BAEC 08 Block 04
BAEC 08 Block 04
BAEC 08 Block 04
The materials used in unit 9, 10 & 11 are designed and developed by epg
Microeconomics II
9.1 Learning Objectives
9.2 Introduction
9.3 Oligopoly market characteristics
9.4 Demand curve and pricing in oligopoly market
9.5 Oligopoly players market decision
9.6 Difference between oligopolistic market and monopolistic market
9.7 Summary
9.8 Appendix
Demand curve: It is not easy to sketch the demand curve for the product
of an oligopolist seller because unless the exact behavior pattern of a
producer can be curtained with certainty, his demand curve cannot be
drawn accurately with definiteness. And since an oligopolist seller do
not show a unique pricing pattern/behavior, therefore, it is difficult to
trace the demand curve for an oligopolist seller. However, some of the
economists have sketched the demand curves based on certain
assumptions, which are explained in the following sections.
Given these assumptions, the price output relationship in the oligopolist market
is elucidated in the figure1 where KHD is the kinked demand curve and OP is
the prevailing market price for the OR quantity of one seller. Any increase in
the price above OP will reduce his sales because his rivals will not follow this
price increase. Therefore, the KP portion of the demand curve is elastic and the
corresponding portion KA of the MR curve is positive. Therefore, any price
increase will not only reduce his total sales but also his total revenue and
On the other hand if the seller reduces the price of the product below OP then
his rivals will also reduce their prices, so, the HT portion of his demand curve
is less elastic and the corresponding part of the MR curve below R is negative.
Therefore, this price decrease will increase his sales but his profit would be
less than before.
Thus in both the price raising and price reducing situations, the seller will be
loser and hence he will stick to the prevailing market price OP for his product,
which remains rigid. Moreover, the MC curve will cut the MR curve in this
dotted gap which in turn means that it will give the same output and price. So,
this gap in the marginal revenue curve means that even if the marginal costs
changes/ fluctuates then this change in MC will not change the equilibrium
price and quantity. Thus prices will remain rigid as per this model. Moreover,
there also exist some other reasons for price rigidities, these reasons are given
in the appendix at the end.
Collusive Oligopoly Model
In collusive oligopoly, all firms of a particular industry join together as a single
entity in order to maximize their joint profits or to share the market in a certain
amount. This is also known as cartel. There is one more type of collusion
which is known as leadership, under which one firm acts as the price leader (or
dominant firm) and fixes the price for the product while other firms follow it.
A. Cartels
Figure: 2
Figure: 3
B. Price Leadership
Price leadership is imperfect collusion among the oligopolist firms in an
industry when all firms follow the lead of one big firm. This is of three types:
The low cost price leadership model –
In the low cost leadership model, an oligopolist firm having low cost than the
other firms sets the lower price which the other firms have to follow. Thus the
low cost firm becomes the price leader. The main assumption of this model is
that the cost of all the firms is different but they all have identical demands and
MR curves. As illustrated in the following figure 4, D is the industry demand
curve and D/MR is its corresponding MR curve which is the demand curve for
both the curves and mr is their marginal revenue curve. Here the cost curves of
the low cost firm A are ACa and MCa and of the high cost firm B are
Figure: 4
Now if the two firms act independently then the high cost firm B would charge
OP price per unit and sell OQb quantity as determined by point B where its
MCb curve cuts the mr curve. Similarly, the cost curve A will charge OP1
price unit and sell OQa quantity as determined by point A where its MCa curve
cuts the mr curve. Now since there is the formal agreement between the 2
firms, therefore, the high cost curve B has no choice but to follow the price
leader firm A. therefore, it will sell OQa quantity at a lower price OP1, even
though it will not be earning maximum profits. On the other hand, the price
leader A will earn much higher profits at OP1 price by selling OQa quantity.
Since both A & B sell the same quantity OQa, the total market demand OQ is
equally divided between the 2 firms but if firm B sticks to OP price then its
sales will be zero because the product is homogeneous and all its customers
will shift to firm A because it is selling the same product at a much lower price.
The dominant firm price leadership model –
Under this model, there is one large dominant firm and a number of small firms
in the industry, where the dominant firm fixes the price for the entire industry
and the small firms sell as much product as they like and the remaining market
is filled by the dominant firm itself. In this case, the dominant firm will select
the price which will give it more profits. However, when each firm sells its
product at the price set by the dominant firm, then its demand curve is perfectly
elastic at that price and its marginal revenue curve coincides with the
horizontal demand curve and the firm will produce that output where its
MR=MC. Moreover, the MC curves of all the small firms combined laterally to
establish their
aggregate supply curve where all these firms behave competitively while the
dominant firm behaves passively by fixing the price and allowing the small
firms to sell all they wish at that price.
The figure5 explains the case of price leadership by the dominant firm where
DD1 is the market demand curve, SMC1 is the aggregate supply curve of all
the small firms. By subtracting SMC1 from DD1 at each price, we get the
demand curve faced by the dominant firm, PNMBD1 which can be drawn as
follows. Suppose the dominant firm sets the price OP then it allows the small
firms to meet the entire market demand by supplying PS1 quantity but the
dominant firm will supply nothing at this price OP. therefore, point P is the
starting point of its demand curve. Now take a price OP1 < OP, then at this the
small firms would supply P1C (or OQs) output, where their SMC1 curve cuts
their horizontal demand curve P1R at point C. since the total quantity
demanded at OP1 is OQ and the small firms supply P1C quantity. So, CR
quantity would be supplied by the dominant firm. Now by taking P1N=CR on
the horizontal line P1qR, the dominant firms supply becomes P1N (=OQd).
Since the small firms will not supply anything at prices below OP2 (because
their SMC1 curve exceeds this price) the dominant firms demand curve
coincides with the horizontal line P2B over the range MD and then with the
market demand curve over the segment BD1 and the dominant firms demand
curve will be PNMBD1.
Figure: 5
In addition to this, the dominant firm will maximize its profit at that output
where its marginal cost curve MCd cuts its MRd at point E at which the
dominant firm sells OQd output at Op1 price. The small firms will sell OQs
output at this price for SMC1, where the marginal cost curve of the small firms
equal the horizontal price line P1R at C. thus the total output of the industry
will be OQ=OQd+OQs. However, if OP2 price is set by the
dominant firm then the small firms would sell P2A and the dominant firm AB.
In case of price below OP2, small firms will sell zero and the dominant firms
will meet the entire industry demand. Hence this analysis shows that the price
quantity solution is stable because the small firms behave passively as price
The barometric price leadership model -
Under this, there is no leader firm as such but one firm among the oligopolist
firm with the wisest management which announces the price change first which
is followed by other firms in the industry. Here the barometric price leader may
not be the dominant firm with the lowest cost or even the largest firm in the
industry, it is a firm which acts like a barometer in forecasting changes in cost
and demand conditions in the industry and economic conditions in the
economy as a whole.
Oligopoly market is a market where there exist few big players who have full
control over prices and where all firms depend on the other for their price
output decisions. Several models (as has been discussed) been given for the
determination of prices and output in an oligopoly market where all models
shows the different demand curves of players with different price output
10.1 Learning Objectives
10.2 Introduction
10.3 Collusive Models
10.4 Non Collusive Models
10.5 Summary
OPEC exports were about 31 million barrels per day in 1973. And in order to
raise prices from $3.37 per barrel to an average of $11.25 a barrel, exports had
only to be rusticated to 28.5 million barrels per day. So a reduction in OPEC’s
exports of less than 10 percent was sufficient to more than triple the world
The higher prices were maintained for the remainder of the decade. And as a
result there is a tremendous increase in the wealth of the OPEC countries.
OPEC’s policy was successful because of several reasons-
Now suppose OPEC by fixing its production quota, OPEC shifted the world
supply curve to S’W. And the horizontal difference between SN and S’W
shows the production by OPEC. Now the new world supply curve S’W
intersects demand curve DD at E1. The new world higher price is now P’W. At
price P’ W, the total quantity of oil produced is OQ2 out of which OQ3 is
produced by non-OPEC and Q3 Q2 [OQ2-OQ3] by OPEC.
As a result, with higher prices OPEC increased its oil revenues. Though there
was decline in the sale by the OPEC countries but price rises more than a fall
in sales. Non-OPEC countries also gain because they were also selling at new
higher world price.
(ii) Price Leadership
Price leadership is an important form of Collusive oligopoly. Under price
leadership, the leader firm sets the price and other firms follow it. The price
leader firm has major share of total sales, and a group of smaller firms supply
the remainder of the market. The large firm acts as a dominant firm which sets
a price that maximizes his own profit. The other firms have no option but to
take the price set by the dominant firm as given and maximize their profits
accordingly. These other firms have very small share of total sales, so
individually other firms would have very little influence over the price. Thus,
other firms act as perfect competitors and take price decided by dominant firm
as given. Now let us take the case of dominant firm and see how it sets the
price to maximize its profit.
When leader firm maximizes its profit it takes into account how the output of
the other firms depends on the price it sets. It is shown in figure 2.
In the figure, price is measured on Y-axis and quantity on X- axis. D is the
market demand curve which is negatively sloped. SS is the supply curve which
is the aggregate marginal cost curve of the follower firms. DD is the demand
curve of dominant firm. The demand curve of the dominant firm is the
difference between market demand and the supply curve of followers firm. At
price OP1,the market demand is equal to the supply by the followers firm, so
the dominant firm can sell nothing at this price. At price OP2 or less, the
follower firm will not supply any good. So, at price OP2 or less the dominant
firm faces the market demand curve D. And between prices OP2 and OP1, the
dominant firm faces the demand curve DD. Corresponding to demand curve
DD faced by the dominant firm, the dominant’s firm is facing marginal
revenue MRD. MCD is the marginal cost faced by the dominant firm. The
dominant firm in order to maximize profit should produce a level of output
where marginal revenue is equal to marginal cost. The dominant firm is
maximizing profit at point E where marginal revenue is equal to marginal cost.
The equilibrium price is OP* and the equilibrium quantity produced by the
dominant firm is OQD. At this price, follower firms sell a quantity OQS. The
total quantity that is sold at price OP* is OQT which is the sum of the quantity
produced by dominant firms (OQD) and the quantity produced by the small
firms (OQs).
The stackelberg model is named after the German economist Heinrich Freiherr
von Stackelberg who published Market Structure and Equilibrium in 1934
which described the model. The Stackelberg leadership model is a strategic
game in economics in which the firm moves first and then the follower firms
move sequentially. In this model, suppose firm 1 sets its output first, and then
followed by firm 2 after observing firm1’s output , makes its output decision.
Firm 1 before setting output must consider how firm 2 will react. The
stackelberg model is different from Cournot model where neither firm has any
opportunity to react. The Stackelberg and Cournot models are similar because
in both models competition is based on quantity.
Figure: 4
However the first move gives the leader in Stackelberg a crucial advantage.
The very important assumption in the stackelberg model is perfect information.
The follower must observe the quantity chosen by the leader, otherwise the
model would reduce to Cournot. The aggregate Stackelberg output and
consumer surplus is greater than the aggregate Cournot output. And the
Stackelberg price is lower than the Cournot price.
In figure 4, BR1 and BR2 are the best response curves. The frown-shaped
curves are firm1’s isoprofits. Point N is the Nash equilibrium where two
reaction curves intersect each other. The Stackelberg equilibrium point is S, the
point at which the highest isoprofit for firm 1 is reached on firm 2’s best
response function. At point S, firm 1’s isoprofit is tangent to firm 2’s best
response function. If firm 1 cannot commit to its output, then the output
function unravels, following the arrow from S back to C.
The two seminal papers on kinked demand were written nearly simultaneously
in 1939 on both sides of the Atlantic. Paul Sweezy of Harvard College
published "Demand under Conditions of Oligopoly”. According to Sweezy, an
ordinary demand curve does not apply to oligopoly markets and promotes a
kinked demand curve. The price rigidity is the basis of the “kinked demand
curve” model of oligopoly.
Figure: 5
According to Sweezy, each firm faces a demand curve kinked at the currently
prevailing price say P*. Any price above (below) P*, the demand curve is
elastic (inelastic). It implies that if the firm raises its price above P*, other
firms would not follow him and as a result it would lose sales and market
share. On the other hand, if the firm lowers its price below P*, other firms
would follow him else they would lose market share. Thus, an ordinary
demand curve does not apply to oligopoly markets and promotes a kinked
demand curve.
11.1 Learning Outcomes
11.2 Introduction
11.3 Oligopoly as a Game
11.4 Game Theory applied to Oligopoly
11.5 Prisoner’s Dilemma
11.6 Summary
output etc. So, if the firms tacitly or formerly cooperate they will reach
to a cooperative solution.
Types of Games: In normal (or strategic) form games, players are moving
moves simultaneously whereas in extensive form games, players are moving
moves in some order overtime. ‘One shot’ game is a game that is played only
once and super game that is repeated an infinite number of times.
When game theory is applied to oligopoly, the players are firms, their game is
played in a market, their strategies are their price and output decisions and their
payoffs are profits. Let us explain the concept of equilibrium with the help of
an example.
We are taking the case of two firms who are producing a homogeneous product
and each firm has two possible strategies i.e.
Each firm can produce an output equal to one half of the monopoly
output (the passive strategy) and jointly sharing the monopoly profit.
Each firm can produce an output equal to two-third of the monopoly
output (the aggressive strategy).
The upper left hand corner of the payoff matrix tells us that if both
firms are producing one-half of the monopoly output, both firms would
make a profit of Rs 20 each.
The upper right hand corner tells us that if firm B produces one half of
monopoly output and firm A produces two-third of monopoly output,
firm B would make a profit of Rs 15 and firm A Rs 22.
The lower left hand corner tells us that if firm B produces two-third of
monopoly output and firm A produces one-half of monopoly output,
firm B would make a profit of Rs22 and firm A Rs15.
The lower right hand corner tells us that if firm B produce two-third of
monopoly output and firm A also choose to produce two-third of
monopoly output, both would make a profit of Rs17 each.
Now the question is what the two firms would do to i.e. to cooperate with each
other or compete with each other. The possible solution could be:
i. The Passive (or Cooperative) Solution: If both firms cooperate with
each other i.e. both are producing one-half of the monopoly output then they
both are getting a profit of Rs 20 each. Under cooperative solution both are
jointly producing the monopoly output and sharing profit equally among them.
The cooperative solution is achieved by playing strategy (one half monopoly
output, one half monopoly output).
There is one Nash equilibrium in Table 1. The best decision for each firm is to
produce two-third of the monopoly output where each firm is earning a profit
of Rs 17. Here neither firm has an incentive to depart from this position except
through cooperation with the other firm. In any other cell each firm has
incentive to change its output, given the output of the other firm. In Table 1,
suppose if firm A chooses to produce one half of the monopoly output then
firm B would choose to produce two-third of the monopoly output. This is so
because the profit earned by firm B when producing two-third of the monopoly
output is Rs 22 which is more than Rs 20 (when producing one half of the
monopoly output).
But if firm A choose to produce two-third of the monopoly output then firm B
would also choose to produce two-third of the monopoly output as it is giving a
profit of Rs 17 which is more than Rs 15 (when he is producing one half of the
monopoly output). So there is one Nash Equilibrium when both firms are
producing two-third of the monopoly output. Neither firm has an incentive to
depart from this position.
iii. Strategic Behavior: When each firm is behaving strategically i.e. choosing
its optimal strategy taking into account what the other firm may do, we attain
Nash equilibrium. What would firm A would do if it knows what firm B is
doing? Firm B can do two thing i.e. either he can produce one half of the
monopoly output or two third of the monopoly output. First, suppose firm B is
producing one half of the monopoly output then what would be the best
decision for firm A. When firm B is producing one half of the monopoly output
and firm A also chooses the same then firm A will get a profit of Rs 20. But if
firm A chooses to produce two-third of the monopoly output then firm A will
get a profit of Rs 22.Secondly, suppose firm B is producing two third of the
monopoly output and firm A also chooses the same then firm A will get a
profit of Rs 17 But if firm A chooses to produce one half of the monopoly
output then firm A will get a profit of Rs 15.In either case, the best strategy for
firm A is to produce two-third of the monopoly output. Aggressive behavior is
the dominant strategy. A dominant strategy is a strategy that is best no matter
what the rival does. In this game, both firms have a dominant strategy which is
to produce two-third of the monopoly output. Firm B will reason in the same
way. So, as a result both end up by jointly producing one and third times the
monopoly output and earning a profit of Rs 17.
This behavior of firm A drives down the price in industry so firm B earns less
from its unchanged output. This cheating by firm A causes a fall in the joint
profits by taking firms away from the joint maximizing monopoly output. So
firm B’s profits would fall by more than the rise in firm A’s profit.
The similar consideration also applies to firm B, so both firms A and B have an
incentive to depart from the joint profit maximizing level of output. So when
either firm does depart from the joint maximizing output, the other has an
incentive to do so as well. When each follows this selfish strategy, they reach
towards non-cooperative equilibrium which has profits lower than that at the
cooperative solution. At the non-cooperative equilibrium both firms are jointly
producing one and a third times of monopoly output.
Here in this section we study the prisoner’s dilemma game where the non-
cooperative equilibrium makes both players worse-off than if they were able to
cooperate. The problem with the Nash equilibrium is that it does not
necessarily lead to Pareto efficient outcomes. Suppose there are two persons,
prisoner A and prisoner B and both have been caught for committing a bank
robbery. In order to procure confession from them, they are interrogated
separately so that they cannot communicate with each other. The payoff matrix
for this game is given in table2.
The upper left hand corner of the payoff matrix tells us that if both
prisoners confess the crime, both would get an imprisonment of 5 years each.
The upper right hand corner tells us that if prisoner A confesses and
prisoner B not confesses then prisoner A would get 10 years of
imprisonment and prisoner B would go free.
The lower left hand corner tells us that if prisoner A not confesses and
prisoner B confesses, then prisoner A would get no imprisonment and
prisoner B would get 10 years of imprisonment.
The lower right hand corner tells us that if prisoner A not confesses a
crime and prisoner B also not confesses than both get 8 years of
imprisonment each.
Here each prisoner faces an uncertainty regarding how the other person will
behave i.e. whether he will confess or not confess. So each person has to make
an independent choice whether to confess or not to confess a crime.
Prisoner A reasons as follows
First: If prisoner B confesses a crime, and prisoner A also chooses the same
then prisoner A will get 5 years of imprisonment. But if prisoner A chooses not
to confess then prisoner A will get no imprisonment. Thus, the best strategy of
Player A is not confess a crime. So, person A claimed my best strategy is not to
Secondly: If prisoner B not confesses a crime and prisoner A also chooses the
same then prisoner A will get 8 years of imprisonment. But if prisoner A
chooses to confess then prisoner A will get 10 years of imprisonment. Thus,
the best strategy of Player B is not confess a crime. So, person B claimed my
best strategy again is not to confess. Prisoner B will also reason in the same
way. As a result they both end up by not confessing a crime and getting 8 years
of imprisonment. This is the Nash Equilibrium. But if they had been able to
communicate with each other, they would both have confessed the crime and
get 5 years of imprisonment. Once again, the non-cooperative equilibrium
makes both prisoners worse off than if they were able to cooperate i.e. if both
are making decisions they end up by not confessing a crime.