuration
Hydrogen Carbon
Helium Nitrogen
Lithium Oxygen
Beryllium Fluorine
Boron Neon
11 12
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
Neutron 1 None
Proton 1 Positive
Electron Na
Almost Nothing Negative Mg
Draw the structure of Potassium atom:
2,8,1 2,8,2
19 20
K Ca
2,8,8,1 2,8,8,2
Structure of an Atom
Draw and write down the electronic configuration of first ten elements of periodic table:
He Li Be B
2 2,1 2,2 2,3
C N O F Ne
2,4 2,5 2,6 2,7 2,8
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
Exercise Answers
1. Multiple Choice Questions:
i. d) classifying the elements
ii. b) electrons
iii. a) 2
iv. c) 6
v. b) period
2. Fill in the Blanks:
i. Calcium
ii. Protons and neutrons
iii. Atomic number
iv. Valency
v. Electrons
3. i. a) There are 11 electrons in this sodium atom.
b) The electrical charge on an electron is negative (-1).
c) The different levels of electrons around the nucleus are called "energy levels" or
"electron shells."
ii. a) The nucleus of the atom contains two types of particles: protons and neutrons.
b) The electrical charge on the nucleus of the atom is positive.
4. a) The three particles that are neutral atoms are A, B, and E. This is because the number of
electrons is equal to the number of protons in each of these particles, resulting in no net
electrical charge.
b) The charge (atomic number) of each particle is as follows:
A: Atomic number = 12 (protons)
B: Atomic number = 12 (protons)
C: Atomic number = 12 (protons)
D: Atomic number = 8 (protons)
E: Atomic number = 9 (protons)
c) The mass number represents the sum of protons and neutrons in an atom.
A: 12+ 12= 24
B: 12 +14= 26
C: 12+12=24
D: 8+8=16
E: 9+9=185
i. An element is a substance composed of atoms with the same number of protons in
their nuclei, making them chemically identical.
ii. Mass number is the sum of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom.
iii. The electron distribution for the atom with atomic number 12 (magnesium) is 2
electrons in the first energy level and 8 electrons in the second energy level.
Structure of an Atom
iv. The group II elements are alkaline earth metals, including beryllium (Be), magnesium
(Mg), calcium (Ca), strontium (Sr), barium (Ba), and radium (Ra).
v. There are 18 groups and 7 periods in the periodic table.
6. i. Atomic number represents the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom, while mass
number is the sum of protons and neutrons. Atomic number determines an element's
identity, while mass number indicates its atomic mass.
ii. An atom is neutral when the number of protons equals the number of electrons. For
example, a carbon atom with 6 protons and 6 electrons is neutral.
iii. Elements are arranged in the periodic table based on their atomic number. They are
organized into periods (rows) and groups (columns) based on similar properties.
iv. Elements have different group and period numbers because of their distinct atomic
properties. The group number indicates the number of valence electrons, while the period
number indicates the number of electron shells.
v. Potassium (K) and sodium (Na) have different period numbers because they have different
numbers of electron shells (energy levels), even though they share the same group number
(Group 1) due to similar valence electron configurations
7. Think about it:
Aluminum (Al) 13 3 13 27
Boron (B) 13 2 5 11
Phosphorus (P) 15 3 15 31
Sulfur (S) 16 3 16 32
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
• Identify the physical changes in matter.
• egg
• bowl
Physical and Chemical Changes
• beater
• sponge
• ice on a plate
• can
• sugar
• glass of water
• pen and paper
Engage: (5 min)
• To begin, give each student a piece of paper and instruct them to change it as much as
• Discuss the concept of physical change and identify the physical changes the students made to
their paper after they have completely changed it.
• Students will tear, twist, fold, cut up, shred, and colour on it.
Explain: (10 mins)
• Typically, a physical change is seen when something melts, freezes, condenses, breaks,
crushes, cuts, or bends.
• Powdering sugar, slicing, shredding, grating fruits and vegetables, and making gold ornaments
are all examples of physical changes. All of these are physical changes because the original
substance is unchanged but in a different form.
• Physical changes include all reversible and some irreversible changes. Melting butter, for
example, is reversible and a physical change because there is only a state change from solid
to liquid form. Glass breaking is an irreversible physical change because glass cannot be
reconstituted to its original shape. Regardless, it is still glass in both forms.
• A physical change is one in which no new substances are formed and can be reversed by
reversing the conditions.
• Physical Change Examples
Creating a salt and sugar solution
o Salt and sugar crystal crushing
o Crushing chalk stick
o Iron magnetization
o the process of boiling water to produce steam
Explore: (15 mins)
Hand-on Activity
Physical change Station
• The teacher will give the following things to the students:
egg, bowl, beater, sponge, ice on a plate, can, sugar, glass of water, pen and paper.
• Students will work in groups.
• Each group will use given things to set up a physical change station.
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
• Students will tag the physical change as cutting, melting, crushing etc.
Elaborate: (10 minutes)
Useful Link
Group Discussion
The teacher will explain to the students how can they identify
the physical change.
Students will discuss the different physical changes that have been shown on their table.
Evaluate: (5 min)
The worksheet 1 will be given to the students by the teacher for them to complete on their own.
Home Assignment:
• List the physical properties of a matter on your notebooks.
• Complete Discuss and Answer page 66 of student book
Lesson Plan 2 Student Book pages Time Workbook pages
Chemical Changes 67-69 45 Minutes 33-34
• Identify the Chemical changes in matter.
• Differentiate between physical and chemical changes while Chemical reactions
considering daily life examples. Chemical
Engage: (5 min) Respiration
Discussion/Present Interesting Facts Combustion
• Today, the Statue of Liberty is recognized for its distinctive blue-
green hue. The surface of the Statue of Liberty is covered with thin copper sheets, so when it
was first unveiled, it was of a shiny copper colour. It took
about twenty years of exposure to weather to turn the Useful Link
Statue of Liberty from its shiny new penny colour to the
green it is today. How this happened to the Statue of Liberty
can be understood by a chemical reaction.
• Show an image of the Statue of Liberty. Ask students what
they think happened to the statue to cause its colour to change from bright copper to today's
• Students can give different answers.
• Expected answers:
o It has been painted.
o It has become dirty.
o It is because of the rust on it etc.
• Teacher then explains the students that it is because of the chemical reaction that has been
taking place for many years.
Explain: (10 mins)
The following are some of the characteristics of a chemical change:
• One or more new substances are formed as a result of a chemical change. When we burn
a piece of paper with a lit match stick, we produce entirely new substances such as carbon
Physical and Chemical Changes
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
it appears to be brand new. When a penny is soaked in only vinegar, the oxidation process is
accelerated, and the penny becomes greener after a few hours.
Elaborate: (10 min)
Make a Chart.
• Assign students the task of creating a chart with examples of chemical changes.
• Students will design charts to depict examples of chemical changes.
• Ask students to describe what happens during the change and why it is an example of a
chemical change.
• Ask students to attempt Concept Check page 68.
Evaluate: (5 min)
• Give worksheet 2 to the students.
• Ask students to attempt Q2-3 on page 73 of student book.
Home Assignment:
• Make a poster showing the difference between physical and chemical changes in matter. Use
daily life examples to explain the difference.
• Attempt Q5 and 8 on page 33-34 of workbook.
Lesson Plan 3 Student Book pages Time Workbook pages
Impact of Burning on the 69 45 Minutes 35
• Evaluate Impact of combustion reaction on environments.
• Candles (one per group).
Greenhouse gases
• Glass jars (one per group).
• Aluminum foil .
• Lighters or matches.
Useful Link
Engage: (5 min)
Begin with images depicting different types of burning,
such as wildfires, industrial smokestacks, or controlled
• Open-ended questions such as, "What do you see in the images?"
• Why do you believe people burn things in this manner?
• Have you ever considered the environmental impact of these activities?
Physical and Chemical Changes
• Recognize that oxygen is needed in combustion, rusting and
tarnishing. Rust
• Explore methods of preventing rusting. Tarnish
• Images or video clips of rusty or tarnished metal objects.
• Iron nails.
• Small plastic cups. Useful Link
• Water.
• Salt.
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
• Magnets (optional).
• Copper coins.
• Vinegar.
• Toothbrushes.
• Metal samples.
• Paint or zinc coating materials.
Engage:(5 min)
• Begin by displaying a series of images of rusted or tarnished metal objects.
• Inquire open-ended questions such as,
o What do you notice about these metal objects?
o What causes metals to rust or tarnish, in your opinion?
o What effect might rust or tarnish have on the performance of these objects?
• Distinguish between physical and chemical properties of
matter. Useful Link
• Relate uses of materials to their chemical properties (e.g.,
tendency to rust, flammability). .
• Relate uses of materials to their physical properties (e.g.,
melting point, boiling point, solubility, thermal conductivity).
• Various materials for physical properties observation (e.g., metals, plastics, liquids).
• Materials for simple chemical reactions (e.g., vinegar, baking soda).
• Cards with material names and cards with properties (for the evaluation activity).
Engage: (5 min)
• Begin by showing images:
• One demonstrating a physical change (e.g., ice melting into water).
• One showing a chemical change (e.g., a piece of paper burning).
• Ask students to describe what they observe in each image.
• Pose questions like:
o What is happening in these images?
o Are these changes reversible or irreversible?
o How can we categorize these changes?
Explain: (10 mins)
• Define physical properties (such as colour, shape, and density) as well as chemical properties
(such as flammability and reactivity).
• Discuss how physical properties can be observed without changing the chemical composition of
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
Physical and Chemical Changes
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
Worksheet 1:
Describe how the objects has changed in any three of the above examples.
Physical and Chemical Changes
Worksheet 2:
Identify and write the name and definition of the following examples of chemical changes:
Chemical Reaction:
Chemical Reaction:
Chemical Reaction:
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
Describe how the objects has changed in any three of the above examples.
1. Salt dissolved in water and become a solution.
2. Glass breaks into smaller pieces.
3. Ice melts and becomes liquid.
Physical and Chemical Changes
Identify and write the name and definition of the following examples of chemical changes:
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
Exercise Answers
1. Choose the correct answer:
i. d) rusting
ii. a) changing size
iii. b) baking bread dough
iv. d) exploding a firework
v. d) wax
2. Fill in the Blanks:
i. When a fuel burns it releases heat energy.
ii. Rusting of steel is an example of chemical change.
iii. Fuel reacts with oxygen gas when it burns.
iv. In a chemical change, atoms are combined to form molecules.
v. When carbon burns, carbon dioxide gas is produced.
3. i. One change that happens during a chemical change in baking a cake is the transformation
of raw ingredients into a completely different substance with different properties, such as the
conversion of cake batter into a solid, fluffy cake with a different taste and texture.
ii. a) Word equation for the breakdown of sodium hydrogen carbonate:
Sodium hydrogen carbonate (baking powder) → Sodium carbonate + Carbon dioxide +
b) Baking powder is added to the cake mixture to help the cake rise and become fluffy.
The carbon dioxide gas produced during the breakdown of sodium hydrogen carbonate
creates bubbles in the cake mixture, making the cake light and airy.
c) To test for carbon dioxide gas, one can use the effervescence (bubbling) test. Collect the
gas released during the reaction (e.g., by placing a container over the mixture), and then
bubble the gas through limewater (calcium hydroxide solution). If the limewater turns
cloudy or milky, it indicates the presence of carbon dioxide.
4. i. The only state of matter that can be easily compressed is gas.
ii. When particles are heated, they move faster.
iii. The two states of matter that flow easily are liquid and gas.
iv. Two examples of a chemical change are burning wood and digesting food.
v. A hydrocarbon is a compound made up of hydrogen and carbon atoms.
vi. The word "fuel" refers to a substance that can be burned or otherwise used to produce
energy. Two examples of fuels are gasoline and natural gas.
5. Long Answer Questions:
i. Difference Between Physical and Chemical Change:
Physical Change: Physical changes are changes in which the substance's identity remains
the same even though its physical appearance or state may change. No new substances
are formed during a physical change. Examples include melting ice (from solid to liquid) and
evaporating water (from liquid to gas).
Chemical Change: Chemical changes are changes in which the substances involved are
transformed into new substances with different properties. Chemical bonds are broken
Physical and Chemical Changes
and new bonds are formed. Examples include burning wood (producing ash and smoke),
digesting food (breaking down complex molecules into simpler ones), and rusting iron
(forming iron oxide).
ii. Equations for Combustion, Rusting, and Ammonia Formation:
Combustion: Combustion is the reaction of a substance with oxygen to produce heat and
light. The general equation for the combustion of a hydrocarbon (like methane, CH4) is:
CH4 + 2O2 -> CO2 + 2H2O
Rusting: Rusting is the corrosion of iron in the presence of oxygen and moisture. The
equation for rusting can be simplified as:
4Fe + 3O2 + 6H2O -> 4Fe(OH)3 (iron(III) hydroxide, rust)
Ammonia Formation: The formation of ammonia (NH3) can be represented by the equation:
N2 + 3H2 -> 2NH3
Reversible Reactions: Reversible reactions are chemical reactions that can proceed in both
the forward and reverse directions. In other words, the products of a reversible reaction can
react together to form the original reactants.
Examples include the dissociation of water into hydrogen and oxygen (2H2O <-> 2H2 + O2)
and the equilibrium reaction between carbon dioxide and water to form carbonic acid
(CO2 + H2O <-> H2CO3).
iv. Changes Observed During a Chemical Reaction:
• Change in color
• Formation of a precipitate (solid)
• Evolution of gas (bubbles)
• Change in temperature (heat is absorbed or released)
• Change in odor
• Formation of a new substance with different properties
6. Think About It:
a) Compounds that contain carbon and hydrogen are called hydrocarbons.
b) The gas produced when carbon burns in a good supply of oxygen is carbon dioxide (CO2).
c) Word equation for the burning of hydrogen in oxygen:
2H2 + O2 -> 2H2O
d) The reactants of the above reaction are hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2).
e) The products of the above reaction are water vapor (H2O). a) Methane (CH4) contains the
elements carbon (C) and hydrogen (H). Octane (C8H18) also contains carbon and hydrogen.
a) Methane (CH4) contains the elements carbon (C) and hydrogen (H). Octane (C8H18) also
contains carbon and hydrogen.
b) When methane is burnt, the two compounds formed are carbon dioxide (CO2) and water
vapor (H2O).
c) The formulae for the two products formed when methane is burnt are CO2 and H2O.
d) Word equation for the burning of methane:
CH4 + 2O2 -> CO2 + 2H2O
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
06 Chemical Bonds
Student Book Pages 75-83
Learning Outcomes: • When an atom gains electrons (anions), it
• Define valency and explain the formation of ions. becomes negatively charged, and when it loses
electrons(cations), it becomes positively charged.
• Write chemical formulae on the basis of valency of the • The term "ion" refers to a charged atom, regardless
constituent elements. such as H2O NaCl, NH3, CO, CO2, of the sign of the charge.
• A chemical formula is a scientific notation that
• Recognize that a chemical bond results from the uses atomic symbols and numerical subscripts to
attraction between atoms in a compound and that the show the number and type of atoms present in a
atoms’ electrons are involved in this bonding. molecule.e.g. H2O, CH4 etc.
• Chemical bonding is the joining of atoms,
molecules, or ions to form more complex and stable
Keywords compounds with changed physical and chemical
chemical bonds, ionic bonds, covalent • Depending on the type of bonded atoms, there are
bonds, electrostatic forces, single various types of chemical bonding, each with its
covalent bond, double covalent bond, own unique bonding mechanism:
triple covalent bond, mutual sharing o Covalent Bond: It happens when
nonmetallic atoms with similar (usually high)
electronegativities combine to share electrons
from their last orbit and form a stable chemical
• The valency of an atom is its ability to combine. o Ionic bonding: It is formed by the union of
The valency of an element expresses the number metallic and non-metallic atoms via electron
of bonds that an atom can form as part of a transfer from the metal to the non-metal. Thus,
compound. electrically charged ions, cations (+) and anions
(-), are formed, which are electrostatically
• The number of protons in most atoms equals the attracted to each other, forming the bond.
number of electrons. This means that an atom
normally has no charge.
• Define valency and explain the formation of ions. Useful Link
Chemical Bonds
four. A person with four hands can hold the hands of four others at the same time, whereas
a person with no hands can never hold any hand. Similarly, some atoms can only hold one
electron, while others can hold two, three, four, or none. This property is known as valency.
• Ask students to try to tell the valency of some elements.
• Students will tell the valency of the element asked by the teacher.
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
Evaluate: (5 min)
Ask students to complete Discuss and Answer on page 77 of student book.
Home Assignment:
Draw the atomic structure of the following elements and write the number of valence electrons for
each element.
• Potassium
• Sulfur
• Silicon
• Boron
Complete Q2 on page 38 of workbook.
Lesson Plan 2 Student Book pages Time Workbook pages
Chemical Formulae 78-79 45 Minutes -
• Write chemical formulae on the basis of valency of the constituent elements. such as HO NaCl,
NH3, CO, CO, etc
Useful Link
• Whiteboard and markers or chalkboard and chalk
• Projector and screen
• Periodic table
• Modeling kits or balls and sticks for atoms and molecules (optional)
• Worksheets with blank chemical formulas
• Pencils and erasers
Engage: (5 min)
Begin by displaying models of common compounds such as H2O (water), NaCl (table salt), NH3
(ammonia), CO2 (carbon dioxide), and CO (carbon monoxide). Inquire about the similarities and
differences between these substances. Hold a brief discussion about the significance of chemical
formulas and their necessity.
Explain: (10 min)
• Introduce the concept of valency, defining it as the number of electrons that an atom can lose,
gain, or share to achieve a stable electron configuration.
• Discuss how atoms combine to form compounds by transferring or sharing electrons in order to
achieve a stable state. The periodic table can be used to show the valency of common elements.
• Explain how chemical formulas represent the atom-to-atom ratio of a compound and how the
valency of each element determines this ratio.
Explore: (15 min)
• Give students blank worksheets with the chemical symbols of elements (H, O, N, C, Na, Cl, and
so on) and their valency.
• Use the valency information provided to have students work individually or in groups to write the
chemical formulas for common compounds such as H2O, NaCl, NH3, CO2, and CO.
• Walk around the classroom to assist students and clear up any confusion.
Chemical Bonds
Elaborate: (10 min)
• Display the correct chemical formulas (H2O, NaCl, NH3, CO2, CO) on the board and explain them
step by step.
• Discuss how subscripts are used to represent the number of atoms in a compound.
• Ask students to complete Concept Check on page 82 of student book.
Evaluate: (5 min)
Ask students to complete Q3 on page 82 of student book.
Home assignment:
• Research and write down the chemical formulas for three common household compounds. Also
list the valency of each compound's constituent elements.
• Example compounds are:
• Table sugar (sucrose)
• Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)
• Vinegar (acetic acid)
• Complete Q1 on page 38 of workbook.
Lesson Plan 3 Student Book pages Time Workbook pages
Chemical Bond 80 45 Minutes 41
• Recognize that a chemical bond results from the attraction between atoms in a compound and
that the atoms’ electrons are involved in this bonding.
Resources: Keywords
• pictures of covalent bond and ionic bond Chemical bonds
• index cards with the name and chemical formula of compounds Ionic bonds
• periodic table of elements Covalent bonds
• gumdrops
• glue Useful Link
• marker
• poster board
Engage: (5 min)
Warm-up activity:
Paste the pictures of
1. Covalent Bond
2. Ionic Bond
• Ask students to discuss the pictures in pairs.
• Students will discuss and make notes of their discussion.
• Ask students what they have observed about these pictures and then relate their observation
with your explanation of the topic.
• Students will share what they already know or what they guess from the pictures.
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
Chemical Bonds
Worksheet 1:
Number of Electrons:
2. Boro
Number of Electrons:
3. Argon
Number of Electrons:
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
Worksheet 2:
Non- Non-
Metal Metal
Metal Metal
Chemical Bonds
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
Copper Chlorine
CuCl2 Ionic
Metal Non-metal
Calcium Oxygen
CaO Ionic
Metal Non-metal
Nitrogen Oxygen
NO2 Covalent
Non-metal Non-metal
Iron Oxygen
Fe2O3 Ionic
Metal Non-metal
Hydrogen Oxygen
H2O Covalent
Non-metal Non-metal
Nitrogen Oxygen
NO2 Covalent
Non-metal Non-metal
Magnesium Boron
MgBr2 Ionic
Metal Non-metal
Sulpher Oxygen
SO2 Covalent
Non-metal Non-metal
Chemical Bonds
Exercise Answers
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
07 Student Book Pages 84-92
• Demonstrate the process of solution formation (using • A solution is a uniform mixture of one or more
water as universal solvent). components.
• A solution is made up of two parts: a solvent and a
• Distinguish among solute, solvent and solution; solute.
saturated and unsaturated solution.
• The solvent is the component that dissolves the
• Define solubility. other component. In general, the solvent is present
• Recognize that the amount of solute which dissolves in in greater abundance than the solute.
a given solvent has an upper limit. • Solute refers to the components that are dissolved
in the solvent.
• Identify the factors which affect the solubility of a solute
in a solvent and recognize the importance of these • A liquid solution is made up of a solid, liquid, or gas
factors in homes and industries. that has been dissolved in a liquid solvent.
• The examples below show the solvent and solute in
• Explain what is meant by a concentrated and dilute some solutions.
• Air is a gaseous mixture that is homogeneous. Both
• Identify ways of accelerating the process of dissolving the solvent and the solute are gases in this case.
materials in a given amount of water and provide • Sugar syrup is a solution made by dissolving sugar
reasoning (i.e., increasing the temperature, stirring, and in water.
breaking the solid into smaller pieces increases the
process of dissolving). • Water serves as the solvent, and sugar serves as
the solute.
• Explore the effectiveness of various cleaning solutions • Iodine tincture is an iodine-in-alcohol solution. The
in cleaning tarnished and oxidized coins. (STEAM)
solute is iodine, and the solvent is alcohol
• Make a rock candy with sugar using crystal seeding
technique. (STEAM)
solute, solvent, solution, solubility, concentrated, saturated, dilute, dissolving, soluble, insoluble,
rate, surface area, stirring
Objective: Keywords
• Demonstrate the process of solution formation (using water as universal
solvent). Solution
• Distinguish among solute, solvent and solution; saturated and Homogenous
unsaturated solution. Solute
• Recognize that the amount of solute which dissolves in a given solvent Solvent
has an upper limit.
Useful Link
• Salt (solute)
• Water (solvent)
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
at all. Additionally, investigate how temperature affects solubility by testing a substance's solubility in
hot and cold water.
Complete Q6 on page 45 of workbook.
Lesson Plan 2 Student Book pages Time Workbook pages
Solubility 86 45 Minutes -
Useful Link
• Define solubility.
• Identify ways of accelerating the process of dissolving
materials in a given amount of water and provide reasoning
(i.e., increasing the temperature, stirring, and breaking the
solid into smaller pieces increases the process of dissolving).
Engage: (5 min)
Hand-On Activity
• Make a glass of squash with squash and sugar.
• Students will get excited to see that why the teacher is making juice today in the lesson.
• This will help gain the interest of students in the lecture.
• Explain to the students that
when you make a sugary drink from a squash, you dissolve two substances (the squash and
sugar) into a uniform solution.
• Solubility refers to a chemical substance's (or solute's) ability to dissolve in a solvent (usually a
liquid) and form a homogeneous solution.
Explain: (10 min)
• Solubility is the maximum amount of solute that can dissolve in a defined quantity of solvent at a
given temperature.
• A solute is any substance that can be solid, liquid, or gas when dissolved in a solvent.
• A solution is a liquid that is a homogeneous mixture of one or more solutes in a solvent.
• A common example of a solution is adding sugar cubes to a cup of tea or coffee.
• Solubility is the property that allows sugar molecules to dissolve. As a result, solubility can be
defined as a substance's (solute's) ability to dissolve in a given solvent.
Explore: (15 min)
Scientific Inquiry
• Students will predict and test the solubility of several similar-looking materials in this activity.
This activity will help students think critically about common substances and how they will (or
will not) dissolve.
• The teacher will provide the following materials.
• A variety of common white powders and crystals (e.g. sugar, flour, cornstarch, several varieties
of salt, baking soda)
• Plates made of paper
• Stirring rods
• Water
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
• Explain what is meant by a concentrated and dilute solution.
• two glasses of water
• blue ink
• Three test tubes
• a test tube holder Useful Link
• a measuring flask
• a spoon
• copper sulphate
Engage:(5 min)
Warm-up Activity:
• Show students two glasses of water, one with a few drops of blue ink and the other with more.
• The students will observe the two glasses.
• Ask students: What is the difference between these two solutions?
• Expected Answer:
• One is light blue and another is dark blue
• Explain the reason for this colour difference by introducing the concept of Dilute and
concentrated solutions.
Explain: (10 min)
• A concentrated solution is a liquid with a high solute concentration. A dilute solution of dissolved
salt from a well in drinking water. By looking at a colourless watery solution, it is impossible to
tell whether it is dilute or concentrated. However, when looking at coloured solutions of different
concentration levels, we can tell which one is dilute and which one is concentrated. We can
differentiate between concentrated and diluted coloured solutions as:
• Diluted solution: A dilute solution is formed when a small amount of solute is dissolved in a
relatively large amount of solvent.
• Concentrated solution: A concentrated solution is one in which the amount of solute dissolved is
relatively large in comparison to the amount of solvent.
Explore: (10 min)
STEM Activity:
• The teacher will provide: Three test tubes, a test tube holder, a measuring flask, a spoon, copper
sulphate, and water
• The teacher will demonstrate the experiment.
• Students will:
• Take three thoroughly cleaned test tubes. Now, one by one, place the test tubes in a test tube
holder. Using a measuring flask, fill each tube with 5 millilitres of water. Now add 1 spoon of
copper sulphate to the first test tube, 2 spoons to the second test tube, and the remaining 3
spoons to the third test tube. Then, thoroughly shake the test tubes until the copper sulphate
grains are completely dissolved. Set the test tubes back in their original positions in the test tube
• Ask students: Do all of the solutions have the same shade of blue?
With less copper sulphate, the solution appears less blue. This indicates that the solution is less
dilute. As the amount of copper sulphate is increased, the colour of the solutions gradually deepens.
With the addition of copper sulphate, the solution has become more concentrated rather than
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
Elaborate: (10 min)
Stem Activity
• Ask students:
• We know how to convert a diluted solution into a concentrated solution. Now, can you convert a
concentrated solution to a dilute solution?
• Let the students think of the idea themselves to convert the concentrated solution into the dilute
• Most of the students will be able to understand that by adding more solvent, we can convert the
concentrated solution into a dilute solution.
• Observe the students to see if they are doing the task correctly.
• In the end, explain to the students that we can make a concentrated solution by adding more
solute, and we can convert a concentrated solution into a dilute solution by adding more solvent
into the solution.
Evaluate: (5 min)
Worksheet 2 will be given to the students.
Home Assignment:
Make concentrated and diluted solutions with anything that you will find in the kitchen, and share
your experience with the class in the next lesson.
Lesson Plan 4 Student Book pages Time Workbook pages
Factors Affecting Solubility 107 45 Minutes -
• Identify the factors which affect the solubility of a solute in a solvent and recognize the
importance of these factors in homes and industries.
• Identify ways of accelerating the process of dissolving materials in a given amount of water and
provide reasoning (i.e., increasing the temperature, stirring, and breaking the solid into smaller
pieces increases the process of dissolving).
Useful Link
• a clear container filled with water
• a coloured solid (such as sugar or salt).
Engage: (5 mins)
• Start the lesson with a visual demonstration of dissolving. Display a clear container filled with
water and a coloured solid (such as sugar or salt).
• Instruct students to observe what happens and to discuss the dissolving process. Pose
questions such as, "What changes do you notice when the solid is added to the water?"
• Why do you believe the solid vanishes in water?
• Can you think of anything that could influence how quickly the solid dissolves?
Explain: (10 mins)
• Explain dissolving as the process by which a solid solute dissolves and disperses uniformly in a
solvent, resulting in a homogeneous mixture known as a solution.
• Discuss the following factors that can hasten the dissolution process:
• Temperature: Raising the temperature of the solvent increases the rate of dissolution because
it provides more kinetic energy for particles to collide and break the bonds that hold the solute
• Stirring or agitation: Agitating the mixture through stirring or shaking increases the contact
between the solute and solvent, allowing for faster dissolution.
• Surface area: By breaking the solid solute into smaller pieces, the surface area increases,
providing more contact points with the solvent and speeding up the dissolving process.
• Give examples and real-life scenarios to demonstrate how these variables affect the rate of
Explore: (15 mins)
• Conduct a series of experiments in which students investigate the factors that influence
dissolving rate.
• Experiment 1: Have students dissolve equal amounts of a solute (such as sugar or salt) in various
temperatures of water and time how long it takes for complete dissolution.
• Experiment 2: Students can compare the rate of solute dissolution in still water versus stirred or
agitated water.
• Experiment 3: Students can compare the rate of a solute's dissolution in whole versus crushed
or powdered form.
• Students can design their own experiments in small groups to investigate additional factors that
may influence the rate of dissolving.
• Encourage students to take notes and measurements during the experiments, and to participate
in discussions to explain their findings based on the factors discussed.
Elaborate: (10 mins)
• Assign students to conduct research and present on a specific application where accelerating
the dissolving process is critical. Cooking, pharmaceuticals, and industrial processes are some
• Students should explain the importance of fast dissolving in their presentations, describe the
factors that can be manipulated to speed up the process, and provide real-life examples or case
Home Assignment:
• Research real-world examples of substances with varying solubilities in different solvents.
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
• Provide specific examples and scenarios in which substances dissolve well or poorly in various
• Complete Q10 on page 46 of workbook.
Lesson Plan 5 Student Book pages Time Workbook pages
Make a Rock Candy 108 45 Minutes -
• Make a rock candy with sugar using crystal seeding Useful Link
technique. (STEAM)
Engage: (5 mins)
• Begin the lesson by displaying a sample of rock candy or
pictures of various crystals.
• Inquire if students have ever seen or tasted rock candy. Talk about their observations and
• In order to facilitate a discussion, ask questions such as:
o What is rock candy made of, in your opinion?
o How do you believe crystals form?
o Are there any other examples of crystals in everyday life that you can think of?
Explain: (10 mins)
• Explain that rock candy is a type of crystallised sugar formed by a process known as crystal
• Discuss the concept of crystal seeding, which involves introducing a small seed crystal into
a supersaturated sugar solution and allowing more sugar molecules to join the crystal lattice,
resulting in larger sugar crystals.
• Explain how crystals form using the principles of solubility, saturation, and evaporation.
• Give an overview of the chemical and physical processes that contribute to the formation of rock
Explore: (15 mins)
• Divide the class into small groups and give each group the following materials:
• Jars or containers made of glass
• Strings or wooden skewers
• Preparation of a supersaturated sugar solution
• Extra sugar to coat the seed crystals
• Instruct the groups to prepare their rock candy as follows:
• To serve as seed crystals, coat the wooden skewers or strings with sugar.
• In the supersaturated sugar solution, dip the coated skewers or strings.
• Allow the skewers or strings to hang freely in the glass jars or containers.
• Encourage students to record their daily observations, including changes in crystal size and
Elaborate: (10 mins)
• Allow each group to present their rock candy creations to the class, explaining their process and
• Facilitate a class discussion about the factors that can influence the growth of sugar crystals,
such as temperature, time, and sugar solution concentration.
• Engage students in a brainstorming session to discuss other variables that could be manipulated
to influence crystal growth, such as stirring the solution, using different types of sugar, or adding
flavourings or colorings.
Evaluate: (5 mins)
Examine their understanding by assessing their explanations of the scientific principles underlying
the formation of rock candy crystals.
Home Assignment:
• Design and conduct your own crystal growth investigation using your knowledge of crystal
formation from the rock candy experiment.
• Steps:
• choose a solute (substance to crystallize) for your experiment.
• Identify a solvent (liquid in which the solute will dissolve) for your chosen solute.
• Formulate a hypothesis.
• Create a detailed experimental plan, including materials, procedure, and variables to be tested
(e.g., changing the temperature or stirring frequency).
Lesson Plan 6 Student Book pages Time Workbook pages
Effectiveness of Various 108 45 Minutes -
Cleaning Solutions in Cleaning
Tarnished and Oxidized Coin
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
Worksheet 1:
Worksheet 7.1:
1. Define Solubility:
solubility curve:
i. At 20 °C, which salt is the least soluble in water?
Grams of Solute/100-g H2O
H 4
iii. Which salt changes its solubility the least from 0
to 100 °C? lO 4
Temperature (°C)
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
Worksheet 2:
1. Define Solubility:
Solvent Solution
Grams of Solute/100-g H2O
116g Cl
H 4
iii. Which salt changes its solubility the least from 0 to NaCl
100 °C?
lO 4
Temperature (°C)
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
Can dissolve significantly Can dissolve a bit more No more solute can be
more solute. solute. dissolved.
Exercise Answers
1. Choose the correct answer:
i. d) adding a solute to a solvent
ii. b) dilute
iii. b) oil
iv. a) 100 g of liquid
2. Fill in the Blanks:
i. Aziz added sugar to his tea until no more would dissolve. He had made a saturated solution.
ii. Sugar will dissolve in water because it is soluble.
iii. Flour will not dissolve in water because it is insoluble.
iv. To produce sugar from a sugar solution, you need to allow the water to evaporate.
v. As temperature increases, the solubility is also increased.
1. i. Two factors or variables that should have been kept the same in order to make sure the
experiment was a fair test are:
• The type and amount of fruit jelly used in each trial.
• The stirring method or technique used to dissolve the jelly in water.
ii. To plot a graph of the students' results, follow these instructions:
• Label the x-axis (horizontal) as "Temperature (0C)" and the y-axis (vertical) as "Time for
jelly to dissolve (minutes)."
• Plot the data points on the graph for each temperature and the corresponding time it
took for the jelly to dissolve.
• Draw a line of best fit that goes through the data points.
iii. Circle the point on the graph that appears to be an outlier or seems wrong.
iv. a) The conclusion, "The temperature of the water did affect how quickly the jelly
dissolved," is not very scientific because it lacks specific details and quantitative
information. It doesn't explain how the temperature affected the dissolution process.
b) A more scientific conclusion could be: "As the temperature of the water increased, the
time taken for the jelly to dissolve decreased, indicating that higher temperatures lead to
faster dissolution rates."
4. Short Answer Questions:
i. The mass of the solution when 20 g of salt is dissolved in 100 g of water is 120 g (20 g salt +
100 g water).
ii. A solution is a homogeneous mixture in which a solute is uniformly distributed in a solvent.
Examples of solutions include saltwater (salt dissolved in water) and sugar dissolved in tea.
iii. When salt is dissolved in water, salt is the solute, and water is the solvent.
iv. Another name for a weak solution is a dilute solution.
v. A saturated solution is a solution in which the solvent has dissolved the maximum amount of
solute that it can at a given temperature and pressure.
vi. The most plentiful liquid solution on Earth is seawater.
vii. One common solvent other than water is ethanol (alcohol
viii. Solubility of a substance refers to the maximum amount of solute that can dissolve in a given
amount of solvent at a specific temperature and pressure.
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
•Chemical reactions (reactants and products dissolved in solvents)
•Cleaning agents (detergent solutions)
•Industrial processes (chemical solutions for various purposes)
Think about it:
i. Temperature has a significant effect on the solubility of these solids in water. As the
temperature increases from 20 0C to 80 0C, the amount of each solid that can dissolve in
water generally increases.
At 80 0C, all three substances (A, B, and C) dissolve more compared to their respective
amounts at 20 0C. This suggests that higher temperatures lead to greater solubility for these
solids in water.
ii. Which substance is the most soluble in water at 20 0C?
Substance C is the most soluble in water at 20 0C, as it dissolves the largest amount (35.8
grams) among the three substances at that temperature.
iii. Which substance is the least soluble in water at 80 0C?
Substance C is the least soluble in water at 80 0C, as it dissolves the smallest amount (38.6
grams) among the three substances at that temperature.
Learning Objective:
• Describe the effect of force on changing the speed and direction of
motion with time. Force
• Define and state the SI unit of force. Push
Engage: (5 min)
Warm-up Activity Newton
• Put a ball on the ground. Ask the students how they can move this ball.
• Ask one of the students to move the ball.
Forces and Motion
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
Learning Objective:
• Distinguish between balanced and unbalanced forces.
• Demonstrate that forces always work in action and reaction pairs (equal Opposite
in magnitude, opposite in direction) Equal
• Book
• A wooden block
• Thread
• Pen and paper Useful Link
• White board and marker
Engage: (5 min)
• Put a book on the table.
• Ask the students:
What forces are acting on the book?
• The student’s answers may vary.
• Draw the diagram on the board and use arrows to show and explain the forces acting on the
• You can also call two students and instruct them to pull each other. If the students are unable to
move each other, explain that this is due to the forces being balanced. Then call another student
Forces and Motion
and instruct him to join the student on one side and instruct them to pull each other now. The
side with two students will most likely be able to move a student towards them. Explain to the
students that this is due to unbalanced forces on both sides.
Explain: (10 min)
When forces applied to a body are equal in magnitude but in opposite directions, the net force acting
on the body is referred to as Balanced Force. A balanced force is defined as two equal forces acting
on a body in exactly opposite directions.
1. There will be no winner when two arm wrestlers exert a similar force on each other but push
against each other in opposite directions. As a result, the net force (resultant force) is zero or
2. If the rope does not move in a tug of war, the two teams are exerting equal but opposing
balanced forces on the rope. As a result, the net force or resultant force on the rope is zero.
• The force is unbalanced when an unequal amount of force is applied to the body in the same
or opposite direction. Thus, a force is said to be unbalanced if it consists of two opposing
forces acting on a body that are not equal in magnitude and size. When an unbalanced
force is applied to a body, it changes its state of motion as well as the direction in which the
magnitude of the force is greater.
1. When you kick a football, it moves from one location to another, indicating that the forces acting
on the football are unbalanced.
2. In a tug of war, if one side pulls the rope with more force than the opposing side, the rope will
move in the direction of the greater force.
Explore: (15 min)
STEM Activity
• Hang a wooden block with thread and ask the students:
• How many forces are acting on the block?
• What is the force acting downward on a block?
• What forces are acting upwards on the block?
• Draw a diagram of the block, thread, and hand on the board, with two arrows representing the
two forces, and ask:
• Why is the block at rest?
• Ask a student to cut the thread and explain what happens to the block now.
• Draw a diagram of the block and the thread on the board after the thread has been cut, with
an arrow representing one force, and ask: "How many forces are acting on the block after the
thread has been cut?"
• Is the force in balance or out of balance?
• Explain to the students that unbalanced force causes the object to move.
• Write the following conclusions on the board:
• When two forces acting on a body produce no motion in it, the forces are said to be balanced.
When two forces acting on a body produce motion in it, the forces are said to be unbalanced.
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
Elaborate: (5 min)
Flash Cards
• Make flash cards showing the pictures of different situations like:
1. A tug of war when the rope is not moving.
2. A glass on the table.
3. A child riding a bicycle.
4. A falling vase etc.
• Show the flashcards one at a time to the class and ask to tell the force shown in the image is
balanced or unbalanced.
• Students will tell by looking at the picture that the force shown in the picture is balanced or
Evaluate: (5 min)
• Give worksheet 2 to solve.
• Complete Concept Check page 101 of student book.
Home Assignment:
• In your notebook, paste the images demonstrating balanced and unbalanced forces.
• Attempt Q3 on page 106 of student book.
Lesson Plan 3 Student Book pages Time Workbook pages
Speed 102 45 Minutes -
• Formulate the relationship between speed, distance, and time. Keywords
• State SI (System International) unit of speed. Speed
Engage: (5 mins)
• Begin the lesson by having students consider situations in which they
must consider speed, distance, and time. Travelling, sports, or even
everyday activities like walking to school are examples.
• To facilitate a class discussion, ask questions such as, Useful Link
o What is speed? What would you call it?
o What do you think the relationships between speed,
distance, and time are?
o Can you think of any real-world examples where speed, distance, and time are critical?
Explain: (10 mins)
• Explain that speed is the rate at which an object moves. It is defined as the distance traveled per
unit of time.
• Introduce the speed calculation formula: Speed = Distance/Time.
• Talk about the SI (System International) unit of speed, which is meters per second (m/s).
• Give examples to demonstrate the concepts of speed, distance, and time, as well as how they
are related.
Forces and Motion
Objective: Keywords
• Calculate average speed.
Average speed
• Interpret a distance-time graph.
Resources: Graph
• White board
• Projector/graphing software
• Pen and paper
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
Forces and Motion
Time = 30 minutes = 0.5 hours
For Tuesday:
Distance = 8 kilometers
Time = 40 minutes = 0.67 hours
Total Distance = 6 + 8 = 14 kilometers
Total Time = 0.5 + 0.67 = 1.17 hours
Average Speed = Total Distance / Total Time
Average Speed = 14 kilometers / 1.17 hours
Calculating the average speed:
Average Speed ≈ 11.97 kilometers per hour
Therefore, Ali's average speed for the two days is approximately 11.97 kilometers per hour.
• You can give students similar problems with varying distances and times to practice calculating
average speed using the given formula.
Home Assignment:
• Measure the time it takes for you to walk or run a certain distance in your neighborhood (e.g.,
from your house to a nearby park or store). Divide the distance by the time taken to get your
average speed. Next, on a piece of paper, draw a simple distance-time graph with time on the
x-axis and distance on the y-axis to represent your walk or run. Analyze the graph and explain
how your speed changed throughout the activity.
• Give worksheet 8.3 to solve at home.
• Attempt Q2 on page 49 of workbook.
Lesson Plan 5 Student Book pages Time Workbook pages
Types of Forces 105-107 45 Minutes 50
Objective: Keywords
Give examples of contact forces and non-contact forces
Contact forces
Resources: Non-contact
• Whiteboard and markers or chalkboard and chalk forces
• Projector and screen (optional) Friction
• Various objects (e.g., books, magnets, rubber bands, balloons, paper Gravity
clips, marbles)
• Spring scales or force sensors (optional)
• Pencils and erasers
Engage: (5 min)
• Start the lesson by having students consider the forces they encounter in their daily lives.
• Demonstrate common force scenarios, such as pushing a door, playing with magnets, or pulling
a rubber band.
• Encourage students to share their observations and experiences with forces.
Explain: (10 min)
• Introduce the concept of forces and explain that there are two types of forces: contact forces
and non-contact forces.
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
• Contact forces are defined as those that require physical contact between objects, whereas non-
contact forces act without direct physical contact.
• Give examples of contact forces (such as friction, tension, and applied force) as well as non-
contact forces (such as gravity, magnetism, and electrostatic force).
Explore: (15 min)
• Students should be divided into small groups.
• Books, magnets, rubber bands, balloons, paper clips, and marbles should be distributed to each
• Instruct each group to examine the objects and determine whether the forces they see are
contact or non-contact.
• Ask students to record their findings on a worksheet.
Elaborate: (10 min)
• Allow each group to present their findings to the class and explain why they classified the forces
as contact or non-contact.
• Conduct a hands-on demonstration using spring scales or force sensors to measure forces
in various scenarios, such as stretching a rubber band (contact force) and the force of gravity
acting on an object (non-contact force).
• As an example of contact force, discuss the concept of contact area and how it affects friction.
Evaluate: (5 min)
• Distribute a brief quiz or worksheet containing questions about contact and non-contact forces.
• Example:
• Question 1: Determine whether the following scenarios involve contact (C) or non-contact (NC)
o A person pushing a car to get it moving.
o A magnet attracting a metal paperclip.
• Question 2: Explain whether the force described in each scenario is contact or non-contact. Give
a brief explanation for your choice.
o Scenario 1: A soccer ball rolling on the grass comes to a stop.
o Scenario 2: A satellite orbiting Earth
• Complete Q5 (iii) on page 110 of student book
Home Assignment:
• Identify and document three real-life examples of contact forces encountered while performing
daily activities.
• Identify and document three real-world examples of non-contact forces in your environment.
• Create a one-page presentation that explains how the forces act and why they are classified as
contact or non-contact.
• Complete Q4-5 on page 50 of workbook.
Forces and Motion
Flashcards Lesson 2
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
Worksheet 1:
Forces and Motion
Worksheet 2:
1. A rope is being pulled in opposite directions by forces of 100 N and 80 N. What will the
net force on the rope be?
100 N 80 N
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
Worksheet 3:
Interpret the following graph and identify the speed of the object :
Forces and Motion
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
1. A rope is being pulled in opposite directions by forces of 100 N and 80 N. What will the net
force on the rope be?
100 N 80 N
Because the forces are acting in opposite directions, the net force on the rope is equal to the
difference of the two forces acting on the rope.
Forces and Motion
Interpret the following graph and identify the speed of the object :
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
Exercise Answers
1. Choose the Correct Answer:
i. b) Toward the left
ii. b) The magnitude of the force
iii. b) A fan blowing a student’s hair
iv. b) Newton meter
v. c) metres per second
2. Fill in the Blanks:
i. In science, a push or a pull in a given direction is called a force.
ii. The force that pulls a falling object toward the Earth is called gravity.
iii. The head of the force arrow indicates the direction of the force.
iv. The force that one surface exerts on another when they rub against each other is called
v. The distance-time graph which shows that the object is at rest will be a horizontal line.
3. Look at the Following Diagrams:
i. What is the net force acting on the blocks?
(a) The net force is zero because the forces on each block are balanced.
(b) The net force is 5N.
4. Short Answer Questions:
i. Forces acting on an object are balanced when the net force on the object is zero.
ii. Which of the forces acting in the examples below are balanced?
a) A cell phone resting on the counter: Balanced
b) A picture hanging on the wall: Balanced
c) Any object with no motion: Balanced
d) Pushing a lawnmower across the yard: Unbalanced
e) A skydiver falling towards the ground: Unbalanced
5. Contact Forces: Contact forces are forces that act on an object when it is physically touching
or in direct contact with another object. These forces result from the interaction between the
surfaces of objects in contact. Examples of contact forces include:
Friction (e.g., the force that opposes the motion of a sliding book on a table)
Tension (e.g., the force exerted by a rope when pulling an object)
Normal Force (e.g., the force exerted by a surface to support the weight of an object)
Non-contact Forces: Non-contact forces are forces that act on an object without direct physical
contact between the objects involved. These forces can act over a distance due to fields or
interactions between objects. Examples of non-contact forces include:
Gravity (e.g., the force of Earth's gravity pulling objects towards it)
Electrostatic Force (e.g., the force between charged particles, like the attraction or repulsion
between charged objects)
Magnetic Force (e.g., the force between magnets or the interaction between a magnet and a
magnetic material)
Forces and Motion
6. i. When the net force on an object is zero, the object will either remain at rest or continue to
move at a constant velocity. This is described by Newton's First Law of Motion, which states
that an object at rest tends to stay at rest, and an object in motion tends to stay in motion
with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.
In other words, if the net force is zero, there is no acceleration, and the object's motion does
not change.
ii. When the net force on an object is not zero, the object will accelerate in the direction of the
net force. The acceleration is directly proportional to the magnitude of the net force and
inversely proportional to the object's mass (F = ma, where F is the net force, m is the mass,
and a is the acceleration). This means that the object will either speed up, slow down, or
change direction, depending on the direction and magnitude of the net force. The greater the
net force, the greater the acceleration, and the more significant the change in motion.
7. Mass: Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object. It is a scalar quantity and is
measured in units such as kilograms (kg) or grams (g). Mass remains the same regardless of the
location of the object and is a fundamental property of matter.
Weight: Weight is the force exerted on an object due to gravity. It is a vector quantity and is
measured in units of force, such as newtons (N) or pounds (lb). Weight depends on both the
mass of the object and the gravitational field strength at its location.
8. The weight of a body will change if the gravitational force acting on it changes. Weight is
directly proportional to the strength of the gravitational field. If the gravitational force increases,
the weight of the body will increase, and if the gravitational force decreases, the weight of the
body will decrease. Weight can be calculated using the formula: Weight = Mass × Gravitational
9. Gravitational Force and Electrostatic Force are both fundamental forces of nature that act at a
• They are both long-range forces, meaning they can act over large distances without direct
• They both follow the inverse square law, where the force decreases with the square of the
distance between the objects.
• Both forces are attractive when objects have opposite properties (e.g., mass and charge)
and repulsive when they have the same properties.
10. Electrostatic force, magnetic force, and gravitational force differ in several ways:
1. Origin:
Gravitational Force: It arises from mass and affects all objects with mass.
Electrostatic Force: It arises from electric charges and affects charged objects.
Magnetic Force: It results from magnetic fields and moving charges.
2. Interaction:
Gravitational Force: Always attractive, acts on all masses.
Electrostatic Force: Attractive or repulsive, acts on charged objects.
Magnetic Force: Attractive or repulsive, acts on magnetic or moving charges.
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
3. Range:
Gravitational Force: Long-range, affects celestial bodies.
Electrostatic Force: Long-range, depends on charge magnitudes.
Magnetic Force: Shorter range, most influential at close distances.
4. Force Carriers:
Gravitational Force: No force carriers.
Electrostatic Force: Mediated by photons.
Magnetic Force: Mediated by virtual particles, including photons.
Long answer questions:
i. The difference between speed and average speed is as follows:
1. Speed:
• Speed is a scalar quantity that measures the rate at which an object covers a certain distance.
• It represents the magnitude of the object's velocity and does not specify the direction of motion.
• Speed is calculated by dividing the distance traveled by the time taken, and its unit is typically
meters per second (m/s) in the International System of Units (SI).
2. Average Speed:
• Average speed is also a scalar quantity that represents the overall rate of motion of an object
over a certain time interval.
• It is calculated by dividing the total distance traveled by the total time taken during a specific
• Average speed provides a single value that summarizes the entire journey's speed, regardless of
any variations in speed that may have occurred.
• Like speed, the unit of average speed is typically meters per second (m/s).
1. Accounts for Variability: Average speed takes into account any variations in an object's
speed during its motion. In real-world scenarios, objects often do not move at a constant
speed but may accelerate, decelerate, or change direction. Average speed considers all
these changes.
2. Overall Performance: Average speed provides a single value that summarizes the entire
journey's speed, making it easier to compare the overall performance of different objects or
analyze the efficiency of a journey.
3. Simplicity: Average speed simplifies complex motion patterns. It is especially useful when
analyzing motion over extended periods, where it's not practical to track an object's speed
at every instant.
4. Planning and Decision-Making: Average speed is crucial for practical purposes like
navigation, transportation, and logistics. It helps in planning routes, estimating travel times,
and making decisions about efficient resource utilization.
5. Realistic Representation: Instantaneous speed may not represent the true speed of an object
during a journey. By calculating average speed, we get a more realistic representation of
how quickly the object covered the entire distance.
6. Safety: In contexts like traffic safety or sports, average speed may be more relevant for
assessing risks and determining safe speeds. It reflects the overall behavior of an object or
Forces and Motion
Think about it:
i. To calculate the speed of the train, you would use the formula: Speed = Distance / Time. Given
that it covers 120 m in 2 s, the speed would be 120 m / 2 s = 60 m/s.
To calculate the time taken to cover 240 m, you would rearrange the formula: Time = Distance /
Speed, which gives Time = 240 m / 60 m/s = 4 s.
ii. To find the total distance of Ahmed's journey, we can use the formula:
Total Distance = (Speed1 × Time1) + (Speed2 × Time2)
In this case, for the first part of the journey:
Speed1 = 65 km/h
Time1 = 2 hours
And for the second part of the journey:
Speed2 = 78 km/h
Time2 = Total Time - Time1 = 5 hours - 2 hours = 3 hours
Now, we can calculate the distances for each part:
Distance1 = (65 km/h) × (2 hours) = 130 km
Distance2 = (78 km/h) × (3 hours) = 234 km
Finally, add the distances together to find the total distance of the journey:
Total Distance = Distance1 + Distance2 = 130 km + 234 km = 364 km
So, the total distance of Ahmed's journey was 364 kilometers.
iii. To predict how long the trip will take, you can use the formula:
Time = Distance / Speed
In this case, Daniyal's distance is 45 kilometers, and his average speed is 20 km/h.
Time = 45 km / 20 km/h
Time = 2.25 hours
Now, convert hours to minutes (since there are 60 minutes in an hour):
2.25 hours × 60 minutes/hour = 135 minutes
So, it will take Daniyal approximately 135 minutes to ride his bike to the nearby beach.
iv. On Earth, a mass of 60 kg would weigh 60 kg × 10 N/kg = 600 N.
On the other planet, with half the gravitational force of Earth, the weight would be 600 N / 2 =
300 N.
v. If there were no frictional force, objects would not experience resistance to motion. This would
result in objects continuing to move with constant velocity once a force is applied, and it would
be difficult to stop or control their motion. Everyday activities like walking, driving, and using
brakes would be very challenging without friction.
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
Waves and Energy
09 Student Book Pages 10–21
longitudinal, transverse, mechanical, electromagnetic, echo, wavelength, vibrate, vibration,
amplitude, wave forms, vacuum, frequency, low frequency, high frequency, medium, crests and
troughs, mean/rest position, displacement, high pitch, low pitch, loudness, loud sound, soft sound
Learning Objective:
• Define a wave.
• Differentiate longitudinal and transverse waves.
• Identify water wave and Sound wave as mechanical wave
Waves transverse waves longitudinal waves
Waves and Energy
Useful Link
• Set of images showing different types of waves
• Pen and paper
Engage: (5 min)
• Ask students:
Why would an engineer need to know about waves?
• Students will give different answers.
• Explanation: Because sound and light travel in waves, engineers can use what they know about
them to create radios, televisions, light bulbs, and even reading glasses. Engineers apply what
they've learned about waves to help people in a variety of ways.
Explain: (10 min)
• A mechanical wave is an oscillation of matter that is responsible for energy transfer through a
• The transmission medium sets a limit on how far a wave can travel. In this, the oscillating
material revolves around a fixed point with little displacement.
• One intriguing property of mechanical waves is how they are measured, which is given by
displacement divided by wavelength. Harmonic effects are produced when this dimensionless
factor is 1, and when it is greater than 1, turbulence is produced, such as when waves break on
a beach.
• Mechanical waves are classified into two types:
• Longitudinal waves - The movement of the particles in this type of wave is parallel to the motion
of the energy, i.e. the displacement of the medium is in the same direction as the wave. Sound
Waves and Pressure Waves are two examples.
• Transverse waves occur when the movement of the particles is at right angles or perpendicular
to the motion of the energy. For example: light.
Explore: (15 min)
Stem Activity:
• Ask students to form a circle with the students' right shoulders pointing towards the center.
• Ask students to create a transverse wave using this ring of students. A student should raise her
arms and then lower them, and then the student behind her raises and lowers her arms, and so
on around the circle
• Once the students have a grip on it, ask them what caused the disturbance in the wave.
• Inquire whether the disturbance moves up and down the circle or horizontally.
• Inquire whether the wave moved horizontally around them.
• Thus the definition of transverse wave is complete.
• Still standing in the same position as in Demo #1, ask the students to describe which direction
the disturbance would travel in the ring if they wanted to make a longitudinal wave.
• The students should state that the disturbance must follow the same path as the wave and go
around the ring.
• Instruct students on how to create a longitudinal wave.
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
• To make a longitudinal wave one student gently pushes the back of the student in front of her,
and then the pushed student gently pushes the student in front of her, and so on, creating a
longitudinal wave that travels around the ring.
• Ask: What is the source of the disturbance, students?
• Is the disturbance moving up and down the ring or around it?
• In which direction does the wave move?
• This disturbance is a longitudinal wave because it travels in the same direction as the wave.
Elaborate: (5 min)
Display images of different types of waves to students and have them identify longitudinal and
transverse waves
Evaluate: (5 min)
Complete Q9 on page 59 in workbook.
Home Assignment:
Give worksheet 1 to solve at home
Lesson Plan 2 Student Book pages Time Workbook pages
Electromagnetic Waves 114 45 Minutes -
• Identify: light wave as electromagnetic wave.
• Compare the types of waves (mechanical and electromagnetic) with daily life examples.
Electric field Source
Magnetic field Disturbance
Useful Link
• Flashlight or laser pointer (for demonstrating light)
• Slinky or a coil spring (for demonstrating mechanical
• Various objects that emit or reflect light (e.g., flashlight, mirror, prism)
• Whiteboard or chalkboard and markers/chalk
• Diagrams or illustrations of electromagnetic waves
• Pen/pencil and paper for writing and note-taking
Waves and Energy
Engage: (5 min)
• Begin the lesson by displaying a variety of objects that emit or reflect light (for example, a torch,
a mirror, or a prism).
• Ask them questions like:
What do you notice about these objects?
Have you ever thought about how light travels?
Do you believe light resembles other types of waves?
Explain: (10 min)
• Explain electromagnetic waves and how light fits into this category in a few sentences. Discuss
the properties of electromagnetic waves (for example, they don't need a medium to travel
through and can travel through a vacuum).
• Describe the key distinctions between mechanical and electromagnetic waves.
Explore: (15 min)
Engage students in a hands-on STEM activity. Provide
materials such as slinkies (for mechanical waves) and
flashlights (for light waves). Students should demonstrate
and compare the differences between these waves.
Encourage them to connect the hands-on activity to the
concepts being taught.
Elaborate: (10 min) Slinkies
• Engage students in a discussion about the practical
applications of light waves in their daily lives.
• Discuss examples such as fibre optic communication, microwave cooking, and the role of visible
light in photography.
• Encourage students to consider how these applications rely on the distinct properties of light
Evaluate: (5 min)
• Ask students how do light waves' properties make them suitable for various applications?
• Complete Q9 in workbook.
Home Assignment:
Find an object in your home that exhibits a mechanical wave (for example, a vibrating phone).
"Explain how this wave differs from an electromagnetic wave, such as light."
Lesson Plan 3 Student Book pages Time Workbook pages
Sound waves and properties of 115-116 45 Minutes -
• Define the terms: Wavelength, frequency, and time period of wave. Keywords
• Define and relate: Waves
1. Pitch and frequency. Amplitude
2. Amplitude and frequency. Frequency
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
• audio clips or musical tones
• sound-editing software or musical instruments
Useful Link
• white board and marker
• pen and paper
Engage: (5 mins)
• Start the lesson by playing various audio clips or musical tones with varying pitches and levels of
• Instruct the students to discuss and describe their observations of the sounds they hear.
• In order to facilitate a class discussion, ask questions such as:
o How would you characterize the differences in the sounds?
o What do you think determines a sound's pitch and loudness?
o Can you think of any examples where pitch and volume are important?
Explain: (10 mins)
• Explain that pitch refers to a sound's perceived highness or lowness, whereas loudness refers to
a sound's perceived volume or intensity.
• Discuss the relationship between pitch and loudness and wave properties such as frequency
and amplitude.
• Introduce frequency and amplitude as physical properties that determine pitch and loudness,
• Give students examples and visual representations to help them understand the connection
between waveforms, pitch, and loudness.
Explore: (15 mins)
• Divide the class into small groups and give each group a set of waveforms or sound clips with
varying properties.
• Instruct the groups to listen to the sounds and analyze the waveforms to identify pitch and
loudness patterns.
• Ask students to record their observations and then compare and interpret the waveforms in
terms of pitch and loudness in small groups.
• Facilitate a class discussion in which groups share their findings and discuss how different
waveforms correspond to different pitches and levels of loudness.
Elaborate: (10 mins)
Allow students to create their own sound compositions or waveforms. They accomplish this by
varying the pitch (frequency) and loudness (volume) of the sounds they generate. They can convey
specific emotions or messages in their compositions by making these changes. They can, for
example, produce high-pitched and loud sounds to convey excitement or low-pitched and soft
sounds to convey calmness. Students can accomplish this by utilizing various sound-editing
software or musical instruments that allow them to manipulate these parameters in order to achieve
the desired emotional or communicative effects.
Waves and Energy
Evaluate: (5 mins)
• Provide students with real-life examples, such as recordings of various musical instruments or
environmental sounds and ask them to identify the differences in pitch and loudness.
• Complete Q3 page 122 of student book.
Home Assignment:
• Provide worksheet 2 to solve at home.
• Complete Q8 on page 58 of workbook.
Lesson Plan 4 Student Book pages Time Workbook pages
Inverse Relation Between Time 142 45 Minutes -
Period and Frequency
Construct the inverse relation between time period and frequency
Time period Frequency Inverse
Engage: (5 mins)
• Begin by asking students if they understand the concepts Useful Link
of time period and frequency.
• Show them a simple pendulum or any other oscillating
object and ask them to watch it move.
• Pose questions to the students, such as:
o What do you notice about the pendulum's motion?
o Do you believe there is a link between the time it takes the pendulum to complete one cycle
and the number of cycles it completes in a given period of time?
o How do you think the pendulum's time period and frequency are related?
Explain: (10 mins)
• Explain that time period is the amount of time it takes an oscillating object to complete one full
cycle of motion, whereas frequency is the number of cycles the object completes in a given time.
• Introduce the formula: frequency = one divided by the time period.
• Discuss how frequency and time period are inversely related, with one increasing while the other
• To help students understand the concept of the inverse relationship between time period and
frequency, use examples and visual representations.
Explore: (15 mins)
• Distribute simple pendulums or other oscillating objects to the students in pairs or small groups.
• Instruct the students to use a stopwatch or other appropriate timing device to measure the time
period of their pendulum's motion.
• Instruct students to calculate the frequency of their pendulum using the formula: frequency =
1 / time period
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
• Encourage the groups to discuss the relationship between time period and frequency by having
them share their measurements and calculations.
Elaborate: (10 mins)
• Discuss the time period and frequency of various oscillating objects or systems, such as a tuning
fork or a vibrating string.
• Involve students in a hands-on activity in which they can change the length of a pendulum or the
tension in a vibrating string to see how it affects the time period and frequency.
• Encourage students to keep a journal of their observations and to talk about how the time period
and frequency change as they change the parameters.
Evaluate: (5 mins)
Assign a set of problems to students in which they have to determine the frequency given the time
period or vice versa.
For Example:
1. Calculate the frequency of a pendulum with a time period of 2 seconds.
Using the formula frequency = 1 / time period,
we have frequency = 1 / 2 = 0.5 Hz.
2. Determine the time period of a tuning fork that vibrates at a frequency of 440 Hz.
• Using the formula time period = 1 / frequency,
• we have time period = 1 / 440 = 0.0023 seconds.
Lesson Plan 5 Student Book pages Time Workbook pages
Sound waves and properties of 115-116 45 Minutes -
• Explain the factors affecting pitch and loudness of sound.
• Compare and interpret waveforms in terms of pitch and loudness.
• Relate common phenomenon (e.g., echo, hearing thunder after seeing lightning) to the properties
of sound.
Pitch Loudness
Useful Link
• yarn or string
• a ball
• a spoon
• two paper cups
• 1 long piece of string/yarn
• two paperclips
Waves and Energy
Engage: (5 min)
Warm-up Activity
• Call one student to come and throw a ball.
• The student who is called by the teacher will throw the ball.
• Sound waves are similar to balls in that they bounce back and forth. Sound waves are vibrations
of energy that resemble waves. The waves are constructed from microscopic building blocks
known as molecules.
• To get to another location, sound waves bounce back and forth through solids, liquids, and
gases. That is how you can hear sounds close to you, outside, or underwater. You may have
experienced the vibrating energy of sound waves while standing near a large marching band at
a parade or a football game. The instruments produce sound vibrations that are so powerful that
you can feel them in your chest.
• All students will participate in the activity by asking questions about sound waves.
Explain: (10 min)
• The amplitude of the sound wave affects the phenomenon of sound. The sound is said to be
loud if the amplitude of the sound wave is large.
• It is proportional to the square of the vibration amplitude. If the amplitude of the sound wave
doubles, the loudness of the sound quadruples.
• It is measured in decibels (dB).
• Human ears perceive sounds above 80 decibels as noise.
• Ask students to read pages 116-119.
Explore: (10 min)
Stem Activity
• Ask students where sound waves come from.
• Answer: Vibration
• The vibrations generate sound waves, which travel through mediums like air and water before
reaching our ears.
• Not only can sound waves travel through air and water, but they can also travel through wood,
earth, and many other substances, including the string we will be using in our experiment. sound
cannot travel through a vacuum.
Students will:
• Make a loop in the yarn or string and insert the handle of the spoon.
• Pull tightly so that the spoon hangs in the center of the string and you have about two feet on
each side of the spoon. Wrap each string once or twice around your pointer finger on each hand
and push the string against the opening of each ear. Do not insert the string into the ear, just
press to the opening as if you were plucking your ears.
• Allow the spoon to hang just below your waistline after placing both ends of the string near your
ears for this first test.
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
• It is not necessary to use the ends of each piece of string. It's fine to hold it anywhere along the
length of each side. You can also experiment with adjusting the height of the spoon to see if it
changes the sound with the string pressed against your ear opening.
• Request that another student gently tap the ruler on the round part of the spoon.
• It is not necessary to strike it hard.
• Students can experiment with various spoon sizes and even forks.
• They can also experiment with different types of strings to get a different sound.
When the ruler strikes the spoon, it causes vibrations that produce sound waves. Instead of just
spreading out into the air around you, these sound waves travel up the yarn and into the ear.
Elaborate: (10 min)
Students will make a simple string phone.
What do we need.
• two paper cups
• 1 long piece of string/yarn
• two paperclips
What to do.
• On the bottom of each paper cup, make a small slit.
• Tie a knot in one end of the paper clip with the string.
• Rep #2 with the opposite end of the string.
• Insert the paper clips into the small holes in the paper cups' bottoms.
• Pull the paper clips and string through by grasping the other ends of the paper clips.
• Allow the students to take each paper cup and walk away from one another until the string is
• Allow one student to hold the paper cup to his or her ear while the other speaks softly into his or
her paper cup.
Evaluate: (5 min)
Ask students to complete Q4 and 5 on page 123 of student book.
Waves and Energy
Worksheet 1:
Compression Rarefaction
Longitudinal waves
One complete wave
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
Worksheet 2:
Waves and Energy
Compression Rarefaction
Longitudinal waves
One complete wave
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
Waves and Energy
Exercise Answers
1. i. c) perpendicular to the direction of the sound wave
ii. a) low pitched
iii. d) loud
iv. c) Hertz
v. a) has too high a frequency
vi. b) water
2. i. vibration
ii. closer together
iii. farther apart, in steel
iv. less
v. energy
vi. frequency
vii. loud
4. i. A wave is a disturbance that travels through a medium, carrying energy from one place to
ii. Both sound and light are forms of energy that travel in waves.
iii. Amplitude: The maximum displacement or distance moved by a point on a vibrating body or
wave measured from its equilibrium or central position.
Frequency: The number of cycles of a periodic wave that occur in a unit of time, typically
measured in Hertz (Hz).
Wavelength: The distance between successive crests, troughs, or identical parts of a wave.
Pitch: The perceived frequency of sound. High pitch corresponds to a high frequency, and
low pitch corresponds to a low frequency.
Loudness: The subjective perception of the intensity or amplitude of sound.
iv. Longitudinal waves have vibrations parallel to the direction of the wave, while transverse
waves have vibrations perpendicular to the direction of the wave.
v. Compressions are regions of high pressure and density in a longitudinal wave, while
rarefactions are regions of low pressure and density.
vi. Sound travels fastest in solids because the particles in solids are closely packed, allowing
sound waves to propagate quickly.
vii. Frequency and pitch are related; higher frequency corresponds to higher pitch.
Loudness and amplitude are related; greater amplitude corresponds to greater loudness.
viii. An echo is a sound wave reflection off a surface that produces a distinct repeated sound.
ix. Thick fabric on walls in a movie theatre absorbs sound, reducing echoes and improving
sound quality.
x. Regions of high pressure are called compressions, and regions of low pressure are called
xi. Frequency of sound is the number of oscillations per unit of time and is typically measured in
Hertz (Hz).
xii. Audible frequency refers to the range of frequencies that can be heard by the human ear.
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
xiii. The amplitude of a sound wave is the maximum displacement or distance moved by a point
on a vibrating body or wave measured from its equilibrium or central position.
5. i. Sounds are made by the vibration of objects. When an object vibrates, it creates pressure
waves in the surrounding medium (usually air). These pressure waves travel as sound waves,
carrying the vibrations from the source to our ears.
ii. Ultrasound is sound with a frequency higher than the upper limit of human hearing. We
cannot hear it because our ears are not sensitive to such high frequencies.
Ultrasound has several uses, including medical imaging (ultrasound scans), cleaning delicate
items (ultrasonic cleaners), and measuring distances (ultrasonic sensors).
iii. Echolocation is a biological sonar system used by some animals, such as bats and dolphins,
to navigate and locate objects. It involves emitting high-frequency sound waves and listening
to the echoes produced when the sound waves bounce off objects. By measuring the time
it takes for the echoes to return, these animals can determine the distance and location of
objects in their environment.
iv. Types of musical instruments can be categorized as follows:
String Instruments: Produce sound through the vibration of strings, e.g., guitar, violin.
Wind Instruments: Produce sound by blowing air through a tube or over an edge, e.g., flute,
Percussion Instruments: Produce sound by striking or shaking, e.g., drums, xylophone.
Keyboard Instruments: Produce sound by striking strings or other materials with keys, e.g.,
piano, organ.
v. Astronauts cannot talk to each other in space because there is no air to transmit sound
waves. However, they can see each other because light does not require a medium (such as
air) to propagate.
vi. Amplitude affects the volume or loudness of sounds. Greater amplitude corresponds to a
louder sound.
vii. The speed of light is faster than sound because light travels at approximately 299,792,458
meters per second (m/s), while sound in air typically travels at around 343 meters per
second (m/s).
6. i. a) A high-pitched sound with a low volume would have a waveform with closely spaced
crests and troughs, indicating a high frequency but small amplitude.
b) A low-pitched sound with a loud volume would have a waveform with widely spaced
crests and troughs, indicating a low frequency but large amplitude.
ii. Tightening the strings on a guitar increases their tension and raises the pitch of the sound
iii. Theatres and cinemas have thick curtains along the walls to absorb sound and reduce
echoes, improving the acoustics of the space and enhancing the quality of sound for the
Heat and Temperature
Heat and Temperature
10 Student Book Pages 125-137
conduction, convection, radiation, kinetic energy, convection current, thermometer, expansion,
contraction, thermal, insulator, conductor, temperature, heat gain, heat loss, poor absorber
Heat Temperature Average energy
• two identical cups of water
• A heat lamp
• Cardboard• aluminium foil
• fabric and foam
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
Engage: (5 mins)
• Begin the lesson by having students consider everyday Useful Link
situations in which they experience heat gain or loss.
Sitting in the sun, drinking a hot beverage, or wearing
warm clothing are all examples.
• Initiate a discussion by asking questions such as,
o What happens to your body when you sit in the sun for a long time?
o Why do we dress warmly in the winter?
o What happens when heat transfers from a hot beverage to your hands?
Explain: (10 mins)
• Explain that heat gain and heat loss are processes that involve the transfer of thermal energy
between objects or systems.
• Heat gain is defined as the transfer of thermal energy from one object or system to another,
resulting in an increase in temperature.
• Heat loss is defined as the transfer of thermal energy from an object or system to its
surroundings, which results in a decrease in temperature.
• Discuss various heat transfer mechanisms such as conduction, convection, and radiation.
Explore: (15 mins)
• Experiment with heat gain and heat loss in a series of hands-on experiments.
• As an example:
o Place two identical cups of water in separate locations, one warm and one cool. Observe
and record temperature changes over time.
o Discuss the ability of various materials to conduct heat, such as metal, fabric, and plastic.
o To simulate heat gain on an object, use a heat lamp and measure the temperature increase.
• During these experiments, encourage students to make predictions, observe, and record their
Elaborate: (10 mins)
• Introduce real-world scenarios in which understanding heat gain and heat loss is critical, such as
home insulation, energy-saving appliances, or thermal regulation in living organisms.
• Engage students in a design challenge in which they have to create an insulating material to
prevent heat gain in a cold beverage or minimise heat loss from a cup of hot water.
• Encourage students to design and test their insulating solutions using materials such as
cardboard, aluminium foil, fabric, and foam.
• Discuss the effectiveness of various designs and have students explain how the principles of
heat gain and heat loss influenced their decisions.
Evaluate: (5 mins)
Instruct students to create a visual representation, such as a diagram or infographic, illustrating
examples of heat gain and heat loss in various settings.
Heat and Temperature
Home Assignment:
• Choose three scenarios or objects (for example, a melting ice cube, a warm room, or a cooling
beverage) in which heat gain or heat loss is a factor.
• Make predictions about how each scenario or object will be affected by heat gain or heat loss.
Consider temperature, comfort, and any physical or chemical changes that may occur.
• Investigate and explain the scientific principles of heat transfer (conduction, convection, and
radiation) as they apply to your scenario.
• To illustrate your predictions, create simple visual aids (diagrams, charts).
Lesson Plan 2 Student Book pages Time Workbook pages
Scales of Temperature 126-127 45 Minutes 70
• Compare all three scales of temperature (including interconversion of temperature scales).
Celsius Fahrenheit Kelvin
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
• Describe the expansion of the three states of matter on heating, and contraction on cooling, in
terms of particles.
• Define the terms heat and temperature on the basis of Kinetic Molecular Theory.
Thermal energy Expansion Particles
• Containers with lids
• Balloons
Useful Link
• Ice cubes
• Heat source (e.g., lamp, hot water)
• Measuring instruments (e.g., thermometer)
Engage: (5 min)
• Begin the lesson by demonstrating a series of simple demonstrations to the students.
• Show a closed container with a balloon inside, then heat the container (for example, with a
lamp). Instruct students to predict what will happen to the balloon as it warms up.
• Display an ice cube and a glass of water. As the ice cube warms, ask students to predict what
will happen to it.
• Share a video or run a virtual experiment demonstrating how gases expand when heated.
Instruct students to observe and discuss their findings.
Heat and Temperature
• Explain why metals are good thermal conductors and fluids are poor conductors of heat using
the particle model.
Engage: (5 min)
Brainstorming Useful Link
• Why did you feel hot in your hand when you touch the hot
• Students will try to give the answer.
• Explain: Heat conduction is an important part of our lives, whether we realize it or not. You
probably use it every day, whether you're cooking or using a radiator. Basic heat conduction is
the transfer of heat from a heat source to an object.
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
Heat and Temperature
Evaluate: (5 min)
• Ask:
• What is conduction?
• What is meant by conductors?
• Give some examples of good conductors of heat.
• Students will take turns answering the questions.
Home Assignment:
Provide worksheet 1 to solve at home.
Lesson Plan 5 Student Book pages Time Workbook pages
Modes of Heat Transfer 128 45 Minutes -
Construct the concept of heat conduction, convection and radiation by applying particle theory
including daily life examples.
Conduction Convection Radiation
• Metal rods
• Wax
• Heat source
• Containers
• Water Useful Link
• Food coloring
• Heat lamps (optional)
• Visual aids and diagrams
Engage: (5 min)
Begin the lesson with a quick demonstration. In a cup of hot water, a glass of cold water, and a
cup of room temperature water, place a metal spoon. In each case, have students predict what
will happen to the spoon. Discuss their predictions and observations to introduce the concept of
conduction heat transfer.
Explain: (10 min)
Based on particle theory, explain heat transfer methods (conduction, convection, and radiation).
Define each method and explain its molecular operation. Use visual aids and diagrams to assist
students in comprehending the concepts.
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
• Identify the effects of thermal expansion and contraction with their applications in daily life.
thermal expansion contraction
• Metal rod
• Candle Useful Link
• Balloon
• Freezer
• Visual aids and diagrams
Engage: (5 min)
Begin the lesson with a scenario that everyone can relate to. Show students a jar with a tight lid
and ask if they've ever had trouble opening a previously easy-to-open jar. Discuss why this occurs,
introducing the concept of temperature affecting the size and shape of objects.
Heat and Temperature
• State and explain the practical methods of thermal insulation used for constructing buildings.
Insulation Heat gain Heat loss
• images of buildings with various types of insulation.
Useful Link
• Cardboard
• insulation materials (e.g., cotton balls, foam, aluminum foil)
• thermometer
Engage: (5 mins)
• Display images of buildings with various types of insulation and ask students to identify the
differences and potential benefits.
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
• Start a conversation about the value of thermal insulation in terms of energy efficiency and
Explain: (10 mins)
• Explain thermal insulation and its application in buildings. Discuss how thermal insulation
reduces heat transfer between a building's interior and exterior, resulting in energy savings and
improved comfort.
• Present a variety of practical thermal insulation methods commonly used in building
construction, such as:
• Materials for insulation: Discuss insulation materials such as fibreglass, cellulose, foam boards,
and reflective insulation. Describe their properties and efficacy in reducing heat transfer.
• Insulation placement: Discuss the importance of insulating walls, roofs, floors, and windows to
reduce heat loss or gain.
• Sealing techniques: Explain the importance of air sealing in preventing draughts and preserving
the effectiveness of insulation. Explain thermal insulation and its application in buildings. Discuss
how thermal insulation reduces heat transfer between a building's interior and exterior, resulting
in energy savings and improved comfort.
• Present a variety of practical thermal insulation methods commonly used in building
construction, such as:
• Materials for insulation: Discuss insulation materials such as fibreglass, cellulose, foam boards,
and reflective insulation. Describe their properties and efficacy in reducing heat transfer.
• Insulation placement: Discuss the importance of insulating walls, roofs, floors, and windows to
reduce heat loss or gain.
• Sealing techniques: Explain the importance of air sealing in preventing draughts and preserving
the effectiveness of insulation.
Explore: (15 mins)
STEM Activity:
• Provide students with a cardboard or material mock-up of a small building or structure.
• Divide the building into sections or rooms using cardboard dividers or partitions.
• Instruct students to choose different insulation materials (e.g., cotton balls, foam, aluminum foil)
and apply them to specific areas of the building, such as walls, windows, or the roof.
• Place a thermometer in each section or room to monitor the temperature.
• Simulate temperature differences by using heat sources (e.g., lamps or heating pads) outside the
• Ask students to record and compare the temperature changes in the insulated and non-insulated
areas over a set period of time.
• Encourage students to discuss their findings and draw conclusions about the effectiveness of
different insulation methods in maintaining temperature inside the building.
• Have students reflect on the real-world applications of insulation in energy-efficient construction
and its impact on reducing heating and cooling costs.
Heat and Temperature
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
Worksheet 1:
What is conduction?
Heat and Temperature
Worksheet 2:
What is convection?
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
What is conduction?
The transmission of heat or electrical charge through the materials. Conduction is possible in
solids, liquids, and gases.
When you iron your clothes, the heat transfers from the iron to
Heat and Temperature
What is convection?
Convection is the process of transferring heat through the bulk movement of molecules in
fluids like gases and liquids.
The steam of a hot cup of tea shows the transfer of heat into
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
Exercise Answers
1. i. b) iron
ii. b) conductor
iii. c) making a vacuum between the walls
iv. d) convection and radiation
v. a) which is cold is less dense than hot air
vi. d) loose white shirt
2. i. 310 K
ii. -273 °C
iii. 323 K
iv. 100 °C
v. 263 K
3. i. Heat is the total energy of molecular motion in an object, while temperature is the measure
of the average kinetic energy of the molecules in an object.
ii. The unit used to measure temperature is the Kelvin (K).
iii. The fixed points of a centigrade scale are the freezing point (0°C) and boiling point (100°C) of
water at standard atmospheric pressure.
iv. Absolute zero is the temperature at which molecular motion ceases, equal to 0 Kelvin (0 K).
v. Conductors allow the easy flow of heat, while insulators resist the flow of heat.
vi. Birds fluff out their feathers in cold weather to create a layer of trapped air that provides
insulation, reducing heat loss.
vii. Three methods of heat transfer:
Conduction: Transfer of heat through direct contact, e.g., a metal spoon heating in a hot
Convection: Transfer of heat through the movement of fluids (liquids or gases), e.g., boiling
water in a kettle.
Radiation: Transfer of heat through electromagnetic waves, e.g., the Sun heating the Earth.
viii. "Hot air rises" means that in a gas, the particles with higher kinetic energy (hotter particles)
are less dense and tend to move upward, displacing cooler, denser air.
ix. The greenhouse effect is the process by which certain gases in Earth's atmosphere trap heat
from the Sun, preventing it from escaping into space and thereby warming the planet.
x. Yes, the atmosphere traps heat through the greenhouse effect, which is essential for
maintaining Earth's temperature within a range suitable for life. Without this natural
greenhouse effect, the Earth would be much colder.
4. i. a) Conduction is the transfer of heat through direct contact between particles in a solid or
between adjacent particles in a stationary fluid. Convection, on the other hand, is the
transfer of heat by the movement of fluids (liquids or gases) due to differences in density
caused by temperature variations.
b) There are no convection currents in solids because the particles in a solid are closely
packed and do not have the freedom to move past each other to create fluid-like
Heat and Temperature
ii. Explanation with a labelled diagram showing convection currents in an electric kettle:
In an electric kettle, the heating element at the base of the kettle heats the water directly in
contact with it.
As the water near the heating element heats up, it becomes less dense and rises.
The rising hot water displaces the cooler, denser water above it, creating a convection
The cooler water moves down to the heating element, where it is heated, and the cycle
This continuous circulation of water due to convection currents ensures that the entire
volume of water in the kettle is gradually heated.
iii. Formation of land and sea breezes:
During the day, the land heats up more quickly than the sea due to its lower heat capacity.
The warm air over the land rises, creating a low-pressure area, and cooler air from the sea
moves in to fill the gap, resulting in a sea breeze blowing from the sea towards the land.
At night, the land cools down faster than the sea, and the process reverses. The warmer air
over the sea rises, creating a low-pressure area, and cooler air from the land moves towards
the sea, resulting in a land breeze blowing from the land towards the sea.
iv. A vacuum flask prevents the transfer of heat through:
Conduction by having a double-wall construction with a vacuum between the walls, which
eliminates direct contact between the inner and outer walls.
Convection by having the vacuum, as air (or any other gas) is absent inside the flask to
prevent the circulation of air currents.
Radiation by having reflective surfaces and a silvered inner wall to minimize heat radiation.
v. Thermographs are instruments used to record temperature variations over time. They are
used in various applications, such as meteorology to monitor weather conditions, in science
experiments to measure temperature changes, and in medical settings for body temperature
5. i. A cup of tea at 85°C has more heat because it has a higher temperature and a larger
quantity of water compared to a full bath at 50°C.
ii. It takes longer to boil a kettle of water than to warm it to a lower temperature because
boiling water requires the addition of heat energy to change its phase from a liquid to a gas
(vaporization), while warming water to a lower temperature involves raising its temperature
without changing its phase.
iii. If water is heated in a saucepan made of a material that is not a good conductor of thermal
energy, it will take longer to heat the water, and the saucepan itself may become hotter due
to poor heat conduction.
iv. Tiled floors feel colder because they are better conductors of heat, while carpets feel warmer
because they are insulators and trap heat.
v. A blanket keeps a person warm by trapping the heat radiated by their body, reducing heat
loss to the surroundings.
vi. A metal skewer inserted into a jacket potato conducts heat from the metal to the interior of
the potato, helping to cook it more quickly by distributing heat more effectively within the
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
Earth and Space
11 Student Book Pages 10–21
• Recognize that the force of gravity keeps planets and moons in their orbits.
Gravity Mass Weight
Earth and Space
• two apples
• cups
• scissors
Useful Link
• water
• chart paper
• colour makers
• white board and marker
Engage: (5 min)
Warm-up Activity
• Discuss with your students what they already believe about gravity.
• Display the two apples to your students. Discuss whether they believe the whole apple or the
half apple will hit the ground first if they are both dropped from the same height at the same
• Students will observe the activity.
• Many students can answer that the half-apple will reach the ground first because of its less
• Then let them (apples) go! Because all objects descend at the same rate, they should both land
at the same time.
Explain: (10 min)
• Gravity is an an invisible force that attracts objects to each other. The Earth's gravity is what
keeps you on the ground and causes things to fall.
• Gravity exists in everything that has mass. Gravity is stronger for heavier objects. Gravity
weakens with distance as well. As a result, the stronger the gravitational pull of two objects, the
closer they are to each other.
• The gravity of the Earth is caused by all of its mass. All of its mass exerts a combined
gravitational pull on all of your body's mass. This gives you weight. And if you were on a planet
with a lower mass than Earth, you would weigh less.
• You have the same gravitational pull on Earth as it has on you. However, because Earth is so
much larger than you, your force has no effect on our planet.
• Gravity keeps the planets in orbit around the sun and the moon in orbit around Earth.
• Gravity is crucially significant to us. We couldn't survive without it. The sun's gravity keeps Earth
in orbit around it, allowing us to enjoy the sun's light and warmth from a safe distance. It keeps
our atmosphere and the air we need to breathe stable. Our world is held together by gravity.
Explore: (15 min)
Stem Activity
• Take your students outside the classroom in an open area.
• Distribute cups and scissors to your students, and instruct them to cut holes near the bottom of
their cups. Consider what will happen if they fill the cups with water.
• Students will follow the teacher’s instructions.
• Students should talk about what would happen if they dropped the cup full of water.
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
Fill the cups with water and let your students drop them. The water will end up splashing all over the
place. This is because gravity will pull the water out of the holes. But it won't spill out of the holes if
the cup is dropped! When gravity pulls on the cup, both the cup and the water fall at the same rate.
Elaborate: (5 min)
Make a Poster
Gravity in Space
• Ask students to make a poster that will show the solar system and the gravity between the
planets and the Sun.
• Have the students do this activity in groups.
• Students will use colored markers and to make the poster.
Evaluate: (5 min)
• Distribute the worksheet 1.
• Ask students to complete Concept Check and Discuss and Answer on page 139 of student
Home Assignment:
• Make a list of the situations when you feel a gravitational pull around you.
• Complete Q3(i-iii) and Q4(i) on page 145-146.
Lesson Plan 2 Student Book pages Time Workbook pages
Weightlessness on the Moon 140 45 Minutes 73
Differentiate between mass and weight, using examples of weightlessness experienced by
astronauts on the surface of the Moon.
Weightlessness Gravitational force Contact forces
• Objects of different masses
Useful Link
• Spring scale
• Trampoline or bouncy ball
• Visual aids and diagrams
Engage: (5 min)
• Begin the lesson with a thought-provoking question, such as
"What is the difference between mass and weight?"
• Encourage students to share their initial ideas and thoughts. Show students a short video or
images of astronauts bouncing around on the Moon's surface and ask them why they appear to
be moving differently.
Earth and Space
• Recognize that tides are caused by the gravitational pull of the Moon.
Tidal constituent High tides Low tides
• White board and marker Useful Link
• Pen and paper
• worksheets
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
Engage: (5 min)
• Start by writing the question 'What are tides?' on the board for the class.
• Students should respond to the question in writing.
• Students should exchange explanations with another student. Students will observe the extent
of similarity between the two explanations.
• Now, as a class, go over the students' explanations, noting key points about tides on the board.
Explain: (10 min)
• The tidal cycle is the rise and fall of sea level caused by the gravitational pull of the sun and
moon. The tidal cycle is divided into two stages: high tide and low tide.
• Although all tides have high and low points, the number varies from place to place.
• High tide is the highest point that a tide can reach during the tidal cycle. This happens when the
moon is directly over a specific location.
• Because of the shorter distance, the gravitational force increases, causing the water to rise. As a
result, the sea level rises until it reaches its peak.
• Water tends to come up to the shore during a high tide. As a result, beaches and shorelines
become narrower or smaller. Flood tides precede high tides.
• When the moon is the farthest away from an area, the gravitational pull is weaker, causing the
tide to fall. The stage is called low tide when the tide reaches its lowest point. During this time,
the moon's gravitational pull is at its weakest.
• During low tides, the water retreats to the sea, exposing more land on shorelines or beaches.
Explore: (10 min)
You can either divide the students into groups for this activity or do it all together as a class:
1. Students stand in a tight circle, interlocking their elbows and facing inward.
2. One student will remain on the circle's rim, representing the moon by slowly walking around the
perimeter. The students in the circle who are closest to the moon lean toward it as it passes by.
Students on the opposite side of the circle bulge out as well, indicating differential gravitational
forces. After the moon has passed, the students rise to their feet.
3. The moon stops at various points around the circle, allowing the students to see where high and
low tides are in relation to the moon's orbit.
4. In addition to the moon, another student plays the sun. The previous activity can then be
repeated with the combined gravitational pull of the moon and the sun.
5. Students show where the sun aligns with the moon (spring tide) and where the sun, Earth, and
moon form a 90-degree angle (leap tide).
• This circle is a very simplified representation of the Earth if it were covered in water at a constant
• If necessary, the teacher can stand in the centre of the circle and direct students to lean
• High tides are areas where students are leaning away from the circle's centre. Low tides are at
the circle's edges, halfway between high tides.
Earth and Space
• Remember that the sun's gravitational pull is weaker than that of the moon.
• The tides are more extreme when the sun, Earth, and moon are in alignment. When the sun,
Earth, and moon form a 90-degree angle, the sun's and moon's gravitational pulls mostly cancel
each other out.
Elaborate: (10 min)
Group Activity
• Ask the students to consider the effects of rising sea levels on coastal communities.
• You can accomplish this by starting a group discussion.
• Students will write a paragraph about how rising sea levels might affect the coast, specifically
who and what would be affected.
Evaluate: (5 min)
Distribute worksheet 2 among the students.
Home Assignment:
Complete Q8 on page 75 of workbook.
Lesson Plan 4 Student Book pages Time Workbook pages
Movement of Earth and 141-143 45 Minutes -
• Describe the effects of the Earth’s annual revolution around the Sun, given the tilt of its axis (e.g.,
different seasons, different constellations visible at different times of the year).
• Describe how seasons in Earth’s Northern and Southern Hemispheres are related to Earth’s
annual movement around the Sun
Northern hemisphere Southern hemisphere
• Globe or diagram of Earth's orbit
Useful Link
• Planetarium app or star chart
• Visual aids and diagrams
Engage: (5 min)
Begin the lesson by having students describe the various seasons as well as any patterns they
notice in the weather, daylight, and outdoor activities throughout the year.
Show students video of seasonal changes and ask them what they believe causes these variations.
Explain: (10 min)
• Explain the annual revolution of the Earth around the Sun.
• Discuss the concept of axial tilt and how it affects the seasons in various parts of the world.
• Explain how the Earth's orbital position affects the constellations visible in the night sky
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
Earth and Space
Worksheet 1:
1. Define Gravity
2. Why don't you feel the gravity of the bat and ball?
3. Why do you not feel the planet Mercury's gravity pulling on you?
4. Discuss how gravity is the force that governs the motion of our solar system.
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
Worksheet 2:
Earth and Space
Define Gravity
The force that pulls a body towards the center of the earth or any other mass-carrying
physical body
1. Why do not you feel the gravity of the bat and ball?
We do not feel gravity between the bat and ball because there is no gravity between them.
All planets have gravitational force. But as all planets do not have same mass so every
planet have different amount of gravitational force.
Discuss how gravity is the force that governs the motion of our solar system.
Sun's gravity pulls the planet and keeps them in an elliptical pathway. It keeps them in
circular motion.
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
When the sea or a river reaches its highest level and comes the furthest up the beach or bank.
Earth and Space
Exercise Answers
1. i. When the North Pole tilts towards the Sun, it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere.
ii. The correct statement about high tides is: d. Water covers much of the shore, after rising to
its highest level, and this is called high tides.
iii. The weight of a 1 kg object on Earth is: c. 10 N.
iv. The condition for weightlessness is: b. Weightlessness exists when all contact forces are
2. Short answer questions:
i. Weight is the force with which an object is pulled towards the center of the Earth (or any
other celestial body) due to gravity. It is typically measured in newtons (N).
ii. Gravity is the natural force of attraction that exists between all objects with mass. It is
responsible for the phenomenon of weight and is what keeps objects anchored to the Earth.
iii. Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object. It is typically measured in kilograms
iv. High tides are the periodic rise in sea level when the gravitational pull of the Moon and the
Sun is at its maximum. Low tides are the periodic drop in sea level when the gravitational
pull is at its minimum.
v. Constellations are groupings of stars that form patterns in the night sky as seen from Earth.
4. Long answer questions:
i. Gravity was discovered by Sir Isaac Newton when he observed an apple falling from a tree
and realized that there must be a force that causes objects to fall towards the Earth.
ii. People in different regions see different constellations because the Earth's rotation causes
the night sky to appear different from different locations. The stars visible at night vary with
the observer's latitude and time of year.
iii. Weightlessness on the Moon is due to the weaker gravitational pull of the Moon compared
to Earth. Astronauts experience reduced weight on the Moon because gravity on the Moon
is only about 1/6th as strong as on Earth.
iv. Seasons are formed due to the tilt of the Earth's axis. As the Earth orbits the Sun, different
parts of the Earth receive varying amounts of sunlight, leading to changes in temperature
and weather patterns.
v. High tides and low tides are formed by the gravitational pull of the Moon and the Sun on the
Earth's oceans. The side of the Earth facing the Moon experiences high tide, while the side
opposite the Moon experiences a second high tide due to the Earth's rotation.
5. Think about it:
a. On the Moon, the mass of astronauts remains the same as it is on Earth because mass is
a fundamental property of matter and does not change with location. In other words, an
astronaut's mass on the Moon is the same as their mass on Earth.
b. However, the weight of astronauts on the Moon is significantly less than their weight on
Earth. This is because weight is the result of the gravitational force acting on an object's
mass, and the gravitational pull of the Moon is much weaker than that of Earth. Specifically,
the Moon's gravity is approximately 1/6th (about 16.6%) as strong as Earth's gravity. As
a result, astronauts on the Moon experience only about 1/6th of the weight they would
experience on Earth. This is why astronauts can move more easily and feel lighter on the
Moon's surface compared to Earth.
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
Technology in Everyday
12 Life Student Book Pages 10–21
• Design a model to demonstrate drip & sprinkler irrigation system for conservation of water.
Engage:(5 min)
Useful Link
Concept Building
• Begin the lesson by discussing the importance of water
for plants and then the ways to provide water to the
plants at different levels.
• Write on the board.
• ‘How to provide water to the plants’.
• Ask students to tell the ways they know.
• Talk about how plants at the home level are supplied with water before moving on to the fields.
• Students will participate and give answers to the teacher’s questions.
Technology in Everyday Life
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
• Use different techniques of preserving foods like orange juice, apple jam and pickles.
Engage: (5 min)
Useful Link
Warm-up Activity
• Arrange some food items on your table like:
• Apple, a piece of meat, a cup of milk, cooked food, etc.
• Ask students to tell them what can we do to save these food items.
• Students can give different answers like:
• Refrigerate or save it in an airtight jar etc.
• Then pick each item and ask how to store that particular food item.
• On some of the food items, students might become confused.
Tell the students that there are different methods to preserve food that is being used according to
the type of food.
Explain: (10 min)
• Food preservation is the process of treating and handling food in order to prevent or slow food
spoilage, loss of quality, edibility, or nutritional value, and thus allow for longer food storage.
• Preservation generally implies preventing the growth of bacteria, fungi (such as yeasts), and
other microorganisms, as well as delaying the oxidation of rancid-causing fats.
• There are many benefits of food preservation:
o Food preservation adds variety to the food. If fresh peas are unavailable during the hot
summer months, canned or dehydrated peas could be used instead.
o Food preservation increases the shelf life of food. Pineapples, cherries, and other fruits and
vegetables can be preserved in a variety of ways for extended periods of time.
o Food preservation increases food supply.
o Excess food that would otherwise be wasted are processed and preserved, adding to the
existing supply and decreasing food waste.
o Food preservation aids in the reduction of dietary deficiencies. Preserved food help to
diversify the diet. For example, no vegetables are grown in several Middle Eastern countries
due to arid soil conditions. This shortfall is made up for by the importation of fresh and
preserved fruits and vegetables.
Technology in Everyday Life
• Make a simple Stethoscope. Useful Link
Engage: (5 min)
• Begin the lesson by showing students pictures or
diagrams of stethoscopes and asking them what they
are used for. Share fascinating facts about the history of the stethoscope and its role in medical
examinations. Ask students why they think doctors and nurses use stethoscopes.
Explain: (10 min)
Explain how a stethoscope works and its components, such as the chest piece, tubing, and
earpieces, in detail.
Explain how a stethoscope amplifies sound from the body, allowing doctors to listen to internal
organs and bodily functions.
Explore: (15 min)
Perform the activity given in book
• Two small paper or plastic cups
• A long piece of thread (approximately 3-4 feet)
• A small piece of plastic or cardboard
• Tape or glue
• Scissors
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
• Turn the cups upside down so that the open ends face each other.
• Use scissors to carefully poke a small hole in the center of the base of each cup.
• Thread one end of the thread through the hole in the base of one cup.
• Tie a secure knot at the end of the thread inside the cup to keep it from slipping through.
• Cut a small circular piece of plastic or cardboard, approximately the size of a quarter.
• Use tape or glue to attach this circular piece to the open end of the cup with the thread.
• Place the cup with the diaphragm against your chest (over the area you want to listen to, like
your heart).
• Hold the other cup with the thread near your ear.
• Press the diaphragm cup against your skin gently but firmly.
• While pressing, place the cup with the thread against your ear.
• Listen carefully, and you should be able to hear sounds from within your body, such as your
heartbeat or your breath.
• Try listening to different parts of your body to hear various sounds.
Elaborate: (10 min)
Conduct listening exercises in which students use stethoscopes to listen to their own heartbeats,
pulses at various locations, or even the sound of their stomachs digesting.
Evaluate: (5 min)
• Ask students to explain how their simple stethoscopes work and to discuss the importance of
sound in medical diagnosis.
• Complete Q4 on page 81 of workbook.
Home Assignment:
• Research a particular medical condition or scenario in which the use of a stethoscope is critical
for diagnosis (for example, listening for crackles in the lungs in pneumonia).
• Write a brief report describing the condition, how doctors use stethoscopes to diagnose
patients, and the importance of early detection.
Lesson Plan 4 Student Book pages Time Workbook pages
How to Make a Hand Sanitizer 190-191 45 Minutes 81
• Make a sanitizer using suitable substances
• Isopropyl alcohol (at least 70%)
• Aloe vera gel Useful Link
• Essential oils (optional for fragrance)
• Small empty bottles with pumps or sprays
• Visual aids and diagrams
Technology in Everyday Life
Engage: (5 min)
• Begin the lesson by discussing the significance of hand sanitizers in preventing the spread of
germs and diseases.
• Show students commercial hand sanitizers and ask them if they understand how these products
kill germs.
Explain: (10 min)
• Explain the science behind hand sanitizers, including the active ingredients that kill germs and
how they do so.
• Introduce the concept of alcohol-based sanitizers and their ability to kill a wide variety of
Explore: (15 min)
• Perform the activity given in the book.
• Provide materials such as 70% isopropyl alcohol, aloe vera gel, essential oils (for fragrance), and
small empty bottles with pumps or sprays.
• Sanitizer Mixing: Assist students in measuring and mixing the ingredients to make a hand
sanitizer. Discuss the significance of alcohol concentration and aloe vera gel's soothing
Elaborate: (10 min)
• Divide the students into small groups and give each group a different substance (for example,
soap and water, hand sanitizer, or plain water).
• To determine which substance is most effective at cleaning hands, have them conduct a germ-
spreading experiment with a harmless powder or visible ink.
Evaluate: (5 min)
Ask students to explain the science behind hand sanitizers and the importance of proper hand
hygiene in preventing the spread of illnesses.
Home Assignment:
• Prepare a brief report on the history and development of hand sanitizers, as well as their
effectiveness in preventing disease transmission.
• Complete Q3 on page 81 of workbook.
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
Worksheet 1:
Technology in Everyday Life
Worksheet 2:
New Oxford Secondary Science Teaching Guide 7
Explain: Drip irrigation is a type of micro-irrigation system that has the potential to save water and
nutrients by allowing water to drip slowly to plant roots, either above or below the soil surface. The
goal is to direct water into the root zone while minimizing evaporation
Perpendicular pipes with rotating nozzles on top are joined to the main pipeline at regular intervals
in this type of irrigation system. When water is forced through the main pipe under pressure by a
pump, it escapes through the rotating nozzles. It is sprayed on the crop as if it were raining.
Technology in Everyday Life