Comp 2 - Computer Science Ko
Comp 2 - Computer Science Ko
Comp 2 - Computer Science Ko
2.1 – Algorithms - Computational Thinking
What is Computational thinking?
Algorithm: Steps to provide a solution
to a problem, usually represented in
The thought processes involved in flowcharts or pseudocode
Displays an algorithm in diagram form using
formulating a problem and its symbols and arrows to show to flow of
Decompose: Breaking down a large information
solution(s), so that a computer,
problem into smaller sub-problems
human or machine can effectively Pseudocode
carry out Abstraction: Representing 'real world' A structured use of English used to define
problems in a computer using variables the steps needed to solve a problem.
1 and symbols and removing unnecessary
elements from the problem
2.1 – Sorting Algorithms – Bubble, Insertion & merge
2.2 Programming Techniques Syntax Error
Constant An error in the rules/grammar of the language Eg missing colon / spelling mistake
never changes WITHIN A PROGRAM Logic Error
The program is written to do something other than what the programmer intended
Variable Eg Resetting only the first 9 elements in an array instead of all 10.
Run Time Error:
can change WITHIN IN A PROGRAM More difficult to spot as it can run a program without reporting an error. E.g. runs but
Doesn’t give an output. Or the program hangs or Becomes inactive
DIFFERENT DATA TYPES E.G. (1,2, “Hello”, 4.3)
SAME DATA TYPE E.G [1,2,3,4] 8
2.3 Robust Programs Data Validation techniques
Maintainability : Updating code so that it is compatible Anticipating Misuse: Defensive program design will consider and anticipate
with current requirements misuse. Misuse may be in the form of a brute force attack on the program.
E.G Many programs and systems only allow a user to enter a password three
Comments: To help describe the code and structures or four times before it locks out the system.
in a program using #
Contingency Planning: Once a programmer has anticipated the misuse they can
Indentation: used to show the programs structure e.g. then plan for the these issues. For example: Limiting the number of logon
where selection or iteration or functions are used . attempts. Ensuring the code is robust in validating the data entered
2.3 Robust Programs Test data – When testing your programs it is important to use of
data to test and to create a test plan.
Iterative testing: This happens overtime and is repeated
throughout the development of the program
2.4 Computational logic Truth Tables: Display all possible
outcomes for that gate
Logic Gate: A building block of a digital circuit. They
perform logical functions in a circuit and use binary
Not Gate 0 1
Inverts the input (0 becomes 1 and 1 1 0
becomes 0
A B Out
OR Gate 0 0 0
0 1 1
Wait for either inputs to be 1 for output to
be 1 1 0 1
A OR B 1 1 1
A B Out
AND Gate
0 0 0
Both inputs to be 1 for output to be 1 0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1
TRANSISTOR: A tiny switch that is activated by the
2.4 Computational logic electronic signals it receives. The digits 1 and 0
used in binary reflect the on and off states of this.
Code Editor – edits program text, you can type our your source Executable Code: Files which contain
code here instructions in machine code. These
Syntax Checks – Highlights syntax errors instructions are carried out in the computer
Runtime Environment – allows programs to be run one line at a
time – helps test programs and locate errors. Programming Standards
Code should follow agreed conventions (EG Lowercase for
Translator – Compiles or interprets the code variable names, schemes to be followed).
Language code is written in.
Libraries – Provides functions not included in core part of Functions used to tidy up repeated code.
programming languages (eg Random)
Comments explain the code clearly.
Correct use of indentation.
Debugger – Helps to detect errors. Suggests what type of error it
is and what line it is on. Useful identifiers (File names & Variable names)
Code should follow agreed conventions 15