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A publication of the Christian Discipling Ministries International (CDMI)

A magazine published bimonthly and dedicated to the spiritual

welfare of God's New Creation on earth.

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Volume 81, Numbers 11 & 12 November/December 2019

Contents .................................................................................. 1
Editorial: In This Issue ............................................................. 2
Repentance—the Key to Forgiveness ..................................... 4
Milk versus Strong Meat ......................................................... 6
Prayer and the Bible................................................................ 8
A Birthday to Remember .........................................................17
He Shall Be Great ...................................................................20
Casting out Fear (part 1 of 2) ..................................................24
A Portrait of Jesus: Friend of Sinners......................................30
Children’s Story Corner: Witnessing about Jesus ...................31
The Family Corner: Turning Differences into Opportunities ....32
Prayer List………………………………………………………….34
Letters .....................................................................................36
Conferences and Conventions ................................................37

NOTE: The thoughts presented in the articles are those of the writer and are
not necessarily totally endorsed by the New Creation Staff. “Study to show
yourself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed,
rightly dividing the word of truth.” – 2 Timothy 2:15.
“Prove ALL things and hold fast to what is good.” – 1 Thess. 5:21.

The New Creation magazine and all of CDMI’s other publications are sent out
free of charge to all who request them. This magazine and all other
publications are totally supported by the voluntary and generous donations of
those who wish to help us in this work for the Lord. Your support makes it
possible for CDMI to provide this magazine and booklets and tracts to the poor
around the world. All donations are tax exempt.

In This Issue Editor’s
The last two months of the year can be very Page
busy months for families. Major holidays –
Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years –
all occur during this time. Here in the U.S. we
are also going through the transition from fall
to winter. There is also an ongoing transition
in the believer’s life. Because we were
sinners, fallen through Adam but redeemed through Christ, we
have a justification through faith wherein we stand. The robe of
Christ’s righteousness covers our imperfections as we seek this
transformation from the spirit of this world to the mind of Christ,
but sometimes we do sin, not only in thought but also in word or
deed. At such times, we seek forgiveness, and forgiveness from
God is given predicated on repentance for our sin (see the first
article, “Repentance—the Key to Forgiveness”). In “Milk vs.
Strong Meat”, you may be surprised at what the author believes
the strong meat is. Following this is an article on “Prayer and
the Bible”. Many are the deceptions of Satan. Only a closely
watched life of prayer will enable us to resist him.

‘A Birthday to Remember’, of course, speaks of Christ and his

birthday. Providences in fulfillment of prophecies influence the
birth of Christ, and this article considers some of these around
his miraculous birth. The next article, “He Shall Be Great”
comes to us from a late, learned brother of England and honors
the work of our dear savior and speaks to the greatness that he
will eventually receive from the whole world.

Overcoming fear is a great obstacle to progress in the narrow

way. Take heart, the article on “Casting out Fear” will surely
awaken your mind to the love of God and diminish any servile
fears you have in regards to him or any man.

Jesus was a friend of sinners, in the sense that he was looking

for those who wanted relief from their sins and a way back to
righteousness and God. In order to reach sinners, we will need
to ‘Witness about Jesus’ in this day of salvation. The high
calling is now open to those who have ears to hear. Eventually,
all will hear the words of truth that leads to everlasting life, but
that will be in the Millennial Kingdom.

Marriage is a wonderful thing but differences do occur. It is

inevitable. No two people are alike. So when two come together
in marriage there will be differences that will be grating on one
another. How do we deal with these differences? Well, in the
Family Corner, page 32, the author gives us sound advice in
working with our differences and gives motivation to see beyond
the differences.

Don’t forget to consider the Prayer List, the newest Grads from
the Bible Correspondence Course, and the links to websites
where you can connect to encouraging and uplifting messages.
The newest one, just listed, is from Brazil.

The Mailbag will bring to your attention notes or letters that we

have received from our readers. There have been no
Conferences or Conventions received by the Editor of late. If
you would like to have yours listed, please address the same to

So, the Christian life goes on in many learning experiences from

grace to grace. A humble, repentant attitude is always
necessary. In time, we grow beyond the nourishing milk of the
word to the strong meat of love for others, in deed as well as in
word. Prayer becomes the center of the Christian’s relationship
with God and Christ, and the terrifying fear of God, fear of
Satan, and fear of man is cast out. We witness and grow strong
in the Lord and the power of his might.

We have much to be thankful for, but the greatest gift for which
we are thankful, is God sending His only begotten son, and
Jesus’ faithfulness in carrying out the Father’s wishes, not only
dying for us, but also living for and caring for us [his bride],
eager to welcome us to his heavenly home, where he has been
preparing a place for us. Then, the rest of mankind will come
forth from their graves to hear the words of truth, and by
obedience thereto, go up the Highway of Holiness back to a
condition of human perfection such as Adam lost. Let us be
thankful to God for all His blessings and return unto Him the
praise that is due His name. Let us remember that the
Thanksgiving and Christmas season is not the only season we
can give thanks to God. Let us use it though to carry us in
encouragement and joy into 2020. May your reading of this
issue be a blessing to that end.
R. Whittaker

Repentance – the Key to Forgiveness
One of the most precious promises that all Christians can
lay hold on is found in 1 John 1:8-9 “If we claim to be without
sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we
confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our
sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”

There is no one who can rightly claim that they do not sin
and have no need of forgiveness. Only someone that
possesses a pharisaical attitude can even think it. An excellent
example is described by Jesus in Luke 18:10-14: “Two men
went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a
tax collector. The Pharisee stood up and prayed about himself:
‘God, I thank you that I am not like other men—robbers,
evildoers, adulterers—or even like this tax collector. I fast twice
a week and give a tenth of all I get.’ “But the tax collector stood
at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat
his breast and said, ‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner.’ I tell
you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified
before God. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled,
and he who humbles himself will be exalted.”

One expressed a self-righteous attitude seeing himself as

having no need of drawing upon the grace and mercy of God.
He instead was commending himself to God while looking down
on the tax collector with contempt. The other not only realized
his sinful condition, but knew he was not worthy of forgiveness
in himself but only through the merciful grace of God. If anyone
thinks they are beyond sinning, consider the words of 1 John
1:10, “If we claim we have not sinned, we make Him (God) out
to be a liar and His word has no place in our lives.”

There is a prerequisite to acquiring forgiveness from God.

Acknowledging and confessing our sin or sins must be
accompanied by true repentance. Repentance is the
determination, accompanied by sorrow, that with God’s help we
will not walk down that road again. We set out on a new course
that is 180 degrees in the opposite direction, which is the way of
How important is repentance? It is of prime importance.
John the Baptist when he was preparing the way for the Lord
came preaching the message of repentance. In Luke 24:46-47,
Jesus told his disciples, “This is what is written: The Christ will
suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, and repentance
for forgiveness of sins will be preached in His name to all
nations, beginning at Jerusalem.”

Repentance is just as crucial today, maybe even more so,

for the day in which we live is beginning to resemble Sodom of
old. Even our country is on the slippery slope that leads to
destruction. In Acts 20:20-21 Paul says, “You know that I have
not hesitated to preach anything that would be helpful to you
but have taught you publicly and from house to house. I have
declared to both Jews and Greeks that they must turn to God in
repentance and have faith in our Lord Jesus.” Repentance is
the first step towards a relationship with God and with our Lord
Jesus Christ. Acknowledging one’s need for forgiveness and
recognizing our need for the grace and mercy of God will start
one off on an adventure down the road to righteous living that
will yield blessings beyond which one can possibly imagine.
This will stop our descent down that slippery slope of sin.

Acts 17:30-31 tells us, “In the past God overlooked such
ignorance, but now He commands all people everywhere to
repent. For He has set a day when He will judge the world with
justice by the man He has appointed. He has given proof of this
to all men by raising Him from the dead.” If it is God’s command
that all people need to repent, how do those in the world know
this if they are not told? How often do we, in our sharing God’s
word with others, make this command known to them? Are we
hesitant in this area because we do not want to offend them,
thinking they will turn us off if we even infer that they are
sinners? The Apostles certainly weren’t concerned about this.
They told it like it is and only the hard-hearted or the self-
righteous took offense. You might find it very interesting to take
out your Bible and concordance sometime and look up just how
often the call for repentance was preached.
E. Weeks

Milk versus Strong Meat
Hebrews 5:12 presents a strong wake-up call. The ones
addressed are those who once knew at least the basic
principles, but not having moved on to higher principles, lost
even these. Note it states, “You need someone to teach you
again the first principles of the oracles of God, and have come
to need milk.” These need the milk again, the basic principles,
when they should have been long past this.

Verse 13 states that he who partakes only of milk, is

unskilled in righteousness, so placing the knowledge and living
of righteousness well above these basic principles. And in
verse 14 we find that the more advanced Christian, partaking of
strong meat, or solid food, as compared to liquid milk is
considered more mature as he knows and lives righteousness,
and uses it always in the understanding, wisdom and
appreciation of all that is truly “right” with God, thus he readily
“discerns between good and evil,” and chooses only the good.

In Hebrews 6:1, 2 we read of “leaving the elementary

principles (the milk) and not laying them again; that is
repentance from dead works, faith toward God, baptism, laying
on of hands, resurrection of the dead and eternal judgment.”
These are all truth, but they are things of knowledge, traditions,
history and prophecy but do not help us mature as copies of
Christ. Many other such “‘technical”’ points could be added to
the list. We are urged rather to go on to perfection, from milk to
strong meat.

The key point is in 5:14: “those who by reason of use have

their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.” The
need is to move beyond the basic principles of truth, to the
constant “use” of living truth in our lives so that we gain the
discernment and the application of the knowledge of good and
evil, thus knowing and choosing God’s will and refusing Satan’s.
Only this is the mature and faithful life, and only this is strong
meat. Conceding priority to knowledge, traditions, history and
prophecy of even our own beliefs is all milk. It’s true, but it is
milk (1 Cor. 13:2). And anything we concede to the world,
Satan, and the pleasing of others is far worse!

Choose righteousness! Do good!

Love the brethren! – 1 Jn 4;13

Choose righteousness! Do good!

Love your neighbor! - Lk. 10:29-37

Choose righteousness! Do good!

Love your enemies! - Mt. 5:42-48.

Let us wake up! Live on the strong meat! Micah 6:8;

1 Jn. 2:29; 3:7

Discern good and evil! Live the good! - Hebrews 5:14.

J. Knapp

The Pharisee

The Sunday School teacher was teaching about the parable of

the Pharisee and the Tax Collector. “The Pharisee, she said,
despised people he felt were inferior to him. The words he prayed
weren’t a prayer at all, but were words of self-congratulation. He
didn’t ask God for anything, but instead he bragged about himself for
not being like that sinner over there, a tax collector. He spoke of all
the good things he did that were superior to others.” The teacher
explained that this Pharisee had a lot of pride in himself and that God
hated pride. In comparison, the tax collector’s prayer was asking for
After pointing out the humility shown in the prayer of the tax
collector, the teacher told the children that God was pleased with him.
Feeling that the point of the parable was made, the teacher ended by
“Children, let us now bow our heads and give thanks to God that we
are not like that Pharisee.”
Author Unknown

Prayer and the Bible

The Adversary of God and His Anointed

Writing to the Corinthians Paul advises them to forgive and

comfort an erring brother, that overmuch sorrow should not
swallow him up, adding: “Lest Satan should get an advantage
of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.” (2 Cor. 2. 6-11)
The wiles of the Devil are not unknown to us who give heed to
the Lord’s Word, for since the beginning our adversary has not
changed his methods of attack. These devices are outlined in
the account of the temptation and fall of Adam and Eve (Gen.
3); and a summary of them will be of advantage to all who
desire to gain the victory with Christ.

1. Satan hides himself, the better to deceive the unwary.

(2 Cor. 11. 14) He did not appear openly when tempting Eve,
but hid behind the serpent. (Gen. 3. 1) Very many are not
aware of Satan’s existence; but thinking people know that there
can be no power apart from personality. The person may be
invisible, but his existence is manifested by the influence he
exerts. Evil energy is everywhere prevalent; therefore sane
philosophical reasoning agrees that there is somewhere an
unholy, baleful being of keen mental powers, with whom this
iniquity originates. (1 John 3. 8) Unfortunately, because of the
inherent weaknesses due to the fall, and the lack of
enlightenment, the generality of men are unconscious of the
predominance of sin in the world; and they are prone to turn
things upside down, and call evil good, and good evil, often not
knowing the difference. (Isaiah 5. 20) In the present Age it is
only the people of God who, by reason of use, have their
senses exercised to discern both good and evil.–Heb. 5. 14

The Word of God speaks plainly of an evil one. Many texts

directly name him; and we find passages which indicate him
under cover of other names. Ezek. 28. 1-19 tells us of the
characteristics of the ruler of Tyre; verses 1 to 10 speak of him
as a prince, and verses 11 to 19 as a king. We perceive in this
change of title a hidden reference to Satan as the real ruler, or
spiritual king of Tyre. (See also Isa. 14. 12-15.) If we take the
Bible as our guide we will not doubt that the arch enemy of God
and His people is an individual, a powerful spirit of great

Those who yield to their temptations are not fighting as good

soldiers of Christ; and any who play with their temptations leave
the way open for a fall. Satan does not flee from such; he takes
them captive at his will. (2 Tim. 2. 26; James 4. 7) Some there
are who fight their temptations, and overcome them effectually
with the wonderful power supplied by God in response to
earnest prayer. (Rom. 6. 14; 1 Cor. 9. 27; Col. 3. 5-10) These
know by experience that the Bible speaks truth when it declares
that our “adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about,
seeking whom he may devour.”–1 Pet. 5. 8,9

Though Satan will “roar” at us when, to the will of God, we keep

our body under and develop acceptable faith and love, the
Scriptures assure us that “he that is begotten of God keepeth
himself, and that wicked one toucheth him not.” (1 John 5. 18)
We are now in the “city of refuge,” and our life is hid with Christ
in God. (Col. 3. 1-3; Heb. 6. 18) Satan’s purpose is, if possible,
to take out of our heart and mind the peace of God that we
have inherited as the reward of our obedient love and faith; and
the Lord permits these testings to prove that this peace is real
and lasting. (1 Pet. 4. 12-19) The Prophet Isaiah said: “Thou
wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee:
because he trusteth in thee.” (Isa. 26. 3) It is a peace which
passes all understanding; which the world can neither give, nor
uproot.–John 14. 27; Phil 4. 6,7

The inspired Apostle declares: “the God of peace shall tread

Satan under your feet shortly.” (Rom. 16. 20 margin) If we did
not know of the existence of Satan as the “god of this world,”
how could we overcome him in the name of Jesus? (Rev. 12. 7-
11) Therefore the worldly-minded, and the disobedient
doubters, have no part or lot in this holy war which is being
waged against the evil spiritual rulers in high places by the Holy
Nation in Christ’s Name.–1 Pet. 2. 9
2. Satan tries to corrupt our pure minds by suggesting
causes for doubt as to the Lord’s love and care for us. This
device was successful in Eden, and terrible are the results. The
subtle enemy begat doubt in Eve’s mind regarding the love of
her Creator in withholding permission to eat of the “tree of the
knowledge of good and evil.” If God loved her, why did he forbid
what was so desirable?

Now, doubt of the love of another leads to doubt of the

person himself. And when we doubt we become suspicious.
Suspicion naturally gives rise to misunderstanding of motives,
although these may be of the best. Because we misapprehend
the motives, we turn to criticize; and hatred follows criticism
without fail unless checked. The sure outcome of unbridled
hatred is violence, murder–if not literal then mental. (1 John 3.
15) The tried Christian is apprised of this device of the devil, the
antithesis of faith and trust. Experience has taught him the
bitterness of doubt; but the remembrance of how the heavenly
Father restored his confidence immediately in answer to
earnest prayer is a sweet and precious spiritual possession,
which he will not relinquish.–Isa. 40. 28-31

3. The Devil is the “father” of lies. (John 8. 44) His greatest

lie is that it was unnecessary for Jesus Christ to die as the
world’s Saviour. Why? Because he denied the Word of God
when he said to Eve: “Ye shall not surely die!” (Contrast Gen. 2.
17 with Gen. 3. 4.) All who fail to comprehend the meaning of
the Apostle when he says: “The wages of sin is death; but the
gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Rom.
6. 23), are easily deceived by this lying device. To maintain that
the dead are not dead, but only passed into some continued
state or condition of life, is to render meaningless the Scriptural
declaration that Christ came in the flesh, and as a perfect man
died for all men, that all might have a resurrection from the
dead. (John 1. 14; Heb. 2. 9,14; 2 John 7) To say that the dead
live is a contradiction. This is the “strong delusion” which God
permits to come upon those who receive not the truth in the
love of it.–2 Thess. 2. 7-12
4. Wrong ambition and pride is another device of the
adversary, evidenced at the beginning when he dazzled Eve’s
senses with the reward of disobedience: “Ye shall be as gods!”
(Gen. 3. 5) Self-exaltation was the cause of Satan’s own
overthrow; and it is instructive to note those Scriptures that
trace the fall of this great being from the high position of honor
he once enjoyed, to his future destruction. In Ezekiel 28. 13-17
we read that Satan, the “anointed cherub that covereth;” was
perfect in his ways from the day he was created, till iniquity was
found in him. His heart was lifted up when he contemplated his
personal beauty; and in his pride he even sought to be like the
most High. (Isa. 14. 13,14) Therefore, God said he would be
cast down; and Jesus exclaimed: “I beheld Satan as lightning
fall from heaven.” (Luke 10. 18) It appears that this fall was,
first, from the freedom of the heavens beyond into the
atmosphere of our earth, there to become the “prince of the
power of the air.” (Eph. 2. 2) In Rev. 12. 7-9 he is said to have
been “cast…into the earth,” evidently symbolical of a still lower
stage in his downward career. He is then bound and “cast into
the bottomless pit,” where he is to lie sealed up during the
thousand years of Christ’s glorious reign of righteousness (Rev.
20. 1-3); after which, at the termination of a “little season” of
liberty, he will be finally “cast into the lake of fire and
brimstone,” which is the “second death,” and thus be forever
destroyed. (Rev. 20. 7-10; 21. 8) “Humble yourselves therefore
under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due
time.” (1 Pet. 5. 6) In this our supreme example is Jesus.–Phil.
2. 3-11

5. Disobedience to God’s commands is a common device of

our enemy. At his instigation Adam and Eve ate that which
Jehovah had forbidden. (Gen. 3. 6) Jesus has given us a
commandment that we should love one another. (John 15. 12)
This is not a recommendation; nor does our Master entreat us;
it is a command. Satan suggests very good reasons why, in
special cases at all events, we should not render heart

6. The Apostle says that he knew and was persuaded “that
there is nothing unclean of itself”; and that: “To the pure all
things are pure.” (Rom. 14. 14; Titus 1. 15) The insinuation of
impurity is undoubtedly one of the devil’s devices. He made our
first parents wrongly imagine that their unclothed state was
shameful. (Gen. 3. 7) God said: “Who told thee that thou wast
naked?” There was no occasion for shame if they remained as
God had created them. It was Satan’s impure suggestion,
successful because the real clothing, that of the pure innocent
mind, had been stripped away through the sin of disobeying the
Lord’s command. The sin of disobedience had weakened the
will, and resistance being now broken Satan’s suggestion
gained footing.

The Apostle condemns some of the household of faith for

forbidding Church members to marry. (1 Tim. 4. 1-3) Marriage
is honorable; but as a matter of judgment he advises the
unmarried to remain so if possible, and the married to be as if
unmarried. (1 Cor. 7. 26-29, 38) The Lord allows individual
judgment; and those who take it upon themselves to forbid
marriage do not have his approval, for they evidently imply that,
in their opinion, such union between Christians is impure.
Suggestions of impurity come from those who have not
successfully overcome this device of the evil one; but we who
hope to be united with the heavenly Bridegroom have power to
purify ourselves as He is pure.–1 John 3. 2,3

7. “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power,
and of love, and of a sound mind.” (2 Tim. 1. 7) One of the
adversary’s devices, and most successful of weapons against
the spirit begotten child of God, is fear. The realization of their
disobedience made Adam and Eve fear to meet their loving
Creator; and they hid themselves.–Gen. 3. 10

Fear may attack us in many ways. Fear of want prevents

our hands from doing the Lord’s service. We overcome this by
reposing implicit trust in the Lord’s promise that all necessaries
will be provided when we seek first the Kingdom. (Luke 12. 27-
32; Matt. 6. 33) The fear of man brings a snare; but we observe
that the fearlessness of Jesus defeated this snare of the evil
one. (Prov. 29. 25; Matt. 22. 16) “The righteous are bold as a
lion.”–Prov. 28. 1; John 7. 25,26; Acts 4. 13

There are many Scriptures urging all to have godly fear; but
we must distinguish between the fear (reverence) which has the
approval of God, and the unreasoning fear (terror) which Satan
seeks to instill into our hearts. We read that the fear of the Lord
is the beginning of wisdom; and wisdom is knowledge applied
with judgment. (James 3. 13) The fear instigated by Satan
causes panic, which but for the Lord’s grace would overthrow
our judgment altogether. Satan will sometimes seize the
opportunity, when we are overtaken in a fault, to strike terror
into our hearts. His object is to make us imagine we need no
longer go to our heavenly Father in prayer, by suggesting that
we have committed an unpardonable sin. But while we sorrow
greatly over our fault, we should not allow it to prey upon our
minds, but remember the words of the Apostle: “For godly
sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of.”
(2 Cor. 7. 9-11) Acknowledging our shortcoming we shall repent
and gain the Lord’s forgiveness. We read: “He that covereth his
sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh
them shall have mercy.”Prov. 28. 13; 1 John 1. 9

The inspired prophet Isaiah says: “Let the wicked forsake

his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him
return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to
our God, for he will abundantly pardon.” (Isa. 55. 7; 2 Cor. 8.
9,10) To forsake our thoughts, which are naturally evil, we must
substitute for them the thoughts of the Lord; and to make sure
we gain the Lord’s thoughts, we must “do works meet for
repentance.” (Acts 26. 20) We know that faith without works is
dead. When God perceives our evident sincerity of heart to
think and do the right things, he gives us a responsible position
in his favor, with grace to hold it. On no account should we give
up praying to our heavenly Father in his Son’s name, for the
more we pray the stronger we become. If we break off
communication, we cannot get the power; and we require the
power supplied by God to enable us to make headway,
because the Christian’s battle is real. (2 Cor. 4. 7) Ours is a
strange warfare; we fight not with guns but with a name–Jesus,
our Leader–and by prayer to God. (Eph. 6. 18; Rev. 12. 11) We
need not dread our enemies, for the Scriptures promise that: “In
quietness and in confidence shall be your strength”; and: “The
angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear him,
and delivereth them.” (Isa. 30. 15; Psa. 34. 7) “Sanctify the
LORD of hosts himself; and let him be your fear, and let him be
your dread.”–Isa. 8. 13

Should we see a fellow-servant labor under fear of the

consequences of some shortcoming which, however, we know
to be pardonable, we may on request pray to our heavenly
Father to relieve our erring and apprehensive brother. (1 John
5. 14-16) This privilege of praying for others, which is the right
of the Lord’s special representatives, should not be disregard-
ed. (See Gen. 20. 7,17; Num. 21. 7; 1 Sam. 12. 20-25; Job 42.
7-10; Jer. 42; Luke 22. 32; 2 Thess. 3. 1) To be overtaken in a
fault is quite different from the kind of sin which merits the
second death, and for which, the Scriptures tell us, it is useless
to pray. (Heb. 6. 4-8; Heb. 10. 26-31; 2 John 9-11) For such
unforgivable wickedness could not be of sudden growth, but
must be the outcome of willful persistence in an evil course,
which at the first would be intelligently recognized as wrong;
and none in close communion with the Lord could fail to discern
it.–2 Pet. 2. 10-22; Jude 11-16

The Lord through the inspired Apostle, however, states that

he is persuaded for better things of us, and things that
accompany salvation. (Prov. 24. 15,16; Heb. 6. 9) We are not of
those who draw back into perdition, but of those that believe to
the saving of the soul. (Heb. 10. 39) Faults are for the most part
due to the weaknesses of the flesh, or lack of experience, and
are not counted willful by the heavenly Father. (Psa. 103. 8-14;
James 5. 11) Failings are often seized upon by the adversary
who, it may be through the mouths of slanderers (Isa. 66. 5),
exaggerates their offensiveness, and thus leads the child of
God into affliction. Satan’s object is to discourage us into giving
up the warfare by which we overcome him, and serve the Lord;
while the Lord permits these trials to come upon his children,
not to destroy them, but to burn away the fleshly impediments
to their healthy growth as New Creatures. They are blessings in
disguise.–Heb. 12. 5-14

To gain the victory we must first put ourselves right with God
by prayerful confession and repentance from the heart, after
which we may call upon Him to stand by us while, in His Name,
we boldly maintain our ground in the presence of our
adversaries, knowing that He will put them to confusion who
desire our hurt. The substance of our heavenward pleadings is
expressed by David: (Psa. 64) “Hear my voice, O God, in my
prayer: preserve my (spiritual) life from…the insurrection of the
workers of iniquity: who whet their tongue like a sword, and
bend their bows to shoot their arrows, even bitter words: that
they may shoot in secret at the perfect...They search out
iniquities; they accomplish a diligent search,” to see if they can
find in their victim’s life some justification for their evil and
unreasonable surmisings. They are mistaken, for while the
Lord’s consecrated people were formerly “children of wrath,
even as others,” (Eph. 2. 3) their sins are blotted out through
faith in the atoning blood of Christ; and in accusing them these
zealous enemies are really condemning God who justifies the
saints. (Isa. 43. 25; 1 Cor. 6. 9-11) Therefore David continues:
“God shall shoot at them with an arrow; suddenly they shall be
wounded. So they shall make their own tongue to fall upon
themselves: all that see them shall flee away.”–Psalm 64
We submit all such outward contentions to Him who judges
righteously (Rom. 12. 19; 1 Pet. 2. 19-23); for as New
Creatures in Christ Jesus who hope to bless the poor straitened
world in the future, we must prove ourselves worthy of this
honor, and hence our present fights are chiefly inward. (1 Cor.
4. 12-14; 9. 26,27; 1 Tim. 6. 11,12; 2 Tim. 4. 7,8) We are
instructed to pray for those who persecute us, that we may be
called children of the Father in heaven. (Matt. 5. 43-48) Jesus
rebuked James and John because they wished for fire to
descend and consume the ungracious Samaritans. They then
failed to realize that the Son of man came to earth to save
men’s lives, and not to destroy. (Luke 9. 54-56) But we now
understand what is expected of us, and shall earnestly
endeavor, with the aid of the Lord, to maintain a loving, kindly
disposition of heart even in the face of the merciless imaginings
of our detractors.–1 Pet. 3. 8-18

It is to be noted that the willful transgressor is not subject to

that reverential fear which, like the warning pain in the physical
body, acts as a signal to the spiritually-minded when in danger
of a grave fault. (Psa. 34. 6-19; 36. 1-4) The habitually
unrighteous are latterly given over to dread of a different sort.
(Heb. 10. 26-36) It has been well remarked that “Fear is a good
watch dog, but a bad master.” Any form of fear taught by
deluded men (such as the eternal torment doctrine, one of the
“doctrines of devils”–1 Tim. 4. 1; Jer. 7. 31), and which is in
violation of Jehovah’s perfect attributes of justice, power, love
and wisdom, must be repudiated by all who begin to see the
beautiful character of the Almighty. (Isa 29. 13) For the God to
whom we pray is not fiendish like the gods of the heathen; and
those who preach the “eternal torment” heresy cast dishonor on
that Holy Name.

We read that there is no fear in love; but perfect love casts

out fear. (1 John 4. 18) “He that feareth is not made perfect in
love”; for effective love is aggressive. In spite of every prejudice
against him owing to Satan’s misrepresentations, Jesus when
in the flesh steadily pursued his way until he had planted the
seeds of truth into this sin-cursed world, and then finally
permitted himself to be planted into death in order to lay the
foundation (the only possible one) for the great work of winning
the world back from Satan’s domination. Nothing can withstand
pure love; it is more powerful, more aggressive than any other
moral force, because it is fearless.
Morton Edgar
(taken from Bible Student Monthly, England)

Prayer releases one from the prey of fear, futility, and ineffectiveness.

A Birthday to Remember
Scripture does not reveal to us the season of Jesus’
birthday, but December has been chosen by tradition as the
time of the year to remember that Jesus was born. We rejoice
to remember His birth, because His first advent has wrought
great changes in the earth. We know that Jesus’ second advent
will complete the change, for then all the old will be gone and all
will be made new. How marvelous it is that we can
commemorate His great birthday every day of the year.

This wondrous event is reported in the Gospels of Matthew

and Luke; and surely it is a joy to read the familiar words over
again and to say with Phillips Brooks in his beautiful hymn:

0 little town of Bethlehem,

How still we see thee lie!
Above thy deep and dreamless sleep
The silent stars go by;
Yet in thy dark streets shineth
The everlasting Light;
The hopes and fears of all the years
Are met in thee tonight.

Yes, both past and future ages have one focusing point in
common: the coming of the promised Seed, the Daystar from
on high, the child born of a virgin, and the birth of the King.
John puts it beautifully: “And the Word was made flesh and
dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the
only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth “ (John

The vivid pictures presented by Matthew and Luke really set

our minds to thinking and we begin to see in the events
connected with this birthday portents of all that was to follow in
connection with the life of Jesus, truly the greatest life that was
ever lived.

Let’s look at a few of the events from this sublime story:

Mary and Joseph, under an edict from the Roman Caesar

commanding all subjects to be counted and taxed, must travel
to Bethlehem, the city of David. Caesar undoubtedly felt himself
master of the world, but God was working and Micah’s
prophetic utterance was fulfilled (Micah 5:2).
The Babe Laid In a Manger ~ Paul says, “For you know the
grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for
your sakes He became poor, that you through his poverty might
be rich” (2 Cor. 8:9). Need we say more?

Shepherds and Angels ~ This was not a new combination of

diverse elements in God’s sight. After all, God had called
Abraham, who was a shepherd, and the heavenly messengers
appeared to him and reaffirmed God’s promise (Gen. 18). Jesus
used the picture of the Good Shepherd caring for his sheep as
an illustration of His concern for His followers. (John 10:1-16.)
Jesus was proclaimed the Lamb of God (John 1:36) when His
ministry began and was spoken of as “the Lamb slain from the
foundation of the world” (Rev. 13:8). The pictures are
numerous; we could all cite many others.

The angel said, “Fear not; for behold I bring you good tidings
of great joy which shall be to all people…” In David’s city a
Saviour is born ~ Christ the Lord! There is nothing to add to this
sublime announcement. Hope has become a reality and this is
not for a few people but for all. “Praise God from whom all
blessings flow!”

Wise Men Follow a Star ~ Balaam, a wise man in his day,

(this may be open to question on some counts) spoke under
inspiration, “There shall come a star out of Jacob…” (Num.
24:17). These were indeed wise men, for they followed the star
and wise men of all ages are still following the star out of Jacob.
Peter makes the relationship still more intimate, “We have also
a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto you do well that you
take heed, as unto a light that shines in a dark place, until the
day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts” (2 Pet. 1:19).

Herod Is Troubled ~ Evil is always troubled in the presence of

good, and evil always seeks ways and means of destroying the
good, but God is Supreme (Isaiah 57:20, 21) and will one day
destroy all evil.

The Followers of the Star Rejoice ~ So should all of Jesus’

followers ever rejoice! “Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I
say, Rejoice” (Phil. 4:4). “Let all those that put their trust in You
rejoice: let them ever shout for joy, because You defend them:
let them also that love Your name be joyful in You” (Psalms
Wise Men Worship the Child and Bring Their Gifts ~ But what
gifts have we to bring our King, our Lord, our Master? Only our
own poor selves, and this is only what He has given to us in the
first place. We can but echo Paul’s great statement, “Present
your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which
is your reasonable service” (Romans 12:1). God gave the
Greatest Gift, and so His precious Son came to earth for each
one of us.

Many of us have mused over these things; what is written on

these pages isn’t new, but we do love to tell this lovely story over
and over again. Especially, “we love to tell the story, for those
who know it best, seem hungering and thirsting to hear it like the
rest, and when in scenes of glory, we sing the new, new song,
‘twill be the old, old story that we have loved so long.”

Henry Ahrens

‘What shall I give Him, poor as I am?

If I were a shepherd, I’d give Him a lamb;
If I were a wise man, I’d do my part;
But what can I give Him? I’ll give Him my heart!’

Thou shalt call His name JESUS: for He shall save His
people from their sins.(Matthew 1:21)
The noting of those little incidentals by which divine providence
prepared for our Savior's birth and for the sending forth of the
Gospel message, are strengthening to the faith of the Lord's
people. Realizing God's care in the past over even the little
things, gives a foundation for confidence in His wisdom and
provision for the features of his plan which are yet future--the
fulfilment of all the exceeding great and precious promises
which centered in Him who was born in Bethlehem. And so also
a realization of the divine providence in the larger affairs of the
divine plan stimulates faith also in the Lord's providences as
respects the personal and more private affairs of His people.
Daily Heavenly Manna

He Shall Be Great
A Christmas Message

"He shall be great and… called the Son of the highest "
(Luke 1.32).

In this world, men are accounted great because they have

achieved some noteworthy thing that has produced immediate
results. A skillful general wins a crucial battle and he is
considered a great soldier. A commercial magnate welds a
number of trading organizations into one enormous unit,
controlling a major part of some vital commodity and he is
regarded as a great businessman. A shrewd and plausible
politician rises to the top by his astute handling of foreign affairs
and he is spoken of as a great statesman. None of these is
called great while yet in the state of progress towards his goal,
while his plans are developing but only when he has arrived.
The world demands not only success but also the visible
evidences of success before it will bestow its praise. The man
who patiently and zealously builds for the future, knowing that
his goal will not be reached in his own lifetime is never
esteemed great while yet he lives. The fruit of his labors will
only be reaped by posterity and recognition may only come
after his death, when at last the realization of all his dreams is
there for all to see.

So it is with our Lord Jesus Christ. Of all great men, He is

the greatest. He came down from heaven to achieve the
greatest work of all time; the redemption and reconciliation of
mankind and the consummation of God's creative Plan. His
greatness was not recognized then, but…"He shall be great" is
the promise and it cannot fail to be fulfilled. Men and angels will
join in worship and adoration, praising and blessing the name of
the Son, that His name may be exalted above every name. "At
the name of Jesus every knee shall bow and every tongue
confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father"
(Philippians 2: 10,11).

At the time of His birth there was no evidence of coming
greatness. He was born in the meanest of mean circumstances,
lowly descendant of a once kingly line from which all the
insignia and trappings of kingship had long since departed. He
was born the citizen of a conquered and subject people into a
humble workaday environment. What promise of greatness
reposed here? His only credentials were those declared by an
old prophet and an aged woman Temple attendant, neither of
them of any influence in the world of big things. Who would
have thought that this infant son of a village maiden would start
a fire that was destined to sweep the world and never be put
out? Who would have thought that this tiny baby was to outlive
all the kings who ruled at His birth and to succeed to the
kingship of the world when all their thrones had been swept
away? Who would have thought that this little life, which came
so quietly into the world would catch up and knit together so
many other lives through generations yet unborn; that it would
make them a mighty striking force and a power so great that
even the proud gates of hell will not prevail against it? That was
to be the outcome, that has not been fully realized even as yet,
but an outcome that will surely one day cause all men to
recognize the true greatness of that Light which two thousand
years ago came into the world.

We do perceive the greatness. To us He is already great.

How could it be otherwise? We know of the mighty power that
descended upon the church at Pentecost and has remained
since with all whose lives have been given to Him. True, so far
as the world is concerned there is still little evidence of the
power that is preparing and fitting us for the full revelation to all
men, which is to come "at His appearing." Without the long
years of that inward working in our hearts and minds we would
be quite unready for the duties, which will devolve upon us
when the Messianic Kingdom is established in power and the
word of the Lord begins to go out to all people.

During the early years of the twentieth century, a young man

in his early thirties lived in London. He was poor and was
equipping himself to deliver his people. Daily he read and
studied in the British Museum. He was unknown and few took
him seriously. A decade or so later, Lenin was accepted by his
people and he gave them the draft constitution that was to
guide millions for most of that century. We may profoundly
disagree with his political system. He was an atheist and his
achievement was a purely material one. Many in his own land
now discredit him. However, the principle of small, unnoticed
beginnings, which for a time grew into a mighty international
force, may be compared with our King.

He too was despised and rejected of men, accounted a

dreamer and an enthusiast, ignored and unheeded in the days
of His life on earth. His followers too, are accounted fools for
His sake. The world does not really believe that the saints are
going to reign. Men do not take seriously the oft-repeated
declaration that in a day yet to come the Lord Jesus will assume
His great power and command all men's obedience. The
disciples of Jesus go about their studies and training,
conspicuous only by their poverty in the things of this world, and
their absolute devotion to the ideal that is set before them - and
the world smiles tolerantly and takes no further notice.

One day our King will stand up, no longer a nonentity, in the
counsels of the world. He also will proceed to the creation of a
new social order; one which will embrace not half the world but
the whole of the world, "His dominion shall be from sea even to
sea, and from the river even to the ends of the earth" (Zech.
9:10).The kings of the earth will fight against it, to crush what
they hate, but they will fail to arrest its progress. The Rider of
the White Horse will cleave the heavens in His descent to the
last great battle and the powers of this world will give way for
the last time. “The kingdoms of this world will have become the
Kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ - and He shall reign
forever and ever” (Revelation 11:15).

"He shall be great!" The promise stands, disbelieved and

disowned by the world of men. They will believe in that day
when He stands up to command obedience. There will be no
uncertainty about the matter then, no disputing. The benefits of
that Kingdom will be abundantly manifest to all, and in their joy
and exaltation of spirit men will declaim to the heavens, "This is
our God, we have waited for him, and he will save us, we will be
glad and rejoice in his salvation" (Isaiah 25.9).

A.O. Hudson
(taken from the Bible Student Monthly)

Jesus Shall Reign Where’er the Sun

Jesus shall reign where’er the sun

Does his successive journeys run,
God’s kingdom spread from shore to shore
‘Til moons shall wax and wane no more.

People and realms of every tongue

Dwell on His love with sweetest song;
And infant voices shall proclaim
Their early blessings on His Name.

Let every creature rise and bring

His grateful honors to our King;
Angels descend with songs again,
And earth repeat the loud “A-men!”
Isaac Watts

The hinge of history is on the door of Bethlehem's stable.

And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by

becoming obedient to death; even death on a cross! Therefore God
exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above
every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in
heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue
acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
(Php 2:8-11 NIV)

Casting Out Fear
(Part 1 of 2)

God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in

him. 17 In this way, love is made complete among us so
that we will have confidence on the day of judgment,
because in this world we are like him. 18 There is no fear
in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear
has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not
made perfect in love. 1 John 4:16-18 (NIV)

1John 4:16-18 (The Message) God is love. When we take

up permanent residence in a life of love, we live in God and
God lives in us. 17 This way, love has the run of the house,
becomes at home and mature in us, so that we’re free of
worry on Judgment Day—our standing in the world is
identical to Christ’s. 18 There is no room in love for fear.
Well-formed love banishes fear. Since fear is crippling,
a fearful life—fear of death, fear of judgment—is one
not yet fully formed in love.

As I consider this passage, it seems that the context suggests

the primary meaning is that we should have no fear in
contemplating the decision God will make about our future at
the end of our earthly life. But I see other lessons for the New
Creation in this contrasting of love and fear, and the point the
Apostle makes in associating fear with punishment. So I will
address what this text says about love casting out fear from
three perspectives:

1. First, as dedicated children of God, we should be striving

to remove fear from our lives. Fear is crippling not only
to the human nature, but to the development of the spirit
nature as well. Fear brings with it a foreboding of
consequences—punishment, and it stunts the growth of
agape love in our hearts and minds. We are to develop
a love that knows no fears.

2. Second, we should completely reject the worldly practice
of using fear and punishment in any way to motivate
others or ourselves.
3. Thirdly, and finally, we are to have no fear about God’s
decision about our life on the day of judgment.

The world is filled with fear—fears of all kinds. In a 2014 survey

published in the Washington Post, the top fears in America

1. Public Speaking 7. Flying

2. Heights 8. Strangers
3. Bugs, Snakes, and other Animals 9. Zombies
4. Drowning 10. Clowns
5. Blood/Needles 11. Ghosts
6. Being in tight spaces

These kinds of fears are called phobias, and that word is taken
directly from the Greek word for fear found throughout the New
Testament—Strong’s #5401—phobos. Most often, phobias are
defined as “irrational” fears—fears that are more imaginary
than real. But, they are very real to those who have them. I
know; I have a couple of them.

As we hurtle toward the kingdom, fears and fearful

circumstances are multiplying. People are afraid of …

 Not having enough to eat

 Not having a place to live and sleep
 Not being able to find a job, or losing their job
 Getting sick, especially with cancer, and not having the
resources to access healthcare
 Not having enough money for retirement, or that the money
they have saved will shrink significantly or disappear
 Being a victim of gun violence or other violent crime
 Being a victim of a mass killing
 Being a victim of terrorism
 Having our identity stolen

 That nuclear weapons may be used in a future conflict
 That racial and ethnic prejudice is rising again

Well did Jesus describe this time. Luke 21:25-26 (KJV)

25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon,
and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with
perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; 26 Men's hearts
failing them for fear [#5401-phobos], and for looking after
those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers
of heaven shall be shaken.

The good news is that this will mark the time of the deliverance
of the church—its completion. Luke 21:28 (NIV)--28 When
these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your
heads, because your redemption is drawing near."

Fear has been around forever. While some fears mentioned

above are part of the technically-advanced age in which we
live, and were not a source of fear in the past, there is one fear
that has been around since the earliest days of human
history—fear of death. For most people, it is at the top of the list
of their fears.

Jacob had this fear. He feared his brother Esau might come to
kill him and his family. Genesis 32:9, 11 (KJV)--9 And Jacob
said, …11 Deliver me, I pray thee, from the hand of my brother,
from the hand of Esau: for I fear him, lest he will come and
smite me, and the mother with the children.

Israel had this fear when they saw that they were caught
between Pharaoh’s army and the Red Sea. Moses had to calm
their fears and encourage them to trust in the Lord. Exodus
14:13 (KJV)--13 And Moses said unto the people, Fear ye
not, stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD, which he
will shew to you today: for the Egyptians whom ye have seen
today, ye shall see them again no more forever.
The Apostle Paul tells us in Hebrews 2:14-16 that fear of death
has keep mankind in bondage to the great prince of this
world—Satan. Hebrews 2:14-16 (KJV)--14 Forasmuch then as
the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself
likewise took part of the same; that through death he might
destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil; 15
And deliver them who through fear of death were all their
lifetime subject to bondage. 16 For verily he took not on him
the nature of angels; but he took on him the seed of Abraham.

I am aware that a common Bible Student interpretation of this

passage is that it is speaking of the Great Company who were
afraid to live a life of sacrificial death and thus fell short of
complete overcoming. But the context just does not support
that interpretation. In verse 9 the Apostle is speaking of Jesus
tasting death for all mankind. Here, contextually, the primary
interpretation is that by his sacrificial death Jesus delivered
those who were in bondage to the Law, which by its provisions
accused them as deserving death. Secondarily, I believe the
context also includes an application to mankind in general.
The Apostle Paul is saying that because of the fear of death
mankind has been in bondage to the pursuit of transitory
happiness and pleasure, much of it sinful. Mankind has been
focused on the accumulation of this world’s wealth and using it
for selfish purposes, the satisfying of many appetites, some of
them very evil and degraded. Satan, through his power and
dominion has keep mankind enslaved to evil and
unrighteousness, doing whatever they can to avoid thinking
about death, because they fear it. In doing so, Satan has
brought about the death—oftentimes premature death—of
many people. Consider the opioid crisis. Fear of death does
not come from God; it comes from Satan and he uses it to keep
mankind enslaved to himself.

Even those who do not fear death itself have fears of certain
kinds of death. For many people, the events of September 11,
2001, greatly heightened their fear of death. Overnight, the
symbols of American freedom and prosperity—office buildings,
tourist destinations, airports, parks, and sports arenas—
became sites of potential danger. Subsequent similar
tragedies around the world have built upon and deepened this
fear. The fear has done more damage to our nations and
communities than was actually done by the terrorists. Our
efforts to fight against terrorism have made us a more divided
and hate-filled society. Politicians use rhetoric that brand this
or that group as undesirable or dangerous. Conspiracy
theories are constantly being spun by those who wish to
manipulate public opinion and fears.

September 11 transformed a brand new era of Federal budget

surpluses into the largest deficits in our history. Trillions of
dollars have been spent on wars foreign wars. New spending
followed our fears. We spend massive amounts on
armaments, security and surveillance technology, and prisons,
while our school, transportation, and utility systems are

Americans who lived through the Great Depression and World

War II followed the advice of President Franklin Roosevelt
when he warned that “we have nothing to fear but fear itself.”
They built a society of hope and opportunity. But since 9/11,
our nation has gone in the opposite direction. Fear dominates
our policymaking, public discourse, and individual behavior.

There are ways to turn this around, but it is probably too late.
Our leaders and opinion-makers are too stuck in the mode of
talking about what we are against instead of what we are for,
focusing on fearful problems instead of inspiring solutions.

Most of the things we fear in this life are things that we can’t do
anything about. How do we overcome those fears? By trusting
in the Lord. God promises to keep us safe and never leave us
or forsake us. Hebrews 13:5-6 (NIV)--5 Keep your lives free
from the love of money and be content with what you have,
because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I
forsake you." 6 So we say with confidence, "The Lord is my
helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?"
Proverbs 29:25 (NIV)--25 Fear of man will prove to be a snare,
but whoever trusts in the LORD is kept safe.

These exhortations to not fear what other humans can do to us
are easier said than done. However, I think all of us would
generally accept the premise that we, as God’s spiritual family,
should be striving to be less fearful of the circumstances and
events in this life. As our Lord says, Matthew 10:26-28 (TEV)--
26 So do not be afraid of people. Whatever is now covered
up will be uncovered, and every secret will be made known. 27
What I am telling you in the dark you must repeat in broad
daylight, and what you have heard in private you must
announce from the housetops. 28 Do not be afraid of those
who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather be afraid of
[him, that is] God, who can destroy both body and soul in
(hell) [gehenna, or the Second Death].

God, our Heavenly Father, is the source of the Holy Spirit

which gives us the power to work toward overcoming the fears
of this life. Through the Spirit and prayer we enjoy intimate
fellowship with Him. Yet he does have expectations and
standards for the granting of eternal life on the spiritual and
earthly planes, and if we fall short of that, he will not grant
continuing life.
Tom Gilbert
(the balance of this article will appear in the Jan/Feb issue)

Doubt Him Not

Fighting, waiting, struggling, trusting,
Is He sure to bless?
Prophets, fathers, martyrs, Christians,
Answer, Yes!
Fearest sometimes that thy Father
Hath forgot?
Though the clouds around thee gather,
Doubt Him not!
Always hath the daylight broken,
Always hath He comfort spoken!
Better hath He been for years,
Than thy fears.
(Poems of Dawn)

A Portrait of Jesus:
Friend of Sinners
“As he walked along, he saw Levi son of Alphaeus
sitting at the tax collector’s booth. “Follow me,” Jesus
told him, and Levi got up and followed him. While
Jesus was having dinner at Levi’s house, many tax
collectors and sinners were eating with him and his
disciples, for there were many who followed him. When the teachers
of the law who were Pharisees saw him eating with the sinners and
tax collectors, they asked his disciples: “Why does he eat with tax
collectors and sinners?” On hearing this, Jesus said to them, “It is not
the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call
the righteous, but sinners.” Mark 2:14-17

Mark tells the story of when Jesus called a tax collector, Levi, better
known as Matthew, to be His disciple. Tax collectors were not looked
upon with anything but contempt in Jesus day. They worked for the
enemy, Rome…they cheated people and lined their own pockets and
there was no question, they were viewed as sinners. Yet Jesus was
drawn to those the Pharisees despised and saw so far beneath
themselves. Jesus called to His ministry the unlikeliest of candidates
so that He could display the grace of God to them and in them. What
did the candidates possess, nothing considered worthy by the
religious of their day….Jesus wished to show that the calling of all His
disciples has never been dependent upon their righteousness or
merits, but only the result of His kindness and love for them.

Jesus rebelled against the social norms of His day, He called people
from the most disgraceful backgrounds, and then He ate with them!
Oh, the scandal! It was His love, His disregard for religiosity that drew
people to Him. He called the unworthy and the unequipped so that by
grace and through His mighty power He might transform this rag tag
band of misfits into the very image of Himself. What is the lesson for
us? Who do we share the gospel with? Do we look to those who are
worthy of the Gospel? Or do we look to the lost, the misfits, those
who are sick and in need of a doctor? If we are to carry out the Great
Commission, we need to search for the sinners and call them to be
His. We need to eat with them and love them like Jesus, extending to
them the great grace that we have received through Christ Jesus.

D. Mathewson

Children’s Story Corner:
Witnessing about Jesus
Dear Ones,
A young man at church was telling me how
discouraged he gets trying to tell his family about
Jesus. They don't seem like they want to hear the
Good News or to change their ways. It's as if they are blind to the
truth of God's Word. Sometimes he feels like giving up. Maybe you
have had this experience and feel like you should stop talking to
others about Jesus.
We cannot give up and stop telling people the Good News: that
they need Jesus in order to get right with God. Paul told the church
at Corinth, "...we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were
pleading through us: we implore you on Christ's behalf, be reconciled
to God." (2 Corinthians 5:20) Paul was writing to the Jews and non-
Jews, Gentiles, at Corinth, a big sinful city.
There is a group of people who have been blinded or hardened to
the truth of the Gospel, the good news about Jesus. As a people, the
Jews were blessed by God more than any other nation. The Jews
are the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. God gave them
prophets, the Law of Moses, the land of Israel, and even Jesus. Only
a few Jews accepted Jesus as the only way to get right with God,
even though God favored them in so many ways. It is as if they are
blind or have a veil over their eyes. 2 Corinthians 3:13-15 says the
Jews have a veil over their hearts and their minds are hardened.
Whenever one of them turns to Jesus, the veil is taken away. Even
though the Jewish people as a whole cannot see the truth about
Jesus, some Jews have become Christians. Paul himself says he is
the best example of a Jew who was originally blinded but who later
saw that Jesus is the son of God.
So, let us keep on telling everyone, both Jews and Gentiles, about
Jesus. Let us tell them to be saved today. "Behold, now is the day of
salvation." (2 Corinthians 6:2) Jesus has not given up on anyone.
He said, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my
voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him and
he with me." (Revelations 3:20)

Please send your questions to the editor of this magazine.

N. Shobe

Family Corner:
Turning Differences into Opportunities

"And God created man in His own image, in

the image of God He created him; male and
female He created them” (Genesis 1:27).

God did a wonderful thing when He

created man and woman so differently. The
differences between man as male and woman
as female were intended to usher in many special blessings
(Genesis 1:28). Unfortunately, because of the fall, the blessings
of the sexes became the battle between the sexes. The unique
qualities with which God endowed each, now give rise to
misunderstanding and conflict rather than completion and

When Sue and I started dating, our differences attracted us

to one another. But not long after we got married and the
honeymoon was over, we noticed that those same differences
began to irritate us. That’s what usually happens. Before
marriage, opposites attract. After marriage, opposites attack.
Every couple eventually has to deal with the many ways they
are different from each other. The problem is, many of us spend
the duration of our marriages resisting or trying to change our
spouses, rather than understanding and valuing the ways God
created him/her differently.

After we marry, our perspective changes. That’s how it was

in our marriage. When Sue fell in love with me, she fell in love
with a man of vision and direction, later she realized that she
married a man who pays little attention to detail. I fell in love
with a woman who could take care of all the details…later I
realized that I married a woman who gets stressed out over any
last-minute attempts to alter her schedule. See how our
perspectives change?

Differences are often the crux of our marriage frustrations:

different genders, different priorities, differing personalities, and
different ways of communicating. We are truly different from
each other, and if we don't understand those differences, and
learn how to let our differences complement one another, they
can pull us apart.

Each of us needs to value the way God wired us, differences

included. Sometimes careful planning is needed to keep us on
schedule. In those times, I’ve learned to trust Sue’s detailed
planning tendencies. At other times, she realizes that I may
be looking at the big picture and future needs. When that
happens, she makes an effort to trust my intuitions rather than
discount them simply because they seem far out. She and I are
made differently, yet our differences used together, actually can
make us stronger if we understand those differences and
leverage them to our advantage.

In order to leverage our “different-ness” and create

teamwork in our marriage, we need to stop resisting our
spouse's differences and begin to celebrate them! We find joy in
our relationship when we can truly say, "Thank you God for
giving me a husband/wife who has strengths that make my life

One thing that really helped us in this area was taking the
Meyers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), personality profile. Sue
and I had been resisting our differences when we needed to be
embracing them. As we came to better understand the
differences in how God created us, we began to accept and
appreciate one another and experienced more closeness and
intimacy in our marriage, than ever before.

I remember when we first discovered this I began repeating

to myself, "She's not wrong, she's just different.” I would remind
myself several times throughout the day. In fact, she probably
heard me saying it under my breath sometimes with clenched
teeth. But the truth is, this shifted my thinking. I let go of pride
and judgment. In addition, I realized there is more than one way
to process decisions, express love, and meet someone else's

God made each one of us unique. A great marriage is not

when the 'perfect couple' comes together. It is when two
imperfect people learn to enjoy their differences. But first, we
have to understand how God has created us differently. Then
we can step into our spouse's world instead of staying isolated
in our own. When we make choices to live together in an
understanding way, it is an investment, which is sure to pay
high relational dividends.
R. Milam

Prayer List
“Far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord by
failing to pray for you.” (1 Samuel 12:23)

Let us be Prayer Warriors for our Brethren!

Anas, Julie – FL Jones, Arlene - VA

Allen, Peggy & Russell – VT Karavas, Anna - CA
Anderson, Family– WI (d) Knapp, Jamie – NH
Andrada,Delores & Family – CA Knapp, Joseph & Pat – IL
Bews, Sandra and Family TX (d) Ketko, Marion – MI
Boswell, Arlene – IL Leavitt, Denise & Richard – ME
Buxton, Jean & Family - UK Lepitre Family - IL
Carpenter, Gloria – KY Howes, Paul & Carla - UK
Caudle, James – WA Kingsmith, Beresford - UK
Cline, Ruth – MO Mazzotta, Eva – FL
Collins, Bert - NJ Miller, Alain – Canada
Cooper, Carmela – NJ Mitchell, Mitch - France
Csutor, Judith – CT Moore, Ralph & Maryellen – CA
Day, Ronald – PA Munoz, Sue - NY
Dickson, Roberta Jo – CA Newling, Roseanna – NH
Dobbins, Esther - NH Niewiemski, Elaine – NY
Donnarummo, Dan – OH (d) Parker, Geraldine – CA
Duhaime, George & Martha – CT Penton, Jim – Canada
Dunn, Kim - IL Phillips, Stella – OK
Fantuzzo, Sharon - NY Riggio, Fran – NH
Feliciano, Carmen - NY Rowe, Bryan - UK
Fischer, Mike & Liz – WI Schultz, Dan – MN
Foster, Jean – IL Schwartz, Ruth – TX
Gary, Inez – VA Seminoff, Brenda – CA
Gmiterek Family (d) Thomassen, Sandi – NM (d)
Hauslein, Karen – MD Tuscia, Priscilla – FL
Hawk, Barbara – PA Trent, Frank & Thelma - FL
Hildebrandt, Lois - FL Weaver, Eddie - NY
Hogrebe, Joan – MO White, Ken & Joan - NY
Hopkins, Linda & Andrew – VA (d) Wisdom Hezekiah Ikpo - Nigeria
Iannaccone, Bob & Marie – IL Zychal, Ruth & Craig– NJ
(d) = death in the family

Important: If you know anyone in the names listed above whom no longer needs
special prayers, please advise us so we may remove their names. Also, if any of the
information is incorrect, please let the editor know. Thank you.

Bible Correspondence Course
New Graduates & Websites
Congratulations to the following students who have
completed their course and have been awarded a

Ransom Course
1. Blanche Kostal
Republic of Cameroon
Basic Course
1. Ekule Mpenye John
2. Elonge Mboh Solomom
3. Mukete Grace Ndoh

You are invited to view the following websites:

http://www.cdmi.org (Christian Discipling Ministries International)
http://www.cbfchurch.com (Christian Believers Fellowhip in NH)
http://www.biblefellowshipunion.co.uk (Bible Fellowship in UK)
http://www.bbschurch.org (Lombard, IL)
http://www.cartyorkshire.co.uk (CART)
http://www.campblessing.com (Camp Blessing)
http://www.homechristians.net (Fraser Valley, B.C.)
http://www.bibelgemeinde.at (Free Bible Students, Austria)
http://www.bibelgemeinde.org (Mission Work Bible Students, Austria)
http://www.kronline.at/bibelstudien (Free Bible Students, Germany (English)
http:www.softgrafic.com/bibbia (Italian Bible Students)
http://www.newcovenantfellowship.org.au (New Covenant News- Australia)
http://www.ebbereanos.org (Berean Bible Students, Brazil—Portuguese/Spanish)

Our newest linked website is from Brazil. Portuguese/Spanish

contact: Estudantes da Bíblia Bereanos, https://www.ebbereanos.org
There is also a YouTube channel, with vídeos in Portuguese, Spanish
and English: https://www.youtube.com/c/ebbereanos and a local
newsletter, called “The New Creature” at the following address:

Letters from Our Fellowship
and Readers

from His Servant, two emails:

Greetings in Jesus' name!

"My soul, be on thy guard,
Ten thousand foes arise;
The host of sin are pressing hard
To draw thee from the prize."
May our precious Lord give you a very special blessing and
increase your peace!
Trust says: Leave things alone- Do Not touch a thing you have
put in God's care.
Peace says: It is such a comfort to drop all the earthly
entanglements and perplexities of life into Jesus' hands and
leave them there.
May our Lord give you and yours peace to the core of your
being and cover you all in His blanket of love.
"His" Servant

from the Graveen's in Merrill, WI:

Dear CDMI,
May God bless your work as you serve our brethren around the
Yours in Christ,
Jon & Marcia

Something to think about:

A true friend will put a finger on your faults without rubbing them in.
Forget yourself for others, and others will never forget you.

Conferences & Conventions
No notices of Conferences or Conventions were received for this mailing.

Note: If you would like to have your Convention, Conference, Camp, or

Seminar published in The New Creation Magazine, send information or a
program at least three months in advance of the issue month of the
magazine to the editor, Bob Whittaker.

Many people around the world appreciate the New Creation
magazine. For many, it is their only source of Christian
communication. Also, for many, they only have it through the
generous contributions of others. If you feel moved to help them in
continuing to get the New Creation, please consider a donation to

Article Contributions
Please send articles for possible publication to Dennis Gorham,
4 Alicia Street Somersworth, NH 03878
email: dennisgorham@comcast.net

An Important Announcement to our Readers

CDMI has established a dedicated phone line for any who wish
to contact us and speak with a live person. If you call and get
voice mail, please leave a message with your phone number for
a call back. Our phone number is manned by a volunteer and is
ready and waiting for your inquiries.
CDMI phone line: 239-237-6319


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