Medchemcomm: Review
Medchemcomm: Review
Medchemcomm: Review
Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) is an asymptomatic colonizer of 30% of all human beings. While gener-
ally benign, antibiotic resistance contributes to the success of S. aureus as a human pathogen. Resistance
is rapidly evolved through a wide portfolio of mechanisms including horizontal gene transfer and chromo-
somal mutation. In addition to traditional resistance mechanisms, a special feature of S. aureus pathogene-
sis is its ability to survive on both biotic and abiotic surfaces in the biofilm state. Due to this characteristic,
S. aureus is a leading cause of human infection. Methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) in particular has
emerged as a widespread cause of both community- and hospital-acquired infections. Currently, MRSA is
Received 26th January 2019, responsible for 10-fold more infections than all multi-drug resistant (MDR) Gram-negative pathogens com-
Accepted 12th March 2019
bined. Recently, MRSA was classified by the World Health Organization (WHO) as one of twelve priority
pathogens that threaten human health. In this targeted mini-review, we discuss MRSA biofilm production,
DOI: 10.1039/c9md00044e
the relationship of biofilm production to antibiotic resistance, and front-line techniques to defeat the biofilm-resistance system.
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aureus strains derive their resistance from structural modifi- The first stage of biofilm formation is the attachment of a
cation of the target. Modification of the terminal dipeptide of bacterial cell to a living (biotic) or non-living (abiotic) surface
cell wall peptidoglycan chains from D-alanyl-D-alanine (D-Ala-D- (Fig. 4).45 Following attachment, bacteria in the biofilm state
Ala) to D-alanyl-D-lactate (D-Ala-D-Lac) reduces the affinity of progress through a growth and maturation phase.46 At the
the dipeptide for vancomycin, thus preventing disruption of molecular level, the biofilm matrix is composed of an extra-
peptidoglycan cross-linking (Fig. 2B).38 cellular polymeric substance (EPS) composed primarily of oli-
Today, MRSA is pandemic. The rise to pandemic status gosaccharides, DNA, and proteins.47 The primary oligosac-
started with hospital-acquired MRSA clones in the 1960s. charide in S. aureus biofilm matrices is a polymer of N-acetyl-
This then fostered community-acquired MRSA clones in the β-(1-6)-glucosamine (polysaccharide intercellular adhesin or
1990s and finally livestock-associated MRSA clones in the PIA), while the accumulation-associated protein (Aap) is a
Published on 14 March 2019. Downloaded by Universitaire d'Angers on 10/9/2024 4:28:24 PM.
2000s. The evolution of MRSA from initial reports to wide- common biofilm-associated protein. Teichoic acids are also
spread dissemination parallels the trajectory of PRSA in the common biofilm components. At the end of the biofilm cycle,
1940s. Unsurprisingly, MRSA is highly prevalent in hospitals cell clusters detach from the larger biofilm structure. Detach-
(Fig. 3). The highest rates of MRSA (>50%) are reported in ment is facilitated by expression of surfactant-like peptides,
North and South America, Asia, and Malta. Intermediate which are also critical to biofilm integrity and three-
rates (25–50%) are reported in China, Australia, Africa, and dimensional structure. Once detached, cell clusters can start
several European countries [e.g. Portugal (49%), Greece new biofilm colonies on other surfaces.
(40%), Italy (37%) and Romania (34%)]. Most European coun- S. aureus pathogenesis and biofilm development is con-
tries have low prevalence rates (e.g. Netherlands and trolled by cell-to-cell communication using a ubiquitous regu-
Scandinavia).39–41 latory system called quorum sensing.48–52 During its growth
and maturation phase, S. aureus produces an autoinducing
peptide (AIP) that accumulates in the extracellular environ-
III. The biofilm state ment. Once AIP levels reach a specific concentration, the sig-
nal binds to a bacterial surface receptor and activates a regu-
Implantable medical devices have revolutionized modern latory cascade. The outcome is an increased expression of
healthcare. Unfortunately, attachment to indwelling devices invasive factors such as toxins, hemolysins, proteases, and
by surface-adhering bacteria increases patient morbidity and other tissue-degrading enzymes. Interestingly, these factors
mortality. Biofilms formed by Staphylococci are the most alter the metabolic status of the bacteria which subsequently
common cause of biofilm-associated infections with S. aureus changes their biofilm-forming capacity. Unfortunately, the re-
being among the most common cause of device related infec- lationship between environmental stress and pathogenesis
tions (DRI).42–44 All implanted medical devices are suscepti- remains poorly understood.
ble to colonization by Staphylococci. As a result, biofilm-
associated infections have been associated with devices such IV. Biofilm-mediated antimicrobial
as implanted catheters, prosthetic heart valves, cardiac pace-
makers, contact lenses, cerebrospinal fluid shunts, joint re- resistance
placements, and intravascular lines. To exacerbate the prob- It has long been recognized that biofilms increase resistance
lem, infections associated with biofilms are particularly to antimicrobial action from both external agents, such as
difficult to treat as bacteria within the matrix are more resis- antibiotics, and internal agents of the innate immune sys-
tant to antimicrobial agents and the host immune response tem, such as antimicrobial peptides (AMPs).53 Broadly speak-
than planktonic bacteria. This increased resistance is attrib- ing, two mechanisms are responsible for biofilm-mediated re-
utable both to the protection afforded by the biofilm matrix sistance. The first is prevention of chemotherapeutics from
as well as the unique phenotypic characteristics of bacteria reaching their target due to limited diffusion or repulsion
within the matrix. caused by the biofilm matrix itself.28,54 The second mecha-
nism involves alteration of the physiology of biofilm-dwelling
bacteria compared to planktonic bacteria.
Fig. 3 Global prevalence of hospital-acquired MRSA. Fig. 4 The biofilm life cycle.
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biotic surfaces is dependent on surface proteins that are an- Interestingly, although silver coatings are frequently used, the
chored to the cell wall peptidoglycan.75,76 Indeed, cell surface mechanism of action behind silver-mediated biofilm produc-
proteins, which are designed to recognize host surfaces, are tion prevention remains unknown. However, changes to bacte-
critical for S. aureus adherence to host tissues as well as sub- rial cell morphology have hinted at several mechanisms. For
sequent tissue colonization and ultimately the survival of example, silver nanoparticles have been shown to attach to the
MRSA infections. Surface proteins known to play important bacterial membrane and penetrate the cell. After gaining en-
roles in biofilm formation include Bap, clumping factors trance, the nanoparticles engage sulfide-containing proteins
(ClfB), FnBPs, SasC, SasG, and protein A. ClfB, FnBPs and pro- and DNA. This resultantly inhibits DNA replication and tran-
tein A are widely distributed.77–81 To target these proteins, scription. Thus, it is thought that silver prevents biofilm pro-
and thus disrupt attachment, the Clubb group used an array duction by serving as an antimicrobial agent.
Published on 14 March 2019. Downloaded by Universitaire d'Angers on 10/9/2024 4:28:24 PM.
of small molecules to inhibit MRSA transpeptidase sortase A; While silver-coating is common, there are cytotoxicity con-
MRSA transpeptidase sortase A is a protein that anchors sur- cerns with this method. Silver accelerates thrombin forma-
face proteins to the cell wall.82,83 In theory, cell surface pro- tion and platelet activation which subsequently places pa-
teins are a novel therapeutic target to disrupt adhesion or ad- tients at higher risk for thrombosis. To avoid this issue,
herence and mitigate biofilm formation. stainless steel and titanium have also been used to coat im-
Whether dealing with biotic or abiotic surfaces, the fron- plant materials.91–93 Interestingly, a number of medical de-
tier challenge in attachment prevention methods remains un- vices have also been coated with vancomycin to prevent
derstanding how bacteria coordinate the expression of differ- MRSA adherence.
ent effectors and how various surfaces, particularly cellular
surfaces, react to these effectors. If this communication sys-
tem can be deciphered, one can develop strategies to eradi- D. Treatment or dispersal of established biofilms
cate biofilms by blocking initial adherence of the microbe. In D1. Small molecules. Cis-2-Decenoic acid (C2DA, 7) is a
the proceeding sections, several coatings that prevent bacte- medium-chain fatty acid produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa
rial attachment to and growth on surfaces are described. that has been shown not only to possess the ability to disperse
C1. Small molecules. Aryl rhodanines (6) are 5-membered established MRSA biofilms but also to completely inhibit
ring heterocycles that are known to inhibit biofilm formation MRSA biofilm formation (Fig. 5).94,95 In addition to this lipid,
in several Gram-positive models, including Staphylococcal it has been shown that D-amino acids disperse established
and Enterococcal species (Fig. 5).84 Aryl rhodanines function biofilms in S. aureus. Incorporation of D-amino acids into the
by inhibiting attachment of bacterial cells through a mecha- peptidoglycan layer results in the release of amyloid fibers, a
nism that likely involves complexation of the rhodanines to component of the extracellular matrix that connects cells in
one or more adhesins located on the microbial cell surface. the biofilm matrix.96–99 Kolodkin-Gal demonstrated that
Interestingly, aryl rhodanines are inactive against Gram- D-amino acids disperse Bacillus subtilis biofilms by affecting
negative microbes. Importantly, while rhodanines possess the function of these amyloid fibers.100 Mechanistically, when
anti-biofilm activity, they do not possess antimicrobial activ- noncanonical amino acids are incorporated into the peptido-
ity and are not cytotoxic against human cells. From a thera- glycan layer, they interfere with the normal anchoring that
peutic perspective, rhodanines have the potential to be im- helps maintain biofilm architecture integrity. Moreover,
portant tools in the battle against MRSA as their lack of D-amino acids compete with canonical amino acids for posi-
antimicrobial activity reduces selective pressure. In other tions in the peptidoglycan layer which interferes with trans-
words, this class of small molecule is less likely to produce peptidation and transglycosylation. Importantly, this disrup-
resistant strains or to induce high levels of biofilm produc- tion of bacterial cell wall composition caused by D-amino acid
tion as a means to protect against a strong antimicrobial incorporation interferes with biofilm formation (Fig. 6).
substance. D2. Matrix degrading enzymes. Disruption of biofilm ma-
C2. Abiotic surface coating. Catheters coated with tetracy- trix structural integrity is an attractive approach to limit the
clines and ansamycins, both of which are bacteriostatic as protective effects the matrix affords cells enclosed within it.
opposed to bactericidal antibiotics, have been shown to de- This method is the reason for the addition of exogenous
crease the frequency of MRSA central line-associated blood-
stream infection (CLABSI) in ICUs.85,86 This result suggests
that alteration of the surface properties of an indwelling de-
vice by coating the surface with bacteriostatic agents can pre-
vent biofilm-associated infections.
A number of metals have also been used to coat abiotic sur-
faces, such as catheters, in an effort to prevent biofilm forma-
tion.87 The most well-known example is silver in the form of el-
emental silver, silver ions, and/or silver nanoparticles.88–90
Silver is effective at preventing biofilm formation against both
Gram-positive and Gram-negative microbes, including MRSA. Fig. 6 General methods for biofilm dispersal.
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enzymes, such as dispersion B or DNAase, to S. aureus Indicative of the benefit of biofilm production for S. au-
biofilms.101–104 DNAase works by degrading the extracellular reus survival, most chronic MRSA infections leverage the bio-
DNA in the biofilm matrix EPS, while dispersin B targets the film state in their pathogenesis. This is especially true for
polysaccharide EPS component. As biofilm matrices consist those associated with indwelling medical devices. As most
largely of extracellular DNA and polysaccharides, the actions therapeutic strategies are only effective at treating planktonic
of dispersin B and DNase serve to destabilize the matrix. It is cells or acute infections, there is an urgent need to develop
important to note, however, that the use of exogenous en- new therapeutic strategies capable of targeting S. aureus in
zymes like as dispersin B and DNase to disrupt S. aureus bio- the biofilm state. Unfortunately, despite much effort, the de-
film formation does have its shortcomings. For example, the velopment of useful biofilm inhibitors and/or dispersal
susceptibility of S. aureus to dispersin B differs significantly agents for Staphylococcal biofilms is in its infancy. While
Published on 14 March 2019. Downloaded by Universitaire d'Angers on 10/9/2024 4:28:24 PM.
among strains. Moreover, a number of clinically relevant many innovative approaches to eradicate S. aureus biofilms
MRSA strains produce biofilms that contain little polysaccha- have been achieved over the past two decades such as small
ride which serves to limit the influence of dispersin B treat- molecules that prevent biofilm formation, enzymes that
ment on biofilm production. weaken biofilm matrix structural integrity, and antibodies
D3. Plant-derived natural compounds. Natural products and vaccines that target specific biofilm life cycle stages,
are critical to the discovery and development of new anti- these approaches lack clinical validation.
infective agents against MRSA.59–62 For example, extracts One potential future source of antibiofilm compounds are
from the broths of Krameria, Aesculus hippocastanum, and cationic small molecules. Indeed, several recent studies have
Conopodium majus each contains four compounds that have showcased the ability of positively-charged molecules to dis-
all been shown to inhibit S. aureus biofilm formation: rupt biofilm matrices and inhibit biofilm formation by a
chelerythrine (8), dihydroxybenzofuran (9), sanguinarine (10), number of pathogens.114–119 However, the antibiofilm activity
and proanthocyanidin (11) (Fig. 5).105 American cranberry ex- of this class of molecule is generally accompanied by antimi-
tracts, which contain proanthocyanidins (PAC), have also crobial activity. Although this may seem beneficial, the anti-
been shown to inhibit S. aureus biofilm formation as well as microbial activity is likely to induce selective pressure and
S. aureus growth.106,107 Moreover, polyphenolic compounds promote the evolution of resistant bacteria. Additionally, care
found in plant tissues, such as tannic acid (12), are known to must be taken with cationic molecules to limit cytotoxicity to
inhibit S. aureus biofilm formation (Fig. 5).108,109 mammalian cells. Given these concerns, identifying cationic
Tea-tree oil, an essential oil extracted from the leaves of small molecules with exclusive antibiofilm activity represents
Melaleuca alternifolia, eradicates biofilm production by S. au- an exciting research avenue.
reus, including MRSA, by damaging the extracellular ma- Another approach, one which our lab has begun to investi-
trix.110,111 This damage initiates subsequent removal of the gate, is to use host defense mechanisms as a source of molec-
biofilm from biotic surfaces. Ellagic acid (13) derivatives from ular inspiration. We recently demonstrated that human milk
Rubus ulmifolius limit S. aureus biofilm production and also oligosaccharides (HMOs), non-conjugated oligosaccharides
enhance the susceptibility of S. aureus to the antibiotics abundant in human milk, modulate growth and biofilm pro-
daptomycin, clindamycin, and oxacillin without contaminant duction for several bacterial pathogens, including MRSA.120
cytotoxicity to mammalian cells (Fig. 5).112,113 However, we have yet to identify the mechanism of action be-
Although the agents discussed in the section are effective hind the antibiofilm activity observed. In a parallel study, we
at combatting biofilms, their modes of action remain unclear. discovered that conversion of the ubiquitous HMO 2′-
fucosyllactose (2′-FL) to an anomeric, amino-variant gave a
Conclusion and future outlook compound with impressive antibiofilm activity against Group
B Streptococcus.121 Once again, the mechanism behind this
Rising MRSA infection rates pose a significant threat to hu- antibiofilm activity remains unknown. Thus, future studies
man health. While increasing antibiotic resistance is a well- are directed at elucidating a mechanism of action as well as
appreciated contributing factor, a lesser appreciated but investigating if this result translates to an S. aureus model.
equally important factor is the ability of S. aureus to form In addition to these approaches, as previously mentioned,
biofilms. Biofilms serve to protect S. aureus from host de- further elucidation of how bacteria coordinate the expression
fenses and antibiotics alike and are consequently integral to of various effectors and how surfaces react with these effec-
S. aureus pathogenesis. Indeed, biofilm-dwelling bacteria are tors will be paramount to the development of antibiofilm
generally able to tolerate much higher antibiotic concentra- compounds. Indeed, a greater understanding of this commu-
tions than their planktonic counterparts. The increased resis- nication system has the potential to identify unique bacterial
tance of biofilm-associated bacteria against antimicrobial ac- targets that can be engaged to target biofilm production se-
tion is attributable to the physical barrier between bacteria lectively without accompanying antimicrobial activity.
and antimicrobial afforded by the biofilm matrix as well as
the phenotypic shift bacteria embedded in the matrix un- Conflicts of interest
dergo. As a result, biofilm-associated infections are notori-
ously difficult to eradicate. There are no conflicts to declare.
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