How To Get BSE, NSE Real Time Stock Prices in Google Doc Spreadsheet
How To Get BSE, NSE Real Time Stock Prices in Google Doc Spreadsheet
How To Get BSE, NSE Real Time Stock Prices in Google Doc Spreadsheet
If you are unable to access your trading platform possibly due to your office network settings or for any
other reason, you can track real-time stock information on Google Sheets with the help of a formula.
You can create your stock portfolio in Google Sheets with the help of Google Sheets GoogleFinance
function. Let’s see how to get BSE, NSE real-time stock prices in Google Doc Spreadsheet throughout
the trading secession.
By following this tutorial you can learn to fetch the real time security information from any stock
markets in the world.
If you are a trader or have used any trading platform in the past, you may find the GoogleFinance
function very easy to use. This’s because you may find the arguments in this function familiar to you.
I’ve set up a sample spreadsheet for you to learn how to use GoogleFinance function to bring the live
as well as historical security Information on to your spreadsheet.
Similar: How to get real time currency exchange rates in Google Sheets
How to Get BSE, NSE Real Time Stock Prices in Google Doc
In this syntax, the highlighted elements are optional and related to historical data. So I’m skipping that
here as it’s not essential for real time data. Let’s begin with few examples of the use of GoogleFinace to
fetch real-time stock data in Google Sheets.
As you may know, ticker symbol is essential to track related security info. Then how to find ticker
symbols to use in GoogleFinance formula?
You can find the ticker symbol for the security which you want to consider in this formula form You may just want to type the few starting letters of the security on the search 1/5
12/26/2019 How to Get BSE, NSE Real Time Stock Prices in Google Doc Spreadsheet
In the above example, you can see that the security “HDFC Bank Limited” is listed in four stock
markets. You can see the ticker symbol/security codes on the left.
In the above GoogleFinance formula, I’ve used the “price” argument to get the BSE, NSE Real Time
Stock Prices in Google Doc Spreadsheet.
The above two formulas fetch the real time stock prices of the security “HDFC Bank Limited” from BSE
(Bombay Stock Exchange) and NSE (National Stock Exchange)
There are more arguments that you can use to fetch real time stock data like trade time, currency,
high, low, volume etc. At the beginning of this post, I’ve promised about a spreadsheet containing the
live examples. Follow this link and make a copy of the file from the File menu.
If you are lazy like me to open the link, below you can find all the arguments and the usage. 2/5
12/26/2019 How to Get BSE, NSE Real Time Stock Prices in Google Doc Spreadsheet
Here I am going to use the ticker in cell B4 as a reference. Further, I’ve used Google Sheets IFERROR
function because of real-time security information for some of the arguments like datadelay, volumeavg
and change may not available all the time.
Note: If you plan to copy the formulas below, first, enter the ticker in B4 and also remove and retype
the double quotes in the formulas.
volume – find the number of shares traded of the selected stock for the current day.
=iferror(GOOGLEFINANCE($B$4,”volume”)) 3/5
12/26/2019 How to Get BSE, NSE Real Time Stock Prices in Google Doc Spreadsheet
datadelay – this you can use to get the info on how far delayed the real-time data is.
volumeavg – to find the daily trading average volume for this stock.
change – this’s another useful info. You can use this argument to find the change in the price of the
selected stock since the close of yesterday’s market.
changepct – use to find the percentage change in the price of the selected stock since the close of
yesterday’s market 4/5
12/26/2019 How to Get BSE, NSE Real Time Stock Prices in Google Doc Spreadsheet
Using the above formula and arguments you can easily get BSE, NSE Real-Time Stock Prices in Google
Doc Spreadsheet. But don’t limit there. You can use GoogleFinance function to track all your
investments in any stock market in the world through live price updates.
Further, there are more arguments for the mutual fund as well as historical data. I’ll explain it in
another post. That’s all. Enjoy. 5/5