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Cümle Tamamlama

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27. - 36. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun 29.

We take the complexity of our social

şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz. behaviours for granted, ---- .

A) so people attribute our linguistic skills to

27. The long-term goal of reducing poverty, our large brains, ability to make complex hand
and overpopulation will be impossible to gestures, and distinctive vocal tracts
reach ---- .
B) as they tend to belong to highly related
A) if this many people consume energy at the family groups, genetically programmed to act
current rate in the developed world largely for the good of the group
B) until we free women around the world C) though they routinely exchange favours,
from the enslavement of ignorance goods and services with others outside their
immediate family
C) but humankind will have to tackle to create
a sustainable future D) whereas we evolved complex brain circuits
and sophisticated machinery in order to speak
D) though education is a basic human right
that has been systematically denied too many E) but all these actions rest on the ability to
women for too long negotiate, bargain, reach agreements and
hold people to them
E) as one proven way to reduce fertility rates
is to empower young women by educating


30. Even if Earth is not the only planet with

28. Images will play a bigger role in future intelligent life, ---- .
online communication, ----.
A) human intelligence has only existed for a
A) because they cross language barriers minuscule fraction of Earth’s history
B) as the traditional building blocks of B) some astronomers believe life is almost
language are being upgraded inevitable on any habitable planet
C) just as millions of us have real-time C) we appear destined to live out our entire
conversations in writing, online and on our existence as if it were
mobile phones
D) astronomers have swept the skies with
D) though chat rooms, instant messaging, radio telescopes for any hint of a message.
they all contributed to informalisation of
written language E) what we really want to know is whether
there is another intelligence out there
E) unless people abandon their languages in
despair A B C D E


31. ---- , though more work is needed to 33. Awake and dreaming people have
provide conclusive evidence on individual comparably high consciousness traces, ---- .
A) just as there are many different types of
A) Around 7.8 million premature deaths could consciousness
be prevented annually across the globe
B) whereas those anaesthetised or in deep
B) The amount of exercise you need depends sleep possess much lower values
on your reasons for exercising
C) even if parts of your brain clearly have these
C) Pesticides are used to control pests that properties right now
can affect our health, safety or food supply
D) because it offers answers to many intriguing
D) Peppers, carrots and green beans may questions
reduce cancer risk in particular
E) so doctors may not determine whether
E) No studies so far show a direct connection unresponsive patients are conscious.
between pesticide exposure and an increased
risk of breast cancer in people A B C D E

34. However challenging it may be for
retailers, ---- .
32. Thanks to social networks that enabled
A) developing a loyal customer base is essential
the transmission and receipt of digitized
to maintaining an active and healthy brand
messages, photographs, and video, ----.
B) it can be difficult for retailers to build a loyal
A) parents also need to pay attention to the
customer base
online trends and the latest technologies,
websites and applications children are using C) sellers often mistakenly think that
customers will only buy the cheapest product
B) observers from academia all agree that new
approaches should be carefully considered and
attempted on an experimental basis D) rising trends indicate that the company
experiences positive development
C) tech giants are consciously failing to stop
their platforms being used to spread E) increasing prices involve a rise in cost of
extremism. production of consumer goods
D) the focus at media should be much more on
positive messaging

E) militant groups now have new ways to share

propaganda, recruit people to their cause and
steal information


35. Once a society deems certain attitudes 36. ---- since they lack adequate immune
unacceptable, ---- . system to shield them from diseases.

A) social values are cultural standards that

indicate the general good deemed desirable
A) Most side effects of vaccinations are mild
for organised social life
and short-lived
B) a set of standards will develop that regulate
B) With the emergence of vaccines, myriad
their relationships and modes of behaviour
deadly diseases have been curbed and
C) such regularities in behaviour have been eliminated indefinitely
explained in terms of social norms
C) Infants require further boost to their
D) it becomes difficult for individuals to immune system which can only be done via
advocate them in public vaccination

E) socio-demographic characteristics have D) New-born babies are immune to some

been found to affect a large number of social diseases with antibodies they get from their
beliefs mothers

E) Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that live in

your gut and help stimulate your immune


27. - 36. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun 29. Many animals stockpile food to prepare for
şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz. harsh winters or guard against theft by other
animals, ---- .
27. Although it is distributed unevenly A) however, hoarding behaviours are thought to
geographically, ---- . begin quite early, even in adolescence
A) changing climatic conditions affect the B) likewise, our hunter-gatherer ancestors
availability of water, ecosystem service benefited from hiding supplies so that wild
functioning, and crop, livestock, forestry and animals and other bands of early humans
fisheries wouldn’t get to them
B) many low income and informal settlements are C) therefore, until recently, hoarding disorder was
located in areas exposed to floods and landslides seen as part of obsessive compulsive disorder
C) some projections predict an average of 2 D) conversely, they often develop emotional
percent decline in productivity over the coming attachments to objects, seeing them as
decades mementos and even filling them with person-like
D) climate change impacts all aspects of food
security and nutrition for people living in rural and E) because it involves dealing with the beliefs you
urban areas hold and the emotions you experience.
E) there are growing rates of malnutrition and
food insecurity in urban areas


30. ----, but multiple factors are likely to be

28. The history of science is filled with full involved.
instances in which major advances occurred, ---- .
A) No one knows exactly what causes an
A) even though this assumption nicely autoimmune disease
corresponded with everyday experiences
B) Immune system cannot patrol everywhere to
B) so some examples may provide us with a better provide body-wide surveillance
appreciation of the virtues of basic research
C) Recent studies have determined the gene
C) only when one set of assumptions was replaced involved and causative mutations for 36 diseases
by a different set
D) After years of research, scientists have
D) before they are applied in the form of identified the virus that is responsible for the
technology disease
E) although many of these secrets may not have E) Most autoimmune diseases have yet to be
immediate application to practical problems treated with current medicine


31. Unless consumers know exactly what the 33. Theories such as gravity and relativity have
words, phrases, and images on food labels mean, withstood repeated testing from many different
----. scientific disciplines, ----- .

A) food labels and what they mean are not A) but even though they are accepted today, they
straight forward are still undergoing further testing

B) the adoption will be slow and ineffective B) if observations, measurement, and discoveries
are repeatedly tested
C) there needs to be a sustained education and
communications initiative to get the consumers C) whereas scientists question their data with a
healthy scepticism and are open to accepting
D) it becomes impossible to make informed
changes in their conclusions
D) when they question the validity of current
E) consumers typically make purchasing decisions
conclusions and theories
at the store based on the content of the food
label E) as they usually depend on enhancing our
understanding of the world in which we live.


32. Infants employ innate and powerful methods

to communicate moods, interest, and needs to 34. Since our understanding about the
their caretakers ---- . environmental consequences of human activity
has grown, ---- .
A) even if they develop the ability to grasp and

B) long before they develop a useful vocabulary A) many of our current practices are
unsustainable and are likely changing the planet’s
C) because they find play contributes both to
environmental systems
creativity and to developing excellent teams
B) soil and ground water contamination is a highly
D) though parents ignore that different children
complex environmental problem facing the nation
learn in different ways
E) as the ability of young infants to learn to speak
C) current risk assessment techniques are far from
is one of the miracles of human experience
A B C D E D) we have responded to global phenomena as if
they were local

E) many believe that we have an obligation to

change existing practices and implement new
ones to minimize or reverse those trends


35. In order to create an innovative organisation
in the highly competitive world, ---- .

A) the last few decades have seen a number of

large iconic organizations disappear from
everyday conversations

B) too many organizations are oblivious to the

type of service or process innovation

C) your organization will be positioned to stay

ahead of the competition

D) you have to encourage people to experiment

and acknowledge that failure is part of it

E) they need processes, procedures and structures

that allow the timely and effective execution of


36. It is argued that if developing countries

collectively increase the supply of certain
exports, ----.

A) globalization usually weakens the state's

influence on trade

B) They would also monopolize the scarce supply

of skilled labour, hurting national companies

C) they will probably drive global prices down


D) the consumers of poor countries have

benefited from this growth

E) the capital account needs to be managed




27.  -­‐-­‐  36.  sorularda,  verilen  cümleyi  uygun    

şekilde    tamamlayan    ifadeyi    bulunuz.      
27.  Safe  and  readily  available  water  is  important  
29.  Once  the  child  has  been  taught  to  read  and  
for  public  health,  -­‐-­‐-­‐.    
develop  a  love  for  books,  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐  .  
A)  yet  improved  water  supply  and  sanitation  can  
A)  reading  is  a  very  important  issue  which  is  not  
boost  countries’  economic  growth  and  contribute  
only  about  enjoyment  but  a  necessity;  the  basic  
greatly  to  poverty  reduction  
tool  of  education    
B)  just  as  contaminated  water  and  poor  sanitation  
B)  he  can  explore  for  himself  the  wealth  of  human  
are  linked  to  transmission  of  diseases  such  as  
experience  and  knowledge  
cholera,  diarrhoea  
C)  technology  is  slowly  taking  a  steady  control  
C)  before  inadequate  water  and  sanitation  
over  individual  lives  
services  exposed  individuals  to  preventable  health  
risks   D)  reading  habit  has  played  a  very  crucial  role  in  
enabling  a  person  to  achieve  practical  efficiency  
D)  unless  water  is  contaminated  while  being  
transported  or  stored   E)  it  is  possible  that  he  misses  the  opportunity  of  
getting  in  touch  with  books  
E)  whether  it  is  used  for  drinking,  domestic  use,  
food  production  or  recreational  purposes      



  30.  Alzheimer's  disease  is  one  of  the  most  

dreaded  illnesses  facing  older  people,  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐.  
28.  World  agriculture  produces  17%  more  
calories  per  person  today  than  it  did  30  years   A)  but  there  is  no  consensus  on  the  underlying  
ago,  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐  .   mechanism  of  the  disease  

A)  though  global  demand  for  accommodation  is   B)  and  the  news  is  full  of  stories  about  ways  to  
expected  to  increase  dramatically   stay  healthy,  eat  right,  and  keep  fit  

B)  but  it  is  imperative  that  we  increase  our   C)  though  making  healthy  choices  can  also  lower  
capacity  to  meet  the  threats  posed  by  climate   the  risk  of  certain  chronic  diseases  
D)    even  if  memory  loss  associated  with  
C)  due  to  rising  yields,  higher  farming  intensity   Alzheimer's  disease  persists  and  worsens  
and  more  use  of  land  
E)  as  brain  cells  depend  on  an  internal  support  
D)  in  addition  to  the  growing  worldwide  food  and   and  transport  system  to  carry  nutrients  
agricultural  crisis  threatening  to  deepen  poverty,  
and  food  insecurity  
E)  even  if  science  plays  a  key  role  in  understanding  
the  dynamics  of  agricultural  and  forest  resources    


31.  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐,  as  a  result,  many  people  choose  to  wear   33.  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐  ,  the  person  may  not  grow  to  be  as  tall  as  
strong  sunscreen  when  the  weather  is  sunny.     is  genetically  possible  if  proper  nutrition  is  not  
A)  Pigments  in  the  skin  help  protect  against  
damaging  ultraviolet  rays  which  can  skin  aging   A)  Even  if  a  person  has  inherited  genes  for  taller  
and  damage  DNA,  resulting  in  cancer   than  average  height  

B)  There  is  an  unawareness  of  sun  exposure  for   B)  Because  primary  genes  set  the  ground  work  for  
vitamin  D  and  how  to  protect  from  the  harm  that   all  future  socialization  
comes  with  overexposure  
C)  When  a  child  shows  substantial  deviation  from  
C)  Eliminating  exposure  to  sunlight  has  created   the  average  
epidemic  vitamin  D  deficiencies    
D)  Although  there  are  individual  differences  in  
D)  In  recent  years,  there  has  been  a  lot  of  publicity   children’s  timing  of  developmental  milestones  
about  the  dangers  of  ultraviolet  light  on  your  skin    
E)  Unless  we  are  affected  by  the  environment  in  
E)  Vitamin  D  can  be  obtained  through  food   the  course  of  developmental  years  
sources  including  fortified  milk,  certain  edible  
mushrooms,  fish,  and  eggs  
34.  Large  animal  species  can  be  more  vulnerable  
32.  For  decades,  scientists  have  estimated  that  
to  human  persecution  such  as  hunting,  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐.  
the  Siberian  unicorn  died  out  some  350,000  years  
ago,  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐.   A)  since  extinctions  can  disrupt  vital  ecological  
processes  such  as  pollination  and  seed  dispersal  
A)  because  it  was  nothing  like  the  one  found  in  
your  favourite  children’s  book   B)  whereas  smaller  species  are  generally  more  
vulnerable  to  habitat  loss  
B)  while  this  could  allow  us  to  make  more  
informed  choices  about  the  future  of  our  own   C)  although  the  extinction  of  such  species  such  as  
species   large  predators  may  have  more  devastating  
ecological  consequences    
C)  as  there  was  a  very  real  'unicorn'  that  roamed  
Earth  tens  of  thousands  of  years  ago   D)  but  it  may  act  together  with  other  drivers  such  
as  overharvesting  and  pollution  
D)  but  a  beautifully  preserved  skull  found  in  
Kazakhstan  has  completely  overturned  that   E)  unless  this  leads  to  more  losses,  ecosystem  
assumption   collapse,  and  a  higher  extinction  rate  overall  
E)  although  this  bear  was  likely  a  very  old  male,    
and  it  is  not  clear  how  it  actually  died  remains  






35.  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐  as  living  standards  have  risen  and  the     37.   42.  sorularda,  verilen  İngilizce  
populations  of  developing  countries  are  starting   cümleye  anlamca  e n  yakın  Türkçe  
  cümleyi,  Türkçe  cümleye  anlamca  en  
to  travel  for  the  first  time.  
yakın  İngilizce  cümleyi     bulunuz.  
A)  The  spending  power  of  older  generations  in  
Western  economies  may  decline  in  the  long  term    
B)  Community  is  regarded  as  a  logical  extension  of   37.  If  you  buy  things  that  you  never  planned  to  
family     purchase,  you  are  more  likely  to  spend  beyond  
your  budget  and  take  on  debt.  
C)  Some  young  people  are  unlikely  to  travel  for  
studying  in  the  places  they  visit   A)  Asla  satın  almayı  planlamadığınız  şeyleri  satın  
almanın  bütçenizin  ötesinde  harcama  yapmaya  ve  
D)  Youth  travel  has  grown  rapidly  in  recent  
borçlanmaya  sebep  olması  çok  daha  olasıdır.  
B)  Satın  almayı  planlamadığınız  şeyleri  asla  satın  
E)  The  money  that  educational  institutions  earn  
almamalıyız  ve  bütçenizin  ötesinde  harcama  
from  science  projects  has  been  curbed  
yapma  ve  borçlanma  olasılığına  dikkat  etmeliyiz.  
C)  Eğer  asla  satın  almayı  planlamadığınız  şeyleri  
  satın  alırsanız,  bütçenizin  ötesinde  harcama  
yapmanız  ve  borçlanmanız  daha  olasıdır.  
D)  Hiç  satın  almayı  planlamadığınız  şeyleri  satın  
aldığımız  sürece,  bütçemizi  aşan  harcama  
36.  Some  parents  believe  that  today’s   yapmamız  ve  borç  almamız  olası  olabilir.  
educational  institutions  inhibit  true  learning  and  
E)  Satın  almayı  planlamadığınız  şeyleri  asla  satın  
growth,  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐.  
almadıkça,  bütçenizin  aşan  harcama  yapma  ve  
A)  but  they  were  disappointed  by  the  experience   borçlanma  olasılığınız  düşüktür.  

B)  whether  we  should  understand  where  our    

children  are  academically  
C)  while  there  is  even  a  name  for  home-­‐schoolers  
who  travel:  road  schoolers  
D)  if  you  can  discover  what  your  child’s  learning  
style  is    

E)  so  they  consider  home-­‐schooling  their  children    








27. - 36. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun
şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

27. Since they are sold unlabelled in the 29. Given that we have a genetic predisposition
conventional market, ----. to a particular weight, shape and size, ---- .

A) genetic engineering reduces the time to A) an individual may not be born with a disease
identify desirable traits, allowing a more precise but may be at high risk of acquiring it
alteration of a plant's traits B) it is no wonder that dieting fails for 95% of
B) environmental and consumer concerns may individuals
prevent acceptance of agricultural biotechnology C) environmental factors such as lack of exercise
C) there is no way to tell specifically which appear to play the biggest role
tomatoes, potatoes, corn, soy, etc. have been D) there has been some study of why some
actually genetically engineered people appear more likely to gain weight
D) scientists have been working to improve plants E) most eating disorders typically onset during
and animals for human benefit for hundreds of adolescence

E) concerns have been raised about risks

associated with their release

30. Research on public opinion finds the

potential for persuasion is highest ----.
28. Teaching a language directly helps learners
learn the language, ---- . A) though technological advances have opened up
new communications channels and media options
A) as effective second language instruction to target individuals
includes many factors
B) as political polarization can fundamentally
B) therefore, they require less precise vocabulary change public opinion dynamics
and sentence structures
C) but social networking sites are also flooded
C) though teaching students to read in their first with interesting political comments and messages
language promotes higher levels of reading
achievement in English D) when respondents are unaware that political
messages are being communicated
D) just as literacy and other skills and knowledge
transfer across language E) before they effectively and efficiently
communicate their message to the voters
E) but they need to be in situations where they
can use the language for genuine communication
as well

31. As human error is currently responsible for 33. Although the Asia-Pacific region has been
over 90 per cent of incidents on our roads, ---- . established as an economic powerhouse and
experienced rapid economic growth, ----.
A) regulations mandate that all autonomous
vehicles must have a steering wheel A) the world is ahead of schedule in meeting the
2015 drinking water target
B) even the most observant human driver’s
attention will begin to wane B) a few Southern providers have increased their
cooperation with our organizations
C) eliminating human control from the driving task
means that fully autonomous vehicles will make C) discrimination against girls and unequal sharing
our towns and cities safer of food have a significant impact on girls’
mortality in Africa
D) humans quickly become over-confident with
the vehicle’s abilities, which can lead to such D) women in many of the region’s countries face
incidents most severe challenges of poverty and
E) it is not yet clear if driverless cars would reduce
accidents caused by human error E) women and girls do not continue to bear the
main responsibility for water and sanitation any

32. Much like yawning, scratching can be a

34. ---- , so that they can pass on this knowledge
contagious behaviour, ---- .
to their students at schools.
A) but the discovery could help us identify the
brain circuitry responsible for this contagious
behaviour A) There is nothing to learn and watching other
practitioners would be sufficient
B) because it is set off simply by watching another
person relieve an itch B) Every society has a set of goals for education,
regardless of whether or not this is made explicit
C) even though scientists have now found that
mice share the same response with us C) Providing someone with knowledge about
hygiene and health does not make him or her into
D) they figured it would be easier to study the
an educator
faithful old lab mouse rather than primates
D) Training for teachers cannot be limited to
E) when they watched other mice scratch, even if
learning pedagogical techniques
their skin could still potentially feel itchy
E) It is certainly essential that teachers master the
scientific knowledge

35. Everyone knows that without a good
education, prospects for a good job with good
earnings are slim, ----.

A) just as children of more educated parents

experience better health

B) because approximately 30 percent of high-

school freshmen in this country fail to graduate
within four years

C) but few people think of education as a crucial

path to health

D) given the changing demography of the country

and the escalating costs of health

E) provided that education can increase people’s

knowledge and cognitive skills

36. ---- if the 2020 target of providing clean water

is to be met.

A) Women’s limited access to resources and

decision-making processes have increased their
vulnerability to climate change

B) 884 million people worldwide still rely on

unimproved water sources for their drinking

C) Increased attention should have been given to

the way people can benefit from economic and
financial resources

D) Violence against women was consistently

addressed as an obstacle to implementation of
this target

E) An additional 1.4 billion people will require

improved access to sanitation


27.  -­‐  36.  sorularda,  verilen  cümleyi  uygun    

şekilde  tamamlayan  ifadeyi  bulunuz.  

29.  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐,  big  retailers  have  made  real  efforts  to  

27.  In  view  of  the  fast  increasing  international  
interaction  and  cooperation  in  socio-­‐political,   provide  a  wider  range  of  organic  products.  
educational,  cultural  and  economic  fields,  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐.   A)  Though  most  consumers  are  careful  when  
A)  the  children’s  home  language  is  different  from   buying  dairy,  meat  and  eggs    
the  school  language  or  the  regional  language   B)  Even  if  it  is  possible  to  find  a  good  range  of  
B)    a  growing  need  for  learning  more  and  more   vegetarian  products  in  our  supermarket  aisles  
foreign  languages  like  Chinese  and  Russian  has   C)  As  there  is  a  growing  concern  by  a  large  group  
recently  been  felt   of  people  about  the  quality  of  the  food  they  eat  
C)  practical  effort  for  improving  it  has  yet  to  be   D)  Whereas  many  communities  are  pulling  
made  at  all  levels  in  the  country   together  to  establish  stronger  local  initiatives,  
D)  failure  to  teach  language  skills  properly  and   such  as  farmers’  markets  
adequately  in  the  early  years  will  lead  to   E)  Since  straightforward  labelling  is  needed  on  all  
difficulties  in  learning  subsequently   products  to  ensure  that  people  really  know  what  
E)  the  integrated  approach  would  be  most   they  are  buying  
suitable  to  achieve  the  desired  objectives    
28.  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐  unless  they  are  provided  with  continuous   30.  Given  that  the  tourism  industry  is  comprised  
on-­‐the-­‐job  training.   entirely  of  leisure  and  nonessential  spending,  -­‐-­‐-­‐.  
A)  There  is  a  natural  tendency  for  management  to   A)  the  strain  that  people  have  felt  throughout  the  
focus  most  heavily  on  senior-­‐level  economic   recession  will  fade  easily  
B)  spending  on  luxury  items  like  recreational  
B)  Productivity  may  be  evaluated  in  terms  of  the   travel  will  be  an  early  priority  
output  of  an  employee  in  a  specific  period  of  time  
C)  it  will  take  short  time  for  a  damaged  travel  and  
C)  Valuing  the  opinions  and  listening  to  the   tourism  industry  to  feel  the  effects  of  a  broader  
suggestions  of  employees  will  show  them  that   recovery  
they  are  part  of  a  team  
D)  the  first  quarter  showed  an  accelerated  rate  of  
D)  Financial  incentives  cannot  be  enough  to  make   job  loss  experienced  by  the  tourism  industry  
for  a  highly  lucrative  business  
E)  it's  not  surprising  that  it  would  contract  faster  
E)  Employees  cannot  become  more  productive  in   than  the  economy  as  a  whole  during  a  recession  
every  sense  of  the  word  


31.  Despite  huge  gains  in  global  economic  output   33.  The  Mayor  of  Flint,  Michigan,  pledged  to  
in  recent  decades,  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐.   release  all  his  e-­‐mails  from  2014  and  2015  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐.  

A)  income  inequality  is  often  presented  as  the   A)  so  that  the  public  can  see  how  he  has  handled  
percentage  of  income  to  a  percentage  of   the  crisis  of  poisoning  water  in  the  town’s  taps  
B)  because  Flint  began  to  draw  its  water  from  the  
B)  we  need  to  make  further  efforts  around  the   Flint  river  instead  of  Lake  Huron  to  save  money  
world  to  accelerate  economic  activity  
C)  even  though  crime  and  unemployment  rates  
C)  our  current  social,  political  and  economic   are  sky-­‐high,  and  around  15%  of  Flint’s  houses  are  
systems  are  exacerbating  inequalities,  rather  than   abandoned  
reducing  them  
D)  but  our  children  have  every  imaginable  
D)  economic  growth  in  recent  decades  has  led  to   obstacle  to  leading  a  successful  life,  and  now  they  
substantial  increases  in  wealth  for  large  numbers   also  have  lead  poisoning  
of  people  across  the  globe  
E)  if  the  damage  done  to  the  pipes  cannot  readily  
E)  traditional  patterns  of  trading  and  investing   be  undone  and  lead  can  still  find  its  way  into  the  
have  rapidly  evolved   water  


32.  While  there  has  been  a  string  of  bilateral   34.  In  order  to  provide  equality  of  opportunity  
deals  struck  between  countries  and  regions,  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐.   and  exploit  people’s  talents  to  the  full,  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐.  

A)  there  is  a  pressing  need  to  reform  the  global   A)  the  country  kept  away  from  giving  everybody  
trade  framework   who  wanted  to  earn  a  degree  a  chance  of  doing  so  
at  a  reasonable  cost  
B)  investing  for  the  long  term  is  vital  for  economic  
growth  and  social  well-­‐being   B)  the  problems  it  is  experiencing  are  likely  to  be  
replicated  elsewhere  
C)  wealthier  countries  also  committed  to  deliver  
significant  flows  of  money  and  technical  support   C)  any  country  needs  to  give  its  cleverest  young  
to  help  poor  countries   people  a  chance  of  getting  into  the  best  
institutions  regardless  of  their  incomes    
D)  much  has  been  done  by  international  
organizations,  civil  society,  and  business  to  raise   D)  the  Obama  administration  has  decreased  
awareness  of  gender  equality   grants  and  made  hard  loans  to  augment  the  
burden  on  the  least  well-­‐off  
E)  the  early  stages  of  a  turn  in  economic  
conditions  are  most  likely  to  be  marked  with   E)  the  combination  of  high  costs  and  a  
caution   fundamentally  unforgiving  loan  system  would  be  
discouraging  the  squeezed  middle    


35.  Australian  government  insists  that  none  of   37.  -­‐  42.  sorularda,  verilen  İngilizce  
the  854  inmates  will  be  brought  to  Australia,  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐.     cümleye  anlamca  en  yakın  Türkçe  cümleyi,  
Türkçe  cümleye  anlamca  en  yakın  İngilizce  
A)  as  about  650,000  New  Zealanders  live  in   cümleyi  bulunuz.  
Australia,  ten  times  the  number  of  Australians  in    
New  Zealand  
37.  China  and  India,  the  world’s  two  emerging  
B)  in  that  a  new  plan  was  announced  six  months   economic  powers,  are  demonstrating  a  sustained  
ago  to  drop  visas  for  some  New  Zealanders  and   increase  in  their  military  expenditure  and  
allow  them  permanent  residence   contribute  to  the  growth  in  world  military  
C)  but  it  has  not  revealed  where  they  will  be  sent   spending.  
instead   A)  Dünyanın  iki  yükselen  gücü  olan  Çin  ve  
D)  though  any  foreigners  who  are  jailed  for  a  year   Hindistan  askeri  harcamalarını  aralıksız  bir  şekilde  
or  more  lose  their  visas  automatically   yükseltiyor  ve  bununla  dünya  askeri  
harcamasındaki  artışa  katkı  sağlamışlardır.  
E)  thus  immigration  detention  centres  in  Australia  
now  hold  almost  200  Kiwis,  more  than  any  other   B)  Dünyanın  iki  yükselen  gücü  olan  Çin  ve  
nationality   Hindistan  askeri  harcamalarında  aralıksız  bir  
yükseliş  sergiliyorlar  ve  dünya  askeri  
  harcamasındaki  artışa  katkı  sağlamaktadırlar.  
  C)  Çin  ve  Hindistan’ın  askeri  harcamalarında  bir  
yükseliş  görülmektedir  ve  dünyanın  iki  yükselen  
gücü  olmaları  küresel  askeri  harcamadaki  artışa  
  katkı  sağlamaktadırlar.  

36.  New-­‐borns  are  especially  vulnerable  to   D)  Dünyanın  önde  gelen  iki  gücü  olan  Çin  ve  
infection,  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐.   Hindistan  askeri  harcamalarında  aralıksız  bir  
yükseliş  göstermektedirler  ve  böylece  dünya  
A)  so  developmentally  a  child’s  experience  in  
askeri  harcamasındaki  artışa  katkı  
these  early  years  is  also  known  to  have  long  term  
E)  Dünyanın  iki  yükselen  gücü  olan  Çin  ve  
B)  however,  high  quality  caregiving  is  extremely  
Hindistan  askeri  harcamalarında  bir  yükseliş  
important  to  babies  and  toddlers  
gösteriyorlar  ve  küresel  askeri  harcamasındaki  
C)  just  as  how  children  grow  and  develop  depends   artışa  destek  vermektedirler.  
on  the  interplay  between  nature  and  nurture  
D)  since  their  immune  systems  haven't  had  a  
chance  to  develop  completely  yet  
E)  when  children  display  more  aggression  toward  
other  children  and  adults    





YDS | 1 Aralık 2019 Özgün Deneme Sınavı

27-36: For these questions, choose the best 29. Industries and cities have historically been
option to complete the given sentence. located along rivers ----.
A) the moment industrial factories use water from
27. ----, the overall health effects of a changing them to power machinery or to cool down
climate are likely to be overwhelmingly machinery
B) though they provide a steady supply of drinking
A) Just as global warming affects social and water and game, make the land fertile for
environmental determinants of health such as growing crops
clean air
C) because they flood, and that flooding doesn’t
B) Though global warming brings some localized discriminate between houses, businesses,
benefits, such as fewer winter deaths in roads, or rail
temperate climates
D) though most often a great number of people
C) Whereas global warming increases the don’t realize the negative impacts that rivers
appearance of violent weather phenomena have on the living world
such as drought
E) since they provide transportation and have
D) Given that climate change agreements as to traditionally been a convenient place to
carbon emissions have been reached through discharge waste
international approaches
E) Even though global warming is indeed real,
and human activity has been a contributor 30. ----, it is the most, if not the only, objective
since 1975 mode of pursuing knowledge.
A) Though science cannot provide one with
hundred percent certainty
MODADİL Yayınları

B) While science can help us understand issues

28. ----, it is sometimes assumed that they are in lots of areas
simply stories with no factual basis, and the
word has become a synonym for C) Even if science is mainly concerned with the
misconception. discovery of new truths
A) Although myths are of unknown origin and at D) Whereas science is the discovering of the
least partly traditional things that have existed
B) As long as myths are frequently perpetuated E) Although science has advanced our standard
through telling and retelling of living tremendously
C) Since myths can be based on true events, or
even people
31. ----, they are better known than any other
D) Unless myths convey exciting stories about archaic human group.
gods and heroes
A) As Neanderthals were regarded as genetically
E) Because myths narrate fantastic events with and behaviourally distinct from living humans
no attempt at proof
B) Just as Neanderthals developed a successful
culture, with a complex stone tool technology
based on hunting
C) Because Neanderthals lived in a land of
abundant limestone caves, which preserved
bones well
D) Given that Neanderthals were apparently
catching and fashioning jewellery from large
raptors in Eurasia
E) Although Neanderthals have been found to
have similar cochlear volumes to modern

4 Suat GÜRCAN - Rıdvan GÜRBÜZ

YDS | 1 Aralık 2019 Özgün Deneme Sınavı

32. Just as a computer requires code to work, ----. 35. ----, life as we know it would not be possible
without these minuscule life forms.
A) our thoughts and feelings about our bodies
impact us throughout our lives A) If many people did not think microorganisms
were very useful for human beings
B) our bodies are naturally radioactive, as we eat
and drink radioactive substances B) As lots of people believe that microorganisms
produce energy sources
C) our exclusive bodies have a skeleton made up
of calcium phosphate crystals C) Although most people think of microorganisms
as being harmful by definition
D) our bodies are regulated by some molecular
programs that are written early in life D) While there are a number of people who utilize
E) our bodies are poorly or inadequately adapted
to environments in which we now live E) Because microorganisms cannot be seen with
the naked eye

33. ----; rather, it is a group of activities and

experiences shared by shamans in cultures 36. ----, theories about the dangers of vaccinations
around the world. pose a great risk to public health.
A) Shamanism is used more generally to describe A) As vaccines have dramatically reduced the
indigenous groups spread of potentially life-threatening diseases
B) Shamanism is clearly distinguished by its B) Since substantial research has shown that
special clothing and accessories vaccination is not cost-effective
MODADİL Yayınları

C) Shamanism per se is not a formalized system C) Given that one in five children worldwide still
of beliefs or an ideology lack access to common necessary vaccines
D) Shamanism is a system of supernatural forces D) While the scientific and medical communities
that is part of religions think that vaccines are both effective and safe
E) Shamanism is regarded as a cross-cultural E) Just as many people die annually from
spiritual path practiced in every count vaccine-preventable diseases or their

34. ----, language defines who we are; that is, it

expresses our identities.
A) Since it has its own ways of constructing
words, and sentences for communicating ideas
B) Now that language differences can bring forth
legitimate communication challenges
C) Even though it is a human system of
communication that uses arbitrary signals
D) Whereas it can be understood only if it is
considered in relation to society
E) As it captures how we perceive the world
around us and how we relate to one another

Suat GÜRCAN - Rıdvan GÜRBÜZ 5

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27.  -­‐  36.  sorularda,  verilen  cümleyi  uygun   29.  Experts  think  that  while  school  staff  cannot  
şekilde  tamamlayan  ifadeyi  bulunuz.   replace  mental  health  professionals,  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐.    
A)  a  variety  of  stressful  events  or  circumstances  
27.  Although  Hittite  is  the  best  known  of  the   can  put  people  at  increased  risk  of  harming  
Indo-­‐European  Anatolian  languages,  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐.   themselves  
A)  they  were  skilled  warriors  and  conquered  the   B)  they  can  be  trained  to  identify  the  signs  and  
country  in  just  five  decades   symptoms  of  suicidal  behaviour  at  their  students  
B)  languages  can  become  extinct  due  to  dominant   C)  certain  social  and  environmental  factors  also  
cultures  oppression   increase  the  likelihood  of  suicide  
C)  several  others  were  in  use,  spoken  in  various   D)  they  could  provide  a  convenient  office  
regions  of  Anatolia   environment  that  will  minimize  the  stress  factors  
at  work  
D)  Kyrill  alphabet  has  been  used  in  these  countries  
in  Aisia.   E)  students  should  choose  subjects  they  are  
interested  in  and  major  in  these  fields  
E)  the  Hittite  dynasty  continued  to  rule  some  
small  kingdoms  in  northern  Syria    
28.  Because  people  have  little  or  no  immunity  to   30.  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐  ,  but  psychologists  have  mostly  given  up  
a  pandemic  flu  virus,  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐.   on  trying  to  divide  humanity  neatly  into  types.  
A)  the  flu  virus  is  spread  when  someone  with  the   A)  Some  people  prefer  interacting  with  the  outer  
flu  coughs  or  sneezes,  by  droplets  containing  the   world  by  talking,  actively  participating,  and  being  
virus   sociable,  expressive    
B)  most  of  them  will  recover  in  short  time  due   B)  There  are  many  ways  to  measure  personality  
preventive  medicine  and  diligent  health  staff  
C)  When  in  decision  making  roles,  many  people  
C)  public  health  officials  may  organize  public   are  cautious,  logical  and  require  many  details  and  
gatherings,  such  as  concerts  and  sporting  events   facts  
D)  evidence  for  such  a  disaster  is  slim  and  doesn't   D)  social  norms  have  long  been  of  interest  to  
require  and  urgent  step  to  be  taken   experts  in  the  field  of  organizational  behaviour    
E)  the  spread  of  the  disease  could  occur  more   E)  behaviour  usually  is  the  result  of  both  
quickly  than  with  an  ordinary  flu   characteristics  possessed  by  an  individual  and  the  
nature  of  the  situation  

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31.  Although  there  had  been  previous  warnings   33.  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐,  it  is  argued  that  media  and  technology  
linking  smoking  and  lung  cancer  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐.   use  is  highly  correlated  with  social  withdrawal  
and  isolation.  
A)  they  smoked  everywhere  -­‐  on  trains  and  buses,  
at  work,  even  in  schools  and  hospitals   A)  Whereas  certain  technologies  appear  to  be  
related  to  certain  psychological  disorders  
B)  it's  always  been  harder  for  addicts  to  give  up  
smoking  immediately   B)  As  the  Internet  is  still  one  of  the  fastest  and  
least  expensive  ways  to  find  your  audience  and  
C)  tobacco  products  would  be  banned  from  public  
help  your  business  grow  
display  in  big  supermarkets  
C)  When  a  country  lacks  the  infrastructure  for  
D)  many  young  people  had  been  indifferent  to  
internet  access  
warnings  made  by  the  health  officials  
D)  Unless  high-­‐tech  communication  tools  bring  
E)  it  was  in  1960’s  when  public  and  politicians  
academic  success  and  social  interaction    
took  the  dangers  posed  by  smoking  cigarettes  
seriously   E)  Even  though  some  research  suggests  internet  
use  helps  bolster  social  connections  
34.  Much  of  the  urban  population  consists  of  
32.  Archaeological  tourism  is  popular  and  the  
people  who  do  not  grow  their  own  food,  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐.  
number  of  people  engaging  in  this  form  of  
tourism  will  continue  to  grow,  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐.     A)  so  urban  life  is  possible  only  where  farmers  can  
produce  a  substantial  surplus  beyond  their  own  
A)  so  the  revenues  will  drop  and  these  sites  will  
no  longer  be  visited  by  enthusiastic  tourists  
B)  therefore,  they  suffered  from  a  severe  famine  
B)  therefore  this  would  undermine  the  illegal  sale  
and  decided  to  move  another  country  
of  historical  artefacts  and  keep  them  intact  
C)  though  some  of  the  ancient  civilizations  
C)  just  as  beach  holiday  have  lost  ground  as  
depended  on  hunting  and  gathering  rather  than  
people  have  started  to  seek  new  holiday  
settling  a  place  
D)  as  long  as  genetically  modified  food  enhances  
D)  however,  archaeologists  working  at  this  site  
the  productivity  and  fertility  levels  to  intended  
have  found  many  fascinating  artefacts  causing  
great  interests  among  tourists  
E)  whereas  rural  population  do  not  have  access  to  
E)  yet  increased  tourism  will  bring  with  it  the  
basic  services  like  electricity,  education  and  
potential  for  serious  harm  to  the  sites  that  are  
being  visited  

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35.  School  should  implement  nutritional   37.  -­‐  42.  sorularda,  verilen  İngilizce  
education  starting  from  the  pre-­‐school  up  to  the   cümleye  anlamca  en  yakın  Türkçe  cümleyi,  
secondary  school,  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐.     Türkçe  cümleye  anlamca  en  yakın  İngilizce  
cümleyi  bulunuz.  
A)  provided  that  adults  exercise  regularly  and    
avoid  unhealthy  junk  food  to  maintain  their  health  
37.  Infections  like  the  common  cold  spread  easily  
B)  thus,  junk  food  is  still  being  marketed  to   as  they  infect  the  upper  respiratory  tract,  the  
children  as  companies  find  ways  to  bypass  rules   nose  and  throat,  so  sneezing  releases  a  lot  of  
C)  so  that  students  can  adopt  healthy  food  habits   viruses  into  the  air.  
and  raise  awareness  of  obesity   A)  Soğuk  algınlığı  gibi  hastalıklar,üst  solunum  yolu  
D)  but  food  companies  are  also  increasingly   burun  ve  boğaza  bulaşmalarına  yayılırlar,  bu  
targeting  children  through  computer  games,   yüzden  hapşırma  bir  çok  virüs  havaya  salınır.  
mobile  phones  and  social  networks   B)  Soğuk  algınlığı  ve  nezleye  neden  olan  virüs,  
E)  unless  we  encourage  individuals  to  learn  more   daha  çok  burun  ve  boğaz  gibi  üst  solunum  yolları  
about  their  local  area,  introducing  them  to  urban   bölgelerini  etkilediği  için,  virüs  öksürme  ve  
gardening   hapşırmayla  kolaylıkla  yayılabiliyor.  

  C)  Soğuk  algınlığı  gibi  hastalıklar,üst  solunum  yolu  

burun  ve  boğaza  bulaştıkları  için  kolayca  yayılırlar,  
  bu  yüzden  hapşırma  bir  çok  virüsü  havaya  salar.  
  D)  Soğuk  algınlığına  neden  olan  virüs,  burun  ve  
boğaz  gibi  üst  solunum  yolları  bölgelerine  
yerleşerek,  virüs  öksürme  ve  hapşırmayla  
  kolaylıkla  sebep  olabilir.  

36.Renewable  energy  projects  can  take  a  long   E)  Soğuk  algınlığı  gibi  hastalıklar,üst  solunum  yolu  
time  to  implement  due  to  the  time  required  to   burun  ve  boğaza  bulaştıkları  için  yayılırlar,  bu  
carry  out  necessary  tasks,-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐.   yüzden  hapşırma  bir  miktar  virüsü  havaya  salar.  

A)  but  it  can  help  to  reduce  dependency  upon    

fossil  fuels,  causing  global  warming  diminish  
B)  so  many  developing  nations  are  opting  in  
favour  of  these  projects  to  increase  their  energy    
C)  unless  China,  India  and  other  emerging  
countries  used  up  their  rich  underground    
D)  however,  they  can  make  environmental  and    
economic  sense  in  the  long  term  
E)  but  it  will  also  create  many  social  problems  
including  health  impacts  and  substantial  water    
wastage  and  environmental  pollution    

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27.  -­‐  36.  sorularda,  verilen  cümleyi  uygun   29.    -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐,  which  may  increase  their  susceptibility  
şekilde  tamamlayan  ifadeyi  bulunuz.   to  associated  disorders.  
A)  Ethnicity  alters  the  effects  of  obesity  on  insulin  
27.  For  decades,  paediatricians  and  experts  have   resistance  in  pregnancy  
argued  parents  should  delay  a  child’s  exposure  
B)  The  serious  implications  of  maternal  obesity  
to  allergenic  foods  such  as  peanuts,  eggs,  wheat  
and  cow’s  milk,  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐.   have  led  to  an  increasing  inclusion  of  the  matter  
the  related  reports  
A)  but  in  recent  years  that  belief  has  changed  and  
now  researchers  are  eager  to  prove  early   C)  There  is  an  absence  of  pregnancy-­‐specific  body  
introduction,  not  avoidance   mass  index  (BMI)  criteria  to  define  maternal  
B)  so  these  are  just  one  of  many  potentially  
allergenic  foods  that  could  make  their  way  onto  a   D)  Such  a  comprehensive  review  identified  the  
excess  risk  to  be,  in  part,  linked  to  greater  total  fat  
child’s  plate  
mass  in  Africans  
C)  in  addition  to  the  fact  that  food  allergies  in  
children  have  increased  50  percent  between  1997   E)  There  is  evidence  that  South  Asian  populations  
and  2011   have  a  lesser  ability  to  metabolise  fat  versus  
D)  though  a  team  of  British  researchers  confirmed  
this  long-­‐standing  wisdom      

E)  just  as  their  child  is  susceptible  to  eczema  or    

other  allergic  reactions    
28.  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐,  although  it  has  produced  slightly  fewer   30.  Laural  Briggs,  a  nuclear  engineer  at  Argonne,  
crops  than  regular  Earth  soil.   decided  to  pursue  nuclear  research  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐.  
A)  Early  settlers  would  be  able  to  sustainably  feed   A)  so  that  many  nations  enacted  moratoriums  on  
themselves  with  crops  grown  on  the  Red  Planet   the  construction  of  new  nuclear  facilities  after  the  
B)  The  dream  of  a  Martian  colony  just  got  a  little   Chernobyl  disaster  
bit  closer  with  a  recent  development  in  software   B)  because  it  would  allow  her  to  contribute  to  
to  provide  sound  communication  with  the  Earth       society  by  developing  a  reliable  and  economic  
source  of  long-­‐term  energy  
C)  Scientists  have  managed  to  harvest  10  crops,  
including  tomatoes,  peas,  and  rye,  from  soil  that   C)  no  matter  how  much  demonstrable  technology  
mimics  the  conditions  on  Mars   or  means  for  the  disposal  of  high  level  nuclear  
D)  A  new  research  has  showed  that  crops  are   waste  is  found  
about  half  as  successful  as  Mars  crops,  with   D)  since  it,  as  an  alternative  to  the  nuclear  one,  
spinach  in  particular  struggling  in  such  an   continues  to  grow  increasingly  a  popular  resource  
environment   in  the  world    
E)  The  crops  should  be  grown  in  a  glass  house   E)  although  Illinois,  the  country’s  largest  home  
under  Earth's  atmosphere,  with  stable  humidity,   base  for  nuclear  power,  is  in  limbo  between  two  
light,  and  temperature   potential  nuclear  futures  

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31.  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐,  the  first  thing  inventors  need  to  do  is  to   33.  Although  gene  technology  promises  crops  
find  out  if  their  inventions  meet  the  required   that  use  less  water,  resist  disease  and  improve  
conditions  of  patentability.   plant  performance  in  hostile  conditions,  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐.  

A)  Once  inventors  make  sure  that  they  have  the   A)  they  still  can  do  little  to  a  number  of  patients  
patents  to  be  able  to  sell  their  inventions   suffering  from  genetic  diseases  

B)  After  making  your  invention  available  to  the   B)  it  now  moved  from  human  research  on  to  
public  and  applying  for  a  patent   livestock  research  

C)  Even  though  these  restrictions  on  patents  may   C)  scientists  believe  that  it  has  the  potential  to  
interfere  with  the  novelty  in  some  countries   cure  most  of  the  major  diseases  that  afflict  
D)  When  deciding  whether  or  not  to  patent  an  
invention   D)  the  genetic  modifications  to  food  are  very  small  
and  they  seem  to  pose  a  minimal  risk  to  human  
E)  While  an  inventor’s  patent  application  is  being  
E)  community  and  consumer  resistance  to  
genetically  modified  foods  remains  high  
32.  Since  women  are  the  underrepresented  
34.  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐,  but  the  economic  value  of  them  is  not  yet  
group  in  political  institutions  everywhere,  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐.  
A)  they  tend  to  take  the  role  of  helper  or  object  in  
A)  Innovation  by  copying  and  borrowing  is  very  
a  drama,  passive  rather  than  active  
important  for  catch-­‐up  growth  in  China  
B)  girls  come  to  see  professional  jobs  as  women’s  
B)  The  number  of  patents  that  China  has  filed  is  
jobs  and  learn  that  they  can  be  better  than  man  
C)  most  regulations  aim  at  securing  them  a  
C)  China  is  seeking  to  transform  itself  from  being  
minimum  of  seats  at  a  parliamentary  assembly,    
the  world's  factory  floor  into  a  global  pioneer    
or  a  government  
D)  China  have  greater  innovation  potential  than  
D)  wide  variations  remain  in  the  average  
many  other  developing  countries  
percentages  of  young  parliamentarians  in  each  
country   E)  Many  critics  argue  that  our  creativity  has  not  
reached  industrial  scale  
E)  more  women  in  politics  does  not  necessarily  
correlate  with  lower  levels  of  corruption    





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35.  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐  unless  it  develops  to  the  full  its  scientific   37.  -­‐  42.  sorularda,  verilen  İngilizce  
and  technological  resources.   cümleye  anlamca  en  yakın  Türkçe  cümleyi,  
Türkçe  cümleye  anlamca  en  yakın  İngilizce  
A)  Not  many  governments  adequately  meet  their   cümleyi  bulunuz.  
essential  responsibilities    
B)  No  nation  can  maintain  a  position  of  leadership    
in  the  world  of  today  
37.  Better  information  on  how  a  drug  affects  
C)  A  country  may  generously  and  intelligently   human  patients  could  bring  the  multibillion-­‐
supports  and  encourages  the  work  of  science  in  its   dollar  cost  of  drug  development  down  and  
universities   prevent  issues  of  drug  toxicity  more  quickly.  
D)  Search  and  technology  as  instruments  for   A)  Milyar  dolarlık  ilaç  geliştirme  maliyetinin  
accelerating  development  should  receive  special   düşürülmesi  ve  ilaç  zehirlenmesinin  tamamen  
attention   engellemesi  ilaçların  inanları  nasıl  etkilediği  ile  
E)  Economic  growth  can  mainly  be  enhanced  by  a   ilgili  daha  iyi  bir  bilgi  ile  sağlanabilir.  
science  and  technology  policy   B)  Bir  ilacın  insan  hastalar  üzerinde  ne  kadar  etkili  
  olduğu  üzerine  bilgi  milyar  dolarlık  ilaç  giderlerini  
ciddi  oranda  düşürebilir  ve  ilaç  zehirlenmesini  hızlı  
  bir  şeklinde  engelleyebilir.  
  C)  Bir  ilacın  insan  hastaları  nasıl  etkilediği  üzerine  
daha  iyi  bilgi  milyar  dolarlık  ilaç  geliştirme  
maliyetini  azaltabilir  ve  ilaç  zehirlenmesi  
36.  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐,  as  they  expand  their  knowledge  of   sorunlarını  daha  hızlı  bir  şekilde  çözebilir.  
cultures  through  language  learning.  
D)  İlaç  zehirlenmesinin  daha  hızlı  bir  şekilde  
A)  It  is  a  long  and  challenging  process  requiring  to   önlenmesi  ve  milyar  dolarlık  ilaç  bütçesinin  
learn  new  grammar  rules  and  a  lot  vocabulary   kısılması  ilaçlarının  hastalarını  nasıl  etkilediği  
üzerine  daha  iyi  bir  bilgi  ile  sağlanabilmiştir.  
B)  An  infant  can  learn  its  mother  tongue  by  
imitating  its  parents  or  people  around  it   E)  İlaçların  insan  hastaları  nasıl  etkilediği  üzerine  
detaylı  bilgiler  milyar  dolarlık  ilaç  geliştirme  
C)  Students  discover  perspectives,  practises  and  
masraflarını  bitirebilir  ve  daha  çabuk  bir  şekilde  
lifestyles  different  from  their  own  culture  
ilaç  zehirlenme  sorunlarını  engelleyebilir.  
D)  An  immigrant  has  to  spend  too  much  money  
for  language  courses  or  textbooks    
E)  Everyone  cannot  get  rid  of  their  prejudices  
against  other  nations  easily    






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27.  -­‐  36.  sorularda,  verilen  cümleyi  uygun   29.    While  there  are  some  mammals  that  show  
şekilde  tamamlayan  ifadeyi  bulunuz.   signs  of  significant  intelligence,  including  the  
  ability  to  grasp  language,  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐  .  
27.  When  sadness  occupies  a  person’s  life  and   A)  the  genomes  of  most  other  mammals  have  not  
affects  the  performance  of  everyday  activities,  -­‐-­‐-­‐ yet  been  analysed  as  closely  as  the  human  
-­‐.   genome  
A)  depression  would  cause  a  lot  of  symptoms,   B)  humans  have  no  such  innate  physiological  
many  of  which  are  easy  to  dismiss  or  ignore     reaction  to  it  
B)  other  symptoms  include  irritability,  anger,  and   C)  human  eyes  can  see  in  detail  and  in  a  wide  
loss  of  interest  in  things     range  of  colours  
C)  they  can  have  a  pretty  significant  effect  on  your   D)  scientists  have  discovered  for  the  first  time  
health   how  humans  and  other  mammals  have  evolved  to  
have  intelligence  
D)  then  it’s  a  serious  issue  and  needs  treatment  
right  away   E)  there  have  yet  to  be  a  creature  that  rivals  the  
human  being  in  terms  of  brain  power  
E)  we  will  have  much  more  insight  into  how  health  
28.  In  order  to  prevent  conflict  from  happening   30.  Although  a  prototype  system  to  hurl  a  pilot  
in  the  first  place,  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐  .   free  of  the  cockpit  was  developed  as  early  as  
1910,  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐.  
A)  it  can  quickly  turn  into  personal  dislike,  
teamwork  can  break  down,  and  talent  may  be   A)  it  was  not  until  the  1930's  that  work  began  in  
wasted   earnest  on  ejection  systems  
B)  it  is  important  to  identify  the  ways  in  which  we   B)  airplanes  flying  at  low  altitudes  and  low  speeds  
contribute  to  the  disagreement   will  use  a  different  sequence  
C)  conflict  can  also  arise  in  relationships  and   C)  manufacturers  have  spent  decades  perfecting  
situations  outside  work   all  the  steps  necessary  for  a  fully  safe  travel    
D)  you  will  need  to  learn  and  practice  these  core   D)  regulations  and  policies  to  insure  the  safety  
skills  and  implement  them   and  survival  of  passengers  have  been  a  major  
E)  conflict  resolution  aims  to  end  conflicts  before  
they  start  or  lead  to  verbal,  physical,  or  legal   E)  the  development  of  aircraft  ejection  seats  
fighting   became  necessary  due  to  speeds  that  prevented  
safe  manual  bailout  

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31.  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐  unless  they  change  course  and  start   33.  Some  studies  argued  to  show  improvement  
listening  to  their  employees.   in  asthma  symptoms  following  acupuncture  
treatment,  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐  .  
A)  Businesses  appear  to  be  facing  an  uphill  battle  
to  tackle  the  issue   A)  and  some  unproven  assumptions  were  made  
about  acupuncture’s  effectiveness    
B)  Employers  may  see  a  drop  in  productivity  or  
increased  absenteeism  and  turnover   B)  whereas  acupuncture  anaesthesia  is  not  as  
commonly  used  for  surgery  in  China  as  is  often  
C)  Employers  will  gain  access  the  talent  they  need  
D)  Excessive  workloads  and  money  worries  are  
C)  because  many  acupuncture  claims  are  pure  
fuelling  the  work  stress  
E)  Science  and  technology  companies  must  recruit  
D)  since  the  better-­‐designed  acupuncture  trials  
more  women  
consistently  report  negative  findings  
E)  yet  when  the  studies  were  repeated  by  asthma  
  specialists,  the  claimed  improvement  could  not  be  
32.  Iran’s  role  in  the  global  oil  and  gas  industry  
has  been  severely  curtailed  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐.   34.  The  world  health  agencies  and  the  giant  
medical  companies  have  to  act  fast  and  create  
A)  so  the  country  could  be  a  major  player  in  the   vaccines  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐  .  
global  hydrocarbon  industry  for  many  years  to  
come   A)  if  appropriate  measures  are  not  taken  to  
control  a  contagious  disease  
B)  for  its  oil  and  gas  industry  and  the  private  
sector  companies  providing  a  variety  of  services  to   B)  in  case  epidemics  turn  into  pandemics  and  
it  employ  over  350,000  skilled  Iranians   spread  larger  areas  

C)  as  there  have  been  sanctions  on  investment  in   C)  since  it  affects  less  number  of  people  compared  
its  oil  and  gas  industry  imposed  by  western   to  pandemic  
D)  instead,  a  pandemic  has  the  potential  to  
D)  therefore  the  industry  has  survived  due  to  the   include  millions  of  people  in  countries  across  the  
hard  work  of  the  dedicated  people  within  the   globe  
E)  even  though  epidemics  can  spread  quickly  and  
E)  once  it  regains  its  lost  oil  customers  due  to   kill  millions  of  people  
severe  sanctions  

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35.  Your  social  media  channels  can  be  used  to   37.  -­‐  42.  sorularda,  verilen  İngilizce  
boost  direct  sales,  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐  .   cümleye  anlamca  en  yakın  Türkçe  cümleyi,  
Türkçe  cümleye  anlamca  en  yakın  İngilizce  
A)    so  the  growth  of  the  social  media  over  the  past   cümleyi  bulunuz.  
decade  has  been  staggering    
B)  whereas  social  media  sites  have  their  own   37.  Whatever  steps  are  taken  by  rich  countries  to  
tracking  systems  that  allow  you  to  collect  data   curb,  or  direct  refugees,  their  volume  will  
C)  if  you  are  unprepared  and  launch  your  social   continue  to  increase  until  better  conditions  
media  presence  without  proper  planning   become  available  in  their  countries  of  origin.  

D)  as  social  media  sites  provide  an  avenue  for   A)  Mültecileri  durdurmak  ve  yönlendirmek  için  
students  to  easily  contact  one  another  regarding   zengin  ülkeler  tarafından  birçok  önlem  alınmasına  
school  projects     rağmen,  memleketlerinde  daha  iyi  koşullar  
olmadıkça  onların  miktarı  yükselmeye  devam  
E)  but  they  can  be  utilized  to  raise  brand   edecektir.  
awareness  and  to  boost  traffic  to  your  main  
company  website  as  well.   B)  Memleketlerinde  daha  iyi  koşullar  olana  kadar  
mültecilerin  miktarı  yükselmeye  devam  edecektir  
  ama  onları  durdurmak  ve  yönlendirmek  için  
zengin  ülkeler  tarafından  birçok  önlem  
C)  Mültecileri  engellemek  ya  da  yönlendirmek  için  
  zengin  ülkeler  tarafından  her  ne  önlem  alınırsa  
alınsın,  memleketlerinde  daha  iyi  koşullar  mevcut  
36.  The  US  and  China  will  benefit  from  the  
olana  kadar  onların  miktarı  artmaya  devam  
competition  between  the  two,  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐.  
A)  although  accurate  economic  statistics  are  
D)  Mültecilerin  engellenmesi  ya  da  yönlendirilmesi  
problematic  for  many  countries  
için  zengin  ülkeler  tarafından  her  ne  önlem  alınırsa  
B)  even  if  they  can’t  directly  challenge  US  pre-­‐ alınsın,  memleketlerinde  daha  iyi  koşullar  mevcut  
eminence   olmadıkça  göç  miktarının  büyük  oranda  artışı  
C)  as  long  as  it  leads  to  more  innovation,  greater  
efficiency,  better  jobs  and  higher  incomes   E)  Mültecileri  engellemek  ve  yönlendirmek  için  
zengin  ülkeler  tarafından  her  önlem  alınmalıdır,  
D)  therefore  both  China  and  the  US  States  are   yoksa  memleketlerinde  daha  iyi  koşullar  olmadığı  
pursuing  their  own  interests  with  regard  to  these   için  göç  miktarındaki  artış  durmayacaktır.  
issues  in  Asia  
E)  so  the  US  should  take  steps  to  limit  its  
interference  in  the  region    






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27.  -­‐  36.  sorularda,  verilen  cümleyi  uygun    
şekilde  tamamlayan  ifadeyi  bulunuz.  

29.    Humans  can  generate  an  infinite  set  of  ideas  

27.  Research  has  shown  that  while  every  child  is  
born  with  a  natural  curiosity,  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐  .     from  a  finite  set  of  words,  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐.  

A)  lack  of  creativity  and  flexibility  in  the  workplace   A)  but  how  the  brain  accomplishes  this  feat  
affect  the  attention  workers  give  to  the  job   remains  unclear  

B)  schools  need  to  be  more  flexible  in  their   B)  even  if  chronic  stress  has  been  associated  with  
curriculums   the  suppression  of  the  immune  function  

C)  ignoring  creativity  is  lowering  student’s  abilities   C)  though  large  numbers  of  neurons  show  
to  function  in  the  real  world   synchronized  activity  

D)  most  of  the  attention  given  to  communication   D)  as  we  started  to  consume  more  calories,  our  
brains  started  to  grow  in  size    
is  directed  at  a  young  child’s  emergent  speech  

E)  it  can  be  suppressed  dramatically  during  the   E)  if  scientists  develop  more  effective  therapies  
and  treatments  for  disorders  and  diseases  
second  and  third  years  of  life  



30.  -­‐-­‐-­‐,  then  they  don’t  need  to  drive  as  far  to  get  
28.  As  humans  began  to  spread  across  the  planet  
from  our  African  birthplace  around  70,000  years   there.  
ago,  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐.   A)  As  higher  population  densities  in  the  future  
A)  it  was  responsible  for  changing  the   means  greater  traffic  congestion  
environment  well  before  the  Industrial  Revolution   B)  As  long  as  additional  households  in  the  future  
began   continue  to  use  their  cars  for  most  trips  
B)  we  should  look  to  setting  up  small  outposts  on   C)  Even  if  residents  of  walkable  neighbourhoods  
the  planet   drive  less  and  suffer  fewer  car  accidents  
C)  we  began  to  spill  into  Asia,  Australia,  Europe   D)  If  people  are  closer  to  the  resources  they  need  
and  eventually  the  Americas   in  their  daily  lives  
D)  they  interact  with  and  attempt  to  control  the   E)  Just  as  walking  increases  social  capital  by  
populations  of  other  species  in  a  given  area   promoting  face-­‐to-­‐face  interaction  with  your  
E)  they  found  out  that  the  continent  already  filled   neighbours  
with  a  diverse  array  of  animals  and  plants    

31.  Italy  is  set  to  considerably  exceed  its  fiscal   33.    In  order  to  develop  healthy  and  effective  
deficit  target  this  year  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐.   overall  banking  system,  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐.  

A)  though  it  has  been  unable  to  access   A)  special  programs  to  address  this  huge  
international  capital  markets  for  funding   percentage  of  children  living  in  poverty  are  
extremely  needed  
B)  yet  its  economy  contracted  for  a  fourth  straight  
quarter     B)  they  don't  trust  that  the  bank  will  have  the  
deposits  for  withdrawal  in  the  future  
C)  after  growth  in  revenue  in  the  first  half  of  the  
year  was  slower  than  expected     C)  India  adopted  phase  wise  nationalization  and  
during  the  first  phase  of  financial  reforms  in  1969  
D)  unless  measures  are  taken  to  improve  its  
finances   D)  international  organizations  refused  to  provide  
loans  and  loan  guarantees  
E)  so  that  it  can  reduce  the  deficit  and  pay  back  its  
debts   E)  quantitative  easing  may  be  necessary  to  boost  
liquidity  and  stimulate  lending  in  the  country  
34.  Although  incentives  and  penalties  can  modify  
32.  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐,  but  food  and  financial  resources  required  
behaviour,  -­‐-­‐-­‐.  
to  buy  it  aren’t  efficiently  or  equally  distributed.  
A)  it  increases  both  extrinsic  and  intrinsic  
A)  We  in  the  developed  world  are  facing  a  very  
motivation  and  build  good  behaviour  
severe  population  crisis  
B)  they  can  also  create  unintended  consequences  
B)  No  one  expects  a  reduction  in  population  until  after  
and  strange  behaviours  

C)  We  will  need  70  percent  more  food  than  we   C)  learning,  growing,  and  increasing  skills  and  
are  producing  today  by  mid-­‐century   abilities  are  a  natural  part  of  child  development  

D)  There  is  more  land  to  convert  to  agricultural   D)  the  child  gets  what  he  wants  with  the  promise  
production   of  some  future  behaviour  

E)  parents  will  often  have  a  problem  using  

E)  The  world  already  produces  more  than  one  and  
a  half  times  enough  food  to  feed  everyone  on  the   rewards  because  they  consider  the  rewards  as  
planet   bribes  








35.  Though  it  was  first  used  as  a  way  to  provide   37.  -­‐  42.  sorularda,  verilen  İngilizce  
message  board  users  real-­‐time  communication  in   cümleye  anlamca  en  yakın  Türkçe  cümleyi,  
the  mid-­‐80s  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐,       Türkçe  cümleye  anlamca  en  yakın  İngilizce  
cümleyi  bulunuz.  
A)  mobile  phones  have  revolutionized  the  way    
almost  everyone  on  the  planet  communicates  
37.  Southern  Cyprus,  which  represents  0.2  
B)  this  exchange  was  conducted  between   percent  of  the  economy  of  the  euro  zone,  and  
researchers  at  major  educational  institutions   presently  holds  the  rotating  EU  presidency,  has  
C)  the  concept  of  instant  messaging  did  not  take   reduced  its  excessive  deficit  dramatically.  
off  until  1996   A)  Euro  bölgesi  ekonomisinin  %2’sini  
D)  instant  messengers  were  designed  for  a  target   oluşturmasının  yanı  sıra  şu  anda  AB’nin  
audience  using  them  to  communicate  with  friends     dönüşümlü  başkanlığını  yürüten  Güney  Kıbrıs  
açığını  büyük  oranda  azaltabilir.  
E)  instant  messaging  must  also  be  supported  for  
mobile  users  on  mobile  computing  devices   B)  AB’nin  başkanlığını  yürüten  Güney  Kıbrıs,  Euro  
bölgesi  ekonomisinin  %2’sini  oluşturmaktadır  ve  
  şu  anda  aşırı  açığını  büyük  oranda  azaltmıştır.  
  C)  Euro  bölgesi  ekonomisinin  %2’sini  oluşturan  ve  
şu  anda  AB’nin  dönüşümlü  başkanlığını  yürüten  
Güney  Kıbrıs  aşırı  açığını  büyük  oranda  azalttı.  
D)  Güney  Kıbrıs  AB’nin  başkanlığını  yürütmenin  
36.  Babies  and  young  children  are  most  at  risk  of   yanı  sıra  ve  Euro  bölgesi  ekonomisinin  %2’sini  
swallowing,  inhaling  or  choking  small  objects,  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ oluşturmaktadır  ve  şu  anda  aşırı  açığını  büyük  
.   oranda  azaltabilmiştir.  

A)  now  that  eliminating  small  parts  from   E)  Euro  bölgesi  ekonomisinin  sadece  %2’sini  
children’s  environment  greatly  reduce  the  risk   oluşturan  ve  şu  anda  AB’nin  dönüşümlü  
başkanlığını  yürüten  Güney  Kıbrıs  aşırı  açığını  bir  
B)  in  case  most  childhood  accidents  occur  in  the  
miktar  azalttı.  
home  and  many  sadly  involve  children’s  toys  
C)  if  parents  usually  buy  toys  for  their  kids  to  
spend  most  of  their  waking  moments  with  them    

D)  as  they  explore  by  putting  things  in  their    

E)  but  children  develop  at  different  rates  and  you  
know  your  child  best  

28. ----, but just over 1 per cent of them spend the
26. – 35. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun night in Umbria, in the south of Tuscany.
şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
A) Visitors to Lake Trasimeno will see few other
26. Although the British Royal Navy claims that it tourists
was not operating any warships in the area at the
time, ----. B) Perugia is home to a world-famous jazz festival
in the summer and a chocolate festival in the fall
A) underwater noise hasn’t been fully recognized as
a form of pollution C) In the town of Deruta, handmade gift-items fill
many shop windows
B) it must have been military sonar that killed the
whales and dolphins D) Tuscany attracts more than 12 per cent of all
visitors to Italy
C) there are no hard and fast guidelines for seismic
surveys E) Scenic stone hilltowns such as Assisi and
Gubbio are among the main attractions
D) the UK would have had 25 warships which
carried active sonar

E) a number of marine mammals beached

themselves during this American military

29. If labour could be measured adequately in simple

27. Half of the increase in EU Aid for Trade is
homogeneous units of time, such as labour-
specifically targeted toward the African,
hours, ----.
Caribbean and Pacific countries (ACP), ----.
A) it covers many other kinds of areas as well, such
A) unless the European Commission set up this
as social security and worker satisfaction
programme to promote investment and
technology flow in these countries B) a change in the organization of the community’s
labour would be likely to increase the annual
B) although the EU has used trade to advance its
production of wealth
development cooperation objectives in the ACP
nations for decades C) earlier economists failed to find a simple relation
between the value of a product and the quantity
C) with which the EU is negotiating regional
of labour that it embodied
Economic Partnership Agreements designed to
remove all tariff and quota barriers to the EU D) different uses of the available supply of labour
market need to be considered
D) which could have enabled the least-developed E) the problems of economics would be
countries to use trade more effectively to achieve considerably simplified
their development goals

E) because the European Commission allocated

billions of dollars for cooperation with non-ACP

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

30. ----, where they are often seen floating in the 33. All the major cities and islands of Spain have
water like logs, with only their nostrils, eyes, and airports, ----.
ears above the surface.
A) but buses will be a faster and more frequently
A) The Mississippi alligator, the American crocodile, used option between smaller towns
and the Chinese alligator are the only other
species B) until Spain has an increasingly efficient
transportation system
B) Crocodiles are found near swamps, lakes, and
rivers in Asia, Africa, Australia, and Central C) even if both the road and rail networks were
America greatly improved during the 1980s and in the
run-up to the Barcelona Olympics in 1992
C) As recently as several decades ago, crocodiles
were plentiful in much of the tropics and D) so in much of rural Spain, public transportation is
subtropics limited and a car is the most practical solution for
getting around
D) This would have helped crocodiles to adapt to
different environments E) though only a few of them cater to international
E) Crocodiles can grow up to 7 metres in length,
and have long, powerful tails that propel them
when swimming

34. In the US in 1882, Peter J. McGuire, who is

generally given credit for the idea of Labor Day,
suggested to the Central Labor Union of New
31. While some argue that the Elgin Marbles, ----, are York ----.
more carefully preserved there, the Greek
government does not accept the legality of the A) if there was any particular significance for the
sale that took place in 1816 and believes they date
belong in Athens.
B) that there should be a holiday honouring
A) after they were acquired from the Ottoman American workers
authorities of the time
C) whether the significance of Labor Day in the US
B) since they are also called the Parthenon Marbles had changed

C) so they are very famous indeed D) whereas, in many other countries, May Day
serves a similar purpose
D) which are kept in the British Museum in London
E) when the first Monday in September was to be
E) as if they were sold to the British nation known as Labor Day

35. Germany is similar in many ways to France, Italy

and the UK ----.
32. A colour-blind person cannot see any difference
between two colours ----. A) unless it attaches primary importance to both
multilateral and bilateral diplomacy
A) while to people with normal sight they are clearly
different B) as though the EU were essentially in control of
environmental policies
B) as if red and green were completely different
C) where the foreign policy process in Germany had
C) if this were the case with traffic-lights to agree to a compromise in recent years

D) since this is a potentially dangerous situation D) although this had led to arguments concerning
the proper role of the German Foreign Ministry in
E) whether the top light or the bottom light signals shaping and implementing policy
E) in that it is one of just a few European states
which attempt to maintain worldwide

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

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