Lesson 1 - Enjoy Music Learning
Lesson 1 - Enjoy Music Learning
Lesson 1 - Enjoy Music Learning
Dr. Lo Khin Yee
Popularity of Formal Music
Teaching and Learning
The prevalence and popularity of ABRSM examinations.
According to Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment
Authority (HKEAA, 2012), 90,000 Hong Kong students
participated in the ABRSM exams every year, thus comprising
30% of the total number of candidates from across the world.
In 2019, ABRSM candidates in HK comprised 40% of the
total number of candidates from across the world.
The large number of students participating in the Hong Kong
Schools Music Festival on a yearly basis.
1) What do these figures reflect and imply?
2) Can you say that in Hong Kong
people/children/young people are very musical?
3) Do you think that we/they are music lovers?
4) How do you describe the music learning
phenomenon in Hong Kong/Mainland?
“Most begin their lessons willingly, even
enthusiastically, yet many discontinue their
lessons before reaching a level of
accomplishment that would allow the
musical independence and satisfaction to
which they aspire” (Costa-Giomi et al.,
2005, p. 235).
“Many young Western Australians learn
musical instruments through school based
on elective programs. However, many
students drop out from these programs,
particularly in lower secondary school”
(Lowe, 2010, p. 41).