Yubo Cui [9] After processing the fundus retinal image data 5.1. System Architecture
and optimizing the model structure, the accuracy on the test
set reached 0.92908, while the training set accuracy The dataset undergoes preprocessing steps such as image
approached 1. We also calculated various metrics to assess reshaping, resizing, and conversion into array format. The
our model's performance. Furthermore, we explored other same processing is applied to the test images. The dataset
pre-trained models as alternatives to ResNet and ultimately comprises approximately four categories: Cataract, Diabetic
determined that our model excelled in distinguishing Retinopathy, Glaucoma, and Normal, allowing any image to
between different eye diseases. be chosen as a test sample for the software.
Kevin Noronha [10] This paper presents methods for
detecting key features in fundus images, such as the optic
disk, fovea, exudates, and blood vessels.
a. Data Analysis
c. U-Net Architecture
d. Manual Architecture
Fig 11 Database
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