Tegr 107
Tegr 107
Tegr 107
Reflect on the discussions above. As a future teacher, what do you think are the tasks and
responsibilities of a teacher that were not mentioned? Give a sample situation and explain your
Assume that you area Grade 1 teacher and you have a pupil like Adam. With his behavior in
class, going to school late, and not being able to catch up with the lessons, he soon became
bullied by his classmates. One day he did not make it to class because of shame. As his second
parent, how are you going to address the problem? Will it make him go to school again? If so,
how are you going to sustain his attendance? Would you punish the bully pupils? If not, what
will you do otherwise? Explain and elaborate on your answer in a paragraph form.
If I will the teacher of Adam I will let him go to school again, I will talk to him alone and hear
out his reasons, maybe he has some good reasons on why his always late and not able to catch up
the lessons. I will give him activities that will make it up with his lacking and I will set a date to
teach him alone so that he can catch up with our lessons and also for his attendance. I will also
conduct a home visit in Adams home to talk with his parents regarding with Adam’s
performance and behavior in school. Knowing the reason of why Adam’s is always late may help
me as a teacher to know what will my solution to these kinds of students.
Regarding to those students who bullied Adam I will make a responsible action for that, I will
not tolerate this kind of students it’s better to end their bullied attitude in their elementary grades
since it’s not good, I will tell them that instead of bullying their classmates help him with our
lessons that he need to catch up, teaching them good manners are better that letting them to
bullied a poor student.
Learning task / Activities
Look for an elementary teacher in your place, (preferably Grade1, 2, or 3 Teacher). Ask him/her
politely if he/she is available for an interview (please practice the use of "Po" and "OPO" when
talking toot hers, especially to older people). If he/she is available, set the time and location for
your interview. If the teacher is not available at your desired time, you can give him/her a
questionnaire so that he/she can answer at his/her convenient time. I will the questionnaire for
this Activity or printed copies will be given to you if possible.
Learning Task / Activities
Search for other ancient numerals that were not mentioned above. Collect all the
numerations systems including those mentioned above. Make a timeline on the
development of numerations systems up to the Decimal Numerals.
Nature's abacus
Soon after language develops, it is safe to assume that humans begin counting - and that fingers
and thumbs provide nature's abacus. The decimal system is no accident. Ten has been the basis
of most counting systems in history.
When any sort of record is needed, notches in a stick or a stone are the natural solution. In the
earliest surviving traces of a counting system, numbers are built up with a repeated sign for each
group of 10 followed by another repeated sign for 1.
In Egypt, from about 3000 BC, records survive in which 1 is represented by a vertical line and 10
is shown as ^. The Egyptians write from right to left, so the number 23 becomes lll^^If that looks
hard to read as 23, glance for comparison at the name of a famous figure of our own century -
Pope John XXIII. This is essentially the Egyptian system, adapted by Rome and still in
occasional use more than 5000 years after its first appearance in human records. The scribes of
the Egyptian pharaohs (whose possessions are not easily counted) use the system for some very
large numbers - unwieldy though they undoubtedly are (see A large Egyptian number).
The Babylonians use a numerical system with 60 as its base. This is extremely unwieldy, since it
should logically require a different sign for every number up to 59 (just as the decimal system
does for every number up to 9). Instead, numbers below 60 are expressed in clusters of ten -
making the written figures awkward for any arithmetical computation. Through the Babylonian
pre-eminence in astronomy, their base of 60 survives even today in the 60 seconds and minutes
of angular measurement, in the 180 degrees of a triangle and in the 360 degrees of a circle. Much
later, when time can be accurately measured, the same system is adopted for the subdivisions of
an hour.
The Babylonians take one crucial step towards a more effective numerical system. They
introduce the place-value concept, by which the same digit has a different value according to its
place in the sequence. We now take for granted the strange fact that in the number 222 the digit
'2' means three quite different things - 200, 20 and 2 - but this idea is new and bold in Babylon.
For the Babylonians, with their base of 60, the system is harder to use. For them a number as
simple as 222 is the equivalent of 7322 in our system (2 x 60 squared + 2 x 60 + 2).The place-
value system necessarily involves a sign meaning 'empty', for those occasions where the total in
a column amounts to an exact multiple of 60. If this gap is not kept, all the digits before it will
appear to be in the wrong column and will be reduced in value by a factor of 60.
Another civilization that of the Maya, independently arrives at a place-value system - in their
case with a base of 20 - so they too have a symbol for zero. Like the Babylonians, they do not
have separate digits up to their base figure. They merely use a dot for 1 and a line for 5 (writing
14, for example, as 4 dots with two lines below them).
In the Babylonian and Mayan systems the written number is still too unwieldy for efficient
arithmetical calculation, and the zero symbol is only partly effective. For zero to fulfil its
potential in mathematics, it is necessary for each number up to the base figure to have its own
symbol. This seems to have been achieved first in India. The digits now used internationally
make their appearance gradually from about the 3rd century BC, when some of them feature in
the inscriptions of Asoka.
The Indians use a dot or small circle when the place in a number has no value, and they give this
dot a Sanskrit name - sunya, meaning 'empty'. The system has fully evolved by about AD 800,
when it is adopted also in Baghdad. The Arabs use the same 'empty' symbol of dot or circle, and
they give it the equivalent Arabic name, sifr.
About two centuries later the Indian digits reach Europe in Arabic manuscripts, becoming known
as Arabic numerals. And the Arabic sifr is transformed into the 'zero' of modern European
languages. But several more centuries must pass before the ten Arabic numerals gradually
replace the system inherited in Europe from the Roman empire.
In practical arithmetic the merchants have been far ahead of the scribes, for the idea of zero is in
use in the market place long before its adoption in written systems. It is an essential element in
humanity's most basic counting machine, the Abacus. This method of calculation - originally
simple furrows drawn on the ground, in which pebbles can be placed - is believed to have been
used by Babylonians and Phoenicians from perhaps as early as 1000 BC. In a later and more
convenient form, still seen in many parts of the world today, the abacus consists of a frame in
which the pebbles are kept in clear rows by being threaded on rods. Zero is represented by any
row with no pebble at the active end of the rod.
The completed decimal system is so effective that it becomes, eventually, the first example of a
fully international method of communication. But its progress towards this dominance is slow.
For more than a millennium the numerals most commonly used in Europe are those evolved in
Rome from about the 3rd century BC. They remain the standard system throughout the Middle
Ages, reinforced by Rome's continuing position at the center of western civilization and by the
use of Latin as the scholarly and legal language.
Our own century has introduced another international language, which most of us use but few are
aware of. This is the binary language of computers. When interpreting coded material by means
of electricity, speed in tackling a simple task is easy to achieve and complexity merely
complicates. So the simplest possible counting system is best, and this means one with the lowest
possible base - 2 rather than 10.Instead of zero and 9 digits in the decimal system, the binary
system only has zero and 1. So the binary equivalent of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 is 1, 10, 11,
100, 101, 110, 111, 1000, 1001 and 1010. and soinfinitum.
State what principles of Roman numerals would be used if the same numbers will be translated
back to the decimal numeral.
6. 79 LXXIX Addition
7. 101 CI Addition
a. This kind of student who has high persistence as a teacher I should make my student
believes in me. I will show them that their study efforts are meaningful. I will give clear
expectations, and I will assess them with their performance on where they need to be
improved. For example I gave an exam I will tell them my expectation and after the exam
I will assess their scores if where are there mistakes and I will tell them to study and
improve their performance.
b. If the students prefer a cooler environment the classroom should have a ceiling fan to
cool the environment.
c. For students who are option-oriented teachers should provide options for students like for
example during discussion the teacher is using technology in the discussion, the teacher
should also provide option on how the student want to learn would. Another example,
during giving activities the teacher should not organize only one activities, teacher should
organize a different types of activities where in the students will be active.
d. For students who prefer sound, teachers should provide visuals using multimedia which
teachers should use animations, background music of the presentation of instructions. Or
the teacher can separate those students who prefer sound to that student who don’t, and to
those students who prefer sound the teacher can let the students watch a discussion in a
sing form.
e. For students who need routine, teachers should post schedule for the students to be
motivated like for example in a class the teacher will make a schedule about the things
that the students will do for them to be motivated in learning.
Assessment 2.1
1. Functional Participation
Instructional design should be attractive to attract the attention of the students
Make activities that are new to them that will challenge their skills.
Make a consequence for those students who don’t participate.
2. Social participation
During activities teacher should assign group activities where each members
has a task to do
During activities there should be brainstorming where in students will
exchange ideas about their topic.
3. Learning with a purpose
Teachers should conduct an activities wherein they will connect it in their real
life situation
Teachers can let the students make an overview about the challenges that the
students has encountered and how did they cope with it.
4. Relating new lessons to what is already known
Teachers should ask questions to the students about a certain topic that they
already know and correct the things that they believed that is not true.
5. The strategy game
Teachers should ask students on how they would like to learn
Teachers should know the differences of the students in learning strategy
6. Self- regulation and reflection
Teacher should require a students to set their own learning goals
Teachers should help the students to solve problems in their studies and also
help the students to feel motivated
7. Reforming prior knowledge
Teachers should know how to deal the students prior knowledge that they
Teachers should explain briefly the misconceptions of the students regarding
with their prior-knowledge
8. Understanding vs. memorizing
Teachers should illustrate understandable examples for the said topic
Teachers should give an activity applying which measuring the students
9. Helping students learn to transfer
Teacher should help the student understand the things that they learn from
Teacher should give concrete example on how will the students learning in
school be apply in real-life situation.
10. Practice makes perfect
Teacher should give allocated time in learning and understanding the lesson of
the students
Give time to children who need focus to understand the lesson.
11. Learning preferences
Teacher should know the learning strategies of the students
Teachers should introduce the students in the learning areas and assess their
mode of learning in how they want to learn by addressing their differences.
12. Motivating learners
Teachers should give rewards to students for them to be motivated
Teachers should complement the performances and improvements of the
1. Active learning
Improved academic achievement – improving academic is a good strategy for students
improving their academic achievements makes them aim for a higher and better result in
their academics.
Improved self- esteem – improving self- esteem will help the students to be more active
in class, since self-esteem helps students to express their idea and build also their trust in
their selves that they can do better.
Improved perception of greater social support – it is helpful that the students are feeling
supported regarding with their studies to have better performance. Having social support
especially from their parents will motivate the students to learn.
Improved student’s attitudes – improving student’s attitude to have a better relationship
towards the teachers and also to their classmates. It may refer also the attitude on how
they handle their selves during instruction.
Improved retention in academic programs – retention in academic programs is very
important to students since retention helps the students in measuring their certificates of
what program they have finished.
2. Small group strategies
1. Flexible learning – when we say flexible learning it is where teachers let their
students decide on what, where the students want to learn. Being flexible is a good
relationship towards the teachers and the students.
2. Inspiring confidence – teachers should inspire their students like for example giving
students an inspiring story about all goals, the result if they achieve their goals.
3. More opportunities for feedback – feedback is one of the most effective teaching and
learning strategies. By giving feedback to students with their progress on work the
students will know what they need to enhance on their performance.
4. People can be patient – patience is an important behavior of a teacher, teacher should
be more patient to deal with the problems and questions of the students.
5. Small group can build a team working skills – team work is very important in a
group, if you have team work everything is possible. If the team is working to each
other they can build a strong foundation witch each other.