Beee QB
Beee QB
Beee QB
1. State ohm’s law and mention their limitations.
5. Give the formula of effective resistances for series and parallel resistive circuit.
PART B and C
1. Determine the equivalent resistance between terminals A and B of figure shown
2. Determine the current delivered by the source for the circuit shownbelow.
3. For the circuit shown below, find the loop currents using KVL.
4. Evaluate (i)equivalent resistance across the terminal of the supply (ii)total current
supplied by the source (iii)power delivered to 16Ω resistor in the circuit shown
5. Three loads A, B and C are connected in parallel to a 240V source. Load A takes 9.6
kW, Load B takes 60 A and Load C has a resistance of 4.8Ω. Calculate individual
load resistances and equivalent resistance. Also find the total current and power
delivered from source.
6. Describe the safety measures to be followed to save the person fromelectric
shock in industries.
7. Illustrate the types of wiring in detail.
9. What is servomotor?
PART B and C
1. Explain the construction and operating principle of DC motor.
2. Explain how armature current depends on Back emf in a dc motor in
detail and derive the expression of condition for maximum power in aDC motor.
3. Explain the derivation of back emf, line current, and input powerequations for all types of
DC motors, assessing their accuracy and applicability.
4. Write detailed note on how rotation occurs in a BLDC motor and mention a few of its
5. Explain the construction and operating principle of permanent magnet DC
6. Demonstrate the operating principle of stepper motor with neat sketch.
7. Demonstrate the operating principle of stepper motor in 2-PHASE ONmode and Half
step mode with neat sketch.
8. Explain the construction and operating principle of A.C servo motor in
detail with its mechanical characteristics.
9. Explain the construction and operating principle of D.C servo motor in detail with its
mechanical characteristics
10. Discuss about the applications of motors in industrial automation.
1. What you mean by depletion layer in PN junction diode?
PART B and C
1. Describe the working of a PN junction diode with neat diagrams. Alsoexplain its V-I
2. Describe the working of Zener diode with neat diagram. Also explainits VI
3. With a neat diagram explain the operation of Half wave and derive itsefficiency and
ripple factor
4. Expalin the operation of a Full Wave Rectifier by analyzing its circuit diagram and
performance characteristics. Assess the derivations of its efficiency and ripple
factor, and determine how these factors influence the rectifier's overall
5. Explain the construction and working of Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT). Also give
its performance comparison between its configurations.
6. Illustrate and explain the input and output characteristics of the common emitter
configuration with a neat sketch, demonstrating how they influence circuit behavior.
10. Analyze the different types of Uninterrupted Power Supply used inindustries.
1. What is a temperature sensor?
10. List out the materials used to build the piezo electric actuators
PART B and C
1. Explain the operation of thermocouple and RTD in detail
1. compare the different types of solar cells.
4. What are the advantages of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs)over traditional
5. How does a Solar-Powered Electric Vehicle harness solar energy forpropulsion?
3. Analyze the difference between BHEV, HEV and PHEV with necessary
block diagram.
4. Explain about the Fuel cell and solar powered Electrical vehicle
10. Explain the effectiveness of smart lighting systems operated through mobile apps
or voice assistants, and justify their advantages over traditional lighting methods.