Study Material On D Inter-Halogen Compounds by Dr. D. M. Patel
Study Material On D Inter-Halogen Compounds by Dr. D. M. Patel
Study Material On D Inter-Halogen Compounds by Dr. D. M. Patel
By Dr. D. M. Patel
Halogen elements have different electro-negativity. Due to this they combine
with each other to form covalent compounds (binary).
“The binary compounds formed by halogens amongst themselves are known as
Inter-halogen compounds”. These compounds have general formula; XYn, where n =
1, 3, 5 & 7.
Ternary compounds of halogens are not known; as such a complex molecule
might be unstable.
Table 3.1 Various types of inter-halogen compounds
Element Fluoride Chloride Bromide Iodide
Fluorine ------ ------ ------ ------
Chlorine ClF, ClF3, ClF5 ------ ------ ------
Bromine BrF, BrF3, BrF5 BrCl ------ ------
Iodine IF, IF3, IF5, IF7 ICl, ICl3 IBr ------
From table 3.1, the following points may be noted.
The inter-halogen compounds may be regarded as the halide of the more
electronegative halogen. Thus, since the electro positive character of halogens is
in the order F < Cl < Br < I, fluorine cannot form any inter-halogen compounds,
while iodine has the maximum tendency to form inter-halogen compounds.
Since F has the least electropositive character, amongst inter-halogen compounds,
the fluorides are maximum in number.
Inter-halogens can be grouped into four categories: XY, XY3, XY5, and XY7. Here
X halogen atom is more electropositive and larger in size than Y halogen atom.
The oxidation state of atom X in XY, XY3, XY5, and XY7 molecules is equal to
+1, +3, +5 and +7 respectively.
As the ratio between the radii of X and Y atoms increases, the number of halogen
atoms per molecule increases.
I. Inter-halogen compounds of XY type(Diatomic inter-halogens):
These are generally prepared by the direct combination of halogens e.g.,
Br2 (g) + F2 (g) → 2 BrF; Br2 + Cl2 → 2 BrCl
I2 + Cl2 (l) (in equal amount) → 2 ICl; I2 + F2 → 2 IF (at -450C)
Cl2 + F2 (in equal amounts) 250 C 2 ClF
Some of them can be prepared by other methods,
3000 C
Cl2 + ClF3 3 ClF
Cl2 + ClF3 300 C 3 ClF; Br 2 + BrF3 3BrF
i. These are covalent gases because of small difference in electro-negativities
between the two halogen atoms.
ii. Stability: They differ in thermal stability. For example, ClF is extremely stable
and dissociate when heated strongly:
2 ClF → Cl2 + F2, while IBr dissociate to a small extent into I2 and Br2 when
BrF and IF are unstable and undergo disproportionation rapidly.
3 BrF → Br2 + BrF3; 5 IF → 2 I2 + IF5
The stability of XY type inter-halogen compounds with respect to
disproportionation is in the order:
ClF > ICl > IBr > BrCl >BrF
iii. Hydrolysis: Generally hydrolysis of these compounds give oxy acids and
hydrohalic acid. For example:
BrCl + H2O → HOBr + HCl
5ICl + 3H2O → HIO + 5HCl + 2I2; ICl + H2O → HOI + HCl
iv. Action of metals and non-metals:
Se + 4 ClF→ SeF4 + 2 Cl2; ICl + 2Na → NaI + NaCl
W + 6 ClF → WF6 + 3 Cl2
v. Action of alkali metal halides and olefins: With alkali metal halides, polyhalides
are formed while inter-halogens add to olefins at double bond sites.
KCl + ICl → K[ICl2]; NaBr + IBr → Na[IBr2]
I Cl
vi. Lewis acid strength: The Lewis acid strength of these compounds decreases in
the order: ICl >> BrCl > IBr > I2 Reactivity: These compounds are more
reactive than each of the halogen molecules because X-Y bond dissociation
energy is less than that of X-X bond.
1. Iodine monochloride, ICl:
It is formed by mixing I2 and Cl2 in equal amounts.
I2 + Cl2 (equal amounts) → 2 ICl
By heating I2 with KClO3
KClO3 + I2 → KIO3 + ICl
By heating ICl3 at 680 C
i. It is dark liquid with b. p. 97.40 C.
A solution of ICl is used as catalyst in the oxidation of As(III) oxide by ceric
sulphate and for preparation of polyhalides.
The solution of ICl in glacial acetic acid is used for determining the iodine value
of oil by Wiz’s method.
2. Chlorine monofluoride, ClF:
It is prepared by the action of Cl2 on F2 or ClF3.
Cl2 + F2 2500 C 2 ClF; Cl 2 + ClF3 300 C 3 ClF
i. It is colourless gas having m. p. -1560 C.
ii. On heating it dissociate as: 2ClF Cl2 + F2
iii. Fluorination reactions: Metals are converted in their fluorides.
Lewis structure
Fig. 3.2 Bent T-shaped structure of ClF 3 molecule
of ClF3 molecule
F iv e s p 3 d h yb rid o rb ita ls
Although the spatial arrangement of five electron pairs round the central Cl-
atom in space is trigonal bipyramidal, due to presence of two lone-pairs of electrons,
the shape of ClF3 molecule gets distorted and becomes slightly bent T-shaped. The
repulsion between two lps of electrons reduces F(a)-Cl-F(b) bond angle from 900 to
87.50. The basal Cl-F(b) bond length is equal to 1.60 A0 while each of two axial Cl-F(a)
bond length is equal to 1.70 A0.
Structure of (ICl3)2 dimeric molecule: ICl3 is dimeric molecule (ICl)2,
in the solid state and has a
chlorine-bridged structure in which
C l-atom m akes a bridge between two IC l 2
units. It m ay be seen from strucure that
Fig. 3.3 C hlorine-bridged each I-atom is surrounded by four -bps
structure of (IC l 3 ) 2 dim er and two lps and is sp 3 d 2 hybridized.
Two lps of electrons are residing in the axial sp3d2 hybrid orbital of the
octahedron. Each of the three Cl-I σ-bonds results from the overlap between the
singly-filled 3pz orbital of Cl-atom and singly filled sp3d2 hybrid orbital on I-atom
while Cl→I bond arises by the do--nation of an electron pair on bridging Cl-atom to
vacant sp3d2 hybrid orbital on I-atom. Formation of 8 bonds between two I-atoms and
six Cl-atom in (ICl3)2 dimeric molecule has been shown in fig. 3.4.
I-a to m
3 2
I-atom in sp d hybridised
state in IC l 4 unit :
S ix sp 3 d 2 hybrid orbitals
Due to presence of two lps in axial position of the octahedron, each ICl 4 unit
has square planar structure as shown in fig. 3.5
III. Inter-halogen compounds of XY5 type (Hexa-atomic inter-halogens):
These are prepared by direct combination of elements, e.g.,
350 C
Cl2 + 5 F2 250 atm.
2 ClF5; Br2 + 5 F2 (excess) > 1500 C 2 BrF5
I2 + 5 F2 (excess) → 2 IF5
These can also be prepared by other methods, e.g.,
ClF3 + F2 h ClF5 ; KBr +3 F2 25 C
KF (s) + BrF5
1. Chlorine pentafluoride(ClF5) and bromine pentafluoride(BrF5):
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i. It is courless liquid with m. p. = 9.60 C.
ii. It is good conductor of electricity as it ionizes as:
2 IF5 IF4+ + IF6-
Thus, the substances that give IF4+ ions in liquid IF5, acts as acid and those
which produce IF6- ions behave as bases in this solvent. The following acid-base
reaction takes place in liquid IF5.
[IF4]+[SbF6]-(Acid)+K[IF6]- (Base)
K+[SbF6]- (Salt) + 2 IF5 (Solvent)
iii. IF5 reacts with I2O5 to form iodine oxy-fluoride, IOF5 which is solid and
decomposes on heating at 1100 C.
3 IF5 + I2O5 5 IOF3; 2 IOF3 IF5 + IO2F
i. Hydrolysis of IF5 gives halogen acid and oxy-halic acid.
IF5 + 3 H2O → 5 HF + HIO3
v. With F2 at 2500-3000 C temperature gives IF7.
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IF5 + F2 0
250 -300 C
Structure and geometry of XY5 type Inter-halogen compounds:
Examples of such compounds are ClF5, BrF5 and IF5. All these molecules have
distorted octahedral (square pyramidal) structure which arises from sp3d2
hybridization of the central atom. Let us discu
-ss the shape of IF5 molecule in which bigger I-atom is
the central atom. The Lewis structure of this molecule
shows that the central I-atom is surrounded by five bps
and one
3 2
lp of electrons hence I-atom is sp d hybridized in IF5 molecule.
Out of six sp3d2 hybrid orbitals, one axial hybrid orbital contains lone pair of
electrons while remaining five orbitals are singly-filled. The lone pair occupies the
axial orbital, since in this case (lp-lp) repulsion is minimum. Each of five F-I σ-bonds
result by the overlap of singly-filled sp3d2 hybrid orbital in Cl-atom and singly-filled
2pz orbital of F-atom.
Although the spatial arrangement of six electrons pairs round I-atom in space
is octahedral, due to the presence of one lone pair electrons the shape of molecule
gets distorted and hence IF5 assumes square pyramidal shape.
A recent study of this molecule shows that all four basal F-atom are slightly
displaced up wards from the base of the square pyramid and hence molecule assume
the structure as shown in fig. 3.5
1 .7 3 A 0
Fb Fa 1 .8 7 A 0 Fb
8 1 .9
Fb Fb
F ig . 3 .6 S q u a re p yra m id s tru c tu re o f IF 5 m o le c u le
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Fig. 3.8 (a) Lewis structure of IF 7 (b) Pentagonal bipyramida geometry of IF 7 molecule
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( 5s
state in
Iodine has maximum tendency to form polyhalide ions. Cl, Br and I-atoms can
form triatiomic anions, while F-atom is not able to form F3- ion.
i. By direct action of halogen on metallic halides or on other polyhaide.
Cl2 + KCl → K[Cl3]; Br2 + KBr → K[Br3]
I2 + KI → K[I3] 2 I2 + NH4I → NH4[I5]
Cl2 + K[ICl2] → K[ICl4]; Cl2 + K[IBr2] → K[ICl2] + Br2
ii. By the action of inter-halogens on metals, metallic halides or other polyhalides.
4 BrF3 + 3 K → 3 K[BrF4] + ½ Br2
ICl + MCl (M=K, Rb, NH4+) → M[ICl2]; ICl + KCl → K[ICl2]
ICl + KBr → K[ClBrI]; BrCl + CsI → Cs[IBrCl]
BrF3 + MF (M=Li, K, Ag) M[BrF4];
+ -
ClF5 + AsF5 → [ClF4] [AsF6]
IF7 + MF5 (M=As, Sb) → [IF6]+[MF6]-
ICl + K[ClBrI] → K[ICl2] + IBr
iii. By action of I2 or Cl2 on solution of metallic chlorides in HCl.
I2 + 3 Cl2 + 2 MCl (Li, Na) → 2 M+[ICl4]-
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+ 4 1
ion+ 1
+ion 1
Examples of such cations are: ICl2+, IBr2+, BrF2+, ClF2+ etc. All these cations
have angular (V-shaped) geometry which arises from sp3 hybridisation of central
positively-charged bigger halogen atom and due to presence of two lps of electrons
on the central atom.
Let us discuss the geometry of ICl2+ ion. Here positively-charged I-atom is the
central atom and is surrounded by two σ-bps and two lps and is sp3 hybridised as
shown above.
Although the spatial arrangement of four sp3 hybrid orbitals is tetrahedral, due
to presence of two lone pairs of electrons, ICl2+ ion assumes angular shape as shown
in fig. 3.9
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2 5
C l-a to m (3 s 3p )
2 5
C l-a to m (3 s 3p )
(a ) (b )
+ 3 +
F ig . 3 .8 : ( a ) L e w is s tr u c tu r e o f IC l 2 io n , ( b ) s p h y b r id is a tio n o f I
in IC l2 io n a n d fo r m a to n o f d iffe r e n t b o n d s .
F ive sp d hybrid orbitals
type species. Formation of four (I+-F) σ-bonds have been shown at fig. 3.10 (b).
As discuss earlier the lone pair prefer to occupy the basal hybrid orbital and
due to the presence of lone pair in the basal position, the shape of ICl4+ gets distorted
and becomes distorted octahedral or see-saw (fig. 3.11).
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2 5 2 5
F-atom (2s 2p ) F-atom (2s 2p )
2 5 2 5
F-atom (2s 2p ) F-atom (2s 2p )
(a) (b)
Fig. 3.10 : (a) Lewis structure of IF 4+ ion (b) Formatin different bonds in IF 4+ion
F ig . 3 .1 1 : D isto rte d te tra h e d ra l o r se e -sa w stru ctu re o f IF 4 io n
3. Geometry of Hepta-atomic inter-halogen cations:
Examples of such cations are: IF6+, BrF6+ etc.
All these ions have octahedral structure
corresponding to sp3d2 hybridisation of the central
positively-charged bigger halogen atom and due
to absence of lp of electrons on the central atom.
Lewis structure of IF6+
Let us discuss the geometry of IF6+ ion. Lewis structure of IF6+ shows that the
central atom is surrounded by six σ-bps and is sp3d2 hybridised as shown below.
Sp3d2 hybridisation scheme given above shows that IF6+ ion has no lone pair of
electrons and hence this ion has octahedral geometry as shown below in fig. 3.12
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Fig. 3.12 : Octahedral structure of IF 6 ion
4. Structure of Tri-atomic inter-halogen anions:
Examples of such anions are: ICl2-, IBr-, BrCl2-, ClF2-, I3-, ClBrI- etc. All these
ions have linear structure which due to sp3d hybridisation of central atom and
presence of three lps of electrons on the central atom. Let us discuss the structure and
geometry of ICl2- and I3- ions.
(a) Structure and geometry of ICl2- ion:The negative charge on this
ion shows that the central I-atom is
surrounded by two -bps and three
lps of electrons and hence I-atom
Lewis structure of ICl 2- is sp 3d hybridised as shown below.
F iv e s p d h y b r id o r b it a ls
The sp d hybrid orbital which is
vacant forms Cl I coordinate
bond. Hybridisation scheme
shows that ICl2 ion is AB2(lp)3 type
species and three lps prefer to sit
at the basal position of the tbp,
Fig. 3.13 : Linear shape of ICl2 ion since in this case the repulsion
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between electron pairs are minimum. Due to the presence of three lps in the basal
positions, the shape of ICl2- gets distorted and becomes linear as shown in fig. 3.13
(b) Structure of I3- :This ion also have linear structure in which I-atom
undergoes sp3d hybridisation. In order to differntiate
three I-atom, they have been designated as: Ic =
Lewis structure Central I-atom, Il = I-atom lying to the left of Ic-atom
of I3- ion and Ir = I-atom lying to the right of Ic-atom.
Molecular Orbital treatment of I3- ion:
If we take linear combination of the two singly-filled 5p orbitals of two I-
atoms (I=5s2 5p2 5p2 5p1) and one completely-filled 5p orbital of central I- ion (I-=5s2
5p2 5p2 5p2) gives three molecular orbitals which are bonding molecular orbital (ψ b),
non-bonding molecular orbital (ψnb) and antibonding molecular orbital (ψ*). The MO-
digram of I3- ion is shown below in fig. 3.14
The electrons involved in bond formation are occupy BMO (ψb) which spreads
out on either side of the negatively-charged central I-atom and thus two equivalent
bonds are formed.
D o u b ly -fille d 5 p M o le c u la r o rb ita ls T w o s in g ly -fille d 5 p
- -
o rb ita l o n I io n o n I3 io n o rb ita ls o n tw o I-a to m
F ig . 3 . 1 4 : M O - e n e r g y le v e l d ia g r a m o f I 3 io n
S ix s p 3 d 2 h y b rid o rb ita ls
sp3d2 hybridisation scheme shows that ICl4- ion is AB4(lp)2 type species.
Experiments have shown that the two lps prefer to sit in the axial positions of
the octahedron, since in this case (lp-lp) repulsion is minimum. Although the spatial
arrangement of six electron pairs round the central I-atom is octahedral, due to
presence of two lps, the shape of ICl4- ion becomes square planar as shown in fig. -
_ _
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3 3
seven sp d hybrid orbitals
One of the seven hybrid orbital is vacant and hence accepts an electron pair
donated by F- ion (F=2s2 2p2 2p2 2p2) to form F-→I coordinate bond. sp3d3
hybridisation of I-atom can be shown as above.
T heoretically the
lone pair of electrons
should occupy one of
the five basal position
of pentago nal
bipyram idal as shown
at fig. 3.16 (a).
H owever, experim ent
(a) (b) have shown that
distorted pentagonal
Fig. 3.16 : (a) D istorted pentagonal bipyra bipyram idal structure
m idal structure of IF 6 - ion (wrong), (b) D ist of IF 6 - ion is wrong. It
orted octahedral structure of IF 6 - ion (correct) is believed that IF 6 - ion
has distorted octahedral structure in which the six positions of octahedron are
occupied by six F-atoms and the lone pair of electrons is directed towards the centre
of one of the eight triangular face of octahedron as shown in fig. 3.16 (b).
7. Structure of I82- ion:
This ion is
found in [Cs+]2[I8]2-
which. I82- ion
contains two I3-
which are linked
together into
zig-zag chain by
one I2 molecule as
Fig. 3.17 : Zig-zag chain structure of I82- ion shown in fig. 3.17
8. Structure of I3+ and I5+ ions:
The structure of I3+ is bent as shown in fig. 3.19 (a) and that of I5+ ion is said to
be resonance hybrid of the two structures as shown in fig. 3.19
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(a) (b)
Fig. 3.19 : (a) Bent structure of I3+ ion, (b) Resonance in I5+ ion
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