Ijsrem Medibridge
Ijsrem Medibridge
Ijsrem Medibridge
Atharva M. Chougule (student), computer science and engg., Sanjay Ghodawat Institute
Shravani S.Patil (student), computer science and engg., Sanjay Ghodawat Institute
Aditya V.Kavade (student), computer science and engg., Sanjay Ghodawat Institute
Guide: Mr. Shridhar R.Sarate(lecturer), computer science and engg., Sanjay Ghodawat Institute
so we proposed idea to revolutionize the supply
Abstract –
chain by implementing our project. Medibridge
The Medibridge is the project that will going to
serves the purpose to efficiently connect the
help to streamline the pharmaceutical supply chain.
supplier and retailer. Helps to provide
The Medibridge focuses on bridging the gap
convenience for both. The platform makes
between supplier and retailer so they can
supply chain far better in remote areas where
communicate and make trades efficiently so we are
supplier cannot provide service
going to develop a mobile application to do the
promptly.Thisplatform simplifies the process of
proposed task. The app is mainly designed for
browsing, ordering and tracking of the
medical supplier and retailers so there is no role of
medicines. The project also helps supplier to
general public here.Supplier can manage inventory
manage inventory, process orders.
on the data based in our app and also retailer gets
the simpler way to order the required medicines and • However, Medibridge not only increases the
keep track on transactions. transparency and trust but also help to take
decisions faster to both supplier and retailer. That
The app aims to improve transparency in
eventually affects the overall operations between
medical supply chain and also reduces cost for both
the supplier and retailer.
supplier and retailer and also increases efficiency of
supply chain.The system enhances the availability • Insummary,Medibridge revolutionize the
of essential medicines in remote areas where timely pharmaceutical supply chain and also promotes
delivery is a big task.. the use of technology in medical field and easy to
use so anyone can understand it.Also, very useful
in these growing demands market.
.• Intoday’sfast paced pharmaceutical
market where the supply chain is still old school
Source - https://reactnative.