WT 018
WT 018
WT 018
Episodio 2
Some premises:
1. Being a new episode, you do not need any old save from version 0.12.
2. Begin a new game and you will have all the points of the latest 0.12 version by default.
3. Who had not played the previous episode and wanted to play it, from the main menu you have the link to Mega
from which to download the 0.12 version.
4. At the beginning of the game you have the option to change the name of the main character Max, the mother
and the aunt.
Start 0.13
Go to Rita A(13)
Start 0.14
Go to 5-Dominique (A14)
Start 0.15
Go to 3 Mom (A15)
Update 0.16
Foreword: most of the events that affect the characters in Max’s house take place in toilet and shower, as you
know, finding them in those places is a random condition reason why I can’t be precise about the times when you
will find them in that place, try and try again.
First of all I recommend you to hire a new model for Rita studio (Isabella) and a new whore for your night club and
have sex with them so you will have more money.
Start 0.16
Go to 3 Mom (A16)
Start 0.17
Go to 3 Mom (A17)
Start 0.18
Go to 11 Common (A18)
During your shower Rita come, see first video, get +1 ritacorr.
After eating with family it’s Day time, go to the new location Studio, meet Rita at work.
Call Zoe, it’s the only one that answer your call. Wait her come, Rita will take some Zoe’s photo. +1 ritalove
Evening time, go Rita room at home, ask for Handjob, get +1 ritacorr.
I will focus on Rita points but you’re free to follow other paths if you want.
Next Day time go to Studio, look at Rita photoshooting Zoe. Zoe will pose nude.
Evening, enter Rita room ask for vaginal sex, get +1 ritacorr.
Next Day time go Studio for photo, Rita will involve you with Zoe, you can have sex with Zoe.
Next day is Saturday, Studio is closed so wait evening time, enter Rita room ask for sex ???, get +1 ritacorr.
Saturday morning time look for Rita in bathroom, lick her pussy, get +1 ritacorr.
You must have at this point 11 Ritalove and 40 Ritacorr. Points. Let’s focus on Laura.
Go to Laura (B13)
Now for the third Rita achi you need to have sex with her in toilet during week end so save the game on Friday
MORNING and try find her there on Saturday or Sunday, if not reload and try again. Get achi3 and +1 love
Go to 2 Laura (C16)
Find Laura I the bathroom at morning, enter, piss with her, get a blowjob. +1 lauracorr.
Day time, look for Laura in Backyard, look her doing exercise, get +1 lauralove
Evening time, Laura room ask for blowjob, get +1 lauracorr
Look for Laura in shower, enter, play with her using dildo, get +1 lauracorr
Next Day time, backyard, during exercise Laura fall down, you help her, get +1 lauralove and +1 lauracorr.
Evening time, enter Laura room, ask for sex, get +1 lauracorr.
Sleep with Laura at night, ask for fingering pussy, get +1 lauracorr.
Go to Mom (C13)
Evening time go Laura room, ask for Sex, get Achi and +1 corruption
Night time back to Laura room, sleep with her, get Achi and +1 corruption
Go to 7.Sophie (C15)
Find Laura in toilet, walk in, she ask for lube to have anal sex, get +1 corruption
Go sexy shop to buy lube but the last one tube it’s been already ordered but the saleswoman can sell it to you in
exchange for hiring her mother in your club.
Back to sexy shop, I’ll know that the saleswoman mother is Eva.
Go apartments, ask for Eva, hire her, talk to her in your club, go back to sexy shop and finally buy the lube.
Have anal sex with Laura in toilet, get achi1 and +1 corruption
Evening time, Laura room have sex and cum inside, get +1 corruption
Go to 4 Alisia (D16)
Day time, look for mom in living room watching tv. Ask for Handjob, get +1 momcorr.
Look for mom in shower, ask for Eat her pussy, get +1 momcorr.
Look for mom in bathroom, get handjob and +1 momcorr.
Morning time, kitchen, help mom wash dishes, ask for cunnilingus, get +1 momcorr.
Evening time look for mom in shower, finger her pussy, get +1 momcorr.
Go to sleep with mom, Max had to said at this point to make her jealous.
Evening time, enter Rita room, ask about mom. Mom will come Rita room while you’re fucking Rita and falls to the
ground unconscious. Rita will explain everything to mom and now you can go mom room to fuck her. Laura an Rita
will spy on you fucking mom so they start to lick each other. At the end you will get +1 corr. from all three.
At night go to sleep with mom, make love, get the last +1 momcorr. For this version.
All achievements from Mom, Laura and Rita are now done.
Go to Alisia (D13)
Wait for Sunday Evening, enter Mom room, she’s naked with Rita, fuck one of them, get Mom and Rita +1 corruption
Next Sunday do the same, fuck the other, get again Mom and Rita +1 corruption
If everything is done well, first night you go to sleep in your room, Laura and Rita must come to your bed. BJ you and
you finger both them. Get Rita and Laura +1 corruption
Go to 90 Final score
Morning time, go for breakfast with mom, Rita come, get Mom and Rita Achiev. And +1 love
Day time, go living room, make sex with Mom, Laura come, get Mom achi., Mom/Laura +1 corruption
Next day, evening time go Mom room, talk About Laura, get Mom/Laura Achi and +1 corruption
Go to 2.Laura (B15)
Have anal sex with mom in shower, get achi 2 and +1 love
Go to 1 Rita (B16)
Evening time, mom bedroom choose Dinner. When the waiter come, let your mom decide what she like to eat.
During dinner Mom ask you four questions, the correct answer are: In your bedroom, in the kitchen, a dildo, You.
She want you follow her in toilettes, you see 4 doors there, click the first on the left, get a BJ from one casual lady,
check others door to find your Mother, fuck her, go home, get +1 corruption
Go to 6 Mei (B17)
If everything goes well, when you get up in morning your mother must come your room telling you Alvin in come to
visit you. If not try to go Alvin house and make him spy you some time doing something with his mother.
Fuck your mom, go meet Alvin outside your house. Get mom +1 love
Go Alvin home, speak with his father but him don’t let you enter.
Take Alvin’s home keys, go Alvin home at evening time. Speak with Sophie.
Go sleep.
Back in your room, click the box near your bed, take pills.
Back to Old district, talk to the guy again, this time he let you pass.
Enter the left room, don’t Confront the Guy (you will die), Leave.
Enter the room at the bottom, take the tissues to the right, the watertight on the ground on the left, click on the sink.
Back to the left room and confront the guy. Free Natalie and the nun in the first room. Back to sleep.
Go to 9 Elena (E18)
Go to the location Domi Home, you will meet…. Your Dad! He bought the house from Dominique a feu month before.
After a feu words you send him to the hell and go away!
Go Aunt house, meet Alisia in kitchen, ask for licking pussy, get +1 Alisiacorr.
Alisia living room ask for footjob, get +1 alisiacorr.
Next day, day time, go Alisia kitchen, ask for sex, get +1 alisiacorr.
Next day Alisia living room ask for sex, get last achievement and +1 alisiacorr.
Visit you Aunt room during she’s sleeping, something strange in your mind. You need follow her.
Go evening time in front of your house, click the motorbike, follow aunt. She and her friend enter the apartments
location but the concierge don’t let you in.
Next day go apartments location, look at the wall to the right, it’s a fake wall so ask again the concierge. You will
need a golden card the enter the exclusive club.
Go back to Alisia house at day time, go aunt room, look at the phone, take the gold card.
Evening time go apartment, let see your card to concierge, enter the club clicking the fake wall. You will find your
aunt doing pole dance! She’s became a stripper! She want make money to buy the club but will take long time.
You have to think something to have the money fast to but the club before her. Need to speak with you father!
Feu days later you go the the club as new owner! You gift the club's property to your aunt but let for you some new
room you buy before. You are thinking to start a brothel activity so will need some girl to start with. Head to the park
at night try to hire some girls. Speak to the first one next to you on the left and hire her for 500$.
A new location show up in your map called Park. Go there next night, hire a new prostitute, the one with green hair
on the far right. That’s all you can hire for this version.
Next evening go to your club, start asking for sex to your aunt till the end of he’s achievements. You can also fuck
your prostitute when you find them free.
During day time you can also go meet your “Step mother” but nothing happens with her.
Your aunt home. Sleep with aunt at night, have sex, get aunt achi2 and +1 corruption
Evening time, find Aunt and Alisia naked in living room, play with them, let Alisia win, get Alisia achi1 +1 corruption
from each of them.
Next day let Aunt win, get Aunt achi3 and from each of them +1 corruption
Next day make the game even 3 points each, get Alisia achi2, Aunt achi4 and from each +1corruption
If you find only Alice in living room, means Aunt is in bath, go there have sex, get Aunt achi5 and +1 love
Go to 5 Dominique (E16)
The first thing you should do is go to the park at night and recruit the brunette on the right. After this…
Go to your home nackyard take the tube, dining room take the glass, Rita Studio take the stands.
Go to 6.Mei (B14)
Go to Dominique at Farm, have sex Dressed, Naked and in stable, you can do it all in one day.
Go to 10 Susan (F16)
Morning, go Sophia home, talk to Alvin, you will know he’s dating Mei.
Night time go to your Night Club, talk to your aunt about Alvin.
Go to 3.Mom (C14)
Next day she ask you to bring her to the beach on Saturday or Sunday.
Wait till Saturday, go to SPA to bring her, go beach, get +1 love
Monday go alone at beach, relax, click on the boat, meet Paulina, she tell you the boat is on sale for $40000.
Back on the map click the new boat icon, buy the boat.
Next Saturday go with Mei on the beach, tour on boat, get a BJ from Mei and +1 corruption
Sunday, from the map click boat icon, choose Yes and Mei, fuck Mei get +1 corruption
Go to 13 Tina (C17)
Spy cam are: 2 on Toilet room, Plant and Thermostat. 2 in bathroom, top window and handle. 3 Sophie room, switch,
small lamp, big lamp.
Speak with Alvin, back to Sophie room, get Foot Job and +1 corruption
Speck with Alvin, he want now he’s mother do an Hand job to you but in Toilet room.
Morning time, Alvin House, Toilet room, Walk in, get HJ and +1 corruption
Speak with Alvin, evening time go bathroom, get a BJ, get +1 corruption
Go to 8.Elena (D15)
Evening time go Rita bedroom, talk, Rita will make fake drugs for you.
Back to Rita room, see all the scenes, at day end get Rita +1 love
Next day, evening time, Sophie bathroom, lick pussy, get +1 corruption
Next day, morning time, Sophie bedroom, fuck her, get +1 corruption
Go to 90 Final Score
Day time, go visit Elena, Living room a few time (at least 3) till you find her doing nothing (normally she’s painting).
She run out of paints, go buy them for her to Market for 50$. Bring back to her, get +1 love
Now every day at day time go to her and do model, get some love point.
After a few times you pose for her in underwear, get +1 elena corruption and you meet Natalie, Elena’s sister.
For those who do not know who Natalie is, she is the person who sent Max innocent to prison.
Max decides not to tell Elena pregnant that her sister is a criminal, get Natalie +1 corruption
Go to 9.Natalie (E15)
Morning time, enter Elena bedroom, choose Touch Boobs, Reveal Breasts, get +1 corruption
Day time, go living room and make Elena paint you nude, get +1 corruption
Next day at day time go living room, find Elena watching TV, massage her, lick pussy, get +1 corruption
Evening time, enter bathroom, massage Elena, kiss her, get +1 corruption
Morning time, enter Elena bedroom, touch and expose ass, get +1 corruption
Go to 9 Natalie (C18)
Morning time go Elena home/bedroom, speak with them. Get Natalie and Elena +1 love
Evening time, enter bathroom with Elena inside, get a tit/lick job and +1 corruption
Next morning enter Elena bedroom and fuck her ass, get +1 corruption
Go to 15 Paulina (F18)
Continue visit Elena at day time Living room, rub Natalie ass, till you get Natalie 7 corruption points.
Now go Elena house but at morning time, bathroom, bath with Natalie, get a Foot Job and +1 corruption
Wait Evening time, go Elena pool, bath with Natalie till 9 corruption points.
Day time, back to Elena house, living room, Natalie Pussyjob, get +1 corruption
At this point you must have all achievements done for version 0.15
There’s a little more to do: go park at night and hire a new prostitute.
Go day time Rita’s Studio and hire the prison director.
Day time, Elena house, enter kitchen, get a blow job from Natalie, get +1 corruption
Go to sleep.
Go to 3 Mom (D18)
10 Susan
Night time, Susan Home, you find her drunk like hell sleeping on the ground out her house door.
Next morning go have breakfast, find Susan’s car keys, get +1 corruption
Next morning go Susan home, toilet have cunnilingus, achi1 and +1 corruption
Wait evening, Susan bathroom, have tit fuck, achi3 and +1 corruption
Morning, Susan toilet, have blow job, get achi2 and +1 corruption
Next day, Evening, Susan bedroom, choose Okay, get achi4 and +1 corruption
Next day, Evening, Susan bedroom, choose No, get achi5 and +1corruption
Go to 11 Common (G16)
11 Common
Wait Saturday morning, go Mom bedroom, talk. Follow her, hide but you are discovered. All four want a gift from
you to let you join them. You have now 2 new locations on the map, Hot Springs and Mall.
Go Mall/Clothes Shop, buy Open dress, Bags Shop, buy Red Bag, Jewelry Shop buy the Diamond necklace.
Wait now next Saturday Morning, go to Hot Springs, fuck one of them your choice. Get from the four +1 corruption
Go to 12 Kristel (H16)
First of all hire 2 new model at Rita Studio (Barbara and Charlotte), do all the Photoshot sections and have sex with
them both.
Now hire all the prostitute in the park (3 more) and have sex with them in all positions.
In total you must have 5 Models and 8 Prostitute.
Go to 8 Elena (B18)
12 Kristel
Go Sophia Home, meet Kristel. New Location Map Kristel Home. Go there, get +1 love
Wait Sunday Morning, go Kristel Home, choose Cunnilingus, get achi1 and +1 corruption
Repeat next Sunday, choose Hand Job, get achi2 and +1corruption
Go to 90 Final Score
13 Tina
Next day go gym, fight with guy, get a punch, Tina kiss you, get +1 love
Now go all day at gym to train till max say “I’m ready to beat him”
Next day fight the guy, click on punch icon to avoid his attack, beat him, lick Tina pussy, get +1 corruption
Next day fight Tina! This will be more hard. Save the game. You have short time to click the punch to avoid Tina
attack so try till you memorize where the punch come from, Beat Tina, fuck her, get +1 corruption
14 The Twins
Sunday morning, go Kristel home, go twins bedroom click on them. Back to the entrance, pass time till day time,
back to their room, click conditioner air. Pass time again till evening. Twins are now one in her room playing Pc,
other in bathroom, Peek and Walk In.
Wait next Sunday, morning look at them without blanket, day time look Tv with them, evening time speak with Maya,
Peek and walk in Amber. Get Maya and Amber +1 love
You can now visit them all days, day time look TV with both, get +1 love
Amber will caught you spying on bathroom, you are in trouble they want see you naked! Get both +1 corruption
Next day at day time go to you sister Rita Studio, copy Maya’s Hard Drive.
Back to Maya’s room, repair Pc, get a Kiss and Maya +1 corruption
Next day evening time Maya’s room you see her writing something.
Nexy day day time, Mays’ room click the drawer next Pc, read her diary, she like a Sybian toys, go sex shop buy it.
Focus on Amber now. Evening time enter bathroom, get Amber +1 corruption
Next day evening time Maya’s room, give her the Sybian toys, get Maya +1 corruption
Now you can only wait for one sms where Maya forgive you so stay in your room or do whatever you want.
Normally it take 4-5 days, night time you will receive her sms. Go to her.
She invite you to check your webcam, maybe you can see her. Get Maya +1 corruption
When you caught her using the Sybian toys get Maya +1 corruption
Go to 90 Final Score
15 Paulina
Morning time, click the Boat near the Beach, go take a tour on the sea with Paulina, get +1 corruption
Go to 7 Sophie (G18)
Version 0.13 Mom 15/78, Rita 11/41, Laura 15/66, Alisia 6/23, Aunt 15/45.
Version 0.14 Mom 15/80, Rita 11/44, Laura 15/67, Susan 7/15, Dominique 9/17, Tina 2/9, Mei 3/3, Alisia 6/23,
Aunt 15/45, Paulina 1/0, Kristel 6/21, Sophia 0/9
Version 0.15 Points: Mom 16/82, Rita 12/44, Laura 15/71, Susan 7/15, Dominique 9/17, Tina 2/9, Mei 3/3, Alisia
6/23, Aunt 15/45, Paulina 1/0, Kristel 6/21, Sophia 1/14, Natalie 0/10, Elena 4/1.
Version 0.16 Points: Mom 18/86, Rita 15/44, Laura 16/74, Susan 7/25, Dominique 9/21, Tina 2/9, Mei 3/3, Alisia
6/26, Aunt 16/53, Paulina 1/0, Kristel 7/24, Sophia 1/14, Natalie 0/10, Elena 4/1.
Version 0.17 Points: Mom 18/87, Rita 15/44, Laura 16/74, Susan 7/25, Dominique 9/21, Tina 4/11, Mei 4/7, Alisia
6/26, Aunt 16/53, Paulina 1/0, Kristel 7/24, Sophia 1/14, Natalie 0/10, Elena 4/1, Amber 4/5, Maya 4/5.
Version 0.18 Points: Mom 19/87, Rita 16/44, Laura 16/74, Susan 7/25, Dominique 9/21, Tina 4/11, Mei 4/7, Alisia
6/26, Aunt 16/53, Paulina 1/1, Kristel 7/24, Sophia 1/17, Natalie 1/11, Elena 5/9, Amber 4/5, Maya 4/5.