Ibps RRB
Ibps RRB
Ibps RRB
Common Recruitment Process for RRBs (CRP RRBs XIII) for Recruitment of Group "B" -
Office Assistants (Multipurpose)
Category : SC
Are you suffering from cerebral palsy and your writing speed is : -
affected ? Captured
If Yes, Do you need compensatory time at the time of : -
https://ibpsonline.ibps.in/rrb13oamay24/registration_print.php?q=MGE5MzNmYjU0MzU4MjdiMWMyMWEwMjEyMmE2YmQxMjh8MjM3MDUyMjA0NQ== 1/5
6/24/24, 9:41 AM Common Recruitment Process for RRBs (CRP RRBs XIII) for Recruitment of Group "B" - Office Assistants (Multipurpose)
Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities
(Divyangjan) OM No. F. No. 29-6/2019-DD-III dated 10.08.2022.
Are you a child/ family member of those who died in 1984 riots ? : NO
Religion to which you belong : Hindu
Do you belong to Religious Minority Community ? : NO
Are you an Ex-Serviceman ? : NO
Have you joined a Government job on the civil side after availing : -
of the benefits given as an ex-serviceman?
Are you a Dependent of a Servicemen killed in action ? : NO
Are you a matriculate Ex-Serviceman who has obtained the : -
Army Special Certificate of Education or corresponding
certificate in the Navy or Air Force after having completed not
less than 15 years of service in the Armed Forces of the Union ?
Percentage of Marks : -
Are you seeking relaxation under widow / divorced women / : NO
women judicially Separated from their husbands and who are not
re-married ?
Have you appeared for the CWE/CRP - RRB earlier ? : NO
How many attempts ? : -
Select the CWE/CRP-RRB attempted earlier : -
Nationality / Citizenship : Indian
State/UT for which you want to apply for : Rajasthan
Kindly indicate Medium of Paper - how you would like the paper : English and Hindi
to be presented to you ?
Payment In : ONLINE
Fees : 148.30
Tax : 26.70 (IGST)
Amount : 175.00
Payment Status : PAID
Reference ID : YHD42360885562
Transaction Date : 24-06-2024
Personal Details
https://ibpsonline.ibps.in/rrb13oamay24/registration_print.php?q=MGE5MzNmYjU0MzU4MjdiMWMyMWEwMjEyMmE2YmQxMjh8MjM3MDUyMjA0NQ== 2/5
6/24/24, 9:41 AM Common Recruitment Process for RRBs (CRP RRBs XIII) for Recruitment of Group "B" - Office Assistants (Multipurpose)
Contact Details
Mobile Number : +91 6375185330
Email ID : pushpendar2015@gmail.com
https://ibpsonline.ibps.in/rrb13oamay24/registration_print.php?q=MGE5MzNmYjU0MzU4MjdiMWMyMWEwMjEyMmE2YmQxMjh8MjM3MDUyMjA0NQ== 3/5
6/24/24, 9:41 AM Common Recruitment Process for RRBs (CRP RRBs XIII) for Recruitment of Group "B" - Office Assistants (Multipurpose)
Bank Preference
Other Details :
I hereby declare that, I have read, understood and agreed the terms and conditions of the notification for the said post and
all the statements made in the application are True, Complete and Correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I
https://ibpsonline.ibps.in/rrb13oamay24/registration_print.php?q=MGE5MzNmYjU0MzU4MjdiMWMyMWEwMjEyMmE2YmQxMjh8MjM3MDUyMjA0NQ== 4/5
6/24/24, 9:41 AM Common Recruitment Process for RRBs (CRP RRBs XIII) for Recruitment of Group "B" - Office Assistants (Multipurpose)
understood that in the event of any information being found untrue or incorrect at any stage or I am not satisfying any of the
eligibility criteria stipulated, and also in case of creating influence/ undue pressure regarding recruitment shall tantamount to
cancellation of my candidature.
I confirm that my name as filled by me in the application form exactly matches with the name in my ID proof
Date: 24-06-2024
https://ibpsonline.ibps.in/rrb13oamay24/registration_print.php?q=MGE5MzNmYjU0MzU4MjdiMWMyMWEwMjEyMmE2YmQxMjh8MjM3MDUyMjA0NQ== 5/5