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Emerging Technologies in

Emerging Technologies in
Theory, Practice, and Advances

Edited by
Pramod Kumar, Anuradha Tomar, and
R. Sharmila
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First edition published 2022

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and by CRC Press

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Library of Congress Cataloging‑in‑Publication Data

Names: Kumar, Pramod, editor. | Sharmila, R., editor. | Tomar, Anuradha,
editor. Title: Emerging technologies in computing : theory, practice and
advances / edited by Pramod Kumar, Anuradha Tomar, R. Sharmila.
Description: First edition. | Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2021. | Includes
bibliographical references and index. Identifiers: LCCN 2021027695 |
ISBN 9780367633646 (hbk) | ISBN 9780367639501 (pbk) | ISBN 9781003121466 (ebk)
Subjects: LCSH: Computer science—Technological innovations.
Classification: LCC QA76.24 .E44 2021 | DDC 004—dc23
LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2021027695

ISBN: 978-0-367-63364-6 (hbk)

ISBN: 978-0-367-63950-1 (pbk)
ISBN: 978-1-003-12146-6 (ebk)

DOI: 10.1201/9781003121466

Typeset in Minion
by codeMantra

Editors, ix
Contributors, xi

Chapter 1   ◾   Introduction to Emerging Technologies in

Computer Science and Its Applications 1
Umang K ant and Vinod Kumar

Chapter 2   ◾   Artificial Intelligence Innovations:

Infrastructure and Application for Advances
in Computational Supremacy 33
Shruti Gupta, Ashish Kumar, Pramod Kumar,
and Pastor Arguelles

Chapter 3   ◾   Essentials of Internet of Things: Design

Principles and Architectures for Its
Application in Various Domains 59
Hariprasath Manoharan, Abirami Manoharan,
Shankar T., Yuvaraja T., and Dinesh Kumar

Chapter 4   ◾   Theories of Blockchain: Its Evolution and

Application for Security, Privacy and Trust
Management 79
Navneet Arora

vi   ◾    Contents

Chapter 5   ◾   Advances in Robotic Systems: Design,

Modeling, Development and Control
Principles 103
Priyanka Dhuliya, Sunil Semwal, Piyush Dhuliya,
and Diwaker Pant

Chapter 6   ◾   Data Science Practices: Running the Data

Experiments Effectively for Statistical and
Predictive Analytics on Data 117
A atif Jamshed, Asmita Dixit, Amit Sinha, K anika Gupta,
and Manish Kumar

Chapter 7   ◾   The Actuality of Augmented Reality:

Understanding the Realm of the
Theoretical Framework for Embracing
Its Potential Facilities 135
Ruchi Goel, Pavi Saraswat, Prashant Naresh, Anuradha
Tomar, and Yogesh Kumar Sharma

Chapter 8   ◾   Emerging Technologies and Cyber Security:

New Horizons of Cyber Security Solutions 153
Neha Tyagi, Hoor Fatima, and Nitin R akesh

Chapter 9   ◾   3D Printing Procedures: Explore the

Endless Possibilities of 3D Object Design,
Modeling and Manufacturing 171
R ajesh Pant, Pankaj Negi, Jasmeet K alra, and Sandeep Tiwari

Chapter 10   ◾   Multimedia Big Data: The Multimedia

Big Data Impact on Data Storage,
Management and Security Strategies for
Data Analytics 191
Fatima Ziya, Meenu Shukla, R. Sharmila, Umang K ant,
and Jawwad Z aidi
Contents   ◾    vii

Chapter 11   ◾   Voice Assistants and Chatbots Hands

on Essentials of UI and Feature Design
Development and Testing 217
Pavi Saraswat, Bharat Bhardwaj, Prashant Naresh,
Alaknanda Ashok, R aja Kumar, and Manish Kumar

Chapter 12   ◾   Future Communication Networks:

Architectures, Protocols, and Mechanisms
for the Next-Generation Internet 241
Dhananjay Kumar, Sangram R ay, and Sharmistha Adhikari

INDEX, 269

Pramod Kumar is Professor, Head & Dean of Research at Krishna

Engineering College, India. He previously served as Director of the Tula’s
Institute, Dehradun, Uttarakhand. With over 20 years of experience in
Computer Science, he is a Senior Member of IEEE (SMIEEE), has pub‑
lished research papers in various International Journals and Conferences
and authored numerous book chapters, and has organized more than 10
IEEE International Conferences.

Anuradha Tomar is a Postdoctoral Researcher in the EES Group at

Eindhoven University, the Netherlands. She is a member of the European
Commission’s Horizon 2020, UNITED GRID project. She is also an
Associate Professor with the Electrical Engineering Department at JSS
Academy of Technical Education, India. She is a Senior Member of IEEE,
Life Member of ISTE, IETE, IEI, and IAENG. She has published over 70
research/review papers in IEEE Journals and has registered seven patents.

R. Sharmila is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer

Science Engineering at Krishna Engineering College, India. Her research
is highly interdisciplinary, spanning a wide range of topics, including
Wireless Sensor Networks, Digital image Processing, Cryptography and
Information Security, and Blockchain.


Sharmistha Adhikari Piyush Dhuliya

Department of Computer Science Department of Electronics and
and Engineering Communication Engineering
National Institute of Technology Tula’s Institute
Sikkim, India Dehradun, India

Pastor Arguelles Priyanka Dhuliya

College of Computer Studies Department of Electronics
University of Perpetual Help Engineering
System DALTA Graphic Era Hill University
Calabarzon, Philippines Dehradun, India

Navneet Arora Asmita Dixit

Department of Computer Department of IT
Science ABES Engineering College
University of Liverpool Ghaziabad, India
Liverpool, England
Hoor Fatima
Alaknanda Ashok Department of Computer Science
Department of Electrical and Engineering
Engineering SET, Sharda University
GBPUAT Greater Noida, India
Uttarakhand, India
Ruchi Goel
Bharat Bhardwaj Department of Computer Science
Department of IT and Engineering
Lucknow, India Lucknow, India

xii   ◾    Contributors

Kanika Gupta Dhananjay Kumar

Department of IT Department of Computer Science
ABES Engineering College and Engineering
Ghaziabad, India National Institute of Technology
Sikkim, India
Shruti Gupta
Department of CSE Dinesh Kumar
National Institute of Technology OSI Soft Australia Pvt. Ltd.
Delhi, India Perth, WA, Australia

Aatif Jamshed
Department of IT Manish Kumar
ABES Engineering College Department of CSE
Ghaziabad, India Krishna Engineering College
Ghaziabad, India
Jasmeet Kalra
Department of Mechanical Pramod Kumar
Engineering Department of CSE
Graphic Era Hill University Krishna Engineering College
Dehradun, India Ghaziabad, India

Umang Kant
Department of Computer Science Raja Kumar
and Engineering School of Computer Science &
Delhi Technological University Engineering
Delhi, India Head of Research - Faculty of
and Innovation and Technology
Department of Computer Science Taylor’s University
and Engineering Malaysia
Krishna Engineering College
Ghaziabad, India Vinod Kumar
Department of Computer Science
Ashish Kumar and Engineering
Department of CSE Delhi Technological University
Krishna Engineering College Delhi, India
Ghaziabad, India
Contributors   ◾    xiii

Abirami Manoharan Nitin Rakesh

Department of Electrical and Department of Computer Science
Electronics Engineering and Engineering
Government College of SET, Sharda University,
Engineering Greater Noida, India
Srirangam, India
Sangram Ray
Hariprasath Manoharan Department of Computer Science
Department of Electronics and and Engineering
Communication Engineering National Institute of Technology
Panimalar Institute of Technology, Sikkim, India
Chennai, India
Pavi Saraswat
Prashant Naresh Department of Computer Science
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
and Engineering AKTU
AKTU Lucknow, India
Lucknow, India
Sunil Semwal
Pankaj Negi Department of Electronics and
Department of Mechanical Communication Engineering
Engineering Tula’s Institute
Graphic Era Hill University Dehradun, India
Dehradun, India
Shankar T.
Diwaker Pant Department of Electronics and
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Communication Engineering Government College of
Tula’s Institute Engineering
Dehradun, India Srirangam, India

Rajesh Pant Yogesh Kumar Sharma

Department of Mechanical Department of Computer Science
Engineering and Engineering
Graphic Era Hill University AKTU
Dehradun, India Lucknow, India
xiv   ◾    Contributors

R. Sharmila Neha Tyagi

Department of Computer Science Department of Computer Science
and Engineering and Engineering
Krishna Engineering College SET, Sharda University
Ghaziabad, India Greater Noida, India

Meenu Shukla Yuvaraja T.

Department of Computer Science MOBI‑Mobility, Logistics and
and Engineering Automotive Technology
Krishna Engineering College Research Centre
Ghaziabad, India Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Ixelles, Brussels, Belgium
Amit Sinha
Department of IT
ABES Engineering College Jawwad Zaidi
Ghaziabad, India Dr. Akhilesh Das Gupta Institute
of Technology & Management
Sandeep Tiwari Delhi, India
Department of Mechanical
Engineering Fatima Ziya
Krishna Engineering College Department of Computer Science
Ghaziabad, India and Engineering
Krishna Engineering College
Anuradha Tomar Ghaziabad, India
Department of Instrumentation &
Control Engineering
Netaji Subhas University of
Technology, Govt. of NCT of
Delhi, India
Chapter 1

Introduction to
Emerging Technologies
in Computer Science
and Its Applications
Umang Kant and Vinod Kumar
Delhi Technological University

1.1 Introduction 2
1.1.1 Computer Vision 2
1.1.2 Deep Learning 6
1.1.3 Internet of Things (IoT) 9
1.1.4 Quantum Computing 11
1.1.5 Edge Computing 14
1.1.6 Fog Computing 16
1.1.7 Serverless Computing 17
1.1.8 Implanted Technology 19
1.1.9 Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality 23
1.1.10 Digital Twin 25
1.2 Conclusions 28
References 29

DOI: 10.1201/9781003121466-1 1
2   ◾    Emerging Technologies in Computing

The extensive and exhaustive research carried out in the field of Artificial
Intelligence (AI) is a confirmation that it finds its applications in every
field of life now-a-days. Researchers and scientists are making every pos‑
sible effort to help the world by using AI, in turn making machines which
think and maybe act like humans. We are aware that AI is like an umbrella
that shelters numerous technologies under it and hence it is perceived as
an interdisciplinary field with s­ everal approaches. AI is an eclectic branch
of Computer Science that aims to respond to Turing’s question in assent‑
ing and is responsible for developing smart machines capable of executing
tasks that require human intelligence and is responsible for a visible para‑
digm shift in every sector of the technological world and thereby giving
birth to new concepts and technologies on the way. Machine Learning is
an application of AI, which aims at offering the machines or systems the
capability to learn on its own and improve its experiences at every turn
without human intervention. In order to make the machines learn, we
need to provide them with ample amount of data so that machines can
analyze some pattern in the data (if any) and make better decisions based
on observing the data, working on the patterns of the data and then train‑
ing the algorithms using that data [1,2]. Learning process is initiated by
observing the data as mentioned above, and learning techniques can be as
follows: supervised, unsupervised, semi-supervised, or reinforced based
on the data to be trained and the application to be addressed. Hence, the
main aim of Machine Learning is to allow the machines to learn on their
own in the absence of human assistance and adjust their output or actions
accordingly [3]. AI has given birth to many new technologies and Machine
Learning is one of the ways to achieve AI. We will now be discussing
some recent technologies which have been researched the most these days
and are finding their way in every aspect of business, education, health,
­commercial, and other fields of life.

1.1.1 Computer Vision
Computer vision is such a type of AI which we all have naturally experi‑
enced in our lives in multiple ways without even realizing it. Such is the
power of human brain and senses. Computer vision aims to replicate this
power of human brain and senses using machines. Humans can (i) describe
the content of the image or video they have seen, (ii) summarize an image
Introduction to Emerging Technologies   ◾    3

or video they have seen, and (iii) recognize a face or an object that they
have seen [4]. Hence, a machine can take advantage of human’s capa‑
bility of remembering things and people they have seen and make their
machines learn the same capability using algorithms dedicated for this
process. We all are aware that taking and uploading a picture or video on
internet has become extremely easy; all we need is a smartphone and some
social media platform. According to recent articles, around hundreds of
videos are uploaded per minute on YouTube social platform; and the same
is the case with other social platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and
Twitter. Around 3 billion images alone are shared online each day, maybe
more. These images and videos can be easily recognized and summarized
by humans but to train the machine for the same capability, we first need
the machine to be able to index the content and then be able to search the
content in that video or photograph. The Machine Learning algorithms
will need to (i) find what the image or video contains and (ii) utilize the
metadata descriptions provided by the person who has uploaded that
image or video.
In simple terms, computer vision can be defined as a field of study
focused on the problem of helping computers to see [5]. The goal of com‑
puter vision is to use the observed image data to infer something about
the world [6]. Computer vision is an interdisciplinary technological field
which deals with replicating and observing the human vision and brain
processing system and facilitating the machines to identify and process
items in images and videos in a similar manner as humans are capable
of. Due to the advancements in AI, Neural Networks (NNs), and Deep
Learning, computer vision has taken great leaps in recent years and is still
a hot field among researchers [7]. Computer vision is also clearly a sub‑
field of AI, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning, as it deals with overly
complex data identification and interpretation. Due to recent advance‑
ments, computer vision has been able to successfully outdo humans in
tasks of identifying, indexing, and labeling objects in the images or vid‑
eos. This must have been experienced by many users while tagging people
in images using social media platforms such as Facebook. The algorithms
are trained in such an extensive manner that now they can perform bet‑
ter than humans in identifying and tagging items or people [8]. Another
factor which is responsible for the better working of machines to achieve
computer vision is that over the past few years, ample amount of data is
being generated these days. Large amount of data generated is being used
4   ◾    Emerging Technologies in Computing

for training of Machine Learning algorithms which, in turn, leads to bet‑

ter results. The concept and aim of computer vision can be understood by
referring to Figure 1.1.
Research and experiments on computer vision can be traced back to
1950s. But it was used commercially in 1970s to distinguish between hand‑
written text and typed text. Back then, there was not as much abundance
of data as is the case now. Today, the applications have also increased as
there is a huge amount of data, better trained algorithms and hardware.
The data is so huge that these days data scientists are being hired to just
analyze and work upon the data. It is the job of the data scientists to filter
the data and select the data sets to be used for training of the algorithms.
The computer vision market is expected to reach $48.6 billion by early
2022 [5].
Another topic of discussion is how does computer vision work? This
question is not simple to answer as computer vision is inspired by the
human brain. Since it is still not clear how human brain and eyes work
to interpret the objects, it is difficult to approximate the same concept in
algorithms. All we can say is that computer vision mimics the way human
brain works. However, it is difficult to comment on how well the devel‑
oped algorithms will be able to copy the human brain and implement it

FIGURE 1.1 Object detection and classification. (From Jarvis, R.A., IEEE
Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 122–139, 1983. With
permission.) [5].
Introduction to Emerging Technologies   ◾    5

on machines. Current algorithms are heavily using Pattern Recognition

approach to achieve computer vision. Hence, to make the computer
understand and to train the algorithm, the approach used is to feed the
system with a lot of data (i.e. images of the objects to be identified). Larger
the data set, better labeling would be achieved. Then, these labeled images
or objects would be subjected to various algorithms or software to iden‑
tify the patterns with the objects and thereby in classification (Figure 1.1).
When a large data set of images is fed to the machine, the algorithms
analyze the angles, shapes, colors, and borders of the objects and the dis‑
tance between various objects. After this analysis, the machine would
match these unlabeled images with the labeled images and put them in
the respective image set of objects (single object image or multiple object
image). The basic working of computer vision algorithm is divided into (i)
classification, (ii) localization, (iii) object detection, and (iv) instance seg‑
mentation. Algorithms train better when the input image data set is big,
even though large image data set means larger memory requirements, but
in the end, we get a better trained algorithm.
In recent years, Machine Learning and Deep Learning technology pro‑
duce better results as compared to previous efforts where the working of
machines was extremely limited. Earlier, a set manual approach was used
where first a database was created in which all captured images were stored
that needed analysis. Second, all images had to be annotated, i.e. many key
points were added to the images for labeling them, and manually rules
were coded for each object in the image. Third, new images were cap‑
tured, and the entire process had to be repeated. When Machine Learning
came into the picture, the manual rule coding was eliminated and feature
extraction using various Machine Learning algorithms such as Support
Vector Machine (SVM) and linear regression were used to identify pat‑
terns and classify further. However, in recent years, Deep Learning has
given a new approach to apply Machine Learning to the data set by using
NNs. The detailed working of Deep Learning for computer vision is out of
the scope of this chapter.
Computer vision finds many applications today and users are making
use of computer vision knowingly or unknowingly. The applications of
computer vision include (i) computer vision in facial recognition, (ii) com‑
puter vision in self-driving cars, (iii) computer vision in healthcare, and
(iv) computer vision in augmented reality (AR).
6   ◾    Emerging Technologies in Computing

1.1.2 Deep Learning
Deep Learning is a subset of Machine Learning that aims to further auto‑
mate the functions of a human being.
It is a branch based on the building algorithms that learn and re-learn
by mimicking the functions of a human brain.
Just like the NN helps humans learn from their experiences, artificial
neural networks (ANNs) help an algorithm learn and execute the task.
ANNs, also generally called NNs, are computing systems vaguely
inspired by the biological NNs that constitute animal brains.
An ANN comprises multiple artificial neurons (or nodes) arranged in a
network of multiple layers, which loosely models the NN of the biological
brain (Figure 1.2).
Each connection, like the synapses in a biological brain, can transmit a
signal to other neurons.
The “signal” comprises input data (in real numbers) and then processes
it before sending it further down the chain. Every neuron processes the
data before transmitting it further.
Different layers of the neurons perform different transformations on
their inputs. Signals travel from the first layer (the input layer) to the last
layer (the output layer), possibly after traversing the layers multiple times.

FIGURE 1.2 Artificial neural network layers.

Introduction to Emerging Technologies   ◾    7

There are a few different types of ANNs designed to execute different

tasks. The major ones are listed below.

• Multilayer Perceptron Networks.

• Convolutional NNs.
• Long Short-Term Memory or Recurrent NNs.

Once the data is prepared for processing, it is fed to the NN in the first
layer, also known as the input layer.
Now the neurons process this data and send it further down to the next
layer. Each layer is designed to perform a specific task. The middle layers
are also called the hidden layers.
Once the data is sequentially processed by each hidden layer, the model
transmits the processed data to the output layer (the last layer).
In the output layer, the data is further processed finally as designed and
gives out the final model. This one pass of the data through the network is
called an epoch.
This output is then tested for accuracy; most often than not, the output
of the first epoch is far from being correct. Therefore, this information is
passed back to the network in reverse order so that the network can learn
from its mistakes. This is called back-propagation.
The network then tweaks its parameters further and processes the data
in a similar fashion. This process is continued for several epochs until the
model starts producing acceptably accurate results.
The theory, model, and the data existed earlier as well, though it is only the
advancements in the technology that have empowered this vision into reality.
Today we have access to sophisticated data management architectures
and the computational power to process this massive data. This has made
the access to these technologies fairly simple.
The most prominent technologies on this front are TensorFlow, Keras,
and Pytorch that have enabled everyone to access the state-of-art technol‑
ogy of Deep Learning.
There are not many differences between Machine Learning and Deep
Learning. Here are a few.
While Machine Learning is based on pre-defined models or algorithms,
Deep Learning is built on NN architecture. It further removes the need for
human intervention for feature selection in the data.
8   ◾    Emerging Technologies in Computing

Since Deep Learning is state-of-the-art, it requires high computational

power to be processed, which is now possible with the advanced GPUs.
Deep Learning finds its applications in several industries. Some of the
major applications of Deep Learning are as follows:

• Self-driving cars
• News aggregation and fraud news detection
• Natural language processing
• Virtual assistants
• Recommender systems
• Visual recognition
• Credit fraud detection
• Healthcare and diagnostics

There are many more. The possibilities are endless (Figure 1.3).


Machine Learning

Deep Learning

FIGURE 1.3 Relationship between artificial intelligence, machine learning, and

deep learning.
Introduction to Emerging Technologies   ◾    9

1.1.3 Internet of Things (IoT)

Researchers describe Internet of Things (IoT) as a wide network of physi‑
cal devices or objects connected with each other over the internet for
the purpose of exchanging data and communication with each other, as
depicted in Figure 1.4. These devices can also be called as smart devices
as they require minimum or no human intervention for their process‑
ing. These physical devices are embedded with sensors and technologies
for establishing connection with other devices. Today such devices range
from basic household devices to much sophisticated engineering devices.
As predicted by experts, the number of connected IoT devices is expected
to increase from current 8 billion to 45 billion by 2025 or maybe more [9].
Examples of such devices range from a smart coffee maker, smart light‑
bulb, smart toy, baby monitor, and driverless vehicle to a smart city. A
device being controlled by a smartphone or a controlled environment fall
under the category of IoT or smart devices. IoT has become one of the
most sought after technologies of recent times to provide effortless and
continuous communication between people and things (devices) [10]. This
has made every possible device connect to other devices over the internet
via embedded devices. These devices cooperate by making the physical
world meet the digital world [11].

FIGURE 1.4 Device connectivity over the internet.

10   ◾    Emerging Technologies in Computing

The connection of a large number of embedded devices over the internet

has been possible due to the availability of mobile technologies, low-power
sensor technologies, low-cost computing capabilities, cloud connectivity,
Machine Learning and big data analytics, and AI. These devices commu‑
nicate, share, and collect data with other embedded devices with mini‑
mum human intervention; hence, the demand of IoT devices is increasing
gradually. IoT has large business scope due to its benefits in marketplace.
Benefits include: (i) new IoT-based business models, (ii) increased produc‑
tivity due to smart connectivity, (iii) efficient business operations, (iv) bet‑
ter revenue modes, and (v) smooth connection between physical business
world and digital world [12]. Due to these benefits, IoT has become wide‑
spread in the industrial world and there is a new classification of IoT:
Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). IIoT refers to the merging of the IoT
technology in industrial environments. To integrate IoT in industrial
settings, industries have used cloud, analytics, Machine Learning and
machine-to-machine (M2M) communication for wireless automation and
control among connected devices.
This integration of IoT in industries has led to a large number of
­application areas such as smart homes, smart cities, smart logistics, smart
manufacturing, smart power grids, smart digital supply chains, and pre‑
dictive logistics and maintenance, among others.
Devices have been able to connect digitally over the internet low-power
chips and cloud technologies, and the device connectivity will keep on
increasing as discussed above. However, this device connectivity is highly
vulnerable to security threats as these devices collect and communicate
almost all of the user’s sensitive data over the internet. Until now, security
has been the biggest area of concern and the most researched area of IoT.
Researchers are continuously working on to make the devices self-capable
in order to find the patches of the detected faults in security. These soft‑
ware faults are regularly discovered and hence their patches are of utmost
requirement, but many devices lack the capability to remove the risk factors
of these faults, thereby keeping the devices and users at permanent risk,
ultimately making the user vulnerable to hackers. Hackers can hack the
sensors of the device and control the entire environment by manipulating
the sensors without the user’s knowledge, and this threat can be minor or
catastrophic. One example of such security vulnerability in users wearing
a smartwatch is hackers being able to eavesdrop the user’s conversations
even when the microphone is switched off or track the user’s location all
Introduction to Emerging Technologies   ◾    11

the time even when internet is disabled. And such security threats put all
users at risks in using small household devices and business or industrial
devices. As discussed above, IoT connects physical devices with digital
devices; hence, the real world between the two is always at risk. Hence, the
current area of research in IoT these days revolves mostly around security
As security is a major concern in IoT, so is privacy. By always being con‑
nected over the internet using embedded devices, privacy takes a back seat
in the entire process and hence the security lapse. IoT models have user’s
data which can be manipulated to achieve some cause or worse it can be
sold to companies or can be made available over the dark web. Hence, it
becomes equally important for the users to be aware about the bargain
they make while using these smart devices. Apart from security and pri‑
vacy, other IoT concerns can be cost, connectivity, user’s acceptance, and
device standards.
IoT has given rise to big data analytics as IoT generates vast amount
of data on a daily basis and hence has given companies vast data sets to
analyze and work upon. This data can be in many different forms such as
images, videos, audios, pressure or temperature readings or heartbeat, or
other sensor readings. This vast amount of data has given rise to metadata,
which contains data about data. This huge data cannot be stored in the
company’s data warehouse or other resources, but on the cloud. Hence, IoT,
in turn, has given rise to the need for cloud services with every company
aiming to achieve the IoT business model. These days, from small orga‑
nizations and institutes to large multinational companies, all are making
use of cloud services to better manage the data. With better connectivity
(3G, 4G, 5G, CDMA, GSM, and LTE networks) and new technologies, the
IoT market will continue to evolve even with security and privacy issues.

1.1.4 Quantum Computing
Current generation computers are based on classical physics and therefore
on classical computing. In theory, i.e. Turing machines and in practice,
i.e. PCs, laptops, smartphones, tablets all are current generation comput‑
ers and work on the principle of classical computing and are called clas‑
sical computers. These classical computers can only be in one state at a
particular time and their operations can only have local effects, i.e. they
are limited by locality [13]. As we are aware, the fundamental principle
behind the computer systems is the ability to store, fetch, and manipulate
12   ◾    Emerging Technologies in Computing

information. This information is stored in the form of bits, i.e. binary 0

and 1 states, and all the manipulation is carried out by using these binary
0 and 1 states only [14]. These two bits are used in all classical computers.
However, we have shifted from classical physics to quantum physics, as
the real world behaves quite randomly and this behavior is not fixed; and
to capture this random behavior of world using the machines, we cannot
always use classical computers, or computers using classical computing as
they remain in a single state at a particular time as discussed above, hence
the shift from classical computers to quantum computers. A quantum
computer can be in different states at the same time and the different states
can be superimposed upon each other, and hence interference among dif‑
ferent states can be achieved during processing. This superimposition of
states can be achieved by using quantum bits, also called as qubits [14].
Hence, quantum computers manipulate the information stored by apply‑
ing quantum mechanical principle using qubits instead of bits. A cluster
of these quantum computers [15] can be either locally placed or spatially
distributed but, in any case, they can achieve the non-local effects due to
state superimposition.
As discussed above, quantum computing uses the principles of quan‑
tum mechanics and examines the processing power and related properties
of computers. The main aim of quantum computing is to develop quan‑
tum algorithms to be used in quantum computers which would be faster
and better than classical algorithms being used in classical computers [15].
Quantum computing is aimed to speed up the computation and to solve
computationally hard problems which are not only difficult but next to
impossible to solve using classical computers.
The field of quantum computing started with the use of analog quan‑
tum computers in the early 1980s by Yuri Manin [16], Richard Feynman
[17,18], and Paul Benioff [19]. Although the work in this field has not been
progressing at an extremely fast pace, the first noted algorithms in this
field were developed later by Deutsch [20] and Simon [21]. The work on
quantum complexity theory was initiated by Bernstein and Vazirani [14].
The work pace and interest in the field caught up fast in 1994 when Peter
Shor discovered the efficient quantum algorithms for integer factorization
and discrete logarithms problems [20].
Quantum mechanical phenomena use three basic quantum proper‑
ties: (i) superposition: it is a condition where two or more independent
states are combined to yield a new state. An example of such superposition
Introduction to Emerging Technologies   ◾    13

would be the combination of two or more music notes, and the final music
that we hear would be the super positioned note; (ii) Entanglement: it is
a counter-intuitive quantum behavior which is not visible in the classical
environment. Here, the object particles are entangled with each other and
form a new model or environment. This new model behaves in entirely
new ways which is not possible in the classical world and also cannot be
explained using classical computing logic; and (iii) Interference: inter‑
ference of quantum states occurs due to the logic of phase. Due to the
phenomenon of phase, the states undergo interference. This logic of state
interference is similar to the logic of wave interference. In wave interfer‑
ence, the wave amplitudes add when they are in phase, else their ampli‑
tudes cancel each other. To develop a fault-tolerant quantum system and to
enhance the computational capabilities of a quantum computer, research‑
ers are working toward improving the (i) qubit count: the aim to create
more qubit states; more the qubit states, more the options of manipulation
and processing of states; and (ii) low error rates: the aim is to eliminate the
possible noise and errors encountered while working on multiple qubit
states. Low error rates are required to manage qubit states in an efficient
manner and to perform all sequential or parallel operations. Volume is
considered to be a useful metric for analyzing quantum computer capabil‑
ity [14]. Volume measures the correlation between the quality and number
of qubits, the error rates of qubit processing, and the quantum computer
circuit connectivity. Hence, the aim is to develop quantum computers with
large quantum volume for solving computational hard problems [22,23].
The basic motivation to research in the field of quantum comput‑
ing is that the classical computers themselves have become so powerful
and cheap due to miniaturization that they have almost already reached
micro levels where quantum processing and effects are said to occur.
The chip makers have led to such a level of miniaturization that instead
of suppressing the quantum effects in classical computers, researchers
might try to work with them, leading to further miniaturization and
hence more quantum effects. It is too soon to comment on the pressing
question “to what extent will quantum computers be built?” The first
2-qubit quantum computer was developed in 1997, and then a 5-qubit
quantum computer was built in 2001 to find the factor of number 15 [21].
The largest quantum computer up until now has only few dozen qubits.
Hence, the work on quantum computers has been rather slow but at a
steady pace.
14   ◾    Emerging Technologies in Computing

1.1.5 Edge Computing
With the rise in IoT-connected devices, edge computing has also come
into the picture and is transmuting the manner in which data is being
­processed, managed, stored, and distributed to the users by millions
and millions of connected devices around the globe. As discussed in
Section 1.1.3, in IoT, the connected devices generate tremendous amount
of data which is stored and retrieved from either a centralized storage
location or cloud-based storage location. And this data is expected to con‑
tinue to grow at an unprecedented growth. Hence, more time is being
spent in storing and retrieving the generated data. IoT, real-time comput‑
ing power, and faster networking medium and technologies like 5G (wire‑
less) have aided edge computing with a large number of opportunities in
business industries.
As per the definition given by celebrated researcher Gartner, edge
computing is a part of a distributed computing topology in which
information processing is located closer to the edge, also called as
edge nodes (Figure 1.5), where things and people produce or consume
that information [24]. It is understood that edge computing gets the
data storage and its processing closer to where the data is being gen‑
erated. Hence, edge computing is a decentralized distributed comput‑
ing framework bringing the enterprise data closer to data sources [25].

FIGURE 1.5 Edge nodes and edge devices.

Introduction to Emerging Technologies   ◾    15

This, in turn, helps improve bandwidth availability, data control, bet‑

ter insights, swift and appropriate actions, reduce costs, comprehensive
data analysis, and continuous processing. Another advantage of edge
computing has come in the form that the maximum amount of data
generated can be optimized for processing and manipulation, whereas
currently even though a large amount of data is being generated and
stored, majority of it is not being used for processing due to latency and
network issues. Due to edge computing, since the maximum data is to
be utilized for processing, i.e. maximum data potential is extracted, bet‑
ter insights and better analysis (predictive) are achieved which, in turn,
improves the overall quality [25]. This contrasts with the current com‑
puting where the data must be stored at a central location which can be
far away from where the data is being generated. Hence, here the need
for centralized storage location or cloud-based storage location is elimi‑
nated. This concept of storing and processing data closer to the source is
introduced to reduce the problem of (i) bandwidth issues, (ii) real-time
data latency which affects the overall performance of the software or
application, as in edge computing, the data does not travel over a net‑
work to a central storage location or cloud for further processing, and
(iii) this processing environment helps organizations save overall cost.
As per the current studies, almost 75% industry data will be processed
at the edge by 2025 [26]. Currently, only around 8%–10% data is being
processed at the edge. At the moment and also in the past, extraordi‑
nary volumes of data generated by IoT-connected devices have led to the
outperformance of the current infrastructure and network capabilities.
Hence, with the promise of upcoming, faster networking technologies
such as 5G, edge computing gives a solution. The advent of edge com‑
puting has facilitated the work of real-time applications such as smart
homes, self-driving cars, robotics, animation, and video processing,
among many others.
The technology of edge computing also brings a few challenges along
with its advantages. Issues which must be addressed are (i) bandwidth
limitations, (ii) latency issues, (iii) data complexity management, and (iv)
network security and risks, among others. An effective edge computing
model must also be able to (i) seamlessly deploy applications to edge loca‑
tions, (ii) manage data workloads across centralized storage and cloud
locations, (iii) address all security concerns, and (iv) sustain flexibility to
evolve according to the environment.
16   ◾    Emerging Technologies in Computing

Edge computing though different from fog computing finds many sim‑
ilarities with it. This concept is discussed in the following section.

1.1.6 Fog Computing
Fog computing as defined by researchers is a decentralized, distributed
computing technology where the data, storage resources, computation
technology, and respective applications are located at someplace between
the data source (IoT-connected devices) and the cloud [27]. Fog comput‑
ing finds many similarities with edge computing as both bring the data
source and computing near to the location where the data is being created
(see Section 1.1.5). Fog computing also finds similar advantages to edge
computing such as it also reduces data latency and provides better effi‑
ciency among other advantages. Hence, many scholars interchangeably
use both terms, as the basic aim of both technologies is same. Although
the main motive and working are similar in both, there still exists minor
differences between the two. While edge computing implies to getting the
data storage and processing closer to data sources, i.e. edge nodes, fog
computing refers to getting the data storage and processing in-between
the data source and the cloud, i.e. fog nodes [28]. As can be understood by
the name, in nature, fog concentrates between the ground and the cloud,
to be precise it stays in-between but still closer to the cloud. Hence, the
term fog computing has been coined by Cisco in 2015 by the company’s
product line manager, Ginny Nichols [29]. Fog and edge computing can
be viewed as two sides of a coin, as both complement each other and both
have similar advantages and limitations. The same can be understood by
referring to Figure 1.6.
Fog computing along with edge computing is viewed as an alternative
to cloud computing. Both retain few properties of cloud computing, at
the same time maintaining few distinctions [30]. Smart electrical grid,
smart transportation networks, and smart cities are all applications of fog
The implementation of fog computing requires bringing IoT applica‑
tions at the fog nodes at network edge using fog computing models and
tools. Here, the fog nodes, which are closest to the edge nodes, receive
the data from other edge devices (modems, routers, sensors etc.). After
receiving the data, it is then forwarded to the optimum location for fur‑
ther analysis. In fog computing, the data analysis is based upon the type
of data. The data can be divided into different categories based on the
Introduction to Emerging Technologies   ◾    17

FIGURE 1.6 Representation of cloud, fog, and edge computing. (From Gupta,
B.B., & Agrawal, D.P. (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Cloud Computing and Big
Data Applications in IoT. IGI Global, 2019. With permission.) [31].

time sensitivity. The data which needs immediate analysis and processing
can be put into most time-sensitive category, i.e. the user needs this type
of data immediately, and the categories can hence vary from most time-­
sensitive to medium time-sensitive to least time-sensitive data. Among the
collected data set, the most time-sensitive data is selected and is analyzed
as near to its source as possible to avoid latency issues. The data which is
not time sensitive is sent to aggregation nodes for analysis, which can be
carried out at the approximate time as the user does not require it imme‑
diately. The benefits of fog computing, which are similar to edge comput‑
ing, are (i) reduced latency, (ii) better network bandwidth, (iii) improved
reliability, (iv) reduced costs, and (v) better insights, among others. The
differences are listed in Table 1.1.

1.1.7 Serverless Computing
Serverless computing is an auto-scaling computing because here the com‑
pany or the organization gets backend services from a serverless vendor
[32]. In serverless computing, the backend services are provided based on
user’s requirements (event-driven), and hence the users do not need to
worry about the underlying architecture and infrastructure and just need
to implement the codes and further processing without any conundrum.
An organization taking services from a serverless retailer is only charged
for the extent of the processing carried out by them and they need not pay
18   ◾    Emerging Technologies in Computing

TABLE 1.1 Difference between Fog Computing and Edge Computing

No. Fog Computing Edge Computing

1. In fog computing, the fog nodes are responsible In edge computing, each edge node
for deciding whether the data generated from manages, stores, and processes the
various smart IoT devices is to be processed data right at the edge of the
using its own resources or has to be sent to source, i.e. locally instead of
the cloud for storing and computing. transferring it to the cloud.
2. Fog computing distributes the storage, Edge computing locates the storage
communication, and further processing of and other processing close to the
data close to the cloud keeping it in control of source of data. Here also, the
end user, rather than exactly close to the control is in the hands of end
source of data. users.
3. Fog computing manages the intelligence down Edge computing manages the
to the level of local area network of the intelligence of the edge gateways
network architecture. into the devices generating the
data, thereby keeping the entire
computing close to the devices.
4. In fog computing, fog nodes work with the In edge computing, the cloud
cloud. involvement is eliminated.
5. Fog computing forms a hierarchical-layered Edge computing is limited to
network. individual edge nodes which do
not form a network.

a fixed fee for the server architecture, number of servers, and the band‑
width [33]. The price to be paid scales based on the services provided by
the serverless retailer to the organization; hence, serverless computing is
also called as auto-scaling computing. Serverless retailers provide storage
and database services to the users [34].
As discussed, the users are not aware about the server architecture
and the number of servers used. This does not mean that the environ‑
ment is free from servers; physical servers are present and are used but
the users are not aware about their existence. Since the underlying archi‑
tecture is not considered by the user, this serverless environment becomes
cost-effective and more user-friendly. The cost-effectiveness of this com‑
puting can be referred to in Figure 1.7. Apart from being cost-effective,
serverless computing has other benefits as well: (i) fully managed service,
(ii) dynamic scalability and flexibility, (iii) only pay for the resources or
services used (as discussed above), (iv) enhanced productivity, (v) flawless
connections, (vi) better turnaround time, (vii) no infrastructure manage‑
ment, and (viii) ­efficient use of resources, and others.
Introduction to Emerging Technologies   ◾    19

FIGURE 1.7 Cost-effectiveness of serverless computing.

Although having many advantages, serverless suffers from few disad‑

vantages too. One of the major limitations of serverless is cold start. Cold
start is a condition when the latency increases significantly. When a cer‑
tain serverless function has not been used or called by any user for some
time, the serverless provider closes down that function to save space and
energy, making that function go dormant. Whenever any user calls for
that closed-down function, the serverless vendor will have to again start
and host the function from the scratch, and this entire process takes sig‑
nificant amount of time, which adds to the latency. This condition is called
as cold start. As opposed to cold starts, the functions which are being fre‑
quently used by the users correspond to warm starts.

1.1.8 Implanted Technology
The implanted technology is a type of AI through which we can enhance
the capability of the human body organs with the help of computer vision
[35]. As discussed in Section 1.1.1, computer vision is a technology that
will replicate the power of human brain and senses in a machine, and with
the help of that machine we can enhance the power of our own senses. The
main question arises why the need of implantation technology. In order to
find the answer to this question, we need to look at the uses of implantation
technology first. The need of implantation technology can be better ana‑
lyzed by understanding a few examples where it can be used: (i) humans do
not have a memory that will store that data forever, similar to what a com‑
puter hard disk does, so here we can use brain implantation technology that
will make our memory permanent and we will remember each and every
20   ◾    Emerging Technologies in Computing

moment and experiences of our life from birth until death, (ii) in today’s
environment we see that we are surrounded by many diseases and some
diseases such as cancer that are not easily recognized and hence become
fatal if not recognized earlier. Here, implantation technology can help us
in this way that we can recognize the disease at the beginning so that it can
be cured soon; and (iii) in the future, we can use implantation technology
in our day-to-day life by making use of our organs as smart devices, which,
in turn, will remove the requirement of physical electronic devices such as
smartphones and laptops. because we can use AR and computer vision to
achieve it. Implantation technology uses brain computer interface (BCI)
technology which, in turn, is also a heavily researched interdisciplinary
area. The layout of the BCI is shown in Figure 1.8.
BCI is a technology with which we can provide instructions to the
machine through the input signals of the brain. We all know that our
brain is made up of neurons, as shown in Figure 1.9, and these neurons
have electrical signals (impulses) in them which are generated when a per‑
son thinks or feels anything. The BCI technology will sense those signals
and convert them to computer readable format (binary format). There is
a subset of AI known as Machine Learning that focuses on training the
machine by feeding the data to produce some useful productions and there
is a subset of Machine Learning known as Deep Learning that mainly
focuses on replication of neurons to machine through a NN, as shown in
Figure 1.10 (both Machine Learning and Deep Learning are discussed in
Sections 1.1 and 1.1.2 of this chapter). A NN is a mathematical modeling of
a neuron of our brain and with the help of this network, we try to replicate
the functionality of the brain into our machine.

FIGURE 1.8 Basic BCI diagram.

Introduction to Emerging Technologies   ◾    21

FIGURE 1.9 A neuron.

FIGURE 1.10 A neural network. (From Abdi, H., Journal of Biological Systems,
2(03), 247–281, 1994. With permission.) [36].
22   ◾    Emerging Technologies in Computing

Our neurons work on action potential, and the propagation (Figure 1.11)
of this action potential makes us realize that with implantation technol‑
ogy, we try to sense this action potential and generate a machine level code
from it through which the machine will be able to understand the action
that is needed to be performed. Notwithstanding the shortcomings and
hurdles, with the activity potential component effectively surely known,
further advances in microelectronic advances empowered improvement
of the neural probe, as shown in Figure 1.12. Recent studies have revealed
improvements and progressed the possibility of a neural test by present‑
ing the idea of “neural dust,” an enormous number of remote cathodes
that can be appended straightforwardly to various nerves consequently
­making numerous remote detecting hubs inside the body.
Anticipating what technology is to come in future is an assignment that
engineers generally leave to futurists and sci-fi authors and movie makers.
Nevertheless, as scientists and researchers, the whole science community
takes motivation from such futurists and work towards a common goal
by trying to benefit from these ideas, which invigorates scholarly discus‑
sions and research so that all potential situations may unfurl later on. At the

FIGURE 1.11 Action potential and its flow. (From Sobot, R., IEEE Technology
and Society Magazine, 37, 35–45, 2018. With permission.) [37].
Introduction to Emerging Technologies   ◾    23

FIGURE 1.12 A neural probe. (From Sobot, R., IEEE Technology and Society
Magazine, 37, 35–45, 2018. With permission.) [37].

moment, we observe this technology mostly in theory either in readings or

watching these possibilities in science fiction works. However, as time pro‑
gresses, advances in Machine Learning that mimic living processes, coupled
with the developments in self-healing materials and development of bionic
skin, further deepen the prospect of arriving at a fully bionic post-human.

1.1.9 Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality

The term virtual means proximity and the term reality refers to experi‑
ences as a human being. If we put these two terms together, it becomes vir‑
tual reality (VR) and the meaning becomes an experience which is close
or near to reality. VR is simulation of the real-world phenomenon [38].
This VR is presented to human beings by bringing their sensory organs
in the presence of such a version of reality which does not exist. But our
sensory mechanism and brain perceive it as something real. Our sensory
mechanism and brain are projected to such amusing collections of made
up information that our brain perceives it as real, even though the percep‑
tion is not actually present. In a more technical form, VR is a representa‑
tion of a 3D system-created environment which interacts with a user in
such a way that the user becomes a part of it and is completely immersed
in it. It becomes difficult for the user to distinguish the virtual world from
24   ◾    Emerging Technologies in Computing

the real world and hence take decisions or actions based on the virtual
information being presented. The VR environment can manipulate the
user with the virtual information. Although it sounds simple, our brain
is so complex and evolved that even though confused for some time can
ultimately tell the difference between the virtual world and the real world.
However, during that moment of illusion, the user can be manipulated
by the system. To achieve this VR, the environment has a set of systems
and devices which are used by the users to experience the virtual world.
These devices can be gloves, headsets, glasses, etc. These devices emulate
our sensory organs, i.e. our senses and generate an impression of reality
[39]. The need of VR is simply to engage and attract users and custom‑
ers to a particular field. Also, VR is used whenever there is a scope of
large expenses, danger, or impracticality. VR changes the perception of
the users just by presenting a particular object in the 3D format. VR is
currently being used in various applications, including (i) entertainment,
(ii) sports, (iii) medicine, (iv) architecture, and (v) the arts [40]. Figure 1.13
depicts few examples of VR environments.

FIGURE 1.13 (a) VR in gaming (from European Space Agency), (b) VR in

­ edicine [41], (c) VR in automation [42], and (d) VR in education [43].
Introduction to Emerging Technologies   ◾    25

One of the latest and biggest technology trends is AR, which is a varia‑
tion of virtual environments (VE) or VR [44]. Although the concept is old,
the usage has been quite recent. As discussed above, the VE technologies
immerse the users completely inside this virtual environment, where the
user becomes so engrossed that he/she becomes a part of that virtual envi‑
ronment and starts interpreting this virtual world as the real world. The
vehicle testing simulation environments can be classic examples of VR or
VE technologies. The variation comes in the form of AR [45,46], where the
user can make the difference between the virtual world and the real world,
i.e. the virtual objects are superimposed on the real-world objects. Hence,
AR complements reality, rather than entirely replacing it. An example of
AR can be a game named Pokémon Go, where the players can locate, cap‑
ture, and play with Pokémon characters that turn up in the real world and
real objects, such as parks, subways, bathrooms, lawns, and roofs. This
game had become a rage and had to be controlled and banned in many
parts of the world. Apart from games, AR is being used in many other fields
as well: (i) news broadcasting, where the news presenters or anchors can
draw lines and other shapes on the screen; (ii) navigation systems, where
the routes are superimposed on the actual roads; (iii) defense, where the
military ­personnel can view their status and positionings on their helmets;
(iv) medicine, sometimes neurosurgeons use AR projections of a 3D brain
to help them in surgeries; (v) airports, where the ground crew wears AR
glasses to help aircrafts in smooth navigation as well as in landing and take-
offs; (vi) historical sites, making AR projections on historical sites, bringing
them to life and make the tourists re-live the past era; and (vii) robot path
planning; and (viii) IKEA, a furniture company uses an AR application
called as IKEA Place which makes the customers see how the furniture and
other household items would fit in their houses or offices. Figure 1.14 will
help the readers understand the concept of AR in a better way.
Another variation of VR is mixed reality, where the virtual environ‑
ment is combined with the real world [47]; hence in mixed reality, the user
has an interaction with both the real world and virtual world. Although
similar, AR and mixed reality are different from each other. Mixed reality
is an extension of AR. It brings the best of both real and virtual worlds.

1.1.10 Digital Twin
A digital twin is a replica or virtual representation of physical assets or
products. The term digital twin was introduced by Dr. Michael Grieves
26   ◾    Emerging Technologies in Computing

FIGURE 1.14 (a) AR in Pokémon Go Game. (With permission from Marc Bruxelle/
Shutterstock.com.) (b) AR being used in furniture app. (From https://techcrunch.
com/.) [See Ref. 48]. (c) AR being used in phones for suggestions and games. (From
https://www.diva-portal.org/.) [See Ref. 49]. (d) AR used by GMaps. (From https://

in 2002. Before introducing a digital product in the market, its digital

twin is introduced to study all the dynamics of the product (from an
electron to the whole device). It helps in studying a product’s age, prod-
uct’s reaction in different environments and different types of weather
conditions (they work with the help of IoT sensors). Feedback from the
digital twin of a product influences how the design is built; operation of
a device is created to derive the correct output for the product you are
making [50,51]. Some examples for digital twins in real-life practices are
listed: (i) monitoring wind forms using the digital twin: previously, the
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