For Refrence
For Refrence
For Refrence
PRN : 2017430073
Respected Sir,
I hereby certify that the following namely one “ Mr. HARSHAD SURVE” has been
visiting our “CABEL OPERATOR MANEGMENT SYSTEM ” shop regularly for past 2
months to study the various activities related to our organization.
The information related to the software design and other data contained in this report
does not necessarily reflect our own.
Our guidance has been primarily present the day to day activities of our organization
and helps her in preparing the project report. The format and details used on all the pages have
been entirely designed to suit the project report.
(Client Signature )
In an era where having a computer sing of your operations is a matter of prestige for
some and necessity for others. Management of these projects is still an area which is ignored
or done in traditional manner. We in a system called CABLE OPERATOR MANAGEMENT
SYSTEM is integrated and automation software for cable operators. Cable operators will
provide distributed channels to their customers.
This application provides most of the features required to manage the projects
developed in a software development firm. To maintain their customers and number of users
this software provides automation. In this COMS System they can maintain their staff
member’s details and their customer details. By using this system they can meet their business
requirements. This volume presents the manner in which the software was developed and how
the various problems are tackled at the different levels to convince the user.
We hope that this package would prove to be an excellent environment for simpler for
end user.
I here by the declare that the project entitled, “Cabel Operator Management
System” done at B. N. Bandodkar College of Science, has not been in any case duplicate to
submit to any other university for the award of any degree. To best of my knowledge other
than me, no one has submitted to any other university.
The project is done in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree of
final semester project as part of our curriculum.
❖ Introduction :-
The Cable Operator Management System is integrated and automation software
for cable operators. The Cable Operator Management System is software developed to
simplify the task of managing and arranging the stock system. The COM system is useful
for organizing data of every individual user, team management, customer information,
payments details, daily collection details, monthly collection details, equipment details in
single software application for cable operator. The purpose of this project is reduce the
manual work, makes work efficient and provide effective service for users.
❖ Current System :-
The Client is currently using the traditional system that is pen and paper based
system in which the data is written on paper. These traditional techniques are wasting time
and money of the client. On top of that maintaining records on papers is very difficult
because most of papers gets misplaced and even has great chance of getting ragged over a
period of time. And hence the client will have to recreate the data again.
❖ Proposed System :-
The Proposed System can keep track of all information of stock of set-top boxes,
new registration, customers, etc. The Proposed System has the facility of generating bills
automatically. The transaction will be executed in offline mode. It can also generate reports.
So, precisely the system provides a more efficient and accurate result of maintaining stocks,
customers details, etc. The system is able to send the Notification messages and offers to
the customers. This system is flexible to used and reduce the need of arranging & managing
an appropriate product according to the requirement of client.
❖ Software Requirements :-
➢ Operating System : Microsoft Windows 8 and higher
➢ Front-end : Visual Studio 2010
➢ Back-end: MySQL Database
❖ Hardware Requirements :-
➢ Memory : Minimum 1 GB RAM
➢ Hard disk : Minimum 1 GB
➢ Processor : Minimum 32-bit processor
❖ Tenure :-
The project is estimated to get completed for use within 7 months.
Contents Page No.
1. Introduction 1-4
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Feasibility Study 1
1.3 Objectives 2
1.4 Purpose 3
1.5 Scope 3
1.6 Advantages 3
1.7 Applicability 4
1.8 Achievements 4
2. Survey of Technologies 5-6
3. Requirement Analysis 7-11
3.1 Problem Definition 7
3.2 Requirement Specification 7
3.3 Planning and Scheduling 7
3.4 Software and Hardware Requirement 10
3.5 Event Table 11
6. Results 37-54
7.3 Conclusion 56
8. References 58
1.1 Background :-
The Cable Operator Management System is one can go into almost all required
solution regarding the cable service. The main aim of software is to develop the best
management system to overcome the manual system which is more time consuming and costly
due to which whole process tends to slow. This application will help the client by reducing the
workload and by simplifying the business. And client wants to change from paper based system
that is manual system to computerized system. Currently the Client is unable to fulfill all the
requirements of the customer thereby some ambiguity is left while providing the service. These
traditional techniques are wasting time and money of the client. On top of that maintaining
records on papers is very difficult because most of papers gets misplaced and even has great
chance of getting ragged over a period of time and hence the client will have to rewrite the
information again. Hence, this project will focus on canceling the paperwork and to digitalize
information so it will never get misplaced or lost.
There are various measures of feasibility that helps to decide whether a particular project is
feasible or not. These measures include :-
1) Technical Feasibility :
In the Technical feasibility study first step is that the organization or company has
to decide that what technologies are suitable to develop the project. The organization needs
to decide that the which softwares are required to develop the project and that can be
compatible on all the devices. The proposed system can be compatible on every version of
windows operating system. And the proposed system can be able to adapt all the future
modifications as well as updates in the system. Here in this application the technologies
used are Visual Studio 2010 as a front end and SQL Server 2008 for the database/back end.
These are the free software that would be downloaded from web.
The need of Operational Feasibility is to determine that what are the impacts of
operations of in both the current system and operations of the new system. To operate the
proposed system the user no need to require any technical knowledge, the language is used
to develop this project is Asp.Net, That the application providing rich user interface
by which user can do the operation in flexible manner. The new proposed system will affect
the clients is such areas like Accuracy, Efficiency, Productivity, Robustness, Lesser time
consuming, etc. In this system the user can get the automatic operations performed like
Invoice creation, Stock management, Report generation and so on. For invoice creation,
Client just need to provide details of paid payments, dues and so on & In stock management
proposed system will show the how much stock is available and which type of the stock is
present. The proposed system can also update the daily reports automatically.
3) Economical Feasibility :
1.3 Objective :-
• The main objective of the project is to simplify the task of the client.
• This system is flexible to used and reduce the need of arranging & managing an
appropriate product according to the requirement of client.
• This system must store all the records of customer digitally, so it saves the time and this
system is storing the records in digital manner so paper and the cost required for these
papers should be save.
• The system must provide security that means only the authenticate persons can only
have the access to the system.
• System must keep the records of customer, employees and keep track of the
should be able for saving, deleting and updating the records.
The proposed system is fulfilling the requirements of Client so that the data and
information of the customers and employees can be store for longer period of time with easy
access to the data and manipulation of the data. This system lead to error free, secure, reliable
and fast management of the store. The system can assist their employees to concentrate on their
work rather than concentrating on the record keeping. Thus it will help the client in better
organization of resources.
The purpose of this project is to provide client easy way to store data of all customers,
reduce the cost spent on buying a large amount of papers and improve space utilization. The
Client can maintain computerized customers record and able to send the notifications or
updates about the offers generated by client and can give the reminders for upcoming monthly
charges. The system is able to control the security means that only authorized persons can have
access to it. System is suitable for client to help them to keep database of their customer and to
keep the track of the stocks. The project aims to building a computerized cable operator
management system that would be more effective and efficient than existing manual system.
This proposed system will eliminate all the manual interventions and increase the speed of
whole process and will provide a well build software to run the cable service.
1.5 Scope :-
The scope of project is to simplify the work of client, reduce the overall cost, access to
customer information easily, reduce time consumption of the client. It will increase the business
as the client will get more time. The proposed system can be use for the various operations like
for maintaining the stock records which will include set-top boxes and other accessories,
customer information, employee information and sending the notifications to the customer.
The aim of the project is to automate the current manual process. The product could be
implemented in an average sized organization, which are not able to spend lots of money for
such systems. The data is directly stored in the database in the hard disk of the PC.
1.6 Advantages :-
A client needs a software, which can facilitate store operations and make their day-to-
day lives much easier. Mobile Store Management System is application software designed to
take advantage of today's technology and reduce or avoid the burden of storing data on paper
and in files.
1.7 Applicability :-
Client will simply double click on an icon to start software. In this software, Admin
login to the system with specific username and password. After which home page will comes
which contains Search for customer, Add employee, Add Packages, Stock Management,
Logout and Change password buttons. Then also employee will login with the given username
and password then after login it will go to homepage which contains the Add customer, Add
area, Payments, Report section and logout buttons.
In that system, Admin can add and update the stock information, add the employees
with employee information, add package or offers for customers. Admin can also view the
daily reports, account reports, etc. Employee can add customers, view stock, add area, assign
package to customer, accept payment and generate invoice. Employee add area information
which will help us to find a customer areawise. After clicking Add customer, employee will
have to fulfill the customer information and the data will be stored in database.
After clicking Payment, it will show you the list of all customers with payments status
i.e. Paid or Pending. Employee can search customer using customer id. Once employee click
on particular customer whose payment is pending, it will show the invoice structure of that
customer with Pending status. Then employee accept the payment from that customer and make
entry in the system it will automatically show the status of the payment is Paid. Then employee
will print that invoice copy or send to customer through Gmail.
1.8 Achievements :-
After doing this project I got to know how a project is managed and completed
successfully to meet its goals. I also got a lot of new information about the software I used to
develop this project. Client is presently using the project and is very satisfied. Objectives stated
of projects are fulfilling the client needs. Client manage all data on this software in less amount
of time and money consumption.
The following section presents the complete set of functional and non-function requirement.
Functional requirement of client listed first, according to their relationship to the overall
system, customer, operator. The non-functional requirements that pertain to security to the
interface, human interaction, maintenance are subsequently presented. With the underline
software system taking responsibility for customer’s order throughout its lifecycle, not only its
accuracy ensured, but all the actions are logged in a database for analysis an accountability of
❖ TOOLS :-
The tools that we are using for this software are as follows:
Technologies that we have used in our project are as follows:
• C#
➢ C#
The current system used by client is simple paper based register book. Client is using
the register book to store the payment details of customer. If there will be same customer comes
then he has to search in multiple register book which is time taking process and it becomes
messy. Operator gives an annual card to the customer which is the wastage of paper. When the
customer comes to pay the monthly charges, it is necessary to bring the card. Then operator
accept the payment and makes an entry in the register book and gives the entry on the card in
the form of receipt to the customer. Hence it takes lots of time of operator. If customer loses
that card, they have to pay a separate amount for the new card. And this situation affect on
relationship between customer and operator.
The Admin has to login into system. The admin can store the information about their
employees and provides the username and password to each employee to login into the system.
By using this password employees can login into the System. Employee store the details of
customer in database like customer name, address, contact, etc. Admin can store the
information of stock in database. He can also create packages for customers like starter, gold,
etc. Employee manage the stock and assign package to the customer. If the same customer
comes again for payment the employee can easily access the customer details using customer
id. Then employee generates the invoice(bill) and send it to the customer. If the customer wants
the hardcopy of invoice then he also provide the hardcopy of to the customer.
For making this system we are using following software and tools :-
• Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
• Microsoft SQL Server 2008
Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a process used to design, develop and
test high quality softwares. The SDLC aims to produce a high-quality software that meets or
exceeds customer expectations, reaches completion within times and cost estimates.
➢ Waterfall Model :-
This model is simple and easy to understand and use. It is easy to manage due to the
rigidity of the model. Each phase has specific deliverables and a review process. In this model
phases are processed and completed one at a time.
1) Requirement definition :-
For the development of the proposed system the requirements of the client are:
1. Client want to store the details of the customers and employees and needs a system for
managing the Stocks.
2. Client is needed a system for sending the Notifications of the Offers and Notifications.
This phase allocates the requirement to either hardware or software system by establishing
an overall system architecture.
For designing the system we required Visual studio 2010 software for developing the front-
end and the SQL server 2008 as a back-end of our system.
And as a part of software design there will be Modules in the system like
1. Login Module
2. Customer Module
3. Stock Maintenance Module
4. Invoice Module
During this phase the software design realized as a set of programs or program unit.
Unit testing involves verifying that each unit need its specifications.
In this phase the individuals program units are integrated and tested as a complete system
to ensure that the system requirements meets to its specifications.
The system is installed on client machine and put into the practical use.
Maintenance involves correcting the errors and providing the better software to the client.
System and
Software designing
and Unit testing
Integration and
system testing
Operation and
A Gantt chart is a horizontal bar chart developed as a production control tool. Gantt
charts are useful for planning and scheduling projects. They help you assess how long a project
should take, determine the resources needed, and plan the order in which you'll complete tasks.
They are also helpful for managing the dependencies between tasks. A Gantt chart is
constructed with a horizontal axis representing the total time span of the project, broken down
into increments (for example, days, weeks, or months) and a vertical axis representing the tasks
that make up the project
❖ Hardware Requirements :-
➢ Memory : Minimum 1 GB RAM
➢ Hard disk : Minimum 1 GB
➢ Processor : Minimum 32-bit processor
1. Login module –
Login module validate the username and password of the client as well as employee.
By login module only the authorised persons can across the system, it will alert for the
invalid password entered by user.
2. Admin module -
Admin log in the system and validates admin username and password. It alerts
valid/invalid username and password notification. Admin can register employees,
create packages and add stock information.
3. Employee module -
Employee can add customers, add area information which will help us to find a
customer areawise. Employee manage the stock information. It can also ensures
whether the registration is confirmed. It also generates bill and send it to the customer.
4. Invoice module -
Invoice module can be used to manage customer invoices. Each invoice contains
several invoice lines. It has features to generate documents for each invoice in a format
like PDF.
By using the data design designer determines what data must be stored and how the
data elements interrelate. With this information, they can begin to fit the data to the database
model. Database design involves classifying data and identifying interrelationships between
the data.
Software contains mainly seven tables namely Employee table, Stock information
table, Customer table, Area information table, Package information table, Set-top box type
➢ Employee table –
This table is used to store the information about the employee.
➢ Stock table –
This table is used to store the stock information.
➢ Area table –
This is used to store areas information.
➢ Package table –
This is used to store information of packages.
➢ Invoice table –
This table is used to store customers payment information.
Serial_no VC_no
Add Add
P_name Manage
P_id E_name
Cust_id Add
email contact
Area_info Create
Area_name Invoice
status type
Software testing methods are traditionally divided into white-box and black-box
testing. These two approaches are used to describe the point of view that a test engineer takes
when designing test cases.
1) White-box Testing :-
White box testing also known as clear testing, glass testing, and transparent box
testing and structural testing. In white box testing an internal perspective of the system,
as well as programming skills, are used to design test case. The testers choose inputs to
exercise paths through the code and determine the appropriate outputs. While white-
box testing can be applied at the unit, integration and system levels of the software
testing process, it usually done at the unit level.
2) Black-box Testing :-
Black box testing treats the software as a “black box”, examining functionally
without any knowledge of internal implementation, without seeing the source code. The
testers are only aware of what the software is supposed to do, not how it does it. Black
box Testing methods include : equivalence portioning, boundary value analysis, all-
pairs testing state transition tables, decision table testing, fuzz testing , model –based
testing, use-case testing, exploratory testing and specification-based testing.
1) Unit Testing
2) Integration Testing
3) System Testing
2. Integration Testing :-
Integration testing is systematic testing for construction the program structure
while at the same time conducting tests to uncover errors associated with in the
interface. The objective is to take unit tested modules and build a program structure.
All the modules are combined and tested as a whole. Here correction is difficult because
the isolation of cause is complicated by the vast expense of the entire program. In
Integration testing I test the system by combining all modules. All the customer data
including his id, name, package that assign to customer and total amount show
togetherly and invoice gets generate smoothly.
3. System Testing :-
It is the stage of implementation that is aimed at ensuring that the system works
accurately and efficiently for live operation commences. Testing is vital to the success
of the system. System testing makes a logical assumption that if all the parts of the
system are correct, then goal will be successfully achieved.
• All the fields such as Phone no, Email ID, Customer etc. are validated and does not take
invalid values.
• Each form for Employee registration, Customer registration, Stock entry form cannot
accept blank value fields.
• Avoiding errors in data.
• Integration of all the modules/forms in the system.
• Preparation of the test cases.
• Preparation of the possible test data with all the validation checks.
• Actual testing done manually.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Configuration;
namespace COMS
public partial class login : Form
public login()
string constr =
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(constr);
string query = "SELECT * FROM tab_emp WHERE e_uname=@e_uname AND
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, con);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@e_uname", textBox1.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@e_pwd", textBox2.Text);
SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
helloUser = textBox1.Text;
main m = new main();
label2.Text = "Invalid User Name & Password";
textBox1.Text = "";
textBox2.Text = "";
textBox2.PasswordChar = '*';
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Configuration;
namespace COMS
public partial class main : Form
public main()
panel11.Height = button1.Height;
panel11.Top = button1.Top;
panel11.Visible = true;
panel11.Visible = true;
panel11.Height = button3.Height;
panel11.Top = button3.Top;
panel11.Visible = true;
panel11.Height = button6.Height;
panel11.Top = button6.Top;
panel11.Visible = true;
panel11.Height = button1.Height;
panel11.Top = button1.Top;
panel11.Visible = true;
panel11.Height = button11.Height;
panel11.Top = button11.Top;
panel11.Visible = true;
panel11.Height = button12.Height;
panel11.Top = button12.Top;
panel11.Visible = true;
panel11.Height = button17.Height;
panel11.Top = button17.Top;
If Admin logins
On home page, we can see the total no. of registered customers, total no. of stocks, total no. of
active devices and total no. of paid payments. These all are increase automatically.
7.3 Conclusion:-
• An attempt is made in all its earnest towords the successful completion of the project
the system is verified with valid as well as invalid data.
• The system is user friendly since it has been developed in visual studio 2010 a
successful GUI environment. since the connections can be extended to any database
The control will be more powerful.
• Upgrading the system if may can be done without affecting the current proper
functioning of the system.
Although I have put my best efforts to make the software flexible, easy to operate but
limitations cannot be ruled out even by me.
• Manually people will generate all the bills of customer and all the records are
maintained and stored is depends on paper-based system.
• Since Software is Desktop application so customer cannot place their online or at their
home and unfortunately customer have to visit office in any case.
The software will definitely undergo change once it is delivered to the customer. There
can be many reasons for this change to occur. Change could because of some unexcepted input
values into the system. The software should be developed to accommodate changes that could
happen during post implementation period.
We express our sincere gratitude to all those people who helped us in gathering the
information while preparing this project. To prepare this project we required information
regarding how to develop efficient & proper software on library management system.
Reference Website: