Ac 48
Ac 48
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1 Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Macao Polytechnic University, Macao 999078, China;
2 Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong 999077, China;
Abstract: This study aimed to explore students’ effectiveness in scientific courses that have adopted
the framework of constructive alignment. The researchers conducted an experimental study in the
education sector to compare two different teaching models—traditional and following constructive
alignment—and used statistical tools to analyse differences in students’ learning effectiveness. The
course “Management Information System” (MIS) was specifically chosen to investigate how con-
structive alignment initiatives used in the course influenced students’ learning effectiveness. Two
groups of students were selected as the control group and the experimental group, respectively. In
the experimental group, the intended learning outcomes, teaching and learning activities, and as-
sessment tasks were always aligned by the instructor. The learning effectiveness of the two groups
was evaluated by the Course Experience Questionnaire Survey and academic grades. After this
Citation: Zhang, H.; Su, S.; Zeng, Y.;
study, it was found that significant improvement—in terms of students’ learning experience scores
Lam, J. F. I. An Experimental Study
and academic grades—was seen in the experimental group compared with the control group. This
on the Effectiveness of Students’
study has further verified that implementing a constructive alignment template can significantly
Learning in Scientific Courses
through Constructive Alignment—A
improve students’ learning effectiveness in scientific courses, hence providing theoretical and prac-
Case Study from an MIS Course. tical references for teaching and learning in scientific courses.
Educ. Sci. 2022, 12, 338. Keywords: constructive alignment; intended learning outcomes; learning effectiveness; science
educsci12050338 course; teaching experiment; management information system
dents with a highly challenging and supportive academic environment [2]. The frame-
work involves two aspects of theoretical connotations. First, from the instructors’ perspec-
tive, alignment is manifested as an instructional design with intended learning outcomes,
teaching and learning processes, and assessment tasks. The teaching and learning activi-
ties, designed by instructors to support and guide students with the intended learning
outcomes, can be proven to be efficient through students’ participation in later assessment
tasks [10]. Second, from the students’ perspective, learners are expected to follow the con-
structive approach to learning; they are to actively construct knowledge and meaning by
changing their cognitive thinking modes to assimilate new knowledge, information, and
methods [11]. Therefore, constructive alignment principles focus on the following ques-
tions in the instructional design of the curriculum: what are the specific learning outcomes
that students need to achieve in their learning process? To achieve these intended out-
comes, what learning activities and learning experiences should students have? How do
teachers determine if their students have learned effectively?
Biggs focused on constructing a student-centred learning environment using the
framework of constructive alignment principles—including presage, process, and prod-
uct—without deliberately discriminating between humanities and social sciences in terms
of curriculum nature and models of teaching and learning. It is generally believed that in
humanities and social sciences courses, an autonomous learning atmosphere for students
is more likely to form with the involvement of learning outcomes. Additionally, the teach-
ing and learning methods can be more diversified [8,12]. Conversely, due to the nature of
their curriculum, scientific courses tend to place more emphasis on deterministic
knowledge results. Billett [13] points out that teaching and learning are commonly re-
graded as synonyms; the absence of teaching would impact the quality of the learning
experience. Based on the information above, this study intends to explore the effectiveness
of students’ learning in scientific courses using constructive alignment principles. This
study conducted an experimental study in the education sector to compare two different
teaching models—traditional and following constructive alignment—and used statistical
tools to analyse differences in students’ learning effectiveness. The results provide theo-
retical and practical references for teaching and learning in scientific courses.
reflect the specificity of intended learning activities and the richness of knowledge con-
tent. Furthermore, these learning outcomes could also help students to answer the ques-
tion of what they should be able to demonstrate at the end of learning experiences. These
student responses, in turn, provide enlightenment for educators, enabling them to con-
duct more student-centred teaching practices as encouraged by constructive alignment (p.
125, [18]).
3. Literature Review
3.1. Constructive Alignment
The literature related to constructive alignment involves a range of professional dis-
ciplines [1,3,4,6,8,26,27], because the purpose of constructive alignment is to promote the
improvement in students’ learning effectiveness across different courses. Although the
importance of constructive alignment has been widely recognised, there are few studies
on the effectiveness of its implementation. Many of these studies are purely theoretical,
focusing on topics such as assessing learning outcomes in interactive learning spaces [28],
exploring the relationship between constructive alignment and different criteria levels
[29], discussing the international vision of intended learning outcomes in programmes
[30], or examining the different theoretic models of constructive alignment in different
contexts [1,31]. However, some of the other research studies directly explore the applica-
tion of constructive alignment in scientific courses [32–34].
learning and research skill development. However, this study did not consider the adop-
tion of standard experimental methods.
4. Methodology
This study adopted an experimental methodology. The course “Management Infor-
mation System” (MIS) at a tertiary institution in a southern city of mainland China was
selected as the implementation case based on the research objectives. The MIS course at
this university is a science-oriented, interdisciplinary course. It is offered in the third se-
mester of the undergraduate study, which involves different disciplines, such as computer
science management, database technology, operations research, communication, and net-
work technology. This study used the experimental group to explore the impact of imple-
menting a constructive alignment theoretical framework on students’ learning effective-
ness in the MIS course.
Step 2: Control the irrelevant variables. To achieve better experimental results, this
study attempted to control all variables other than the independent variable (implemen-
tation of constructive alignment principle) and dependent variable (learning effective-
ness) as much as possible. First, researchers aimed to accomplish this by ensuring the age
and proportion of male and female students in the two courses were roughly the same.
Secondly, these students primarily originated from the same province in southern China,
and their college entrance examination scores fell mainly between the score requirements
of attending first-tier and second-tier universities. Thirdly, the courses were taught by the
same instructor—who used the same teaching topics, materials, and reference data—and
the total amount of instructional and assessment time was 18 weeks. Finally, the assess-
ment criteria of the course were reviewed and verified by the programme coordinator and
other academic staff, which helped counter the inconsistency of grading standards during
the performance evaluation process.
Step 3: Implement the experiment. In the control group, the teacher adopted the tra-
ditional teaching style based on the courseware and supplemented by classroom Q & A,
computer practice, and other supplementary instructional methods. There were only two
assessments throughout the semester: a mid-term computer experiment and the final test.
Students’ final grades were given as a combination of their scores on these two assess-
ments and their usual classroom performance.
Alternatively, the teacher in the experimental group adopted constructive alignment
teaching templates. The instructor started the course by introducing and explaining the
abstract of curriculum contents, the concrete intended learning outcomes, teaching and
learning activities, and all formative and summative assessment tasks; simultaneously,
they answered students’ questions.
Step 4: Set up the measurement methods. The objective of this study was to investi-
gate the difference in learning effectiveness between the control group and the experi-
mental group. The primary measuring methods were considered from the students’ per-
spective with two variables: students’ course learning experience scores and their aca-
demic performances. Using both students’ course learning experience scores and their ac-
ademic performances as learning outcomes variables, the validity of the constructive
alignment can be understood not only from students’ subjective experiences but also from
the quantified scores. Therefore, to improve the credibility of this research, the qualitative
and quantitative analyses are combined.
Step 5: Conduct statistical analysis. The experimental results were analysed and pro-
cessed using IBM SPSS Statistics 26 so final discussions and the formation of conclusions
could be carried out.
of intended learning outcomes for different stages of instruction. It is argued that, as teach-
ing projects advance from the primary to the advanced levels, the breadth of knowledge
used in the implementation of instructional plans would be adjusted accordingly, and the
integration of knowledge would also become more purposeful [44].
Compared to the control group, the teaching and learning activities of the experi-
mental group focused more on a student-centred approach, emphasising the formation of
a teacher–student learning community and insisting that activities align with intended
learning outcomes. In the learning process, the experimental group adopted a case-driven
learning method with the help of a flipped classroom. Students were asked to read case
materials before classes and formed cooperative learning groups during class time. With
the framework of “research skill development, RSD”, teachers guided students in devel-
oping research skills during the learning process of each case study [45]. The experimental
group also developed simulated projects to align learning with intended learning out-
comes. For example, for the intended outcome of analysing the system business process,
students were first asked to describe their phase of information processing. Then, the
teacher would generalise their language. With the help of the teacher’s adjustment and
supplemental elements, students formed the prototype of the business process and com-
pleted the flowchart. Because students’ enthusiasm was fully mobilised in this process,
they wanted to participate positively. The project achieved the intended learning out-
comes of interpreting, analysing, and demonstrating the business needs of enterprises
with the help of the integrated use of case analysis, problem guidance, situation design,
group project cooperation, and other comprehensive methods under the collaborative
community. Earlier studies also investigated the role of cooperative learning environ-
ments in improving students’ higher-order skills [46] and enhancing critical thinking and
reasoning abilities [47]. Case-based learning with cooperation has also long been proven
to facilitate student discussion and improve their advanced cognitive reasoning skills [48].
Teaching and learning activities in the experimental group were committed to providing
a learning atmosphere aligned with their intended learning outcomes.
Formative independent and cooperative learning activities were provided as assess-
ment tasks for the experimental group. While the formative assessment focused on teacher
feedback on different perspectives and students’ improvement, students’ learning process
was also viewed as belonging to the teachers’ assessment process. Additionally, since stu-
dents would achieve one or several learning outcomes during the learning process, stu-
dents’ continuous assessment grade was formed by two parts of usual performance (at-
tendance, motivation, etc.) and independent learning and cooperative practice (cases, pro-
jects, integrated application, etc.). Teachers focused on students’ achievement of academic
tasks rather than just simply grading [49]. The comprehensive case analysis was con-
ducted as the summative assessment. A criterion-referenced assessment was adopted, set-
ting five levels (excellent, good, medium, passed, and failed) according to different eval-
uative dimensions. The corresponding levels students could attain were determined by
their performance scores and were not established in advance based on the normal distri-
bution curve [50].
Table 1. Basic information of participating students in the experimental and control groups.
Course of Scores of College Entrance Examina- Year of
Gender Age Place of Residence
Study tion Study
Between the
Above the Threshold Score
(19–20 Years Threshold Score of First-Tier Uni- The Second Guang Outside
Male Female MIS
Old) of First-Tier Uni- versities and Sec- Year Dong Guang Dong
versities ond-Tier Univer-
Control group size 31 73 104 104 15 89 104 104 0
Experimental group
14 41 55 55 6 49 55 52 3
5. Results
After excluding five invalid questionnaires, the effective response rates of the two
groups that completed the students’ Course Experience Questions were 96.3% and 88.7%.
Irrelevant variables, such as age, gender percentage, place of residence, and college en-
trance examination scores, were controlled for with the participants’ characteristics in Ta-
ble 1. This study adopted exploratory descriptive statistics based on different groups and
tested for normality using the Shapiro–Wilk test (Table 2). The statistical results show that
the kurtosis and skewness of the scores of each question item in different groups followed
the normal trend; the p-value of the S-W statistics was mostly greater than 0.05, indicating
that the first and second sample groups met the assumption of normality, respectively.
The results in Table 3 show that the average scores of the 16 items improved. After
an independent sample t-test, when p < 0.05 except for “the teacher returns assignments
promptly” and “the teacher is enthusiastic about his/her subject”, the scores of other items
had a statistically significant improvement. The statistically significant Cohen’s d measure
ranged from 0.34 to 0.67, with a relatively high effect, indicating a larger difference be-
Educ. Sci. 2022, 12, 338 9 of 16
tween the experimental and control groups. The average scores of two items demonstrat-
ing no statistically significant improvement also showed a positive direction trend. In ad-
dition, the standard deviation of each item score of the experimental group was smaller
compared to the control group. This finding indicates that the statistical dispersion of stu-
dents’ scoring in the experimental group was smaller, and the consistency of course expe-
rience was higher.
useful in en-
hancing my un-
derstanding of
the subject/ana-
lytic abil-
13. The various 1 104 3.600 0.950 3.5 0.333 0.245 0.243
learning mod-
ules’ compo-
nents (e.g., lec-
tures, tutorials, 2 55 4.050 0.756 4 −0.025 −0.418 0.078
seminars, etc.)
are well inte-
14. The relative 1 104 3.530 1.070 4 −0.185 −0.456 0.093
weightings of
learning mod-
ules assessment
(e.g., assign- 2 55 4.110 0.685 4 −0.062 −0.215 0.154
ments, tests, ex-
ams, etc.) are
15. The course 1 104 3.630 0.996 4 0.142 0.332 0.068
has adopted an
method that
combines quan- 2 55 4.040 0.693 4 −0.055 −0.764 0.036
titative scoring
and qualitative
16. The course 1 104 3.540 1.023 3 0.288 0.270 0.164
assessment can
reflect students’
2 55 4.110 0.658 4 −0.049 −0.325 0.066
learning pro-
Note: M = mean; SD = standard deviation; Mdn = median; S. W. = Shapiro–Wilk statistic.
Control Group t
Question Items Group df Cohen’s d
M(SD) (* p < 0.05)
1. The teacher proposes teaching objec-
tives or learning outcomes at the begin- 3.770 (0.895) 4.040 (0.693) 2.084 * 136 0.34
ning of the course.
2. The learning outcomes of each class are
3.680 (1.017) 4.020 (0.680) 2.476 * 148 0.39
specific and clear.
3. Students can understand the teacher’s
teaching intentions in the learning pro- 3.630 (1.025) 4.020 (0.782) 2.634 * 137 0.43
4. The teacher encourages class discussion. 3.580 (0.972) 3.960 (0.719) 2.844 * 140 0.44
5. The teacher invites students to share
3.400 (1.010) 3.980 (0.828) 3.874 * 130 0.63
their knowledge and experiences.
6. The teacher returns assignments
3.860 (0.989) 4.020 (0.652) 1.240 149 0.20
7. The teacher invites comments on his/her
3.560 (1.003) 4.040 (0.719) 3.465 * 143 0.55
own ideas.
Educ. Sci. 2022, 12, 338 11 of 16
When deciding how to measure the second learning effectiveness variable, research-
ers considered that the ordinal variable represented the student’s performance. Therefore,
the study adopted the Nonparametric Sum of Ranks Tests (Mann–Whitney Test) to study
the changes in the performances of the experimental and control groups.
The statistical results in Table 4 show the value of ASM. Sig. (two-tailed) was 0.010,
less than 0.05, proving that the academic performance of the experimental group had a
statistically significant improvement compared to that of the control group.
To further verify the specific differences between various groups of students in dif-
ferent grades, the study examined the differences between the experimental and control
groups in each grade; this was determined using Pearson chi-square statistics after
weighting the number of percentages for each grade (Table 5). The statistical results show
that the significant differences between the groups were mainly in the good grade (p =
0.043 < 0.05), while the differences in the other grades were not that significant.
Asymp. Sig.
Mann–Whitney U Wilcoxon W Z
Value 2577.500 8463.500 −2.586 0.010
As shown by the sample data in Figure 1, compared to the control group, the exper-
imental group showed a decrease in the proportion of students in the low-scoring band
(failing, passing, and moderate) and an increase in the proportion of students in the high-
scoring band (good and excellent). Together with the statistically significant increase in
good grades, these findings ensure a significant increase in the experimental group com-
pared to the control group.
Educ. Sci. 2022, 12, 338 12 of 16
Table 5. Chi-square test for each grade between the two groups.
Comparison of Each
Chi-Square Test
Grade between the TOTAL N df Asymp. Sig. (2-Tailed)
Two Groups
Excellent 10 3.600 1 0.058
Good 55 4.091 1 0.043
Medium 63 1.921 1 0.166
Passed 48 0.083 1 0.773
Failed 24 2.667 1 0.102
35.48% 37.00%
6. Discussion
The experiment was designed to observe the impact of the constructive alignment
initiative on student learning effectiveness. The connotation of constructive alignment is
composed of three intentionally aligned elements: intended learning outcomes, construc-
tive nature of teaching and learning processes, and learning assessments. For the specific
results of the experiment, this study was interpreted according to these three components.
The results show that after the implementation of constructive alignment, the students in
the experimental group showed significant improvement in their academic performance
and learning experience scores compared with the control group. After controlling for
other variables’ influence as much as possible, this result better reflected the effectiveness
of implementing constructive alignment and verified the earlier hypothesis proposed by
this study.
After examining the results of students’ intended learning outcomes (from item 1 to
item 3), the experimental group gave a clear, satisfied response towards learning out-
comes and the teaching intentions of teachers. The central element of constructive align-
ment is setting intended learning outcomes and using Bloom’s and SOLO taxonomies as
frames of reference [51]. Previous research has confirmed that using specific verbs for in-
tended learning outcomes can be closely related to learning activities and assessments
[15,16,18]. The statistically significant improvement in the scores of corresponding items
also showed that students could lead their own learning using specific verbs in their stud-
ies, “relating” and “extending” their knowledge and abilities to a higher level.
The curriculum design in the teaching and learning processes included forms of
learning, teaching methods, teacher–student relationships, course learning, structures,
and other aspects. The primary goal of constructive alignment is to keep teaching and
learning activities aligned with intended learning outcomes and form a learning commu-
nity. This study adopted case and project teaching methods used in the teaching and
learning process, hoping to stimulate students to take the initiative in knowledge con-
struction. Simultaneously, formative assessments involving feedback and improvement
were added to classroom teaching, strengthening the viewpoint that “assessment activi-
Educ. Sci. 2022, 12, 338 13 of 16
ties are the primary learning activities in higher education” [52] and emphasising the im-
portance of integrating formative assessment with teaching and learning activities. Some
studies have provided empirical examples of how formative assessment may influence an
individual student’s use of self-regulated learning skills or criteria [20,53]. These findings
coincide with the empirical results of this study. During the process of cooperating, ques-
tioning, commenting, and thinking in the case and project analyses, students expanded
their thinking, developed a great interest in learning, showed their unique ability, and
were often able to “have an epiphany”. Recent studies also confirmed that perceiving
teaching–learning activities as being aligned with intended learning outcomes was asso-
ciated with enjoyment of the course and usefulness ratings [54]. The significant improve-
ment in the scores of students in the experimental group from items 4 to 14 could further
indicate that the teaching and learning process in the experimental group was more con-
structive than the traditional teaching model of the control group.
Finally, the assessment model of the experimental group tends to be a criterion-ref-
erenced assessment, which could better reflect the “qualitative” characteristic of the stand-
ard. For example, in the comprehensive case analysis of the final assessment, students can
obtain specific grades when they meet the corresponding standards of each assessing di-
mension [14,25]. The students in the experimental group not only had a better learning
experience but also had a statistically significant improvement in their final scores com-
pared to the control group. In addition, the experimental group combined the formative
assessment in daily learning with the final summative assessment. Students in this group
showed significant improvement in their experience scores on the assessment. Further-
more, because the assessment was aligned with the intended learning outcomes and
teaching and learning activities, it also reflected the students’ learning content, which was
supported by the significant improvement in students’ scores on the last question item in
the experimental group.
7. Conclusions
This study adopted an experimental research methodology to investigate students’
perspectives on their learning effectiveness after the implementation of constructive align-
ment in an MIS course. Researchers obtained results with statistical significance. Accord-
ing to Bloxham and Boyd [52], the structures and characteristics of courses are the key to
supporting and reinforcing students’ ability to take an initiative and sophisticated ap-
proach to their learning, and form clear structures as well as the knowledge bases to pro-
mote students’ integration of content and expansion of new topics that relate to previous
knowledge. The experiment in this study illustrated the effectiveness of implementing
constructive alignment by verifying the changes in student scores on the course experi-
ences and final assessment. Through independent sample t-tests, students’ scores on the
course experiences in the experimental group showed statistically significant improve-
ments. A nonparametric Mann–Whitney test for ordinal variables and a chi-square test on
each grade also confirmed that students from the experimental group improved signifi-
cantly in their performances. The evidence from both tests verified our research hypothe-
sis, explaining that the implementation of constructive alignment could be productive for
students’ learning in scientific courses.
In today’s era of massification of higher education, many students from tertiary ed-
ucation find themselves unsuited to the university environment, lacking confidence in
their learning ability and feeling doubtful about whether they will be able to complete
their studies [55]. The constructive alignment theory can help improve students’ learning
effectiveness by providing an operational framework for science education through the
close interrelation of intended learning outcomes, teaching and learning activities, and
learning assessment. By verifying the effectiveness of the experimental group after imple-
menting the theoretical framework of constructive alignment, this study provided empir-
ical evidence and insight into the teaching and learning processes of scientific education.
Educ. Sci. 2022, 12, 338 14 of 16
Nevertheless, this study also has limitations. On the one hand, the present study did
not consider uncontrollable factors, such as the need to change specific teaching content
due to the changing teaching methods. On the other hand, the study only compared the
experimental and control groups; it did not consider whether the improvement in stu-
dents’ academic performance and experience scores was affected by other factors (such as
environmental change or professional interest). This limitation also shows that the con-
structive alignment principle tends to emphasise the establishment of theoretical models,
but the factors related to the external environment and emotional perspective have not
been considered. In future in-depth research, we can further study the impact of construc-
tive alignment on students’ academic performance in different disciplines to explore
whether the results of this study can be extended to other situations. In addition, to make
the research more scientific, researchers should control for the interference factors that
may be involved in the experiment. In short, there is still a broader and more in-depth
research space available for studying the impact of constructive alignment on students’
learning results. Additionally, we should pay more attention to the scientific design of the
experimental process and other influencing factors within the experimental group to im-
prove the theory and practice of the teaching process in scientific education.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, H.Z.; Formal analysis, H.Z., S.S., and Y.Z.; Investigation,
H.Z., and S.S.; Methodology, H.Z.; Project administration, L.J.F.I.; Resources, H.Z.; Writing—origi-
nal draft, H.Z.; Writing—review and editing, Y.Z., H.Z., and S.S. All authors have read and agreed
to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This work was financially supported by the Macao Polytechnic Institute (RP/ESCHS-
Institutional Review Board Statement: Ethical review and approval were waived for this study,
due to being a study involving a small number of healthy adults, participating under informed con-
sent, with no sensitive data collection.
Informed Consent Statement: Written informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in
the study.
Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study are available on request from the
corresponding author. The data are not publicly available due to privacy issues.
Acknowledgments: The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the Macao Polytechnic In-
stitute (RP/ESCHS-04/2021).
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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