Occupation Certificate: To Whom It May Concern
Occupation Certificate: To Whom It May Concern
Occupation Certificate: To Whom It May Concern
Occupation Certificate
This is to certify that Mrs. Hema Karki, mother of Mr. Samin Karki, a permanent resident of
Aarughat Rural Municipality Ward No. 2, Gorkha, Nepal, has been actively participating in
following occupations:
1. Agriculture Products (Paddy, Maize, Mustard and Millet)
2. Fruit Farming (Lemon, Orange, Banana, Papaya and Guava)
3. Bee Keeping.
Ward Chairman
12th Auguest, 2024
12th August, 202
Income Certificate
This is to certify that Mrs. Hema Karki, mother of Mr. Samin Karki, a permanent resident of
Aarughat Rural Municipality Ward No. 2, Gorkha, Nepal, had earned following annual income from
different sources last 3 years as shown below:
2. Fruit Farming
(Lemon, Orange, Banana, Papaya and 727,580.00 790,910.00 901,740.00
3. Bee Keeping
801,900.00 820,850.00 725,850.00
Ward Chairman
12th Auguest, 2024
This is to certify that Mrs. Hema Karki, mother of Mr. Samin Karki, a permanent resident of
Aarughat Rural Municipality Ward No. 2, Gorkha, Nepal, has cleared all the government taxes of
the fiscal year 2021/2022 A.D., 2022/2023 A.D. and 2023/2024 A.D., of her all applicable taxes. We
have checked and found that her tax status is updated till this date.
According to Income Tax Act, 2058 B.S. (2002 A.D.), chapter 4(11) (1)
(Sources: www.lawcommission.gov.np,www.ird.gov.np), taxes are exempt for Agriculture Products,
Fruit Farming and Bee Keeping.
Hence, there is no any outstanding tax to be paid in this office.
Below table shows the payable tax of last 3 fiscal years.
3. Bee Keeping
801,900.00 820,850.00 725,850.00
Ward Chairman
Relationship Certificate
This is to certify that Mr. Samin Karki, son of Late. Suresh Kumar Karki and Mrs. Hema Karki
and younger brother of Ms. Salina Karki, a permanent resident of Aarughat Rural Municipality
Ward No. 2, Gorkha, Nepal, has submitted an application for Relationship Certificate with his family
and that the applicant has the following relationships with each person mentioned below.
After making necessary inquiry from this office, it is found that the following relationships are true. This
certificate is issued in accordance with “Chapter 3, Section 12, Sub-section 2, Clause (E-1) of the Local
Government Operation Act, 2074 B.S. (2017 A.D.)”. It is further certified that there are three members
in his family.
Birth Certificate
To Whom It May Concern
This is to certify that Mr. Samin Karki, Son of Late. Suresh Kumar Karki, and Mrs. Hema Karki, a
permanent resident of Aarughat Rural Municipality Ward No. 2, Gorkha, Nepal, as per his Nepalese
citizenship certificate and official record at this office, he was born on 2061/12/09 B.S. (2005/03/22
A.D.). This Certificate is issued in accordance with ‘Chapter (3), Section (12), Sub-Section (2), Clause
(E-7) of Local Government Operation Act, 2074 B.S. (2017 A.D.)’.
Ward Chairman