MODULE - 6 Trojan, Backdoor, Virus and Countermeasure
MODULE - 6 Trojan, Backdoor, Virus and Countermeasure
MODULE - 6 Trojan, Backdoor, Virus and Countermeasure
What is Trojan?
A Trojan consist of spy ware program and other programs that: monitor traffic and
keystrokes; create a backdoor into the system for the hacker's use; alter log files; attack other
machines on the network; and alter existing system tools to escape detection
A Trojan exists for a variety of operating systems, such as Microsoft Windows, Linux,
and Solaris.
What is Backdoor?
What is Virus?
A virus is a self-replicating program that can copy itself and infect a computer without
the permission /knowledge of the owner. The insertion of the virus into a program or file is
termed as infection. It attaches itself to a program or file enabling it to spread from one
computer to another, leaving infections as it travels. Most of the viruses attach to executable
files and their malicious operation begins when you run or open the executable file
Virus developers can have several reasons for creating and spreading viruses. Viruses have
been created as research projects, to attack the software of companies, and to distribute some
Tools Used
ProRat (Program for creating a Trojan application)
ProRat is a Windows based backdoor trojan horse, more commonly known as a RAT (Remote
Administration Tool). As with other trojan horses it uses a client and server. ProRat opens a port
on the computer which allows the client to perform numerous operations on the server (the
machine being controlled). ProRat is known for its server to be almost impossible to remove
without updated antivirus software.
Following steps would be used to create the trojan application using "ProRat" tool
5. Now click on " Server Extensions " button and select the "Server Extension(Has icon
support)" to specify the file extension of trojan server application along with its icon.
6. Now click on "Server Icon" and select a appropriate icon image for trojan application .
7. Click on "Create Server" to create the trojan application with file name "server.exe" would be
created. Minimize the Prorat window.
11. As a victim user, Switch to "Win-clone" ( machine and open the mail service by
browsing """ as shown below:
13. Now check the mail sent by user "" ,and download the attached file
“server.exe” as shown below.
15. As a malicious user ,switch to Windows7 ( and execute ProRat application to
connect the target machine with following IP address and Port No:
IP Address: [IP Address of win-7 i.e. victim's machine]
Port No: 5110 [Specify Port no. on which the trojan is running]
16. Enter password "12345678" as specified in previous step and click on "OK" button.
17. Now click on run and click on notepad, again click on Run as following.
In this lab the participant has performed the following:
19. Switch to the Windows7( open the “Control Panel” and click on Windows
21. Click on Yes button. Firewall is now enabled on Win-clone ( machine.
23. But this time it will not prompt for the password as it cannot connect to client side agent
because firewall on Win-Clone ( is now blocking access.
1. Always use Anti-Virus software on machine and regularly update the Anti Virus software
to be able to detect the presence of infection.
ProRat server usually detected as Trojan.Dropper.Prorat.DZ.29, Dropped: