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We develop two automatic techniques in the spatial domain using the exponential density
contrast model(EDCM) to trace the bottom surface of a 2.5D sedimentary basin from the
observed gravity anomalies. The interface between the sediments and basement is described with
a finite strike polygonal source, whose depth ordinates become the unknown parameters to be
estimated. The proposed automatic modeling technique makes use of the forward difference
approximation and the inversion solves a system of normal equations using the ridge regression
to estimate the unknown parameters. Furthermore, the proposed inversion technique
simultaneously estimates the regional gravity background that is associated with the residual
gravity anomaly. In either case, forward modeling is realized in the spatial domain through a
method that combines both analytical and numerical approaches. The utility of each algorithm
was successfully tested on a theoretically produced noisy residual gravity dataset. The validity of
the inversion technique is also exemplified with the noisy gravity anomalies attributable to a
synthetic structure in the presence of regional gravity background. We demonstrate that the
magnitude of gravity anomaly is offset dependent and that it would influence the modeling
result. Additionally, some applications with real gravity datasets from the Gediz and Büyük
Menderes grabens in western Turkey using the derived EDCMs have produced geologically
reasonable results which are in close agreement with those reported previously.
and compaction of different types of sediment by exponential calculate the gravity anomalies of sedimentary basins, Bhas-
equations. Manger (1963) had documented large amount of kara Rao et al (1993) developed a few graphical methods to
measured data pertaining to the porosity and density mea- analyze the Fourier transforms of the gravity anomalies of
surements of sedimentary rocks and concluded that the por- simple 2D geometric models. Bhaskara Rao and Mohan Rao
osity of sandstones generally decreases whereas the density (1999) proposed a method based on the Bott’s (1960)
increases with depth of burial and age. From an extensive approach to analyze the gravity anomalies of 2D sedimentary
study and analysis of the density logs measured in 435 deep basins, where forward modeling was performed in the spectral
wells in Western Canada, Maxant (1980) had shown that the domain followed by their transformation to the space domain
density-depth relationship seldom follows a linear trend; and by Filon’s (1928) method. Chai and Hinze (1988) also cal-
in the case of shale, the correlation between density and depth culated anomalies of prismatic bodies in the wave number
could be explained efficiently by exponential density-depth domain and converted the anomalies back to the spatial
relationship. Cowie and Karner (1990) have demonstrated domain by applying a shift-sampling technique. Chappel and
from the measured density-depth data of different strati- Kusznir (2008) derived wave number domain expressions to
graphic units in sedimentary basins that the sediment densities calculate the gravity anomalies of sedimentary basins with
exhibit a wide range but the mean density clearly increases irregular bounding surfaces. All the above-mentioned tech-
J. Geophys. Eng. 14 (2017) 303 V Chakravarthi et al
Dr (z) = Dr 0 e-lz . (2 )
J. Geophys. Eng. 14 (2017) 303 V Chakravarthi et al
J. Geophys. Eng. 14 (2017) 303 V Chakravarthi et al
are the same then one needs to estimate (N - 2) depth parameters to be estimated from a given set of observed data
parameters from N observed anomalies. The present auto- to a number less than or equal to the number of observations.
matic modeling and inversion algorithms initiate the structure For this reason, the regional background in this case needs to
of a sedimentary basin presuming that the observed gravity be presumed either constant throughout the length of the
anomaly at each observation on the profile is being produced profile or would vary linearly as a function of observer
by an infinitely extending horizontal slab in which the density location. In the present inversion technique we have assumed
contrast decreases with depth following equation (2). that the regional background varies linearly along the profile
According to Cordell (1973), the thickness of such a slab can for which case the number of unknown parameters to be
be estimated as estimated becomes N, being equal to the number of obser-
⎛ vations. In case higher order polynomials are required to
-1 lg B i ⎞
z Bi = log ⎜1 - ⎟, (10) simulate the regional background, the number of depth
l ⎝ 2pG Dr 0 ⎠ parameters to be solved shall be cut down appropriately by
where, gBi is the gravity anomaly observed at any station, means of using known basement depths as constraints in the
i (xi ). Because the width of a sedimentary basin is always inversion.
finite across its strike, the depth (thickness) estimates realized To start with the coefficients f0 and f1 of the polynomial
Jrms = (11) The N normal equations that are constructed and solved to
estimate the improvements in N unknown parameters by
Here N = Nobs. In case of automatic modeling, the basin minimizing the rms error (equation (11)) using the ridge
depths are improved based on the forward difference regression algorithm (Marquardt 1970) can be expressed in a
approximation matrix form as
z Bi k+ 1 = z Bi k + Dz Bi k , (12) (A + dI ) X = B, (15)
where A is a N ´ N matrix, whose elements Anj ¢ are
given by
-1 ⎛ l [Dgobs (xi ) - Dg2.5D (xi )] ⎞
Dz Bi k = log ⎜⎜1 - ⎟⎟ . (13)
¶Dg (xm ) ¶Dg (xm )
l ⎝ 2pG Dr 0 e –lz Bi
Anj ¢ = åå ¶a j ¢ ¶a n
, j ¢ = 1, 2, ¼, N , (16)
n = 1m = 1
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Figure 5. Faulting along Gediz graben, western Anatolia. Main faults are shown in thick lines with solid ticks on downthrown side; minor
faults are in thinner lines with open ticks on downthrown side (reproduced from Sari and Şalk 2002, Chakravarthi and Sundararajan 2007).
Gravity anomalies along the Profiles 2 and 3 are interpreted.
It can be seen from figure 3(a) that the theoretical gravity becomes more and more underestimated (figure 3(b)). A few
responses realized from both modeling and inversion at dif- insignificant deviations in the estimated structures are inevi-
ferent offsets equally explain the observed anomaly but the table (around 30th km) even considering an appropriate offset
inferred depth structures are dissimilar (figure 3(b)). The of 18 km in the interpretation, however, such deviations can
structures deciphered by setting the offset to 18 km closely be ignored because the anomalies used in the analysis are
mimic the assumed one, where as the other two structures noisy.
obtained with zero and 15 km offsets show undue deviations. To study the combined effect of both regional back-
It is observed that as the magnitude of the offset decreases the ground and pseudorandom noise on the interpretation,
resulted structure obtained from either modeling or inversion regional background described with a set of predefined
J. Geophys. Eng. 14 (2017) 303 V Chakravarthi et al
Figure 7. Derived hyperbolic (reproduced from Sari and Şalk 2002) and exponential density contrast models, Gediz and Büyük Menderes
grabens, western Turkey.
J. Geophys. Eng. 14 (2017) 303 V Chakravarthi et al
J. Geophys. Eng. 14 (2017) 303 V Chakravarthi et al
Table 2. Derived hyperbolic (Sari and Şalk 2002) and exponential density contrast models, Gediz and Büyük Menderes grabens, western
Hyperbolic density contrast model Exponential density contrast model (EDCM)
Name of the graben/Profile No. Δρ0 (gm cm ) β (km) Δρ0 (gm cm−3) λ (km−1)
Gediz/2 −1.407 0.859 −1.182 1.019
Gediz/3 −1.407 0.620 −1.320 1.6708
Büyük Menderes/XY −0.98 2.597 −0.798 0.3808
J. Geophys. Eng. 14 (2017) 303 V Chakravarthi et al
Table 5. Maximum depths to the basement estimated from gravity modeling and inversion, Gediz and Büyük Menderes grabens, western
Name of the graben/ Estimated depth from Estimated depth from Estimated depth by Sari and
Profile No. Distance (km) modeling (km) inversion (km) Şalk (2002) (km)
Gediz/2 16.0 1.91 1.75 2.07
Gediz/3 46.0 1.65 1.60 1.75
Büyük Menderes/XY 24.0 2.26 2.32 2.60
10(b)) compare reasonably well with those reported by Sari further the offset deviates from the optimum offset the more
and Şalk (2002), however, with a few exceptions. For e.g., all the final solution deviates.
the structural models derived from the present analyses (from The derived exponential density contrast models for
both modeling and inversion) divulge (i) relatively deeper Gediz and Büyük Menderes grabens in western Turkey are
basement over the shoulders (except for the Profile XY on the used to analyze the observed gravity anomalies of respective
J. Geophys. Eng. 14 (2017) 303 V Chakravarthi et al
In the proposed interpretation methodologies it is pre- Chakravarthi V, Pramod Kumar M, Ramamma B and
sumed that the density of underlying basement below the Rajeswara Sastry S 2016 Automatic gravity modeling of
sedimentary column is uniform, and that the regional back- sedimentary basins by means of polygonal source geometry
and exponential density contrast variation: two space domain
ground along a profile varies linearly as a function of observer based algorithms J. Appl. Geophys. 124 54–61
location across the strike in case of inversion. However, these Chakravarthi V, Rajeswara Sastry S and Ramamma B 2013
assumptions may or may not be valid elsewhere. Therefore, MODTOHAFSD—a GUI based JAVA code for gravity
the strategies presented here yield reliable interpretations analysis of strike limited sedimentary basins by means of
growing bodies with exponential density contrast–depth
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