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Fantastic Locations - Dragondown Grotto

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Pete ET bovis Scorn ya oe a — a | iat nc as | Bra cs == SPAWNSCALE NURSERY ==+ CREDITS Designer: Ed Stark Developers: Stephen Schubert, Mike Mearls Editor: Christopher Perkins Editing Manager: Kim Mohan Design Manager: Christopher Perkins ¢ Development Manager: Jesse Decker 5 Director of RPG R&D: Bill Slavicsek i ae Senior Art Director D&D: Stacy Longstreet Production Managers: Josh Fischer, Randall Crews Graphic Designer: Mari Kolkowsky Art Director: Mari Kolkowsky, Cover Artist: Greg Staples Cartographer: Jason Engle Graphic Production Specialist: Angelika Lokotz Image Technician: Travis Adams ‘Based on the original Donczons& Draco rules created by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson ahd the new Doncions&eDaacons game designed Jontthan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Willams, Richard Bake, ad Peter Adkison. o This Wizatos ceux Coa game product contains no Open Game Contest. No portion ofthis werk may be reproduced in any form withott written permission. To learn mote about the Open Gaming License and the 420 System License, lease vist wwwwswizards.com 20 US,CANADA,ASIA, PACIFIC && LATIN AMERICA ‘Ward ofthe Coast, le. BO. Box707 Renton WA 99057-0707, (questions?) 18003324-6496 RP 620-95377740-001- EN 947654321 Fist Printing july 2006 10-07869-39214 ‘senna aero dna pet ‘burps rede Wit nee tan ae ered eel cerned i ei an pareve Female dean eee [EUROPEAN HEADQUARTERS Hasbro UK Led aswel Way [Newport NP9OYH. (GREAT BRITAIN eas eepthisaddes for your reconds ISHN15:97607860382133 INTRODUCTION ‘his 16-page adventure booklet contains several challenging fncounters that can be combined to form a short Duwceons & ‘Deacons adventure intended forfour 10thevel characters. The encounters play outon the batle mapsincluded in thisproduct. “Torun these encounters properly, you (asthe Dungeon Master) ‘need the Players Handbook, Dungeon Masters Guide (DMG), and ‘Monster Manual (MM), as wellas some D&:D® miniatures. Some ‘ofthe monsters herein are described in Monster Manuel Il (MM ‘19, butyoucan run the adventure without this reference. The “Adventure Background sce below) containsall the information| ‘yu need to get the adventure under way. Although designed for 1oth level characters, che adventure requires only minor adjustments to adapt ito lower-or higherlevel pay. ‘The last page ofthis booklet contains skirmish battle rules designed for players ofthe Dunctows & Daacons Miniatures Game, The skirmish rules, like the RPG encounters, were writ- ‘en with the enclosed batle maps in mind. USING THE BATTLE MAPS TipiagE LeGtiont Droprlown Grote Incas four a Fpaipese sipltot provide coctngbatdogrounds for REG SPIE vaplestes si cmsbes. These maps alow for fp and challenging encounters, encouraging you and yur players tomake important tactical decisions when combat fester he Roleplaying Game: Poa Lecatons brle maps Sania ie triton rc camila: Titmepe avert : or ta cote avenue, ete nea the ing locations for key scenes and important ss. It takes a lot of effort on your part to design a complex Bebscorate, but bre the wok ce for you The moautet ies take advantage of he maps provide, enpuring that the orange oer pgs mesons che map nln — iste on the oie cover ofthis proc pre sal repro: ductions of the maps showing key numbered locations as well epee locicoe. For oboe easona, yor players sould ‘not be allowed to view these small maps. Lge Seid bot wry the Dogonieyn Coto nivenure, Spiga ec Sdaetc ele mepors cbr encounters in our egcampelg” Some ofthe labels on the battle maps ae intended forthe ADD Mineturs Game only. These lncide areas marked Sart Area,” “Exit,” and "Victory Area.” Area tags for the RPG adven- ture have been delibertely eff the Bale map although they appear om the small maps on the inside covers of this bookie fica Termin Squares marked ith alightcolored ianle are considered difficult terrain. Each square of difficult terrain sts 2 aqaresto move into (3 suareif is. dlagonal mow) For Skirmish Play: The maps inthis product ae carefully designed for fast and exciting miniatures play. You can use these maps for any D&D Miniatures games and in sanctioned Refer topage 16 for specifics on using these maps with oficial D&D miniatures. ADVENTURE BACKGROUND Tn evil sorcerer asa canning plan. He hopes to reawaken the bones of an ancient dracolich and appease i witha sacrifice of dragoneggs. After muchsearching the sorcerer has dscavereda dracon nursery dediated the youth of dragon. However, the sorcerers minions havent managed to procure him enough eggs or hatchlings tobring his plan to fruition, so he decides to dpe afew heros int doing his dirty work for him CHOOSING AN ADVENTURE Hook ‘As the DM, you must decide bow che player characters (PCS) become involved in the adventure, Several akernatives are presented below: Dragon Egg Rescue: The sorcerer Targan Klem has learned ofasecretunderground complex where vile servants of Tiamat (the evil godqueen of dragons) keep dragon eggs and raise young dragons, selling them to evil masterminds who desire Aragon mounts and servants, Using potion of undeteable align ‘ment to obscure his evil nature, the sorcerer offers the player characters 500 gp for every dragon egg they rescue fom this nursery. Although this might not seem like much of a reward, Targan assures the PCs there area good number of eggs, aswell as other treasures, in the complex 1 You Chao This Hook: The adventure assumes that you use this option, Few if any modifications are needed to adapt the adventure to your campaign word “Eggs over Extortion: Thesorere Targan Klem abducts one oc mote ofthe PCs close friends and threatens dire measure if the eroes refuse to verture into the nursery and sel several ngs for him. if You Choose This Hook This hook sets up the sorcerers an adversary immediately. Thus, when Targan betrays the PCs at theend ofthe advent, itshould come as no surprise. ‘Nursery Rumors: The PCs len ofthe nursery on thee own, through rumor or legend (or simply by stumbling upon {1 and explore iin search of treasure and dragon eggs. At some point, they encounter the evil sorcerer ashe attempts (0 claim the dragon eggs. The PCs might even save Meepo and the mursery's other guardians from Targens assault If You Choose Thst Hook: The partys fst encounter with Targan is probably « hostile one, since the sorcerer i dete ‘mined ro snatch the dragon eggs from the nursery or west, them from the PCS clutches. The remainder ofthe adventure can be played as written SE REUSING THE MAPS All the encounters described in this adventure booklet unfold on ‘the miniatures-scale battle maps included in this product. Al- ‘though the maps in each Fantastic Locations product emphasize specific terrain elements that allow for more exciting and com: pelling battles, they are quite versatile, and we encourage you to use them more than once. For example, the maps can be used to represent other outdoor sites and underground complexes later inyour campaign. Check the Wizards ofthe Coast website, RPGA adventures, ané the pages of Dungeon® magazine or variant encounters using the Fantastic Locations maps. I: SPAWNSCALE NURSERY ‘The frst partof this adventure takes place in an underground stronghold known as the Spawnscale Nursery. ‘Kobolds have always had anaffinty for dragons. Onenotable kkobold has taken his draconie devotion a step further, creating haven for dragon eggs and asafe pace to raise dragon wyrm- lings. Meepo the Dragonlord finds abandoned or stolen eggs, rescues them, and brings them tothe Spawnscale Nursery t0 hatch and grow ina safe environment, Despite their differing alignment, dragons raised by Meepo generally get along, and the litle dragonlord rakes special delight in turning chromatic ‘wyrmlings away from the path of evil “The Spawnscale Nursery has come under attack more than once, and until recently the kobold has managed to single- handedly defend it—but he could not repel the recent arrival of Korak Fourclaw, a hobgoblin Talon of Tiamat. With the aid of several hobgoblins and blackscale lizardfolk mercenaries, Korak has seized control ofthe complex. Meanwhile, Meepo has tapped himselfin the egg hatchery, determined to protect his charges. “Targan Klem approaches the PCs with a proposition (see CChoosingan Adventure Hook, on the previous page) and gives them directions to the canyon that contains the Spawnscale Nursery. The heroes must find their way into the complex Qasr WILDERNESS ENCOUNTERS Various creatures inhabit the canyon In which the Spannscale Nursery locate, Use the table below to determine random en Courter forthe PCs as they search or the entrance othemursery or once they lave the nurery. Tse widersessencountirs aft relatively eos fora group offour 1th level characters but ight drain some ofthe partys resources. 4% Encounter e 01-10 2 digesters (MM 59) 3 ‘These creatures scour the canyon for easy prey. 1 dire tiger (MM 65) (Ousted from its air bythe dragon Sekkatrx, the tiger attacks the PCs as they encroach upon its 11-24 new territory. 25-40 2wyverns (MM 259) 8 ‘These creatures are searching for Drogordown Grotto and attack ony nandragons on sight. 41-60. Zhill giants (MM 123) ° These giants wandered into the canyon several days ogo. They [ough as they hurl rocks atthe PCs 61-75. 4 owlbears (MM 206) 8 ‘This pack nested inthe Forest Cif Lair rea until the ogre barbarians (area 9} moved into the valley. 76-80 1 treant (MM 244) 8 ‘Once an inhabitant ofthe sacred circle in the Forest Cif Lar region, ths guardian has gone ‘mad with anger over Sekkatrn’s invasion. 81-100 4 air mephits and 4 dust mephits (MM 181) 8 ‘These pests demand tribute for safe passage ‘shrough the canyon: 500 gp worth of treasure per character. Qasr Qo while overcoming or avoiding Korak’s mercenaries and other wandering monsters. Once ther, the sorcerer hopes the PCS. slay everyone inside and bring him dragon eggs. ‘The evil sorcerer offersto meet the PCs ust outside the valley ‘near the nursery entrance, bringing their payment forajob well, done, FINDING THE ENTRANCE The PCs can follow Targan’s directions and safely reach the Canyon iy which Ge Spemnocals Nurse is ocay TRE tare utd id Ther el dirs ie coe Sa ttacg i bas oar ka theve peti "Th canyons 0 aleslong alfa mie wide, and filed with speed tree Th hyuisoer ale desend otis and a stream runs along the bottom. The main entrance to the ‘Spawnscale Nursery is built into the eastern wall of the canyon, ioe zoteetaboe the canon oss or every hour the PCs spend fn she canyon searching for the entrance, there is a 50% chance that awandering monster encounter occurs. The chance drops to 25% if the PCs are not. tn tbe move (camp for eramplaThsberoSbapa geet ‘on a DC 15 Survival check to discover the cave entrance. They Can make one heckeach hour and they receve boo cre hoes toy tcaica bey oa When the FCs cower te trevtncaey/ th alle ‘Nursery, read or paraphrase the following'text. “The forest pars as you approach the ester wall fhe canyon Ti sown ris, arming natural bulge in the earth, a the thi yousee a wnide cave mouth half hidden by boulder and sh Iya heavy stone overhang. ‘The area immediately outside the cave mouth is clear, bu surrounding terrain has plenty of boulders, twisted trees, and {allen limbs that can provide cover for the PCs' approach, acters who peer into the cave see a wide, rough-hewn sae that curls othe north and descends into darkness. ‘Acharacter who has the Track feat can search for ack near the eave entrance; ona successful DC 18 check, the character detects tacks belonging wo several Large bipedal reptiles actu ally four blackscale lzardfolk) as well as asec of humanrsized ‘oor prints (actually obgoblin tracks) al made within the past day or two. The tacks lead to and from the cave entrance, ENCOUNTERS in THE NU iv TGscan enter the cave mouth and reach the brtom ofthe rough-hewn stairs without incident. At that time, have the players place cheir characters’ miniatures in the atea marked ‘on the small map. Ceilings in the Spawnscale Nursery are 15 feet high except in area 2, where the ceiling is 40 feet high. I. START AREA {EL 10) “The sais descends 100 fet and ends before a 15fot-wide land ing Two dragon statues perch aap stone platforms in corners ofthe ‘A successful DC 20 Knowledge (arcana) check reveals that ‘the dragon on the left depicts gold dragon, and the statue on the right resembles a black dragon. The statues do not radiate magic. ‘Trap: The steps hetween the dragon statues conceal an ‘unweleome surprise for unwary vistors. Anyone who walks ‘on the steps directly between the statues springs amechanical ‘tap, causing the black dragon t spew forth 225-footlongline ‘of green acid that fills those squares, A character can bypass the teapped stairs by not stepping on them (pechaps making limb or ump checks to move behind the statues). The walls are smooth stone. ‘Acid Spray rap: CR 10; mechanical: location tfigger, repair refill reset, acid sprays from the black dragon's mouth (20-t line, 1046 acid, Reflex DC 25 half); Search DC 25; Disable Device DC 30. Development: The trap sold ard has been known to spring. itself on occasion, so the blackscale lizardfolk in area 3 won't investigate unless the PCs make an inordinate din when deal, ing with the erap. 2. NAVE OF DRAGONS “pecle pillars suport the 40-othigh arched cing ofthis dark, ‘taverns chamber. Ten of the plarsareculpe oesembe dragons, fd the remaining tuo pillars are fetueles and bere. The wom the conta our statues postoned near various ext, each statue Carvel ithe Ukenes of «reptilian humanosd. Splashes of cor on ap eee wedi fer hee the pmo cmkel end sae. gh now itis empty. A mosaic depicting Tiamat once adorned he floor, bur now most of it has been worn away by time or eo pillars in each row are carved to resemble ras talny Ticsoatommeress Peres rece Sie eg er | white), and the northernmost pillars resemble the metallic SE eine ctreme southwest and northeast are featureless and bare. he final decorations in the nave include four statues, two eee ee dre one Cee eee aah draconic heads, claws, and legs. ee pres ee didn ne ocd SR ee Mactan Deas EN ee ae 3. BLACKSCALE BARRACKS {EL 9+} ‘Kora did nor conquer the nursery alone. These aess contain several blackscale Iizardfolk mercenaries employed by the hobgoblin Shoved into cramped quarters, these large, amphi ous creatures areangry and miserable, only thet fear of Korak keeps them in ine Creatures: Eight blackscale barbarian mercenaries inhabit these rooms. Their specific locations are marked on the small ‘nap, Squeezing through anarrow doorway costs the blackscale lizardfolk an extra square of movement duet thei size. ae Tee seep laters 3 andndesceoed there ‘Blackscale Lizardfolk Barbarians (8): bp 73 each; MM 9s, BLACKSCALE BARBARIANS (8) cR7 Male and female blackscale lardflk barbarian 4 N Large monstrous humanoid (eptlan) Init 4 Senses darvision 60; Listen +4, Spot +6 Languages Draconic C21, touch 10, fat footed 2; uncanny dodge (Gi size #1 Dex, +4 armor, +7 natural) tp 73 (BHO) Fort +, Ref 6, Wil +5 Speed 50 (10 squares) Melee 1 greataxe +14/+9 (34648)[t|3) oF Melee 2 claws each +13 (145+6) and bite +11 (1d6+3) Ranged javelin +13 (148+6) Space 10; Reach 10 Base At +8; Grp +18 {ik Options Power tack, rage 2/day (8 rounds) Special Actions hold breath (64 rounds) Combat Gear 2 potion of bulls strength ‘Abllties Str72, Dex 2, Con 16, It 8, Wis 1, Cha? SQ trap sense +1 Feat Improved Initiative, Multattack Power Attack Skis Balance +3,Jump 12, Listen +4, Spt +6, Survival +7, Swim +6 Possessions combat gea plus chain shirt, +1 greatoxe, aveline Hook “You defile this sanctuary with your presencel ‘When raging: AC 19, touch 8, flat-footed 21 hp 39 Fort +8, Will+7 Melee +1 greataxe +16/+11 (246411/[ts]3) or Melee 2 claws each +15 (1d6+8) and bite +13 (1d6+4) Abilities Str 26, Con 20 Skils Jurnp 414, Swim +8 ‘Tactics: The blackscale barbarians hur thet javelins before flying into rage and charging ther closest foes They atempeto ‘move out of theircramped quarters into the nave (rea) using theie reach to best advantage. Against armored opponents, they stay 10 foot away; when battling lightly armored opponents or obvious speleasters, they move in close, making it difficult for their smallerfoes to manewver and cast spell, When flankinga spelcaster, one barbarian might ready an action toatackifthe spelleaste ries to cast a spell hoping to disrupe its casting. Tf the bale spills into the nave, there i a 75% chance each ound that the remaining lizardfolk come to investigate. Since the blackscale lizardfoll have been known to fight each other fon occasion, only unusual sounds (explosions and shouts in ‘Common, fr example) alert the rest ofthe complex. Development: Sslarvag automatically investigates any dis- turbance in the western barracks but only comes othe ad of the eastern area if the rest of the mercenaries in the western suardroom do so. BA, SSLARVAG’S LAIR {EL 7) ‘This area ie covered with wet mud and puddles of dank, stale water, Unpleasantto most humans it isa rate it of comfort for the iardflk within (Creature: The leader ofthe mercenaries ia blackscale liz andfolk named Sclarvag He snot significantly different from his followers except that he has better equipment (se below). He has grown o dislike Korak andthe Talons of Tiamat Ifthe FCs attempt to negotiate with Sslarvag before he rages, treat is inital attitude fs unfriendly. Characters who adjust his attitude to ndifferet (ce the Diplomacy skill description) can persuade Sdlarvag to break off combat and lad his blackscale Kin out ofthe complex Slarvag knows every inch ofthe complex and also knows that Meepois prisoner in the nursery. Unforeunately for him, ‘once battle begins, slarvag might have litle choice but to fight alongside bis followers. SSLARVAG, BLACKSCALE LEADER Statistics as above, withthe following changes: Languages Common, Draconic AC 23, touch 10, flat-footed 23 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +6 armor, +7 natura) Melee +1 keen greatare (34649/19-20/Its)3) Ranged javelin of ightning (120-R. line, $d6 electricity, Reflex DC 14 half) Possessions: +2 chain shirt, +1 keen greatoxe, 3 javelin of lightning, 2 potions of bulls srength, 3 javelin, large key (opens the door in area 38), small key (opens the chest in area 38) cR7 ‘Tactics: Ifthe battle is joined and the Talons of Tiamatenter the fray, Sslarvag might accidentally” hit one or more ofthe Talons with his javelin of lightning while lining up PCs as tar gets, Asuecessful DC 10 Sense Morive check verifies Sslarvag’s hatred for the Talons. 3B. HIDDEN TRE. SURE ‘When Sslarvag discovered this locked cubicle, he decided to store the mercenaries’ pay and the band’s other valuables here rather than in his sleeping area. He trusts his own warriors not to steal the treasure, but he suspects that Korak: to steal their pay. The door is locked (Open Lock DC 25), and Sslarvag carries the only key ‘Treasure: Five watertight sacks are in the room, each con- ‘tining a collection of gems. The hoard is worth 4,000 gp. In ‘addition, a small locked chest (Disable Device DC 30) contains 200 pp and a Qual’ eather fen (swan boat) Sslarvag carries akey tothe ches. | 4. TALONS OF TIAMAT (EL 10) The Talons of Tiamat are hobgoblins devoted to the worship of the evil dety of dragons and the assistance of evil dragon. ind in general When the lade, Korak Foutclaw earns of the Spawnscele Nurser, he leped a the chance to enter the ancient complex. He har stationed his followers in the nogth west barracks and the open area nor of there ‘Creatures: Three Talons of Tiamat occupy eacR wre. ‘The ones in the barracks sleep on the bedell lad oan. the foo, trusting their kin and theblackscale lizard to guard the nursery. The hobgoblins stationed ou thebartacks are alert and investigate disturbances 2 of 3. Ifthe PCs ate careful, they should be'able one group ata time -\ Dewlopteent if theses chance mchow ne the Talons without rst dispatching the blackscal lizardfoly there isa cumulative 20% chance per round of combat that 88 or twoof the blackscalelizardfolk mercenaries come toes tigate Since the blackscales hat the hobgoblins, however, the ‘mercenaries attack the Talonsf given th opportunity assim ing the PCs do not earn their animosity Ifthe PCs dispatch the Talons and don'do any serious damage tothe blackscales, the hulking lizardfolk (and thei leader) withdraw from che complex without a fight. TALONS OF TIAMAT (6) CRE Male hobgoblin fighter 3/talon of Tiamat* 1 * Prestige class described in Draconomicon LE Medium humanoid (goblinoia) Init +3; Senses darkvsion 60 ft: Listen +2, Spot +3 Languages Common, Draconic, Goblin ‘AC 19, touch 13, lat footed 16; Dodge, Mobility (+3 Des, +1 natural, +5 armor) bhp 48 (6 HO) Fort-+8, Ref +6, Will+5 Speed 30. (6 squares) Melee mk heavy mace +10 (1d8+3) Ranged javelin +8 (14643) Base Atk +5; Grp +8 ‘Atk Options Combat Reflexes Special Actions breath weapon Combat Gear potion ofheream Abilities Str 16, Dex 16, Con 14, int 12, Wis 10, Cha 8 Feats Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Iron Wil ‘Spring Attack, Weapon Focus (heavy mace) Mobility, ‘Skills Knowledge (arcana) +5, Intimidate +7, Listen +2, Move, = Silently +5, Speak Language (Draconic), Spot +3 Possessions combat gear plus +1 chain shirt, masterwork ssheavy mace, 3javelins, amulet of natural armor +1 Breath Weapon (Su) 30-foot cone of cold, once per day, 346 “Tactics: Used to fighting asa eam, the Talons of Tiamat use thee Mobility and Spring Attack feats to move in and out of danger, drinking their poionsoferism if they feel threatened and using their javelins against foes beyond thei reach. The “Talons prefer to overlap their breath weapons when posible, catching one ot more enemies in muliple cones during the dame round, Often they use theirbreeth weapons on analready {jared individual to finish him of ‘Once combatisjoined, there isa 25%chance per round that cone bobgoblin tres o escape and raise reinforcemens 5. OLD SACRISTY (EL 10) ‘This area appears cleaner than the rest of the complex. The hobgoblin leader, Korak Fourclaw, claimed the old sacristy ‘ashis headquarters and forbids anyone other than his Talons entering it If the PCs enter this aea from the south thout alerting Kora to their presence, read or paraphrase llowing text. ain witha dragon-headd spout sisaguinst the north ris clean of mud and dita if it has been metic sweptand polished. From thecastcomesa mutteringsound and Me smell of burning incense an >the fountain contains clean, drinkable water. The rooms tothe ceastare in ruin and disarray ‘Creatures: Ifthe PCs enter the chamber without alerting Korak to their presence, they see large hobgoblin in armor and priestly robes in the northeastern room, kneeling in the center ofthe floor. Incense burns around him ashe bobs his hhead and chants. fanyone in the party speaks Draconic, they ‘understand him as saying, "Mother of dragons strengthen my arm, Mother of dragons sharpen my laws, Mother of dragons, Jend me your breath over and over again. “This is Korak Fourclaw, named for the loss of one finger on his let hand. Korak leads the Talons of Tiamat and isa Talon priest himself KorAak FOURCLAW, TALON PRIEST Male hobgoblin cleric'5/talon of Tiamat® 5 * Prestige class described in Draconomicon LE Medium humanoid (gablinoid) Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft; Listen +5, Spot +5, Languages Common, Draconic, Goblin 'AC22, touch 14, flat-footed 19 (63 Dex, +2 natural, +6 armor, +1 deflection) bhp 76 (10 HO) Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +8 Speed 30 fi. (6 squares) Melee +1 flaming heavy mace +10/+5 (1d8+6 plus 146 fire) Base Atk +6; Grp +9 R10 [Atk Options smite 1/day (+4 attack, +7 damage), spontaneous casting, summon augmented monsters Special Actions breath weapons ‘Combat Gear 2 potions of cure serous wounds, wond of hold person (10 charges, Will DC 13 negates) Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 7th): “4th—-confusion® (OC 1), summon monster IV 31d—contagion® (DC varies), dispel magic, searing light (+9 ranged touch), summon monster Ill ‘2nd—cure moderate wounds, cure moderate wounds, death kell enthrall (DC 15), invisibility? ‘st—bane, cure ight wounds, cure light wounds, disguise self, obscuring mist, sanctuary (DC 14) (0—cure minor wounds (2), flare (DC 13), resistance, virtue D: Domain spell. Domains: Destruction, Trickery Feats Augment Summoning, Combat Casting, Improved Initiative, Persuasive Skils Bluff +7, Concentration +13, Intimidate #1), Knowledge (arcana) +5, Listen +5, Spot +5 Possessions combat gear plus +2 chain shirt, +1 flaming heavy ‘mace, amulet of natural armor +2, ring of protection +1 ‘Breath Weapons (Su) Korak can use each of these breath ‘weapons once per day: a30-foot cone, 346 cold, Reflex C17 half a 60-foot line, 448 acid, Reflex DC 17 half; ‘and a 30-foot cone of corrosive gas, 10d6 acid Reflex DC ‘half. After using one breath weapon, Korak can't use another for 1a rounds. Hook serve Tiamat. For her greater glory and our mutual pleasure, | will estroy you utterly” ‘Tactics: Although he is extremely arrogant and self possessed, Korak does not want to fight the party alone. If he can, he retreats into the southern part ofthe old sacristy, pos- sibly using invisibility or sanctuary and bolts te door (break DC 25). He then begins summoning creatures to help him, taking full advantage of his Augment Summoning feat. He uses his summoned monsters to hold off foes while he casts spellssuch 25 confusion and searing light. If he sees an opportunity to use bis death knell spell or a breath weapon, he seizes 6, RUINED TEMPLE LIBRARY Spider webs dst funishings ond seatered paper lie amid the dust, and ruin of his rom. The northern love contains some tales and chair The southern area holds three rowsof wooden shes that have warped and tted with ge ‘Tis area has remained largely untouched for centuries. The blackacale izardfolk avoid it, for when any living creature enters the library, soft whispering voices il the ais. A suc essfal DC 25 area dispel silences the voces for 24 rounds ‘Mos of che books and papers found here disintegrate when touched, However, thorough search ofthe library (Search DC 25) uncovers an ancient, undamaged tome that has withstood the ravages of time (se Treaste below). “Treasure: The undamaged book isa fome of leadership and influence A, CHILLED EGG NURSERY ‘ald cr lows nt thc room through tiny hls nthe ceiling, crea ‘nga icebox. Four dragon eas est apa belo ce nthe northeast “This nursery currently holds four living dragon eggs:two silver dragon eggs and two white dragon eggs. Athin, icy glaze coats the floor and any creature that attempes to move through the oom muist succeed on a DC 5 Balance check or fll prone. “Meepo was forced to leave these eggs unguarded, and Korak has not yet given orders to have the silver dragon exes destroyed, 7B. HEATED EGG NURSERY (EL 10) “The dors to this nursery are not locked. However, the room's inhabitants cannot leave without incurring the wrath of Korak and his minions. When the PCs open the doors to the heated nursery, read or paraphrase the following tex. “This room iuncomnfortebly warm, heated by steam issungfrom vents in the loo, Colorful dusters of dragon eggs i atop beds of sand and straw. In the middle ofthe rom standsan armored kobold brandish- {nga short sword Korak Fourclaw didnt want to risk angering Tiamatby slaying the kobold dragonlord, so he has effectively confined Meepo and his charges to this room. “The nursery currently holds twenty-two living dragon eggs three black, two blue,rwobrass, three bronze, three copper, WO ‘gold, four green, and three red. In addition, Meepo keeps four stillborn dragon eggs—two black, onered, and one silver—in ‘one corner (see Development) ‘Creatures: Meepo, the kobold dragonlord, stands ready to defend his charges against any incursion. Although he would prefer to negotiate with intruders, he fears outsiders and is accustomed to fending off treasure hunters and dragon slay- cers. Unless the PCs have come at him completely by surprise (very difficult), he has instructed a pair of very young dragons tohide in piles of sand and straw to help him defend the eggs. ‘Avery young silver dragon named Argenta hidesin the square in front of the western door, and a very young black dragon named Splatterfang hides inthe square infront ofthe eastern door. Spotting them requires a successful Spor check against the dragons’ respective Hide checks. “Argenta and Splatterfang have better than average hitpoints due o Meepo'scare, Also, Splatterfang’s alignment is currently neutral rather than chaotic evil) because ofthe koboldsinflu- ence. Only Meepo can call them off once the battle begins. MEEPO, DRAGONLORD CRE Male kobold fighter 8 LN Medium humanoid (goblinoid) Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft; Listen +1, Spot +1 Languages Common, ‘C24, touch 12, flat footed 73 (61 size, +1 Dex, +7 natural, +8 armor, +3 shield) bhp 53 (8 HO) Fort +5, Ref +4, Will 3 Speed 20 fi. (4 squares) Melee +1 flaming short sword +13/+8 (1d4+6 plus 146 fire) Base Atk +8; Grp +6 Combat Gear 3 potions of bull's strength, 3 potions of cure serious wounds Rbllties Str 14, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 13 Feats Alertness, Dodge, Dragontriend®, Iron Will, Natural ‘Leader (+4 rally checks), Skill Focus (Diplomacy), Weapon Focus (shart sword), Wespon Specialization (short sword) “The Dragonfiiend feat grants Meepo a +4 bonus on Diplomacy checks made against dragons, a+2bonus on Ride checks when riding dragons, and 2 +4 bonus on Will saves against the frightful presence of ood dragons. ‘Skis Craft (trapmaking) +2, Diplomacy +9 (+13 with ‘dragons), Listen +1, Ride +3 (+5 on dragons), Search +2, Spot +1 Possessions combat gear plus white dragonhide fll plate, “tT white dragonhide heavy shield, +1 flaming short sword, sack containing 600 gp and 600 sp, small pouch of gems (7,000 gp total), leather map (see Development) Hook Unusually assertive for a Kobold, but twitches and looks around quickly as he tals, ARGENTA CRS Female very young silver dragon UG Medium dragon (cold) Init +0; Senses blindsense 60, darkvision 120 ft; Listen +17, Spot +17 Languages Common, Draconic, Elven E19, touch 10, flat footed 19 (69 natural) bhp 105 (10 HD) Immune acid, cold, magic sleep, paralysis ‘Weakness vulnerability to fire Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +9 ‘Speed 407, (& squares), fy 150. (poor) Melee bite +12 (1d8+2) and 2 claws each +10 (146+) and 2 wings each +10 (1d4+1) Base Atk +10; Grp +12 ‘Atk Options Flyby Attack, Wingover ‘Special Actions alternate form, breath weapon ‘Abilities Str 15, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha V4 SQ cloudwalking Feats Alertness, Flyby Attack, Multattack, Wingover 4? ‘Skills Bluff +15, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +15 (+17 acting © character), Hide +13, Intimidate +17, Jump +15, Liste +7, Move Silently +13, Search +15, Sense Motive +15, Spot 117 ‘Rlternate Form (Su) Argenta can assure any animal or humanoid form of Medium or smaller size three times per day; see MM 87. Breath Weapon (Su) Once every 1d4 rounds, either 30-foot ‘cone of cold, 448 cold, Reflex DC 17 haf: or 30-oot cone ‘of paralyzing ga, lasts 14642 rounds, Forttude DC 7 SPLATTERFANG ‘Male very young black dragon IN Small dragon (water) Init +0; Senses blindsense 60 f, darkvsion 120 f.; Listen “£12, Spot +12 Languages Draconic AC, touch Uy, flat-footed 17 (0 size, +6 natural) bhp 72 (7 HD) Immune acid, magic sleep, paralysis Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +5 ‘Speed 60 f. (12 squares), fly 100 (average), swim 60. Melee bie +9 (14641) and ® Belaws each +4 (148) Base atk +7: Gep +4 ‘Aik Options Flyby Attack, Wingover ‘Special Actions breath weapon Rites tr 13, Dex 10, Con 13, lov B, Wis, Cha ® ‘SQ water breathing (MM 71) Feats Alertness, Flyby Attack, Wingover Sls Hide =14, Usten +12, Move Silently £10, Search +9, Sense Motive +10, Spot +12, wim +11 Breath Weapon (Su) 40-f00 ine of aid, once every 104 rounds, 4d4 acid, Reflex DC 14 half ook Hisses at anyone other than Meepo. ‘Tactics: Ifthe PCs fight Meepo, he and the young dragons defend the area tothe death. Because ofthe number of eggs inthe nursery, the dragons must exercise caution when using ther breath weapons, aiming them away from the eggs. Argenta atempes to engulf foes with ies cone of paralyzing gus (which hhas io effect on the eggs), Meanwhile, Meepo and Splaterfang see the opportunity to dispatch paralyzed foes quickly. ‘If things go badly and the PCs refuse to negotiate, Meepo ‘might instruct his dragons to each graban egg and flee Meepo does his best ro hold off the PCs while the dragons make good their escape. gure: Meepo carries 4 leather map that shows the ative locations ofthe Spawnscale Nursery, the Dragon Grave- d, the Forest Cliff Lair, and Dragondown Grotto. slopment: Ifthe PCs realize they shouldnt be battling ® hobold guardian (pethaps when they see ablack dragon and ting side by side) and try to stop the fight, TMieepo agrees talk as long as one or both ofthe dragons are 5) Ifthe PCs negotiate with Meepo, read or paraphrase the fol “owing text, ‘The nal kobold shows mone ofthe cringing, cowardly mannerisms of his brethren, but you do detect far i his voice as he ay, "Big flk ‘amet nurery ch? Things et sorse for Meepo and the dragon egg: ‘What it take for you to leave usin peace?” ‘Meepo never loses sight of his main goal, which is to protect his dragon charges. He knows about the sorcerer Targan Klem and his cowardly attempts to steal dragon eggs, and he both hates and fears Korak Fourclaw (rea). Meepo feels bad fr the ‘ackscale lzardfolk mercenaries, but ifthe PCs killed them on their way in, he won' hold a grudge. ‘fMeepo can persuade the PCs to defeat the sorcerer attempt {ng o steal his dragon eggs, he gives them his leather map and as much of his money as they want. He also reveals what he ‘knows ofthe Targan Klems plan: -Klem evil! the kobold spits in disgust. “He come to me and demand Aragon eggs. I know what he want them for! He want fo sacrifice dragon eggs to bring back Tsaggest Darkweld!” Meepo shudders in horror. “The dacoich!™ 1n the litle time he's had to prepae to fight Targan Klem, Meepo has collected some valuable information. Ie knows where the surifie ritual mast tke place (Dragondown Grot), land he knows of two powerful magic ems that ean be used t0 bute Klem and, ifneed be, the dracolich, These items—the Egg of Eahamut and Egg of Tiamat—can be used to summon aspects ofthe dragon gods. The two aspects, Meepo explains, hat each other, but both ove dragonkind. They ae willing te fight anything as corrupt a draclich—orasorcerer willing toresurrectone. Meepo believes tha the Egg of Bahamutcan be found with the green dragon Sekkatrixin the Forest Cliff Lat (Chapter 2) andhe thinks the Egg of Tiamat lis somewhere in the Dragon Graveyard (Chapter 3). ‘Whetheror notte PCs deve oretsieve th Eggof Bzhamut and the Bggof Tama, they sil have to deal with Targan Kiem when they leave the complex. Meepo can show them a secret ext that takes them out ofthe Spawnscale Nursery and back {nto the canyon. Ifthe follow this hidden tunnel, they wll be wellon their way to the Forest Chiff Lair—but if they go that ‘way, Kem will know very soon that they have betrayed him tnd will bgin searching for them. Meepo also keeps a collec ‘ion of fourstllboen dragon eggs. The PCs can deliver thems to ‘argan Klem and fol the sorcerer long enough to gea head startto either the Forest Cif Lair or the Dragon Graveyard "Assuming the Talons of Tiamat have been defeated, Meepo Anierds to get whatever help he can to relocate she rex ofthe dragon eggs toa saferlocation. Assuming the PCs have treated hh fay he might send word to them later on so that they can come vsithim and his draconi charges. 2: FOREST CLIFF LAIR. A shallow stream flows the length of the canyon where the Spavnscale Nursery and Forest Clif Lair are located. The ‘stream then plunges over a steep cliff Behind the waterfall is acavern—the home of Sekkatrix,2 young adult green dragon, ‘She has set herself up as queen of the region, and intelligent creatures inthe area pay tribute to her. The characters might be drawn to this area in search of the gg of Bahamut, as described by Meepo area 7) oras scribed ‘on the kobolds map. eR EG Or KILLING MEEPO AND DELIVERING THE EGGs ifthe PCs ll Meepo and the two dragons, the adventure canbe Salvaged, Firs, te Ps ind Moepo's ap tothe othe locations among the kobol’s belongings In addition tothe four loca tions marked onthe map (spawnscale Nursery, Forest CIfTLa, Dragon Graveyard, and Dragondow Grotto), the words “Egg of Bahamut” are written in Common nex to the Forest Cliffs, andthe words “Eggof Tiamat” are wten in Common nex othe Dragon Graveyard. On the back of the map, Meepo has written the following in Draconic: “Targan Klem bring back dracolich? No! The Eggs of Bahamut and Tiamat can stop him!” ‘When the heroes leave the Spawnscale Nursery with dragon eggs in tow, Targan Klem meets them as agreed. After he co: lects the eggs and makes good on his payment, he teleports away, If the PCs somehow prevent him from leaving, Targan's black dragon companion (see page 15) shows up to help him to escape. JOURNEY To THE LAI Getting irom the Spawnscale Nursery tthe Forest Chiff Lair requires. days travel on foot. Fel free to arrange one or more encounters with wandering monsters, using the table on page 3 to determine wha, if anything, the PCs encounter. PCs fo: lowing Meepo's map eventually come to the shallow, winding stream and the western edge ofthe Forest Cliff Lair map. NCOUNTERs iN THE LAL Onc the carecersench the Forest Earth layers place their minitre inthe are marked onthe mall op. 8. START AREA ‘Once the players place their miniatures onthe battle map, read or paraphrase the following tex. Through the tees ahead, you see a rushing stream, aring of 0-00 tall standing stones, and the cage face ofa cif. You alo Hear the roar ofthe waterfall. The sr holds the scent of pine, and alight mist dampens your faces and clothes, (Ogre barbarians loyal to Sekkatrix patrol the woods and make their camp near the standing stones. If the PCs approach incautiously, they atract the attention ofthe ogres. Ifthe PCs approach carefully, however, the sounds of nature and the ‘waterfall shield them until they move into areas 9or 10. 9. OGRE PATROLS (EL 9+) ifthe PCs domot approach these areas cautiously read a par phrase the following text when they are within 20 fet of any Df the patrols marked on the map. AA hideous ogre leaps toward you, howling with rage. I wears hide armor made of crudely stitched dragon skins and wield @ massive areatlub the PCs approach cautiously, use this text: ‘Twoburly ogres stand guard in the woods nea the stream. They wear hide armor made of crudely stitched dragon skins. In addition toa heavy greatclub, each ogre carries has a blowing horn ‘The water in the stream moves quickly. Any Medium or smaller creature that ends its turn in a waterfilled square not marked by a difficult terrain symbol must succeed on a DC 15 Swim check or be swept 10 feet downstream. Ifa character hits the rocks marked as difficult terrain on the map, that character takes 2d6 points of bludgeoning damage from the impact and isknocked prone, Creatures: Two pairs of 4th-level ogre barbarians patrol the wilderness. Their starting locations are marked on the Qasr ‘THE SACRED CIRCLE Eight 10-ootiall standing stones suround 2 15-fotdlameter sacred circle next othe stream, Any creature hat occupies one or moe square inscribed by the sacred cc gains a insight Bonus on stack ros, and such stacks ave tetas magi or the purpote of overcoming damage reduction. small map Bach ogre caries horn that itcan use wo raise the alarm. ‘ (Ogre Barbarians (4): hp 79 each; MM 19% ‘ ‘Tactics: When an ogre patrol comes upon the PCs, one ogte attacks the most heavily srmored PC while the othet uses a ‘move action to blow tshorn. The remaining ogres move tojoin the battle as quickly as possible. Ifthe PCs surprise a pat of. ‘ogres, however, there isa 50% chance perround that either ogre breaks offcombat to spenda move action blowing itshorn, ahd doing so provokes an attack of opportunity. In either case, once combat is joined, the ogres enter arage. When raging (limit 9 rounds, twice per day), an ogre barbarian has the following changed statistics. ‘AC17 (touch &, flat footed 17) hp 95 Melee +1 greatclub +18/+13 (248415) Fort +14, Will +4 Abilities Str 30, Con 22, ‘Skis Climb +15, Jump +19 10, BASILISK MONITORS {EL 9) Four chained basilisks inhabit each of the side’entrances to Selckatrix’ lait. The dragon keeps the basilisks well fed, and the ogres avoid them by passing through the waterfall. ‘Strewn with boken stone, this area appears deserted. chain clan «and something campers out rom around a corner Creatures: Four bailisks are chained ip each of ches areas. Each basilisk can move up to 15 feet from ts sat point (s marked on the small map). silisks (4 per area, 8 total): hp 45 each; MM23. Tactics: The basilsks do not swarm intruders all at preferring to attack singly ot in pairs. They use the poot jie ‘mination and cover ofthe entranceways to hide their pumbers, Each basilisk resto lure avictimas far inside its chainlength as possible before attacking. ‘Treasure: One of the two basilisk lies (determined domly) contains a dagger of venom named Greenblade, The ddagger lies amid the piles of broken stone (former victims, now turned into statues and consumed). The daggers name is inscribed on th blade in Elven IL, BLOOD ROCK “The roar ofthe waterfall i deafening in this chamber, and every surfaces slice with movsture. Much of the ors stained with lod, tors teem. Here and there you see the remains of what must be secrifces—a bone her, bit of gore ther. +O sos ROAR OF THE WATERFALL The noise ofthe waterfall (marked bythe line of difficult terain cn the westein edge ofacea I) iso oud that any creature within 10 fet of ft guns 2 #20 crcumstance bonus on Move Silently checks butisalso deafened, Anyone outside this range but within 5 feet ofthe blood rock the red stone in aea T}) oron it gains 2 “HOcircumstance bonus on Move Silently checks But takes 210, penalty on Listen checks. __Taspeetion of the floor Search DC 15) reveals chat the 25 f section in the middle is blood rock (aturally ‘rimson-colored stone) but also has dried blood splattered on it.The area of blood rock radiates evil. Even before the dragon ‘moved into the Forest Cliff Lair, evil creatures used this atea for sacrifice. Any non-evil creature that remains on the rock. fort full round suffers the efict ofan init ight wounds spell (CLise; Will DC 11 half). Anvil ereture that remains on the blood rock for full round is subject toa ewe light wounds spell (CLs). This effect triggers for every creature on the rock, ‘every round, The green dragon Sekkatricknows ofthis effect, which is one ofthe reasons she chose this li. 12. SEKKATRIX’S LAIR (EL 11) ‘Seklearrix spends most of her time in the eastern part of her lar. ‘She keeps her treasure in the northeast corner, and she receives visitors and accepts tribute in the larger area to the south. Creatures: Sekkatrix is vain and cowardly. She relies on her ogre and basilisk guardians to keep intruders from reaching sher lair. The waterfall interferes with her extraordinary hear- ‘ng Ifan ogre blows itshor,Sekkatrix mst succeed ona DC 35 Listen check to hear. Even if alerted to danger, Selekatrix ‘remains here. She begins the encounter in the squares marked Son:the small map. ‘Sekkatrix (young adult green dragon): hp 178; MM 74. Sexkarrix crn ale young adult green dragon Large dragon ( 0; Senses blindsense 60 ft, darkvision 120 f.; Listen 7 AC25, touch 9, Matfooted 25 So (41 size, +16 natural) “fp 178 (17 HD); DR S/magic ~Inimune acid, magic sleep, paralysis age gic sleep, paraly Fort 414, Ref +10, Will +12 ‘Speed 40. (8 squares), fly 50. (poor), swim Of. Melee bite 422 (24646) and 2 claws each +18 (1d8+3) and 2 wings each +17 (14643) and tail slap +17 (1d8+9) ‘Space 10 ft; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft with bite) Base Atk +17; Crp 427 ‘Atk Options Cleave, Combat Expertise, Flyby Attack, Power ‘Attack, Wingover Special Actions breath weapon Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 374) 1st (6/day)—protecton from orrows, shield, rue strike 0 (6/day)—daze (DC 12), detect magic, mage hand, ‘message, resistance ‘bilities Str 23, Dex 10, Con 19, int 1, Wis 15, Chava $Q water breathing (MM 75) Feats Cleave, Combat Expertise, Flyby Attack, Power Attack, ‘Weapon Focus (claw), Wingover ‘Skills Bluff +12, Concentration +14, Diplomacy +6, Hide +16, Intimidate +19, Knowledge (arcana) +7, Knowledge (history) 47, Listen +19, Move Silently +15, Search +17, Sense Motive +17, Spelicraft +10, Spot +17, Swim +21 Frightful Presence (Ex) Creatures with 4 or ewer HD are Panicked for 4d6 rounds, creatures with to 16 HD are shaken for 448 rounds. Breath Weapon (Su) 40-foot cone, once every 1d4 rounds, YOd6 acid, Reflex DC 22 half. Hook Talks down to others unless she Is obviously weaker, in which case she takes on an injured, whining tone. ‘Tactics: fSekkatrixisattacked here she makes every effort to retreat to area tt (to gain the benefit of the blood rock). The only thing tat stirs her from that perch isa threat to her tres sure or er life Inbatl,Sekkatrix uses Combat Expertise to increase her AC and Flyby Attack to remain out of reach of most of hee foes. 1f possible, she uses mesiage tocall ther ogre barbarians fr help; ifshe tries this, determine randomly which ogre she attempts to contact if that oge is dead, the spell fils). If educed o 100 fewer hit points, Sekkatrix tris to nego- tite. She offers items from her hoard in exchange fora truce, but only under rare circumstances offers all her hoard (and even then perhaps not genuinely), She uses her considerable interaction sills ro keep the party offbelance in any negoti- tion and tries to stay on the blood rock (area 11) to heal her wounds “Treasure: Asa young dragon, Sekkatrix has only begun col Jecting her hoard. Items are listed in the order she offers them up, ifshe has ro negotiate fr he life “The Egg of Bahamut. This smooth, cantaloupe-sized egg, appears to be made of platinum and weighs 10 pounds. Sek kKatrix doesn't know what itdoes, butshe knows its magical. A detect magic spell revelsa strong conjuration aura. See the Eggs of the Dragon Deities sidcbar (page 13) for details. Arcane scrolls of baleful polymorph, cloud, hold monster, and serving —Three wondrous items: pipes ofthe sewers, ppersof spider dlimbing, anda Heward's handy haversack. The dragon has no use for these, excep as prizes fom earlier conquest ins and gems: Her hoard includes gemstones worth 2 total of2750 gpand 8,473 gp in mixed coinage (silver, gold, and platinum pieces). Sekkatix only parts with the mon- etary portion of her hoard if she feel she has absolutly no Development: Sekkatrix also has some information she can trade in exchange for her life. Ifshe learns the PCs want the egg of Bahamut specifically and that they are traveling to the Dragon Graveyard, she might attemptto barter some of her knowledge ofthe site in exchange for turning overlessof her treasure, Regardless of her situation, however Sekkatrx has a 25% chance of lying every time she imparts information, and ‘only a successful Sense Motive check against her considerable Bluff modifier can reveal when she tells the truth and when she lies. Ifthe PCs ask Sekkatrix for information about the Dragon Graveyard (or anything ese), rol toseeifshe intends to lie or not; then, if she intends to tell the truth have the young dragon make a Knowledge (history) check against a ase DC of 20 Modify the Dc bsed onthe cscunty ofthe XiTiING THE LAI TF he Pos mceeed n defeating Sern they must xt he lair roughly the same way they came in (the eastern edge of the ‘map is a wall of stone for purposes of this adventure). If any of the young dragons guarllans remain they almost ceralniy attack, unless the PCS thought okt dragon forsale passage (esunsig eklatrix survived the encounts. ‘A great dragon once lived and TA this partof the VE YARD that was ong ago. The wyrm died, and its servants buried the bones and marked the grave with great stone plague. Over the centuries, earthquakes and flash floods have exposed more and ‘mote of the burial site. Now, the dragons final esting place has become a vision of horror, with the ancient wyrm’s bones ju ting unnaturally ou ofits grave. Countless lesser dragons have visited the site in the intervening years, looking forthe ancient ‘wyrms long-lost hoard. A few of them came here to die, and their bones are heaped among those of the great wyrm of old. ‘The six'pillars’ near the center ofthe gravesite are the great wyrmsrib-bones. To the north lie its hal buried let claw and skull. To the south its tailbones stick up out of the ash. The dragon's right front claw and left rear claw further sear the landscape. ‘Characters might be drawn here in search of the Egg of ‘Tiamat mentioned by Meepo (or written on his map) EXPEDITION To THE GRAVEYARD “Travelingto the Dragon Graveyard should be aseasy as following Meepo's map. You should still check for wandering monsters, using the table on page 3 10 determine specific encounters. AS the PCs draw near, the lush forest gives way to a more desolate landscape. The PCs must climb upa rocky slope berween jagged cliff walls to see the final resting place ofa once-great dragon. ENCOUNTERS in TH AV. YARD “Wien fie FCs seach te Dragon ereyard han he ler tthe munca 13. START AREA ‘Gray ash overs the ground and chokes thea Impenetrable walls of jumbled Bones rie pout ofthe blackened landscape, Mos of the bons fre monstrous ean shape. Still more bons iter the grou, wating tobe added to the mounds ‘The skeletons of countless chromaticand metallic dragons rest haere, their bones mingled with each other for eternity. One skeleton of nearimpossible size looms over the rest. ts head, claws, ribs, and tail poke up out ofthe ash, but most of this sigantc creature remains hidden inthe ground “The bone “walls” that divide the graveyard stand 20 feet tall and are maintained by the cadaver collectors in ares 14. The bone walls are sturday enough to stand on, and climbinga wall requiresa successful DC 15 Climb check. Each 5foor section of wallhas 90 hitpoints ifreduced tO hitpoints, itcolapsesinto heap and becomes difficult terrain. Leftto its own devices, cadaver collector can rebuild a destroyed 5foot section of bone wall in 2¢hours 14. BONE COLLECTORS (EL 12+) ‘The dragon graveyard might be the home of the dead, but there is activity. Two cadaver collectors prow the stein search of interopers to slay, bones to gather, and walls to repai. (Creatures: Two cadaver collectors patrlthe graveyard. Net ther collector pays any mind to noises elsewhere in the graveyard, ‘butif one or more PCs enter their field of vision, the collectors attack. The cadaver collectors can go anywhere on the map But do not enter squares occupied by bone ribs or bone walls Cadaver Collectors (2): hp 123 each; MM 11122. CRI2 low-light vision; Listen +15, CCADAVER COLLECTOR rapes Het i den don ns ae ion waa ea as, ne iT Hap Bk orate Fores ntes ws Sas anette EARS dan sone ea teas ee ae ate aad Taian a hah imme Poe ES See eae eer cane cna eae een a satis /u saeus ae mane allago iin kantieas ne eee inen ep fod cose ee Se al a aoe Bercy uisdats endear eer ees ale onan a Pipi neeenlorr en vitae ts Mien iheastnal enn hse sear eae Se eon (Se ae, ere segs Sea easter cance Pippen copier iain peat ar tepetientnaete| ry steprn he see ea See oe aes aes Series ater eer ee a ee eed a Ser eee ree ae See aerate Foal Sule amon ly aimlessly until it finds a target, then pursues it single-minded. Tactics: A cadaver collector is intelligent, but barely. 1 single mindedly attacks the nearest creature until it impales its fe, then moves to the next. Ifa cadaver collector lores line of sight on a crearure (even for a moment), it immediately for- iets that crearure exists. fall surviving PCs manage to getout ‘of line of sight from a cadaver collector, it goes back to sorting corpses and bones ‘Treasure: The cadaver collectors have standard treasure scattered about the graveyard, Ifthe PCs search long enough, theyfind a gold dragon comb ser with are garnet eye (700 gp), fire opal pendant on a gold chain (1,400 gp),a gold music box (2,500 gp), 2 jeweled gold crown (6,000 gp), 2 potion of rage, a potion of arkskin (+5) a +Alongsword, divine scrolls of regenerate ‘and undeath to death, and a bag of tricks (cust. 15. SKELETAL GUARDIANS {EL 10} Tying motionlessly amid the piles of bones and ash, two animated guardians await intruders. Any living creature that ‘comes within 10 feet of either of these rwo marked areas awak- fens both undead creature. If this occurs, read or paraphrase the following text. “The mound of hones shudders and koits together, giving rise to a skeletal dragon! Atthe same time a second one forms out ofa srilar pile of bones near ‘Ereatures: Two adult blue dragon skeletons rise up out of the ground and attack. (More precisely, one attacks when the Gs approach it, and nother awakensand moves tothe others Aid) Neither skeletal dragon can enter the central 20footby- 25ifoas zone between the rib bones (rea 16) or attack anyone inside that zone. Adil Blue Dragon Skeletons (2): hp 136 each; MM 227 (Skeleton, youngadult red dragon). Each has +8 turn resistance Alyeto the Dragon Graveyard’ influence (see the Undead inthe Graveyard sidebar ‘Tactkes: The skeletal dragons are not intelligent and simply attack the nearest foes Development: Ifthe PCs fight the skeletal dragonsandone ‘ormore ofthe cadaver collectors atthe same time, «cadaver col lector attacks the nearest dragon skeleton fitis closer than the nearest PC. The dragon skeletons, however, ignore the cadaver collectors as long as there ae living creatures to attack, 16. DRAGON’S TOMBSTONE (EL 12) When the PCemove within clea sight ofthe center ate ofthe graveyard, read or paraphrase the following txt Walls of shadow surround a 20 fot by-25 fot are situated between sixenarmous rib bones hat lom overhead. Features beyond the wall remain indistinct, though you cam discern a large gray slab set into the ground. You can see shapes lying atop the sla, but you cannot make out any details Qa UNDEAD IN THE GRAVEYARD Undend gist 73 torn reatanct the Oregon Grevyard du to the massive amounts of residual negative energy permeating the area Cae “The rib bones are 20 feet tall and cutl toward a 20-f00tby- 25 foot gay slab that marks the grave ofthe ancient wyem. The ribs and the slab cannot be damaged in any fashion. PCs can ‘move freely through the shadowy wallsthat surround the slab, although doing so chills them horribly (no game effect The corpses of four adventurers lie on the slab, twisted in their death throes. A blackened but clear ege-shaped object (che Egg of Tiamat rests in the center ofthis grisly band, just outside the grasp ofeach outstretched band. Ifthe PCs disturb the ega in any way four spectres Gee Creatures below) ise up cut ofthe bodies and attack ‘Creatures: The spectres are not the animated ghosts ofthe dead adventurers. Rather the corpses areal that remain of the last band of heroes that tried capture the Egg of Tiamat. The spectres guard the egg ealously and destroy anyone who ties torake it “The spectre cannot pas through the shadowy walsorleave the central zone. Ifa character dies inside the ciel, from what- ever means, all remaining spectres instantly heal any damage they have taken. These spectres, however cannot create spawn oftheir own while they are imprisoned here Spectres(4):hp 45 each; MM 282, Each spectre has +40.urn resistance due to the Dragon Graveyard’ influence (see the ‘Undead in the Graveyard sidebar). ‘Treasure: The Egg of Tiamat rests atop the dragon's tomb- stone. The cantaloupe sized egg is made of solid, transparent crystal. ts facets normally gleam with the colors ofthe rainbow, but the eggs blackened with ash and soot. It radiates a strong Conjuration aura under scrutiny ofa deiet magic spell. See the Eggs ofthe Dragon Deities sidebar (page xx) for details. “The four dead adventurers include a 7th-evel dwarf fighter;2 7tb-level elf wizard, an éth-level halling rogue, and a6th-level human cleric. They were all equipped using the NPC tableson_ DMG 112-126, but only their magic items have survived the decay of time. WH To NEXT? [ike PCsTave oth the Egg of Babatnat and the Egg of Tiamat, thelr next (and fina) destination should be Dragondows Grotto, where the sorcerer Thspan Kiem plans token We AcalichToggestDskweld they have nyt recovered the Egg of Bahamut, they might want to head to the Forest Cliff Lair first and then Dragondown Grotto afterward. ED Or Eqqs OF THE DRAGON DEITIES ‘Although the Egg of Bahamut andthe Egg of Tiamat can be found Using Meepo's map, the map doesn't provide instructions for how to use them. However, ary creature with an Intligence of Sor higher that holds either egg understands how fo use t. The Egg of Bahamut allows its possessor to summon forth an aspect of Bahamut; the Egg of Tiamat functions similarly, conjuring orth an aspect of Tiamat. Each egg requires afullround action toa tvate, and the aspect appears and can act at the beginning ofthe possessorsnert tun, The power of each egg can beinvoked once Per month, and the effect similar i all respect to 8 suman moniter VIlspel(CL1Sth. An egg disappears as 3000 ats aspect, Sppears when the aspectis destroyed or dsappenrs, the eg reap. pears init plac. Each egg has hardness 12 and 30 hit points. 4: DRAGONDOWN GRO PFO Deen Ch wd th a eee er ee dragonkind, and so wise dragons avoid it. ae chquakes and magical energy wracked this land long en aegeae Secenat rolling hills, Targan Klem found the bones of an Se te alia eee ‘to awaken the ancient evil, NDIN OTT ‘Again, following Meepo's map is the easiest way to find the grotto. If the PCs have captured both the Egg of Bahamut fie 12)and the Zeuof fmt re toh he) re echae defeat Targan Klem ahd destroy the dracolich’s bones. If not, they might need help—perhaps Meepo (assuming the PCs dido’t kill! and some of his draconic wards can help—or a warning to pt fee ‘The grotto was once a cave, but its roof collapsed eons ago, cod anes othesky Sl he eee penta ee Dragondown Grotto remains hidden from/most of the world, “The PCs must contend with several landscape features int part ofthe adventure: Steep Slope: The grotto is enclosedby_steep (OMCs) a Boulders: The larger rocks around the edges of the grott9y sre 10 fet high and block line of sight. Forestsand Fallen Trees: Forestsand deadfallsare ress iv tar Roe ‘There are no wandering monsters between the Dragon Grave: yard and Dragondown Grotto. When the PCs finally reach the grotto, have the players place theit miniatures inthe area marked 17 on the small map. If both aspects appear and don’t have a common enemy to fight, they attack each other. Dispelling one or bothofthem isthe ‘only way to prevent this from happering. Fortunately forthe PCS, bboth aspects regard Targan Klem, Blackbone, and (it comes to that) the dracolich as a common enemy. ‘Statistics for the Aspects: The statistics for the aspect of Ba hhamut and aspect of Tiamat appear in the Miniatures Handbook ‘and on the miniature cards of the same name in the War of the Dragon Queen miniatures Set. Ifyou do nat have these statistics, se the statistics for an adult silver dragon forthe aspect of Ba- hhamut (MM 87) and an adult red dragon forthe aspect of Tiamat (MM 75); the aspect of Tiamat can use two of any evil dragon's breath weapons ata time. ~-I7. START AREA ‘Place the PCS miniatures on the mapin this location, then read © or paraphrase the following text. ‘Some horrible disaster has torn this land asunder. The earth gives ‘way toa gaping pt. Massive boulders block much of your view; but ‘oi se tals winding up and around the devastation to the north snd south. ‘Targan Klem and his black dragon mount, Blackbone, have flown here to prepare thelr ritual of reanimation. Targan Ingendsto sacrifice several dragon eggs during the ritual gain the dracolichs favor ifthe PCs didn bring him the dragon eggs he needed, Tagan intends o sacrifice them instead. In this case, he wats forthe PCs to arrive before completing the final utterances ofthe ancient ritual ‘When the Ps approach the grotto they hear aloud chanting ‘oice coming fiom within. speaks in Draconic, and anyone ‘whounderstands the dragon-tongue hears the following: “arse ancient wyrm, aie! Arise, ld bones and dark death! Sere susan let the world despair” ‘€Targan hes one or more dragon eggs from the Spawascale Nuts he odes Backbone fo torte ino the Zane of ‘Da area) rig he ual While chars he Pan fake a Listen chetk (DC 10, pls any modifier for distance) success,they hear acrunch, signaling tha Blackbone bas dia dragon egg. The black dragon keeps the dragon byand ittakes Blackbone a full round to ick up an soy iti the Zone of Death, AGONNE DEFENDERS {EL 11) 7 argan Rlem and Blackbone recruited a number of servantsin thie quest 1 awaken the dracolich, but most have been spent J. Migheirefors. Four powerful creatures remain, however. SGecarures: Four drgonnes perch along the edges ofthe steep slopes, watching forthe PCs. The first dragonne to spot the PCs roars loudly alerting the other dragonnes as well Targan and Blackbone. The dragonnes then move to intercept the FCs and soften them up. ‘Dragonnes(): hp 92 each; MM 89. ‘Tactics: The dragonnes like to pounce on intruders from above, They avoid the woods, because the tres interfere with their flying More intelligent than beasts they mighttry to bull tush charactersinto the grotto or pick up Small characters and drop them from a height. Development: Targan Klem continues his ritual as the Gs fight the dragonnes. He might pause if @ PC comes into sight, butunless one threatens him or Blackbone, he continues ‘unabated. 19. DRACOLICH BONES {EL 15) Centuries ago, the dread bu wyrm Teagges Dakweld ravaged the arid lands to the far south. Powerful adventurers eventually slew him, but he returned a a dracolich and wrought bis wer feance upon their descendants. Faced with many new enemies, fre hid his pylactery in Dragondown Grotto. Acabal of wizards ‘eventually destroyed the dracolich and found its phylactery, but not before the draclich had reformed. A terrible bute aged in Dragondown Grotto, great enough o collapse the roof ‘of the cave and crush the dracolich and his foes. The bones ‘of Tsaggest Darkweld are buried here still, and Targan Klem recently unlocked the ritual toreawaken them. ‘Creatures: Targan Klem sitsastrde his Black dragon mount, Blackbone. As the sorcerer chants, the evil dragon crushesthe sacrificial dragon eggsone by one beneath it fore claws. Each time the dragon crushes anegg, the buried dracolich sis, caus- ing the ground to tremble. The dragon eggs are not needed to awaken Tsaggest Darkweld, but without them, Targan's sway ‘over the dracolich is tenuous at best. If Targan has no dragon ‘eggs to sacrifice, Blackbone simply watches for trouble while the sorcerer chants, TARGAN KLEM CRIO ‘Male human 1Oth-evel sorcerer CCE Medium human (humanoid) Ini +3; Senses Listen +0, Spot +0 Languages Abyssal, Aquan, Common, Draconic KEV, touch 13, lavfooted 14 (43 Dex, +4 mage armor ‘np 47 (10 HD); DR 10adamantine (stoneskin) Resist electricity 120 points (protection from energy) Fort 45, Ref +5, Will +9 ‘Speed 30 f. (6 squares) Melee dagger +5 (1d4) Ranged light crossbow +8 (148) Base Atk +5: Grp +5 [Atk Options Empower Spell, Maximize Spell Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 10th) ‘th (4/day)—teleport ‘Ath (S/day") —enervation (OC 20), stoneskin 31d (6/day")—firebal (OC 19), protection from energy 2nd (8]day)—Jog cloud, se invisibility, spectral hand, touch af idiocy (+5 melee touch) 1st (7/day*)—chill touch (OC 17), expeditious retreat, ‘mage armort, magic missile, shield 0 (9/day)—arcane mark, dancing lights, detect magic, disrupt undead (+8 ranged touch), message, resistance “The number of spells per day is reduced by one, because Targan Klem has cast some spells on himself + Already cast Spel Cast mage armor protectin rm eee), stoneskin Combat Gear potion of cure serious wounds ‘Abilities Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 22 Feats Empower Spell, Mounted Combat, Silent Spell, Skill Focus (Ride) Skills Concentration +13, intimidate +12, Knowledge (arcana) “£15, Speak Language (Draconic), Ride +17, Splleraft 115 Possessions combat gear plus dagger, light crossbow with 10 bolts, amulet of health +2, cloak ofresistance +2, circet of Charisma +2 (as cloak of Charisma +2, but double the price), 3 potions of undetectable alignment {G), saddle ofthe cavalier (+5 bonus on Ride checks; faint transmutation; CL1st; Craft Wondrous Item, mount, 3,500 gp, weight 20 Ibs. fits on any mount of Large or Huge size), spell components (including 1,000 gp in, diamond dust for stoneskin spells) Hook "Soon, the world will know and fear the narve Targan ler!” BLACKBONE cR14 Male mature adult black dragon CE Huge dragon (water) Init +4; Senses blindsense 60 f darkvision 120 f; Listen +24, Spot +24 ‘Aura frightful presence (210 ft 0c23) Languages Common, Draconic 'A€23, touch 8, flat-footed 29, (2 size, 421 natural) bhp 253 (22 HO); DR 10/ magic Immune acid, sleep effects, paralysis, $23 Fort +18, Ref +13, Will +15 ‘Speed 60 f. (12 squares) fly 150. (poor), swim 60 ft Melee bite +28 (248+8) ‘and 2 claws each +23, (2d6+4) and 2 wings each +23 (14844) and tall slap +23 (20612) Space 15 ft; Reach 10 f. (15 ft. with bite) Base Atk +28; Grp +38 ‘Atk Options Cleave, Fipby Attack, Great Cleave, Power Aitack, Quicken Breath, Wingover ‘Special Actions breath weapon, corrupt water, crush 248412 Sorcerer Spells Known (CL Sth) 2nd (5/day) —fog cloud, web (OC 14) 1st (7/day)—magic mis, resist energy, shield, tru strike 0 (6/day)—dancing lights, detect magic, mage hand, imestage, ray of frost h Abilities St 27, Dex 10, Con 21, Int 14, Wie 15, Cha SQ water breathing (MM 71) Feats Awaken Spell Resistance, Cleave, Flyby Attack, Great Cleave, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Quicken Breath, Wingover The Quicken Breath feat allows Blackbone to use his breath weapon as free action but adds 4to the ‘number of rounds before he can use it again, ‘Skills Bluff +9, Concentration +27, Diplomacy +26, Hide ‘21, Intimidate +26, Knowledge (arcana) +7, Listen +24, Move Silenty +22, Search +24, Spelicraft +13, Spot +24 Swim 421 Frightful Presence (Ex) Creatures with 4 or fewer HD are Panicked for 4d6 rounds, creatures with 5 to 21 HD are shaken for 4d6 rounds. Breath Weapon (Su) 100-foot line of acid, once every 1d4 rounds, 14d4 acid, Reflex DC 26 half Corrupt Water (Sp) MM 71 ‘Crush (Ex) +28 melee, 248+12 plus Reflex DC 26 or be pinned. MM 68, Hook ‘one by one. 28 ranged touch), resistance ear not, sorcerer, Watch as | devour your playthings Tactics: Targan_ temains ‘on Blackbone’s back a ll times. His primary pur pose is to complete the tual (see Development below), and he cannot cart spel while per forming the ritual chant unless he uses the Silene Splat However, Targan knows he is the weak link in the partnership and casts silent thield 38 s00n ag the PCs reveal their presence ‘As Blackbone moves sround the battlefield, the sorcerercasts silent enervaonand silent empowered. magic male sgainst heavily armored foes. He also enjoys using spectral hand to delve tou icy spells ‘One of the sorcerers favor, ite tricks is to use his Moupted py) Combat feat and Ride skill attempt to counter tacks on Blackbone, a miserable melee fighter himself he has trained in ding’ almost exclusively to benefit his dragon mount. > If the PCS use the Eg of Bahamut or the Egg of Tiamat Targan panics and sats casting more defensive spell to benefit himself and blackbone. He must also respond to his mount’: reaction (se below) If Blackbone dies or Tergan is reduced to 10 or fewer bit points and has used his healing potion, the ‘evil sorcerer tiempts to teleport away. Targan i not igh enough level to transport Blackbone in that manner, however, and abandons him grudgingly Blackbone is Targan partnerand his mount. 1fTargan Gills the dragon does the best itcan to et the dead sorcerers body 0 safety. Blackbone prefers to quicken his breath weapon (meat ing he cant use it a often 35 normal) and smash opponents with his dizying array f melee atacks, cleaving whenever possible Blackbone responds violently to the PCS’ use ofthe Ei of Bohamut or Egg of Tiamat. Ife ses either aspect appear, he becomes shaken (no save) and focuses all his attacks on one ot both ofthe aspects, ignoring other dangers. Blackbone remains shaken until Targan spends a fullround action calming the dragon Zone of Death: ring ofskullshedgesthe dracolich' grave, ddemarking the outer edge of a"Zone of Death” The aea radi tesa strong aura of necromancy under the scrutiny ofa dtct, ‘magi spel (caster level 15th). Any living creature that enters corpasses through the Zone of Death must succeed on a DC 20, Fortitude save or gain two negative levels Any undead creature that ends ts turn wholly or partly in the Zone of Death heals ‘ Seo tags: Te sn dlc extn agate of ke “Treasure: Above the rocky landscape of Dragondown Grotto ‘esa small cave (not shown on the map) just arge enough for “huge dragon and his rider to make a temporary home, PCs "can find the cave with a successful DC 25 Search check, There, Blackbone stores his hoard (which he abandons, but does not forget about, ifthe PCs force him to fle) wo lidless closed wooden chests containing 000 gp in assorted coinage Wooden coffer containing 18 gems (6/400 gp), Carved harp of exotic wood with ivory inlay and zircon gems (700 gp) ‘=Three bots of fine black cloth (500 gp exch) Embroidered rug sewn with moonstones (3500 gp) Gold cup set with emeralds (5,000 gp) Engraved +4 dwarven waraxe Suit of dwarven Wend of ering ight (18 charges) A rotted horse carcass wearing horsshoe ofa zephyr 3t:Targan Klem needs five more consecutive rounds ofchanting to coax the dracolich from its rave Ifthe ‘Gs silence Targan before he can complete the ritual chant, the racolich doesnot awaken; otherwise, after the final round the dacolich claws its way up out ofthe earth a tid ation) Every creature of 5 or more HD within 360 ‘of the dracolich must succeed on a DC 36 Will sae or be en for 446 rounds; creatures with fewer than 5 HD that gan Klem believes that by reanimating the dracolich, in contol ofthe creature, This decidedly untrue, e5 a deathly sigh, and takes off into the sky, lav Targan screaming into the clouds. The dracolich ignores 1e who attacks it The sorcerer and Blackbone attempt to low the dracolich, abandoning their battle with the PCs. URTHER ADVENTU: “Targin Klem and Blackbon® wont give up on their efforts 0 ‘reate or artract new allies, Unless the PCs dispose of both of them, the remaining partner uses his bilities to find someone to maise or resurrect the other. Afier that, Blackbone wants te.recover his treasure and Klem wants revenge. Neither the sorcerer nor the dragon lacks intelligence, however, and they could conspire to devise a plot thatthreatensboth the PCsand the world at large it isawakened, the dracoich Tsaggest Darkweld secks to construct anew phylactery for itself After months of til and preparation, it unleashes its undying fury upon the lands of ‘tsenemies. Irbatters kingdoms with an army of evl minions -d from the deserts of its former homeland. Although ‘Teaggest Darkweld feels no loyalty to Targan Klem, it might send the arrogant sorcerer gftto help him with hisown petty schemes—pethaps a blue dragon minion to replace the slain Blackbone Ifthe PCs befriend Meepo, the kobold can reward them with his friendship, alittle gold (though Meepo doesnt havea lot ‘of money lef, and maybe even introductions toa few young dragons that might be willing to serve as occasional alles againstevils such asTargan Klem and Blackbone. Although few OF FALLEN Kinas I= mc Cea (©) Cadaver ca (B) Red Dragon Skeletor (S) spect WARERE DO *-DRAGONS = Go When They Die? The Dragondown Grotio™ aecéssory Contains two beautifully illustrated, doiuble-sided battle mips scaled for,DuXGEONS & Daacons® play, as well as a 46-page booklet that presents sample encounters designed for usé with the maps aThé baile snaps feature fantastic Yeredin dasigned vo exeate large, fluid encountets, Key sceftes,andhexeiting ame sessions. Rather than simple dungeon encounters, these maps evoke the epic struggles that campaign memories are made of. Three of the maps alsoimake ideal batelegtound fox Dé-D> Miniatures Game play. Build ‘your own tvatband and fight for'¢Onsrol of thé Forest Cliff Lair, the Dragon Graveyard, or Dragondowni Grotto. Fotluse withithese Duncrons & DRAcONS® products Player's Handbook™ "= Pungeont Masters Gitjde™ Monster Manual™ DUNGEONS Pracons Mitittes Game cd UPN ii swowwawvizards.com/dnd gh7907861939213

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