Blood Physiology Ozone - 063903
Blood Physiology Ozone - 063903
Blood Physiology Ozone - 063903
• Blood is a red blood fluid that circulates through the vascular system
• It carries nutrients and waste products throughout the body
• It is red in colour,
• Arterial blood is scarlet red while venous blood is purple red because of more Co2
• Average volume of blood in a normal human is 5l
• In newborns it is 450ml and increases through growth and reaches 5L at the tine of puberty
• Blood in females is 4,5 L
• It is 8% of body weight in normal young healthy adult weighing about 70kg
• It is also 5 times more viscous than water
• pH range from 7.35 to 7.45 (slightly alkaline).
• Slightly warmer than body temperature 100.4 oF.
• It is composed of RBC,WBC,PLATELETS
• It is the volume of RBC in the blood expressed by percentage
• The normal value is 45%
• (47% in male, 42% in female)
• Between the RBC and plamsa cells, a thin layer of white buffy coat is present
• The white buffy coat is formed by the aggregation of WBC and platlets
• When blood is collected in an haematocrit and centrifuged for 30 mins at the speed of 3000rpm, RBC settles leaving blood
plasma at the top.
• Plasma forms 55% while RBC forms 45%
• It is a straw liquid part of blood
• It contains 91-92% of water and 8% of solids and gases
• Clear fluid that oozes from blood clot
• When blood clot happens fibrinogen is converted to fibrin and blood cells are trapped in this forming blood clot
• After 45 minutes serum oozes out of the blood clot
• Serum is different from plasma by only the absense of fibrinogen
• Fibrinogen is absent in serum because it is converted to fibrin during blood clotting
• Nutritive
• Respiratory
• Excretory
• Transport of hormones and enzymes
• Water balance E.T.c
• PRECIPITATION METHOD: Proteins in serum are seperated into albumins and globulins
• SALTING OUT METHOD: Serum globulin is seperated into euglobulin and pseudoglobulin
• ELECTROPHORETIC METHOD: Proteins are seperated into albumin (55%), alphaglobulin (13%),beta globulin (13%), gamma globulin
(11%) and fibrinogen (7%)
• COHN"S FRACTIONAL PRECIPITATION METHOD: Plasma proteins are seperated into albumin and different fractions of globulin
• ULTRACENTRIFUGATION: Albumin,GLOBULIN and FIBRINOGEN are seperated and molecular weight also is determined
• GEL FILTERATION CHROMATOGRAPHY: All types of plamsa proteins are seperated
• IMMUNOELECTROPHORETIC: Quantitative measurement of proteins is done
• Most abundant (55-64%)
• 4-5g/100mls of blood (3.5-5g/dl)
• The smallest size with molecular weight of 69000-70,000
• Total exchangeable albumin is 4-5g/kg body weight
• 38.45% intravascular
• 10% of exchangeable pool degraded daily
• Replacement comes from hepatic cells producing 200 to 400mg/kg/day
• Synthesis decreases in fasting and increase in nephrosis because of loss in urine
• Form about 20% of total plasma protein
• Amount in circulating blood is about 2-3g/100ml of blood
• Occurs in various form
o - α- globulin (150,000-160,000).Transport retinol and Thyroxine
o - Y-globulin (150,000 – 900,000). E.g. iron transporting protein called trasferrin.
o - β- globulin (90,000) e.g. antibodies
• Albumin-globulin ratio = 2:1
• Only soluble plasma protein
• Molecular weight = 350,000
• Amount in circulation = 0.15 – 0.3g/100ml
• Converted to fibrin as blood coagulates
• Increase in RBC count is known as polythemia
• RBC count also decreases during sleep and pregnancy
• People in high altitutude have high RBC count, hypoxia stimulates the kidney to produce erythropoetin which inturn
stimulates bone marrow to produce more RBC
• RBC Count increases after meal,during emotional anxiety e.t.c
• The shape of the red blood cell provides maximum surface area for the small volume of the cell and large diffusion surface
for passage of gases.
• It also allows for squeezing of red blood cell when passing through narrowed vessels without damage to the integrity of the
• Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase is present on the membrane helping to utilize glucoce, O2 and ATP.
• Life span is 120 days.
• The count is higher in new born (6mmillion/mm3) than in an adult.
• Its production is stimulated by hypoxia with the release of erythropoietin (EPO) 85% from kidney % 15% from liver.
• RBC Count decreases during pregnancy because of increase in ECF Volume which increases plasma volume leading to
▪ They are non nucleated, only camel has nucleated RBC
▪ They also lack DNA
▪ Energy for RBC is gotten from glycolytic process since it lacks mitochondria
▪ RBC has a special type of cytoskeleton made up of actrin and spectrin and they are anchored to transmembrane proteins with
▪ Absence of spectrin leads to hereditary sperocytosis in which cell is deformed and easily degraded
• Old RBC are destroyed by macrophages present in spleen and liver
• When rbc become older their cell membrane becomes more fragile
• Young RBC can pass through capillaries easily but because of fragile nature, older cells are destroyed attempting to pass
• Destruction occurs mainly in capillaries of red pulp of spleen because their diameter is very small
• Destroyed RBC's are fragmented and haemoglobin is released from fragmented parts
• haemoglobin is picked up by macrophages in the liver e.g kupffer cells, spleen and bone marrow
• It is degraded into iron,,globin and porphyin
• Iron combines with protein called apoferritin to form ferritin
• Globin enters the proteins depot for later use
• Porphrin is degraded into bilirubin and excreted by liver through bile
• Daily 10% RBCS are destroyed
• Transport of Oxygen
• Transport of CO2 to lungs (30% carbhaemoglobin, 63% Carbonic anhydrase)
• Buffering action
• Blood group determination: They carry blood group antigens
▪ Abnormal increase in RBC count above 7 million/cu mm of blood
▪ It is characterized by persistent increase in RBC count above 14 million/cu mm of blood
▪ It is associated with WBC above 24 million/cu mm of blood
▪ Occurs in myeloproliferative disorder
▪ Secondary pathological conditions like emphyesema, conenital heart disease and chemical poinsoning
▪ This would lead to hypoxia which stimulates erythropoetin which stimulates bone marrow, which stimulates RBC production
Decrease in RBC count is known as anaemia
▪ This is the origin development and maturity of erythrocytes
▪ Haematopoesis is the process of origin and maturation of all blood cells
▪ Occurs in 3 stages in foetal life
MESOBLASTIC STAGE: First 2 months RBC are produced in the mesenchyme cells of yolk sac
HEPATIC STAGE: for the 3rd month liver is the main organ that produces RBC, Spleen and other organs are also involved in
MYELOID STAGE: Last 3 months of intrauterine life, RBC are produced from bone marrow and liver
▪ In newborn babies and adults, they are produced only from the bone marrow
▪ In adults, they are also produced from the bone marrow
UP TO 20 YEARS: RBC are produced from the bone marrow of all bones
AFTER 20 YEARS: Shaft loses erythropetic function and becomes yellow marrow because of fat deposition, so RBCS are produced
from membranous bones and from the end of long bones
▪ 75% of the bone marrow is involved in leukocytes production and 25% is involved in erythrocytes production
▪ Primary cells capable of self renewal and diffrentitaion into specialized cells
▪ They are found in the bone marrow and they give rise to blood cells
▪ They are pluripotent
▪ In the early stage they are not committed but they later become comitted and it’s the commited that gives rise to a group of
LYMPOID STEM CELLS: They give rise to Lymphocytes and natural killer cells
COLONY FORMING BLASTOCYTES: When grown in cultures they form colonies i.e colony forming blastocytes
CFUGM- Granulocyes (Neutrophils,Baspohils and esinophils) and monocytes
CFUM- Platelets
▪ First cell developed from CFU E
▪ Diameter of about 20 micrometers
▪ Does not contain haemoglobin
▪ Cytoplasm is basophlic in nature
▪ Contains large nucleus with 2 or more nuclei
▪ Multiplies severaly and forms cell of next stage
▪ Nucleoli in nucleus disappears
▪ Becomes small with a diameter of 15 micrometer
▪ Chromatin network gets condensed and becomes dense
▪ Also known as basophillic erythroblast
▪ Smaller diameter of 10-12
▪ Nucleus is still present but further condensation
▪ Haemoglobin starts appearing
▪ Cytoplasm is also basophilic
▪ Because of haemoglobin it stains with acid as well as base
▪ Also called polychromatic erythroblast
▪ Diameter of cell decreases for about 8-10
▪ Nucleus becomes small with condensed chormatin network and is known as ink spot nucleus
▪ Quantity of haemoglobin almost increases and cytoplasm becomes almost acidophilic
▪ Cell becomes orthochromatic erythroblast
▪ In the final stage nucleus disintegrates and disappears, this process is known as pyknosis
▪ Final remnant is extruded and develops into reticulocyte
▪ It is the immature RBC AND LARGER than the mature RBC
▪ It contains reticular network formed by remnants of disintegrated organelles
▪ Reticulum stains with supravital stain
▪ In babies it is 2-6% count of RBC's and count decreases after first week of birth
▪ Number increases when production and release of RBC increase
▪ Reticulocyte is basophillic due to the remnants of cell organelles
▪ Cells enter blood capillaries through the capillary membrane from site of production by diapedesis
▪ Reticularr network disappears
▪ It is acidophillic
▪ Cells becomes matured and attains biconcave shape
▪ Diameter of cell reduces to 7.2
▪ It takes 7 days for development form proerythroblast to RBC
▪ It takes 5 days to get to reticulocye stage
▪ Reticulocyte takes 2 days to become matured RBC
▪ Reduced avaliability of oxygen
▪ Major stimulating factor
▪ Stimulates erytrhopoesis by inducing secretion of erythropoetin in the kidney
▪ It involves Hypoxia INDUCTIBLE factor
▪ HYPOXIA INDUCIBLE FACTOR is a transcription factor used to activate the transcription of genes to produce substances
including erythropoeitin from proteins
▪ Secreted by peritubular capillaries of kidney
▪ Hypoxia is its stimulant
▪ It takes 4-5 days
▪ Production of erythroblast from CFUE
▪ Development of proeryhtroblast into mature RBC's
▪ Release of mature RBC into blood'
▪ Accelerates erythropoesis
▪ Polycthemia is common
▪ Vit B3,B6,C,D,E
VITAMIN B12: It is called an extrinsic factor since it is obtained from diet
▪ It is mostly stored in the liver
▪ Its absorption reqiures the presence of intrinsic factor of castle
▪ Deficiency of vitamin B12 causes pernicious anaemia
It is a maturation factor and also called anti-aemia princple
▪ In the absence of DNA, DNA synthesis decreases and it results in failure of RBC maturation
▪ Leads to megaloblastic anaemia in which the cells are larger and appear in megaloblastic (proerthroblastic) stage
PROTEINS AND AMINO ACIDS: synthesis of protein part of haemoglobin
IRON: formation of heme part of haemoglobin
COPPER: Absorption of iron from GIT
Cobalt and Nickel: Utilization of iron
Vitamins C ; haemoglobin formation
▪ Made of protein and iron component
▪ Protein part is globin while iron containing part is heme
▪ Pigmented part of heme is pophyrin
▪ Formed by 4 pyrolle rings attached to one another by methane bridges
▪ Iron is attached to the nitrogen of all pyrolle rings
▪ 2 alpha and beta chains in adults but two alpha and gamma chains in foetus
▪ Fetaal haemoglobin has more affinity for oxygen
▪ Oxygen dissociation curve for haemoglobin is shifted to the left
▪ Heme is synthensized from succinyl COA and the glycine
▪ After 120 days, the RBC is destroyed in the reticuloendothelial cells
▪ Particularly in spleen and haemoglobin its released into plasma
▪ Haemoglobin is degraded in the reticuloendothelial cells and split into globin and heme
▪ Globin is utilised again for the synthesis of haemoglobin
▪ Heme is degraded into iron and porphyrin
▪ Iron is stored as ferritin and hemosiderin in small quantites and are reutilised
▪ Porphyrin is converted into a green pigment called bilverdin and is converted into bilirubin
▪ Bilverdin and bilirubin are called bile pigments
▪ Caused by abnormal changes in the polypeptide chain
▪ HAEMOGLOBINOPATHY: caused by abnormal polypeptide chains
▪ THALASSEMIA: Decrease in polypeptide chains, in alpha alpha chains decreased,absent and abnormal and vice versa for beta
Carboxyhaemoglobin: Carbon monoxide plus hemoglobin and it results in tissue hypoxia
METHMOGLOBIN: Iron molecule of haemoglobin is oxidized from ferrous to ferric state, less than 40 percent of the body cels
▪ Body stands a chance of continual production but its hindered by erythrocyte protective system (Nicotinamide Adenine
▪ Operates through 2 systems diaphorase 1 and diaphorase 2, due to dependency of NADH dependent reductase or presence of
abnormal haemoglobin M, blue baby syndrome may occur
SULFHEMOGLOBIN: Formed by combination of haemoglobin with iron sulphide and it cannot be reversed. When it gets to a
level of 10, it becomes toxic
▪ Major component of haemoglobin
▪ Total quantity of iron in the body is about 4g
▪ Dietary iron is available in heme and none heme
▪ Heme is easily absorbed while non heme is not easily absorbed
▪ Iron is absorbed mainly from the small intestine
▪ Bile is essentizal for absorption of iron
▪ Iron is present mainy in ferric form and its converted to ferrous form which is mainly absorbed by the blood
▪ Hcl from gastric juice makes the ion more soluble so that it can b converted to ferric ion by ferric reductase
▪ Ferric ion is transported into the blood by ferroportin
▪ After absorption in the blood, it combines with beta globulin called apoferritin resultiing in the transfer of transferrin
▪ Iron is transported in the blood in form of transferrin
▪ Iron is stored in the blood in form of ferritin in large amount and hemosiderin in small quantity
It depends on:
• Shape of the cells
• Concentration of plasma proteins
• Infection
The stacking of red blood cell on one another is termed Rouleux formation.
• Monitoring recovery from diseases or efficiency of treatment.
• Varies with ages and sex.
• Normal values are
• New born = 2mm/hr
• Adult male = 3-7mm/hr (5.7)
• Adult female = 3-15mm/hr (9.5)
• They are calculations derived from RBC count
• Ratio btw the number of RBC and hemoglobin
• Average hemoglobin content in cell of a patient as compared to that of a normal person
• Increases in pernicious and megaloblastic anemia
• Reduced in iron deficiency anemia
• Normal in normocytic, normochromic anemia
• A blood disorder characterized by decrease in RBC,HEMOGLOBIN CONTENT AND PCV
• It leads to reduced supply of oxygen
• Oocurs as a result of decreased RBC production,Destrution of RBC and Excess blood loss
• Size is determined by mean corpuscular volume
• Colour is determined by mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration
• HEMORRHAGIC ANEMIA: This is due to excessive loss of blood
• Occurs in acute and and chronic haemorrage
ACUTE ANEMIA: Occurs in sudden loss of blood
CHRONIC ANEMIA: Occufrs due to excessive loss of blood by internal or external bleeding and lot of blood is lost causing iron deficiency,
cells become small and RBC becomes microcytic and hypochromic
HEMOLYTIC ANEMIA: destrcution of RBC not compesated by increased RBC Production and its caused by extrinsic and intrinsic factors
ALPHA THALASSEMIA: ALPHA CHAIN are absent but Beta chains are excess in adults and GAMMA in children
BETA THALASSEMIA: Beta chains are less with alpha chain less in number
• They are substance which destroy RBC'S
• Gram positive and gram negative bacteria
• Phospholipase A2 present in the venom of poisonous snakes causes hemolysis by lysin phospholipid part of cell membrane
• Chemical substances such as benzene, NSAIM
• This is the susceptibility of RBC to hemolysis
• Osmosis fragility occurs due to disturbance in fragile medium
• Used to measure RBC resistance in saline solution
• Done by using NACL solutions
• Small granules in the cytoplasm
• Granules take both acid and basic stain and appear violet in solution
• Nucleus is multillobed and number depends on cell age with no lobes in children but 2-5 in older ones
• Ameboid in nature
• Half life is 60 hours
• Diameter is 10-12
• Diameter is 10-14
• Hlaf life is 10-20 hours
• Nucleus is bilobed
• They stain pink or reddish orange
• Diameter is 8-10
• Stain purple blue with methylene blue
• Nucleus is bilobed
• Largest leucocytes
• Diameter is 14-18
• Clear cytoplasm without granules
• Nucleus is pushed to one side
• Nucleus occupies whole part of cytoplasm
• Cytoplasm may or may not be seen
• Divided into large(young) with a diameter of 10-12 and small (older)7-10
• They are divided into T and B lymphocytes
• T is concerned with cellular immunity and B with humoral immunity
• It is the Increase in WBC
• Occures in physiological and pathological conditions
• Occurs in conditions like infections, allergy, tuberculosis ,grandular fever
• Decrease in WBC Count
• Pathological conditions alone like anemia, anaphylatic shock, and disorders of spleen
• More in infants aand less in adults
• Slightly more in males and females
• Count is higher in the afternoon than in the morning
• Increases slightly during exercise, menstruation and paturation and anxiety
• Decreases during sleep
• DIAPEDSIS: Process by which leucocytes squeeze through blood vessels
• They show ameboid movement characterized by potrusion of cytoplasm
• CHEMOTAXIA: This is the attraction of WBC towards injured sites by chemiacl substances released at the sites of injury
• PHAGOCYTES: Neutrophils and monocytes en.gulf by means of phagocytosis
• First line of defense along with monocytes
• They are free cells
• Respiratory burst is a rapid increase in oxygen consumption during the process of phagocytosis by neutrophils and other phagocytic
• Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase is responsible for this phenomenon.
• During respiratory burst, the free radical O2– is formed. 2O2– combine with 2H+ to form H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide).
• Both O2-– and H2O2 are the oxidants having potent bactericidal action.
Pus and Pus Cells
• Pus is the whitish yellow fluid formed in the infectedtissue by the dead WBCs, bacteria or foreign bodies and cellular debris.
• defense mechanism of the body against the parasites.
• During parasitic infections, there is a production of a large number of eosinophils which move towards the tissues
• affected by parasites.
• Eosinophil count increases also during allergic diseases like asthma
• Basophils play an important role in healing processes.
• So their number increases during healing process.
• Basophils also play an important role in allergy or acute hypersensitivity reactions (allergy).
• This is because of the presence of receptors for IgE in basophil membrane.
• Largest cell among leucocytes
• First line of body defense
• Precursors of tissue macrophages
• Examples are kupfer cells, macrophages in lungs and spleen
• They are activated by lymphokines from T-lymphocytes and are called histocytes or wandering cells.
• Large tissue cell resembling basophil
• Majorly found around blood vessels
• Their cells do not enter the blood stream
• Plays a role in hypersensitivity reactions
• When activated, mast cells release chemical mediators into interstituim from granules
• PERFOMED MEDIATORS: Already formed and stored in secretory granules
• Newly generated mediators: Arachidonic acid derivatives such as leukptriene C
• Development and maturation of leukocytes
• Stimulated by hematopoetic growth factors and colony stimulating factors (CFS)
• GCSF= Granulocytes CSF secreted by monocytes and endothelial cells
• GMCSF= Granulocytes- Monocyte CSF secreted by monocytes, endothelial cells and T lymphocytes
• MCSF= Monocyte CSF secreted by monocytes and endothelial cells
• Immunity is the capacity of blood to resist pathogenic agent
• Immunity is divided into innate immunity and acquired immunity
• T lymphocytes or T cells are responsible for cellular immunity
• B lymphocytes or B cells are rresponsible for Humoral immunity
• It enters thymus and is processed into T lymphocytes
• Thymosin accelerates the proliferation and activates lymphocytes in thymus
• Lymphocytes from bone marow enter cortex of thymus and they start proliferaton
• We have a rearranagement of polypeptide chains on the receptor protein called T Cell Receptors present on Lymphocyte surfaces
• T lymphocytes recognize the foreign antigen on surface of antigen presenting cells
• During rearrangement in majority we have 1 alpha and 1 beta chain or 1alpha and 1 gamma
• Thymocytes having a rearranged beta chain undergo further processing
• The ones that fail beta selection undergo apoptosis
• Thymocytes with beta selection pass to medulla
• Cell start expressing another types of molecules such as CD4,CD8,CD25
• Cells that CD4 and CD8 are double positive
• CD25 and CD44 are double negative
• The ones
• CD4 and CD8 undergo certain processing are allowed to undergo further processing into T lymphocytes
• The ones that do not express CD 4 and CD 8 are eliminated by apoptosis
• Cells develop into single positive T lymphocytes
• Some become suppressor and some become helper
Helper cells or inducer cells contain CD4+T cells
Cytotoxic or killer cells have CD8 T cells
Suppressor T cells
Memory T cells
• They leave thymus and are storred in lymphoid tissues
• Processed in liver during foetal life and bone marrow after birth
• Transformed into plasma and memory cells after processing
• They produce specific immune reactions
SELF ANTIGENS: They are antigens present on the body own cells such as A antigen and B antigen in RBC
NON SELF ANTIGENS: They enter the body from outside e.g
• Antigenic cells present on cell membrane of microbial organisms
• Toxins from microbial organisms
• Allergens like pollen grains
Antigen presentaing cell presents its class II MHC molecules together with antigen bound HLA to helper T cells
▪ This inturn activates T helper cells
Sequence of Events during Activation of Helper T cells
• Helper T cell recognizes the antigen displayed on the surface of the antigen-presenting cell with the help of its own surface
receptor protein called T cell receptor.
• Recognition of the antigen by the helper T cell initiates a complex interaction between the helper T cell receptor and the
antigen. This reaction activates helper T cells.
• At the same time, macrophages (the antigen-presenting cells) release interleukin-1, which facilitates the activation and
proliferation of helper T cells.
• Activated helper T cells proliferate and the proliferated cells enter the circulation for further actions
5. Simultaneously, the antigen which is bound to class II MHC molecules activates the B cells also, resulting in the development of
humoral immunity
• A Tcell can only be activated by a tyoe of antigen
• Presents antigenic peptides bound with HLA to B cells
• With the help of B cell receptor, it recognizes the antigen on the surface of the antigen presenting cell
• Complex interaction between B cell receptor and antigen activates B cells
• Macrophages releaese interlukin 1 which facilitates activation and proliferation of B cells
• Antigen bound to class II MHC activates helper T cells
• They are transformed into plasma cells and memory cells
• They produce antibodies
• 2000 molecules per second
• They are released into the lymph and transported into circulation
• IgG forms 75 percent of antibodies in the body
• They are made up of 2 chains
• One pair of heavy chain and one pair of light chains'
• The heavy chains are connected to each other by disulfide bonds
• The heavy chains are connected to the light chains by disulfide bonds
• Heavy chain has 420 amino acids while light chains has around 220 amino acids
• They have 2 regions; namely the constant and variable region
• Identification and functions of immunoglobulins depend on this region
• Also called the complement binding region
• Binds to antibody receptor on cell membrane surface
• Amino acids present in this region are similar in number and placement
• Amino acids occupying this region are different in number and sequence
• This region enables the antibody to recognise and bind with antigen
• This region is smaller
Functions of Different Antibodies
1. IgA plays a role in localized defense mechanism in external secretions like tear.
2. IgD is involved in recognition of the antigen by B lymphocytes.
3. IgE is involved in allergic reactions.
4. IgG is responsible for complement fixation.
5. IgM is also responsible for complement fixation.
Agglutination: foreign surfaces with antigen are clumped together
Precipitation: Soluble antigens like tetanus toxins are converted into insoluble forms and precipitated
Neutralization: antibodies cover the toxic sites of antigenic products
Lysis Potent antibodies rupture the cell membrane of organisms and rupture them
• Indirect actions are stronger than than direct actions
• It is a system of plasma enzymes
• They are 11 in number and are activated in 3 ways: classical, lectin and alternate
• C1 binds with antibodies and triggers a series of events in which other enzymes are activated in sequence
• OPSONIZATION: Activation of neutrophils and macrophages to engulf the bacteria with the use of an enzyme OPSONIN
• LYSIS: Destruction of bacteria by rupturing the cell membrane
• AGGLUTINATION: This is the clumping of RB C and bacteria
• NEUTRALIZATION: Covering toxic sites of antigenic products
• Mannose binding lectin binds with fructose on the wall of bacteria
• Protein in circulation (factor 1) binds with the polysaccharides present in cell membrane of invading organisms
• This inturn activates C3 and C5 which attacks antigenic products of invading organisms
• A Bcell can only be activated by a tyoe of antigen
• They are small proteins that act as cell signalling molecules
• These proteins are by WBC
• They activate and regulate the general immune system of the body
• This is simply preparing the body to fight against a disease
• Divided into active and passive immunization
• Produced without challenging the immune system of the body
• Done by adminstering serum and beta globulin
• Immune system of body is activated
• Body develops resistance agianst disease
• A disease with signs and symptoms casued by invading pathogenic organisms
• Symptoms are very mild and do not alert affected subject
• Induces immunity either by activation of T lymphocytes and production of antibodies
• Processsed to destroy toxicity but retains its capacity to induce antibody production by immune system
• Consists of waekend toxins produced by pathogens
• It is anything that produces the manifestation of an allergy
• They have a cell membrane, microtubles and cytoplasm
▪ It is 6nm thick
▪ Extensive invaginattion forms an open canalicular system through which platelet granules extrude themselves
▪ It contains lipids in form of phospholipids glycoproteins and cholesterol
GLYCOPROTEINS: They prevent adherence of platelets to normal endothelium and accelerate the adherence of platelets to collagen
and ruptured endothelium.
▪ Glycoproteins form receptors for ADP and Thrombin
▪ They accelerate clotting reactions
▪ They form precursors of prostaglandins and Thromboxane A2
▪ They are made up of tubulin
▪ They form a ring around the cytoplasm below the cell membrane
▪ They help inactivated platelets to maintain the disk like shape
▪ Contains cellular organelles
▪ Enzymes like ATP and Prostaglandin needed enzymes
▪ Hormonal substances like adrenaline, Histamine, 5-hydroxytryptamine
▪ Platelet granules like alpha and dense granules
▪ Other chemical substances like glycogen, blood group antigens and inorganic substances like calcium
▪ NORMAL COUNT IS 2,50,000 CU/MM of blood and it ranges between 2,00,000 and 4,00,000 MM of bvlood
▪ They are less in infants (1,50,000-2,00,000) and reaches normal level at 3rd month
▪ Count increases in high altitude
▪ Platelets count increases after eating food
▪ Reduces during menstruation
▪ During injury to a blood vessel, endothelium is damaged and subendothelial collagen is exposed
▪ Platelets come in contact with collagen and are activated and they stick
▪ Adhesion involves interaction between von wilebrand factor secreted by damaged endothelium and a receptor protein
(Glycoprotein IB)
▪ This protein is situated on the surface of platelet membrane
▪ Collagen, thrombin, ADP, Thromboxane A2 Calcium ions E.t.c acceletrate adhesiveness
▪ This is the grouping of platelets
▪ Adhesion is followed by activation of many platelets by substances released from dense granules
▪ Platelets change their shape with elongation of long filamentous pseudopodia which are called processes
▪ Filipodia helps the platelet to aggregate together
▪ Its accelerated by thrombin, ADP, Thromboxane A2
▪ Clumping together of platelets
• BLOOD CLOTTING: They are responsible for formation of intrinsic Prothrombin activator
• CLOT RETRACTION: Platelets are entrapped in between fibrin threads, and cytoplasm of platelets contains contractile proteins like
qctin,myosin and throbosthenin responsible for clot retraction
• HEMOSTASIS: During injury to a blood vessel and with injured endothelium and exposed collagen, platelets adhere to collagen and
induce hemostasis
• RUPTURED BLOOD VESSSEL REPAIR: Platelet derived growth factor helps to repair ruptured blood vessels
• DEFENSE MECHANISM: Platelets encircle foreign body and destroy them
Collagen, thrombin, ADP, Thromboxane A2, Calcium ions, convulxin (purified protein from snake venom)
P selectin: Cell adhrsion molelcule secreted from endothlilial cells
Nitric oxide, Clotting factors, prostacylcin and nucleotidase which breaks down ADP
• They are formed from bone marrow
• Pluripotent stem cells give rise to colony forming unit megakaryocyte
• This develops into megakaryocyte
• Megakaryocyte cytoplasm forms pseudopodium
• A portion of psuedopodium detaches to form plateletes
• Production is influenced by colony stimulating factors and thrombopoetin
• colony stimulating factors are secreted by moncytes and T-Lymphocytes
• Thrombopoetin is a glycoprotein like erythropoetin and is secreted by liver and kidneys
• Average lifespan is 10 days but it ranges between 8 and 11 days
• Splenomegaly (spleen enlargement) decreases platelet count while splenectomy (removal of spleen) increases platelet count
• This is the process that results in arrest or stoppage of bleeding from a blood vessel
• Injury initiates hemostasis
• During injury, endothelium is damaged and collagen is exposed
• Adherence to collagen is accelerated by von willebrand factor
• This factor acts as a bridge between a special glycoprotein present on platelet surface and collagen fibrils
• Activated platelets induce hemostasis which occurs in 3 major phases
• When the injury occurs, blood vessels constrict immediately and decreases loss of blood from damaged portion
• It is a local phenomenom
• Platelets activated during this injury secretes serotonin (5Ht) which causes consritiction of blood vessels
• Fibrinogen is converted into fibrin, Fibrin threads get attached to loose platelet plug
• Ruptured part of blood vessel is blocked and futher blood loss is presented
• This is the process by which blood loses its fluidity and becomes a jelly like mass few minutes after it is shed out or put in a container
• Coagulation of blood occurs due to activation of certain factors called clotting factors
▪ Factor 1- Fibrinogen
▪ Factor 2- Prothrombin
▪ Factor 3- Thromboplastin
▪ Factor 4- Calcium
▪ Factor 5- Labile factor
▪ Factor 6- Not visible
▪ Factor 7- Stable
▪ Factor 8- Anti hemophillic
▪ Factor 9- Christmas
▪ Factor 10- Stuart Prower
▪ Factor 11- Plasma Thromboplastin
▪ Factor 12- Hageman
▪ Factor 13- Fibrin Stabilizing
• Blood clot is defined as the mass of coagulated blood which contains RBCs, WBCs and platelets entrapped in fibrin meshwork.
• The RBCs and WBCs are not necessary for clotting process.
• However, when clot is formed, these cells are trapped in it along with platelets.
• The trapped RBCs are responsible for the red color of the clot.
• External blood clot is also called scab.
• It adheres to the opening of damaged blood vessel and prevents blood loss.
• Clot retraction is the process which involves contraction of blood clot 30 to 45 minutes after formation and oozing of a straw-colored
fluid called serum out of clot.
• Contractile protein, namely thrombosthenin in the cytoplasm of platelets is responsible for clot retraction.
• Fibrinolysis is the process that involves breakdown and dissolution of blood clot inside the blood vessel.
• It helps to remove the clot from lumen of the blood vessel.
• Fibrinolysis requires a substance called plasmin or fibrinolysin.
Formation of Plasmin
• Plasmin is formed from inactivated glycoprotein called plasminogen.
• Plasminogen is synthesized in liver and is incorporated with other proteins in the blood clot.
• Plasminogen is converted into plasmin by tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA), lysosomal enzymes and thrombin.
• The t-PA and lysosomal enzymes are released from damaged tissues and damaged endothelium. Thrombin is derived from blood. The
t-PA is always inhibited by a substance called t-PA inhibitor.
• It is also inhibited by factors V and VIII.
• Besides t-PA, there is another plasminogen activator called urokinase plasminogen activator (u- PA). It is derived from blood.
• Heparin is a naturally produced anticoagulant in the body.
• It is produced by mast cells which are the wandering cells present immediately outside the capillaries in many tissues or organs that
contain more connective tissue.
• They are abundant in liver and lungs.
• Basophils also secrete heparin.
• Heparin is a conjugated polysaccharide.
• Commercial heparin is prepared from the liver and other organs of animals.
• Commercial preparation is available in liquid form or dry form as sodium, calcium, ammonium or lithium salts.
Uses of Heparin
Heparin is used as an anticoagulant both in vivo and in vitro.
Clinical uses
Intravenous injection of heparin (0.5 to 1 mg/kg body weight) postpones clotting for 3 to 4 hours (until it
is destroyed by the enzyme heparinase). So, it is widely used as an anticoagulant in clinical practice.
Laboratory Use
Heparin is also used as anticoagulant in vitro while collecting blood for various investigations.
About 0.1 to 0.2 mg is sufficient for 1 mL of blood. It is effective for 8 to 12 hours.
After that, blood will clot because heparin only delays clotting and does not prevent it
Warfarin and dicoumarol are the derivatives of coumarin.
Mechanism of Action
Coumarin derivatives prevent blood clotting by inhibiting the action of vitamin K. Vitamin K is essential
for the formation of various clotting factors, namely II, VII, IX and X.
Dicoumarol and warfarin are the commonly used oral anticoagulants (in vivo).
Warfarin is used to prevent myocardial infarction (heart attack), strokes and thrombosis.
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) is a strong anticoagulant. It is available in two forms:
i. Disodium salt (Na2 EDTA).
ii. Tripotassium salt (K3 EDTA).
Mechanism of ActionT
These substances prevent blood clotting by removing calcium from blood.
EDTA is used as an anticoagulant both in vivo and in vitro. It is:
i. Commonly administered intravenously, in cases of lead poisoning.
ii. Used as an anticoagulant in the laboratory (in vitro). 0.5 to 2.0 mg of EDTA per milliliter of blood is sufficient to preserve the blood
for at least 6 hours. On refrigeration, it can preserve the blood up to 24 hours
• Oxalate compounds prevent coagulation by forming calcium oxalate, which is precipitated later.
• Thus, these compounds reduce the blood calcium level
• mixture of ammonium oxalate and potassium oxalate in the ratio of 3:2 is used.
• Each salt is an anticoagulant by itself.
• But potassium oxalate alone causes shrinkage of RBCs AND Ammonium oxalate alone causes swelling of RBCs.
• But together, these substances do not alter the cellular activity
Mechanism of Action
Oxalate combines with calcium and forms insoluble calcium oxalate.
Thus, oxalate removes calcium from blood and lack of calcium prevents coagulation.
Oxalate compounds are used only as in vitro anticoagulants. 2 mg of mixture is necessary for 1 mL of blood.
Since oxalate is poisonous, it cannot be used in vivo.
Sodium, ammonium and potassium citrates are used as anticoagulants.
Mechanism of Action
Citrate combines with calcium in blood to form insoluble calcium citrate.
citrate also removes calcium from blood and lack of calcium prevents coagulation.
Citrate is used as in vitro anticoagulant:
i. It is used to store blood in the blood bank as:
a. Acid citrate dextrose (ACD): 1 part of ACD with 4 parts of blood.
b. Citrate phosphate dextrose (CPD): 1 part of CPD with 4 parts of blood.
Citrate is also used in laboratory in the form of formol-citrate solution (Dacie’s solution) for RBC and platelet counts.
Procoagulants or hemostatic agents are the substances which accelerate the process of blood coagulation.
Some procoagulants are given below:
Thrombin is sprayed upon the bleeding surface to arrest bleeding by hastening blood clotting.
Venom of some snakes (vipers, cobras and rattle snakes) contains proteolytic enzymes which enhance blood clotting by activating
the clotting factors.
Extract obtained from the lungs and thymus has thromboplastin, which causes rapid blood coagulation.
Sodium or calcium alginate substances enhance blood clotting process by activating the Hageman factor.
Oxidized cellulose causes clotting of blood by activating the Hageman factor.
Thrombosis or intravascular blood clotting refers to coagulation of blood inside the blood vessels.
Normally, blood does not clot in the blood vessel because of some factors which are already explained. But
some abnormal conditions cause thrombosis.
Causes of Thrombosis
1. Injury to blood vessels
During infection or mechanical obstruction, the endothelial lining of the blood vessel is damaged and it initiates thrombosis.
2. Roughened endothelial lining
In infection, damage or arteriosclerosis, the endothelium becomes rough and initiates clotting.
3. Sluggishness of blood flow
Decreased rate of blood flow causes aggregation of platelets and formation of thrombus.
Slowness of blood flow occurs in reduced cardiac action, hypotension, low-metabolic rate, prolonged confinement to bed and
immobility of limbs.
4. Agglutination of RBCs
Agglutination of the RBCs leads to thrombosis. Agglutination of RBCs occurs by the foreign antigens or toxic substances.
5. Toxic thrombosis
Thrombosis is common due to the action of chemical poisons like arsenic compounds, mercury, poisonous mushrooms and snake
6. Congenital absence of protein C
Protein C is a circulating anticoagulant, which inactivates factors V and VIII. Thrombosis occurs in the absence of this protein.
Congenital absence of protein C causes thrombosis and death in infancy.
Complications of Thrombosis
1. Thrombus
During thrombosis, lumen of blood vessels is occluded. The solid mass of platelets, red cells and/or clot, which obstructs the blood
vessel, is called thrombus. Thrombus formed due to agglutination of RBC is called agglutinative thrombus.
2. Embolism and embolus
Embolism is the process in which the thrombus or a part of it is detached and carried in bloodstream and occludes the small blood
vessels, resulting in arrests of blood flow to any organ or region of the body. Embolus is the thrombus or part of it, which arrests the
blood flow. The obstruction of blood flow by embolism is common in lungs (pulmonary embolism), brain (cerebral embolism) or heart
(coronary embolism).
3. Ischemia
Insufficient blood supply to an organ or area of the body by the obstruction of blood vessels is called ischemia. Ischemia results in
tissue damage because of hypoxia (lack of oxygen). Ischemia also causes discomfort, pain and tissue death. Death of body tissue is
called necrosis.
4. Necrosis and infarction
Necrosis is a general term that refers to tissue death caused by loss of blood supply, injury, infection, inflammation, physical agents or
chemical substances. Infarction means the tissue death due to loss of blood supply. Loss of blood supply is usually caused by occlusion of
an artery by thrombus or embolus and sometimes by atherosclerosis
Bleeding disorders are the conditions characterized by prolonged bleeding time or clotting time.
Bleeding disorders are of three types:
1. Hemophilia.
2. Purpura.
3. von Willebrand disease
1. Hemophilia
• Hemophilia is a group of sex-linked inherited blood disorders, characterized by prolonged clotting time.
• However, the bleeding time is normal.
• Usually, it affects the males, with the females being the carriers.
• Because of prolonged clotting time, even a mild trauma causes excess bleeding which can lead to death.
Causes of hemophilia
Hemophilia occurs due to lack of formation of prothrombin activator. That is why the coagulation time is prolonged.
The formation of prothrombin activator is affected due to the deficiency of factors VIII, IX or XI.
Types of hemophilia
Depending upon the deficiency of the factor involved, hemophilia is classified into three types:
1. Hemophilia A or classic hemophilia: Due to the deficiency of factor VIII. 85% of people with hemophilia are affected by
hemophilia A.
2. Hemophilia B or Christmas disease: Due to the deficiency of factor IX. 15% of people with hemophilia are affected by
hemophilia B.
3. Hemophilia C or factor XI deficiency: Due to the deficiency of factor XI. It is a very rare bleeding disorder.
Symptoms of hemophilia i. Spontaneous bleeding. ii. Prolonged bleeding due to cuts, tooth extraction and surgery. iii. Hemorrhage in
gastrointestinal and urinary tracts. iv. Bleeding in joints followed by swelling and pain. v. Appearance of blood in urine.
Treatment for hemophilia
Effective therapy for classical hemophilia involves replacement of missing clotting factor.
2. Purpura
• Purpura is a disorder characterized by prolonged bleeding time. However, the clotting time is normal.
• Characteristic feature of this disease is spontaneous bleeding under the skin from ruptured capillaries.
• It causes small tiny hemorrhagic spots in many areas of the body.
• The hemorrhagic spots under the skin are called purpuric spots (purple colored patch-like appearance).
• Blood also sometimes collects in large areas beneath the skin which are called ecchymoses.
Types and causes of purpura
Purpura is classified into three types depending upon the causes:
1. Thrombocytopenic purpura
Thrombocytopenic purpura is due to the deficiency of platelets (thrombocytopenia). In bone marrow disease, platelet production is
affected leading to the deficiency of platelets.
2. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
Purpura due to some unknown cause is called idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. It is believed that platelet count decreases due to
the development of antibodies against platelets, which occurs after blood transfusion.
iii. Thrombasthenic purpura
Thrombasthenic purpura is due to structural or functional abnormality of platelets. However, the platelet count is normal. It is
characterized by normal clotting time, normal or prolonged bleeding time, but defective clot retraction
When blood from two individuals is mixed, sometimes agglutination (clumping) of RBCs occurs.
Agglutination is because of the immunological reactions.
the discovery of blood groups WAS by the Austrian Scientist Karl Landsteiner, in 1901.
Determination of ABO blood groups depends upon the immunological reaction between antigen and
Landsteiner’s law states that:
1. If a particular agglutinogen (antigen) is present in the RBCs of a person, corresponding agglutinin (antibody) must be absent in the
2. If a particular agglutinogen is absent in the RBCs, the corresponding agglutinin must be present in the serum.
Though the second part of Landsteiner’s law is a fact, it is not applicable to Rh factor.
You do not have antibodies that react with the antigens of your own RBCs, but you do have antibodies for any antigens that your
RBCs lack.
For example, if your blood type is B, you have B antigens on your red blood cells, and you have anti-A antibodies in your blood plasma.
The agglutinogens are mucopolysaccarides, which are not only present on the red blood cells, but also, in body secretions, such as,
saliva, gastric juice and in tissues of liver, kidney and lungs.
Based on the presence or absence of antigen A and antigen B, blood is divided into four groups:
1. ‘A’ group.
2. ‘B’ group.
3. ‘AB’ group.
4. ‘O’ group.
• Blood having antigen A belongs to ‘A’ group. This blood has β-antibody in the serum.
• Blood with antigen B and α-antibody belongs to ‘B’ group.
• If both the antigens are present, blood group is called ‘AB’ group and serum of this group does not contain any antibody.
• If both antigens are absent, the blood group is called ‘O’ group and both α and β antibodies are present in the serum.
Rh factor is an antigen present in RBC. This antigen was discovered by Landsteiner and Wiener.
It was first discovered in Rhesus monkey
Rh group system is different from ABO group system because, the antigen D does not have corresponding natural antibody (anti-D).
However, if Rh positive blood is transfused to a Rh negative person anti-D is developed in that person.
On the other hand, there is no risk of complications if the Rh positive person receives Rh negative blood.
Rhesus factor is an inherited dominant factor.
It may be homozygous Rhesus positive with DD or heterozygous Rhesus positive with Dd (Fig. 19.2).
Rhesus negative occurs only with complete absence of D (i.e. with homozygous dd).