Southern Blotting
Southern Blotting
Southern Blotting
1. Introduction
Nucleic acid hybridization is a process in which complementary sin-
gle strands of nucleic acids combine to achieve a stable double-stranded
nucleic acid molecule. This action has been used to establish a molecular
or genetic relatedness among organisms and to characterize their genomes.
Furthermore, this technique is one of several diagnostic tools useful for
detecting a wide variety of conditions. Since the determination of the basic
principles of duplex formation and stability in the 1950s, many variations of
the hybridization techniques have been developed. Southern first transferred
DNA fragments from agarose, after electrophoretic separation, onto nitro-
cellulose (1). The technique is known as Southern blotting. Alwine et al (2)
described shortly afterward a similar Northern blotting technique in which
separated RNA strands are transferred from an agarose gel to a suitable solid
support. A logical extension of these blotting techniques has been the dot or
slot blot in which the sample is applied directly to the solid support without
prior size separation (3). Over the years, these techniques have been further
developed and modified extensively by many researchers across the world.
The application of these methods is as varied as the procedures used (e.g., to
determine the changes in the nutritional state of an environment, to establish
taxa genetically, to distinguish pathogenic from nonpathogenic viruses, to
analyze gene structure).
This chapter restricts itself to the application of Southern blotting to provide
information relating to genetic diseases. The DNA sample, which can include
blood, tissue biopsies, buccal scraps, amniotic fluid, cultured cells, and so
forth, is generally digested using a restriction endonuclease and then subjected
to electrophoresis in a horizontal agarose gel. After sufficient time has elapsed
to achieve adequate separation of the required fragments, the gel is soaked in
an alkali solution to achieve denaturation of the double-stranded nucleic acid,
then neutralized and prepared for transfer. Transfer to a nitrocellulose, polyvi-
nylidene (PVDF), or Nylon membrane is achieved by a process of blotting in
which buffer is drawn through the gel and the membrane. The fragments carried
with the buffer are retained on the surface of the membrane. The retention is
made more permanent through a fixation process. The blot can then be used in
a hybridization with labeled probes to identify the fragments of interest.
There are many variations on this basic theme (4,5). Those procedures
requiring the identification of fragments in excess of 10,000 bases advocate
the use of a depurination step to improve the efficiency of large-fragment
transfer. Methodologies using positively charged nylon membranes often
omit the neutralization step and advocate the use of alkaline transfer buffer,
which can also serve as a fixative. There are many ways to achieve the trans-
fer of DNA from the gel to the solid support. Southern’s original method (1)
describes the use of a capillary transfer procedure, and this remains the most
widely used technique by far because of its low cost and convenience, transfer
is often an overnight step (see Fig. 5.1.). If speed is a requirement, the transfer
process can be shortened by using specialized vacuum blotting apparatus or elec-
troblotting devices. Such techniques allow transfer in 30–60 min compared to
several hours for capillary transfer.
The membrane of choice is determined by the sensitivity required and the
detection method to be used. The quantity of sample has a significant effect on
both of these. The use of nitrocellulose usually results in low backgrounds and
is recommended when the level of target is high. Nitrocellulose membrane is
available in supported and unsupported forms, depending on the manufactur-
ing method employed; however, the handling characteristics of the latter can
be poor. Unsupported membranes are produced when the active substrate is
cast as a pure sheet. Because of their fragile nature, unsupported membranes
should be handled with care. Supported membranes are those for which the
active substrate is cast onto an inert “web” or support.
Nitrocellulose membrane can bind 80–125 µg nucleic acid/cm2, which is
significantly less than the binding capacity of 400–600 µg/cm2 for a nylon
Fig. 5.1. Diagrammatic representation of capillary transfer apparatus; suitable for the
transfer of DNA or RNA fragments separated by gel electrophoresis to a suitable Nylon
or nitrocellulose membrane for example. Hybond is available from GE Healthcare
Chapter 5 Southern Blotting as a Diagnositc Method 57
membrane. Its ability to bind small molecules (<400 nts) is also poor, and
transfer buffers must contain high salt concentrations to ensure efficient
nucleic acid binding. Nylon membranes are available in uncharged and posi-
tively charged supported forms. Charged nylon has a higher binding capacity
and is particularly useful when working with low-molecular-weight nucleic
acid. Binding to a nylon membrane is independent of the ionic strength of the
transfer buffer. However, backgrounds can be elevated. Where repeated use of
a membrane in hybridization assays is needed, the use of nylon membranes is
strongly advised. Nylon is also recommended for use with medium- or low-
abundance targets and is, in general, the membrane of choice when working
with nucleic acids. PVDF membranes behave similarly to uncharged nylon,
but because of its hydrophobic nature, use in nucleic acid blotting is limited.
Fixation bonds the target nucleic acid to the membrane. Suboptimal fixation
will lower sensitivity by reducing target concentration and is particularly harm-
ful if the blot is to be used more than once. The principal fixation methods of
heat and ultraviolet (UV) light can be used with all types of membrane. Heat
fixation is very reproducible but requires a vacuum oven for nitrocellulose. UV
crosslinking, performed using an UV crosslinker (constant energy setting),
is faster than heat. Alkali provides a third alternative method when charged
Nylon membranes are used.
Original methods describe the use of a DNA probe radioactively labelled
by random priming or nick translation with (32P)dCTP to detect specific
nucleic acid fragments immobilized on nitrocellulose membrane. Since then,
many different methods for labeling nucleic acid probes ranging from short
oligonucleotides to longer DNA or RNA fragments have been developed
(6,7). Nonradioactive labeling kits and reagents are also available, finding
favor in a number of niche areas (8). The role of the hybridization buffer is
to provide conditions that promote hybridization between the labeled probe
molecules and its complementary sequence immobilized on the membrane,
and to simultaneously limit hybridization between sequences that are not
perfectly matched (6) Table 5.1 lists factors affecting the hybridization rate
and stringency (4–6). Many different formulations of hybridization buffers
have been developed, containing inorganic salts and blocking agents such as
Denhardt’s solution (mixture of bovine serum albumin (BSA), Ficoll 400,
and polyvinyl pyrrolidone), denatured DNA from salmon sperm (or other
the hybridization and wash conditions (temperature and ionic strength of wash
buffers), it is possible to distinguish between the binding of oligonucleotides
differing by only one nucleotide. This method has been applied, for example,
to distinguish between the normal human β-globin gene and the sickle cell
β-globin gene (11,12). Sickle cell anemia is caused by a single base change,
resulting in the replacement of glutamic acid residue at position 6 of the pro-
tein (hemoglobin) by a valine residue.
Gene rearrangements can be diagnosed with Southern blotting if a probe
hybridizing to the affected areas is used. Rearrangement is detected by observ-
ing change in the size and pattern of hybridized genomic restriction fragments.
This type of analysis has been applied to the diagnosis of acute promyelocytic
leukemia (APL), a subtype of acute myeloid leukemia. The disease is charac-
terized by abnormal, heavily granulated promyelocytes, a form of white blood
cells. APL results in the accumulation of these atypical promyelocytes in the
bone marrow and peripheral blood, and they replace normal blood cells. At the
molecular level, the disease involves translocation between the retinoic acid
receptor-α (RAR-α) on chromosome 17 and the promyelocytic leukemia locus
(PML) on chromosome 15. This results in the transcription of novel fusion
messenger RNAs. By separating restriction-digested genomic DNA in pulse
field gel electrophoresis followed by hybridization with probes derived from
PML and RAR-α genes, it was possible to detect translocation events that cor-
related with disease progression (13).
Gene amplifications are implicated in many diseases. Charcot–Marie–Tooth
(CMT) syndrome is a common autosomal-dominant neuromuscular disorder.
The disease is characterized by a slowly progressive degeneration of the
muscles in the foot, lower leg, hand, and forearm and a mild loss of sensa-
tion in the limbs, fingers, and toes. The first sign of CMT is generally a high
arched foot or gait disturbances. Other symptoms of the disorder may include
foot bone abnormalities such as high arches and hammer toes, problems with
hand function and balance, occasional lower leg and forearm muscle cramp-
ing, loss of some normal reflexes, occasional partial sight and/or hearing
loss, and, in some patients, scoliosis (curvature of the spine). Genetically, the
disorder is usually characterized by duplication of a region on chromosome
17 through unequal crossover. As a result, affected patients carry three copies
of this region. One diagnostic approach to CMT, type 1A exploits Southern
blot hybridization and the relative intensity for three polymorphic MspI RFLP
bands within the duplicated area to judge whether patients have two or three
copies of this region using a region-specific probe. To normalize the observed
intensity of the signal resulting from the CMT gene probe, another probe
derived from unconnected sequences is used (14).
The most significant changes in the use of Southern blotting in diagno-
sis have been seen since the introduction of primer-specific polymerase
chain reaction (PCR) and automated nonradioactive sequencing techniques.
Mutation and gene deletions once detected via Southern blot analysis are
now routinely analyzed with these rapid and inexpensive methods, which are
often fully automated. Cystic fibrosis, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, sickle
cell anemia, and thalassaemia, to name a few, are now diagnosed by PCR.
PCR methods can be completed in as little as 4 h, whereas Southern blotting
can take up to 5 d to achieve the same result. More important, the amount
of DNA required for analysis is significantly less with PCR amplification
60 B. Harvey and P. Soundy
1. Southern EM (1975) Detection of specific sequences among DNA fragments sepa-
rated by gel electrophoresis. J Mol Biol 98:503–517
2. Alwine JC, Kemp DJ, Stark GR (1977) Method for detection of specific RNAs in
agarose gels by transfer to diazobenzyloxymethyl-paper and hybridization with
DNA probes. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 74:5350–5354
3. Kafatos FC, Jones CW, Efstratiadis A (1979) Determination of nucleic acid
sequence homologies and relative concentrations by a dot hybridization procedure.
Nucleic Acid Res 7(6):1541–1552
4. Rapley R (ed) (2000) The nucleic acid protocols handbook. Humana, Totowa, NJ